275130 WHITE — G�TV CLERK jr• 5130 PINK — FINANCE I OF SA I NT PAU L COIIIICIl CANARV — OEPARTMENT File NO. BLUE — MAVOR cil o� tion Presented By �CEP;SE COI-iIffTT� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVr'�: That licenses for permits to conduct Bingo games, applied for by the following organizations at the addresses stated, for the days, dates and hours inciicated on each application, be and the sax��e are hereby granted. Ra.voux General Assembly, �.th Degree Knights of Columbus 1�08 l�iai.n Street 52 Pds. Appn. �7..4876 Renewal North und Youth IIockey tlssociation 1079 Ri.ce Street 52 Pds. " CZ1�.877 " Catholic �,thletic Association 1�08 t��ain Street 51 Pds. '� �15146 '� Tanners Lake V.F.id. Post 8217 Auxiliary 1795 Z. `�eventh Street 50 °ds. " Q15128 PJew COUfVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas �M� ��. Nays � �� In Favor McIMa11@� St►owe►�gp �-- A ga i n s t BY — Te� �Isp�p� 1 Adopted b� unci Date JuN � $ �980 Form Approved by City Attorney C ied Pass c.il�e etary BY By /:�2- ta ed by 1+tavo • �_�1tI��_ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council • B _ By ��II�A�.J��1�1J jU�� ai <`� 1.-�i�ii: w ` � ��� �� � � -=�`�trr�o��o . _� ;,,, CITY OF SAINT PAUL �� '= DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES unw ;l %� iiu I Ii n �`'�• �c� . DIVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION . ��"'im,��,,,c�'� Room 209,City Hall GEORGE LATIMER Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 MAYOR June 18, 1980 i•;r. President and Honora'ole iiembers of the City Council Saint Paul� i°iinnesota I•;r. President and Honorable �iembers: The Catholic Athl�tic kssociation nakes application for permission to conduct �ir�o games for 51 periods at �.08 i4ain �treet beginnin�; June 21� 1980. The applica�ion has been made by 6?illiarl J. Ivory, President and Dominic J. Azzone will be managing the �a1es, which will be played on Saturday evenings t�etween the hours of 8;00 and 12:00 P.".�i. `1'his application has been revie�aed by the License and Permit iJivision and the C�_ty Attorney's office. The recommend- ation is �'or approval. Very truly �ours� � , Joseph r�. CarcY:edi License Inspector �O . � - , � , ; f; � � June 13y 198� . � � , � Hr. Willian J. Ixory� Preaident 517,5 Eea tMOOa�Rcad , - New Brighton, Minmeaota 55112 � . Dear Sir� � � � � �, ' Hirlgo (Cattiolic Ath,],etic Assn.) , � � Jvue I8, 1980 . , 10:00 A.M. Council Chambera� third floor City Ha11, " � , � ,> . ' . } . - , , , , , , ' • " �; ` r � .�. � , ��; . . �. . r � � , ,�, . i , / - , , . June 1�3, 1980 I. � • , ; � ' � _ . - Hr. :Dcmo�ic J. A$$one� Manager • � , 1310 L'L�aaola Avenwe . ' , , � st. Pau1, Mi.nneaota 55105 , , � , Dear Sirs , � � , ' - B3,ngo ,{Catholic Athlet3a Aeaa.), � � ', . , � � � ' . . � . ' . � . . . ! . ' . . . i' ' " . � . � , . � � � .. � .. . ' � . . . , J'Ut18 �.8� 1980 ; , 10:00 A.i�. Council Chambers, third �l.00r City Hs11 (�� � , / 1 L I ' • , i ' \ . , . c , , I , � , i� ; . . . � . .. . . „ . i � � . . . . . , . , . i� . � � . , , . . ... .