00-805ORIGINAL Presented By: Referred To: Council File # Green Sheet # RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA oc, _ gos 107035 33 Committee:Date: 1 RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul Police Depariment is authorized to enter into an agreement with the 2 United States Department of Justice, Drug Enforcement Administration to participate in an 3 Organized Drug Enforcement Task Force from October 1, 2000 through September 30, 2001, and BE TT FIJRTHER RESOLVED, that the proper city officials, including Saint Paul Police Cluef William Finney, are hereby authorized to esecute such agreements as are necessary to implement this project on behalf of the City of Saint Paul. Requested by Department of: '' � ���� ,� •� � •� � �• I �I � � Approve b Mayor for Submission to Council: By: � DEATASKFORCE00-01 � D�P Mf�Vi/OFFICFJGOUNdL DATEINITIATED Police o�i2va000 GREEN SHEES n,o. 10'7035 CONTA PERSON 8. P ONE INrt1aUDA INRIAUDATE WillizmFinney 292 1 oerarnExrarsEerox 4 couHCn. MUST BE ON CAUNLYL AGENDA BY (DATE} �\ ■ � p1[11T[ON�Y� �CLFR% W � �..i ❑FWIHCW.SERNC6WL�� �FNqNCIp�SER1//pCCTG � v pwVOR(ORASASTAHI) �RIGHfS ��.i TOTAL # OP SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CTION REQUESTED ' Signat�ues reqirired on the attached council resolution authorizing the Saint Paul Police Departme� to enter into an agreement with the United States Department of Jushice. RECOMMENDATION Approve (A) or Reject (R) PERSONAL SERVICE GONTRAGTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 1. Has ihis perso�rm ever worked under a coniract for this depadment? PLANNING COMMISSION YES tv0 CIB COMMITTEE 2. Has this perso�rtn ever been a city employee? CIVILSERVICECOMMISSION YES NO 3. Does this perso�rm possess a sldll not normally possessetl by any cunent ary employee� YES NO 4. is ihis perso�rm a targeted vendoYt YES NO Ezplain aU yes answers on separate sheet and aKach W green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (WHO, WHA7, WHEN, WHERE, WHY) The 5aint Paul Police Department will participate in the Dcug Enforcement Administrakion Task Force with the United States Department of Justice. T1ie Saint Paul Police Department will be reimbursed for wertime expenses. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED The Saint Paul Police Deparhnent will cominue to participate in the above menrioned Federal Task Force with other federal and local agencies. RECE(���� DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED AUG 0 � ��s�" Nane CITY AT�C����' --- -- ___.__ _ DISADVANTAGES IF NO7 APPROVED _ Rs��arch �en��r The Saint Paul Police Department will discontinue its participation in tlus federal task force. A� �� 2000 TOTAL AMOUN70F TRANSAGTION $ See tlle atTached agieemetlt COST/REVENUE BUDGEfED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE UD1CC(I ST3t0S DCp81fII1BIIY Of JllSt1CC ACTIVIN NUMBER Cl2(I1Y IeV0Rll0 TO 04100 F � � FINANCIAI INFORMATION (EXPWP.� DRUG ENFORCEMENT ADMINISTRATION OO -� OS MINNEAPOLIS-ST. PAUL RESIBENT O�'ICE CHICAGO FIELD DIVISION STATE AND LOCAL TASK FORCE AGREEMENT This agreement is made this first day of October 2000, between the United States Deparhnent of 7ustice, Drug Enforcement Administration (hereafter "DEA"), and the St. Paul Police Deparhnent (hereafter "Department"). WHEREAS there is evidence that trafficking in narcotics and dangerous drugs exists in the Minneapolis-St. Paul DEA Resident Office's azea of responsibility which includes the State of Minnesota and Western Wisconsan and that such illegal activity has a substanrial and detrimental effect on the health and generai welfare of the people of Minnesota and Wisconsin, the parties hereto agree to the following: 1. The DEA Task Force will perform the activities and duties described below: a. disrupt the illicit dnxg traffic i� Minnesota and Westem Wisconsin by imxnobilizing targeted violators and trafficking organizations; b. gather and report intelligence data relating to the trafficking in narcotics and dangerous drugs; and, c. conduct undercover operations where appropriate and engage in other traditional methods of investigation in order that the Task Force's acrivities result in effective prosecution before the courts of the United States and District Courts of the States of Minnesota and Wisconsin. 2. To accomplish the objectives of the DEA Task Force, the Department agrees to detail one (1) experienced officer to the DEA Task Force for a period of not less than two (2) years. During this period of assignment, the officer will be under the direct supervision and control of DEA supervisory personnel assigned to the Task Force. 3. The officer assigned to the Task Force shall adhere to all DEA policies and procedures. Failure to adhere to DEA policies and procedures sha11 be grounds for dismissai from the Task Force. 4. The officer assigned to the Task Force shall be deputized as Task Force Officer of DEA pursuant to Title 21 U.S.C. Section 878. 5. To accomplish the objectives of the DEA Task Force, DEA wiil assign a minimuxn af three (3) Special Agents to the Task Force. DEA will also, subject to availability of annually , r • • appropriated funds or any continuing resolufion thereof, provide necessary funds and equipment to support the activiries of the DEA Special Agents and Department officers assigned to the Task Force. This support will include: office space, office equipment and supplies, cierical support, h�avel funds, funds for purchase of evidence and information, investigarive equipment, training, funds for overtime costs described below, gasoline, oil and oil changes for the Department owned vehicle that is utilized by the Task Force Officer for Task Force activiries, and other support items. 6. All assets seized by the DEA Minneapolis-St. Paul Resident Office pursuant to investigations that are initiated, adopted or developed by the DEA Minneapolis-St. Paul Resident Office of this Task Force which are ulrimately forfeited to the U.S. Govemment will be shared. Assets seized will be forfeited under Title 21 U.S.C., Secrion 881 and will be shared equitably in accordance with the Attorney General's Guidelines on Seized and Forfeited Property. All parties to this agreement aclrnowledge, however, that the disposition of assets forfeited under Federal law is within the discretionary authority of the Department of 7ustice. 