275135 WHITE - CITV CLERK COUI1C11. �i'11�� PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PALTL File NO. d CANARV - DEPARTMENT �� �r BLUE - MAVOR cil esolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, The Joint City Hall and Court House, acting pursuant to Laws 1980, Chapter 612, has determined the exclusive usage or occupancy by the City and Caunty to be as follows: � City of Saint Paul - 73, 633 square feet or 35� Ramsey County - 136,220 square feet or 65� . WHEREAS, The Joint Commission has recommended that the expenses of heating and maintaining the common usage areas be shared on the same basis as the exclusive usage areas; and WHEREAS, The Joint Commission has recommended that effective January 1, 1981 all expenses for remadeling and alterations in the areas of exclusive usage be paid for by the City or County; that the County Budget and Accounting Department assume the functions of fiScal agent for the Joint Commission and bill the City for its proportionate share of monthly expenses; and that the Ramsey County Attorney be the legal counsel for the Joint Commission; now, there- fore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby concur in and approv�e these recommendations and actions taken by the Joint City Hall and Gourt House Commission, and the City Clerk is hereby directed to transmit a copy of this resolution to the Ramsey County Board of Commissioners and the Secretary of the Joint Commission. COUNCILMEN Yea�{unt Nays � Requested by Department of: -tedine Maddox � �n Favor McMahon Showaiter - __ Against BY Tedesco Wiiso JUN i 9 t980 Form Approved by it At rney Adop by Council: Date ertified Pas- by ecretar BY App by Mayor: Da e ► �� 3 �980 Approved by y for Submission to Council - B _ — BY � �t.tS�i� JUN 2 8 1g�4 . . . . .\ ,. � . . � . . . . . .. �. . . .. � . . . . � . � . \ i � . . . .. . � � , � � ' . . . � . � . -.. . . � - ' . �. . ' � � � .. . .. . ' � , . � 4 '_ ' , �-- �G`t��c�� `. : � . ; - ° '. . , _ . - . , , � � ,- , , _ . � , _: � � � � � _ � _ ,; . . . . , . . : , . : . Jt� �, 19�0 . , , , , � , , : ;. . - . . . � . � . . , . . . . ( .. .. . . � ' . • k.... � . � . , .•� �� �e�/���1r � 1 . I � � . � ` , � � .� , � . �. . .> . �. . .. . , . _ ..� ) . . � �ty, Attcia�aery . , Aoopa 6�7, Ci�qr �l.l ; , . ` ' � : 8t. Pata�, �. �, r : : . . ,-',. � . -, . DNir Sir a � , , . ' � , , ` . - - . ' , , !!�t City Council tcxl�y �dapt.�d � 'o�tan t.o c�a�ae�ar �a th� �►etion` �'. T' � i of '�b�e Ci�y �e►11 se�d Q�rt Ao�w trA+i�ltt.� sad t� Cou�Ly Hoard., . � ta �rnvi�3 ��ot+i1 Ls�+s of 199t),,Ch�,pt�sar 63�t �ich vh�t�w � ;. 1�r lin�nciag of tLe.Court � aaQ Cticy �sl]. b?uti�.11i�g. i/il,l . lrou P1M� p��+�are � pt'c�p�' r�sml.titLfeel ;�rp7�awrf�4,#t�g t►bi� r . ' �►erElxiaY , � : . � . � ; Y�Y;ti"'��j►"S�e's r " " . } , � ; _ , , , . � �fi� Mi�c , �: , ! . City Clerk. - . � _ . , . AEOt2a , , . , _ . - , ,� . � , : .. , . `� _ aa s �trrx l�rihall,�,Oa�uaty. 8o�trd 8�r�r,rt�r - � � - . � . , , . , � .� • . _ , , . _ , � � . ' ' ' , � , . - - , . �, . . ' _ , , � : : . , , -. � _ , . , , : , , ��: - , , � _ � ;,x' , . . . ; � . . , � ' . - ' { ~ ' . ", . ��~ ��'�`�:7 Robert J. Orth ��� D;srricr 1 Chairman Diane Ahrens Board of District 4 • • Anthony A. Danna amse ��un� �01221221SS1012C1'S Disrrict 5 � � John T. Finley Disirict3 Suite 316 Court House, St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 Hal Norgard District 7 Phone (612) 298-4145 Donald E. Salverda District 2 Warren W. Schaber May 28, 1980 District 6 Larry J. Brown Executive Director Rose Mix, City Clerk 386 Citv Hall & Court House St. Paul, MN 55102 Dear Rose: The Joint Court House & City Hall Committee at its May 19, 1980 meeting, unani- mously approved Resolution 4�80-29 (attached) in compliance with Minnesota Laws of 1980, Chapter 612 which