275216 �d, ���� CITY OF ST.PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO. F I N A L O R D E R George McMa.hon By 18144 File No. �n the Matter of aca�tructing parkts+s 'la�as {3aclw�iag c�arb �md avttar and �radiag rnt! searl+aaias)• lishsia�, �idar�s].ks, end sitt s�eseities (iaclad3ng, bat not �i�it�d to, p�la�tsrs, traeb sa��ptaelss�� b�scfias, hydraats, �uad ¢atcb baslns)+aa both sida�s of S�'SLL3� AVEt9tTE ft� Da�toa Avaav►a to Hagas Avena� +iamd oes both aides o! SBLSx' AVE�TJ$ ts�os appse�at3�ostel.� 37Q ��et at�t ot &►alilx►� Arinua �o apps�a�cinatelf 32fl t+�st x+est o!` 8n�lltag A�u�s. Alao, avn�t�wstima Pa�r3ag. 1i�htia8„ �tb, and b�a�h�s c�rwn th� sautt� �ide o� �fATrOtI AVElItTB iro� Ss�elli�g A�t�e to �70 ta�t east ot ��lliia� A�re�us. a�ad c►� t� north •ida oi� �TS A9E1� !`r+�e ��lliaa As�u� to 2S� !'�et ea�et �►�' �nel�.i,a� Av�au�. All to b� ksv+� as tl�t �ffi.SY - lt1tBLLII�6 C�B1tCIAi. ZQBL�C 'tMPR� lHOJECT. under Administrative Order � approved ~ under Preliminary Order �-r1�� -- approved JUN 1 0 �9g� The Council of the City of Saint Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Charter; and WHEREAS, The Council has heard all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improve- ment and has fully considered the same; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement be made, and the proper City officers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate all expenses incurred therein and shall report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter. COiJNCILMEN Adopt��ylthe Co cil: Date ��� 8 1980 Yeas Nays -� ��-- ''�Certified sed C unc� Secret JU1 9 1980 Z � Hunt ��, i � In Favor Maddox h M;-1 OX McMahon v Against M�, hOn SMowalter Mayor S,�FI � �It@r Tedesco - �IUL 1 �i ��Q �ed S Wilson . ���C�� `�tAi '� ��,��:. f� , �� r�ug�±'"�'� : . '�- r �Y. r�ru+� . a� .�... �1ir"�e 3��.�� j.. �6rsa�*��c� _ ,� �o-'�' `;'�`` . _�'. �r� -, f � �,. r � '�°�- . _ �'_^^#'.� �� F� ,I. `'�; `I II DqtW�Av�f`i: ' .r I,��'�� Ij k��-�� k�, ;r. �� r ;,�. � . ��x. � .�ti,�k � £� �,� ,_�, .� � 9 � �� � ! , ���., C&s � +�R#��.,,, i�wi ���'m ` .�.� 4 'I �.t�t o�r � i R!�y1�t'�� . � ,� ',:�, .� � ^'�A��.��ySF'.�'..tl TF�8���6N�'S:y4 riY:�: ����F���� . ,..y .;iC F �A�S..R� _ 3 aTa . � 1-.C.iL.S�_i[?$!�.- � �_ ._. � � , � „ • �,�'✓' ; ..-��?/' �, CITY OF ST. PAUL �^ � DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES � ASSESSMENT DIVISION ZZS CITY HALL ST,pAUL,MINNESOYA 55702 June 20, 1980 ra.�-�, � �����.�...� � File 18144 Page The Council of the City of St. Paul will hold a public hearing in the Council Chambers of the City Hall and Court House (third floor) at 10:00 A.M. on July 8, 1980 to consider the advisability of proceeding with the following City project: Constructing parking bays (including grading & surfacing and curb � gutter), lightin�, sidewalks and site amenities (including, but not limited to, planters, trash receptacles, benches, hydrants �nd catch basins) on both sides o£ SNELLING AVENUE fram Dayton Avenue to Hague Avenue and on both sides of SELBY AVENUE from approximately 370 feet east of Snelling Avenue to apprmc- imately 320, feet west of Snelling Avenue. Also, constructing paving� lighting, curbs and benches on the south side of UAYTON AVENUE from Snelling Avenue to approximately 370 feet east of Snelliag Avenue, and on the north side of HAGUE AVENUE from Snelling Avenue approximately 250 feet east of Snelling ' Avenue. All to be known as the SELBY-SNELLING COI�A?ERCIAL PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT I PROJECT. ' The total estimated cost of this project is $228,500.00 and will be financed I�� as follows: � Direct Assessment $100,000.00 i 1980 CIB Funds $100,000.00 Private Funds $ 28,500.00 Total Estimated Financing $228,500.00 The estimated assessment rates for this project are as follows: ` Commercial Property $50.00 per assessable foot Multi-s�sidential property $20.00 per assessable foot If you wish detailed information concerning this proposed project please contact the followiag: For design information, call Bill Pearson at 292-6723 For construction information, call Tom Kuhfeld at 292-6277 For assessment information, call John Wenker at 292-7029 In addition, the City's technical advisors will be available to meet with .you -continued on page 2- . � , r r -2- ������ :� ��.