275233 WMITE - CITV CLERK �523� PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF I NT PA LI L Council CANARV - DEPARTMENT File NO. BLUE - MAVOR Coun l esolut ' Presented By LIC�NS� CUMMITT� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date R�SULV�U: Thcc� .Q.t.cewse.s �atc pe�crn.i,t� �o canduc.t B�i.nga game�s, a��.P.t.ed �atc by �he �o.22owting a�.gawi.za,t,t.aw.s a� �he addne��e�s �s�a,ted, �an �he day�s, da�e�s a.nd hacuc� �.ncli.c.a,ted av� each ap�.e.i.cu,t.i.an, be and �he �same cvice he�ieby gnawted. Ju.an ��.ega C2ub �� Uuti Lady a� Guadu„�.u�e Chwr.ch 459 Giaba�ha S�. 52 Pd�. Appn. Q15235 New D.i.sa62ed Ameh,i.can Ve,tetucws, Inc. , S�. Pau2 Chap�e�c 645 10G0 Uvu.vet�s,i.ty Av. 52 Pd�. " Q15012 Rev�ew Frosperity Fleights Booster Club 1060 University Avenue 26 Pds. " Q15617 T�ew COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt Levirte � In Favor Maddox �e4caaatzcn �__ A ga i n s t BY Showalter Tedesco JUL 9 Adopt � y�Counci Date �g80 Form Approved by City Attorney C tified Pas- by oun � Sesretar BY A d by lNavor: � _ �u�- � � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By �i1�tSNEQ J U N 1 9 19$0 � � ��z � _� _ 4.`C1TTt�tO..,'''/' ° CITY OF SAINT PAUL �� �= DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES ;� 'wiuw ,; ;,� nn �� n ^� `�' = DIVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION ,''�LI�'im����°`� Room 209,City Hall GEORGE LATIMER Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 MAYOR July 9, 198Q i�r. President and F�onorable i�embers of the City Council Saint Paul, liinnesota I��Tr. President and rionorable i`iembers : The Prosperity liei�,hts I�ooster Club ma.kes application for permission to conduct '.;ingo raries ror��periods at 1060 University �ver_ue be�innin�- July 10, 1980. The a�plication has Leen made by Jerold �-'ahls, Secretary and Jacqueline L. Jansen will be mana.gin.g the games, tiahich will be p1a�Ted on Thursday afternoons between the hours of 1:30 and 5:3C P.i•i. r�'his application has been rev�_ewed by the License and Permit �ivision a.�d the C�ity kttorney's oifice. The recommendation is for a;��roval. Very trul ;;•ours, � �� . ��� Joseph F. Caxchedi License lnspector �O � P � � .� � �� � ....,,,,,.,,�� _=:�``T* °'�;��. CITY OF SAINT PAUL _4 ��� �� �= DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES ;: iuimii ,; ,,� {u N u u A�� `'• = DIVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION '�,� im`����c ; Room 209,City Hall GEORGE LATIMER Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 MAYOR Ju1y 9, 19go I�ir. President and Fonorable l��embers of the City Council Saint Paul, i�iinnesota i�ir. President and Iionorable i�iembers: The Juan Diego Club o.f' Our Lady of Guad�lune Church makes application for permission to conduct :�'ingo �:ames for 52 periods at 1.�59 ':abasha Street beginnin� liu�ust 12, 1980. Tre application has been made by �'ather Zaymond i�ion- sour, �'astor, and Florence Corcoran will be man oing the �ames r�ahich will be played on luesday afternooris between the hours of l:oo ��a_ 5:0o i.i�_, This application has been reviewed b�T the License and Perrnit �ivlsion anc� the City Attorney's office. The recommend- ation is for approval. Ver�T trul yours, � Joseph F. Carchedi License Inspector �O 3 -� �` �rv� .� �' � _=e`C;T."�:.,,;, _� ;,,, CITY OF SAINT PAUL �� a= DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES ;� �uu nm ;; ,� ��u �� n � ��`��' �=� DIVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION �°"'�m'������ Room 209,City Hall GEORGE LATIMER Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 MAYOR July 9, 1980 i�ir. President and tionorable iiembers of the City Council Saint Paul, riinne s ot a i•:r. President and Honorable i��embers : The St. Paul Chapter of tre '��_sabled �merican ��eterans maices application for permission to conduct I3inE;o �,ames for 52 periods at 1060 Univers�_ty ,'�venue be€;innin�? July 10, 1980. The application has been made by Lee Roy '::Talker, Trus- tee, and Halvin .:. �';ncierson, Jr. i,rill be managin�; the games, whic:� will be played onThursday evenin�s between the hours of 8:00 and 12:00 P.I�'i. i"his application has been revie.aed by trie License ar_d Pt:;rmit liiv�sion and the ��ty �ttorney's office. The recommendation is ior approval. Very trul ,rours, �� Joseph F. Carchedi Zicense Inspector �0