275224 N'HITE - CITV CLERK COUIICII ���� PINK - FINANCE CANf�RV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL r�� �'BLUE rr- k'.-11VOR File NO. ncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By ' Date WHEREAS, The Zoning Administrator had determined that the use of the garage on the property at 1415 Sumznit Avenue as a secand residential unit was prohibited by the zoning ordinances within the single fa�nily zoning district; and WHEREAS, The owner of said property, Dwight Maxa, timely appealed this administrative decision to the Board of Zoning Appeals requesting review of the decision of the Zoning Administrator so as to permit him to remodel and restore the carriage house as a separate dwelling; and WHEREAS, Following a public hearing �with notice to affected property owners, the Board of Zoning Appeals, by its Resolution- �604, adopted April 8, 1980, determined that the Zoning Administrator made an error in refusing a building permit for the repair and restoration of the old chauffeur' s quarters as a second dwelling because he determined that it was a nonpermitted use in the R-2 zoning district, based on the Board's findings of fact that 1) prior to the effective date of the zoning ordinance, October 25, 1975, the use of the chauffeur' s quarters as a second dwelling unit was established pursuant to building permits issued by the City of Saint Paul, and 2) that the reconversion of the chauffeur's quarters to a conforming accessory use in the R-2 one-family zoning district would work an undue economic hardship on the property owner; and WHEREAS, Pursuant to the provisions of Section 64.204, George J. Kronschnabel, 1425 Summit Avenue, duly filed with the City Clerk his appeal from the determination made by the Board of Zoning Appeals, requesting that a hearing be held before the City Council for the purpose of considering the actions taken by the said Board; and COU[VCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays In Favor _ __ Against BY — Form Approved y it ttorn Adopted by Council: Date CertifiE:d Passed by Council Secretary BY By _ . Approved by 17ayor: Date _ Approved Ma for Submission to Council - BY - — BY • ��l�:s��:;a y� Page 2. WHEREAS, Acting pursuant to Sections 64. 204 through 64.207, and upon notice to appellant, Dwight Maxa, and other affected property owners, a public hearing was duly conducted by the City Council on June 10, 1980 where all interested parties were given an oppartunity to be heard; and WHEREAS, The Council, having heard the statements made, the application, appeal, repart of staff, the min�ztes and findings of the Board of Zoning Appeals, does hereby RESOLVE, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby reverse the determinatian of the Board of Zoning Appeals and does hereby affirm the decision of the Zoning Administrator for the following reasons: - a) The garage and chauffeur's quarters at 1415 Summit was constructed in 1913 under a Saint Paul building permit for use as a chauffer' s quarters which was an acces.sory use to the main dwelling then con- structed at the same address. b) That the chauffeur's quarters have n,ot been used or occupied as a dwelling unit for 20 years prior to October 25, 1975, the effective date of the present zoning ordinances. c) That it has not been demonstr.ated by clear and convincing evidence that the reconversion of the chauffeur's quarters to a conforming use would work an undue hardship on the property owner. . ������ Page 3. d) That the property at 1415 Summit is in an R-2 zoning district which does not permit more than one family dwelling unit on the lot; e) That the use of the former servants ' quarters as a separate rental housing unit thereby making this property into a two-family dwelling unit would not be consistent with the City's compre- hensive zoning plans and ordinances. f) That there does not exist adequate off-street parking to serve an additional residential dwelling on the property at 1415 Summit. g) That the former servants ' quarters, being located to the rear of the property, does not have adequate separate access to streets. h) That because the chauffer's quarters was originally constructed under the 1913 building permit as servants ' quarters and was not authorized by the said original building permit to be constructed as a separate and second housing unit on this lot at 1415 Summit, it does not qualify as a legal nanconforming use under the definitions set forth in Section 62. 102 (a) of the Zoning Ordinances. and, be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the appeal of George J. Kronschnabel be and is hereby granted; and, be it f WHITE - CITV GLERK - �F���A PINK - FINANCE � � �� CAN.@RY - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL COUIICII V ,� '� � 6LUE. ►=MRVOR Flle NO. Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date � Page 4. FURTHER RESOLVED, That the City Clerk shall mail a copy of this resolution to Dwight Maxa, George J. Kronschnabel, the Zoning Administrator, Chairperson of the Planning Commission and � Chairperson of the Board of Zoning Appeals. COUNCILME[V Yeas Hunt.� Nays Requested by Department of: �{,.evine �'Maddox / In FavOt \ McMahory B \�Showalter �-- A gai n s t Y -- 'Tedesco Wilson —�� p t�� Form Approved by ty tto y Adopted ou il: Date L�CL—_�.�n_,•� _ Cer ied P�_sed b ou .il , creta BY ' r App by : avor: D e �U� � � �� Approved by M or Submission to Council BY - — — BY � Pl�LtsHF,� J U L 1 2 198� . • , i . l ' • � _ �....7�� , ' • . , _ � .. , . \ , • , , . . � � , _ , ' ' � , July 10, 1980, ` , \ , � , - . � � � Mrr Gaorge J. Kronachnabel ' ' : 14�5 Su�mit Avanue . � � St. Paul, Minassota � ' , . � ' . � : Dear Mr. Kronschaabel: � �� � Encloae is a cflpq of a St. Paul C�ty Couticil Resolution, �C.F:'�4�c.� 275124', adopted by the Council �on July 8, `1980 gxantin�, pa�r � appaal to a decisibn of the Board of Zoui�g Appeal� for pmp�rty � . at;1415 3u�nit Ave;aue. ' , . Very truly yours, , . �': • , � , , - Rose Mix �� . , , .City Cl�erk � Attach. , . dcs' ' ' - , . ec:. M=. Daight Maxa � , . Z�ning_Administrator : � P��ttiaing Cammiseioa , � ' � - .. , . Board of 'Zonitsg Appeals - � , � � � � _ _ _ ' , , � , , . , ; ' ' - , � y ,. . � . � , , , . � . , . , � _ -_ � , � �, � � . �� � , � , _ _ -, � , .� . - . _ . . , , � , . � • . . � � ; . �� . , , ; � , ' , l - , � Jutt� 1Q, 19$0 / � . . . � 'r I�r. $d Starr � , : � City Att.orn�y . . ' . � Roc�m 647, City Hitl]. , � � � ; , . . �, _ . Re�. Appa�tl qf tieo�8+�:1Crans�abel to.+� da�i�ieut of t.bi Boar1! qf ` Zon3n8- Appeala� rs6ardin8 ProF�r�Cy at 14Z5� 3u��t l��enue. ' - • , � _ . , . �' �. . . l�r �ir t . - - . Pr�parat3on oi a resolution grantin� t,2� abo�v�+rete�ris�d Maa . r�+q�st►ad by the City 'Ccyuacil st its, Jtut� lOt�, 19HEi-:mMtiagt . : . _ . . • .\ : � : Yery �ru3y y+�urrs,_ . � , : � _ , � Ros� M�s. : . • � � City C�e�k , l , . . , i . r , . . � � . �Y�� . . . . . . . . . . ' . _ ' . . . . . . . '�.J � , - " . • . � � � � ' � .. . � , '✓ � � . . � \ . / ��� . . . . . . . .. , � ' . .. � .. . . _ . . . . � . \ " � � . . . . . . � � . � , . . . . . . . � . . . � �. .. . � . � � �. � ( . - . . � � . . . � � ' � . .. .. . . .. . ' I�� ' . . . � . � � - . ' . . ,_ ' � ' ' , � . . . . � .. . .. . . . . � � ;- . 