275193 WHITE — C17V CLERK I'a'i
File N .
� nce Ordinance N 0. I �V1� /
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
An ordinance amending Section 117. 10 of the
St. Paul Legislative Code, pertaining to vehicles
in the parks.
Section 1.
That Section 11'7.10 of the Saint Paul Legislative
Code be and the same is hereby amended to read:
- 117. 10. Vehicles. Subdivision 1. Certain trucks
rohibi ed in � arks. The parks in all their par s are
cons ruc ed or t e benefit and use of the public; but
no person shall drive, operate or keep in any park any
truck, as defined in Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 169,
which is normally used for or actually used for a com-
mercial purpose or any truck which is licensed by the
State of Minnesota for a gross weight in excess of
9,000 pounds.
Subd. 2. Re ulation of vehicles. The director
may roh�bi�b re u ation some or all ve ic es o an
kin or descrip ion wi in e oun aries o any park,
and restrict all or any drives, roads, walks, pa hs and
the like to the en 'o ent and use of edestrians
bicyc is s, or s eci ied vehicles. He shal cause
�p ro ria e signs o e erec e or remove so as o
designate clearly the restric ed area or areas.
Subd. 3. Violation; penalty; confiscation and sale.
Any person violatin� an of the- re ulations established
ursuant to Subdivision 2 shall be uil of a misdemeanor.
'o ovi ion
COU(VCILMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays
�x McMahon
�xWilson In Favor
Levine Against BY
Tedesco Form Approved by City Attorney
Adopted by Council: Date
Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY
Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Gouncil
gy By
, I�(���
e° � ��
`+H �`� 1 ��
Page 3.
If answer is filed as and within the time herein provided,
the court shall fix a time for hearin�, which shall be
not less than ten nor more than thirt daYs after the
tlme for filin answer ex ires. At the time so fixed
for hearing, unless continued for cause, the ma ter
shall be heard and determined b the court without
a jury, as in other civil actions. If he cour shall
find tha he ro erty or an art hereof was used
in any such viola lon as speci ied in he com ain ,
he shall order the propertY so unlawfully used, sold
as herein provided, unless the owner shall show to
the satisfaction of the court that he had no notice
or knowled�e or reason to believe that the ro ert
was used or intended to be used in an such violation.
The officer makin� an such sale after deducting he
expense of keepin� the property, the fee for seizure,
and the cos s of the sale, shall pay all liens
according to their riorit , which are established
at the hearin� as bein� bona fide and as existin�
without the lienor havin� an notice or knowled�e
that such property was bein� used or was intended
to be used for or in connection with an such violation
as specified in the order of the court, and shall
pay the balance of the proceeds into the city
treasur,y. An,y sale under the provisions of this
section shall operate to free the propert sold
from any and all liens thereon, and appeal from
such order of court will lie to the supreme court
as in other civil actions. At an time after
seizure of the articles specified in this subdivision,
and before the hearing herein rovided for, the
pro�erZ��.l be re urned o he owner or person
havin� a legal righ o possession� ereo , upon
execu�ion by him o�a good anc�Iid '�ond� ��ie
a e of Minneso a wi corpora e sure y, in e
sum o no ess an 0 an no more an ou e
e va ue o e proper y seize o e approve y
e cour in w ic the case is triable, or a 'udge
thereof conditioned to abide an order and the
judgmen of he cour and o Pay the full value
ot e proper y a �1 e'�'ime o ' seizuxe.
SRN,qtiV�'DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PALTL F le ci1NO. �y.� Q �� �f�,4^.�
Or in�nce Ordinance NO. 1 C��Q�7
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
Page 4.
Section 2.
This ordinance shall be deemed a part of the Saint
Paul Legislative Code, and shall be incorporated therein
and given an appropriate chapter and�or section number
at the time of the next revision of said Legislative Code.
Section 3.
This ordinance shall take effect and be in force
30 days from and af ter its passage, approval and publication.
COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays
�xWilson In Favor
Levine 4 Against BY
Tedesco JUL 17 1980 Form Ap�FQved by City Attorney
Adopted b ou il: Date � �
Cert' ed Pa ed Counc?1 cretary BY
A r v by Mayor: ate �, � ��� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Coun il
By By
��� J U L 2 6 1980
� �
Park Commissions, duly passed and en-�
tered of record in their minutes", and S�Ci`SON 2
ix�sert in lieu ti�ereof "by order of the T�t �id ordinance, as amended, be after 1ts pa�,
director". and the sa.me is hereb tion.
amended b Y further
-R�- SECTI�N 6 Y inserting in Section 7 Adopted b;
under the head.ing "Skilled Labor", � 1974.
In Sections 117.09 and 117.15, delete i House�Custo�abetical order, the title
the p1u'ase 'in their employ' and in- � n". Y�as—'Cou�
sert fn each in lieu thereof "in his ���e �Oei
�pl�y•� SECZTO�T 3 dettt (Iiunt)•
That said ordiaance as amended, ,be Nays—.p,
SECTIpN 7 and the same is hereby further amend- APProved
��`-. In Sectioa 117.10, Subidivis5on 1, de- the bheadin rtin.g in Section 7 under
]ete the phrases"any Park Com g Special Employments��, I
er" and �such commissioner",�Slon- in proper alphabrtical order, the title
- sert in lieu of each the word,�s d �� House Custodian III^, �
director". "the
S'ECTSON 4 . —
SECTION 8 Th�s ordinance shall take effect and Council File
In Section 117.13, delete the be � fO�e on the flrst day of the&rst 157°.,�---ay
"Pazk Commissioner, or p�'ase payroll period following thirty days
tendenY', and insert �e Superin_ a�fter its passage, approval, �d Att ordin
- "director". � lieu thereof cation. Publi- No. 7607, pa
SECTION 9 Adopted by the Council December 26, ��� orrii�
�'henever used 1974, responsibili�
117.27, the �.ord 'director�"tlme 117A1- 4ualificatioi
director of the Department of�C me Yeas--iCouncilmen�Christensen,Iiozza, _ � Position
�'; munity Services, and the word "ve- Le�ne, Roedler, Tedesco, Mme. Presi- °� �e �ity
dent (Hunt)-6, approved F
- hicle" means every device in, u on, or Nays—p,
- or ma ch any person or property � Approved December 27, 1974. The Cour
s��i'+' whether for use upon ea hir drawn, Does Ordai
not. Bhway or LAWR'EIVK,"E D. COHETT,
�� SECTION 10 (January 4, 1975) That Ori
This ordinance shall take effect and - February ]
<.. be in force thirt the same ii
,; after its assa e,a (30) days from and Council Fi]e No. 2847 S�i1�ing ov
tion. p g PProval and publica- 157 04—Ordinance No. for IipUis
;�,,. �--$y Victor J, Tedesco— COAVLI�r.Fx
Adopted by t}ie Council December 2B, An ordinance amendin
' 1974. No. 6446, entitled: g Ordinance
_' Yeas—Co�cilmen Christensen, Hozza, theACOmdministrative ordinance fixin.g ed bat �i
±�. Levine, Roedler, Tedesco, Mme. Presi- pensation rates of certain cit and the sa
dent (Hunt)-6, y for tlie tft.'