changes the financing af the Court House & City Hall Building from a 50/50 basis to a proportionate square foot allocation based on exclusive use or occupancy by the City and the County. The resolution also addresses other problems of the Joint Committee in its eiforts to effectively administer the affairs of the Court House & City Hall Building. The resolution will require the concurrence of both the City Council and the County Board, and will go into effect on January 1, 1981. However, there is some urgency due to the fact that both governments must use the new sp�ce use percentages in computing their respective budgets for 1981 which are now in progress. Please see that this matter is scheduled for Citv Council action as soon as possible. Sin _ely, CHIEF C RK-Col�ntv Board and Joint ommittee Secretarv CC: Mayor Latimer City Council President I,arry Brown, Executive Director Robert Orth, Chairman County Board Jerome Segal, Committee Counsel Richard Schroeder, Budger. Dir.ector Miles McGinley, Property Manager Dennis Killen, Building Superintendent Attach: CH & CH Resolution 4�80-29 , Laws of 1980, Ch. 612. Sec. 5 City & County Square Foot Allocations � � � � � � ^ � � � � � Resolution No. 80-29 ����� Joint City Hall & Court House Committee � �resented By Commissioner Norgard Date May 19, 1980 Attention: Jim Van Houdt, Budget & Accounting; Dick Schroeder, St. Paul Budget Director; Jerome Segal, Corporation Counsel; Tom Foley, County Attorney; Steve Befort, Assistant County Attorney; D. Killen, Building Superintendent; Rose Mix, St. Paul City Clerk; Miles McGinley,Property Manager, St.Paul; WHEREAS, Minnesota State Legislature enacted a new law which changes the financing of the Court House & City Hall building from a 50/50 basis to a pro- portionate square foot allocation based on exclusive uses or occupancy by the City of St. Paul and Ramsey County; and WHEREAS, It is essential that both the City of St. Paul and the County of Ramsey know their proportion of square foot allocation based on occupancy prior to April 1 of each year in order to prepare their respective budgets for the following year; and WHEREAS, The cumbersome system now in effect for the conduct of Court House & City Hall business has the County's Chief Clerk as its Secretary; the City Attorney's office as its legal counsel; the County Civil Service system as the employer of all Court House & City Hall personnel who are considered county em- ployees, yet their salaries are paid by the City Finance Department; and the � City's Finance Department pays all the operating expenses in connection with the Court House & City Hall; and WHEREAS, The Building Superintendent has determined the square foot of ex- clusive usage or occupancy of the building to be as follows: Ramsey County 136,220 square feet or 65% City of St. Paul 73,633 square feet or 35% Now, Therefore Be It RESOLVED, That for the year 1981, the County shall pay 65% and the City shall pay 35% of the normal repairs and necessary expenses of heating and maintaining the Court House & City Hall building based on their respective exclusive usage or oc- cupancy as outlined in the new legislation; and Be It Further RESOLVED, That the county and the city shall fund the expenses of heating and maintaining the common usage areas in the Court House & City Hall building based on the same percentages used in figuring the exclusive usage areas; and Be It Further RESOLVED, That all remodeling, alterations and repairs shall be approved by the Joint Court House & City Hall Committee, and the City of St. Paul and the County of Ramsey shall pay for its own remodeling costs in the areas of exclusive usage by each unit; and Be It Further � � (continued) By, . JOINT COMMITTEE SECRETARY � � � . � � � � � � � � � Resolution No. 80-29 _ ���� Joint City Hall & Court House Committee � Presented By Commissioner Norgard D8t8 May 19, 1980 Attention� Page 2 - continued RESOLVED, That to alleviate the cumbersome procedures for paying bills, the County Budget & Accounting Department shall be the fiscal agent of the Joint Court House & City Hall Committee, billing the city for its proportionate share of expenses each month which will eliminate the process of submitting claims for approval of the Joint Committee each month, and all payments would be paid as other county bills are paid in the normal fashion, with a detailed 'dis- bursement report' and a 'budget condition report' furnished the Building Superintendent on a monthly basis; and Be It Further RESOLVED, That the Ramsey County Attorney's office shall be the legal counsel for the Joint Court House & City Hall Committee; and Be It Further RESOLVED, That the Building Superintendent shall, on an annual basis, prepare ( �� a report on the proportionate square foot exclusive usage by the city and the county �� on or before April 1 of each year; and Be It Further RESOLVED, That due to the fact that the new legislation is silent on the al- location of costs of the Veterans' Quarters, the City Attorney is requested to render a legal opinion as to the allocation of costs of the Veterans' Quarters which is presently allocated on a 50/50 basis between the county and the city; and Be It Further RESOLVED, That this resolution shall become effective on January l, 1981, and all prior resolutions or actions of the Joint Committee not in conformance with the provisions of this resolution are hereby superseded; and Be It Further RESOLVED, That the Joint Committee Secretary is directed to forward copies of this resolution to the St. Paul City Council and the Board of Ramsey County Commissioners for their consideration and approval. �r/ By JOINT C ITTEE SECRE�ARY Robert J. Orth Dis[rict 1 Chairman Board of Diane Ahrens � D�st�icr 4 • • Anthony A. Danna ���tn�s�l ��Utl-rl� ommrssroners Distiict 5 � � John T. Finley District3 Suite 316 Court House, St. Paui, Minnesota 55102 Nal Norgard °i��,;`�' Phone (612) 298-4145 Donald E. Salverda D�s rr,c r 2 Warren W. Schaber May 28, 1980 D;srricr G Larry J. Brown Executrve Director Robert J. Orth, Chairman - Board of Ramsey Countv Commissioners 316 Court House & City Hall St. Paul, A�I 55102 Dear Bob: The Joint Court House & City Hall Committee at its May 19, 1980 meetinl�, unani- mously avproved Resolution ��80-29 (attached) in compliance with Minnesota Laws of 1980, Chapter 612 which changes the financing of the Court House & City Hall building from a 50/50 basis to a proportionate square foot allocation based on exclusive use or occupancy by the City and the County. The resolution also addresses other problems of the Joint Committee in its efforts to effectively administer the affairs of the Court House & City Hall Building. The resolution will require the concurrence of both the City Council and the County Board, and will go into effect on January l, 1981. However, there is some urgency due to the fact that both governments must use the new space use percentages in computing their respective budgets for 1981 which are now in progress. Please see that this matter is scheduled for County Board action as soon as possible. o r Sincerely, �� �_�- � � �i��i���/',�-'� CHIEF ERK-Coun �oard and Join Committee Secretary CC: Mayor Latimer City Council President Larry Brown, Executive Director Tom Foley, County Attorney Dennis Killen, Building Sunerintendent Jim Van Houdt, Budget & Accounting Attach: CH & CH Resolution �E80-29 Laws of 1980, Ch. 612, Sec. 5 City & County Square Eoot Allocations °��;,.�;� e � . ,. - . �.�^ • i . T, . •d. u.'. / � � , . � . '� . . +.- ; . 1 r� / . ' r n . , • . , . 1 ,` � ,;`t ;�i .r �^r ` � f.