�. .i � - . �. . . . �, , . . ' � . . . � .. � � � - � ' . . ` � . . . , �i - ,. , -. " . . . . . ... , � , , .. � . . .. ` � . . � . � - ' � . . . .' . � - � . - . . � . ' . . . � .. . \ . . . . . .. , ' _ . � . ' . ... . � . . . . , . . � � . � . � . . .. � � . , . . . . . . .. �. ' . , . t � � ��� �..� � � ..�.���nqin =`°�`'T' °'�''- CITY OF SAINT PAUL =s° :�''% �� �= DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES %� S i�iii° ^�� `�%;' = DIVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION �, �..• �.�� '�im,,,,,.,,� Room 209,Ciry Hall GEORGE LATIMER Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 MAYOR June 18, 1980 i�ir. President and Honorable i�iembers of the City Council Saint Paul, i�linnesota 24r. President and Honorable T�ier�bers: The T�orth Lnd Youth Hockey ��ssociation makes appli- cation for permission to conduct I;ingo garnes for 52 periods at 1079 I�i.ce Street beginiv.ng June 23, 19�30. The application r.as been made by ��dillia,�n J. Johnson� President, and �. Isd !Lmaro will be managing the games, which will be played on �Tonday evenings between the hours of 8:00 and 12:00 P.T��. This application has been reviewed b;� the License ara.d Permit Di�ision and the Cit�T ��ttorney's o:''fice. The reco:nmend- ation is for approval. Ver� truly ;rours, � ' � � Joseph �. Carchedi License Inspector �� ,. � ; .. � � ; � � � ` , - June 13, 1980 � . � � , ' ,_ , , � Mr. Wil].�1� J. Joh�on� Preaident . � � ' 673 Farrlr�ton �irenue � st. �s'i�l, 1�tianesota 5511.7 - Dear Sir: • � ffingo (tlorth End Youth Hockey Asan.�) ' _ , ., , : ; . . � J�e 1.8, 1980 � , � 1Os00 a.M. . fbunciZ Chanbers, third,flaor Git� 1ia71 . , . � . , � � . ,; . . _ , , . , � ' ,,< .s. . . - : � � � : i , . ♦..�t y . . . � . . . ' . � ' � � . ' � �� . . . . . . �-�, ., . . . _ �. . , .�, . � • - . � .. ' . . . . .. . . . ' . June 13, 1980. . . . j l�ir. !�. Ed Aa�►ro� N�neger : _ . 894 N. We�tern Avenwe � � - st. Panl, Hinnesota 55].1.7 . ; • � ,. Dsar Sir: � p Bingo (1�orth End You�h Hockey Apan,) ' , ' Jw1e 18, 1980 � � • 10:00 A.Zi. Council Chambers� third floor City Ha11 ' . . ` i � , , , . , ; � , � - � , , � � " � � i . , . . . . �. � . . ..... . � � �� ��-�. .::•.,.. � � � � . � � . .... , .. � . \ . ..... - . � . . � . . '., . . � I � - . � - . . . . ., . , .. .' y, . . . . � `. � . . . � . . . �t i�.. + � . .�' `� `� f � ,:,� ....,,,,,,,,, =��``T' °'�'''��-, CITY OF SAINT PAUL =�� :�.. �� �= DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES %� iii�iiiii �' ��`'�° �c� DIVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION ��,.. - . �'"im'�,.c°"� Room 209,City Hall GEORGE LATIMER Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 MAYOR June l�, 1980 �ir. President and IIonorable i�7embers of tr�e �ity Council Saint Paul� i�iinnesota T�ir. �'resident and rionorable I4lembers: The itavoux Ceneral �`�ssembly, Fourth Degree Knights of Columbus makes application for permission to conduct Bir�o games for 52 periods at 408 I�Tain Street, be€innin� June 23, 1980. The application has been made by Leonard J. ;daldock, Faithful Navi�ator and John P. Zeuli will be managir� the games which will be played on I��londay evenin�;s between the hours of 8:00 and 12:C0 P.I�r. i��.is application has been reviewed by the License and Permit ll�_vision and the i;itaT .