00-81ORIG4NAL Council File # Q Q - �'� Green Sheet # �p�{ �,� Presented By Referred To Co�ittee: Date i z 3 4 s 6 � a 9 RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council consents to and approves of the appointment, made by the Mayor, of the following individual to serve on the FAMILY HOUSING FUND BOARD OF DIRECTORS. Susan Kimberiy shall serve a three-year term as an Appointed Director. Tlus term shall expire at the annual meeting of the Board of Directors in 2003. The Annual Meeting is generally February 28. Requested by Department of: By: Adopted by Council: Date �,�. � ��000 Adoption Certified by Council Secretary Form A ed by City Attorney w By: .� BY� ��� ?�- F �-�.-� Approved by yor: Da �'�,�_ � r 'a,�pp . Approved Mayor fo ubmiss�n to C By: V/t.�� � By: RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �� ao -� l DEPARTM@!T/OFFIC�/COUNCIL DATEUmuTEo !� o Mayor Coleman's Office 1-24-2000 GREEN SHEET NO ��`*`��� CONiACT PFRSON 8 PFpNE � � �+w�. Lucia Lebens 266-8533 oa..�ru�arae 3 arvwu�� MUST BE ON COUNLYL AGH�4 BY (OA'f� February 2, ^ c000 �" 2❑ m ,,�„�. ❑ a ,,,� �� rto�r�e�� � ❑wuxu��ao�rFa�rt wuxeu�amvl�rcrn �MYORrylAiffi�LR� ❑ TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CUP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CTION REQUES7m Approval of the appointment of Susan Kimberly to serve as an Appointed Director on the Family Housing Fund Board of Directors. RECOMMENDATIO Approve(A)aRejeet(R) VERSONALSERViCEWNTRACi5MU5TANSWER7HEFOLLOWINGQUE57ION5: t. HasthisP��e�xrv.aladunderacoriUactfortlxe0epafhnenl7 PLANNING CAMMISSION VES NO CIBCOMMITTEE 2. Flasm"spera«urumeaerceenaaryemqoyee7 CIVILSERVICECAMMISSION YES NO 3. Dcec this 0� G�ess a sidll nat rwrmalypossessed M e�Y cunent city empbyee? YES NO 4. Is ihia P����m e farpetM veMOYt YES NO E�lain all yes answeis an seperate sheet a�M attech to yreen shee[ INITIATMG PROBLEM ISSUE, OPPORTUNIN (Who, Whffi, When. Where. Why) ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED DIS4DVANTAGESIFAPPROVED DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED TOTALAMOUNTOFTRANSACT70Nt COST/REVENUEBUD6ETm(GRCLEON� YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVIT' NUMBER FlNANCIAL INFORMATION (p�WN) � t�F:��?�3�'� � I� ! � �a � 00 -8t CITY OF SAINT PAUL 390 Ci[p HaQ Norn� Cokneaa, Mayo� ZS WaY %tIIogg BaJna'd SaintPmd, Mi�utesota 55102 TO: Saint Paul City Councilmembers Councilmember President Daniel Bostrom I�;�i]� �� RE: Councilmember 7ay Benanav Councilmember Jerry Blakey Councilmember Chris Coleman Councilmember Patrick Harris Councilmember Kathy Lantry Councilmember James Reiter Lucia Lebens � � Assistant to the Mayor 7anuary 24, 2000 Family Housing Fund Board Telephone: (6I2) 266-85Z0 Paesim8e: (612) 2668513 �s�i..` `=� �,.,,..�..,�._ ��a�io,€ . ��>;`i � -?• �ii�.� Mayor Coleman has recommended Susan Kimberly's appointment to serve on the Family Housing Fund Board as an Appointed Directo�. This is a three-yeaz term which will expire in February, 2003 at the Family Housing Fund Board's annual meeting. Feel free to contact me at 266-8533 ifyou have any questions. LL:drm c: Thomas P. Fulton, President, Family Housing Fund Board oo-�� Name: Home Address: Street Telephone Number: Planning District Council: � Preferred Mailiag Address: What is your occupar+on? Place of Emplo�ment: Committeeis) Applied For: OFFICE OF THE MAYOR 390 CITY HALL SAINT PAUL,11'III�TNESOTA 55102 Phone: 266-8525 FAX: 266-8513 �I/� ��f� csT r�i9l/� City Zip !: � �� % % ►. � ' = ' 1 � ., What skills, training or ezperience do you possess for the committee(s) for which you seek appointment? / 1 1ql�C lL�l'�� ol'/ Gld�s'iY� �i, �zi�:G�c ln �CGfi� �.S _ , ,. s�'°��if'S. The information included in this application is considered private data according to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act. As a result, this information is not released to the generai public. (OVER) 5s�o y� Rev. 8-5-97 � City Council Ward: 1 ; .�. __y :_. _ Name: Address: ob-�l Phone: {Homel (Work Name: Address: Phone: (Aomel ork) Name: Address: Phone: (FIomel ork) Reasons for your interest in this particutar committee: In an attempt to ensure that committee representation reflects the makeup of our community, please check th ' e applicable to you. This information is strictly voluntary. White (Caucasian) Hispanic Black (African American) Asian or Pacific Tslander American Indian or laskan Eskimo Male Female Date of Birth: � 2 z Z / ��—� Disabled: Yes No V If special accommodations are needed, piease specify: How did you hear about this opening? Have you had previoas conYact with the committee for which you are making application? If so, when, and the circumstances? . , _ ,/ � _ . „ Do -$ I SUSAN KIVIBERLY (Office) 390 CiN Hall, I.i W. Kel/ogg Blvd., Sctint puu[ Mrm7sota .i5102 (Home) 697 Laurel Acearre- -fE, Saiirt Pcrnl, Mimiesota S.ilOd-7172 (612)228-1781 EXPERIENCE susan. kimberlyr'�uLgou srr.rrnz kimberly�sanet DEPUTY MAyOR/CFIIEF OP STAFF YEARS E\fPLOY�ED (1999 - PRESE;7't� Mayor Norm Colema�r, City of Snint Patd St Paul, Mn:nesota Direct the Mayor's staff and his cabinet toward the implementation of the �ta}or's intemal and external strategic agendas. These agendas focus on govemment reform and reorganizatioq housing and economic development and impfementation of the City's award winning riverfront development and design framework Serve as the Mayor when the he is away from the City. SOtTI'I�IEqST TEAM LEADER YEARS EbIPLOYED (1997 -1998� Ciry of Sai�rt Parrl Depnrtment of Plarnrrng and Economic Developmefrt St Paul, tLlimtesotcr Member of the Department's Leadership Team. Leads an 18 member team comprised of city planners and economic development, workforce development and community development specialists. Responsibte for deliverin� depaRment services in the southeast quadrant oFthe city with particular emphasis on downtown and riverfront development. exece,� o¢�crou Yeaas E+,m�o�� ( t 992 - 97) S�. Pazd Coalttiorr for Commuftrt} Developmefu St Pau1, Mrrnresota Directed the activities of a Coalition of 28 nonpro6t community or�anizations enga�ed in housin� and economic development in Saint Paul. Duties focused on administration, public po]icy development and advocacy Membership increased by 50 per cent between 1992 and 1997. CO!vLWSS[ONER YE�zs E4m�orr:n (1985 - 91) Metropolitnr: W�ste Cwnrol Commissiort Sai�rt Pau[, tLlrmresota Represented the City of Saint Paul on this commission which was responsible for waste water trzatment in the seven county metropoGtan re�ion. ASS[ST.qNT TO TE� MAypR YEARS EbII'LOYGD (1936 -89� Mcryor George Latrmer Sar�rr Yaul, &Irnmesota Responsible for speech writin� and economic