7. During the period of assignxnent to the DEA Task Force, the Deparhnent will remain responsible for establishing the salary and benefits, including overtime, of the Department's officer assigned to the Task Force, and for making ali payments due them. DEA will, subject to availability of funds, reimburse the Deparhnent for overtime payments made by it to the DepartmenYs Officer assigned to the DEA Task Force for overtime, up to a sum equivalent to 25 percent of the salary of a GS-10, step 1, Federal employee (currently $9,212.00), per officer. Reimbursement for actual overtime hours worked by the Task Force Officer as documented on DEA Form 352 or the equivalent limited up to a maximum payment of $2,303.00 per quarter (every three months) per officer. 8. In no event will the Department charge any indirect cost rate to DEA for the administration or implementation of this agreement. 9. The Department shall maintain on a current basis complete and accurate records and accounts of all obligations and expenditures of funds under this agz'eement in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles and instructions provided by DEA to facilitate on-site inspection and auditing of such records and accounts. 10. The Department shall perxnit and have readily availabie for examination and auditing by DEA, the United States Department of JusYice, the Comptroller General of the United States, and any of their duly authorized agents and representafives, any and all records, documents, accounts, invoices, receipts, or expenditures relating to this agreement. The Department shall maintain all such reports and records until all audits and their examinations aze completed and resolved, or for a period of three (3) yeazs after termination of this agreement, whichever is sooner. 11. The Department shall comply witl� Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and all requirements imposed by or pursuant to the regulations of the United States Department of Justice impiementing that law, 28 Code of Federal Regulations Part 42, subparts C and D. _ _ . C " t rd' �p �W. - tivY' x � '�S� ���t -' � y "'Y' O S � +1 1 a . # ..; z __ ��..� " '.r F f -. f - ' _ l_'u � f _ t. ��` � S. � _, "' �T- , � - .ci Q'Z�`p' _ v ✓ _. � ._ -�" �8. �.. � - i� S '�"; Y `.''h � r - '�'' <: ,4 �.-Y- - : vo � ":sv � L. � � _" _ _ _ 12 TherDepartmeFit agrees that an au�thbnzed offc�or ,employee �Il e�u#e and retum �-. - to DEA the attached OJP_ Form 4Q61/6, Certification Regarduig T.obbying, Debarment, _._ _ Suspension and Other ResponsibilityMatters; and Arug-Free Workplace Requirements- The Department acl�owledges that this agreement will,not take effect and no,Federal funds will be awazded to the Deparhnent by DEA until the completed certification is received. � 13. The term of this agreement shall be from the date of signature by representatives af both parties to September 30, 2001. This agreement may be terminated by either party on thirry (30) days advance written notice. Billings for all outstanding obligations must be received by DEA witivn ninety (90) days of the date of termination of this agreement. DEA will be responsible only for obligations incurred by the DepartmenYs officer during the term of this agreement. For the Drug Enforcement Administration Don Stum, Specia ent in Charge Chicago Field Division For the St. Pau� Polio� Title: � ,� ��,j- / S ��w�".�� � _- �'t U.S. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE OFFICE OF JUSTiCE PROGRAMS OFFICE OF.THE COMPTROLLER _'.�::- _ CERTIFlCATIONS REGARD{NG LOSBYING; QEBARMENT, SUSPENSION AND . OTt{ER RESPONSIBILITY MATTERS; AND DRUG-FREE WORKPLACE REaUfREME{1I'CS Apptieants :houlC refer to the rogulations eited below to determ�ne the cert'rfieation to whieh they are required to attest. Appficanu shou�d aiso review the irtstructions for cert'rfication inciuded in tt�e regulations before.compfating this form. Signature of this torm providea for eomplianee with certificetion requiremenu imder 26 CFR PaK 69, "New Remictions on LnDbying" and 28 CFR Pnrt 67. "Govamment-wide De6em+ent and Suspension lNonproeurementl and Govemmanowide Requiremenu tor Drup-Etee M�ericd+� 1Grarttsl ` The cerufications shall be crarted as a macerisl '�..'-�- reDreserttation of fact uPOn which reiienee will be Plseed when cha Department of Justiee determines to award the eovered mnsaetion, gront, or trooPxairve agreemsnt. �. L088riliG As reawrW br Seenon 1352. 7itl� 37 ot me U.S. Coda. u�d imolsi*rntW �t 2B CFR Pert 69. for wrsons ent�nnp utto • pr�nt or cooN��twe apaament over 5100.000. as tlefinW st 28 CFA Pui 89. the �pv����nt canif�ea th�t: lel No FWen1 acProon�ted lueds �we oeen Pud or will M , p�iC. bY or on DM�It of Me urWam9^�. to mV D�n fot in- }�W�pnp or �Rempttnp to influ�nCS �n etFKef Of amployM Of �ny ageney, � Membsr of Conprc�c, +� offiur or �mployM of Cpngrass, or an emobyee of a Membar of Congreu in eoe- ntcno� wrtt+ tha rtutmp ot �nY Federal Ormt. tM ent�m+0 irrto ot MY CooOM�trva agrae�nt. anA tbe �zLentlOn. CoBtlnulf+Ofl. ��yN. R++�nOment. or rtadifiunon of �nY Federsl gnnt p cpoy�ntrv� prsatn�at: lbl If mY fi+nds om°' man FaE�ral iOOroDnnad furiAS hw� pNn ptitl or wiil De p�id to �nY D�°^ tor �nfluennng or �t- tsmptinp to inffwnce an off�eer or emPloYee of anY p�neY. a M�mWr of Co�nis. �n oHiear or emowwe of Congrou. or an amObY� of a Mamter ot Congraas m eonnsenan witt+ tt+is Fetlx�l prant or e000ertcrvs �gresmertt• tne u�erngrrotl shtll eomdet� aM au0mit StaraeW frorm • LLL. "Duelosun ot LoDDyinq Actiwt�es." in aceor0anee wrti rti msuuct�ont: Id TM wwers�gnW shall mm�re that tne ��ngu�9e ef �his ear- rfica[�on be me�uda0 in tna �w�r0 doaunn+ss for �II wb+waWs �t d1 tian IincluCmg subgnnta. eorrtnas under gonts riC eooDarmv� 19r�emann. md wbconvaessl anE th�t all sub reaPiano shall eartih �ntl tluUOS� sewrdcqW 2, pEBARMENT. SUSPEHSION. AND OTHER RESPONSIBIL(TY MATTERS {DIREL7 R£CtPIElYT1 qt rpmnC bV ���ivs Ordar 12549. Ww�++ent �nE 5uspeylon. aed implamant�d at 26 CFR P�rt 87. fa orosaee• t+yt W�is m Dmmv1' eow�ad aun�enau. u dsfm�d �t 26 CFR P+rt 67. Seetion 87.510— A. Ttw sod�M ��h�+ vut it md "es prx�ow��� lal An not Dns�ntlY dsb�rrad. susP��d. DtoPOSed for Mbar- rtrnt. Meu�ed m�IgibN. a�nane�d m a d�rutl of faE�nl panaMs OY t Strte or f�d�ral wu }� �vrnd tt�naaenont bY mY w p�ncy: lbl Hm not within a Mns-ri�r DK� Dne�ding this �DW�u' twn f»�n oonv�Ci�O Of a fiad a civil FKfqm�nt �aMa�aa �9r^� tMrn tor eommsaon of tnu0 or � nm�e��l ofhnae m eorr+ae- bOf1 M/ISM ODt�1Nflfl. /Rlfl109f1p LO ObLCI. Of pOrtMTMAO � oublic IPsda*at. State, or lotall v+os+cuen or coMract undsr a pu06e tnrwevon: violation of FW�ra1 or St�t� �natrust sutucas or eomm�won of embau�maet, tBeh. totgary, bribery. fH�ifiuuon or tlesttucnon of rxorCS. makmg Sllte stRamenu. or n�a�ving atolan O�oWRY: lcl Arc not Prassmiv indieted for er otMrwise en�+in�ilY or civilly chargad Dy a govemmsnu� timtY 1FaNral. S2�ta, or,,, loull wtth comrtuasion of any of tt» off�n�as �numenieE in pu�gn0� Ill(b) of thic certif�ut�on: tnd tE) Mwe not wtth�n e tt+ras-yur panod Orec�Cmg Mis apDi�u• non h�d w�e or more OuDi�c tnns�enons (PWail. Stat�, or.._.. loull [ertmnatad for uuss ar dafwh: �nd , B. WMro ths aoO��uM u unahlt to COrtify to anV ot tM stnamanfs i� this eertVh��on. M or sM sh�li atueh �n axpl�nanon m th�a aOCbcavM. ; .