275215 N�HITE - UTV CLERK PINK - FINANCE (jITY OF SAINT �AUL Council 2►�5215 CANARV - DEPARTMENT BIUE - MAVOR File NO. Cty��Ati�•/JTH • • nczl Resolution � Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AMENDMENT V TO JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT FOR DOWNTOWN PEOPLE MOVER TRANSIT SYSTEM, AMENDING THE PRELIMINARY ENGINEERING PHASE SCOPE OF WORK AND BUDGET AND AUTHORIZING DESIGNATION OF ALTERNATE5 BY 5TEERING CONlMITTEE MEMBERS WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul and the Metropolitan Transit Commission (MTC) entered into a Joint Powers Agreement, dated June 21, 1977, pursuant to authority of Minnesota Statutes � Section 471.59 and Resolution CF 268932, providing for the Preliminary Engineering Phase of the Saint Paul People Mover system; and WHEREAS, pursuant to City Council Authorization said agreement has been amended on January 10, and June 22, 1978, April 4, 1979 and June 26, 1980 to expand the Scope of Work, increase the funding and extend the time of said agreement; and WHEREAS, the D.P.M. Steering Committee on June 25, 1980 approved an amended Scope of Work, and budget to complete the preliminary engineering phase of the project; and recommended an amendment to the joint powers agreement encompassing this amended Scope and budget and which would authorize members of the Steering Committee to designate alternates to represent them at committee meetings; and WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul and the Metropolitan Transit Commission desire to amend said agreement to complete the pre- liminary engineering phase of the Saint Paul downtown people mover demonstration project; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council: COU[VCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays In Favor _ __ Against BY — Form Approved by City Attor ey , Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Counc.il Secretary BY � B5. Approved by INavor: Date _ App ed by Mayor for Submission to Council BY - — BY WHITE - GTV CLERK ����'� PINK - FINANGE GITY OF SAINT � PAUL Council CANARV - DEPARTMENT File NO. BLUE - MAVOR �. Cty �tt-y,LJTH . , Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date 2 . 1. Approves the Phase IB Scope of Work and amended budget and authorizes the M.T.C. to execute and submit a grant amendment to the Urban Mass Transportation Administration on behalf of the City/MTC Joint Powers. 2. The proper City offices are hereby authorized and directed to execute an amendment to the joint powers agreement for preliminary engineering and related work which includes the Phase IB Scope of Work and the amended budget therefore, an authorization to Steering Committee members to designate alternates to attend meetings of the committee, amendment of the consultant contracts, provides for the local share of funding in connection with the grant amendment, and provides for an extension of the term of the joint powers agreement to July 1, 1981 or the completion of the work whichever is earlier. 3. Agrees to provide the local share of funding of up to but not to exceed $169,000 as a cash contribution. 4. The City Clerk is hereby directed to transmit a copy of this resolution to the Chairman of the M.T.C. CO�C[LMEN Yeas Hunt Nays �� Requested by Department of: Levine —�xaeeex-- � In Favor McMahon Showaiter _�___ Against BY Tedesco Wilson t JUL 3 ��O Form Approved by City Attor Adopted by Counc 1: Date Certified Pa5- d by uncil Se retary. BY � / - �` z�—BS'� . t#ppro e Mavor: Date _��7 �� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council B _ By �iRt„tSKEt3 �U L 1 2 1980 ,� , � � � �" 'ry �� .'d •� ' , ��'£'� �r�' ��l�r_::.�-. ' � �'Y?" �a �� �V°°`� � ���:r� - ... _�,a'�iw...., PHASE IB IMPLEMENTATION PLANNING • SUPPLEMENTAL SCOPE OF WORK FOR PRELIMINARY ENGINEERING AND RELATED ACTIVITIES ST. PAUL DOWNTOWN PEOPLE MOVER DEMONSTRATION JUNE, 1980 METROPOLITAN TRANSIT COMMISSION (TWIN CITIES AREA) CITY OF SAINT PAUL U.S. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - (URBAN MASS TRANSPORTATION ADMINISTRATION) Approved by: DPM Steering Committee City of Saint Paul Metropolitan Transit Commission ����.�_� PHASE IB SUPPLEMENTAL SCOPE OF WORK TABLE OF CONTENTS A. Work Tasks 1.0 Management and Coordination 2.0 Coordination with UMTA 3.0 Community Involvement and Public Information 4.0 Ridership Estimates 6.0 Preliminary Operation Plan 7.0 Bus and DPM Intergration Plan 8.0 Fringe Parking, Street and Highway Improvements 9.0 Supplier Liaison; Vehicle and Sub-System Characteristics 10.0 System Safety and Performance Assurance 11.0 Guideways 12.0 Stations 13.0 Patron Security Plan 14.0 Advance Guideway and Station Engineering 17.0 Cost Estimates 20.0 Project Schedule 21.0 Financial Plan and Cash Flow Analysis 22.0 Enviornmental Impact P.ssessment/Statement 23.0 Implementation Plan (Preliminary Engineering Report) B. Supplemental Budget C. Revised Project Schedule ATTACHMENT A: DPM Evaluation Plan Scope of Work . ` FOREWORD ���� r:� z��.�.