analysis for the Mayor. COYSULTA1vT ,N PRIVqTE PRACTICE Yea[ts E��LOt (1933 - 1997) Facilitated meetings, wnduaed �isioning and plannino processes, performed customized reseazch for private sector, pubiic sector and nonprofit organizaiions VICE PRESmEM YEARS Eb(P:,GYF_D (1978 - 8�� Prper. J�zffray crnd Hoptrood, Inc. �LGreueapoli.s. �Lfinnesota �tanaged the twelve member negotiatin� division of the Public Finance Department Struciured the financing ofthe Hubert H. Humphrey blevodome stadium and served as financial ad�isor for the Saint Paul district heatin� system PttESIDE*rr.a.vp �1E.,tsEa Yetvzs E�m[.o;�t> (1973 -78) S'aifu Pau! Gty Courrcrl Scrmt Paul, tLlnneesotcr Elected to t�co terms: served one term as Presidenc. Chaiced the Finance Committee and the Howin�= and Redevelopment Authority. Authored the Cit}'s district council svsrem 0 0 -� f SUS.Stv K�ffiERLY-2 EDrrox NEWS EDIIOR YE�vzs Eh�LO1�v (1968 -74) Owatonna Photo News and the Catholic Brrlleti�: i:ewspapers. Wrote and edited news, sports, features and edirorials. VOLWi i'EER YEaxs En�t,oYE� (1966 - 68) The United States Peace Corps Koela, Alx�ar ancl Jaipur, Rajmtharr Served as a food production specialis[ in northem India at the dawn of the Green Revolution. EDUCATIO�I BACE�i.OR'S OF ARTS DEGREE YEARS AITEIQDED (1961 - 65� University of Nfinnesota ,bfta�reapolis, �Ii�n:esota Majored injournalism and Minored in Speech and Theatre Arts. POST GRADUATE SI'UDIES Studied economics, business administration, sociology, South and Southeast Asian studies and mathematics at the University of Minnesota, Northern Illinois University, the IIniversiry of Caifomia and the College of St. Catherine. Completed the Mini-MBA pro�ram at the University of St. Thomas Successfully completed the Series VII Examination of the New York Stock Exchan�e and the PriacipaPs Eicamination of the h[unicipal Securities Rulemakin� Board. RECENT CO�LVIUMIY SERVICE _ -_ — - • Director, the Saint Paul Foundation. • Senior & Junior Warden, Member of the Vestry, St. Clement's Episcopal Church. • Chair, Legislative and Resolutions Committee, Episcopal Diocese of Minnesota. • Lobbyist, Campaign 90 and Campaign Manager for Campaign 90s. • Finance Director, St. Paul Lea�ue of ��'omen Voters. • Chair, Communiry Advisory Committee, Saint Paul Foundation strate�ic planning initiative. • Director, President, the Minnesota Film Board • Member, Advisory Committee, Southeast Asian LeadersMp Program. • Member, Mayor Norm Colemads Community Development Agenda Task Force • Director, Treasurer, Gay and Lesbian Community Action Council. , , s 00 —F � 01-21-00 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT PAGE 1 CoMMZTTEE : FHFB Family Housinq Fund Board FOR APPLICATZONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLZCANT / REFERENCE COMl�NTS 003122 , WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRZCT DZSTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMZTTEES SERVING ON) -°- ---"---- -------- -------- --- --- --- 003646 Davis, Edward 1169 Lane Place St. Paul, MN 55106 Home - (651) 771-0046 Urban Planner 6 5 10-27-99 PHA, BZA and Family Housing Fund Boa{rd; Bill Turnblad city of Inver Grove Hghta. 8150 Barbara Avenue Znver Grove Hgts., MN 55077 h� 651/450-2553 w) 651(450-2553 Joe Little City of Inver Grove hgts. 8150 Barbara Avenue Inver crove Agts., MN 55077 h0 651/450-2553 w) 651/450-2553 Virginia Reilly, PhD Director EOAA Office (Acting) 336 Buruss Ha11JBlacksburg, VA 24061 h) 540/231-7500 w) 540/231-7500 000735 Kaluzny, Gerald G. 1922 Highland Parkway St. Paul, MN 55116 Home - 699-0645 attorney Bruce Beneke 855 Holly h) 224-0612 w)228-9823 Dennis Dorgan 1952 St. Clair Avenue h) 698-9576 wj 228-9823 3 15 64 O1/08J96 10/27/99 W M O1/10/96 W M Steve Rice 2037 Randolph h) 698-2775 w) 298-5591 oo-�t 0�-2�-00 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT COMMITTEE : FHFB Family Housing Fund Board FOR APPLZCATZONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMFSENTS 1-10-96 FHFB Honorable Roland J. Faricy Judge of the District Court 480 St. Peter Street, 55102 w) 292-6112 PAGE 2 WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- -------- --- �-- --- Honorable Manuel Cervantes Referee of the Ramsey County Hsg. Court 16th Floor Ramsey Co. Courthouse, 55102 w) 266-8288 Councilmember Janice Rettman 310 City Hall, 55102 w) 266-8650 002408 Kimberly, Susan Mayor Coleman's Office 390 City Ha11 St. Paul� MN 55102 Work - (651} 266-8519 Deputy Mayor Louis Greengard 411 Main Street St. Paul, MN 55102 H) 457-1409 Wj 222-3787 Maureen Flahaven 1023 Lincoln Avenue St. Paul, MN 55105 H) 222-8675 W) 222-8675 Jaye Rykunyk 506 Harrison St. Paul, MN 55102 H) 292-1794 W� 3?9-4730 1 8 O1/21/00 W F 1-21-2000 Mayor Coleman 390 City Hall •• ; oi-zi-oo APPLICANTS.RPT CAMMZTTEE APYLZCA4IT5 REPORT PAGE 3 COMMITTEE : FHFB Family Housing Fund Board FOR APPLICATIONS DASED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COHHENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DZS DISTRICT DISTRZCT (PRZOR) (OTHER COMMZTTEES SERVZNG ON) ---- -------- -------- ----�--- --- --- --- St. Paul, MN 55102 002005 Kruger, Pauline C. 2160 Lincoln Avenue St. Paul, MN 55105 Home - 699-5791 V.P. Property Mgt. Johanna Mohwinkel Dobbs Temporary Services 386 N. Wabasha, Ste. 100 St. Paul, MN 55102 h) 452-7579 w) 291-7811 Bill Buth B.O.M.A. 645 Capital Centre St. Paul, NN 55102 h) 459-5249 w) 291-8888 Sandy Schwartzbauer Minnesota Landmark 75 W. 5th, 55102 w) 292-3228 4 14 1-8-96 Family Housinq Fund Board Susan M. Haigh, Ramsey Co. Commissioner 220 Court House, 55102 w) 266-8364 Anne Ford Nelson Norwest Bank 55 E. Sth St., 55102 w) 291-2193 Robert Straughn McGrann Shea Franzen Carnival Straugh & Lamb 2200 LaSalle Pla2a 800 LaSalle Avenue Mpls., 55402-2041 w) 338-2525 5/30/96 Skyway Governance Committee OIJOSJ96 W F Commissioner Susan Haigh Ofl �FS\ oi—si—oo APPLSCANTS.RPT COMMZTTEE APPLICANTS REPORT CO2MZTTEE : FHFB Family Houaing Fund Board FOR APPLZCATZ0235 DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT f REEEREtiCE CAMMEtITS Bd. Ramaey Co. Commissioners 220 Court House, 55102 w) 266-8364 PAGE 4 WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DZS DISTRICT DISTRICT {PRIOR) (OTAER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- Anne Ford Nelson, V.P. Norwest Investment Mgt. & Truat 55 E. Sth St. w) 22'I-9505 2imothy Waleh Attorney at Law Leonard, O'Brien, P.A. 800 Norwest Center w� 227-9505 001987 Lawrence, Kenneth A. P.O. Box 1946 St. Paul, MN 55101 Consultant/COmmunity Developmt Karen Heeney 2025 Nicollet Ave. 5., #250 Minneapolis w) 870-7773 Bob Tracey 250 E. Sth St., #301, 55101 h) 290-0592 Russ Wigfield 1885 Berkeley, 55105 h) 698-8073 7 4 12/18/95 B M Y May 11, 1992 Riverfront; Affirmative Action &( Public Housing: Same references as above, with addition of Lynette Fields 2400 World Trade Center 30 E. 7th St.