275148 �NHITE - CITV CLERK ����� PINK � - FINANCE C I TY O F SA I NT PA LT L Council CANARV - OEPARTMENT File NO. BLUE - MAVOR � uncil Resolution Presented By • Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul , upon the recommendation of the Mayor and the advice of the Long-Range Capital Improvement Budget Committee, that the 1979 Capital Improvement Budget, as heretofore adopted and amended by this Council , is hereby further amended as follows: AMENDMENTS 93079-002 Groveland Site Development; amend project title to: Groveland Site Development and Building Completion with no change in project appropriation. i�'�° Approved as to unding: Approved: ;�� �-� ' Director, D 'p . of Finance & � Bu et Direc r Management rvices :*. i�3ul Long-Range Capital Improv�me��t �-;A¢ �ommittee received±his ieques: on ```) ��/���� and recommencls ._ � C'1l ;�iqned: r��ta: � l�-z/_�e COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays ��cMcMahon _� Comnuni ty Servi ces � WILSON [n Favor Hunt � _ __ Against Maddox Show sco Form A roved b Ci e Adop by C ouncil: Date — �— ified Yas• by Cou .i , cetary BY App e by Mavor: Da � `2 1�� Ap ov by Mayor for Sub ss o C uncil BY - – — BY �ettsta� J U L 5 1980 - � '� • � ,. . - . � �C�UTHWEST AR�.A DISTRICT CC�U�CfI 550 SO. SfiElllhG AVEfYUE ST. PAUL. �liY 55116 (61?)698-7973 ���.��� April 2�, 1980 .. . Greg Haupt, Executive Secretary CIB Committee City He.11 St. Paul, NLinnesota 55102 Deax Greg, The Southwest Area District Council would like to request -�hat the CIB Committee amend the 1979 CIB Budget so that the site work allocation in tha,t budget for the Groveland Center and Playground can be modified so that the ballfields are upgraded as allocated but other site work deferred until the interior work at the new �oint-use facility has been completed. Completion of the Groveland Center is pro�ect C-1�t03 ia - � the 1981 CIB Budget. � The Southwest Area District Council is supportive oP the Groveland School PTA and the Highland Groveland Recreation Association position that this new facility should be completed as soon as possible so �hat the facility . � can be ful�y used by the community. If you feel that the members of the CIB Committee would want representation from the coimnunity at their meetin� please so advise. Thank you for your help in this matter. � Sincerely, � ✓a'�-� � ��Z�/�� K thie Tarnowski Community Organizer cc: Dave McDonell, Chair, CIB Comunittee , _�: Cz��r �v�� ����_���r �PA.v� E � '" OF�'ICE O�' T�3F� �Z�'Y Gflt7NCIL 2'�5�48 : ��� �; r`>. ,;�, �vr- 1;'' �j'�, i:�. t^s� �,;t�,:•:� s �,,( :n�..,.,..� ,• ` � 1j„Y�':,. ''s1''41 .z_� €�,' ��' --- ,a<- '�;� '<' - Dote. • June 19, 1980 -�.•9 � � �'� � �� � � � � � � � �� TO : Soirt P�ul Cifi�r Coune�! FRO � � COlTifflf���� O�1 FINANCE, MANAGEMENT & PERSONNEL George McMahon , choirman, mak�s �he fn! !;�v�ing report on C. F. (1 ) �X C1rdi�ance (12) � R�soti�fiic�n � Qfher T 1�'�.� : The Finance Committee, at its meeting of June 19, 1980, recommended approval of the following: �, 1 . Resolution changing mileage for plurr5ers for AFSCME LocaT 2508 and Local 1842. 2. Resolution changing mileage for Saint Paul Fire Su�aervisors. � 3. Resolution making bargaining changes in mileage effective June l , 1980. � 4. Ordinance amending Chapter 93 of Administrative Code covering reimbursement to elected and appointed officials for mileage. 