�*r �i, � �� � i�ti� �r �r �" . , ' � ' ' �.. ' �i.. p,� � , ' ` � � Y . y � Y�� .s 1 . r '. ' . . ' � • �r. ' ' � . ' . . �t� . � � ���.X�..��- �,. y ..'�e �. J� � j .��� . � �- �.i� ...1 . ... ,?'c:'.. . �. � . .. ..,�.� MwL.s� �.w�.�.. 2' ... L �.��: A. AG+a►r.i+t'i:a.�i�Y.� 'St� � : . .� . . �r - -,- �. ., ... a ��_f��. i�� t•. ^,_ •.� x a�T � . •jr.� �yi ••� Y�� � . ,'�31'r �2%*f r'1 t �:������''.;'1 � ' � �{,�,;; ^ 987'li DAY] ] ItIDAY. AI'itll, il. 1�r�0 FiAS�J �+k'��'. ,W, '•+- { 1)/1Y . -;�i,. r i' �' .}, �^� �Y � { :.,f S Y��,� .� ., cuding (h� t�eterans l���'f�'rrnce ncl, or a crt•tl s��rt�ice rule ur regu- ,;,i„ 1 }a ; ' , 1��63, � � "�-�'•• P� �1 ��:' � lation, thc �ot�crnin� bnd�' or any h�nrd or commr�sinn o/ lhe ctfy .�.�� ����„� � o/ Saint F'�rr�! l;nuing autJinrity to hire c•�r���lo�•ces ��ay e�nploy r����'.:�_;-, �i ;�,�� �y unit,crsity, collrg�, nr pio/cssinnal school slucl�nts purs«ant fo an '%�?���'�'+�,��1 intcrn or vthcr trainin� pro�ra,n ���lntcd to thrir nc�rfcmic en- �� ��;�,`,+�`_�;3:� `` „�<_` ": ..�,,•` ;�,: decc�ors u�hcn thc p��,�'�a�n is s/wnsorrd �r suhstnatially �nnnccd ;�c•� '' ., � by the stafc or thc Unitrd Stat��s or 6y n philantl�rGptC /ounda- ':I�;�"��;•���;if��: Sub_ � tion or orga,�izafion. Pcrsons hircd undcr a program shall be in ��'w {'`� �;, ' ihe unclassifcd seruice o/ thc city and serue at the pleasure o/ > � i�?,�� �0�' '��i i lhe body emplo��ing thcm. No fu(l lime appointment under this . �; ` � ,,,�, �d, the section sha!! esceed one year. Persons employed under this sec- •�,; � , 74 e, land tion shall 6c cxcluded Jrom thc provisions o/ hfinnesota Slatutes, `+a�������+� ,er and Sections 268.03 to 268.24. � �'�'`�y^�; �'�"���` � � ���r��.. '.c`i-: iciliLies _ ��'�. �" eeks to Sec. 4. Subdivision 1. 1/ the city n/ St. Pa�l issues a 6uilding ��,. Under � � peimi� in uiolalion o/ �aiu, charter or ordinance, it may; upon dis- � _� •:o , �o�p � covery o/ the error, re�okc the permit and requcre remoual oJ thc �' _{ Such � constructinn. Tlie city may ind�mni/y the person lo u;horn the ,� r� g QL�_ permtt was issued /nr rnsts incurmd hrcQUSe n/ �he erronenus :� , � �� , � tOWTI, ISSLQ/1CC. ���;q:y'��• 8 CO71' i'.= -�r:a,.: -�`; 1/ construclion in thc city of St. Paul has been inaduertently y _� � tosalf cntcred on land oiuned 6y thc city or dcdicalcd to a public usc � � and no other legal nr equitablc rcmed�� is satis/ac(ory to the ccty, ,-t4�- s aPP�Y the city may acquirt� and remouc all or parl oJ ihc structurc by � '� idenlral eminent domain in �ccordance �uil/i 111innesota Slatutes, Chapte� y- � " �. ..- . ]17. A takin,� o/ properly pursuant to lhis scction is a (aki �_�or ' .�: •�.'�:'�,���,�--�' �ision 3, a p��blic purposc. „ t� : Subd. �s section is efjectiue rrtmactr��ely upon app c "�'` � � � �. io this by c �crnin� bod�� nf the city �/ St. Pnul and coniPlin�i ' ]�y con- � • inn�sotn .Slatul�s, .Seclion 615.021 vnd expires July 1, 1981. ;idential • :', • ��;��� �� Sec. 5. Not�rithstanding on�� contrary Inr�� or chartr.r proc�csion, � .,�,-,,,; � commencing �nith th� hurlget ycnr stnrting Jan��ary 1, 1981, and �'r��� rnnfinet:n thr.rco ter, the ex �►r.ce o ket� in the court house ^���`"� ;uant to � � P � P �_ 1! speci- nnd city hnl! /or the �ounty n/ Rams�y and cit�� o/ Saint Paul ` , ' ����ty of + /�(� in normnl rcpair nnd the n�C�s.cnry �xpcnsr o/ henting and mAin- z public /V lainin� i� �hal1 hc �aid hy 1hc rount�� oJ Rnmscy nnd the cr►y o� �munici- ,, J .�aint Pou! based ►rnort thcir rrsprctit�r cxclusrt�c t�sa�c or occu- sidence. L, � W panc)' of llt� bt�ildin,e. Nn !alrr ti�nn .