� In November, 1979, an interim period of implementation planning was undertaken for the St. Paul Downtown People Mover Demonstration. This period was intended to follow preliminary engineering and precede project implementation. State Legislative approval of the St. Paul DPM did not occur during the session in which project sponsors requested such approval; it occurred a year later. Beyond approving the project, the Minnesota Legislature also established a number of new requirements for the design and financing of the system. To accommodate the delay in the project, to take into account circumstances which have changed during that period, and to respond to the directives of the legislature, the implementation planning phase of the project must be extended. It is now anticipated that Phase II of the project--system procurement, design, and construction--can be initiated approximately on April 1, 1981. Phase II will include the following elements: o System supplier selection; � � o Pre-installation baseline survey for the before and after study; o Detailed soil borings and analysis o Preparation and final engineering and architectural drawings for construction bid package; o System construction, integration, and testing; o Initial system operation; o Completion of the before and after study to assess the attainment of local and national objectives; and o Documentation of the entire project to ensure transferability to other cities During the interim period between the comp.letion of the preliminary engineering and the start of Phase II, a number of tasks have been undertaken to further refine certain activities conducted in the preliminary engineering in order to expedite the program, enhance its deployment, and to conduct research and develop new information in certain technical areas for the benefit of all cities interested or involved in the DPM program. The additional activities occurring during this period have been referred to as Phase IA. The present action represents a continuation and e�pansion of the Phase IA activities. It does not represent entirely new work tasks; rather it is a revision of the remaining Phase IA work tasks, with specific additions in a number of subject areas. For administrative clarity, the activities included in this revised scope of work are designated Phase IB, and are to be carried out during the period from June 1980 through March 1981. The major products will include: • Before and after studies plan • Review of assumptions in ridership estimates • Revised preliminary operation plan • Revised bus DPM integration plan • Revised fringe parking program • Procurement plan • Technical specifications • Procurement bid package � Revised system safety plan • Utility relocation report • Right-of-way report • Revised station designs � Patron security plan ' ' • DPM engineering on pending development projects • Revised cost estimates • Revised Project schedules • Revised financial plan • Funding programs for joint development • Environmental Impact Statement/Section 106 Process • Preliminary soils report � - 1 - � DOWNTOWN PEOPLE MOVER DEMONSTRATION PART- I - PHASE IB-SUPPLEMENTAL SCOPE OF WORK � ' FOR PHASE I - PRELIMINARY ENGINEERING A series of work tasks have been identified which will continue the efforts of Phase IA to refine and update the preliminary engineering work tasks in the original proposal and which will develop additional information to expedite and enhance the implementation of the Downtown People Mover Demonstration. They have been identified by using the same general categories of activities defined in both the original scope of work for Phase I and the scope of work for Phase IA. Each major task is identified and followed by a brief description of each sub-task. The principle participants from the staff/ consultant team are identified in parentheses. The sub-tasks are numbered consistently with and as additions to the previous scopes of work. In some cases, previous sub-tasks have been modified slightly to reflect current needs. New sub-tasks have been numbered subsequent to previously established sub-tasks. In some cases, the new sub-tasks must be completed before the other tasks, so that the numerical order of sub-tasks does not necessarily represent the chronological order of their accomplishment. Task 1.0 MANAGEMENT AND COORDINATION Overview Changes in the project structure have both added new activities to this task, and made the activities more complex. The approval of the DPM by the Minnesota Legislature allows the City of St. Paul to establish an agreement with a contracting agency for implementation of the DPM. That agency is anticipated to be the non-profit St. Paul Transportation and Development Corporation. This introduces a new partner into the project. The role and responsibility of which must be � - defined and included in appropriate agreements and contracts. 1.11 Continue providing information to the existing and prospective developers, identify impacts of new development plans on proposed system. (City, BRW) 1.12 Prepare draft joint powers agreement defining administrative, imple- mentation and financial responsibilities for the City of St. Paul, the Transportation and Development Corporation and the MTC for the conduct of Phase II of this project. (MTC, City) 1.13 Develop proposed procedures for the Phase II system administration and management activities to be conducted on behalf of the city. This may include the selection of a private firm or other agency to provide the complementary technical expertise necessary to assure the proper conduct of Phase II, and the selection of a private firm or agency to assist the city in assuring adequate safety and security provisions are provided as part of Phase II. (MTC, City) 1.14 Continue project management including work with the committees as described in Part I-C of the original Scope of Work, continue cost control and monitoring procedures (Task 1.6) , continue to provide effective communication with the Urban Development Committee, Community Advisory , - 2 - Committee and Technical Task Force and other committees as appropriate. (Task 1.8) . (MTC, City, BRW) 1.15 Determine and define the appropriate role and responsibility of the Transportation and Development Corporation, and its relationship to the city of St. Paul in the conduct of Phase II of the project. Task 2.0 COORDINATION