5. Resolution amending 1978-1980 Maintenance Labor Agreement between the Independent School District No. 625 and Painters Local #61 . (11052-GM} 6. Council Resolution to amend Project 93�J79-002: Groveland Recreation Center Site Development to: Groveland Recreation Center Site Development & Building Completion to permit expenditure of monies now available on completion of building's interior. (11061-GM) 7. Resolution restoring the 30-day limit on employee suspensions. (11045-GP1) 8. Resolution abolishing title and class specification for Groundsman and establishing titles of Groundsworker--Water Department and Groundsworker-- Board of Education in Section 3.G (Labor-Maintenance, Ungraded) of the Civil . Service Rules and establishing in Section 32 elass specifications for these titles. (11049-GM) (--CONTINUED--) CI1Y HALL SEVENTH FLOO� SAINT PAUL, btINNF.SOTA 5�102 .•> "�' _ ' Page 2 .Y.. _ CI'��' OF ��..�I�7'� �A CT�. ,�,..-_ ,, ` 1,,::`'. T�`-t �a' OF��'ICE O�+' sII� GZTY CULTNCiL f'+� ! ,�1"�;U {`.; ��,.,.;., j� �.._ ..y:_�.__ . �- (��_,,.,,� '�y �t;�' )!7a��.wri.a�;� .�� . . T:�", T;�l��yaG'.:f": , . �"�_ __- �€-�' f+:. . ,, �r,` D a t e . June 19, 1980 :'�, � o �l� � ��.� � � � �. � � ��F�� TO : Sain�fi ��ul Ci�t� Counci! FRQ � � Cafttfifll�f@t° Otl FINANCE, MANAGEMENT & PERSON;VEL George McMahon , choirman, makes the foliov+�ing report on C.F. � �rdinar�ce Q h�6S01t:�'fO�i {� Uti�er TiTL� : (Continued from other page) � 9. Resolution establishing rate of pay for new titles �of Groundsworker--Water Department and Groundsworker--Board of Education which are being established ' in the Labor-Maintenance, Ungraded (3.G) Section of the Civil Service Rules. (11048-G 10. Resolution establishing title of Welder in Section 3.D (Equipment Maintenance, Ungraded) of the Civil Service Rules to replace title of Welder-Blacksmith and establishing class specification in Section 32. (11047-GM) 11 . Resalution establishing the title of Welder Leadworker in Sectian 3.D (Equipment Maintenance, Ungraded) of the Civi1 Service Rules and establishing in Section 32 a class specification for this title. (11046-GM� 12. Resolution establishing the tile to Welder Leadworker in Section 3.D (Equipment Maintenance, Ungraded) of the Civil Service Rules and establishing in Section .32 a class specification for this title. (11044-GM) 13. Resolution amending the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution by correcting salary range for Grade 28 E in the "Technical Group" by applying the 8% salary adjustment granted to classifications represented by the Technical Bargaining Unit in 1980. (11043-GM) C[T`1' HAI.L SEVENT'ri FLOOR SAINT Pr�UL, ti�II`�E50T'A SSI02 -�.. ' . � . � OM 01: Z,2/.7,gT5 . � • Rsv. s 9/8/76 E��=� oF �_���� a��. �5:1��$ � � �=�S, � a��.v�s . �ECEIVED Data: May 22, 1980 . MAY 2 � 1980 . MAYOR�S pF�� T0: MAYOR GEORGE LATIMER ' �= Thomas J. Kelley, Director, Department of Community Services �= Council Resolution to amend � Project 93079-002: Groveland Recreation Center Site Development � . . to: Groveland Recreation Center Site Development & Building Completion a�C"�'ION 1��IIE5'�D: : Approval for Submissi�on to C. I.B. Corr�nittee and City Council � • PQRPOSs AND RATICN� FOR TSIS ACTION: � . ,.,- This is necessary to permit expenditure of monies now available on � completion of building's interior. This will delay portions of the ' sitew�ork to 1981 . . Request is in accordance with Southwest Area District Council wishes and is supported by the Department of Corr�nunity Services. 1TTAC8MEI�TT3: � Council Resolution � . . Apri1 24, 1980 letter from Southwest Area District Council