�a:,.. 3. ORUG-FREE WORKPLACE -� (GRANTEES OTHEA THAN INOMDUAl5) � • As requvad bV me Dru9-F*ee WorkD�sea Act ot 1986. and imp�ementea at 26 CPfi P�rt 87. Subo�rt F, for prmcees. as de4�ne6 at 28 CFR Patt 67 Sernons 67.615 anC 67.620— - A. Ths �OD��unt eaR�fies that it will or wii� ����e to Orovitle • Erup'he� workpl�Ge CY: � !�l PubOShmg a rt�[am„+c mtiMM x^�°Y� m � � unl�wfui manut�ewre. EutnbuUm. 4�aass�sm4. Ooawasio�. or � uss of � eamWNC wDatn�u is vrNubrced in ms Ormces's workolsca and sD�dMnq tna sctrons tlut wi11 ba utan aqnntt amploy�ea tor wW�non of suM O��on: ibl EataClu4un9 m a"9o'�`4 d^p'� aw�ss Drogram 20 i�fmm emNov� aDOUt— (tl TM tlxqan of Onp �bwe in tcM woN'o�x°: t2{ The Drmt�e's o��Y of ma�9 a dru4•fn� workPlue: l31 Any waif�bN En+7 eouns�I�M. rNubil'ttatia+. antl emWW�a usistane� programs: �nd 141 Ttx wn�hiss tl+�t +^sy be imoosed uoa+ anroloY� for dryp �yu�e vwl�upns oecumng in me workW�ee: !el Maktng it a nwir�ment t�st NU °�^��°�'�° to be a+D�9b in tM partorma�ca ot me prant bs 9rvsn s roDY of tne suts- martt r�qu�nC bY G+��O�� 1a1: 101 Notifying me emPloYSe in a+e atttsrt�n nouiraE bY p�ragra0� lal that. �s � eondroon ot emD�oY^�^t �m0ar tha prstrt. tM MnDbY� wil4— (t) Abid� bY t!N twm� of tM atse�+t: +nd . (2) Nm+h ��'«'^ "�Q� of his or Mr eonvietiu+ for a violauon of a esRein� Cnq stanm °e�'^4 in eh� wwtW�n - no I�m U�r� fiv� esNedw davs afur weh cenvienon: �n wrilirq, witf�in 10 diwidv daY� �h� D if than are workplacn on fils tha2 an not ind�ntifi�d a r�e�ivirq e�ote� �� �ubP�+Pn IA1121 from an hsn. empioyM a otMrrns� r�ew+q x� ^O� ° �� °Om Saction 87. 630 of tf+a regWations Drovides that s gnn[e� �h�t tip�, �ploy�rs ot eonviei�A �mdeY� �t a � iy s Stst� m�y slaet to mska one certrtication m aaeh Fed�rN i � �� �. m: ppvvnrw ot Jusde�. Offip of tiseal Yex. A eopY of whiM should be i�UUdsA wfM �act� ap. ��yyp prepr�rtu, ATTN: ConeW Opk• 833 Indiana Avw�u�• p���� for Departman[ of .lusnee tundin9• Sta[ea and Stau N.W.. Wa�hinpmn. D.C. 20531. Notie� sh+u iedub� th� ida^' ��n maY b� to ua� OJP Form 4081l7. tifiearion Mxnhwlal of �� affieud arr�C lfl Takinp arM ot �!r 1�'^0 �O^�• w � ���� �k 0 if Ma Stet� hn electaC to comol�2a OJP frorm dM � ��� � �yw �ypp�prpt1 Id1121, with 4081/7. resP�Ct tD �nY MeObYM w!a is so ComK�d— {71 Takinp mProo�� � �� ���,�,,;� � ORUG WOAKPLACE empoyw. uo co �nd �neh+e�w m""^ HTEES NMO ARE IND�VIDUA ���no ot tlfe P�h�b�ineo^ Ac� of t973. as art+wWa�: or (Gi1A . . 1z � p �� ��� � o�ieipaea aaas»�onW in a As required bY tha Orug•Froe Workpiaer Aet af 798H. and d � ��� a �p���n Drogram �vwc�b fw impbmentaa st 28 CFA Part 67. SuhPart F. for gnrrtes�. as �� p ��� ����y S�p, ar �p�� hsalth. �aw �nfore�- CNined x 28 CFR Pert 67: Secvotu 67.615 and 87.820— - ��. � otMr apqopn�n ap�neY: A. As a condiuon of Me 9Tant. 1 certify that 1 will no[ an9ep� M�ki�g � 4� }s� �}fprt m Connnu� tc mamta�n � tlrug- i� �he unbwfui marwfaczure. autnnunon. Oisoaming. pofsas• Ifl). on ot ParapraORS UI. lbl. mon. or ma of a eonV011ed suosmnn �n eonCUeUnp+�Y fra� workWac� v+rouB� �mD�^u° actrv�ty w�m tna gran� anC -' IU. ld6 +nC Ifl. ' '�� `:' -- - � : � � � �-- � - 8: If eonvic[sd of a eriminal drug offense resulnng hom a 8. Thi 9ram�� mav inan[ in tfi� aue� Pr�� b!� �° � 'v�d�tion oecumng Curm9 �+e conauR of anv 9nnt acav+tY. I aitNSl for tM P��^� ot work dom �n coruaeea+ w![h - wdI roport me eomneaon. m wnnnq. wtthm 10 dNnEx daya Lhf f�NG1K 4flflC ' f..,i '. . - �_ O} IYI! CO(IVICi10f1. t0: �RPiRRtlM Of �WLCl. �fflC� Of �WLp Plsp of Far(orms�xr ISva�L add��+s. Gri. countY. aca2e. zio �� �on, D.C. 205�' Dmk. 633 Inmsna Avanw. N.W.. codN�- . � .. -_ __ - - As tfii dulY auit+oriied rapraaantsma of ths apD���i• � hsmhVi certrfy thst the e00����t W�il comply w�ttr 27te abowe esriifica0ons. _ ., ..a.. � � ' ' _ • � � . - 1 w Grantee Nartr and Addn�a: � -- ' � - . . : St. Paul Police Departrrent St. Panl. Minnesota 2. APDliestion Numb�r n+a/or Proj�cc N� DEA Task Force -z.., Minneapol-is/St. Paul Resident Office ` �' 4. TYO� Nan+� AuUwrixW flepr�s�ntatiw � - 3. Grancee,�RSNenem Number , 6. Daie ' ' . . . . �.. , .. ; - 5.' Sipnatur� _ - . . - , - . . . . s< ��s -�.f�� > � �� €'` t "' ° _ .., ., =. =.,� - . " " 5 �.� - c.- : � _ : . .- - . �',� s _ �.�,. , .r�,'��i' z.--"'- ..tx�s„�S. •f».ef��� b= . � ' � . , . - , _ .. . u«. ae x ��ka i :��� :1{''e`y � -,=�.0 - � .m,tP��. .� � �G - --` _ :.�i�, _ .;��L�t�-t �:� - . - , ,..>, , . ORIGINAL Presented By: Referred To: Council File # Green Sheet # RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA oc, _ gos 107035 33 Committee:Date: 1 RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul Police Depariment is authorized to enter into an agreement with the 2 United States Department of Justice, Drug Enforcement Administration to participate in an 3 Organized Drug Enforcement Task Force from October 1, 2000 through September 30, 2001, and BE TT FIJRTHER RESOLVED, that the proper city officials, including Saint Paul Police Cluef William Finney, are hereby authorized to esecute such agreements as are necessary to implement this project on behalf of the City of Saint Paul. Requested by Department of: '' � ���� ,� •� � •� � �• I �I � � Approve b Mayor for Submission to Council: By: � DEATASKFORCE00-01 � D�P Mf�Vi/OFFICFJGOUNdL DATEINITIATED Police o�i2va000 GREEN SHEES n,o. 10'7035 CONTA PERSON 8. P ONE INrt1aUDA INRIAUDATE WillizmFinney 292 1 oerarnExrarsEerox 4 couHCn. MUST BE ON CAUNLYL AGENDA BY (DATE} �\ ■ � p1[11T[ON�Y� �CLFR% W � �..i ❑FWIHCW.SERNC6WL�� �FNqNCIp�SER1//pCCTG � v pwVOR(ORASASTAHI) �RIGHfS ��.i TOTAL # OP SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CTION REQUESTED ' Signat�ues reqirired on the attached council resolution authorizing the Saint Paul Police Departme� to enter into an agreement with the United States Department of Jushice. RECOMMENDATION Approve (A) or Reject (R) PERSONAL SERVICE GONTRAGTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 1. Has ihis perso�rm ever worked under a coniract for this depadment? PLANNING COMMISSION YES tv0 CIB COMMITTEE 2. Has this perso�rtn ever been a city employee? CIVILSERVICECOMMISSION YES NO 3. Does this perso�rm possess a sldll not normally possessetl by any cunent ary employee� YES NO 4. is ihis perso�rm a targeted vendoYt YES NO Ezplain aU yes answers on separate sheet and aKach W green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (WHO, WHA7, WHEN, WHERE, WHY) The 5aint Paul Police Department will participate in the Dcug Enforcement Administrakion Task Force with the United States Department of Justice. T1ie Saint Paul Police Department will be reimbursed for wertime expenses. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED The Saint Paul Police Deparhnent will cominue to participate in the above menrioned Federal Task Force with other federal and local agencies. RECE(���� DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED AUG 0 � ��s�" Nane CITY AT�C����' --- -- ___.__ _ DISADVANTAGES IF NO7 APPROVED _ Rs��arch �en��r The Saint Paul Police Department will discontinue its participation in tlus federal task force. A� �� 2000 TOTAL AMOUN70F TRANSAGTION $ See tlle atTached agieemetlt COST/REVENUE BUDGEfED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE UD1CC(I ST3t0S DCp81fII1BIIY Of JllSt1CC ACTIVIN NUMBER Cl2(I1Y IeV0Rll0 TO 04100 F � � FINANCIAI INFORMATION (EXPWP.� DRUG ENFORCEMENT ADMINISTRATION OO -� OS MINNEAPOLIS-ST. PAUL RESIBENT O�'ICE CHICAGO FIELD DIVISION STATE AND LOCAL TASK FORCE AGREEMENT This agreement is made this first day of October 2000, between the United States Deparhnent of 7ustice, Drug Enforcement Administration (hereafter "DEA"), and the St. Paul Police Deparhnent (hereafter "Department"). WHEREAS there is evidence that trafficking in narcotics and dangerous drugs exists in the Minneapolis-St. Paul DEA Resident Office's azea of responsibility which includes the State of Minnesota and Western Wisconsan and that such illegal activity has a substanrial and detrimental effect on the health and generai welfare of the people of Minnesota and Wisconsin, the parties hereto agree to the following: 1. The DEA Task Force will perform the activities and duties described below: a. disrupt the illicit dnxg traffic i� Minnesota and Westem Wisconsin by imxnobilizing targeted violators and trafficking organizations; b. gather and report intelligence data relating to the trafficking in narcotics and dangerous drugs; and, c. conduct undercover operations where appropriate and engage in other traditional methods of investigation in order that the Task Force's acrivities result in effective prosecution before the courts of the United States and District Courts of the States of Minnesota and Wisconsin. 2. To accomplish the objectives of the DEA Task Force, the Department agrees to detail one (1) experienced officer to the DEA Task Force for a period of not less than two (2) years. During this period of assignment, the officer will be under the direct supervision and control of DEA supervisory personnel assigned to the Task Force. 3. The officer assigned to the Task Force shall adhere to all DEA policies and procedures. Failure to adhere to DEA policies and procedures sha11 be grounds for dismissai from the Task Force. 4. The officer assigned to the Task Force shall be deputized as Task Force Officer of DEA pursuant to Title 21 U.S.C. Section 878. 5. To accomplish the objectives of the DEA Task Force, DEA wiil assign a minimuxn af three (3) Special Agents to the Task Force. DEA will also, subject to availability of annually , r • • appropriated funds or any continuing resolufion thereof, provide necessary funds and equipment to support the activiries of the DEA Special Agents and Department officers assigned to the Task Force. This support will include: office space, office equipment and supplies, cierical support, h�avel funds, funds for purchase of evidence and information, investigarive equipment, training, funds for overtime costs described below, gasoline, oil and oil changes for the Department owned vehicle that is utilized by the Task Force Officer for Task Force activiries, and other support items. 6. All assets seized by the DEA Minneapolis-St. Paul Resident Office pursuant to investigations that are initiated, adopted or developed by the DEA Minneapolis-St. Paul Resident Office of this Task Force which are ulrimately forfeited to the U.S. Govemment will be shared. Assets seized will be forfeited under Title 21 U.S.C., Secrion 881 and will be shared equitably in accordance with the Attorney General's Guidelines on Seized and Forfeited Property. All parties to this agreement aclrnowledge, however, that the disposition of assets forfeited under Federal law is within the discretionary authority of the Department of 7ustice. 7. During the period of assignxnent to the DEA Task Force, the Deparhnent will remain responsible for establishing the salary and benefits, including overtime, of the Department's officer assigned to the Task Force, and for making ali payments due them. DEA will, subject to availability of funds, reimburse the Deparhnent for overtime payments made by it to the DepartmenYs Officer assigned to the DEA Task Force for overtime, up to a sum equivalent to 25 percent of the salary of a GS-10, step 1, Federal employee (currently $9,212.00), per officer. Reimbursement for actual overtime hours worked by the Task Force Officer as documented on DEA Form 352 or the equivalent limited up to a maximum payment of $2,303.00 per quarter (every three months) per officer. 8. In no event will the Department charge any indirect cost rate to DEA for the administration or implementation of this agreement. 9. The Department shall maintain on a current basis complete and accurate records and accounts of all obligations and expenditures of funds under this agz'eement in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles and instructions provided by DEA to facilitate on-site inspection and auditing of such records and accounts. 