WITH UMTA Overview This demonstration project is part of a controlled Capital Assistance Program by UMTA with participation from the Office of Technology, Development and Deployment (UTD) , Office of Transit Assistance (UTA) , and the Office of Transportation Planning (UTP) . During this interim period, it will be necessary to work closely with various UMTA and other federal agencies in such areas as project organization, procurement procedures and fiscal programming. This task closely relates to Task 9.0. Sub-Tasks 2.8 Develop a Before and After Studies Plan, as required by UMTA, to conduct a before and after study to evaluate the DPM system performance, and the social, economic, transportation and environmental impacts of the DPM on the city of St. Paul. (MTC, City, BRW) See Attachment A for a further definition of the work to be performed. 2.14 Provide those persons responsible for developing the DPM Before and After Studies Plan with the necessary background information regarding pr oject plans and programs for their use in tailoring the Before and After Studies Plan to the St. Paul DPM demonstration. (MTC, City, BRW) , 2.15 Participate and coordinate with UMTA's Office of Technology, Development and Deployment (UTD) in providing information, responding to requests and preparing system selection criteria, and participate with all team members in the review and modification process leading to the issuance of the system procurement package. (MTC, City, Kaiser , BRW) 2.16 Continue appropriate liaison as identified in Sub-Task 2.1 to 2.12. (MTC, City, BRW) Task 3.0 COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT AND PUBLIC INFORMATION Overview Through the balance of Phase I, additional reports on work progress will be prepared and distributed to governmental agencies, advisory committees, business and labor organizations, civic groups and the general public. Existing established procedures will be used to accomplish reviews by other agencies and organizations to provide community participation for all interested parties including groups representing the elderly and handicapped. DPM advisory committee meetings will be held at key points of this extended work program and will be open to the general public. Public workshops and a public hearing will also be held during this project phase. An effective public information program will continue including the preparation and distribution of information materials for the several publics and the news media. (A public information center will be established in Phase II of the project.) . - 3 - . �w�`'�- Sub-Tasks �' ''��d�_�_t� • 3.4 Prepare and conduct two public hearings: 1) based upon the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) and 106 Process, and 2) Phase II grant application includinq rcute alignment and financial plan. (MTC, City, BRW) 3.7 Update the Community Advisory Committee (CAC) and Urban Development Committee (UDC) memberships. (City) 3.8 Continue a public workshop series by preparing and conducting a workshop session for the advisory committees. Major topics of discussion should include Financial Plan, EIS and 106 Process, Station and Guideway Design, Procurement Process, and Project Scheduling and Timing of Metro Center '85 Plan Implementation. (MTC, City, BRW) 3.9 Expand the public information program including periodic newsletters, neighborhood meetings, informational meetings for other groups, and other pertinent information. (MTC, City, BRW) Task 4A RIDERSHIP ESTIMATES REVIEWED Overview The Preliminary Engineering and Related Studies report for the St. Paul DPM project includes development projections, pedestrian travel documentation, station peak hour loadings and other pertinent information which was used to determine high, medium and low ridership characteristics for 1983 and 1990. The purpose of this task will be to review documented development and ridership assumptions and characteristics with respect to 1985 system start-up potential, verify the completeness and appropriateness of all assumptions, and determine the need to update and/or alter � • the existing documented information. Sub-Tasks 4.11 Review development projection assumptions within the baseline, market and opportunity levels; station impact development projects for scale, use, timing and DPM influence; parking demand projections and DPM ridership from fringe parking areas; skyway development and relationship to stations, use and development projections; bus service and bus/DPM interface, and DPM ridership created by bus/DPM transfers; and DPM ridership assumptions of trip generation, value of time, peak loadings, induced travel, and other factors which influence DPM ridership. (MTC, City, BRw, Kaiser) 4.12 Prepare report addressing the adequacy and appropriateness of assumptions characteristics, and results of ridership projections based upon the reviews carried out in task 4.11. (MTC, City, BRW) Task 6.0 OPERATION PLAN Overview Modifications in the system alignment and station locations have rendered previous operations plans obsolete, necessitating the revision of the plan. , - 4 - Sub-Tasks 6.14 Revise the operation plan as necessary to reflect alignment changes � which have occurred during Phase IA and IB, and to reflect the results of Tasks 7 and 8 as modified by Phase IA and IB. (MTC, Kaiser) Task 7.0 BUS/DPM INTEGRATION PLAN Overview Delay in system opening and revision of station locations has necessitated revision of the plan relating bus and DPM services. Sub-Tasks 7.10 Revise DPM/Bus Integration Plan to accommodate final operations plan, route alignment and station locations. (MTC) Task 8.0 FRINGE PARKING Overview Most street and