� 55101 w) 229-6055 SJ31/94 Public Safety Advisory Committee Russ Wigfield 1885 Berkely h) 648-8073 00 -gl 01-21-00 APPLICANTS.RPT CAMMITTEE APPLZCANTS REPORT CAMMITTEE : FEiFB Family Housinq Fund Board FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1j01/94 APPLICA23T / REFERENCE COt41ENT5 Lynette Fields Shoreview h) 484-1230 PAGE 5 WARD PLANNING SEt3ATE APP DATE STH GEN IIIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTFIER CAMMZTTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- ---'----'- -------- --- -"- --- Jan Morlock ESNDC w) �71-1152 "--°----------------------------------------{--------- 12-18-95 ACOA; Family Housing Fund Board Mpls{./St. Paul; Disabilities: Lora Melby 451 Centennial Dr. Roseville, MN h) 484-314� Russ Wigfield 1885 Berkely h) 698-8�73 Carol Carey 635 Bates h) 774-0218 w) 771-2659 003126 Madson, Kristine 115 Kent Street St. Paul, MN 55102 Home - (651) 291-7362 Consultant Greg Finzell 1183 Ashland Ave. h) 647-0862 w) same signe Masterson 841 Laurel Avenue h) 292-8571 w) 646-3005 Greg Horan 1777 Marshall Avenue w) 222-5863 1 8 65A O1/12/96 W F 10-19-99 CIB Barbara carr 4685 Mackubin Street Shoreview, MN 55126 h) 651/483-1976 w) 651/266-6007 00 -ff1 01-21-00 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 6 COMMITTEE : FHEB Family Housing Fund Board FOR APPLZCATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE CAHIQENTS WARD PLANNZNG SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OT$ER CAMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- ---�---- -°----- -------- --- --- --- Zula Young 853 Marshall Avenue St. Paul, MN 55104 h) fi51/292-8421 Signe Masterson 801 Laurel Avenue St. Paul, MN 55104 h) 651/292-8571 w) 651/768-0216 003129 McElhatton, Shaun Leonard, Street and Deinard 30 E. 7th St., Ste. 2270 St. Paul, MN 55101 Work - 291-3505 FAX 2227644 Lawyer Robyn Hansen Leonard, Street and Deinard 30 E. 7th St., Suite 2270 St. Paul, MN 55101 w) 291-3506 Jim Gabler 1904 Selby Ave., 55104 w) 871-7756 Peter Bachman w� 223-5969 003625 Paulson, Cynthia Community NHS Work - 612/934-3340 Executive Director 4 13 8-30-99 Family Housing Fund Board Kay Gudmestad 4429 Upton Ave. S. Minneapolis, MN 55410 h) 612/925-9255 O1/18/96 W M 08(30/99 W F Peggy Metzer 3778 Shannon Drive Hastigns, MN 55033 h) 651f480-3754 w) 612f347-3148, Ext. 207 � oo-�� 01-21-00 COMMZTTEE APPLZCANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT PAGE 7 COMMZTTEE : FHFB Family Housinq Fund Board FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE CAMPSENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRZCT DISTRICT (PRZOR) (OTHER CAMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---^ -------- -------'- -------- --- --- --- Rarla Melvin 3136 45th Avenue S. Minneapolis, mN 55406 h) 612/721-1173 w) 651/646-3808 003254 Sanders, Paulette 400 West Central Avenue St. Paul, MN 55103-2248 Home - 225-1098 Housekeeping/Laundrey Aide Mrs. Bev Wise 195 E. 5th St. St. Paul, MN h) 227-8785 Anthony Elliott 300 Minnesota h) 450-1690 w) 222-5563 or 222-SS63 Mrs. Loretta Thompson 1473 Sherburne St. h) 647-�641 w) 487-6480 001089 Sudeith, Mary Ann 1837 Eaqle Ridge Dtive Mendota Heights, MN 55118 Home - 454-7692 Firstar Bank 12/09/96 B F 11/22J96 W F Dianne E. Arnold 2165 Lower St. Dennis Road h) 699-2293 w) 291-5576 Richard zehring 836 Fairmount Ave. h) 292-0807 Marshall D. Anderson 2851 Merrill Road h) 633-1868 -------------'--°----------------------------{------- 11-22-96 Mpls./St. Paul Family Housing Fund B{oard of Directors n 00 - 8�1 oi-2i-oo APPLICANTS.RPT COMMZTTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 8 COL4fITTEE : FHFB Family Housing Fund Board FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1jOlj94 APPLICANT j REFERENCE COMMEIiTS WARD PLAI3NING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DZSTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTAER CAMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- No references listed. 002937 Washington, Marie A. 806 N. Hazel St., #307 St. Paul, MN 55119 Home - 731-4196 Women's Advocate Patricia Banks 414 Grand Ave. St. Paul, MN 55102 H) 227-4198 Harriet Bolden 1917 Minnehaha St.-Paul, MN 55104 H) 649-1197 6 2 02/02/95 B F Monica Henderson 644 Salem Avenue Elizabeth, N3 07208 H) 908-629-0144 ORIG4NAL Council File # Q Q - �'� Green Sheet # �p�{ �,� Presented By Referred To Co�ittee: Date i z 3 4 s 6 � a 9 RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council consents to and approves of the appointment, made by the Mayor, of the following individual to serve on the FAMILY HOUSING FUND BOARD OF DIRECTORS. Susan Kimberiy shall serve a three-year term as an Appointed Director. Tlus term shall expire at the annual meeting of the Board of Directors in 2003. The Annual Meeting is generally February 28. Requested by Department of: By: Adopted by Council: Date �,�. � ��000 Adoption Certified by Council Secretary Form A ed by City Attorney w By: .� BY� ��� ?�- F �-�.-� Approved by yor: Da �'�,�_ � r 'a,�pp . Approved Mayor fo ubmiss�n to C By: V/t.�� � By: RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �� ao -� l DEPARTM@!T/OFFIC�/COUNCIL DATEUmuTEo !� o Mayor Coleman's Office 1-24-2000 GREEN SHEET NO ��`*`��� CONiACT PFRSON 8 PFpNE � � �+w�. Lucia Lebens 266-8533 oa..�ru�arae 3 arvwu�� MUST BE ON COUNLYL AGH�4 BY (OA'f� February 2, ^ c000 �" 2❑ m ,,�„�. ❑ a ,,,� �� rto�r�e�� � ❑wuxu��ao�rFa�rt wuxeu�amvl�rcrn �MYORrylAiffi�LR� ❑ TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CUP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CTION REQUES7m Approval of the appointment of Susan Kimberly to serve as an Appointed Director on the Family Housing Fund Board of Directors. RECOMMENDATIO Approve(A)aRejeet(R) VERSONALSERViCEWNTRACi5MU5TANSWER7HEFOLLOWINGQUE57ION5: t. HasthisP��e�xrv.aladunderacoriUactfortlxe0epafhnenl7 PLANNING CAMMISSION VES NO CIBCOMMITTEE 2. Flasm"spera«urumeaerceenaaryemqoyee7 CIVILSERVICECAMMISSION YES NO 3. Dcec this 0� G�ess a sidll nat rwrmalypossessed M e�Y cunent city empbyee? YES NO 4. Is ihia P����m e farpetM veMOYt YES NO E�lain all yes answeis an seperate sheet a�M attech to yreen shee[ INITIATMG PROBLEM ISSUE, OPPORTUNIN (Who, Whffi, When. Where. Why) ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED DIS4DVANTAGESIFAPPROVED DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED TOTALAMOUNTOFTRANSACT70Nt COST/REVENUEBUD6ETm(GRCLEON� YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVIT' NUMBER FlNANCIAL INFORMATION (p�WN) � t�F:��?