10. The Department shall perxnit and have readily availabie for examination and auditing by DEA, the United States Department of JusYice, the Comptroller General of the United States, and any of their duly authorized agents and representafives, any and all records, documents, accounts, invoices, receipts, or expenditures relating to this agreement. The Department shall maintain all such reports and records until all audits and their examinations aze completed and resolved, or for a period of three (3) yeazs after termination of this agreement, whichever is sooner. 11. The Department shall comply witl� Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and all requirements imposed by or pursuant to the regulations of the United States Department of Justice impiementing that law, 28 Code of Federal Regulations Part 42, subparts C and D. _ _ . C " t rd' �p �W. - tivY' x � '�S� ���t -' � y "'Y' O S � +1 1 a . # ..; z __ ��..� " '.r F f -. f - ' _ l_'u � f _ t. ��` � S. � _, "' �T- , � - .ci Q'Z�`p' _ v ✓ _. � ._ -�" �8. �.. � - i� S '�"; Y `.''h � r - '�'' <: ,4 �.-Y- - : vo � ":sv � L. � � _" _ _ _ 12 TherDepartmeFit agrees that an au�thbnzed offc�or ,employee �Il e�u#e and retum �-. - to DEA the attached OJP_ Form 4Q61/6, Certification Regarduig T.obbying, Debarment, _._ _ Suspension and Other ResponsibilityMatters; and Arug-Free Workplace Requirements- The Department acl�owledges that this agreement will,not take effect and no,Federal funds will be awazded to the Deparhnent by DEA until the completed certification is received. � 13. The term of this agreement shall be from the date of signature by representatives af both parties to September 30, 2001. This agreement may be terminated by either party on thirry (30) days advance written notice. Billings for all outstanding obligations must be received by DEA witivn ninety (90) days of the date of termination of this agreement. DEA will be responsible only for obligations incurred by the DepartmenYs officer during the term of this agreement. For the Drug Enforcement Administration Don Stum, Specia ent in Charge Chicago Field Division For the St. Pau� Polio� Title: � ,� ��,j- / S ��w�".�� � _- �'t U.S. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE OFFICE OF JUSTiCE PROGRAMS OFFICE OF.THE COMPTROLLER _'.�::- _ CERTIFlCATIONS REGARD{NG LOSBYING; QEBARMENT, SUSPENSION AND . OTt{ER RESPONSIBILITY MATTERS; AND DRUG-FREE WORKPLACE REaUfREME{1I'CS Apptieants :houlC refer to the rogulations eited below to determ�ne the cert'rfieation to whieh they are required to attest. Appficanu shou�d aiso review the irtstructions for cert'rfication inciuded in tt�e regulations before.compfating this form. Signature of this torm providea for eomplianee with certificetion requiremenu imder 26 CFR PaK 69, "New Remictions on LnDbying" and 28 CFR Pnrt 67. "Govamment-wide De6em+ent and Suspension lNonproeurementl and Govemmanowide Requiremenu tor Drup-Etee M�ericd+� 1Grarttsl ` The cerufications shall be crarted as a macerisl '�..'-�- reDreserttation of fact uPOn which reiienee will be Plseed when cha Department of Justiee determines to award the eovered mnsaetion, gront, or trooPxairve agreemsnt. �. L088riliG As reawrW br Seenon 1352. 7itl� 37 ot me U.S. Coda. u�d imolsi*rntW �t 2B CFR Pert 69. for wrsons ent�nnp utto • pr�nt or cooN��twe apaament over 5100.000. as tlefinW st 28 CFA Pui 89. the �pv����nt canif�ea th�t: lel No FWen1 acProon�ted lueds �we oeen Pud or will M , p�iC. bY or on DM�It of Me urWam9^�. to mV D�n fot in- }�W�pnp or �Rempttnp to influ�nCS �n etFKef Of amployM Of �ny ageney, � Membsr of Conprc�c, +� offiur or �mployM of Cpngrass, or an emobyee of a Membar of Congreu in eoe- ntcno� wrtt+ tha rtutmp ot �nY Federal Ormt. tM ent�m+0 irrto ot MY CooOM�trva agrae�nt. anA tbe �zLentlOn. CoBtlnulf+Ofl. ��yN. R++�nOment. or rtadifiunon of �nY Federsl gnnt p cpoy�ntrv� prsatn�at: lbl If mY fi+nds om°' man FaE�ral iOOroDnnad furiAS hw� pNn ptitl or wiil De p�id to �nY D�°^ tor �nfluennng or �t- tsmptinp to inffwnce an off�eer or emPloYee of anY p�neY. a M�mWr of Co�nis. �n oHiear or emowwe of Congrou. or an amObY� of a Mamter ot Congraas m eonnsenan witt+ tt+is Fetlx�l prant or e000ertcrvs �gresmertt• tne u�erngrrotl shtll eomdet� aM au0mit StaraeW frorm • LLL. "Duelosun ot LoDDyinq Actiwt�es." in aceor0anee wrti rti msuuct�ont: Id TM wwers�gnW shall mm�re that tne ��ngu�9e ef �his ear- rfica[�on be me�uda0 in tna �w�r0 doaunn+ss for �II wb+waWs �t d1 tian IincluCmg subgnnta. eorrtnas under gonts riC eooDarmv� 19r�emann. md wbconvaessl anE th�t all sub reaPiano shall eartih �ntl tluUOS� sewrdcqW 2, pEBARMENT. SUSPEHSION. AND OTHER RESPONSIBIL(TY MATTERS {DIREL7 R£CtPIElYT1 qt rpmnC bV ���ivs Ordar 12549. Ww�++ent �nE 5uspeylon. aed implamant�d at 26 CFR P�rt 87. fa orosaee• t+yt W�is m Dmmv1' eow�ad aun�enau. u dsfm�d �t 26 CFR P+rt 67. Seetion 87.510— A. Ttw sod�M ��h�+ vut it md "es prx�ow��� lal An not Dns�ntlY dsb�rrad. susP��d. DtoPOSed for Mbar- rtrnt. Meu�ed m�IgibN. a�nane�d m a d�rutl of faE�nl panaMs OY t Strte or f�d�ral wu }� �vrnd tt�naaenont bY mY w p�ncy: lbl Hm not within a Mns-ri�r DK� Dne�ding this �DW�u' twn f»�n oonv�Ci�O Of a fiad a civil FKfqm�nt �aMa�aa �9r^� tMrn tor eommsaon of tnu0 or � nm�e��l ofhnae m eorr+ae- bOf1 M/ISM ODt�1Nflfl. /Rlfl109f1p LO ObLCI. Of pOrtMTMAO � oublic IPsda*at. State, or lotall v+os+cuen or coMract undsr a pu06e tnrwevon: violation of FW�ra1 or St�t� �natrust sutucas or eomm�won of embau�maet, tBeh. totgary, bribery. fH�ifiuuon or tlesttucnon of rxorCS. makmg Sllte stRamenu. or n�a�ving atolan O�oWRY: lcl Arc not Prassmiv indieted for er otMrwise en�+in�ilY or civilly chargad Dy a govemmsnu� timtY 1FaNral. S2�ta, or,,, loull wtth comrtuasion of any of tt» off�n�as �numenieE in pu�gn0� Ill(b) of thic certif�ut�on: tnd tE) Mwe not wtth�n e tt+ras-yur panod Orec�Cmg Mis apDi�u• non h�d w�e or more OuDi�c tnns�enons (PWail. Stat�, or.._.. loull [ertmnatad for uuss ar dafwh: �nd , B. WMro ths aoO��uM u unahlt to COrtify to anV ot tM stnamanfs i� this eertVh��on. M or sM sh�li atueh �n axpl�nanon m th�a aOCbcavM. ; .�a:,.. 3. ORUG-FREE WORKPLACE -� (GRANTEES OTHEA THAN INOMDUAl5) � • As requvad bV me Dru9-F*ee WorkD�sea Act ot 1986. and imp�ementea at 26 CPfi P�rt 87. Subo�rt F, for prmcees. as de4�ne6 at 28 CFR Patt 67 Sernons 67.615 anC 67.620— - A. Ths �OD��unt eaR�fies that it will or wii� ����e to Orovitle • Erup'he� workpl�Ge CY: � !