D001080White - City Clerk Pink - Finanee Dept. • �anary - Dept. Accounting Blue -•Engineer Green - Contractor i No. D� I Q Q�r Date__ ��'��'�C'J CITY OF SAINT PAUL – �FFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMII3ISTRATIVE ORDER for CONTRACT CHANGE AGREEMENT N0. 1 ADMINLSTRATIVE ORDER, Whereas, additions which proved to be necessary to the Improvement described as Ramp Repairs and Waterproofing at Block 7A Parking Ramp, 13 W. Exchange Street, Saint Paul MN 55102 knovm as Gontract 7G i 5592, Gity Project No. 9520.00 , Restoration Technolo�ies Inc. , Contcacta, is composed of the following: Add: 21,000 Sq. Ft. of Waterproofing Traffic Membrane Unit Price of $1.96 Sq. Ft.- - - - - - - $41,160.00 Core Drill and Install 1- 4" Deck Drain --------- 4,660.00 $45,820.00 n U Bond Cost ------------------------ 916.40 Total Change Ordex ------------------- $46,736.40 ORDERED, That the City of Saint Paul, through its Mayot, approves the foregoing additions made in ac- cordance with the apeeifications in the sum of 3 46,73b.40 , said amount to be added to the lump sum con- sideration named in the contsact, known as contract,L= f��a�{2 , and which amount is to be financed from: 130 - 3�b�2 ° c+t�4�i Original Contract Amount $144,850.00 2his Change Order No. 1 4b,736.40 Totai Contract Amount $191,586.40 AS �� of PE➢ � 1f A� 19� n �. �9 � � ��if 19 —. _l�'L��/19 / (G ��`"`°N"_ 35351 GREEN SH T _ m�m iNmnwme OEPARTMEtR01RECTOR CT'COUNCIL CRY ATiORNEY � CRV CLEFiK BUDGET DIRECTOR � FlN. & MGT. SEFVIC DIR. MAYOR(ORASSISTANi) � A T. Anl ZSC}lUll-- TOTAL # OF SIGNASURE PAGES One (CLIP ALL LOCASIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Lowry Prof. Signatures of Change Order No. 1 for Block 7A Parking Ramp, 13 W. Exchange �� Saint Paul, MN.. __ _ PUNIiING CAMMISSION _. GIVIL SERYICE CIB COMMRTEE _ A STA�F _ _ DISiRICTCAURT _ SUPPpRTS WHICH COUNGIL O&IECf1VEY PEF150NAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER TME PQLLOWING �UES'FKfIOS: 1. Has this personflirtn ever worked unde� a coMrract for this � - ves rao ��S OFFjC 2. Has this perso�rm ever been a ciry employee? YES NO 3. Does this persoMirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current ciry employee? YES NO Expla{n sll yea anawera on separate sMeet and arisch to g�aen sheet &ase bid waterproofed apgroximately 757 of Leval A. This change would finish the entire floor and add a floor drain where water ponds. REC�iV�� ���Jil 19 �9�fa �dTY CLERK On1y one disruption of parking patrons instead of two. The cost will be less because the contractor wi11 only need to mobilize once. None �, ���"'�.�„' �,.�:" �+� ��� � t�...��. �.v �t�� 3. � �`,�.."'� ! ..� � � �' � � Only 75� of the pre-stressed tendons will be protected until the project is finished. � '13L< 4.0 AMOUNTOFTRANSACTION $ 46��e FUNDINCa SOURCE f L fINANCIALINFOi1MAT10N:(EXPLAIN) � COS7/REVENUE BUDGE7ED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO ACiIVITVNUMBER S'3�° 3�e O �� �r�'1 �9