�3�'� � I� ! � �a � 00 -8t CITY OF SAINT PAUL 390 Ci[p HaQ Norn� Cokneaa, Mayo� ZS WaY %tIIogg BaJna'd SaintPmd, Mi�utesota 55102 TO: Saint Paul City Councilmembers Councilmember President Daniel Bostrom I�;�i]� �� RE: Councilmember 7ay Benanav Councilmember Jerry Blakey Councilmember Chris Coleman Councilmember Patrick Harris Councilmember Kathy Lantry Councilmember James Reiter Lucia Lebens � � Assistant to the Mayor 7anuary 24, 2000 Family Housing Fund Board Telephone: (6I2) 266-85Z0 Paesim8e: (612) 2668513 �s�i..` `=� �,.,,..�..,�._ ��a�io,€ . ��>;`i � -?• �ii�.� Mayor Coleman has recommended Susan Kimberly's appointment to serve on the Family Housing Fund Board as an Appointed Directo�. This is a three-yeaz term which will expire in February, 2003 at the Family Housing Fund Board's annual meeting. Feel free to contact me at 266-8533 ifyou have any questions. LL:drm c: Thomas P. Fulton, President, Family Housing Fund Board oo-�� Name: Home Address: Street Telephone Number: Planning District Council: � Preferred Mailiag Address: What is your occupar+on? Place of Emplo�ment: Committeeis) Applied For: OFFICE OF THE MAYOR 390 CITY HALL SAINT PAUL,11'III�TNESOTA 55102 Phone: 266-8525 FAX: 266-8513 �I/� ��f� csT r�i9l/� City Zip !: � �� % % ►. � ' = ' 1 � ., What skills, training or ezperience do you possess for the committee(s) for which you seek appointment? / 1 1ql�C lL�l'�� ol'/ Gld�s'iY� �i, �zi�:G�c ln �CGfi� �.S _ , ,. s�'°��if'S. The information included in this application is considered private data according to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act. As a result, this information is not released to the generai public. (OVER) 5s�o y� Rev. 8-5-97 � City Council Ward: 1 ; .�. __y :_. _ Name: Address: ob-�l Phone: {Homel (Work Name: Address: Phone: (Aomel ork) Name: Address: Phone: (FIomel ork) Reasons for your interest in this particutar committee: In an attempt to ensure that committee representation reflects the makeup of our community, please check th ' e applicable to you. This information is strictly voluntary. White (Caucasian) Hispanic Black (African American) Asian or Pacific Tslander American Indian or laskan Eskimo Male Female Date of Birth: � 2 z Z / ��—� Disabled: Yes No V If special accommodations are needed, piease specify: How did you hear about this opening? Have you had previoas conYact with the committee for which you are making application? If so, when, and the circumstances? . , _ ,/ � _ . „ Do -$ I SUSAN KIVIBERLY (Office) 390 CiN Hall, I.i W. Kel/ogg Blvd., Sctint puu[ Mrm7sota .i5102 (Home) 697 Laurel Acearre- -fE, Saiirt Pcrnl, Mimiesota S.ilOd-7172 (612)228-1781 EXPERIENCE susan. kimberlyr'�uLgou srr.rrnz kimberly�sanet DEPUTY MAyOR/CFIIEF OP STAFF YEARS E\fPLOY�ED (1999 - PRESE;7't� Mayor Norm Colema�r, City of Snint Patd St Paul, Mn:nesota Direct the Mayor's staff and his cabinet toward the implementation of the �ta}or's intemal and external strategic agendas. These agendas focus on govemment reform and reorganizatioq housing and economic development and impfementation of the City's award winning riverfront development and design framework Serve as the Mayor when the he is away from the City. SOtTI'I�IEqST TEAM LEADER YEARS EbIPLOYED (1997 -1998� Ciry of Sai�rt Parrl Depnrtment of Plarnrrng and Economic Developmefrt St Paul, tLlimtesotcr Member of the Department's Leadership Team. Leads an 18 member team comprised of city planners and economic development, workforce development and community development specialists. Responsibte for deliverin� depaRment services in the southeast quadrant oFthe city with particular emphasis on downtown and riverfront development. exece,� o¢�crou Yeaas E+,m�o�� ( t 992 - 97) S�. Pazd Coalttiorr for Commuftrt} Developmefu St Pau1, Mrrnresota Directed the activities of a Coalition of 28 nonpro6t community or�anizations enga�ed in housin� and economic development in Saint Paul. Duties focused on administration, public po]icy development and advocacy Membership increased by 50 per cent between 1992 and 1997. CO!vLWSS[ONER YE�zs E4m�orr:n (1985 - 91) Metropolitnr: W�ste Cwnrol Commissiort Sai�rt Pau[, tLlrmresota Represented the City of Saint Paul on this commission which was responsible for waste water trzatment in the seven county metropoGtan re�ion. ASS[ST.qNT TO TE� MAypR YEARS EbII'LOYGD (1936 -89� Mcryor George Latrmer Sar�rr Yaul, &Irnmesota Responsible for speech writin� and economic analysis for the Mayor. COYSULTA1vT ,N PRIVqTE PRACTICE Yea[ts E��LOt (1933 - 1997) Facilitated meetings, wnduaed �isioning and plannino processes, performed customized reseazch for private sector, pubiic sector and nonprofit organizaiions VICE PRESmEM YEARS Eb(P:,GYF_D (1978 - 8�� Prper. J�zffray crnd Hoptrood, Inc. �LGreueapoli.s. �Lfinnesota �tanaged the twelve member negotiatin� division of the Public Finance Department Struciured the financing ofthe Hubert H. Humphrey blevodome stadium and served as financial ad�isor for the Saint Paul district heatin� system PttESIDE*rr.a.vp �1E.,tsEa Yetvzs E�m[.o;�t> (1973 -78) S'aifu Pau! Gty Courrcrl Scrmt Paul, tLlnneesotcr Elected to t�co terms: served one term as Presidenc. Chaiced the Finance Committee and the Howin�= and Redevelopment Authority. Authored the Cit}'s district council svsrem 0 0 -� f SUS.Stv K�ffiERLY-2 EDrrox NEWS EDIIOR YE�vzs Eh�LO1�v (1968 -74) Owatonna Photo News and the Catholic Brrlleti�: i:ewspapers. Wrote and edited news, sports, features and edirorials. VOLWi i'EER YEaxs En�t,oYE� (1966 - 68) The United States Peace Corps Koela, Alx�ar ancl Jaipur, Rajmtharr Served as a food production specialis[ in northem India at the dawn of the Green Revolution. EDUCATIO�I BACE�i.OR'S OF ARTS DEGREE YEARS AITEIQDED (1961 - 65� University of Nfinnesota ,bfta�reapolis, �Ii�n:esota Majored injournalism and Minored in Speech and Theatre Arts. POST GRADUATE SI'UDIES Studied economics, business administration, sociology, South and Southeast Asian studies and mathematics at the University of Minnesota, Northern Illinois University, the IIniversiry of Caifomia and the College of St. Catherine. Completed the Mini-MBA pro�ram at the University of St. Thomas Successfully completed the Series VII Examination of the New York Stock Exchan�e and the PriacipaPs Eicamination of the h[unicipal Securities Rulemakin� Board. RECENT CO�LVIUMIY SERVICE _ -_ — - • Director, the Saint Paul Foundation. • Senior & Junior Warden, Member of the Vestry, St. Clement's Episcopal Church. • Chair, Legislative and Resolutions Committee, Episcopal Diocese of Minnesota. • Lobbyist, Campaign 90 and Campaign Manager for Campaign 90s. • Finance Director, St. Paul Lea�ue of ��'omen Voters. • Chair, Communiry Advisory Committee, Saint Paul Foundation strate�ic planning initiative. • Director, President, the Minnesota Film Board • Member, Advisory Committee, Southeast Asian LeadersMp Program. • Member, Mayor Norm Colemads Community Development Agenda Task Force • Director, Treasurer, Gay and Lesbian Community Action Council. , , s 00 —F � 01-21-00 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT PAGE 1 CoMMZTTEE : FHFB Family Housinq Fund Board FOR APPLICATZONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLZCANT / REFERENCE COMl�NTS 003122 , WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRZCT DZSTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMZTTEES SERVING ON) -°- ---"---- -------- -------- --- --- --- 003646 Davis, Edward 1169 Lane Place St. Paul, MN 55106 Home - (651) 771-0046 Urban Planner 6 5 10-27-99 PHA, BZA and Family Housing Fund Boa{rd; Bill Turnblad city of Inver Grove Hghta. 