highway issues pertaining to the DPM have been resolved; the primary remaining concern is fringe parking. Sub-Tasks 8.10 Refine schematic design, staged construction and cost estimate for fringe parking facilities and street improvements. (City, BRW) 8.11 Assist t�In/DOT in providing supplemental justification for FAI funding for I,afayette and I-94 Fringe Parking Facilities. (City, BRW) � 8.12 Develop supplemental justification for UI funding for the Smith-Kellogg Fringe Parking facility. (City, BRW) 8.13 Identify right-of-way required for fringe parking facilities and street improvements and describe the process for acquisition. (City) 8.14 Develop alternative financial plans to fund fringe parking. (City, BRW) Task 9.0 SUPPLIER LIAISON; VEHICLE AND SUBSYSTEM CHARACTERISTICS Overview The increased responsibility of the private sector in the project must be reflected in the procurement package. The system specifications, begun previously, must be completed. Sub-Tasks 9.9 Develop a new procurement plan consistent with the changes in program participants and funding sources. Review the plan with UMTA along with the plan for evaluation of system contractor qualifications and formal � - 4A - (9.9) proposals, and revise the plan as necessary. (City, MTC, BRW) 9.10 Complete the procurement bid package including the Technical and Management Support Consultant RFP, the terms and conditions for system supplier specifications, the right-of-way procedures, and the utility procedure. Review with UMTA, and make necessary re- visions. (City, MTC, BRW) 9.11 Prepare the second draft of the technical specification incorpo- rating comments and suggested changes to the initial draft as well as changes necessitated by alignment revisions and station changes. Conduct a workshop, including individual interviews, with the po- tential system contractors to receive their comments on the speci- fications and their proposed modifications, if any, to the speci- fications. Review the second draft with UMTA, make any final mod- ifications and prepare final version of system specifications. (City, MTC, Kaiser) 9.12 Re-notify all eligible system suppliers of project status, scope of work, and project schedules. (MTC) 9.13 Continue Task 9.2 by offering eligible suppliers opportunities for project briefings. (City, MTC) , - 5 - 9.14 Continue Task 9.4 by providing working papers, meeting notices, and . other relevant information to all interested parties, including project orientation for the Transportation and Development Corporation. (City, MTC) Task 10.0 SYSTEM SAFETY AND PERFORMANCE ASSURANCE Overview Public safety and system reliability have received special emphasis throughout the work to date. Efforts on these subjects at this stage of the project will be directed toward assuring an adequate integration of safety and reliability concerns with other project elements. Sub-Tasks ' 10.3 Review and refine as necessary the System Safety Program Plan. Review the UMTA comments on the draft safety system assurance, and system verification specifications, modify the specifications as appropriate and prepare a second draft for inclusion in the system specifications in Task 9. Following review by UMTA, modify as appropriate and prepare final version of specification sections. Prepare the statement of work sections giving the safety, assurance and verification requirements, review with UMTA, modify and finalize. (Kaiser) Task 11.0 GUIDEWAYS Overview Although primary guideway issues have been resolved, modifications to the alignment have been made; more are possible. In addition, the utility and acquisition , , implications of the selected guideway alignment must be documented. Sub-Tasks 11.33 Modify the guideway alignment as required by the EIS process and by changes in development along the route. Prepare revised plan and profile drawings reflecting the alignment changes for use in Task 17. (Kaiser/ABAM) 11.34 Prepare Utilities Relocation Report including a description of the process for utility relocation, identifying permits required, etc. for all utilities. (City, TKDA) 11.35 Prepare Right-of-Way Report including the process for property acquisition, obtaining easements, obtaining permits, etc. as required. (City�, TKDA) Task 12.0 STATION SCHEMATIC DESIGNS Overview Refinement of station concept is necessary to assure functional adequacy of design. In addition, changes in some station locations and changes in development adjacent to stations requires additional development work. ' - 6 - Sub-Tasks " 12.24 Gather missing site information and document with plans, sections, and elevations; collect missing utility information; collect system information from potential suppliers and define the space require- ments for system-oriented functions. (BRW) 12.25 Review existing schematic designs and establish preliminary construction budget for stations; finalize conceptual designs, including functional relationships, circulation patterns, compliance with existing standards, three-dimensional drawings and models, and consultation and review with structural and mechanical engineers. Review final schematic package with project coordination team with UMTA. (City, BRW,, TKDA, W&0) 12.26 Develop architectural systems, including basic structural/design modules, basic interior and exterior materials, massing and elevations, and integration of structural, mechanical/electrical drawings with station designs. (BRW, TKDA, W&0) 12.27 Prepare preliminary design development package for UMTA review, revise as necessary, and prepare final station design package. (City, BRW) Task 13.0 PATRON SECURITY PLANNING Overview Based upon UMTA review of previous patron security