275238 WHITE - CITV CLERK ^,�,�(1�� P�NK - FINANCE CO1111C11 CANARV - DEPARTMEN T G I TY A I NT PA IT L ho �° BLUE - MAVOR File NO. Co Re ion Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date R�SULV�D: Tha� A��.P.i.ca�;i.an Q1541G �yan �h.e �'tcav�s�e�c a� Tax,t,ca.b L,i,cev►�e Na. 121, exp,vr.i.vig aecembe�c. 31, 1980, .vs�ued �a Rabeh,t Gandvn, be uvr.d �he �ame .i�s he�r.eby �ic.avvsbe�cn.ed �v �u�s�a.ai.a R. �.2ane�s a� 203 N. �a,2e S�. , da�.ng bws.i,vi.e�� a�s Cd.ty Gl,i.de Cab, cavetu.v�g a 197& Chevetc.a.2e,t, Se�u.a,2 Na. 1 L69U�J180149, �usuned �a A��r,i,2 21, 1981 by �,i.de.Zf,ty � Ccvsu.a.2ty Ca. a� New Yanfz, P�.?,i.cy Numbe�c AI�i 2-41-G&-97. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Hunt Nays Levine � Maddox I In Favor McMahon �/ Showa�ter - __ Against BY — Tedesco Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Counci � Date .IUL 9 1980 Certified P• - d by ouncil Secretary BY v I# d by Mavor: D � �illl�1 � ��� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY �SHED J U N 1 9 19$0 � ����. �, :� e```T7qqO,.�;. . _-� ;,,, CITY OF SAINT PAUL �� �= DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES ;; w�um ,; ,,� �u �u u ^�� "�• = DIVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION i'J � °"'im�����°`�1 Room 209,City Hall GEORGE LATIMER Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 MAYOR Ju�..y 9, 19�0 I�:r. President and �ionorable 1°lembers of trxe C�ty Council Saint �atil� i-linnesota i�ir. President and 'r:onorable :•e-abers : �.obert Gordon and .�ustacio ��. Flores request that Ta.xicab Licer�se l�o. 121 �resently issued to :'�obert ,Tordon doint; �usiness as City ;iide Cab Coi�pan�y be trans- ferred to i;ustacio rc. l+'lores. i�ir. r�.ores will operate this ta.xica.t� personally doin€; 'ausiness as Cit�,r .Jide Cab Cor,2pany� This applicat�on 'r�as been revi ewed b�r the License and Perrnit viv-ision and the City Attorney's office. The re- ca� �endatiorl is for arproval. :Tery tr y yours ��' �oseph F. Carchedi License Ir�spector ��