Nays—p, Positions and employments,•�
�lpproved December 27,lgyq, aPProved January 23, 19�5, as amended. M°'N and
stitutfng 3
. LAWI3ENCE D. COHEN, The Council o�the City of Saint Paul n�' speci
Mayor. Does Ordain: Title of c:
(January 4, 1975) SDCTION 1 C�
That Ordfnance No. 84gg, a Duties an�
Janua PProved _ under s�
I'3' 23� 1923, as amended, be and care attc
Council File No:2647p3—,prd�ance NQ. the same is hereby further amended Comple:
15755-�Y Victor J. Tedesco— bY striking out of Section II, Special work as
Employments, the following 1ine: Examples
An ordinance amending Ordinance "Houseman— To supe:
s: No• 32�Q entitied: �Civil Center Complex 2.75 an hour" involve�
"Att administrative ord�inance relat- and cus
�= in8 to the Civil Service Comrnisslan SECT,IQN 2 ter Co�
s and the Civil Service Otfice of the City That said ordinance as amended, be gS°�'
of Saint �aul approving and adopting and the same is hereby,further amend- Ta �Pe
� rules and regulations necessary to �e ed by inserting in Section II Special volved
administrarion of the City personne] EmP1Os'ments, in proper alp{�abetical bleache
� _ system on a merit basis," order, the following lines; boards,
approved Augttst 20, 1914, as amended. ��xouse Custodian I ., baskett
House Custodian III ....4.6 an hour" et bpo
"' The Council af the City of Saint Pau] floor ci
�� Does Ordain: Ta a���
_ �, AF7CTlON 3 in preF
S�3CTION i That said ordinance, as amended, be To arn
and the same is hereby further amend- quired
That Ordinance No. 3250, approved ed by inserting in Section II, Group D, To noti
Au'gust 20, 1914, as amended,be and the in proper alphabetical order, the fol- regard
•�" same is hereby further amended by �owirug line: equipn
� striking out, where it appears in Sec- `House Custodian II down�
tion 9 under the heading ••5� pecia] Em- ............425" To m�
p�oYments". the title of Houseman— includl
Civic Center Complex, and insert' S�C��4 (invoi�
in lieu thereof the title House Cns�- Th� ordinance shall take e8ect and 1'o supi
todian I", be in force on the first day of the first tenanc
payroll period following thirty days sweepi
and d�
. .,;
: ,_
, r
,. � . � ". <; .. , , �
� . .
` ' ' OM 01:� I�/2�7�5
�' - `Rev.: 9j8/76
� • , �
. • • ; ��
Date: June il, 1980 . .
_ . ;
: :;�� C� ���`� `
, . . ; ;
� . TO: M�YDR- GEOR�E LATIMER �UN 1 1` �
FR: Ci t,3� Attt�r.ney `��� � �
. RE: Chapter 1�:7;�, Legislative Co�.e : _
,:: �
. ,
,_ �
` •�
" , - �
S�:b�a�ssion to council of ordinance 'to amend Sie�tion '
�17.10 of the Legisl�.tiue Code ° �
, _
, ,;
_ _ > .
�� _ ..<, ,�
- �s
. _ ..�
_ . �
. .
. : ; . _
�t aPg�a�rs from an inspection of th� 'reEOrda �}��t �� ' .
' Q�dinanee was pa�aed. in September of' 1976 whieh h8d �� . "`4
its fntent to amend -only subdivision 1 0� �eetibn i�.7.i#�., , ' �
` ` having to do with :�er�ain 'trucks prohtbi�Qd in �arka.
As` tl�,� ordinance reads, however, it s�em� to r�peal $�eo
s�ubd�.visi�ons 2 anci 3, �hich were ena�ted ;�� Q�rdina,nce
� 257��, �eeember 27, 197�4. 3'his propo�e.d �rdina��e ,�il.� '
cl�ar ug 'a,ny ambiguity reg8rding the eFi�.�eti'ven�ss o�' �
s�bdivi�i:ons 2 and 3. � . ��:-�
_ P�aposed o�dinance; copy oT Urdi:�anee DTP. 16089, ' Sept;,
' ��U�, 1�'fi6; eopy of Ordinanae i5�53, Dec. 24, 19?41
� ,
,. -
l � �
.., _ .
. �
. - lst �— f -- r� � 2nd �'- �' ��
"7 �
3rd / — L' � �.� Adopted / - / �- ��
Yeas Nays
H� ��51 Q3 � �
. . F .� � . .. . � � ..
. . . . � . ' . . .. � .� /���� 1 -_. .
w►i�TE - C�TV CLCwn � � . � � . � .. . � . � � . . . . .
a�uE„ —wwrow OF ,�`A j N7C �A�71i� Coucsejl
� �
�::�.° � Fi1e N 0. a
' � � ��"�������� o�s��x N 0.
Presented By -----
Referred To `>�3
�; Committee: Date
Out of Committee By i�t
An ordinance a:nending Chapter 117
cf the St. Paul- Legislative Code. .
Section 1.