planning work and the availability of a greater level of detailed information, additional patron security planning is necessary. Sub-Tasks 13.10 Prepare Patron Security Plan and submit to UMTA for review and comment• Modify as required to reflect review comments and produce final plan. (MTC, Kaiser) Task 14.0 ADVANCE GUIDEWAY AND STATION ENGINEERING Overview This task covers the integration of DPM construction with private development and provides for special engineering tasks that are not normally associated with preliminary engineering. Sub-Tasks 14,3 Continue to provide necessary design engineering services as requested and approved by the St. Paul Department of Planning and Economic Development and the project director. (Kaiser, BRW) 14.4 Provide legal descriptions for easements through public and private development for DPM system to protect the required envelope. (City) 14.5 Conduct preliminary soils/geologic survey of route alignment and document results. (City , BRW) � - � - Task 17.0 COST ESTIMATES � ' Overview Changes in project schedule and physical configuration require that cost estimates and the attendant documentation be brought up to date. Sub-Tasks 17.10 Update the capital cost estimates to reflect the route alignment modifications, station configuration changes, and revised program schedule. (Kaiser) 17.11 Conduct value engineering assessments of major system elements, materials and project implementation techniques (i.e. fast-tracking) where it is appropriate to do so for a baseline system. (MTC, City, Kaiser) 17.12 Update operating and maintenance cost estimate to reflect modifications in operations plan resulting from alignment changes. Develop estimate for those first year O&M costs which are reimbursable by UMTA as unusual and one time start-up costs. (Kaiser) 17.13 Update right-of-way appraisals and obtain second appraisal to meet UMTA requirements. (City) Task 20.0 PROJECT SCHEDULE Overview Changes in approval dates for the project require that new schedules be developed and maintained. � � Sub-Tasks 20.5 Refine the project schedule for Phase II of the DPM demonstration based upon local and federal reviews and approvals of the Implementation Plan, Environmental Impact Statement, capital grant application, and the City, MTC and legislative authorization to proceed with the demonstration. (MTC, Kaiser, BRW) Task 21.0 FINANCIAL PLAN AND CASH FLOW ANALYSIS Overview The financial plan previously developed for the project is no longer applicable because of the action of the Minnesota Legislature. This task will allow for ' revision of the financial plan to both be consistent with the legislative action, arui to provide for an equitable distribution of the cost burden relative to the benefits received. Sub-Tasks 21.11 Develop a new financial plan to reflect the legislation enacted in the spring of 1980. The plan shall not include any capital funds, or operating deficit funds from the MTC. The financial plan will be approved by the private sector, the city, and UMTA. (City, BRW) � - 8 - 21.12 Prepare implementation plans, programs and funding applications for the station skyway connections and joint development opportunities. � (City, BRW, HSG) 21.13 Develop draft agreements between the St. Paul Transportation and Development Corporation and the city of St. Paul for the funding of capital costs, the funding of operating and maintenance costs, and the management of the project during implementation and operation. (City, BRW, TDC) Task 22.O�ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT/STATEMENT Overview Subsequent to the preparation of the draft EIS and the results of the public hearing, certain environmental issues may be raised, particularly during the review by the several participating federal departments. These issues must be addressed and responded to during this interim period. Sub-Tasks 22.8 Monitor other activities described in this supplemental Scope of Work and respond to any activities that would result in alterations to the draft EIS. (City, BRW) 22.9 Update draft EIS as appropriate. (City, BRW) 22.10 Respond to suggestions provided by the several federal departments involved in the EIS review process. (City, BRW) 22.11 Respond to any issues raised by the Minnesota Environmental Quality Board. (City, BRW) 22.12 Respond to issues raised during the Section (4f) and Section 106 procedures. (City, BRw) Task 23.0 IMPLEMENTATION PLAN (Preliminary Engineering Report) Overview The Final Report - Preliminary Engineering Study (Implementation Plan) is the compilation of all materials needed to initiate final design and system procurement of the DPM. Durinq the course of preliminary engineering there has been considerable discussion as to the development and staging of the several needed procurement bid packages (for selection of system supplier, detailed design of stationary facilities, etc.) . During this interim period, additional work in developing the � most appropriate packages of work activities will expedite the program during design an� construction and keep cost to the minimum. Specifically, the supplemental work under this task will integrate the Phase I, Phase IA and Phase IB tasks and will be incorporated into the following: A. The performance design criteria B. The preliminary plans and specifications for the stations, maintenance and control center C. The division of the system and civil engineering elements into various bid packages and consultant services contracts ,� � - 9 - D. The preliminary operations report J. The financial plan and cash flow report � H. An elderly and handicapped plan A Phase II capital grant amendment will be prepared, processed through the 3(c) Planning Process and submitted to UMTA for approval upon completion of the Phase IB activities. ' -10- �`����� � B. PHASE IB - SUPPLEMENTAL BUDGET ���=� N "w�_'�..