275225 WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY A I NT PA U L Council � �' CANARV - DEPARTMENT y'ile � NO._� ����� BI.UE - MAYOR ci ,�Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date BE IT RESOLVED, Tha.t the Crn.mcil of the City of Saint Paul hereby certi.fies and approves the activn of the City of Saint Paul Board of Appeals and Review pertaini� to the �ollawing listed property and as shawn by the Excerpted Minutes of said Board of Appea.�.s �.d Review, da.ted J�m.e 10, 1980, and marked F�iIBIT A, an.d attached hereto and made a part he�eof by reference: LIATE OF BOARD MIlViTl'ES CASE N0. PROPERTY AppF�,LANT 6/10/80 13-80-H 1073-75 Albe�rle Terence B�ke (four tmits) BQARD AGTIOIV: Granted extensian of time to March 11, 1981, for all ite�s desig�tiated in letter of March 15, 1980, except the following ntianbered items; 2 thraugh . 7, 9, 11, 12, 18, and 22, and the require�nent that simke detectors be installed; exceptio�.�s to be co�leted by Sept�mber 11, 1980. Property Descriptian: Auerbach a�d Hand's Additian � Lot 7, Block 25 6/10/80 19-80-B 745 Ohio St. T. J. H�xrley 6/10/80 16-80-B 905 Payne Av�e. Arvid E. Taube� B(�RD AGTION: Granted reftuld of filing fee of $10.00 to ea.ch of the naaned appell�nts. --------------------------------- COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Hunt Nays Levine � Maddox IR FBVOi McMahon Showalter __ Against BY — — Tedesco W Ad ed by Counci Date ��� g 1980 Form Approved by City Attorney � Certified P� ed by ouncil �ecret y �`� C "��y� �`) v _ Ap o y Mavor: Dat _ 111� l��a_ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council . By - _ _ By Qi,�t.►StiED JUL 1 2 ���a � �x � � t�� T � � � -3- 6/10/80 - Meeting No. 162 ' �r- CASE N0. PROPERTY ���-�� APPELLANT ���'''�`� 13- 80-H 1073- 75 Albemarle Terence Burke (four units) SUBJECT : Request extension of time to complete repairs , as order�d� by Housing Code Enforcement Division in letter dated March 15 , 1980 , because of financial hardship . APPEARANCE : Terence Burke Mark Kvidera, District 6 Planning Council Alice Bijjani PROCEEDINGS : Mr. Burke said he lived in one unit and rented out the other t�iree , and that rental income was his only means of support for himself and his family. He also owned a vacant property which had stood vacant for four years , but he was trying to get it ready for occupancy by fa11 in vrder . to generate more income. He felt this was more important in the lon g run , and that it would enable him to finance the needed rep airs on the Albemarle property . Alice Bijjani stated that the city had originally given Mr. Burke until September 11, 1980 , to complete the reQuired work, but would be willing to extend the date to March 11 , 1981, exce�t for Items No. 2 through 7 , 9 , 11, 12 , 18 , and 22 , which should be done by the September date . All the excepte�d items involved either safety from fire or conditions that encouraged rodent infestation, and for the most part did not involve a large expenditure of money. If smoke detectors were not already installed, Ms . Bijja�i asked that these also be rec{uired by September 11 , 1980 . " biark Kvidera, speaking on behalf of neighbors living near the property, said that 11 of the 12 he interviewed had requested that the board not grant any extensic�n of time , because they considered Mr. Burke ' s property an eyesore. They had maintained that this situation had existed for the 20 years he had lived in the area. Mr. Kvidera observed that he could not understan d how the rental income of $550 per month would be sufficient to support a family and fin ance repair work on two propexties , and therefore he felt the work would not get done in the time given. Mr. Glassman felt it was more vital to Mr. Burke ' s interests to concentrate on repairing the Albemarle property, which gave him his income and living accommodations , rather than on the vacant building which took all his time and available money at present. Mr. Reiter said he would be reluctant to vote for any extension of time beyond the September date, because none of the items reQuired much time or money. BOARD ACTION : Mr. Glassman moved that an extension of time to March 11 , 1981 , e granted for all items listed in the letter of March 1S , 1980 , except Items No. 2 through 7, 9 , 11 , 12 , 18 , 22 and the requirement that smoke detectors be installed. E?