1 . ' � ' � �J . � . . ' ' '- ,. , . ., I. . . . . , . , . i ' � . ' . . . . \ . . . . . '. � . ; . � � , .I. .. . . . . . . . , . . . ' . � � � - � � � ' .. ' . , ... �;. ' . . .. � ' . _ .. . . , . . � . . ' . i' . . , . .. . � ' , . �� �• 1.. ` - � , , � .. , . . . . . . . . .. \ . . . • . . . . . . .t . .''1� . . . -. � : . . � � � . . � ' . . . � � .. � r . � �� . � . . . . . . � . � '.*. . . .. . ' . . . . . .. ' . . . . . . . , . . . , . . . . . . . ./ . .�i . ' . . I I . 3 :����J'� l V ( V ,�,�,�p.�.,l� �0��•== o.. CITY OF SAINT PAUL �o~ 'a DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT � uu utu , �� �u t� o -,,;' ^ DIVISION OF PLANNING �ss• 25 West Fourth Street,Saint Paul,Minnesota,55102 GEORGE LATIMER 612-298-4151 MAYOR June 3, 1980 Rose Mix, City Clerk Room 386 City Hall St. Paul , Minnesota 55102 RE: Zoning File #8604 - Dwight Maxa, City Council Hearin : June 10, 1980 Dear Madam: This is written in response to the appeal of George J. Kronschnabel to a decision of the Board of Zoning Appeals which overturned the Zoning Administrator's refusal to issue a building permit in order to activate an old carriage house chauffeur's quarters as a second dwelling unit on a single zoning lot in an R-2 (Single-Family) zoning district. The Zoning Administrator's refusal to issue the building permit is based on the following: 1 . An R-2 One-Family Residential District permits only one residential unit lot; a second residential unit is not permitted. 2. In order to be eligible for legal nonconforming use status the nonconforming use of the structure must have existed on the effective date of the Zoning Ordinance, October 25, 1975. The applicant has admitted that the structure had not been used residentially for some time prior to 1975. Planning staff agreed with the Zoning Administrator and recommended that the Board of Zoning Appeals deny the appeal . On March 25, 1980, the Board of Zoning Appeals held a public hearing to consider Dwight Maxa's request for administrative review. Three letters were received from neighbors in support of the appeal and four letters were received in opposition; the Snelling Hamline Corrmunity Council submitted a letter in support; two neighbors spoke in support. Neighbors in opposition were concerned about the problems of increased density and that many of the other carriage houses in the area would also be converted to rental units. Those in support generally felt that having the building fixed up and used would be better for the neighborhood than having it stand vacant. The Board, on a vote of 5 to 0, passed a motion that the Zoning Administrator's decision was in error. The appeal of George J. Kronschnabel to the decision of the Board of Zoning Appeals is scheduled for hearing before the City Council on June 10, 1980. Sincerely, `O��� Allan L. 1Tor s tens on City Planner a�0 ..':y:, . � . . .• � � � 1 � � � . city of saint paul board of zoning appeals resolution . zoning fiie number_ 8604 date A ri 1 8 L ,980 ----- WHEREAS, DWIGHT MAXA has applied for;an Administrative Review under the provisions of Section 64.205(.a) of the Saint Paul Legislative Cade of the refusal of the Zoning Administrator to issue a building permit for repair and restoration of an old chauffeur's quarters as a second dwelling unit on a single zoning lot at 1415 Summit, in an R-2 zoning district; and WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Board of Zoning Appeals conducted a pubTic hearing on March 22, 1980, pursuant to said appeal in accordance with the require- ments of Section 64.203(a) of the Legislative Code; and WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Board of Zoning Appeals, based upon evidence presented at the public hear•ing, as substantially reflected in �he minu�tes attached, made the following findings of fact: 1 . That prior to the effective date of the Zoning Ordinance, October 25, 1975, the use of the chauffeur's quarters as a second dwelling unit at 1415 Summit was established pursuant to building permits issued by the City of Saint Paul . 2. 7hat the reconversion of the chauffeur's quarters to a conforming accessory use in an R-2 One-Family Residential Zoning District would work an undue economic hardship on the property owner. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLUED, by the Saint Pau1 Board of Zoning Appeals that the Zoning Administrator did make an error in refusing ta issue a building permit for repair and restoration of an old chauffeur's quarters as a second dwelling unit and that the permit be issued. moved by Mr. Grais Decisions of the Board of Zoning Appeals are final subject to appeal seconded by Ms. Summers _ to the City Council within 30 days in favor 7 by anyone affected by the decision. against � ,_ .. �.�.�._ _._.� ,_,�._+e.�... �__..�.T._. ,.�.. _ _.. -- - , - �.._ _ _ __.,�._� �.._ .... T�. _ ...� _ �__ ..,._ __�._�,.�_ _ , . `�, MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS IN CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS, ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA, MARCH 25, 1980 PRESENT: Mmes. Morton and Sur�uners; Messrs. Grais, Parrish and Woods of the Board of Zoning Appeals; Mr. Jerome Segal , Assistant City Attorney; Ms. Lane of the Division of Housing and Building Code Enforcement; Ms. Beseman, Mr. Torstenson and Mr. Jung of the Planning Division Staff. ABSENT: Messrs. Kirk and Peterson. The meeting was chaired b,y Gladys Morton, Chairman. DWIGHT MAXA (#8604) : An Administrative Review of the decision of the Zoning �ministrator to not issue a building permit in order to activate an old carriage house chauffeur's quarters as a second dwelling unit on a single zoning lot in an R-2 zoning district. The appellant was present. There was no opposition present at the hearing. Mr. Torstenson showed slides of the site and reviewed his staff report with a reccrr�nendation for denial . Three letters were received in support of the appeal and four letters were received in opposition. A letter was received from the Snelling Hamline Community Council stating that at their meeting on March 6 the consensus was the carriage house should be allowed to be rented out. Ms. Summers asked if the appellant would have to come back for any variances if the Board decided the Zoning Administrator was in error? Mr. Segal stated that the appellant would have to apply for a variance if he wanted to subdivide the land and sell off the carriage house separately, but as long as it remained in one ownership, it would not need any variances. Mr. Woods asked if the Board had any legal precedence by which they could make a deci�icr,? , � Mr. Segal commented that the Board should know what the zoning was for this property prior to 1975. If it was zoned for two fami.ly part of that time, the two family use would have been a legal use. Ms. Lane reported that all the residential districts in the city prior to the zoning of 1975 allowed two-family dwellings so it would have been permitted prior to 1975 assuming that there is sufficient lot size and frontage. Mr. Grais asked if there was sufficient lot size and frontage in this case and was informed by staff that there was. Mr. Segal clarified that the question before the Board is whether the carriage house or use of the property as a two-family reisdence is a legal nonconforming use. The Board would have to make 2 findings: 1 ) that the two-family structure was built with a building permit prior to October 25, 1975; and 2) that there is clear and convincing evidence that reconversion of the property to a conforming use would work an undue hardship on the property owner. -- -- --- __ ._ .