�.. The original project budget for Phase I is shown in Table I; the original budget is shown in Table II. Each table indicates an allocation of funds by various project participants. Phase I funds have been completely expended; it is anticipated that Phase IA funds will be expended by August 1, 1980, with the exception of a portion of the funding for the Before and After Study. The detailed supplemental budget necessary to carry on the tasks described in the Phase IB Scope of Work is shown in Table III. The budget summary for Phase IB is as follows: Phase IB Budget Summary (1,000's) MTC $ 9g City of St. Paul 157 Consultant Services 592 Consultant Contingencies 53 Total $901 Remaining Phase IA funds 58 Total new funds $843 The local share of the funding will be provided by the City of St. Paul. �� ,� - 11 - , . 8-5-77 RLP . • TA3L^c I . PHASE I DP21 BUDGET - BY PARTICIPANT ' (in thousands of dollars) CONTRACT MTC CITY MnDOT SERVICES TOTAL I�IGT, ADM & REPORTS 42 37 10 154 2�3 1 Management & Ccordination 18 I5 10 60 103 2 UMTA Liaison 11 3 2 16 3 Coca*nunity Involvement 7 15 32 54 23 Implementation Flan 6 4 60 70 OPERATIODtS 13 22 97 132 4 Ridership Forecast 1 1 33 35 5 2�iarket Analysis . 2 3 22 27 6 DPM Operati.ons Plan 3 2 22 27 7 Bus Integration 5 1 1 7 8 Parking, Streets & Hiqhways 1 14 9 24 13 Personal Security 1 1 10 12 . SYSTEM PERFOFL�lANCE 17 5 55 7? � 9 Supplier Liaison S 3 � 20 3I 10 Safety & Reliability 9 2 35 46 ' � PRELIMINARY DESIGN 25 41 636 702 11 Guideways 10 5 280 295 12 Stations 5 9 2�7 291 14 Advance Enqineering 5 5 24 34 15 Urban Development 5 22 55 82 SOCIAL-ECONOMIC & FINANCE 17 33 137 187 16 Social-Economic 2 6 25 33 17 Cost Estunates 4 4 37 45 18 Benefit-Cost 2 2 32 36 19 Value Capture 3 16 '20 39 20 Schedule 2 1 6 9 21 Financial Plan 4 4 I7 25 ENVIRiONMENTAL IMPACT 6 32 107 145 22 EIA/EIS CONTINGENCY 14 14 TOTAL 120 170 10 1200 150Q � - 12 - �� 11/16/78 - TABLE II PHASE IA SUPPLEMENTAL BUDGET ($1,OOOs) Contract Task P�STC City Mn/DOT Services Total 1 17 9.5 1 12 32 2 * 17 15 1 15 48 2.8 23 19 -- 77 119 3 3 13 -- 8 24 6 1 -- -- 4 5 7 3 1.5 -- 2 6.5 8 1 4 1 18 24 9 14 5 1 11 31 10 .5 -- -- 4 4.5 11 8 4 2 14 28 12 1.5 3 -- 16 20.5 14 1 1 -- 12 14 17 4.5 4.5 -- 14 23 20 .5 .5 -- 1 2 21 4 5.5 -- 13 22.5 22 2.5 11 -- 31 44.5 23 4 4 1 6 15 TOTAL 98 100.5 7 258 463.5 Direct costs for DPM office (secretary, supplies, rent) 27 Consultant contingencies (10�) 26 TOTAL 516.5 * Excludes Task 2.8, the development of an Evaluation Plan (Experimental Design Plan) DRJ/kam 11/16/78 � � � r— � � � � � � � � m � � � - - � �-�- � _ - �_ � o � � � z �-r- � � � � �. L Z o r '" y (� � � � � 4 = � � � Q m � � � p � � � � - � m - R � � � -� o �, � ➢ s _ � g � 3 ?� a3 � � � f � Z � 7�0 � � � � � x �-� � ` D � � � - m � � m _ m Z � � �1 � � N A � � ; � � � � � � � � _m t� � p � � �i � • � m � - 6T - . , . - l.i - • SUPPLEMENTAL BUDGET TABLE III '; ($1,000's) PHASE IB Task # MTC City Contract Service Total 1.0 25 25 52 102 2.0 15 15 79 109 3.0 8 20 10 38 4.0 5 5 5 15 6.0 4 2 5 11 7.0 4 2 - 6 8.0 1 8 15 24 9.0 15 11 98 124 10.0 2 2 9 13 11.0 2 8 35 45 12.0 2 5 95 102 13.0 2 1 4 7 14.0 1 10 73 84 17.0 2 22 22 46 20.0 1 1 4 6 21.0 2 10 58 70 22.0 5 5 24 34 23.0 3 5 4 12 TOTAL 99 157 592 848 Unexpended Contract Amount 58 New Funds 99 157 534 790 Consultant Contingencies (10�) 53 - Total New Funds 843 PHB/meg 6/13/80 �•� -15- ATTACHMENT "A" ����'� . � �;��� � PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND SCOPE OF WORK FOR DESIGN OF THE BEFORE AND AFTER STUDIES PLAN ST. PAUL DOWNTOWN PEOPLE MOVER DEMONSTRATION METROPOLITAN TRANSIT COMMISSION (TWIN CITIES AREA) CITY OF ST. PAUL U.S. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION URBAN MASS TRANSPORTATION ADMINISTRATION) Approved by: DPM Steering Committee December 11, 1978 City of St. Paul December 21, 1978 Metropolitan Transit Commission January 10, 1979 Revised: . - 16 - FOREWORD The program requirements established by the Urban Mass Transportation Administration for powntown People Mover Demonstrations include a before and after study of each implemented system to determine its performance and community impacts. The project described in this document is a part of the required stady for the Saint Paul Downtown People Mover Demonstration. Although the Design of the Before and After Studies Plan for the Saint Paul DPM is one element of Phase IA, Implementation Planning for the project as a whole, the discrete nature of the Before and After Studies Plan and its role relative to the implementation of the DPM require that a separate and more detailed scope of work be prepared. This document provides the description of the work necessary to design the Before and After Studies Plan. The design phase is only the first step in a comprehensive assessment program. The actual execution of the Before and After Studies Plan, which will include data collection and results analysis, will be carried out as a separate activity from the design of the plan. A separate application will be submitted for support of the execution of the plan. ' - 17 - TABLE OF CONTENTS PART I PROJECT DESCRIPTION A. Purpose B. Evaluation Program C. Program and Project Organization PART II SCOPE OF WORK A. Work Tasks A. Management and Coordination B. Coordination with UMTA C. Refinement of DPM Objectives D. Data Collection and Analysis Techniques E. DPM Before and After Studies Plan PART III REFERENCE DOCUNIENTS PART IV BUDGET . - 18 - DOWNTOWN PEOPLE MOVER DEMONSTRATION PART I - PROJECT DESCRIPTION A. PURPOSE