275208 WHITE - CITV CLERK - �y,���[� PINK j� FINANCE � 1 � x CANARV - DEPARTMENT COII[ICIl V , 7 GLUE - MAYOR GITY O ' INT PAUL File NO. `� . esolution . Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WI�REAS, The Division of Hausi�g an.d Builcling Code Enforce�rnnt has requested the City Coin�.cil to hold a public hearing to cansicler the advisability and necessity of the correctian or wrecking and removal of the followir�g deseribed buildings, said struct�es ha.v�ng been reported to constitute a public hazard: 738 Jessie Ex N 0 6/10 Ft to 0 9/10 Ft Mol of Vacant an.d boarded E 89 35/100 Ft of W 90 75/100 Ft; Ywuse and garage Lot 22, Blk 16, Stinsans Additian 4JHEREAS, it appears that as of Jtme 6, 1980 the last record awners of said buildings are Iarry G. Craig and Marie Craig, last lm.oc�..address 738 Jessie, St. Paul, MIV, Fee Owners. There are no mortgages or liens of record. �RF�S, the Divisian of Housing an.d Buildi� Code EnforcemPa.lt, an beha.lf of the City Council did notify by mail the above noted parties of interest at their last �mawn address; WHEREAS, a public hearing was held by and before the Cauncil of the City of Saint Paul in the Crnmcil Q�nbers of the Gourt H��use in said City at 10:00 a.m. om Th�sda.y, July 3, 1980 to cansider the advisability and necessity of ordering tl� correctian or wrecking and re�mval of said structures an the above described property inasmauch as said stru�ctures are reported to canstitute hazards to public health, safety and welfare; WI�REAS, u�an the facts presented at the sa.i.d hearing eansisting of photographs, inspection reports and the reca�rnen.da.tion of the Builcling Depart�rent, it is further cleternrined that the abave building canstitute hazarctious buildings within the clefini- tion of Mitmesota. Sta.tutes 463.15 for the follawu�,g reasans: 1. The buildings are a vacant and boarcled hause and garage; � 2. The subject property has been boa.rd,ed up by the City and the Owner since Nove�nber 9, 1979; COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: CA lt S@TV1C [n Favor _ __ Against BY . Form A proved by it Attor ey Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary B �'' �"« `L�- �''lC' �^C�` � � Bv �. Approved by Mayor: Date _ App d y Mayor fo ' s o ncil , BY - �— BY WHITE — CITV CLERK (���{��� PINK � FINANCE COUIICIl � N CANARV -�DEPARTMENT G I TY OF SA I NT PA.0 L � � d�LUE -.MAVOR File NO. Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date 4. If the City of Sa.int Paul is com�elled to tak�e any correctiv+e action herein, all necessary costs expended by the City will be assessed against the abave dzscribed rea.l esta.te and collected as other taxes; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that a certified copy of this resolutian and incorporated Orcler herein be served u�an the la.st record o�mers of the abave cleseribed property in the n�mer provi.ded by law. -3- COUIVCILME[V Requested Department of: Yea�unt Nays � �evine In Favor � �— McMahon showatter - __ Against BY Tedesco �,� Wilson 1�Q Adopte y Coun ' Date JUL 3 1,0� Form AQproved by City torney / �/ .�:!'' C ified Y� ;ed b .il Se�etary BY�1�`�Lu �1 �'��u"` `- �'- l�' �'G y , App d y Mavoc a e _ ��� � ' pr e by Mayor for Su m' ion t�o Council BY - — BY �l�IS#�ED ,1 U L 1 � i980 _ , • ����� , ,��`tTY �" ,, CITY OF SAINT PAUL : o � DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY 5ERVICES �i°° ^° DIVISION OF HOUSiNG AND BUILDING CODE ENFORCEMENT r ... City Hall,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 ! George Latimer 612-298-4212 Mayor Juiy i, i98o . Mr. F�resident and Members of the City CQLmci1 • RE: 738 Jessie File #3566 Honorable Co�ci 1: The Division of Housing` arid' �:ilding -Code Enforcement is� hereby submitting its repart on the condit�on of �the st�ctures. at .t}te: lo.catiion r�eferred to �boue.. - The owner of record is the fee owner, Larry G. Craig ET AL, 738 Jessie Street, St. Paul, D�i 55101. � The legal description of the property is: Ex N 0 6/10 Ft to 0 9/10 Ft Nbl of E 89 35/100 Ft of W 90 75/100 Ft; Lot 22, Blk 16, Stinsons Addition. Parcel code 01-72500-222-16. The buildings are a vacant and board.ed house and garage. The subject property has b�en boarded up the the City and the owner since November 9, 1979. This building is full of fire rubble, garbage, rubbish and debris. It is boarded and no apparent attempts have been made to rehabilitate, board or clean out the building. Inasmuch as the conditions outlined above constitute a public hazard and the owner has made no attempt to satisfactorily repair the damage .despite our warnings, and the continued vacant and boarded up condition contributes a blighting influence on the neighborhood, it is the recommendation of this Division that this matter be referred to the City At�Corney's office for razing and removal through District Court proceedings. You Y, . Eric o Supervisor of Code Enforcement GAE:TAS:bmf cc: Messrs. George Latimer, Mayor Walter A. Bowser, Asst. City Attorney Dan Norrgran, Fire I��a.rshal F. Staffenson, Housing Code L. Levine, CoLmcilman �� r ' � ' 2����$ 3. This builclixzg is full of fire rubble, garbage, rubbish and debris; 4. It is boarcled and no apparent atteqnpts have been ma.de to rehabilita.te, board or clean out th,e build.in,g; 5. The canditians outlin�d above canstitute a public hazard; 6. '1'h�e continued vacant and boarded up co�dition ccm.tributes a blighting influ�nce on the neighborhood; naRa, therefore, be it, RESOLVED, That in accordan.ce with Mumesota. Sta.tutes 463.15 thraugh 463.25, and based upan the foregoing findings of the City CoLU�.cil, the Crnmcil of the City of Saint Paul does hereby m� the follawir�.g Order: ORDER 1. The owners of the abo�ve deseribed buildings shall make the sa�e safe an.d not detrinien.tal to the public pea.ce, health, safety and welfare by having the said buildings razed and the materia.ls therefram re�oved from the premises within thirty (30) days fram the date of the service of this Orcler: 2. Unless such. corrective actian is t� to comply with this Order or an answ�x serv+ed upon the City of Saint Paul am.d filed in the office of the Clerk of the I7istrict Caurt of Ramsey Cotm.ty, Mirnzesota. witivn twen.ty (20) days fram the da.te of the servi.ce of this Order, a Motian for s�mmoary enforcement of this Order to raze and remr�ve the said buildin�.swill be made to the Ramsey Cotmty I7istrict Cot�t; 3. In the ev�nt that the builclings are to be razed by the City of Sa.int Paul pursuan.t to jud,�lt of the I7istrict Court, all persvnal property or f�t�es of any kind which may Lmreasana.bly interfere with the razing an.d remr�val of these buildings shall be r�d within ten (10) days fram the entry of jwdgnen.t; an.d if xlot so re�nved, the City of Saint Paul shall re�ve and dispose of such person,al property and fixtures as provided by law; -2-