Section 117.10 of the Saint Paul Leqielative Code is h
aioended to read as follows; erQby
117. 10 --- g�eQ�se-i�e}��ea��-8����, Certain Trucks
_ Prohibited in the Pa�ks. -
The �a�# rks in all #�,s t�2eir g�rta �es
are cons�tructed for the ber�� i� ��d use of
the public; hut ��c-�����-c��-� �
� t�e-ges��-si�a�3�-�e--�s�-a�A , _�e�-�m� �
ea���e � - �► _ � � �s�er�e-#� �
� _ �..�1 Q�t�c���e-�e?��e�e9-s�
e�-��ce���g-��E�9-��:��s-� - � �
���- � �-��-�:��g�-e�
, �e?���-er-��a�_fe�-p����e�-��-
a��2 no g�rcon shall dri�e� cpx`�e or �.�ee��in�
anv� a�� an �suc z� c.c�ir�ed i� �f:n�es�ta .
,�Statut�� C�� ter Y69 wh ch�� a norn�a Y
or es actua use or a cc�.,: ..i c�a � used . .
Qr an tre�c �h c is censed ~v t e S�atese
o � nnesota for a �ross �e
�,f�c�0 s�ur� ' s. �f�- a�t a� eXCess of
i�x�-��_e�se-be- ��r��_�-�i�e-r�s-�-t�ie �
. ese� � Perse�se-e�-���e�ee#s
. �'eor�e-eA-�er�e�ee�et,e�rid_��e-�e��3�e-eere-d�f .
. i
COUNC[Lhf�N - 1
B NeYs Requested bY DePE►ctcs�n;t Qf:
��,�� [n Favctr
roc�:cr A�aii�st By
•,`V�.AO . . .
irr9 L�• C�:».^il: L> ' r �•� " �i:--:AffQ:��•
vie �'ma !'��., -ci -s�
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`_ f �`
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i e.�i��"�:`m �" Ti 'C4 fCS �" c..�,.,—..: E:C::.�
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PINK � CIENK , � .. - . _ .
� FINANCE � - . . � . � - � . . . , .. �
� �ANAFY� DEPAqTMENT � - ' nr
ewe „ _ M��oR CITY OF SAINT PAUL �G•l}��83
File �J Q,
Minance N 0.
Presented By �
Referred To
Committee: Date
Out of Committee By
- Date
� Page 2�
perse�-ee-ae#�g-sne�- �deetr#er�e,---�+iref�.
pat�s-s�a�� - _ e�rfvee-er-rfdee-er-�r#d�e .
er-ridi� - T e� te-t�ie-ra�e-ef-epeed-ef-dr#�#�9
g t�iereeriT-Q�d-ee-te-t�e-n�etr#r�g-er
dr#vfr�g-e�-er-eteppis�g-ar�Y-�re�e�e -
tena�-#�-eese�s-dr#ree-er-��edefl _ s �erse-er
er�d-s�n��-e�e�►-ti�e-eraere- T be-ea��eet-�eT
n�Y-i�ar�s-He�ssfer�es _ _er�d-dfreetie�s�
. eeris�eeted-�t�-t�e- T er �eeP�i-qr-eff��
pe�fee-feree- _ P��T er-as�Y-�er-ef-t�ie _
eri datYT-w�er�erer-�-}��..fnd
ef-sne�-een��safer�esT-eff�eer- - -�
. enfetY-er-eenees�ier�ee-ef-t °! �rT-t�
drfMCS-er-rfdee- _ �eee-eef�g-s�e� �
ei�n�� reqa��eRn-�e9s--rete-ef
�Aeed-ti�n�-t�at-et-e+�sfeh-sme�- _
-etrfdfr�g-dr-�fdfng,-er-t�et- P�rser� e���-i�e
e�-er-�tap; �e-�ri�►e-er-�rfde
� �
Section 2,
This ordinance shall take effect and be in for
C30) daye after ita. passage, approval and ce thirty
, . ;-��'��.
. . �. -
_ ,��3
� �,,,. � -�,,,�;
Ye�c � �
Butler Nays R uested Departa�ent of:
��� � [n Favor
�+w�► O
Rucdler ----� Against By
Sylresle� -,.,Y;
Adupted by Councii: Date �� :� Q �� �orw ApP���� �ty tomey
� w �
Crrt�l�cd F'�s� Cuun ! Secretary �f� �
��_ _�� � 8y ��!
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�� �,, r ��- f�-.- —� '�' �1��:ovr*� �e-jv f"� �r�`ar S4�is�ioa to Caar.cil �
t t �-�, n "� "
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