�ttorney's oi°fice. The recommend- ation is for approval. T1ery truly �rours, � � Joseph I'. Carchedi License Inspector �O . , , . a w � - " ' : - - � , ; . ;. , ': � � � _ � � � � � _ ; . . � . , . - dune 13, 1980 � � - � , , � , , � , , � , - � . , . � �ir. Leanar�d J, Waldock, Fait�hYu�. Navigator`, � 3302 E, T�tth Strset . Ia�rer Groae He3ig2ita, Minaes ota 55075 ' � ;: ' : Dear 3ir: _, ' _ , _ � . . • . � Bingo (Ravou�_G�neral Aese�b3.,y, K.C.) , � , . . .f . . . - � � Jv�e, 18,' 1980 , � � . ; . 10:00 A.M. Council Gha�abers, third flaor City �Hall � ' ,, . � ,l. �. � ' �_ _ ,i � �. -- ; � . �, , . , � � , , • - . , . , - . � , , { , , , - . � • . , , . . . , . � , . ; � : . . ' - r - . � '. / � � . � •. � . , ,. � - r '�j. . . _ ` : � , , , , .rune 13, 1980 : i " � l�r+����John P. Zeult� l�ianager � , � � . 1204 Eelloxs Avenu�e • , , T�es� St. Paul, Minnesota 55118 ; , . ' De�r S3.r s . � - ' 1 • , Bingo (Ravoux Geaera2 Aesemb],T� K.�C.) . . , � . � . . � . , , , . , , ` , � \ . � . , �. . , - June I8y 1980 . � j , 10:00 A.�I. , � � Counci7, Chambers� thirdj floo'r� City Hall . � . , , � ' � . . , , ; . � - . , � , , . ; , . , � , , . • � . , � � . - , �� � ',�,,. � �-� � � -a c ' � -�.�x �"•,� � .���au�y _�:�``T' °';;�--,, CITY OF SAINT PAUL �� �= DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES ;� uu mu ;i _� au �uu �`'�• �c` DIVISION OF UCENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION ��'L�� ���• � 'lm ,.,,••c`�\' Room 209,Ciry Hall GEORGE LATIMER Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 MAYOR June 1�, 1980 i�ir. President and 'r_onorable L�Iembers of the City Council Saint Paul, i�Ii.nnesota i°Ir. President and F-ionorable I��embers: The Tanners Lake V.F.�°�. �'ost 8217 Auxiliary makes application for permission to conduct Lir�o games for 50 periods at 1795 �. 5eventh Street beginnin�; June 26, 1980. 1^he application has been made by Rose I�iarie Schwagel� President and °ose li. Carroll will be managing the games, which will be played on Trursday evenin�s between the hours of 8:00 and 12:00 P.I��. This is their initial application for license. ihis application has been reviewed by the License and Permit �ivision and the City Attoriiey's office. The recommend- ation is �'or ap��roval. Very truly yours� � � Joseph F. Carchedi License Inspector �� — . . _ . . . . . . � . e . � � ' . .Ii. I . . � . .�. . ' . . . ' . w, . . ; . : � � , • , � _ . . t • , , � , , , • . . � � � , • - - .� . , � . . ` ; - . , • , � , - ,. h ' � Juae 13� 1980 _ - i . � ( . . _ , - , . , , . . . � _ , � lie. Roee Max�ie�5chwagel� Preais�enti, , ' � . ` �, ; 162 E. Rdeelaxn Avenue . � . - � . � ' St. Pavl� Hi.nn�asota`5511T � , " � k . - . . : - Dear �e,dam s t . ` , � . � � ,� ' . B�,ngo (Tax�ar's Leke DF[d 821? AUZ.) , � - . . � _ �. , , , , , • - \ : , . . �� � " , � av�e �, �.980 , , - , , . - , . �. � , 10:00 A.M. - � Councll Chsmb��s, �hird floor �ity Hall . ;, � ' � . � '. , . , , - , ' - , , ,� , , , _ , �,� , , . . . -. , , , . , . , � ' ,, , �-� t; - _ • � , _ ' _ � .; , ,,� . � � . , . __ - :„ . , � � _ � • - � : r= i � ,. � . ', . � ,