�l PubOShmg a rt�[am„+c mtiMM x^�°Y� m � � unl�wfui manut�ewre. EutnbuUm. 4�aass�sm4. Ooawasio�. or � uss of � eamWNC wDatn�u is vrNubrced in ms Ormces's workolsca and sD�dMnq tna sctrons tlut wi11 ba utan aqnntt amploy�ea tor wW�non of suM O��on: ibl EataClu4un9 m a"9o'�`4 d^p'� aw�ss Drogram 20 i�fmm emNov� aDOUt— (tl TM tlxqan of Onp �bwe in tcM woN'o�x°: t2{ The Drmt�e's o��Y of ma�9 a dru4•fn� workPlue: l31 Any waif�bN En+7 eouns�I�M. rNubil'ttatia+. antl emWW�a usistane� programs: �nd 141 Ttx wn�hiss tl+�t +^sy be imoosed uoa+ anroloY� for dryp �yu�e vwl�upns oecumng in me workW�ee: !el Maktng it a nwir�ment t�st NU °�^��°�'�° to be a+D�9b in tM partorma�ca ot me prant bs 9rvsn s roDY of tne suts- martt r�qu�nC bY G+��O�� 1a1: 101 Notifying me emPloYSe in a+e atttsrt�n nouiraE bY p�ragra0� lal that. �s � eondroon ot emD�oY^�^t �m0ar tha prstrt. tM MnDbY� wil4— (t) Abid� bY t!N twm� of tM atse�+t: +nd . (2) Nm+h ��'«'^ "�Q� of his or Mr eonvietiu+ for a violauon of a esRein� Cnq stanm °e�'^4 in eh� wwtW�n - no I�m U�r� fiv� esNedw davs afur weh cenvienon: �n wrilirq, witf�in 10 diwidv daY� �h� D if than are workplacn on fils tha2 an not ind�ntifi�d a r�e�ivirq e�ote� �� �ubP�+Pn IA1121 from an hsn. empioyM a otMrrns� r�ew+q x� ^O� ° �� °Om Saction 87. 630 of tf+a regWations Drovides that s gnn[e� �h�t tip�, �ploy�rs ot eonviei�A �mdeY� �t a � iy s Stst� m�y slaet to mska one certrtication m aaeh Fed�rN i � �� �. m: ppvvnrw ot Jusde�. Offip of tiseal Yex. A eopY of whiM should be i�UUdsA wfM �act� ap. ��yyp prepr�rtu, ATTN: ConeW Opk• 833 Indiana Avw�u�• p���� for Departman[ of .lusnee tundin9• Sta[ea and Stau N.W.. Wa�hinpmn. D.C. 20531. Notie� sh+u iedub� th� ida^' ��n maY b� to ua� OJP Form 4081l7. tifiearion Mxnhwlal of �� affieud arr�C lfl Takinp arM ot �!r 1�'^0 �O^�• w � ���� �k 0 if Ma Stet� hn electaC to comol�2a OJP frorm dM � ��� � �yw �ypp�prpt1 Id1121, with 4081/7. resP�Ct tD �nY MeObYM w!a is so ComK�d— {71 Takinp mProo�� � �� ���,�,,;� � ORUG WOAKPLACE empoyw. uo co �nd �neh+e�w m""^ HTEES NMO ARE IND�VIDUA ���no ot tlfe P�h�b�ineo^ Ac� of t973. as art+wWa�: or (Gi1A . . 1z � p �� ��� � o�ieipaea aaas»�onW in a As required bY tha Orug•Froe Workpiaer Aet af 798H. and d � ��� a �p���n Drogram �vwc�b fw impbmentaa st 28 CFA Part 67. SuhPart F. for gnrrtes�. as �� p ��� ����y S�p, ar �p�� hsalth. �aw �nfore�- CNined x 28 CFR Pert 67: Secvotu 67.615 and 87.820— - ��. � otMr apqopn�n ap�neY: A. As a condiuon of Me 9Tant. 1 certify that 1 will no[ an9ep� M�ki�g � 4� }s� �}fprt m Connnu� tc mamta�n � tlrug- i� �he unbwfui marwfaczure. autnnunon. Oisoaming. pofsas• Ifl). on ot ParapraORS UI. lbl. mon. or ma of a eonV011ed suosmnn �n eonCUeUnp+�Y fra� workWac� v+rouB� �mD�^u° actrv�ty w�m tna gran� anC -' IU. ld6 +nC Ifl. ' '�� `:' -- - � : � � � �-- � - 8: If eonvic[sd of a eriminal drug offense resulnng hom a 8. Thi 9ram�� mav inan[ in tfi� aue� Pr�� b!� �° � 'v�d�tion oecumng Curm9 �+e conauR of anv 9nnt acav+tY. I aitNSl for tM P��^� ot work dom �n coruaeea+ w![h - wdI roport me eomneaon. m wnnnq. wtthm 10 dNnEx daya Lhf f�NG1K 4flflC ' f..,i '. . - �_ O} IYI! CO(IVICi10f1. t0: �RPiRRtlM Of �WLCl. �fflC� Of �WLp Plsp of Far(orms�xr ISva�L add��+s. Gri. countY. aca2e. zio �� �on, D.C. 205�' Dmk. 633 Inmsna Avanw. N.W.. codN�- . � .. -_ __ - - As tfii dulY auit+oriied rapraaantsma of ths apD���i• � hsmhVi certrfy thst the e00����t W�il comply w�ttr 27te abowe esriifica0ons. _ ., ..a.. � � ' ' _ • � � . - 1 w Grantee Nartr and Addn�a: � -- ' � - . . : St. Paul Police Departrrent St. Panl. Minnesota 2. APDliestion Numb�r n+a/or Proj�cc N� DEA Task Force -z.., Minneapol-is/St. Paul Resident Office ` �' 4. TYO� Nan+� AuUwrixW flepr�s�ntatiw � - 3. Grancee,�RSNenem Number , 6. Daie ' ' . . . . �.. , .. ; - 5.' Sipnatur� _ - . . - , - . . . . s< ��s -�.f�� > � �� €'` t "' ° _ .., ., =. =.,� - . " " 5 �.� - c.- : � _ : . .- - . �',� s _ �.�,. , .r�,'��i' z.--"'- ..tx�s„�S. •f».ef��� b= . � ' � . , . - , _ .. . u«. ae x ��ka i :��� :1{''e`y � -,=�.0 - � .m,tP��. .� � �G - --` _ :.�i�, _ .;��L�t�-t �:� - . - , ,..>, , . ORIGINAL Presented By: Referred To: Council File # Green Sheet # RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA oc, _ gos 107035 33 Committee:Date: 1 RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul Police Depariment is authorized to enter into an agreement with the 2 United States Department of Justice, Drug Enforcement Administration to participate in an 3 Organized Drug Enforcement Task Force from October 1, 2000 through September 30, 2001, and BE TT FIJRTHER RESOLVED, that the proper city officials, including Saint Paul Police Cluef William Finney, are hereby authorized to esecute such agreements as are necessary to implement this project on behalf of the City of Saint Paul. Requested by Department of: '' � ���� ,� •� � •� � �• I �I � � Approve b Mayor for Submission to Council: By: � DEATASKFORCE00-01 � D�P Mf�Vi/OFFICFJGOUNdL DATEINITIATED Police o�i2va000 GREEN SHEES n,o. 10'7035 CONTA PERSON 8. P ONE INrt1aUDA INRIAUDATE WillizmFinney 292 1 oerarnExrarsEerox 4 couHCn. MUST BE ON CAUNLYL AGENDA BY (DATE} �\ ■ � p1[11T[ON�Y� �CLFR% W � �..i ❑FWIHCW.SERNC6WL�� �FNqNCIp�SER1//pCCTG � v pwVOR(ORASASTAHI) �RIGHfS ��.i TOTAL # OP SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CTION REQUESTED ' Signat�ues reqirired on the attached council resolution authorizing the Saint Paul Police Departme� to enter into an agreement with the United States Department of Jushice. RECOMMENDATION Approve (A) or Reject (R) PERSONAL SERVICE GONTRAGTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 1. Has ihis perso�rm ever worked under a coniract for this depadment? PLANNING COMMISSION YES tv0 CIB COMMITTEE 2. Has this perso�rtn ever been a city employee? CIVILSERVICECOMMISSION YES NO 3. Does this perso�rm possess a sldll not normally possessetl by any cunent ary employee� YES NO 4. is ihis perso�rm a targeted vendoYt YES NO Ezplain aU yes answers on separate sheet and aKach W green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (WHO, WHA7, WHEN, WHERE, WHY) The 5aint Paul Police Department will participate in the Dcug Enforcement Administrakion Task Force with the United States Department of Justice. T1ie Saint Paul Police Department will be reimbursed for wertime expenses. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED The Saint Paul Police Deparhnent will cominue to participate in the above menrioned Federal Task Force with other federal and local agencies. RECE(���� DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED AUG 0 � ��s�" Nane CITY AT�C����' --- -- ___.__ _ DISADVANTAGES IF NO7 APPROVED _ Rs��arch �en��r The Saint Paul Police Department will discontinue its participation in tlus federal task force. A� �� 2000 TOTAL AMOUN70F TRANSAGTION $ See tlle atTached agieemetlt COST/REVENUE BUDGEfED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE UD1CC(I ST3t0S DCp81fII1BIIY Of JllSt1CC ACTIVIN NUMBER Cl2(I1Y IeV0Rll0 TO 04100 F � � FINANCIAI INFORMATION (EXPWP.� DRUG ENFORCEMENT ADMINISTRATION OO -� OS MINNEAPOLIS-ST. PAUL RESIBENT O�'ICE CHICAGO FIELD DIVISION STATE AND LOCAL TASK FORCE AGREEMENT This agreement is made this first day of October 2000, between the United States Deparhnent of 7ustice, Drug Enforcement Administration (hereafter "DEA"), and the St. Paul Police Deparhnent (hereafter "Department"). WHEREAS there is evidence that trafficking in narcotics and dangerous drugs exists in the Minneapolis-St. Paul DEA Resident Office's azea of responsibility which includes the State of Minnesota and Western Wisconsan and that such illegal activity has a substanrial and detrimental effect on the health and generai welfare of the people of Minnesota and Wisconsin, the parties hereto agree to the following: 1. The DEA Task Force will perform the activities and duties described below: a. disrupt the illicit dnxg traffic i� Minnesota and Westem Wisconsin by imxnobilizing targeted violators and trafficking organizations; b. gather and report intelligence data relating to the trafficking in narcotics and dangerous drugs; and, c. conduct undercover operations where appropriate and engage in other traditional methods of investigation in order that the Task Force's acrivities result in effective prosecution before the courts of the United States and District Courts of the States of Minnesota and Wisconsin. 2. To accomplish the objectives of the DEA Task Force, the Department agrees to detail one (1) experienced officer to the DEA Task Force for a period of not less than two (2) years. During this period of assignment, the officer will be under the direct supervision and control of DEA supervisory personnel assigned to the Task Force. 3. The officer assigned to the Task Force shall adhere to all DEA policies and procedures. Failure to adhere to DEA policies and procedures sha11 be grounds for dismissai from the Task Force. 4. The officer assigned to the Task Force shall be deputized as Task Force Officer of DEA pursuant to Title 21 U.S.C. Section 878. 5. To accomplish the objectives of the DEA Task Force, DEA wiil assign a minimuxn af three (3) Special Agents to the Task Force. DEA will also, subject to availability of annually , r • • appropriated funds or any continuing resolufion thereof, provide necessary funds and equipment to support the activiries of the DEA Special Agents and Department officers assigned to the Task Force. This support will include: office space, office equipment and supplies, cierical support, h�avel funds, funds for purchase of evidence and information, investigarive equipment, training, funds for overtime costs described below, gasoline, oil and oil changes for the Department owned vehicle that is utilized by the Task Force Officer for Task Force activiries, and other support items. 6. All assets seized by the DEA Minneapolis-St. Paul Resident Office pursuant to investigations that are initiated, adopted or developed by the DEA Minneapolis-St. Paul Resident Office of this Task Force which are ulrimately forfeited to the U.S. Govemment will be shared. Assets seized will be forfeited under Title 21 U.S.C., Secrion 881 and will be shared equitably in accordance with the Attorney General's Guidelines on Seized and Forfeited Property. All parties to this agreement aclrnowledge, however, that the disposition of assets forfeited under Federal law is within the discretionary authority of the Department of 7ustice. 7. During the period of assignxnent to the DEA Task Force, the Deparhnent will remain responsible for establishing the salary and benefits, including overtime, of the Department's officer assigned to the Task Force, and for making ali payments due them. DEA will, subject to availability of funds, reimburse the Deparhnent for overtime payments made by it to the DepartmenYs Officer assigned to the DEA Task Force for overtime, up to a sum equivalent to 25 percent of the salary of a GS-10, step 1, Federal employee (currently $9,212.00), per officer. Reimbursement for actual overtime hours worked by the Task Force Officer as documented on DEA Form 352 or the equivalent limited up to a maximum payment of $2,303.00 per quarter (every three months) per officer. 8. In no event will the Department charge any indirect cost rate to DEA for the administration or implementation of this agreement. 9. The Department shall maintain on a current basis complete and accurate records and accounts of all obligations and expenditures of funds under this agz'eement in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles and instructions provided by DEA to facilitate on-site inspection and auditing of such records and accounts. 10. The Department shall perxnit and have readily availabie for examination and auditing by DEA, the United States Department of JusYice, the Comptroller General of the United States, and any of their duly authorized agents and representafives, any and all records, documents, accounts, invoices, receipts, or expenditures relating to this agreement. The Department shall maintain all such reports and records until all audits and their examinations aze completed and resolved, or for a period of three (3) yeazs after termination of this agreement, whichever is sooner. 11. The Department shall comply witl� Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and all requirements imposed by or pursuant to the regulations of the United States Department of Justice impiementing that law, 28 Code of Federal Regulations Part 42, subparts C and D. _ _ . C " t rd' �p �W. - tivY' x � '�S� ���t -' � y "'Y' O S � +1 1 a . # ..; z __ ��..� " '.r F f -. f - ' _ l_'u � f _ t. ��` � S. � _, "' �T- , � - .ci Q'Z�`p' _ v ✓ _. � ._ -�" �8. �.. � - i� S '�"; Y `.''h � r - '�'' <: ,4 �.