D001079Originai- Ciry Cterk No.: Copies- Fin. & Mgmt Services Public Works Accounting Date Engineer • Contractor GtTY OF SAINT PAUL - OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER for CONTRACT CHANGE AGREEMENTI�IQ_-_ 1 o � fo iq !!-�8��� ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Whereas, additions which proved to be necessary to the Improvement described as Shepard Road Debris Area Clean-up, known as xaPa3� Acet. 2S022 , City Project No. 95-P-1138 , GNB Environmental ServiCes Inc CorKractor, is composed of the following: Additional environmental abatement work not included in the original contract but neccessary for the successful completion of the project: 1. Excavation 2. Clean Backfill 6. Transport, Disposai 7. Testing and Permits //- `f � s� TOTAL � $ 4,006.83 $ 3,321.00 $16,462.85 $ 2.000.00 $25,790.68 ORDERED, That the City of Saint Paul, through iis Mayor, approves the foregoing additions made in acxordance with ihe specitications in the sum of $ 25.790.68 , said amount to be added to the lump sum consideration named on the contract, known as �. ACCt. 25022 , and which amount is to be financed from: Spec. GO Bonds Division Maneger ° Y!/,L� L✓J ,�C��-^ - �' dor, De artment of Public Works '�� � 9 96 580.7 tons @ $6.90 492cy @ $6.75 580.7 tons �a $28.35 Lump Sum 19— � a � 9 / CIVIIUYYI(:GI,:VUIJI.IL � Works Deparhnent Elder (Tel. No. Q� , � DASE iNiT7ATED {�tR,6. 70/22/86 ��TOTAL e OF SIGNANRE PAGES 5 (CIJP ALL LOCATONS FOR S� �oo�a� GREEN SHEET No.3633 �}Tl9VDATE INI7IAUDATE 'ATTORNEY - 3ET DIRECTOP OR (OR RSSISTANT) � C1TY COUNOIL 8 ClIYCLERK a flN, S MGT. SEFVICES 10 Iaay Lue[h G[ I�?IOEPT.AGCOUNTANi I of Change Agreement # 1 Road Debris Area Clean-up, Citp Project No. 95-P-113S �r: GNB Environmental Services Inc. STAFF �� ` �g9fi � � ,.��., apc/�' RE�EfVEf� P�OV 14199� ;l�Y CLERK Additional envirorunental clean-up not included in the original contract was required for the successful completion of the project. � The Contractor is fairly compensated for work perfonned at the request of the Engineer. The city benefits by removing contaminated soil without having to let a separate contract. ��C����� DISADVANiAGES IF APPROVED: No disadvantages foreseen. OISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPflQVE�: The Caniractor will not be compensated for work performed. FUND{NG SOURCE $pgCjaj FINANCIAL INFORMATON: (EXPtAI� � PERSONAL SERV�CE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER iHE FOILOWING QUES710N5: CIVIL SERVICE CAMMISSION �- �s ihis persorVftrm ever worked uMler a coniratt for this depattment? YES NO 2. Has this person/fittn ever been a cily empbyee? YES NO 3. Does this persoNfittn possess a skill rrot nofmally possessed Dy any curzent city employee? YES NO Explain all yes answers on separate sheet antl attach M green sheet uS 525,790.68 GO Bonds �� ,.; COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (qRCLE ONE) YE NO ACINT'NUMBER C91-2S022-0784-0000 _____________________-________. � YY