275231 WHITE - CITV CLERK ����� PINK - FINANCE CITY OF SAINT �PAUL Council r� CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR File NO. � Counc 'l esol ' . � Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, The City Council opened an alley in Block 9 , Mackubin and Marshall's Addition to Saint Paul where no alley was platted in 1897; and WHEREAS, The City Council vacated said alley in 1975 with the understanding that title to the alley was to pass to �the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota as to the adjacent property owner; and WHEREAS, Said title did not pass by operation of law because the City acquired fee title in 1897 , not a dedicated platted alley; and WHEREAS, The City Council improperly attempted to correct this title defect directly for one of the current owners of adjacent property by Council File 275081, passed June 10, 1980, now therefore be it RESOLVED, That the proper officials of the City of Saint Paul be and hereby are authorized to execute a quit claim deed to the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota to the vacated alley in Block 9, Mackubin and Marshall' s Addition to Saint Paul; and BE IT FURTHER RE50LVED, That Council File 275081 is hereby rescinded. COUNCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Levine Department of Planning and Economic Maddox �- In Favor eve opmen McMahon Showa�ter _�__ Against BY Tedesco Wiiso Adopt y Coun . Date JUL 8 _� Form Approve by City rney ` ertified Y� sed ouncil Secr ary BY By t#p r ve by ;4lavor: Da `�uL `9 �98� A r by Mayor for S is io to Council By BY �t�t.►SHfa J U L 12 t980 .. ., . ��. ` ���,��� �� Couacil �'ile Uia Z76081-8y Geor{e 1leNahon— �SQLUTION APPROVINp CONY�XANCE Ot RBAL ESTATR TQ 70N. C. SAG#�1.MACxBs 1Yheroas, 1be Examf►�er ot Tillet tor the Ramaey Couaty Dietrtct Caurt has determioed tlud�he City is the ownrr ot rRcord ot tdat paEi Qf l�ot 1.�lxk 3�Central Villa�e Additlaa No. $which ovediet the South 7.5 teet ot I.ot 13, Block B,Mack�bin an4 Msn�ba►►'�Addition to Ssint Paul:aad Wh,ross,All of tho CItY'�lnterest in sald 1•ot 1 wpq intended to have passed to!he Hous- la;ead Aedevelopment quthority of the�Ity 41 SAint Ppul.edtnnesata whlch interest h,rf b�pp subsequent►y tr�st,�{ed tv Jyn C. _ KAChRlmache�. t,.� �low Theretore,SB It Ei�ealye�by ihe G�ty CuunG1► ol thg �ity at Saint paul that ehe A�qyox,Alrei;toi of�he AePartment at Flnaace a�d DQana�4meni, aud �Ity Clerk br aulhorized to execute e quit claim dred cuy@�;ng the aGave desrt rik�d property in �pvot Q�said Jon C Kachelmacher und haYe �hn�ame recorded in cpg a[lise ot tha County �pcontw ot Ra+nseY Geunty.Abinag4ota. ;�, qQu�tgSi qY tl�e Gauncil J�nq!A�19�• ApAPaYe�i JNne 1�9.18flq. ) (Jtuy$1,}Q� ,�.�-�..-...�—.,..,�.- Q, n�ssT 5 `� `H ' ' d' �d ��Z x y1�'* F 3 t ��� -..N � . ��a� �,�. k f.� Y, ! �' � a � � ;,Y+' � � '� � a�,,� *:� Y°-. #� . �� a ,� . �' � � �� t � i� �r � Ytt ,� 's, ,�a Y - r� f � �. ♦ � � } ,�y��� � g � ��s�,r�,� $a` F�.'� , h"� °�`'�'f� � f r a., ;,' 'jy�" � � � �t !y ���+.. r �M1����4'�v -�����S�v'y� �n3 �� ��' � t'w p 1 �� .� ���. r7�t S'�" 1ae�� � i`6s '�c � d`-f�,�}�'�'� k r t �� _ �, f� i y;�xsr ��, ���� � dB������� ��(�y ` �,,�`p ' �� � � ykyY �` � ���� �� � a �. . 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WITNESSETH, That the said party of the Eirst part, in consideratiun of the sum of ONE DOLLAR ($1.00) AND OTHER GOOD AND VALUABLI: CONSIDEKATIUN, to it in hand paid by the said party of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, does hereby Grant, Quitclaim, and Convey unto the said party of the second part, and its assigns, Forever, all the tract or parcel of land lying and being in the County oF Ramsey an� State of Minnesota, described as follows, to-wit: The vacated a11ey in Block 9, Mackubin and Marshall's Additioti ta Saint Paul , more particularly described as: The South 7.5 feet of Lots 1 to 15, both inclusive, and the North 7.5 feet of Lots 16 to 30, both inclusive, Block 9, Mackubin and Marshall's Addition to Saint Paul �nd that portion of tl�� vacated Kent Street and vacated Mackubin Street adjacent thereto, as said plat is on file and of record in the office of the County Recorder, Ramsey County, Minnesota. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD THE SAME, Together wi.tti all the hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in anywise appertainiiig, to the said party of the second part, its successors and assigns, Forever. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, TY►e said first party has caused these presents to be executed in its corporate name by its proper ofEicers, and its corporate seal to be hereunto a�fixed the day and year first above written. THE CITY OF SAINT AU ., MINNESOTA r � S E A L ) By -- � --- ----- Its Mayor By Director of the Department of Finance and Management By Its Clerk � STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) SS. COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of , 1980, by Mayor George Latimer, Director of the Department of Finance and rlanagement Bernard J. Carlson, and City Clerk IZose Mix, of the CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA, a municipal corporatiun, on belialf of the curporatton. -- ---____. ___ ------- ---------- Notary Public