�. . s from 9:30 to 10:00 A.M. in Room 218, City Hall the same day as the hearing. While the City Charter requires that we notify you of this hearing, we want to help you to learn fully about any improvement that could affect you or your coc�m�unity. Therefore, I sincerely tiope you can attend this hearing, so that you can make your views about it known to the City Council, whether for or against. J. WILLIAM DONOVAN VALUATION AND ASSESSMENT ENGINEER - " ' � ?� �� � Tuesday, July 8, 1980 ADVISABILITY AND DESIRABILITY Constructing parkin bays (including grading and surfacing and curb and gutter�, lighting, sidewalks and site amenities (including but not limited to, planters, trash receptacles , benches, hydrants , and catch basins) on both sides of SNELLING AVENUE fro�7i Dayton Avenue to Hague Avenue and on both sides of SELQY AVENUE west of Snelling Avenue approximately 230 feet. Also constructing said improvements on the north side of SELBY AVENUE, east of Snelling Avenue approximately 286 feet, and on the south side of SELBY AVENUE east of Snelling Avenue approxirnately 230 feet. Additional lighting and curb and walk will be constructed an the south side of DAYTON AVENUE , from Snelling Avenue to a point 295 feet east of Snelling �,,,., , Avenue, and on the north side of HAGUE AVENUE from Snelling Avenue to a point approximately 175 feet east of Snelling Avenue. � . ` Summary of Engineering Recommendations July 8, 1980 ADUISABILITY AND DESIRABILITY EXISTIfdG CONDITIONS Presently, the roadways and drives are in quite good condition, as are most of the sidewalks and curb areas, with the exception of a few portions of walks and curbs. The utilities in the area (gas, water, sewer, etc. ) are generally in good repair and function properly. There are currently no plantirigs (trees, shrubs, grass , etc. ) in any of the boulevard areas. There is a need for striping of lanes as well as crosswalks in this area, as it is heavily traveled both by vehicles and pedestrians. Traffic counts indicate approximately 28,075 ADT on Snelling south of Selby Ave. and 32,625 ADT north� of Selby Avenue. Counts are approximately 8,450 ADT on Selby Avenue east of Snelling and 6,000 ADT west of Snelling. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS The project includes construction of pedestrian penninsulas at the intersection of Selby and Snelling Avenues, as well as northwest and northeast corners of Hague Avenue and Snelling Avenue, and mid-block on the west side of Snelling Avenue, to create distinct, controlled parking areas and to aid in pedestrian circulation. Further, new decorative pedestrian lights are to be installed, as well as energy saving street lighting. Other aspects include unique cementicions pavers in the pedestrian penninsulas, four planter/bench units, five additional raised planters, twenty five curb planters , several catch basin and fire hydrant relocations, traffic signal relocations , and sidewalk and curb and gutter work. New handicapped curbs will be installed at all corners as well . Extraneous verticle sidewalk elements will be removed or relocated. The traffic lanes will remain substantially unchanged from existing dimensions and locations. ALTERNATES Various proposals included substantially similar plans, with the incorporation of traffic islands located in Snelling Avenue. These plans were rejected for a number of reasons including: loss of on street parking for local businesses, traffic difficulties in reaching business establishments from various directions, potential safety hazard of midblock pedestrian crossing, lack of additional ped- estrian space and amenities,(such as planter/bench units, number of trees , etc. ) , rather high cost for limited pedestrian benefits , as well as aesthetic consider- ations. Another alternative, the "DO-NOTHING" option, would provide no