�-cepted items are to b? completed by Sept- ember 11 , 1980 . Mrs . Peake seconded. MOTION CARRIED AND SO ORDERED. THE VOTE: Ayes - 4 Nayes - 2 (Reiter, Naibi) Abstentions - 0 -- - - - - - - - -- - - -- -- -- - - - - -- -- - - -- -- -- -- - - -- -- -- -- -- -- - - - - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - - -- 6/10/80 - Meeting No. lb� � ' , MINUTES OF THE MEETING ST. PAUL BOARD OF APPEALS � REVIEW Tuesday, June 10 , 1980 City Council Committee Room 707 City Hall and Court House 1 : 30 p.m. � MEMBERS PRESENT: D. D. Wozniak, Chairman Arthur Tieso Ron Glassman A. Wali Naibi Thomas Reiter Estyr B. Peake ABSENT : Glen Gausman AGEIvTCIES PRESENT : Community Services Dept. - Division o£ Housing and Building Code Enforcement Alice Bijjani Planning � Economic Development Dept. Fred Haider OTHERS PRESENT: Mark Kvidera, District 6 Planning Council Lynn ,McDaniel, .District 6 Planning Council Dennis J. Werneke Lester Craig ShaFOn Graig Terence Burke Greg Vannelli Patrick Sullivan Robert Bump . STAFF PRESENT: Patricia Moxness S ,• -6' 6/10/80 - Meeting No. 162 - - - - -- - -- - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -�'���----- ---- ---- -- -- -- - --- -- ---- -- - - -- ------- Chairman Wozniak stated that the last two cases on the agenda had been fiied in err.or ard the appellants j,rere entitled to a refund of their filing fees , c�rhicri rec{uired formal action by the board. t;AS_ PRO_PERrTY APPELLANT ��' 80-B 745 Ohio St . T.J. Hurley 16- 80-B 905 Payne Ave . Arvid E. Taube BOARD ACTION: Chairman Wozniak moved that the filing fPes in the above- listed cases be returned. Mr. Tieso seconded. MOTION CARRIED AND SO ORDERED, THE� Y Nayes - 0 A es - 6 Abstentions - 0 - -- -- -- - - -- -- -- - - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- � - - - -- - - - -- - - g � u r n e d a t 4 :1 0 p.m, -- -- - ' - --- -- - ' he mee�tin ad 'o 6/10/80 - Meeting No. 162 .. . MINUTES OF THE MEETING ST. PAUL BOARD OF APPEALS f� REVIEW Tuesday, June 10 , 1980 City Council Committee Room 707 City Hall and Court House 1 : 30 p.m. � MENSBERS PRESENT: D. D. Wozniak, Chairman Arthur Tieso Ron Glassman A. Wali Naibi Thomas Reiter Estyr B. Peake ABSENT : Glen Gausman AGENCIES PRESENT : Community Services Dept. - Division of Housing and Building Code Enforcement Alice Bijjani Planning � Economic Developm�nt Dept. Fred Haider OTHERS PRESENT : Mark Kvidera, District 6 Planni.ng Council Lynn-McDaniel, .District 6 Planning Council Dennis J. Werneke Lester Craig Shagon Graig Terence Burke Greg Vannelli Patrick Sullivan Robert Bump . STAFF PRESENT: Patricia Moxness //,/1�(�Q ��-,�n ������ �a� w 4.. ,��:v,,<� .�1' ST. PAUL BOARD OF APPF..ALS F� �ZF.tiTIEW � 705A City Hall St. Paul, P�Iinnesota 55IO2 (612) 298- 4163 June 19 , 19 80 T0: Walter Bowser Assistant City Attorney FROM: Pat Moxness Appeals Board Secretary SUBJECT : Draft Resolutions - Board Actions of 6/10/80 Meeting Attached �are two draft resolutions and excerpted minutes dated June 10 , 1980 , pertaining to the following cases : CASE N0. PROPERTY _ APPELLANT _. 13- 80-H 1073- 75 Albemarle Terence Burke (four units) 19- 80-B 745 Ohio St. T. J. Hurley � 16- 80-B 905 Payne Ave . Arvid E. Taube - - - - --- -- -- -- - -- - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - - - - - - -- -- -- - - -- - - -- -- -- -- -- -- 14- 80-H 1907 Marshall Ave . Gregory J. Vannelli (four units) 15- 80-H 1211 Randolph Dennis J. Werneke (8 units - 1 office) 17- 80-H 1528 Grand Ave . Patriek Sullivan (five units) 18- 80-H 648 Bush Robert G. Bump (four units) -- - - - - --- - -- -- -- -- -- -- - - -- - - -- -- -- -- -- - - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --- If you have any questions , please calle me on 4163.