8150 Barbara Avenue Znver Grove Hgts., MN 55077 h� 651/450-2553 w) 651(450-2553 Joe Little City of Inver Grove hgts. 8150 Barbara Avenue Inver crove Agts., MN 55077 h0 651/450-2553 w) 651/450-2553 Virginia Reilly, PhD Director EOAA Office (Acting) 336 Buruss Ha11JBlacksburg, VA 24061 h) 540/231-7500 w) 540/231-7500 000735 Kaluzny, Gerald G. 1922 Highland Parkway St. Paul, MN 55116 Home - 699-0645 attorney Bruce Beneke 855 Holly h) 224-0612 w)228-9823 Dennis Dorgan 1952 St. Clair Avenue h) 698-9576 wj 228-9823 3 15 64 O1/08J96 10/27/99 W M O1/10/96 W M Steve Rice 2037 Randolph h) 698-2775 w) 298-5591 oo-�t 0�-2�-00 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT COMMITTEE : FHFB Family Housing Fund Board FOR APPLZCATZONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMFSENTS 1-10-96 FHFB Honorable Roland J. Faricy Judge of the District Court 480 St. Peter Street, 55102 w) 292-6112 PAGE 2 WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- -------- --- �-- --- Honorable Manuel Cervantes Referee of the Ramsey County Hsg. Court 16th Floor Ramsey Co. Courthouse, 55102 w) 266-8288 Councilmember Janice Rettman 310 City Hall, 55102 w) 266-8650 002408 Kimberly, Susan Mayor Coleman's Office 390 City Ha11 St. Paul� MN 55102 Work - (651} 266-8519 Deputy Mayor Louis Greengard 411 Main Street St. Paul, MN 55102 H) 457-1409 Wj 222-3787 Maureen Flahaven 1023 Lincoln Avenue St. Paul, MN 55105 H) 222-8675 W) 222-8675 Jaye Rykunyk 506 Harrison St. Paul, MN 55102 H) 292-1794 W� 3?9-4730 1 8 O1/21/00 W F 1-21-2000 Mayor Coleman 390 City Hall •• ; oi-zi-oo APPLICANTS.RPT CAMMZTTEE APYLZCA4IT5 REPORT PAGE 3 COMMITTEE : FHFB Family Housing Fund Board FOR APPLICATIONS DASED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COHHENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DZS DISTRICT DISTRZCT (PRZOR) (OTHER COMMZTTEES SERVZNG ON) ---- -------- -------- ----�--- --- --- --- St. Paul, MN 55102 002005 Kruger, Pauline C. 2160 Lincoln Avenue St. Paul, MN 55105 Home - 699-5791 V.P. Property Mgt. Johanna Mohwinkel Dobbs Temporary Services 386 N. Wabasha, Ste. 100 St. Paul, MN 55102 h) 452-7579 w) 291-7811 Bill Buth B.O.M.A. 645 Capital Centre St. Paul, NN 55102 h) 459-5249 w) 291-8888 Sandy Schwartzbauer Minnesota Landmark 75 W. 5th, 55102 w) 292-3228 4 14 1-8-96 Family Housinq Fund Board Susan M. Haigh, Ramsey Co. Commissioner 220 Court House, 55102 w) 266-8364 Anne Ford Nelson Norwest Bank 55 E. Sth St., 55102 w) 291-2193 Robert Straughn McGrann Shea Franzen Carnival Straugh & Lamb 2200 LaSalle Pla2a 800 LaSalle Avenue Mpls., 55402-2041 w) 338-2525 5/30/96 Skyway Governance Committee OIJOSJ96 W F Commissioner Susan Haigh Ofl �FS\ oi—si—oo APPLSCANTS.RPT COMMZTTEE APPLICANTS REPORT CO2MZTTEE : FHFB Family Houaing Fund Board FOR APPLZCATZ0235 DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT f REEEREtiCE CAMMEtITS Bd. Ramaey Co. Commissioners 220 Court House, 55102 w) 266-8364 PAGE 4 WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DZS DISTRICT DISTRICT {PRIOR) (OTAER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- Anne Ford Nelson, V.P. Norwest Investment Mgt. & Truat 55 E. Sth St. w) 22'I-9505 2imothy Waleh Attorney at Law Leonard, O'Brien, P.A. 800 Norwest Center w� 227-9505 001987 Lawrence, Kenneth A. P.O. Box 1946 St. Paul, MN 55101 Consultant/COmmunity Developmt Karen Heeney 2025 Nicollet Ave. 5., #250 Minneapolis w) 870-7773 Bob Tracey 250 E. Sth St., #301, 55101 h) 290-0592 Russ Wigfield 1885 Berkeley, 55105 h) 698-8073 7 4 12/18/95 B M Y May 11, 1992 Riverfront; Affirmative Action &( Public Housing: Same references as above, with addition of Lynette Fields 2400 World Trade Center 30 E. 7th St.� 55101 w) 229-6055 SJ31/94 Public Safety Advisory Committee Russ Wigfield 1885 Berkely h) 648-8073 00 -gl 01-21-00 APPLICANTS.RPT CAMMITTEE APPLZCANTS REPORT CAMMITTEE : FEiFB Family Housinq Fund Board FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1j01/94 APPLICA23T / REFERENCE COt41ENT5 Lynette Fields Shoreview h) 484-1230 PAGE 5 WARD PLANNING SEt3ATE APP DATE STH GEN IIIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTFIER CAMMZTTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- ---'----'- -------- --- -"- --- Jan Morlock ESNDC w) �71-1152 "--°----------------------------------------{--------- 12-18-95 ACOA; Family Housing Fund Board Mpls{./St. Paul; Disabilities: Lora Melby 451 Centennial Dr. Roseville, MN h) 484-314� Russ Wigfield 1885 Berkely h) 698-8�73 Carol Carey 635 Bates h) 774-0218 w) 771-2659 003126 Madson, Kristine 115 Kent Street St. Paul, MN 55102 Home - (651) 291-7362 Consultant Greg Finzell 1183 Ashland Ave. h) 647-0862 w) same signe Masterson 841 Laurel Avenue h) 292-8571 w) 646-3005 Greg Horan 1777 Marshall Avenue w) 222-5863 1 8 65A O1/12/96 W F 10-19-99 CIB Barbara carr 4685 Mackubin Street Shoreview, MN 55126 h) 651/483-1976 w) 651/266-6007 00 -ff1 01-21-00 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 6 COMMITTEE : FHEB Family Housing Fund Board FOR APPLZCATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE CAHIQENTS WARD PLANNZNG SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OT$ER CAMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- ---�---- -°----- -------- --- --- --- Zula Young 853 Marshall Avenue St. Paul, MN 55104 h) fi51/292-8421 Signe Masterson 801 Laurel Avenue St. Paul, MN 55104 h) 651/292-8571 w) 651/768-0216 003129 McElhatton, Shaun Leonard, Street and Deinard 30 E. 7th St., Ste. 2270 St. Paul, MN 55101 Work - 291-3505 FAX 2227644 Lawyer Robyn Hansen Leonard, Street and Deinard 30 E. 7th St., Suite 2270 St. Paul, MN 55101 w) 291-3506 Jim Gabler 1904 Selby Ave., 55104 w) 871-7756 Peter Bachman w� 223-5969 003625 Paulson, Cynthia