275159 M�HITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE F SA I�NT PA U L COURCII CANARV - DEPARTMENT File NO. �2'�5159 BLUE - MAVOR cil o ution Presented By LIC�P�SE CO;��iITTi'� Referred To C mmittee: Date Out of Committee By Date 1�:ESOLV�D: That licenses for permits to conduct Eingo ganes, applied for by the following or�anizations ai, i;ne addresses stated, for the days, dates and hours �ndicated on each application, be and the same �se hereby grar,ted. St. Pav1 Turner ��+omen's 1luxiliary l�08 I•:ain Street 49 Pds. �.ppn. C� 151�1 Renewal Hardin� krea Hockey Association 1000 Lniversity Avenue 5� ,� f� � 15462 « COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas f6urxt Nays .,..:m ��'�' In Favor Maddox � sno� __ Against BY Tedesco Adopte Council• Date JUN 2 5 19$� Form Approved by City Attorney C ified Pas- by ouncil Secr tar BY /�1 d by :Vlavor: �. JUN 2 7 �9g� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By �EO JU L 5 1980 �, ' � a? 5��� � ....,,,,«,,,r� _=�:.�`'T' °'�;;-.,,, CITY OF SAINT PAUL '� ��= DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES %� ii�iiiii �' ��`>�° �` DIVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION �,4j'll "".�`` ,m ,,, Room 209,City Hall GEORGE LATIMER Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 MAYOR June 2S, 1980 I�ir. President and Honorable T:er�bers of the City Council Saint r'aul, Iiinnesota :tr. President and Honorable �':embers s The I�ardin�; 1'�rea Hockey Association, Inc. makes application for permission to coz�duct �in�;o Garies for 52 periods at 1060 Universitv Aver�ue be�;innin�; June 30, 1980. The application has been made by �s,obert �. Philips, �'ice President, and Donna �:i. ',�in�; will be managing �he games which will be pla.yed on i��ionday evenin�s between the hours of 8:00 P.i-i, and 12:00 �idnight. This application has been reviewed by the Li.cense and Permit �vision and tr�e City ��ttorney's ofFice. Tr�e re- comnendation is for apnroval. Very truly �rours, Joseph r'. Carchedi License Inspector �� �� � ` . } / � , . . , ,� _ , . , , J� 20, 1980 . � � � „ � t�ir. R. d. Philips� Yiae Preaident ' ' . ` 16 Cutler 3treet ' , 5t. Paul� Hinneaota 55119 , : � , Dear Sirt � , . ' � Binga (�a�rding Area Hacicey Asan., Inc.) ; . , Jutie 25�� 1980 � 10:00 A.�i. Council �hlyebers� third fl.00r City Hall ' � , • , , . , - �. , � , , . , " � � . • _ .r � . . - ' . � ' � _ ' . . June 20, 1980 � � . , � � � , 1 Hs. Daaua M. Wing� Manager _ . . 275 I�tsria Aver�ue . - st. Pau7., 1�tinr�esota 55106 i , . - . D�ar Pladam t ' � ' � ��n8o, (Harding Arsa Hockey Men.i` Inc.) � . � . . � , , , June 2.�, 198�. ` . . : , 10:b� A,i�. Counail Ch�ab�ra� th�.rd floor City� Ha11 , _ , � . � 1 � � r , . , , s , , � ` � �� � � � � ,..,,,,,,,,,, _�:�``T' °'�;;,.,,, CITY OF SAINT PAUL �� A= DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES %� wi�iii°i �� `�• = DIVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION J,���ii� �����`��, im�„,,.. Room 209,City Hall GEORGE LATIMER Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 MAYOR June 25, 1980 T•1r. President and IIonorable r�lembers of the City Council Saint Paul, :''�nnesota i�ir. President anci ��onorable i�iembe�s: ihe St. r'aul iurner ���;omen's Auxiliary makes appli- cation for permission to conduct �sin�o �ames for 1�9 periods at 1�08 i�iain Street beginning July 10, 19�0. The application has been niade by r�ita Adam, lreasurer, and i�iary �-lnne �,detschka will Le managir� the garles, wr:ich will be pla;Ted on ihursda;� evenir.�s between the hours of 7:30 to 11:30 P.Ii. This a�plication has been reviewed by the License and Permit �Tivision and the City �ttorney's office. The recommend- ation is for approval. Very truly yours, Joseph F� Carcliedi License Inspector �, �O �a ... - . , . ; . � ' . � . � j� � . . . . . r � . � . . � . � - . � - � . . , � .. . . � � . . : - . . . _ . . , J�'lA 2�� �96� , . , . � Hs� %t� �dsmi Treas�xrer � 570�Eaau�a n.exn�s . . , , �t�. Paul, Minnesota 5 5103 , . Dbar.Mad�: • � B�.ngo (St. Paul Turner Women�s Auz.) , _ , � � �urae 2S, 1980 , � 10:00 A.M. Cowuail Chaaib�rs� third floor C�.ty Ha]1 . ; . . ; . . , , � � , , i . _ , • � .. ' . � ' 1 � . . .� f ��