�r'�lrmhrr 1 of �ach veor ` - ,nsc any - the �oint courl hnusr nnd c'tiv hnl( �'ommiftr� �hn/! determrne thr ��A � proportional� squar� /oot cxch�.eirr u�ngc or occ��poncy o/ th� �be Rp- buildin� 6y thc count�� and rit�• r�sn�ctiv�ly and shn11 submil 1hr � g�n�s delerminaJion to the cnunt�• f�onrd and cify council to�ether cuith • as pro- thc rrcommcnded nnnual ht�d�et for th� ncxt year's ex�enses. � zissioner ��,ions to �ec, fi. L�ws 195�J, Chapter 690, Section 2, a� amencled t � 19 •. apter 729, Sectinn l, an�l L�ws 1971, Ch�pter 5 ' ction 1, is am lcri to rcad: shall be -Sec. 2. IST. PAUL, CIT1' OF: INDEPENDFNT SCHOOL � DISTRICT NO. 625: E�1PL01'EES SEVERANCE PA1'.] The )F UNI- provisions, rulcs ancl reFulations undcr an�� �uch orclinancc for fing any such payment of severance pav b}� said ciLy, authorized un�er the tu�e� �n_ fnrcgoin� �rovisi�n� of �cctinn I hcrc�f, �hall hc a��licahic l� all . ` :�, . , �- >��'. '� . . f�� r�, 7 ° � • r �' ' + 7:. �_i�:.t_ . �^. �_��}r _�.._.. . .. . . �s . ._ . —+- � � COURT HOUSE AREA ASSIGNMENTS � � a � � COUNTY SQUARE FEET ' Basement: ; � � Veterans Service 1,005 � Data Processing 4,741 Abstract 288 County Recorder 3,952 Central Services 2,477 Court Vaults 1,053 Budgeting & Accounting 1,721 Accounting 912 lst floor: Property Taxation 20, 228 Traffic Violations 1,008 County Engineer 1, 512 Abstract 1,056 County Recorder 3, 200 2nd floor: � Budgeting & Accounting 1,804 3rd floor: County Board Offices 7,802 8th floor: Courts 9, 512 9th floor: Community Corrections Dept. 4,488 ZOth floor: Courts 9,728 llth floor: Courts 7,910 12th floor: Courts 8,982 13th floor: Courts 8,000 14th floor: Courts 8,000 15th floor: Courts 8,000 16th floor: Courts 9,000 17th floor: Courts 5,025 18th floor: Law Library, Co. Civil Service 4,$16 65% OF TOTAL AREA I'OTAL 136, 220 COURT HOUSE AREA ASSIGNMENTS CI� SQUARE FEET Basement: Election & Voter Registration 1,856 Controllers Vault 1,080 Parks Vault 350 Purchasing 360 lst floor: Mayor' s Complaint Office 1, 536 2nd floor : Finance & Management Services 25,628 3rd floor: Mayors Office, Budgeting, City Clerk and Energy Office 7,043 4th floor: Housing & Building Code Enforcement 6,992 5th floor : Parks & Recreation, Building Dept. Community Services 9, 566 6th floor: City Attorney 9.�22 7th floor: City Council Offices 9, 500 35/ OF TOTAL AREA POTAL 73, 633 . � + � � � R�esolution No. $0-29 Joint City Hall & Court House Committee � �reaented By Commissioner Norgard Date May 19, 1980 Attention� Jim Van Houdt, Budget & Accounting; Dick Schroeder, St. Paul Budget Director; Jerome Segal, Corporation Counsel; Tom Foley, County Attorney; Steve Befort, Assistant County Attorney; D. Killen, Building Superintendent; Rose Mix, St. Paul City Clerk; Miles McGinley,Property Manager, St.Paul; WHEREAS, Minnesota State Legislature enacted a new law which changes the financing of the Court House & City Hall building from a 50/50 basis to a pro- portionate square foot allocation based on exclusive uses or occupancy by the City of St. Paul and Ramsey County; and WHEREAS, It is essential that both the City of St. Paul and the County of Ramsey know their proportion of square foot allocation based on occupancy prior to April 1 of each year in order to prepare their respective budgets for the following year; and WHEREAS, The cumbersome system now in effect for the conduct of Court House & City Hall business has the County's Chief Clerk as its Secretary; the City Attorney's office as its legal counsel; the County Civil Service system as the employer of all Court House & City Hall personnel who are considered county em- � ployees, yet their salaries are paid by the City Finance Department; and the City's Finance Department pays all the operating expenses in connection with the Court House & City Hall; and WHEREAS, The Building Superintendent has determined the square foot of ex- clusive usage or occupancy of the building to be as follows: Ramsey County 136,220 square feet or 65% City of St. Paul 73,633 square feet or 35% Now, Therefore Be It RESOLVED, That for the year 