�._�.,.�........�._,�....�.�..._ _,. __ _._ . _ .._ T____�._._ _._ - - - DWIGHT MAXA (#8604) PAGE 2 Dwight Maxa, 1415 Summit Avenue, appellant, reported that the carriage house is 36'x 24' which is too large to be used as a garage. There is a full bath, hardwood floors and a basement under the entire area. When he moved in there were rats in the building, the windows were boarded up and he is interested in putting money into it to restore it and rent it out. He felt it would be a big improvement to the neighborhood. ; Ms. Morton asked the appellant to clarify whether the building was built with a building permit and if it would work an undue hardship on him if it could not � be restored? _ Mr. Maxa commented that the structure was originally built with a buildfng permit on record in the Building Department and it would constitute a financial hardship if he could not renovate the property. Mr. Parrish asked when the carriage house was built and was told by the appellant it was built in 1°13 as shown on the original building permit. Carl Olson stated that he has lived at 1411 Summit for about 6 years and prfor to the time that the Maxa's moved into the property, the structure in question was boarded up and they had a problem with rats. Since they moved in, they have made a lot of improvements to the property. He said he supports what Mr. Maxa intends to do and felt it would be an improvement to the neighborhood. w.... Jim Rutzick, 1420 Summit, gave his support for the rehabilitation of the structure and strongly urged the Board to give his request consideratian. He said Mr. Maxa is attempting to put a hiqh quality, moderately priced rental unit back on the market. Hearing no further testimony, Ms. Morton closed the public hearing portion of the meeting. Mr. Grais made a motion that the Zoning Administrator did make an error in his findings based on the fact that the building was constructed with a building permit prior to October 25, 1975 for a use as a two-family dwelling on the property and that it would constitute a financial hardship to the present owner if they have to convert the property to a conforming single family use. Ms. Summers seconded the motion. The motion passed on a roll call vote of 5 to 0. The appeal was upheld. Submitted by: Approved byj; � / �J / � J ����y � ���:.-� �� ; Allan Torstenson � Gladys Morton, Chairman CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAG�MENT SERVlCES ASSESSMENT DIVISlOIV 21 H CITY HALL ST.PAUL,MINNESOTA 55702 May 23, 1980 ����� � File X2485 Page Zoning File 8604 The Council of the City of St. Paul will hold a public hearing in the Council Chambers of the City Hall and Court House (third floor) at 10:00 A.M. on June 10, 1980 on the: Appeal of George J. Kronschnabel to a decision of ttie Board,of Zoning Appeals affecting the application of Dwight Maxa for admin- istrative review to allow repair and restoration of an old chauffeur's quarters as a second dwelling unit at 1415 Summit Avenue. The Board of � Zoning Appeals approved Mr. Maxa's request. Mr. Kronschnabel is appealing that decision. ' If you would like further information about this hearing, contact the Current Planning Section of the Planning Board, Room 1202 City Hall Annex -- 298-4154. While the City Charter requires that we notify you of the hearing, we want to help you to learn fully about any improvement that could affect you or your community. Therefore, I sincerely hope you can attend this hearing, so that you can make your views about it known to the City Council, whether for or against. J. WILLIAM DONOVAN VALUATION AND ASSESSMENT ENGINEER 2"' ��� PRESIDENT: � RTM Corporalion y�, Crown Transport,lnc. '^� Murphy Trucking Co. Murphy Delivery Service Inc. � RICHARD T. MURPHY Murphy Wa elhouse Co�ing Inc. Ju.ne 2, 19&0 �, r ��'C� Mn.. Ran Maddax, ��`� Caunc,i,2mavc (� � S�. Pau,� C�i.ty Caunc.i,e 7�h �.�aon C-i.ty Ha.P.� S�. Pa.u,2, Mi.nne�a�a. 55102 R�: X2485, Page 9 Zavu.v�g �.i,ee 17�t�.gG� Maxa 1415 Summ�i,t Avenue St. Pau,2, M.i,nne�sa�a. 55105 D ea�c IWc.. Maddo x: we �su.ppa� �he appecL2 �.n �he abave ne�e�viced �o ma.t,tvc. we nea�,de cc.t 1440 Summ.i,t Avenue and have �arc avetc 29 yewv�. Gle utr.e a�pa�sed �a M�c. Maxa canve.�ti,ng Gi,i,d gatca.ge �o a becan.d dwe.2e,i.ng. G1e a,P�so have a �an.melc. ehau�beun'� dwe,�2i.n.g �.n oun gcucage. O�he�c neanby ne.a�.dev►,t� have .6.i,m.i,2an $ac,iX,i,#.i,e�s. I� .v� my underuti�a.ncli.ng �h.cr,t �h,i,a atcea. ,us cutviceri,t,�y na� zaned �an mu,e�',i.p.2e dwe.P.�i.ng�s and we �s�.ong.�y cucge d.t nemcu.n zaned �.i.v�g.2e �ami.�y dwe.2,P.i.ng.�. GJe have a beau�i.�u,� ne�s.i,der�t.c:a.� anea naw and have wanfied velc.y hand �o mcu.v►�cu.n outr. pna�etr�y. Ule ne,�ec.t cus ccv�lunlzab�.e and unh,ea�ana.b.�e, Mn. Maxa'� �nem.i�i e a b c�nve,n#.i.ng h,us ganage anea. �a nev�,ta.� pna�etc,ty. we cows.i.de�c. �h,i.�s �na�aded ac.t.i.an., �.g ap�noved, a.b hav�.ng an adve�use e��ec.t an �he qua.�i�y ab awc ne.i.gGr,tbanhaad. Re�spec.t�u,P..2y �ubm.i,t�ed, / ������,�C::�`[�—�� u,�.��c r. Mun�hy P.O. BOX 43010 ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 55164 �. . . � . . . ' , .. � .. . . � : y. � . . � . . � . . � � ��, ,� � .. • ` . . . , � � . . . � ' . . . . : ' . . . . . � . � . . ' •. , � � . � � . . ' . . . . .. . . . �. . • . - � .. ` ., . � � � � . . .. . .. . .. . . . . . 1� . � . . . - . � , . . , , . . . . . . + . � .. ' � ' ' . .�: � ! . . . � � . . . . . � . . ` . . . . . . .. � . . . . ' . . , ' . r. .. . !' _ / . . . . ' . . . , .. . . . . � , ' . i I � �, . . . . � . �' � � . . 1 � . . . .. . . . . ' . . , � , � - I ' � T . _ � i . , ' � . _ . . i — � . � � , { I , .' . • � , . • ' , ' � M�t�► �, 19� i ' , i ' . . - _ _ Ifr, Plut]. Dt� � ' . � . � Iiaaac� D�par't�sn�. . i - ' �o�o �+: C�,t�t l�sll ', , ' ' . , � . . : . Dssr '8ir a - , � � , , �The �.ity`Cbuncil. ae� s date of,hesritt�g �or J1u�e 3Qt�, 1980 . � - to canaid,�r. the appeal oP George J. Kroas�ehnsb��.f 14S��i�8�ta�it � - , � Avenue to a ,�aci�ion•bf t.�+e Board_ ot Z+�niag �lppb�3.a; a!Y'�ti�g . the applicatis��l nf�.DNigbt Na�►, 1Mt1� �8604. . �Ti]�1�Y1w �l�s� ' �'' ��end`nbtfaes `�o Pr'oBertY c�f�srs As i�uiir�d br I.a�Y , ' �� . , : Very<,�c'utl,y� youxs, � . . . . � 1. - ' . + , . � . , t , , Rose M� • � � . City Cle�'k � _ ; , , . .\ . . � . � , . AB0:1a :' � � � c�s Planc}#n�, Sta�'f, Zs�riing Section • � f � ., . � Building & Houging G�ode BnPore��n� Dept. ` �, , . � �� . _ . . _ � _ � . : . • ; � . ' . , , . , , , . � � _ ` . • . , � . . ' .. � . . � ' . . ' . .. �Y . . � . . . .. .. . . . ' .. � � . � ' . . ..' . . . . . ' .. . . . . � . . _ . ' . . . f � . � � . . . • . , . . - � ` . - . . � . . . . . . _. ' � ..'