Community NHS Work - 612/934-3340 Executive Director 4 13 8-30-99 Family Housing Fund Board Kay Gudmestad 4429 Upton Ave. S. Minneapolis, MN 55410 h) 612/925-9255 O1/18/96 W M 08(30/99 W F Peggy Metzer 3778 Shannon Drive Hastigns, MN 55033 h) 651f480-3754 w) 612f347-3148, Ext. 207 � oo-�� 01-21-00 COMMZTTEE APPLZCANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT PAGE 7 COMMZTTEE : FHFB Family Housinq Fund Board FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE CAMPSENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRZCT DISTRICT (PRZOR) (OTHER CAMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---^ -------- -------'- -------- --- --- --- Rarla Melvin 3136 45th Avenue S. Minneapolis, mN 55406 h) 612/721-1173 w) 651/646-3808 003254 Sanders, Paulette 400 West Central Avenue St. Paul, MN 55103-2248 Home - 225-1098 Housekeeping/Laundrey Aide Mrs. Bev Wise 195 E. 5th St. St. Paul, MN h) 227-8785 Anthony Elliott 300 Minnesota h) 450-1690 w) 222-5563 or 222-SS63 Mrs. Loretta Thompson 1473 Sherburne St. h) 647-�641 w) 487-6480 001089 Sudeith, Mary Ann 1837 Eaqle Ridge Dtive Mendota Heights, MN 55118 Home - 454-7692 Firstar Bank 12/09/96 B F 11/22J96 W F Dianne E. Arnold 2165 Lower St. Dennis Road h) 699-2293 w) 291-5576 Richard zehring 836 Fairmount Ave. h) 292-0807 Marshall D. Anderson 2851 Merrill Road h) 633-1868 -------------'--°----------------------------{------- 11-22-96 Mpls./St. Paul Family Housing Fund B{oard of Directors n 00 - 8�1 oi-2i-oo APPLICANTS.RPT COMMZTTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 8 COL4fITTEE : FHFB Family Housing Fund Board FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1jOlj94 APPLICANT j REFERENCE COMMEIiTS WARD PLAI3NING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DZSTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTAER CAMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- No references listed. 002937 Washington, Marie A. 806 N. Hazel St., #307 St. Paul, MN 55119 Home - 731-4196 Women's Advocate Patricia Banks 414 Grand Ave. St. Paul, MN 55102 H) 227-4198 Harriet Bolden 1917 Minnehaha St.-Paul, MN 55104 H) 649-1197 6 2 02/02/95 B F Monica Henderson 644 Salem Avenue Elizabeth, N3 07208 H) 908-629-0144 ORIG4NAL Council File # Q Q - �'� Green Sheet # �p�{ �,� Presented By Referred To Co�ittee: Date i z 3 4 s 6 � a 9 RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council consents to and approves of the appointment, made by the Mayor, of the following individual to serve on the FAMILY HOUSING FUND BOARD OF DIRECTORS. Susan Kimberiy shall serve a three-year term as an Appointed Director. Tlus term shall expire at the annual meeting of the Board of Directors in 2003. The Annual Meeting is generally February 28. Requested by Department of: By: Adopted by Council: Date �,�. � ��000 Adoption Certified by Council Secretary Form A ed by City Attorney w By: .� BY� ��� ?�- F �-�.-� Approved by yor: Da �'�,�_ � r 'a,�pp . Approved Mayor fo ubmiss�n to C By: V/t.�� � By: RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �� ao -� l DEPARTM@!T/OFFIC�/COUNCIL DATEUmuTEo !� o Mayor Coleman's Office 1-24-2000 GREEN SHEET NO ��`*`��� CONiACT PFRSON 8 PFpNE � � �+w�. Lucia Lebens 266-8533 oa..�ru�arae 3 arvwu�� MUST BE ON COUNLYL AGH�4 BY (OA'f� February 2, ^ c000 �" 2❑ m ,,�„�. ❑ a ,,,� �� rto�r�e�� � ❑wuxu��ao�rFa�rt wuxeu�amvl�rcrn �MYORrylAiffi�LR� ❑ TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CUP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CTION REQUES7m Approval of the appointment of Susan Kimberly to serve as an Appointed Director on the Family Housing Fund Board of Directors. RECOMMENDATIO Approve(A)aRejeet(R) VERSONALSERViCEWNTRACi5MU5TANSWER7HEFOLLOWINGQUE57ION5: t. HasthisP��e�xrv.aladunderacoriUactfortlxe0epafhnenl7 PLANNING CAMMISSION VES NO CIBCOMMITTEE 2. Flasm"spera«urumeaerceenaaryemqoyee7 CIVILSERVICECAMMISSION YES NO 3. Dcec this 0� G�ess a sidll nat rwrmalypossessed M e�Y cunent city empbyee? YES NO 4. Is ihia P����m e farpetM veMOYt YES NO E�lain all yes answeis an seperate sheet a�M attech to yreen shee[ INITIATMG PROBLEM ISSUE, OPPORTUNIN (Who, Whffi, When. Where. Why) ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED DIS4DVANTAGESIFAPPROVED DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED TOTALAMOUNTOFTRANSACT70Nt COST/REVENUEBUD6ETm(GRCLEON� YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVIT' NUMBER FlNANCIAL INFORMATION (p�WN) � t�F:��?�3�'� � I� ! � �a � 00 -8t CITY OF SAINT PAUL 390 Ci[p HaQ Norn� Cokneaa, Mayo� ZS WaY %tIIogg BaJna'd SaintPmd, Mi�utesota 55102 TO: Saint Paul City Councilmembers Councilmember President Daniel Bostrom I�;�i]� �� RE: Councilmember 7ay Benanav Councilmember Jerry Blakey Councilmember Chris Coleman Councilmember Patrick Harris Councilmember Kathy Lantry Councilmember James Reiter Lucia Lebens � � Assistant to the Mayor 7anuary 24, 2000 Family Housing Fund Board Telephone: (6I2) 266-85Z0 Paesim8e: (612) 2668513 �s�i..` `=� �,.,,..�..,�._ ��a�io,€ . ��>;`i � -?• �ii�.� Mayor Coleman has recommended Susan Kimberly's appointment to serve on the Family Housing Fund Board as an Appointed Directo�. This is a three-yeaz term which will expire in February, 2003 at the Family Housing Fund Board's annual meeting. Feel free to contact me at 266-8533 ifyou have any questions. LL:drm c: Thomas P. Fulton, President, Family Housing Fund Board oo-�� Name: Home Address: Street Telephone Number: Planning District Council: � Preferred Mailiag Address: What is your occupar+on? Place of Emplo�ment: Committeeis) Applied For: OFFICE OF THE MAYOR 390 CITY HALL SAINT PAUL,11'III�TNESOTA 55102 Phone: 266-8525 FAX: 266-8513 �I/� ��f� csT r�i9l/� City Zip !: � �� % % ►. � ' = ' 1 � ., What skills, training or ezperience do you possess for the committee(s) for which you seek appointment? / 1 1ql�C lL�l'�� ol'/ Gld�s'iY� �i, �zi�:G�c ln �CGfi� �.S _ , ,. s�'°��if'S. The information included in this application is considered private data according to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act. As a result, this information is not released to the generai public. (OVER) 5s�o y� Rev. 8-5-97 � City Council Ward: 1 ; .