1981, the County shall pay 65% and the City shall pay 35% of the normal repairs and necesQary expenses of heating and maintaining the Court House & City Hall building based on their respective exclusive usage or oc- cupancy as outlined in the new legislation; and Be It Further RESOLVED, That the county and the city shall fund the expenses of heating and maintaining the common usage areas in the Court House & City Hall building based on the same percentages used in figuring the exclusive usage areas; and Be It Further RESOLVED, That all remodeling, alterations and repairs shall be approved by the Joint Court House & City Hall Co�nittee, and the City of St. Paul and the � � County o� Ramsey shall pay for its own remodeling and alterations costs in the areas of exclusive usage by each unit; and Be It Further � (continued) By .. � JOINT COMMITTEE SECRETARY �. . - - � � � R�esolution No. 8°-29 Joint City Hall & Court House Committee L Preaented By Commissioner Norgard Da�g May 19, 1980 Attention� Page 2 - continued RESOLVED, That to alleviate the cumbersome procedures for paying bills, the County Budget & Accounting Department shall be the fiscal agent of the Joint Court House & City Hall Committee, billing the city for its proportionate share of expenses each month which will eliminate the process of submitting claims for approval of the Joint Committee each month, and all payments would be paid as other county bills are paid in the normal fashion, with a detailed 'dis- bursement report' and a 'budget condition report' furnished the Building Superintendent on a monthly basis; and Be It Further RESOLVED, That the Ramsey County Attorney's office shall be the legal counsel for the Joint Court House & City Hall Committee; and Be It Further RESOLVED, That the Building Superintendent shall, on an annual basis, prepare � a report on the proportionate square foot exclusive usage by the city and the county on or before April 1 of each year; and Be It Further RESOLVED, That due to the fact that the new legislation is silent on the al- location of costs of the Veterans' Quarters, the City Attorney is requested to render a legal opinion as to the allocation of costs of the Veterans' Quarters which is presently allocated on a 50/50 basis between the county and the city; and Be It Further RESOLVED, That this resolution shall become effective on January l, 1981, and all prior resolutions or actions of the Joint Committee not in conformance with the provisions of this resolution are hereby superseded; and Be It Further RESOLVED, That the Joint Co�ittee Secretary is directed to forward copies of this resolution to the St. Paul City Council and the Board of Ramsey County Commissioners for their consideration and approval. � By JOINT C ITTEE SECRETARY rx _ . � � � Resolution ����� Board uf ��amse �ounf C�olnmissloners .� .� 'reeented $y Commissioner Schaber _ Dete June 9, 1980 _ .ttentiun� Budget & Accounting; Larry Brown, Executive Director; Ro�Mix, City Clerk; Tom Foley, County Attorney; Dennis Killen, B1dg.Superintendent; Jerry Segal, Ass't.City Attorney; M.McGinley, City Prop.Manager; No. �(]-5�0--__ RESOLVED, That the Board of Ramsey County Commissioners hereby ratifies the actions of the Joint Court House & City Hall Committee as spelled out in the following Court House & City Hall Committee resolution: JOINT COURT HOUSE & CITY HALL RESOLUTION 4�80-29 WHEREAS, Minnesota State Leg:islature enactecl <� new law which changes the financinb of the Court House & City l�all buildin� frc�m a SO/50 basis Co a pro- portionate square foot allocation based on exclusive uses or occupancy by the City of St. Paul an� Ramsey County; and WHEREAS� It is essential that bott� the City oE St. Paul and the County of Ramsey know their proportion oE square foot allc�cati�n based on occupancy