., . . -\ . . � .. - . .. , , . ' . • . . .. ��.: , . . � ' . . ' . . .. . � . . �' � . � �.. - .. . ' " ' � / . . .. . . . ' . . . . , . . . . ' - . . . . � � . � . . . ' '. . ', . . .. . . ' . � � . . '" � . . � . � , . . �� i ' . � � , � . . . . . . ' ' ' ' , . . � ' . ' . . . � ' . . . .. � . . . . � . . . ' ' , . ' -, - . . . . . ; . . ,•.. � . � , �� �: , � . � ' � � , . �� . - �� � . . .. .. � - � . .. ' � � ' j � � � ' . . .. , . � . � . � ' . . � ., � , � . . . . . � .� . . . . /� . . ' . ' . . i�. , . . . . .— . . ��.�-. . . - ' � �. � . . . � � � . �, .� � , . . �. _ �. . .., . . . , . i.cA " • I � ��� � LAW OFFICES �J� � �(,J- � KAMPMEYER. DE COURCY, FETSCH 8c KRONSCHNABEL 1200 MINNESOTA BU[LDIN6 MICHAEL A.KAMPMEYER SAINT PAUL,MINNESOTA 66101 TELEPHONE: MICHAEL T. DE COURCY �612� pQ�_ggg7 MICHAEL F.FETSCH WILLIAM M. KRONSCHNABEL � � � Ma 6, 1980 b� Y �� St. Paul City Council C ity H all St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 RE: Application of Dwight Maxa for Non-Conforming Use Determination File No. 8604 Dear I3onorable Members of the City Council: As the attorney for George J. Kronschnabel, 1425 Summit Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota, I have been authorized by my client to file an appeal from a Resolution of the Board of Zoning Appeals reversing a decision of the Zoning Administrator in the above matter. This appeal will be based on the grounds the Findings and Resolution of the Board of Zoning Appeals is based on erroneous evidence, is not supported by the evidence, and is contrary to law. Therefore, Mr. Kronschnabel requests that the Resolution of the Board of Zoning Appeals be vacated and the decision of the Zoning Administrator be reinstated. Thank you. V e ry truly yours, � Will am M. Kronschnabel WMK:sh � ' 8604 ZONING STAFF REPORT I . APPLICANT: DWIGHT MAXA DATE OF HEARING 3/25/80 � • • • • • . . • . . . . . CLASSIFICATION . . . , , . . . , , , . CURRENT PLANNING & ZONING COMMITTEE BOARQ OF ZONING APPEALS Rezoning ❑ Var�ance ❑ Specia] Condition Use ❑ Administrative Review � Determination of Similar Use ❑ Other ❑ Change of Nonconforming Use ❑ Other ❑ - . LOCATION: 1415 Summit Avenue (North side between Pascal and Albert). . LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Ex. Ave. E. 25' of Lot 25, W. 10' of Lot 27 and a11 of Lot 26, Block 13, Blvd. Addition. - . PRESENT ZONING: R-2 , ZONING CODE REFERENCE: 64.205(a} ,- . STAFF INVESTIGATION & REPORT: DATE 3/17/80 BY Allan L. Torstenson ---------------------------------------- " . PURPOSE: Applicant requests Administrative Review of the decision of the Zoning Administrator to not issue a building permit in order to activate an old carriage house chauffeur's quarters as a second dwelling unit on a single zoning 7ot in an R-2 zoning district. • :}. FRONTAGE & AREA: This interior lot has a 75 foot frontage on Summit and a depth of 200 ft. , for an area of 15,000 sq. ft. . . SITE/AREA CONDITIONS: This level site contains a brick single-family house and a brick "carriage house" with space for 3 car�. The garage does not open onto the alley, but rather onto a driveway which runs through the property to Summit. Residences fronting on Summit Avenue are primarily single family homes, with a few duplexes. Hebrew Seminary is on the other side of Summit one block west of the site. There is a carriage house in the rear portion of the second zoning lot east of the site, on the corner of Summit and Albert, with an Albert Street address; it has been in continuous use as a residence. Across the alley north of the carriage house, on the corner of Albert and Portland, is a 14-unit apartment building. � . ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW: Section 64.205(a) of the St. Paul Zoning Ordinance gives the Board of Zoning Appeals the power of administrative review: "To hear and decide appeals where it is alleged b,y the appellant that there is an error in any order, requirement, permit, decision or refusal made by the Zoning Administrator and any other administrative official in carrying out or enforcing any provisions of this Ordinance, or that there is an error in any fact or procedure in any order, requirement, permit, decision or refusal made by the Planning Commission in carrying out or enforcing any provisions of this Ordinance." The applicant alleges that the Zoning Administrator made an error when he refused ta issue a building permit in order to activate an old carriage house chauffeur's quarters as a second dwelling unit on a single zoning lot in an R�2 zoning district. -. FINDINGS: 1 . Minimum lot size per unit in an R-2 One-Family Residential District is 7,200 sq. ft. Since the site is 15,000 sq. ft. in area, two residential units on the site would meet the R-2 density requirement. 2. An R-2 One-Family Residential District permits only one residential unit on a single zoning lot; a second residential unit is not permitted. 3. The minimum lot width in an R-2 zoning district is 60 feet. Because of this, as well as because of the location of existing buildings on this interior zoning lot�, the site could not be subdivided without major variances. � 4. According to assessor's records the carriage house, including the chauffeur's quarters in its rear portion along the alley, was built in 1913. According to neighbors, the chauffeur's quarters was in continuous use as a residential unit unt�l at least 1958, possibly until the late 1960's or even early 1970's. It was not, however, in use as a residence on the effective date of the Ordinance, October 25, 1975, ar at any time sinee. - � 5. Section 62.102(a) , regarding Nonconforming Use of Structure and Premises, states that it is the intent of the Ordinance to permit legal nonconforming lots, structures, or uses existing on the effective date of the Ordinance or amendment thereto, to eontinue until they are: removed but not to encourage their survival . Since the nonconforming use . �� . , DWIGHT MAXA (#8604) PAGE 2 E. FINDINGS CONT'D. of the chauffeur's quarters did not exist on the effective date of the Ordinance, or at any time since, it is not eligible for legal nonconforming status. F. OTHER FACTORS CONSIDERED: 1 . The St. Paul Energy Cormnittee of 100, Existing Housing and Zoning Sub-Committee Report states that the conversion of carriage houses for living units may be appropriate in some instances but such conversion should be allowed only by following current variance procedures. G. STAFF KECOMMENDATION: Based on Findings 2 and 5 above, staff finds that the Zoning dministrator committed no error of fact or procedure in refusfng to issue a building permit in order to activate the old carriage house chauffeur's quarters as a second dwelling unit on the property located at 1415 Summit Avenue. _ ;; , , � , { =.�',: . .ti: ..�?' ,�,.�. � .�, A�'� ,� .. e'' Y,,,�'. •t�` v°�`.E. �,=� {�X,.,.. � . � :t•° `�r` �.:" ..,w+�..y . ,.. .. : . . .. ��� .. .. �v+: i� . � :, �,.. � � ., .� _ . . . .. , _ . . � , .. - � . .. , ' 4 . �i , ,. ,. � -';° ' L'- �. . .. . �-. �,.. ', � ' .. t�. - ', f�. � , a 'Yr ��, ��5• ... .. .. ' .. ' �Y0.t . ... . � . . . � . . � � � . � '`�. , � . . 