�. __y :_. _ Name: Address: ob-�l Phone: {Homel (Work Name: Address: Phone: (Aomel ork) Name: Address: Phone: (FIomel ork) Reasons for your interest in this particutar committee: In an attempt to ensure that committee representation reflects the makeup of our community, please check th ' e applicable to you. This information is strictly voluntary. White (Caucasian) Hispanic Black (African American) Asian or Pacific Tslander American Indian or laskan Eskimo Male Female Date of Birth: � 2 z Z / ��—� Disabled: Yes No V If special accommodations are needed, piease specify: How did you hear about this opening? Have you had previoas conYact with the committee for which you are making application? If so, when, and the circumstances? . , _ ,/ � _ . „ Do -$ I SUSAN KIVIBERLY (Office) 390 CiN Hall, I.i W. Kel/ogg Blvd., Sctint puu[ Mrm7sota .i5102 (Home) 697 Laurel Acearre- -fE, Saiirt Pcrnl, Mimiesota S.ilOd-7172 (612)228-1781 EXPERIENCE susan. kimberlyr'�uLgou srr.rrnz kimberly�sanet DEPUTY MAyOR/CFIIEF OP STAFF YEARS E\fPLOY�ED (1999 - PRESE;7't� Mayor Norm Colema�r, City of Snint Patd St Paul, Mn:nesota Direct the Mayor's staff and his cabinet toward the implementation of the �ta}or's intemal and external strategic agendas. These agendas focus on govemment reform and reorganizatioq housing and economic development and impfementation of the City's award winning riverfront development and design framework Serve as the Mayor when the he is away from the City. SOtTI'I�IEqST TEAM LEADER YEARS EbIPLOYED (1997 -1998� Ciry of Sai�rt Parrl Depnrtment of Plarnrrng and Economic Developmefrt St Paul, tLlimtesotcr Member of the Department's Leadership Team. Leads an 18 member team comprised of city planners and economic development, workforce development and community development specialists. Responsibte for deliverin� depaRment services in the southeast quadrant oFthe city with particular emphasis on downtown and riverfront development. exece,� o¢�crou Yeaas E+,m�o�� ( t 992 - 97) S�. Pazd Coalttiorr for Commuftrt} Developmefu St Pau1, Mrrnresota Directed the activities of a Coalition of 28 nonpro6t community or�anizations enga�ed in housin� and economic development in Saint Paul. Duties focused on administration, public po]icy development and advocacy Membership increased by 50 per cent between 1992 and 1997. CO!vLWSS[ONER YE�zs E4m�orr:n (1985 - 91) Metropolitnr: W�ste Cwnrol Commissiort Sai�rt Pau[, tLlrmresota Represented the City of Saint Paul on this commission which was responsible for waste water trzatment in the seven county metropoGtan re�ion. ASS[ST.qNT TO TE� MAypR YEARS EbII'LOYGD (1936 -89� Mcryor George Latrmer Sar�rr Yaul, &Irnmesota Responsible for speech writin� and economic analysis for the Mayor. COYSULTA1vT ,N PRIVqTE PRACTICE Yea[ts E��LOt (1933 - 1997) Facilitated meetings, wnduaed �isioning and plannino processes, performed customized reseazch for private sector, pubiic sector and nonprofit organizaiions VICE PRESmEM YEARS Eb(P:,GYF_D (1978 - 8�� Prper. J�zffray crnd Hoptrood, Inc. �LGreueapoli.s. �Lfinnesota �tanaged the twelve member negotiatin� division of the Public Finance Department Struciured the financing ofthe Hubert H. Humphrey blevodome stadium and served as financial ad�isor for the Saint Paul district heatin� system PttESIDE*rr.a.vp �1E.,tsEa Yetvzs E�m[.o;�t> (1973 -78) S'aifu Pau! Gty Courrcrl Scrmt Paul, tLlnneesotcr Elected to t�co terms: served one term as Presidenc. Chaiced the Finance Committee and the Howin�= and Redevelopment Authority. Authored the Cit}'s district council svsrem 0 0 -� f SUS.Stv K�ffiERLY-2 EDrrox NEWS EDIIOR YE�vzs Eh�LO1�v (1968 -74) Owatonna Photo News and the Catholic Brrlleti�: i:ewspapers. Wrote and edited news, sports, features and edirorials. VOLWi i'EER YEaxs En�t,oYE� (1966 - 68) The United States Peace Corps Koela, Alx�ar ancl Jaipur, Rajmtharr Served as a food production specialis[ in northem India at the dawn of the Green Revolution. EDUCATIO�I BACE�i.OR'S OF ARTS DEGREE YEARS AITEIQDED (1961 - 65� University of Nfinnesota ,bfta�reapolis, �Ii�n:esota Majored injournalism and Minored in Speech and Theatre Arts. POST GRADUATE SI'UDIES Studied economics, business administration, sociology, South and Southeast Asian studies and mathematics at the University of Minnesota, Northern Illinois University, the IIniversiry of Caifomia and the College of St. Catherine. Completed the Mini-MBA pro�ram at the University of St. Thomas Successfully completed the Series VII Examination of the New York Stock Exchan�e and the PriacipaPs Eicamination of the h[unicipal Securities Rulemakin� Board. RECENT CO�LVIUMIY SERVICE _ -_ — - • Director, the Saint Paul Foundation. • Senior & Junior Warden, Member of the Vestry, St. Clement's Episcopal Church. • Chair, Legislative and Resolutions Committee, Episcopal Diocese of Minnesota. • Lobbyist, Campaign 90 and Campaign Manager for Campaign 90s. • Finance Director, St. Paul Lea�ue of ��'omen Voters. • Chair, Communiry Advisory Committee, Saint Paul Foundation strate�ic planning initiative. • Director, President, the Minnesota Film Board • Member, Advisory Committee, Southeast Asian LeadersMp Program. • Member, Mayor Norm Colemads Community Development Agenda Task Force • Director, Treasurer, Gay and Lesbian Community Action Council. , , s 00 —F � 01-21-00 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT PAGE 1 CoMMZTTEE : FHFB Family Housinq Fund Board FOR APPLICATZONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLZCANT / REFERENCE COMl�NTS 003122 , WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRZCT DZSTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMZTTEES SERVING ON) -°- ---"---- -------- -------- --- --- --- 003646 Davis, Edward 1169 Lane Place St. Paul, MN 55106 Home - (651) 771-0046 Urban Planner 6 5 10-27-99 PHA, BZA and Family Housing Fund Boa{rd; Bill Turnblad city of Inver Grove Hghta. 8150 Barbara Avenue Znver Grove Hgts., MN 55077 h� 651/450-2553 w) 651(450-2553 Joe Little City of Inver Grove hgts. 8150 Barbara Avenue Inver crove Agts., MN 55077 h0 651/450-2553 w) 651/450-2553 Virginia Reilly, PhD Director EOAA Office (Acting) 336 Buruss Ha11JBlacksburg, VA 24061 h) 540/231-7500 w) 540/231-7500 000735 Kaluzny, Gerald G. 1922 Highland Parkway St. Paul, MN 55116 Home - 699-0645 attorney Bruce Beneke 855 Holly h) 224-0612 w)228-9823 Dennis Dorgan 1952 St. Clair Avenue h) 698-9576 wj 228-9823 3 15 64 O1/08J96 10/27/99 W M O1/10/96 W M Steve Rice 2037 Randolph h) 698-2775 w) 298-5591 oo-�t 0�-2�-00 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT COMMITTEE : FHFB Family Housing Fund Board FOR APPLZCATZONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMFSENTS 1-10-96 FHFB Honorable Roland J. Faricy Judge of the District Court 480 St. Peter Street, 55102 w) 292-6112 PAGE 2 WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- -------- --- �-- --- Honorable Manuel Cervantes Referee of the Ramsey County Hsg. Court 16th Floor Ramsey Co. Courthouse, 55102 w) 266-8288 Councilmember Janice Rettman 310 City Hall, 55102 w) 266-8650 002408 Kimberly, Susan Mayor Coleman's Office 390 City Ha11 St. Paul� MN 55102 Work - (651} 266-8519 