The Downtown People Mover (DPM) Demonstration Program for St. Paul is intended to implement those regional policies of the Metropolitan Council adopted to help revitalize the Metropolitan Center of St. Paul and at the same time demonstrate for national evaluation the technical, social and economic feasibility of a simple horizontal elevator-type transit system operating in an urban environment. The DPM Before and After Studies Program will be a structured evaluation of the DPM Demonstration, designed to permit the objective assessment of the performance of the DPM system and its effects on the urban area's characteristics. B. EVALUATION PROGRAM The Before and After Studies will be conducted in accordance with UMTA's "Impact Assessment Program". The Before and After Studies Program will be divided into two phases: Design of the Before and After Studies Plan, and Implementation of the Before and After Studies Plan. This first phase will provide the foundation for the actual before and after studies. The primary product will be a document which contains the plan for assessing the St. Paul DPM. It will include the necessary procedures, technigues, and forms for accomplishing the required evaluation, as well as establishing the necessary level of effort and schedule. C. PROGRAM AND PROJECT ORGANIZATION , The Metropolitan Transit Commission (MTC) has responsibility for DPM program administration during preliminary engineering. UMTA management will be conducted by the Office of Planning, Management, and Demonstration (UPM) and responsibilities will include project monitoring, review and approval of applicable grantee activities. The present DPM Steering Committee will provide overall direction of the project. The MTC will be responsible for overall project management and for the technical supervision. The city of St. Paul will provide management and technical support. The DPM projects present Technical Task Force, Community Advisory Committee, and Urban Development Committee will also provide guidance to the assessment program. Because this activity is a portion of the Implementation Planning Phase of the DPM Demonstration, it will be carried out by the existing consultant team. PART II - SCOPE OF WORK A series of work tasks has been developed by type of activity rather than type of skill or discipline. Within each task a series of sub- tasks is described to indicate the nature of the activity and to suggest a sequence of events. - - 19 - This work program includes suggested tasks to be accomplished by the entire team; agency staff participants and consultants. Primary and ' major responsibilities are identified for each task. Task A. MANAGEMENT AND COORDINATION Overview As one element of the Implementation Planning Phase of the DPM Demonstration Project, management of the Design of the Before and After Studies Plan will be carried out in the same manner as for other DPM activities, by the existing DPM Steering Committee, the city of Saint Pual, and the Metropolitan Transit Commission. Sub-Tasks A-1 Obtain notice to proceed from UMTA A-2 Adopt the existing project management and the committee organizations. Provide overall direction to the project through the Steering Committee to the Project Director and Deputy Director. A-3 Establish technical activity procedures, administrative procedures, consultant team/agency relationships and assignments; and relation- ships with UMTA, per Task B. A-4 Adapt the established cost control and project monitoring procedures to this assessment project. A-5 Provide continuous supervision and review of work program. A-6 Assure effective communications with the Technical Task Force. Responsibility The MTC will have responsibility for federal grant administration and overall project administration. BRw/Kaiser will ass�st in reporting on work progress. Task B. COORDINATION WITH UMTA Overview The Before and After Studies Program will be carried out with the cooperation and oversight of UMTA's Office of Techbology Development and Deployment (UTD) and Office of Planning, Management, and Demonstrations (UPM) . Because UMTA has responsibility for developing transferable conclusions _ from this site specific evaluation, it is imperative that adequate communications exist between UMTA and local agencies during the design phase of the before and after studies plan. Sub-Tasks B-1 Review Impact Assessment Program Plan for powntown People Mover Demonstratio Projects with the Steering Co�nittee and technical team. ' - 20 - B-2 Establish appropriate liaison procedures with UTD and UPM. ' B-3 Review UMTA DPM program objectives (see Task C-1) . B-4 Review the development of criteria and information needs based upon objectives (see Tasks C-3 & C-4) . B-5 Review statistical techniques (see Task D-4) . B-6 Review general assessment procedure for compliance with UMTA's needs (see Task E-1) . Task C REFINEMENT OF DPM OBJECTIVES Overview During the development of the DPM Demonstration Program, a number of objectives for DPM systems have been developed. Some of these have been established at the federal level and are related to the national interest in the DPM program; others have been developed at the local level to guide the development of the project in Saint Paul. Evaluation of the success of the project against these objectives will require that the federal and local objectives be reconciled and expressed as criteria which lend themselves to measurement. Sub-Tasks C-1 Compile and review DPM project objectives as established by federal and local agencies and contained in DPM program and project documentation. ' � C-2 Develop a complete and concise set of criteria which incorporate the measurable