4 . . \\ .� . - . ! . � � . . � ... .' .. :_�. .. . . �:... . . .�. � : .. .. . . . ��Y_.�.,.w .. . - .. .. .. .. ..u..,».al.rLtu.. �,.�adYa4.- _ ,:. .. . . • :. ..��-.:w.«...__ _:_,..�..,....u�Yau.�:..�,.i�4. ..�.:_.....�....aGi'�rw�l ..: .. . . . : '�.- _e. .u..�..+W/�tiY.nv.v�.a+ie4P�R+.:v+....a5+�ri,�ewL�sm.tidds.E�..n.aNYlU6.,,,r..�r:Ar...n_ ' - u4. -- - a.u,. � � .. . . . . . . March 21, 1980 '1; . . . �� r� �?1� ;� �f t�lr +� �,t1i Boarcl of Zon3.ng Appeals - _ 25 West Fourth Street .,`� : st. Pa,�, r�x 55io2 , : i�,.u:_; � � Lti� � �`�.;:a o�ti��? tai}i'�:�; `: !}�r�f �.a-j�;t �'�Y . _ � .. S11b38C�'it ZO1L�.Ag F'�.I6 86O�j .. _ Zoning FYle Name r Maxa Gentlemen: Thank you for sending me the subject Public Hearing Notice. The garage that Mr. Maxa is already currently remodeling ad�oins my property, right up to the inch. There have been three different oWners of the 1�15 Siaarnit Avenue property since I bought m� residence a� 1l�25 S`�nmit Aven�e in July 19��t; Mrs. E. Soott, Mr. Milton N,osen and now Mr. Maxa. Mr. Maxa advised me in asking me to sign a petition for rezoning that he xill only have one person living in his newly remodeled garage, and this person would not have a car. I did not sign the petition, even though I have confidence in Mr. �2axa�s intentions. If the Board of Zoning 9ppeals could guarantee that only one person �rill be living in this garage, and never more than one, no matter �ho the next o�ers are, and can enforce it srithout court action, then no objection would be presented. If this is beyond the scope or anthority of this Board, I then hereby, as the ad3oini.ng property owner, ob�ect to ar�y change in � single family zoning of this property. The san�e stipulation would apply if any other neighbors on Summit lvenue in this block want to remodel their garages and rent them out. For the informatiar� of this Board, no one has lived in this garage, tc the best of Mrs. Scott�s heirs� memory, since maay �ears before 1935. That�s well over !�5 years ago, at a minimwn. Thank y�ou for your considerations. Yo very trtLly e ���a�/ (�eorg Kro schnabel ` 1t�25 t Avenue st. Pau1, MN 55105 , � ... ._ . _.,_ _.,.._,._ ,.�_ ,.�.,.,.._ t_ .._._�,..,.� �.� -��,,,. - . � ._ - , _.__..,_ .,��....�.. ,� ._ . .� = _ .�� � � _ , . , - .. ; �.' ,� ,: «:. , ,�, � . . `' _ ' . �� � - � ; ,, � � � � . ^= ( _ . - �t �,. ' "�'� ZONING BOARD ' Y : r , �t ,.d. _ APPLICATION FOR ZONING ORDINANCE ��A�I�V�E4, `'� , , , CITY OF SAINT PAUL_ ` � � ,`: . . -� „�: A VARIANCE OF ZONING CODE CHAPTER ,SECTION PARAGRAPH ` ` ` IS REQUESTED IN CONFORMITY WITH THE POWERS VESTED IN THE BOAR OF ZONING AP— � PEALS TO PERMIT THE ON PROPERTY `' :. � � • {,,:, . � DESCRIBED BELOW. � � i - _ . A. Applica�t; NAME: �/•1�,(,�!'T M�Y� � �� I x. ADDRESS l�// � `tJ..,.N i]" A v�' �T.P� c.�L i<, .�x I . DAYTIME TELEPHONE NO. •7 �o �A��_ZIP CODE s! � �$,. ���. � � 1. Property interest of applicant: (owne�,contract purchaser,eta) ' � Ck.�,J E� ` : _ ! _ ; _ ; , . : , . _ , � 2. Name of owner lif different) { CA 1 F � B. Property Description: ADDRESS I�{1 3 SuMw�i`F A`J� • .; � �� � _ 8�D!/ A�Dina�J Ex �vE f 2s�i ' � ; ` 1. Legal description: LOT BLOCK ADD. UF LO��,STTFT ��rl , _ 2. _Lot size: '� ! X 2 oc� � �NA /�tL UF 2-G /� /��� / . - 3. Present Use �Mf PT�.1 l� Present Zoning Dist. !� Z-- C. Reasons for Request: ;1. Proposed use RE,�7-0�E Tp O�t�lNAL C GytJ�l7"f UN — n)b � C N A,�J G ES 'Tz� !`�k�1'T r.J � .S'T r<'-��?c�R O�;t(6,� 1'k r1�! - I�ESTORAT�Jn) �../C�L�G 0��+(Nw► ((�/f'!'i� h�'�/ 2. What physical characteristics of the property prevent its being used fofany of the permitted uses in your zone? (topography,soil conditions,size and shape of lot,etcJ - NoN_F �— 3. State the specific variation requested,giving distances where appropriate. '� �'F�o�a C�v��✓� UNiT UN ��PE,�ry - v - -� � ^ 4c '-Explainhowyourcaseconf�ormstatachofthefollowing.., - ° � a. That the strict application of the provisions of the Zoning Ordiance would result in peculiar -" � or exceptional practical difficulties,or exceptional undue hardships. �� /VOI�E _, s� , d � � _ ; � ��r¢��' SF� ��E� ,���� .. • ,� #��r -- ' � CASHIERS USE ONLY �����'�t�� � b. That the gra�ting of a vanance witl • ������- _ �ot be a substantial detriment to X �o dtd 4 s ty���� ., I ; pubtic good or�substantial impair- t� x aa � � i � ment of the intent and pur pose of > —� � � the Zoning Ordinance. � � �L-. ?-�.�• �M� ��� + . �von/f_ � �����t7 �LI•';������C�.��� � SFE �Eri�-`�2 4 _1 NOTE: THtS WILL NOT BE PROCESSED WITHOUT A COMPLETE SITE PLA �OOd t � . FE� � R — , — ► Signature : 3/3/d�.� � — Date Received � . �.----_ _ __._._ ._:.,___._.--._.,__.-.._._.r._...-�,...�.,-.... .._.....,. __..-......,..__...w_.,-..<.__..�..___,. .�,...__ � x- . * . r .-_--_ ._�_-�_ � ____._._ ,.__--- 1 _�.._.� , _... _.__.,__ __. »_..,,. .,....,.. _ __. . _ - - � .,r .,, ` ..... ..._. �. __ _ . � ._ ___^ _ _.. -�. - _ � � ...._. �.._,�,..•.--- . _ �.. �,� - ,..�.,-,.,_ ...__,.,..,__.__.._. _.,. ....._.�.�....._;..,�.�.,...-,..,:,, - . _ . .,..-.�-.._ .._.,,. _ . ...._,._�,.,,,,,.,,�,.., �..__. . ,,..-..�.,,...,.:- ,...��.,.__-...„.,,_.P�.,..-..<.,...._. ...,..-,. :� , f . ., � . , . ._ �. .. � � ZONING BOARD � y�„ . L Y., . - ".. �' . � . � � ! . ' � `APPLICATION FOR ZONING ORDINANCE �A�I�V�E�, 4 �... � , .' CITY OF SAINT PAUL ' � .�,,. - . .,w,. ,.., . s.. A VARIANCE OF ZONING CODE CHAPTER ,SECTION PARAGRAPH �'' � E IS REQUESTED IN CONFORMITY WITH THE POWERS VESTED IN THE BOAR OF ZONING AP— � PEALS TOPERMIT THE ON PROPERTY '' [ � '� `' � DESCRIBED BELOW. # �, I ``. � A. . APPlicant: NAME: �.1�,,��T Ail,�{ S/A t'T P vL `� ' ADDRESS /�,/ � �v..,.N��" A �If� . � DAYTIME TELEPHONE NO.�(p�,g�8 ZIP CODE �! � �,, � I 1. Property..interest of applicant: (owner,contrect purchaser,etc.l _ = � (k.J,J f/�- � . . - , _ � _ . .: - , -, , : x . ,:._ . . ;� . 2. Name of owner (if different) ( CA n�F � _ ( B. Property Description: ADORESS t�(1 3 Stl.�t�.i�` /�'J'e • �y �� � BZDV A�iTla,l fx �v£ f 23Fi 1. Legal description: LOT BLOCK ADD. Q UF Lo�2S vFT , < 2. .Lotsize: 'Z� � X � 00 � �NA Itt-L UF L�i �� /`S��UD /� 3. Present Use�rlf fT�.�! � Present Zoning Dist. /� L— }.- C. Reasons for Request: ;1. Proposed use (�E,S'TO+�E 7-'O O�6lNAC. C qN�lT'I Un1 — /110 CNAn�GES '7�s £kt1'Tr�J � ST���?u�� O�{E� �'H�1n! l�Srv�eaT��,� GC2� oNtGf�'" (rliY�t�.N� _. 2. What physicat charecteristics of the property prevent its being used folany of the permitted uses - in your zone7 hopography,soil conditions,size and shape of lot,etc.) . NoNF State the specific variation requested,giving dista�ces where appropriate. 4 S'�C'vn�a C/ V in�G UN r i UN PteoPEF T y �1 - -� �-°� 4: -fxplain how your case conf�orms to each of the followin ., °;_-� � 4`- _ _ � a. That the strict application of the provisions of the Zoning Ordiance would result in peculiar : � or exceptional practical difficulties,or exceptional undue hardships. ' � N0�/E _: . ��t r.�; ' :�>_� SF� ��E� ;���'� ' �! , �#��• CASHIERS USE ONLY "� r+ � n in of a variance will �'�?''