Deputy Mayor Louis Greengard 411 Main Street St. Paul, MN 55102 H) 457-1409 Wj 222-3787 Maureen Flahaven 1023 Lincoln Avenue St. Paul, MN 55105 H) 222-8675 W) 222-8675 Jaye Rykunyk 506 Harrison St. Paul, MN 55102 H) 292-1794 W� 3?9-4730 1 8 O1/21/00 W F 1-21-2000 Mayor Coleman 390 City Hall •• ; oi-zi-oo APPLICANTS.RPT CAMMZTTEE APYLZCA4IT5 REPORT PAGE 3 COMMITTEE : FHFB Family Housing Fund Board FOR APPLICATIONS DASED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COHHENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DZS DISTRICT DISTRZCT (PRZOR) (OTHER COMMZTTEES SERVZNG ON) ---- -------- -------- ----�--- --- --- --- St. Paul, MN 55102 002005 Kruger, Pauline C. 2160 Lincoln Avenue St. Paul, MN 55105 Home - 699-5791 V.P. Property Mgt. Johanna Mohwinkel Dobbs Temporary Services 386 N. Wabasha, Ste. 100 St. Paul, MN 55102 h) 452-7579 w) 291-7811 Bill Buth B.O.M.A. 645 Capital Centre St. Paul, NN 55102 h) 459-5249 w) 291-8888 Sandy Schwartzbauer Minnesota Landmark 75 W. 5th, 55102 w) 292-3228 4 14 1-8-96 Family Housinq Fund Board Susan M. Haigh, Ramsey Co. Commissioner 220 Court House, 55102 w) 266-8364 Anne Ford Nelson Norwest Bank 55 E. Sth St., 55102 w) 291-2193 Robert Straughn McGrann Shea Franzen Carnival Straugh & Lamb 2200 LaSalle Pla2a 800 LaSalle Avenue Mpls., 55402-2041 w) 338-2525 5/30/96 Skyway Governance Committee OIJOSJ96 W F Commissioner Susan Haigh Ofl �FS\ oi—si—oo APPLSCANTS.RPT COMMZTTEE APPLICANTS REPORT CO2MZTTEE : FHFB Family Houaing Fund Board FOR APPLZCATZ0235 DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT f REEEREtiCE CAMMEtITS Bd. Ramaey Co. Commissioners 220 Court House, 55102 w) 266-8364 PAGE 4 WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DZS DISTRICT DISTRICT {PRIOR) (OTAER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- Anne Ford Nelson, V.P. Norwest Investment Mgt. & Truat 55 E. Sth St. w) 22'I-9505 2imothy Waleh Attorney at Law Leonard, O'Brien, P.A. 800 Norwest Center w� 227-9505 001987 Lawrence, Kenneth A. P.O. Box 1946 St. Paul, MN 55101 Consultant/COmmunity Developmt Karen Heeney 2025 Nicollet Ave. 5., #250 Minneapolis w) 870-7773 Bob Tracey 250 E. Sth St., #301, 55101 h) 290-0592 Russ Wigfield 1885 Berkeley, 55105 h) 698-8073 7 4 12/18/95 B M Y May 11, 1992 Riverfront; Affirmative Action &( Public Housing: Same references as above, with addition of Lynette Fields 2400 World Trade Center 30 E. 7th St.� 55101 w) 229-6055 SJ31/94 Public Safety Advisory Committee Russ Wigfield 1885 Berkely h) 648-8073 00 -gl 01-21-00 APPLICANTS.RPT CAMMITTEE APPLZCANTS REPORT CAMMITTEE : FEiFB Family Housinq Fund Board FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1j01/94 APPLICA23T / REFERENCE COt41ENT5 Lynette Fields Shoreview h) 484-1230 PAGE 5 WARD PLANNING SEt3ATE APP DATE STH GEN IIIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTFIER CAMMZTTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- ---'----'- -------- --- -"- --- Jan Morlock ESNDC w) �71-1152 "--°----------------------------------------{--------- 12-18-95 ACOA; Family Housing Fund Board Mpls{./St. Paul; Disabilities: Lora Melby 451 Centennial Dr. Roseville, MN h) 484-314� Russ Wigfield 1885 Berkely h) 698-8�73 Carol Carey 635 Bates h) 774-0218 w) 771-2659 003126 Madson, Kristine 115 Kent Street St. Paul, MN 55102 Home - (651) 291-7362 Consultant Greg Finzell 1183 Ashland Ave. h) 647-0862 w) same signe Masterson 841 Laurel Avenue h) 292-8571 w) 646-3005 Greg Horan 1777 Marshall Avenue w) 222-5863 1 8 65A O1/12/96 W F 10-19-99 CIB Barbara carr 4685 Mackubin Street Shoreview, MN 55126 h) 651/483-1976 w) 651/266-6007 00 -ff1 01-21-00 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 6 COMMITTEE : FHEB Family Housing Fund Board FOR APPLZCATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE CAHIQENTS WARD PLANNZNG SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OT$ER CAMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- ---�---- -°----- -------- --- --- --- Zula Young 853 Marshall Avenue St. Paul, MN 55104 h) fi51/292-8421 Signe Masterson 801 Laurel Avenue St. Paul, MN 55104 h) 651/292-8571 w) 651/768-0216 003129 McElhatton, Shaun Leonard, Street and Deinard 30 E. 7th St., Ste. 2270 St. Paul, MN 55101 Work - 291-3505 FAX 2227644 Lawyer Robyn Hansen Leonard, Street and Deinard 30 E. 7th St., Suite 2270 St. Paul, MN 55101 w) 291-3506 Jim Gabler 1904 Selby Ave., 55104 w) 871-7756 Peter Bachman w� 223-5969 003625 Paulson, Cynthia Community NHS Work - 612/934-3340 Executive Director 4 13 8-30-99 Family Housing Fund Board Kay Gudmestad 4429 Upton Ave. S. Minneapolis, MN 55410 h) 612/925-9255 O1/18/96 W M 08(30/99 W F Peggy Metzer 3778 Shannon Drive Hastigns, MN 55033 h) 651f480-3754 w) 612f347-3148, Ext. 207 � oo-�� 01-21-00 COMMZTTEE APPLZCANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT PAGE 7 COMMZTTEE : FHFB Family Housinq Fund Board FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE CAMPSENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRZCT DISTRICT (PRZOR) (OTHER CAMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---^ -------- -------'- -------- --- --- --- Rarla Melvin 3136 45th Avenue S. Minneapolis, mN 55406 h) 612/721-1173 w) 651/646-3808 003254 Sanders, Paulette 400 West Central Avenue St. Paul, MN 55103-2248 Home - 225-1098 Housekeeping/Laundrey Aide Mrs. Bev Wise 195 E. 5th St. St. Paul, MN h) 227-8785 Anthony Elliott 300 Minnesota h) 450-1690 w) 222-5563 or 222-SS63 Mrs. Loretta Thompson 1473 Sherburne St. h) 647-�641 w) 487-6480 001089 Sudeith, Mary Ann 1837 Eaqle Ridge Dtive Mendota Heights, MN 55118 Home - 454-7692 Firstar Bank 12/09/96 B F 11/22J96 W F Dianne E. Arnold 2165 Lower St. Dennis Road h) 699-2293 w) 291-5576 Richard zehring 836 Fairmount Ave. h) 292-0807 Marshall D. Anderson 2851 Merrill Road h) 633-1868 -------------'--°----------------------------{------- 11-22-96 Mpls./St. Paul Family Housing Fund B{oard of Directors n 00 - 8�1 oi-2i-oo APPLICANTS.RPT COMMZTTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 8 COL4fITTEE : FHFB Family Housing Fund Board FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1jOlj94 APPLICANT j REFERENCE COMMEIiTS WARD PLAI3NING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DZSTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTAER CAMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- No references listed. 002937 Washington, Marie A. 806 N. Hazel St., #307 St. Paul, MN 55119 Home - 731-4196 Women's Advocate Patricia Banks 414 Grand Ave. St. Paul, MN 55102 H) 227-4198 Harriet Bolden 1917 Minnehaha St.-Paul, MN 55104 H) 649-1197 6 2 02/02/95 B F Monica Henderson 644 Salem Avenue Elizabeth, N3 07208 H) 908-629-0144