benefits at all for the business community, the shoppers and pedestrians , or the neighborhood residents. Not only would there be none of the benefits of the proposed project, there would be, over time, a continual deterioratian of the existing conditions. For the 1ack of any benefit to city residents and coir�nerce, this alternative is not a viab1e one. POSITIVE QENEFITS The initial impact of the project will be the improved character of the area. The ammenities provided will lend a "uniqueness" to the area which will attract , � Positive Qenefits, cont'd. additional business to the co�ununity. The lighting will be superior to the existing, providing a safer environment in which to work and shop and the new pedestrian penninsulas will provide for increased safety for pedestrians in the area. The overall aesthetic appeal should help to generate interest and pride in the can�rnunity to help keep it clean , safe, and prosperous. The business conununity has agreed to pay annual operating and n�aintenance costs for lightir�g and landscaping , and to assessment for 50% of the capital costs of the project. ADVERSE EFFECTS The only adverse effect of the project will be a minor disruption to business and traffic in the area during the short construction period. SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS The project will involve sidewalk slope changes in certain walk areas and building entrances. The plan includes lighting, planter/bench combinations, and paving unique to this area. The concept, based on a study and recommend- ations by Community Design Center, was presented to the business community this Spring and refined over the past several months. The input and cooperation of the business association and local residents has been outstanding, and reflects their pride in, and concern for the future of their community. TIME SCHEDULE AND COST Construction is expected to begin on September 2, following the State Fair, with completion by October 8, prior to the locally sponsored Art Festival . The costs involved include $188,000 in construction contracts and an additional $12,000 engineering and inspection cost. Several businessmen have expressed interest in continuing ti�e irnprovernents beyond the project limits at a personal expense of approximately $30,000. The funds are provided through a $100,000 CIB grant; $100,000 private funding, on a 20 year assessment package, and private funding of $30,000 for additional improvements beyond the scope of this project. It would be desireable to amend the assessment package to include the additional $30,000 in improvements onto the original $100,000 package. For additional information contact the project designer, William Huser at 292-6706. SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATION , The projects involve construction of pedestrian penninsulas to better control the local on street parking and traffic interface, as well as to provide safer ar�d easier, pedestrian circulation in the area. Other amenities, such as the special paving, liyhting, benches and plantings are used to enhance the visual character of the area, creating a more appealing environment for comrnercial and leisure activity to benefit the business community and the neighborhood as a whole. It is recommended that this project be given final approval for implementation. � • ! � � u� ��) j-�. ���� w� � �, �� �` �\,� a � r � ..� � � - �,� v � � ?� __ NwY �6� ��� �- `� � � � „��4 '�`�. � �' 1� o � �94 � �'_ � � wY S� � � ri�p I � � t+wY t2 `'�, Q " � ��'' r �.�,� St p a u I �h ' ' y4 !2 ite � • '�- � � l�, ' i- �1 i -- -.-- :� b \ ��,L� ,� 1 r ) \\ �� �� ��� { ( / i � 4y 4 / Q _`_ ,___I-^-� �,,,� / �� C�\/ / 1 � _, ; � :� .% �� -i�r- -� � l_ __� � ��U � .� = - � (�:-� � , LOCA�'IQN �_, �, � � � M; : . � .; ' L,: _ � � ., � >, ( . — `�y; � �»�4 ` —. ��'. . ...� . . . '.4k � . .. � � .. . � . � .. . �' . . . . . . . . .. . .. . ..,� . � . � . . '�i� �.,�. . , � � . ,. .. ... . . . . .. �. ' .. � . . . .. . i . . . . . � . . . .. � ' . . �� . . . _ ' . . 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