��" , � b. That the gra t g not be a substantial detriment to ����>�+� � � �oe� �}J����, public good or a substantial impair- � z e 1 � ment of the intent and purpose of `� the Zoning Ordinance. i � � � . re r�.x orv� .vc� � � S E �Eri�`�- � J����� C���FR�T����3�� Y NOTE:' TH15 WILL NOT BE PROCESSED WITHOUT A COMPLETE SITE PLA �aOd } � � �EE ' t Signature • i � 3���� '� � _ Date Received �. ° ._ ----. __._..._.._._.__>..a�M�.._....-.___....�.., ___..�-__...F..-._.- ,._.....r,,,,..._. �_.�... �_:.._„.._...._...._�.._.,...._...._�.e.,�... . � l. . . . . �. �.� � � .. .. ., � � � . � - .... .. . . . �. -., :�: . . *: .. . � � .. �a'. :... _ _ ' . .. . . . .. �. . . � . . . _ � +rv. �Da�� �� �Q p,r�y� 3l3 i �p ___..---- _—_.__�'D.__----------—� ---------------__--_----- — -----�___.._._ _ �?___ —� �Ro�t : DWIGHT � � ----� ___.___ ___..__.____._.__- ---.____._._ _ , ___-------1�}�5-S�lvf�`I` _�'ET�___._t____ . ST. PAUI., NiN 55105 2� �____--��-�.rT??,��tYro�✓___ --��'----�RrPr�E�_--�_v.sE_� ..G'.4��GE__/_1_'F'.ti��.v_t1__.�__ Q�i+/1-?Fie S _.__ ___ _....!� ---- - ---- �=-__--e��---`'i---. '�o-_ ..__._._ _ ____a-,.._._--- �— - -- . . . _ - -- �'°—�,,"-..."—`'.,..s�_.�-..�'-'e---__..-------_— .—.!� __ �'�e- --.._-- ... � __�. _ _ - . _. _ O _._.._. . _ . �-—�_. --___---��`� __.___.__� _--- ----h.�f�_.__,�-�--�-� ___�,.__ __!s_1.-�P�-__ _—_---_____ ------ •/�'� ' G� _�-t._____ - _.... � .___�Y_/S-.___.I�'v••1_At t.�!�i1'�-__-._.______�.._ � .....__._._. L�,.�_� ,-�N-•�._. ". ..... ... . . ./ .. jF...✓-' . �._'_ 1, . . . �__a�y�,� �__ ��P ak.. _ f�C._._f�__-- � --_�__._. t,�-�:c-�-�-w•—--- � __ _ _ _ ___ ____�-o'±.._Z�e�-�,�s._.�-eQ _ l.✓c_?�..,.-..�_ __�e.,� _ � / ► b --- -- - .____ _ -----�.�.���-__ .________ __ _ ___________ _._____.___ ��______`_--------- . . ___�_-__��-�--- --_ ���-_�o_z-�. -�.)--_--- -_ ___ ______�-�- - - �__.___.__----- _ ____ - _. �.__ ��.•�-<-�__ __ ___ _ _--- ' ---_�-•-,._...�p_-�►,....�-- -- . _.__---__ ___ -- ---- --Y�..._ ._---- ------ ____ -- -- - _-- - __ ____ _�__-----___--.. �`-- . . . . . __ ____ 2=.��•_. _�_(2v_:�t.z- _�')___r_+-����-�.—_ _ _ __ _ ___ __. . - - . . . . _---_ _ _---__--�..,,---.'�-�.�� -_R_�-_R 3.--- /z Y___ _o�___ _ --- _�—�f-�_�_ ���---�_�___..._ ___._ _..___ ___-------- -.--_________.____ _ _. _ __________:__..____ _ _------_ 3 —___�`�-`�``'----�D?�-�°?=--��---!Vw+__�.v�, _ ' - ___-�- ----------___ �c °'-�. --- --� --_`� �_._—��------_._-_-_ --- - � �_ �._______-----_��____/���_ � _L�►_�a�..,.J �--- -------__ _---- ___ _---__._____.�__.__ _ ___ __. _---- __ i_ ----—_-- --- __ -- __ ------ --- ��������,-� _���..� _-5�..- --- _ - -----__ _._. _ _...___,__...�.._. . �_.�_.��. �_,_,��.,.r..�_:....�__.�,...__.�.,...�._ T_�__.__�_.___�.w.�,�_..�, . _e ^ -_ n . - . . ��c� �. _.?�ie.�__ d`'��'7X-..� `�!�+�-� ! v . . / ._ ___ ..�r���L� __/s/1---�D --- � _�----_— — _ �1 . /Y�' ^^�r�k-1.�e..._�—__ —- �—_ , --- -�'�`�__Eev�.__.F�_.�---- - � ---- �-- ��-.-- - _. - --- ...-— -- - ��•-s��---- ----__._ C��.__ � _ ___ _�._.v_%�- __-��-�_--�'n`-�----G:,...�.:��-_----c�. _,_ _G�,. �___ _.---------- _��_.�-���--��...,�.-_.,�.�_�_ .�----- _ . � - _ _._.___._ _ _ _- - -.----- -------- - _ _ ___2--_�A!�_....�_ ----.._.n___.�---_ Z. --r'-�-`-- _ � --- __. _ ��----�vY__.�...._._ _.._ __._--- -------�cv-�+�p__._��..—__�_----,-----_.___..__.�_. • - _ __•---- --- - -- _�[ __._L�P__. �*C.:____ ��� -,_.__��__._�_.__ _ _.__---._ ___ -- -- � � --- ----�-_--�__���-�f. .G_�_ ___� ___�- _____ ______.___ ______--,-----_____- ---------------___ � .. 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T0: Members of the St. Paul Zoning Board of Appeals FROM:�wight Maxa I went door to door on my block and asked the residents of my neighborhood how they felt about the restoration and rental of my chauffeur's quarters. I have enclosed this signed petition as evidence of their support for this project. I would like to point out that I received no opposition from any of the neighbors. In two cases, people did not wish to sign the petition but said that they were not against this renovation effort. I did not bother to survey property where the owners were not present. C�'En1TA l... PRoI'�,eT y) To the best of my knowledge, there is no opposition for this effort. DM/lw Enclosure � ��.� �� P f�- ��'" d� ,� �- ' . . ;'���. . . . . ' . �,� • �ti t . . � F ° , s, :,`t � To: Members of the St. Paul Zoning Board of Appeals • - F�om: Interested Neighbors near 1415 Summit Ave. Re: Carriage House restoration and rental at 1415 Summit Ave. ; We are aware of Dwight and Mary 1�Saxa's effort to restore their property at 1415 Summit and understa.nd that �hey desi.•�_�t�o.�,teqvate the old carriage house livin� unit located at the rear of their lot. We understand that they need a building permit to complete the work on this structure and that they intend to xent this unit to a student t�om a nearby college. We fl�ly support their efforts to �nprove our neighborhood by �his.restorat�:�n and rental effort. . 3�q � �, /����, .� �l � �����/n h�/�' . /�a� �- ��t� ���ti /�// o��r� � �' � ��I` �°o- ��� �Q��,.ti� i S�i s� y4 • ' 3/� s � �a-� P /.� ��� ��� p l���v P��...-� _..�� - .._....�_ . . �., .��._.....�..�..__.�__..�.__,,.1.._._....�.,._ _.�. ..�_._.�,._�._�,_�..._�.��.� ,� . ,._am...,� �.�..��._.��.�.�,__._A__.r,..,.�.�.,.�, .�.�..,.....,,.�-�._ un�.u�nr �.• S NELLING . H AMLINE ; _ �' �� t�� � •' ,�•. �- � ` C OMMUNITY : �"°•. ' '� � ; . , .�.✓v�1 � � . . . s..�,�� � C OUNCIL ' 113 No. 8ar�to0a. 8t. Paul. 66t04 �44-1086 .:� �. � March 19, 1980 Board of Zoning Appeals 25 West Fourth Street St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 Re: Zoning file No. 8604 Zoning file name: Maxa This matter was brought up at our monthly meeting on M�arch 6, 1980, and the consensus was that Mr. M�axa should be allowed to proceed to update the plumbing and wiring in his carriage house and should be allowed to rent same. There were no negative comments. One person said they would rather have someone living there, than have it boarded up; like it has been for the last ten years or so. Most felt it should be allowed because it would be restoring it to its original use. According to Shirley Smith, a Iong time Portland Avenue res�ident, this structure was used as living quarters up until about ten or twenty years ago. It is my understanding that Mr. Maxa does not intend to alter the structure in any way, just restore it with updated electric and plumbing. I also understanc7 that there will be off street parking provided for the future occupant. In all probability, no one will know that someone new is living on the block.` Also, the St. Paul Energy Committee of 100+, Existing Hous�ng and Zoning sub-committee report, page 10, addresses carriage house conversions; and this is not even a conversion but a renovation. In this case, I support Mr. Maxa's request. Thank you, Carl Wolter, President �.�._._._,T:._.._.Y�. ._ ._ _ . _._,. . _. . .;�._,Y�. ,-..-�..,_. .,.., __r-�_...... _ ..r--. .._ � _..__.. ._-,...,_.0 ,....,.�.-.�..,_ . . . ,� . , . , ti i,a . . .,. .�. . .�„ . :.,. �.�.. - . �. ' . .�Y` �,�.. . ' . . . . -r,' . -, �.:. . � . ... ...� ....,: � . .� , ..- .... . � . . .. ,�., .... .��:. _ ..�-.� •. ,. .__.,. .._�' , �.. ' .- :.:. .. . . - ; ., . , . . ......al ......i:i�'�.� ' _�.'�yi1y��'w.aV1�Y'r'P-p \ . ?a''�is!