prior to April 1 of each year in order to prepare their rc�s�ect.ive budgeCs for the following ycar; and WHEREAS, The c�imbersome system now in effecr for the conduct of Court House S City Hall business has the County's Chief Clerk as its Secretary; Che City Attorncy's office as its legal counsc.l; the C��<<nty Civil Service system as the employer of all Court House 5 City Hall persunncl wt�c� �rc: considered county em- ployecs, yet the.ir sal�lries are {�aid hy the Ci ry 1�in�ince 1)epartment; and the City's Finance Uepartment pays all the op�:ratint; ��r{���nses in connection with the Court House & City Hall; and tJHGREAS, 'The Buildinb Superintendcnt h��s c(rtermined th�> square foot of ex- clusive usage or occupancy of the building to hE� .�s Fo] lows: Kamsey Coun ty 7.36,220 squ.ir�� Cee t or 65% City of St. 1'aul 73,633 syii:�r� fec.t �r 35% Now, '1'hereEore Be It RESOLVED, That for the year 1981. the County shall pay 65% and the City shall pay 35% of the normal repairs and necessary expensrs oP heating and maintaining the Court House S City Hall building based on their respective exclusive usage or oc- ' ' � cupancy as outlined in the new legislation; and Bc� It Further (Continued) ROBERT J. ORTH, Chairman Bz� `�' Chief Clerk - Countu Board � ' � � � �,esolution 2����� Board uf �� ��amse �ourlf C�olnmrssroners ,� .� 'resented $y Commissioner Schaber _ DBte June 9, 1980 .ttentiun� Page 2 - Continued No. $0-540 ___ KESOLV�D, That the county and the city shall Eund the expenses of heating and mainCaining the common usage areas in the Court llouse & City Hall building based on the same percentages used in fi�uring the exclusive usage areas; and Be It I'urther RESOLVGD� That all remodeling, alterations and repairs shall be approved by [he Joint Court House & City Hall Committee , and the City of St. Paul and the � � County oE Ramsey shall pa�� for its own remc�delin� and alterations costs in Che arens oE exclusive usage hy eacli iniit ; and Be It Further RGSULVEll� That to alleviate the cumbersome }�rocedures for paying bills, Che County Budget & Accountinb Department shall hr th� Eiscal agent of the Joint Court tlouse & City Na1.1 Committee, billing the city for its proportionate share of expenses each mon�l� wt�ich will eliminate the ��r�cess of submitting claims for approval of the Joint Committee each month, and all payments would be paid as o[her county bills arc paid in the norma.l Crish:ic�n, wirh a detailed 'dis- bursement repor[ ' and a 'budget condilion report ' Eurnished the Building Superintendent on a monthly basis; and Be It Furlher RESOLVED, That th� Ran�sc:y Coun ty ACtorney' s office shal]. be the legal counsel for the Joint Court House b City Hal.l Committee; ,ind Be It Further RESOLVED, That the Building Superintendent shall , on an annual basis, prepare a report on the proportionate square foot exclusive usage hy the city and the county �n or beEore April 1 �C cach year; ar�c] Be It I��irtherr. ItESOLVLU� Ttiat ciue to Lhe fact thaC the ncw legislation is silent on the al- lucation ot costs of the VeCerans' Quarters , the City Attorney is reques[ed to render a legal opi��ion as to the allocation oE costs of the Veterans' Quarters which is presently allocated on a 50/SO basis betwec�n the c.ounty and the city; and Be It Further ItESOLVED, T'hat thi.s resolutian shall h�come effective on January l, 1981, and all prior resolutions or actions of. the Joint C�mmi.ttee not in conFormance with the provisions oE this resolution are hereby superseded; and Be It Further R�SOLVT:U, That the Joi.nt Cnmmittee Secret�ry is directed to f.o naard copies oE this r��solution to the St. Yaul Ci.ty Council :�nd the Iioard of Ramsey County Commissioners for their consideration and a�lprc�vr�1 . , ROBERT J. ORTH, Chairnran B� ����/ Chief CZerk - County Boar