275168 WHITE - C�TV CLERK ,�'��� COUnCiI �'�� PINK - FINANCE G OF SA I NT PALT L CANARY - DEPARTMENT Bl_UE - MAVpR File NO. ci esolution Presented By LIC�I�S'i, CUi��1IiTy�. Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date �;50LV'�: That applications for Temporary On Sale itialt Bevera�e Licenses, applied for by the following applicants at the addresses stated, be and the same are hereby granted, in corapliance with Council �'`i.le i:o. 266399, �rdinance No. 15927, which amends Chapter 310 of the St. Paul Legislative Code and Ordinances. Ldgecumbe IIockey xssociation 11igY�lar�d Par�l �.ppn. � 15071� _LeneVral St. Croix F�ivermen Druri and F'u�,le Corps, Inc. ��ce Park t' � 15156 Iuew COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Hunt Nays .� Levine / Maddox [n Favor McMahon p Showalter - __ Against BY — Tedesco W itson Adopted by Council: Date ,)UH 2 6 1� Form Approved by City Attorney 'Certified Pas- by ounci Secr y BY i__.._ � t#p r v� by iVlavor: D� �UN 3 O ��SI� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council ✓ B BY 11�B�tSHED J U L 1 2 1980