�:..'�iYSw::-w-�-.iY..Y:.ss+�°fYYW�w.T-/w�«...y_ .wy'�Pi,s�. .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . � .. ��+ � PRESIDENT: � `� � RTM Corporetion � �.� �� Crown Trensport,lnc. r. _ Murphy Truckin9 Co. �lIN7d8 - Murphy Deiivery Service inc. � � � � RICHARD T. MURPHY Murphy Rigging 6 Erecting Inc. MutDhy Warehouae Co. I i I ) June 2, 1980 � ; I - �:� I �' M�r.. �dwa�r.d wcvr.n : _ _ ', � _ . � , �} Pn,i.r�c.�.pa.e P.2anne�c ;�:y,; Zon.i.ng O��.ice o� S�. Pa.cce , -.. C.i.t y Ha.�2 Annex : :;. - , ,., LL ,. 1 i�h �.�o on � �_� . _ 2 5 Glea� 4zh S�cee,t ,; ;,; _. : � St. Pau,�, 11�inneao�a 55102 R�: X2485, Page 9 Zovu.ng F.i.ee puu.gh,t Maxa -�---;: 1415 Summ.i,t Avenue . _ ___ _ _ _ Sat. Pa.u.e, M.iv�ne�so�a SS l05 De.a�c hVc. Glcucn: tUe duppoh,t �he appeu.2 .in �he above ne�e�viced �o mcr�-.te�i. Gle ne,�.ide a,t 1440 Summ.i.t Avev�r.ce and Gcczve �an aven. 29 yeans. Gle cvice oppaaed .to M�c. Muxa conveh,t,i,ng h,i�, gcucage �o a beeond dwe,P.P,c;ng. Gle a.P.ao have a �onme�. chau��ewc'a dwe,P.P,i.ng .c.n owc ga�cage. O�hen nealcby xe�s.iden,ta have a.imi.ecvc �ac.i.P,i,ti.ea. I� .ia my undeJcs�a.vcd.�.ng �hut �h,i�s cvicea .i.a ccvr�ce�tEy no� zoned �on mu,P,�ti.p.�e dwe,22%ng�s and we b�'icong.2y uh.ge .i.t nema,i.n zoned a.utig.Ce �a,mi,ey dcue,2.?.c:ngb. ;,�ci .*: ����� �� lUe have a 6eaw#.i.gu,e ne,s�.dew#.i.a.� cvr.ea naw and have wo�cfted ve�cy hand �o '�� mcc,i.n,tcu.n owc pnape�r,ty. We ne,�eat a,a u.n�h,i.nha6.2e artd wvicen.aonabQe ���� : Mn. Maxa'd pnemuse o� conve�r,ti.ng h,i.b gana.ge anea �o tcew#� pnopeJity, ��� . �y We ca►�.i.de�r. �h.i.a pn.o pa�s ecl ae ti.ovc, �.5 appna ved, aa hav�.ng an adve�r,�e ��� � '. e�{ye_c.t on �he qua,P,i,ty as oun ne,i.gh6on.haad, . Reapec,t�u.P.�y .aubm.i�ed, ' -. --- - � � ___ - ; � i �' '�o .,. —__ � ► Ri.chand T. Mwcph y � P.O. BOX 43010 � ST. PAU�, MINNESOTA 55164 .,_�._.__,_�.., �.._ .,._,..,.._<�_.,_ . �-.�-,.� ,,.....�_,.�..,�,�_,--�_ _ � .__.... _...._.,K... �.�,.., ..��.,..,_�......._,r .,..r.._.,-.--„�..,-.F-»-,.,.._.�...,.., =--� ���� ���c� .�� G� March 20, 1980 �� .,., .t� ''.'`-, Board of Zoning Appeals - :�..) 25 West Fourth Street Saint Paul , Minnesota 55102 _ _ Gentlemen: ` ` - Responding to the above application - I think the Zoning Board must consider: 1 . Does legal zoning for Summit Avenue from Dale Street to River Road allow spot zoning of remodeled garages or 2nd or 3rd floors of Summit Avenue facinq single dwellings to become multiple dwellings. 2. The affect on on-street parking caused by two or more families to be domiciled on single homestead lots. This is becoming a problem especially by Portland Avenue apartment dwellers. . 3. To allow one garage (even though over 35 to 40 years ago housed a chauffeur� to be made into a rental unit ° may cause many owners of the larger beautiful homes on Summit Avenue to request same permits. How can you deny further permits if this one is allowed? 4. St. Paul has always taken .pride in beautiful S��mmit < Avenue. How long can this be so when housing units are allowed on any section of the lots - trucks zooming down the full length of the Avenue, demonstration marches, etc.? T am not sure homes on Summit Avenue facing north are 350 feet from the subject alley garage. Don't mi.sunderstand - there are quite a number of beautifully constructed 2-story carriage houses at rear of homes on Summit. I have one, a 2-story heated, 4 car garage with basement that has been occupied since 1910. It is well preserved and maintained. Sincerely, ���Q2c� ' Marie 0'Brien Slawik 1405 Summit Avenue Saint Paul , Minnesota 55105 _.___ . .. . .�..... . ...., �f..,..-_ _.�,.�,..:... . . ,_. ... -..........._.,.....p.,...m.�. ._ .,..� _....-.. .-�-�... _..___ ... _ . -, ..__._,_.. . ..T ._, .,. .....,...,.-......... , . - ,�.�� .r _ _.....� ,.. . . , . , _ . , r -�� ,_.,.��.:��..,..:...., k- ..,_ , .�...,�v- __ ,_�,...._, .:�..w:.�.... ...�...,. � ,.�._,�� � �%�.�ze.��� / � , ��o � ��� � ���� � ����. , � � . :. ��� �� �� s � � � � } � � . . i Yi� ����:� �.��.� , 2�� � a�,� �, ��IQ� � �- �� a!� � . �l/ �:��� � ;� - � �� . �� n.� �� � . � ���� �c��cer�.� ��-�c-� �_�-i�'E��.c... ��� � �..��-e— ..Cc,�-vt�.- - ��� �e��c.�� . ,t �C.a-c..��-C�- �� a2 .��.�zv .�`�, �� � -c�e�/ ll �� � �- a • ���� : � . ��� �,, ���� ��.�� ��� �- ��z�.� �-k-��u ���-' �� �.� - t �� � �2 —C� –� �'�`�"� '��. , �� <� c/ .�u'.�u��,9� �i%`-c.�'u. -��"`-�' j�,���.v��c� . ��. �'c,�e . � ol-� , ���?�' Zv �O . G�� � � � , � � ��� �� � � ���,� , �.��� . �� --u�`.�-.�� _ _ �� ��� • . Q�-�� � ��.�-¢� ���� � � � �-r-� ��� ' `� #���. ,����+^, �� �����. i� . � � �. r ���- �;�. � , . . . . . . . . .=��-Q...1��.:� ... ....._. � . . . . . ,.. . ,..,...-..,.._.� ..«--�...,.. . . ... . .. .., . ... . x � . .. � . . . .� . . �.. .. .. . . . . . . . ' '. . ` . � . . . � �.. � . .. .� . .. . � .. � . .`.� . . . .�... . . .. . .._ . : . � � . . � . . M...- � . . ' � � � . .. . Z� . . � . . . . ..,. .. . . �.�+ � .. * . . . . .. .���. . '. � •. � . ... . � . � . � !, s t `: � �'� � ��1i ... — � t �;� ���� �� � March 14, 1980 _� ,, , �� \( �; ��'..J . � Board of Zonir.y Appeals ., "' � Y �� �^�sf 25 West Fourth Street ` "``' St. Paul , Minn. 55102 ; Re: Zoning File No. 8604 Gentlemen: Zoning- File Name: Maxa We will be out of town on March 25th so a letter is our only means of participating in the process. Our decision to purchase our home at 1431 Summit was infTuenced by the relatively low density of the neighbarhood and lack of parking congestion. We would find it difficult to support a proposal that would adversely affect either of those neighborhood qualities. It is not our desire to obstruct our neighbor's plans, but lacking specific information on the plans we can react only fn the general way described above. Very truly yours, �s�U���� R. DAniel Peterson In summary, I feel this appeal should be granted and the permi.t issued for finalizin� necessary work on this �arage. If I can answer any further questions, pYease call me at 644-0862 I remain, Most Sincerely, ' /I���t,( ����o" Mrs. Sylvan Smith cc: Members of Saint Paul Board of Zonin� Appeals Zoning Administration ��,�Y �� J ��o � 2� � ��� � ��� ���x� �_— March 21, 1980 Gladys I�orton, Chairperson 1618 Wilson Avenue St. Paul, Minnesota 5510b Dear Mrs. Morton: My wife and I have been residents of this neighborhood since 1922 and I think we have a long-term perspective on this zoning issue. I also beliene that we, along with 1�3r. and 1�`�rs. Smith, . Mr. and Mrs. Peseck and Mr. and l�rs. Anderson are among the people the most effected by this decision. Our properties are located directly across the alley from Dr. Dwight Maxa's living unit at 2415 Summit Avenue. To get to the point, I think it is incredable tha.t the city will not permit occupa.ncy in this structure because it was not occupied on October 25, 1975: I am familiar with this living unit and I think that it is a shame for that facility to stand idle at times when there is a known shortage of these kinds of basic living quarters. Another issue on my mind is that the city and some neighborhood groups are encouraging us to restore our properties in order to keep St. Paul a first class city. But after Dr. Maxa takes the time, energy and resources to restore the facility to its original condition, why can•t he let anyone live in the building? As you probably know, the chauffeur's quarters and the house itself were originally 3asi�ned for occupancy in Z913 , by a prominent architect. I support this rehab pro�ect because I believe that activating this living unit will stren�then our neighborhood - not detract �om it. As I'look out �y back windaw I would grefer to look at a restored useful chauffeur's quarters. not boarded up decaying, poorly utilized building. If I can be of further assistance, you may call me. Sincerely, � �?,,� , "�--��, � �r Dr. and Mrs. Frederick C. Thiers _. a.