aspects of those objectives, drawing upon the "Impact Assessment Program" C-3 Compile a comprehensive set of data and information needed to reflect performance relative to the identified criteria. C-4 Prepare a technical memorandum explaining presenting the identified criteria and explaining the process used in their development. Responsibility BRW/Kaiser with support from both the city and the MTC. Task D DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS TECHNIQUES Overview Based upon the results of the preceding task and the availability of DPM and urban area data, a plan for collection and analysis of data will be developed. This plan will specify the data needs, data sources and responsibilities for supplying it, and statistical techniques for analysis of data. ,� - 21 - Sub-Tasks • ' D-1 Review results of the DPM feasibility study, and other information pertaining to the study area, to identify the existing data which satisfies parts of the need for this evaluation. D-2 Specify the additional information necessary to fulfill all data needs, identify sources and methods of acquisition for such data, and determine appropriate roles and responsibilities in data acquisition. D-3 Determine optimum statistical techniques for data reduction to yield results in the most useful form. D-4 Design appropriate survey instruments and data manipulation forms. D-5 Prepare a technical memorandum containing the results of this task. Responsibility BRW/Kaiser. Task E DPM BEFORE AND AFTER STUDIES PLAN Overview The elments of the preceding tasks will be integrated into a comprehensive plan to be followed to carry out the assessment of the DPN1 system. Sub-Tasks E-1 Design an overall procedure for before and after studies, including a definition of roles, responsibilities, and levels of effort by participating organizatiqns, and a schedule related to the implementation schedule of the DPM. E-2 Compile a before and after studies manual which describes the assessment plan. It will contain and relate the results of the preceding tasks in a manner which will guide staff and contractors in the implementation phase of the program. It will also serve as the final product of this first phase. Responsibilsty BRW/Kaiser . - 22 - , �''��� � .r:i ��..;':�,_ :.`�� PART III REFERENCE DOCUMENTS Experimental Design Plan for the Downtown People Mover Demonstration Projects UMTA-DC-06-0162-77-1 Proposal for a Downtown People Mover System, City of St. Paul, Minnesota MTC Report 76-08, June, 1976 Project Description and Scope of Work for Preliminary Engineering and Related Activities, St. Paul Downtown People Mover Demonstration, MTC, St. Paul, US DOT, July 12, 1977 Project Description and Scope of Work for Preliminary Engineering and Related Activities, St. Paul Downtown People Mover Demonstration, March 3, 1977 Safety and Reliability Reports Final Report, Preliminary Engineering Study for a Downtown People Mover System in St. Paul Impact Assessment Program, Cambridge Systematics fi. �� 7� e,•� ' Gw�t,c.Q � _-- �'�,��_� 1.�-,,�,r COUNCIL RESOLUTION 2� ��" �' �� O ' -�° �i-� • � �IEN�/N6 7%fE � E OLUTION AUTHORIZING AMENDMENT V TO INT POWERS AGREEMENT R DOWNTOWN PEOPLE MOVER TRANSIT SYSTEM PRELIMINARY EPdGINEERING �H►4z� ScoPE OF u10�K �-�'v �vdt-T �IND �y7yp,�iZi.t/6 n�-°rid�9l�aiy'or A[.,7�,P�fP�S �y� ST�F2/�(o CP�sY9�f i�E� �'!E�/BF,�S WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul and the Metropolitan Transit Commission (MTC) entered into a Joint Powers Agreement, dated June 21 , 1977, pursuant to authority of Minnesota Statutes Section 471 .59 and Resolution CF 268932, providing for the Preliminary Engineering Phase of the Saint Paul People Mover system; and WHEREAS, pursuant to City Council Authorization said agreement has been a,nended on January l0y and June 22, 1978, April 4, 1979 an� JunE 26, j930 ta expand the Scope of Work, increase the funding and extend the time of said agreement; and WHEREAS, the D.P.M. Steering Committee on June 25;�1980 approved an amended Scope of Work, and budget to complete the preliminary engineering phase of the ,�� �atoo,a��`°�s.rq.�.�i�c�s��. project; and recommended an amendment to the joint powerS agreement�which would ��'��`�`� authorize members of the Steering Committee to designate alter�rrates to represent them at committee meetings; and WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul and the Metropolitan Transit Commission des7re to amend said agreement to complete the preliminary engineering phase of the Saint Paul downtown people mover demonstration project; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Saint Pau1 City Council : 1 . Approves the Phase IB Scope of Work and amended budget and authorizes the P+I.T.C. to execute and submit a grant amendment to the Urban Mass Transportation Administration on behalf of the City/MTC Joint Powers. ��'���� -2- 2. The proper City offices are hereby authorized and directed to execute an amendment to the joint powers agreement for preliminary engineering and related work which includes the Phase IB Scq�e of Work and the amended budget therefore, an authorization to Steering Committee members to designate alternates to attend meetings of the co�an�ttee, amendment of the consultant contracts,provides for the local share of funding in connection with the grant _amendment, and provides for an extension of the term of the joint powers agreement to July 1, 1981 or the completion of the wark whichever is earlier. � 3. Agrees to provide the local share of funding c�f up to but not to exceed $169,000 as a cash contribution. 4. The City Clerk is hereby directed to transmft 'a copy of this resolution to the Chairman of the M.T.C. `