��... __..._ _....,. . n_..�..,..�.,,..,�N�...�..-_�.._ _�...�._�. ..,.r.�. m��.. n,�,-.,. - __.__ __..__._�..___._ ._._...�_�.�.,_,..._...,�. - � c� .. . ....,,,..�. ..�� . _.,. __.� ��1V C'TY °';, . � CtTY �F SAlNT PAUL� � � s .,.: •• y DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNtTY SERVlCES , �:° , `'�^ ^c DIVISION OF HOUStNG AND BUtLDlNG CODE ENFORCEMENT _.. City Hali,Saint Paul,Mirtnesota 55102 George Latimer - , 612_Zgg.4�2 Mayar Januarv 31, 1980 _ , . Mr. Dwight Maxa 1415 Sur►mit Avenue - St. Paul , P1N 55105 Re: Garage repair and alterations . Dear Mr. Maxa: The garage to the rear ef your pr�perty was bvilt 1.n 19I.3 at which time the accessors recor•ds indicate that sew�r, water and stove heat were install.ed. The btlilding, however, has not been used residentially for some time -�y��our_ admission. __ _�___�� It is my opinion that the zoning eode nrec�.uc3es issuance of a building permit for alterations Q�: re�airs for the �urpose of activating a secor�d living� unit on this �ro��erty. The building is located within a si.ng�e family district and any increase of usage would , �� believe, be a violatio:: of .the zoning re�ulations . Enclosed is an application for an Administrative Review you may file if �you believe the o�inion hereir_ stat�d ta _ be incorrect . Enclosed also are those parfis of the zoning code which are pertinent to your situation to aid you in your anpeal if you should so choose . The f�.ling fee is $50 . 00 payable to the City of St. Paul. Yo� s trulv , � ' Glenn A. Erickson _ �.oning Administrator GAE/RLA/I-�?. en�. ������� ���.� D °�dJ ■�.� ■�■��■��■■��■■i■�■���i���i--i-�i ���������������1�/�'i1����� �.�������� ��������.�����l�v�l�i`i��-� ,��:i:::.��1��■ ■����e������1��������■�������r��� ������������11������������!�o����■ ■���������l�Il�i������■���;������■ ������/����Ill�i������������������� ■� ■■�t�:y�it>7.■■■■■■■■..i■.�■■■. ��■■■■■■■��■■■■■■■■■��'�■■..■■■ ■■■■■���■■�■■■■.�■■.�i■■■■�■■ ��n������■��������������'��i���■ ■������������������������������ ■�■��������������n������i����� ■���������������������������� ■�������������������i�'����■�� �������������N������������■■ �������������U■������������� ■����v�■��H��������t������■ ■�■���������■����N����������� ■����������1����N��������� ■�������l������v������������� ■���������` �������0���;������� ■N������l��Il�����������;������� i����1����`������������������ ������i���������■�v������������ �������������H�v������������ ������������v�n��������� ����v■�����l������S���I��'����� ��rL..��������i����N����l������■ .....�.��■���" �i',l���������I������■ --r.r.�......r...�r..� ■�����;����i������������1������� ■�����t��������■�■������I������� ■����t����■�������v����l������� ����������■�����������I������� ■���i���■�����������S��i������� ■��������A������� ! ����I�l��"��E--� ■�������r����������:i���l������� ■������f vf�l��������r���l������� t�����1�����i��1���!?' ■t��l■������ ����r�i.������������1�����v ■�v������������������������ v����������� �n�������� ■■■����■■■�■�■■■■■.��CM . .�. �. . 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REITER, Commi�sioner ✓� � �— 298'S317 / e _�, � � December 12, 19 79 ��'" T �� Lou ,icKenna, Directnr DeParLu���nL �f Pr.o����rty 'Tax�ition Room 1�18, Cuiir.L' Ilc�ti:;�. St. Paul, �1N 55102 � Attention: Jackie tdaleen � RE: Cancellation of 8 Sales Contracts - Dear Sir: . The tax forCei.ted sale contr.acts as slio�an belo�a have heen cance].led b� order of tlic l:amsey E;c>�n�ty �c>arcl uf Conunissioner5', P.esc�.lution No. 79-1289, dated November 27, 1979. ' Contract �t225].9-Cocie No. : Ol-2h9(l�-3?0-(14-Parrnr's �dd. , Lot 32, iilk. 4 Co�itract �ii22520-(`c��le No. :' UI-6�(�(l�)-l)�0-39-Scl�urmeier's Subu. ,Lut S, lillc.39°� Contract ;l'L�521-Cocle Nu. : "U7-537O(1-13O-01-,1. I;.lJil�us �1u�'.. , Pt.:,ot 13,I3iic.l '� Contract 1r2"L522-Ci�cle iJo. : •57-G750(1-OIO-]4-St.,\ul�in & lli_on's,]'t.Lot l,l;Ik.l4 � Contract ir'22525-(:o�e No. : 'OG-770�0-.1JO-1_8-'1'yrer's Re. , '::. 3 f.t. e; Lots 13,� 1.4 ,15,1(� �� lJ ' Contract 1i22526-Code No. : 05-03)U�)-l)9O-0�-�uditor's SuLct.;�o. 74. Lot 9 • Contract 1122527-Code No. : `"0�)-2�!{l)(�-'9hfi=-f?U-llel�mer's Suhd. ,Pt.of Lots �4 F� 'S�/ , "��. " f c Q:s�d�-')5 t)=-Cl(T' ;3��I-L�:. . Contract 1�22528-Code No. : � 79-49800-0�)0-16-r1idway Hills Re. ,Pt.of Lot 9,B1k.16 Property taxes, currenL and delin�uent , if any, are to be cancelJ.c�d by ;aour o�ric�. an�l :l cert.if icriC ic�i� �1 sucli crine'c�.il.it i.c>ns mr�de C<� tiie 0; i ice o� Lile Land Comniissi<�ncr in ur�ler �liat a ��re,��c:�r distril>ue. ic,n u� I�roc���ecl�, :,�ay ve r�ade in tlie event Llle p�ircel is a�;ain c>CL�recl fc�r s.ile. Yours very truly, . ANT[IONY J. R};I'1')?I: Lai�d Commissi.uncr � � ; , 13 y �� ., i. •1 . �i � :,,. �LK/kt AGtach. : Res. No. 79-1289 cc: Paul nesch 13ob I�.1'I_is �ti:a1'C�t�,.��"�13.- .��a:sYi+ ,lames �nclr.e, Clerlc-Ros�ville Jeannc ltatiibun Lucille Aurelius � (;lerk-T1aplek�ood • • • ,•,�������� � ''� � . � � � � � • • � � • • • • • • • • • • � • • • • • • � • • • • � ��� � 1 � � � • • • • • • � • � • • � � • • • • � • • � • • � � • • • • � • • I.� _ � . , , � � • � � � � � • • � • � � � � �� � � � � • � • � � • � � • • • • � � � ` 1 � / • • . w � • H � •�� �� • • • • • • � � � • • • • O • � • � • � � I 11 r ,,, , � � � • s • � • s � '�� � � �� � • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . : �� � � � � . � � , • • • • • • • • • • • • � • • • • e • s e • ;; 1�� � :: � . .� ' � � • • � � �� • � � �r • • � � • o � � • � �� � , „. , . � �� � s � • • • � �� � � • o �) • �' f• ' • 1/ • • • • � r � �►r ; '�1' � � e . .+ � � . , . . � � . . . . . � • � . • • • • • • � � • ' � . :.� � ' � � � � ♦ � ! � � � � � � � � � : • � a - .. %/%/ - . , > . . . � , , . • • � • , � . 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City, Village or Town St. Paul . . 06-77000-170-18 • ' 07-83700-130-01 Applicant: Richard K Parr 09-23400-351-00 RPC�CiPC at� Office of the Land Coc�nissioner - � , and that The parcel codes above have been cancelled bv order of the Ramsev Coun y Board of Commissioners� R a�lt�tinn Nn 74 t�tt4 �See enclosed) PrenPrt� TaxPc taxes Current �iel.inqu�nt and accruine were to bp ran�Pt 7 Pd ar rhar rimp•�,�p r� clerical errors the 1979 assessed taxes _Aayable 19$0 were not abated , 1 + � Applicant rec}uests• The 1979 assessed taxes & assessments vavable 1980 . _ . • _ �- hQ fully abated and the�e narcPl hp nlacpci in thp t f / ' � i.�� �/ ` l�/G � APPlicant . 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