-Y- - : vo � ":sv � L. � � _" _ _ _ 12 TherDepartmeFit agrees that an au�thbnzed offc�or ,employee �Il e�u#e and retum �-. - to DEA the attached OJP_ Form 4Q61/6, Certification Regarduig T.obbying, Debarment, _._ _ Suspension and Other ResponsibilityMatters; and Arug-Free Workplace Requirements- The Department acl�owledges that this agreement will,not take effect and no,Federal funds will be awazded to the Deparhnent by DEA until the completed certification is received. � 13. The term of this agreement shall be from the date of signature by representatives af both parties to September 30, 2001. This agreement may be terminated by either party on thirry (30) days advance written notice. Billings for all outstanding obligations must be received by DEA witivn ninety (90) days of the date of termination of this agreement. DEA will be responsible only for obligations incurred by the DepartmenYs officer during the term of this agreement. For the Drug Enforcement Administration Don Stum, Specia ent in Charge Chicago Field Division For the St. Pau� Polio� Title: � ,� ��,j- / S ��w�".�� � _- �'t U.S. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE OFFICE OF JUSTiCE PROGRAMS OFFICE OF.THE COMPTROLLER _'.�::- _ CERTIFlCATIONS REGARD{NG LOSBYING; QEBARMENT, SUSPENSION AND . OTt{ER RESPONSIBILITY MATTERS; AND DRUG-FREE WORKPLACE REaUfREME{1I'CS Apptieants :houlC refer to the rogulations eited below to determ�ne the cert'rfieation to whieh they are required to attest. Appficanu shou�d aiso review the irtstructions for cert'rfication inciuded in tt�e regulations before.compfating this form. Signature of this torm providea for eomplianee with certificetion requiremenu imder 26 CFR PaK 69, "New Remictions on LnDbying" and 28 CFR Pnrt 67. "Govamment-wide De6em+ent and Suspension lNonproeurementl and Govemmanowide Requiremenu tor Drup-Etee M�ericd+� 1Grarttsl ` The cerufications shall be crarted as a macerisl '�..'-�- reDreserttation of fact uPOn which reiienee will be Plseed when cha Department of Justiee determines to award the eovered mnsaetion, gront, or trooPxairve agreemsnt. �. L088riliG As reawrW br Seenon 1352. 7itl� 37 ot me U.S. Coda. u�d imolsi*rntW �t 2B CFR Pert 69. for wrsons ent�nnp utto • pr�nt or cooN��twe apaament over 5100.000. as tlefinW st 28 CFA Pui 89. the �pv����nt canif�ea th�t: lel No FWen1 acProon�ted lueds �we oeen Pud or will M , p�iC. bY or on DM�It of Me urWam9^�. to mV D�n fot in- }�W�pnp or �Rempttnp to influ�nCS �n etFKef Of amployM Of �ny ageney, � Membsr of Conprc�c, +� offiur or �mployM of Cpngrass, or an emobyee of a Membar of Congreu in eoe- ntcno� wrtt+ tha rtutmp ot �nY Federal Ormt. tM ent�m+0 irrto ot MY CooOM�trva agrae�nt. anA tbe �zLentlOn. CoBtlnulf+Ofl. ��yN. R++�nOment. or rtadifiunon of �nY Federsl gnnt p cpoy�ntrv� prsatn�at: lbl If mY fi+nds om°' man FaE�ral iOOroDnnad furiAS hw� pNn ptitl or wiil De p�id to �nY D�°^ tor �nfluennng or �t- tsmptinp to inffwnce an off�eer or emPloYee of anY p�neY. a M�mWr of Co�nis. �n oHiear or emowwe of Congrou. or an amObY� of a Mamter ot Congraas m eonnsenan witt+ tt+is Fetlx�l prant or e000ertcrvs �gresmertt• tne u�erngrrotl shtll eomdet� aM au0mit StaraeW frorm • LLL. "Duelosun ot LoDDyinq Actiwt�es." in aceor0anee wrti rti msuuct�ont: Id TM wwers�gnW shall mm�re that tne ��ngu�9e ef �his ear- rfica[�on be me�uda0 in tna �w�r0 doaunn+ss for �II wb+waWs �t d1 tian IincluCmg subgnnta. eorrtnas under gonts riC eooDarmv� 19r�emann. md wbconvaessl anE th�t all sub reaPiano shall eartih �ntl tluUOS� sewrdcqW 2, pEBARMENT. SUSPEHSION. AND OTHER RESPONSIBIL(TY MATTERS {DIREL7 R£CtPIElYT1 qt rpmnC bV ���ivs Ordar 12549. Ww�++ent �nE 5uspeylon. aed implamant�d at 26 CFR P�rt 87. fa orosaee• t+yt W�is m Dmmv1' eow�ad aun�enau. u dsfm�d �t 26 CFR P+rt 67. Seetion 87.510— A. Ttw sod�M ��h�+ vut it md "es prx�ow��� lal An not Dns�ntlY dsb�rrad. susP��d. DtoPOSed for Mbar- rtrnt. Meu�ed m�IgibN. a�nane�d m a d�rutl of faE�nl panaMs OY t Strte or f�d�ral wu }� �vrnd tt�naaenont bY mY w p�ncy: lbl Hm not within a Mns-ri�r DK� Dne�ding this �DW�u' twn f»�n oonv�Ci�O Of a fiad a civil FKfqm�nt �aMa�aa �9r^� tMrn tor eommsaon of tnu0 or � nm�e��l ofhnae m eorr+ae- bOf1 M/ISM ODt�1Nflfl. /Rlfl109f1p LO ObLCI. Of pOrtMTMAO � oublic IPsda*at. State, or lotall v+os+cuen or coMract undsr a pu06e tnrwevon: violation of FW�ra1 or St�t� �natrust sutucas or eomm�won of embau�maet, tBeh. totgary, bribery. fH�ifiuuon or tlesttucnon of rxorCS. makmg Sllte stRamenu. or n�a�ving atolan O�oWRY: lcl Arc not Prassmiv indieted for er otMrwise en�+in�ilY or civilly chargad Dy a govemmsnu� timtY 1FaNral. S2�ta, or,,, loull wtth comrtuasion of any of tt» off�n�as �numenieE in pu�gn0� Ill(b) of thic certif�ut�on: tnd tE) Mwe not wtth�n e tt+ras-yur panod Orec�Cmg Mis apDi�u• non h�d w�e or more OuDi�c tnns�enons (PWail. Stat�, or.._.. loull [ertmnatad for uuss ar dafwh: �nd , B. WMro ths aoO��uM u unahlt to COrtify to anV ot tM stnamanfs i� this eertVh��on. M or sM sh�li atueh �n axpl�nanon m th�a aOCbcavM. ; .�a:,.. 3. ORUG-FREE WORKPLACE -� (GRANTEES OTHEA THAN INOMDUAl5) � • As requvad bV me Dru9-F*ee WorkD�sea Act ot 1986. and imp�ementea at 26 CPfi P�rt 87. Subo�rt F, for prmcees. as de4�ne6 at 28 CFR Patt 67 Sernons 67.615 anC 67.620— - A. Ths �OD��unt eaR�fies that it will or wii� ����e to Orovitle • Erup'he� workpl�Ge CY: � !�l PubOShmg a rt�[am„+c mtiMM x^�°Y� m � � unl�wfui manut�ewre. EutnbuUm. 4�aass�sm4. Ooawasio�. or � uss of � eamWNC wDatn�u is vrNubrced in ms Ormces's workolsca and sD�dMnq tna sctrons tlut wi11 ba utan aqnntt amploy�ea tor wW�non of suM O��on: ibl EataClu4un9 m a"9o'�`4 d^p'� aw�ss Drogram 20 i�fmm emNov� aDOUt— (tl TM tlxqan of Onp �bwe in tcM woN'o�x°: t2{ The Drmt�e's o��Y of ma�9 a dru4•fn� workPlue: l31 Any waif�bN En+7 eouns�I�M. rNubil'ttatia+. antl emWW�a usistane� programs: �nd 141 Ttx wn�hiss tl+�t +^sy be imoosed uoa+ anroloY� for dryp �yu�e vwl�upns oecumng in me workW�ee: !el Maktng it a nwir�ment t�st NU °�^��°�'�° to be a+D�9b in tM partorma�ca ot me prant bs 9rvsn s roDY of tne suts- martt r�qu�nC bY G+��O�� 1a1: 101 Notifying me emPloYSe in a+e atttsrt�n nouiraE bY p�ragra0� lal that. �s � eondroon ot emD�oY^�^t �m0ar tha prstrt. tM MnDbY� wil4— (t) Abid� bY t!N twm� of tM atse�+t: +nd . (2) Nm+h ��'«'^ "�Q� of his or Mr eonvietiu+ for a violauon of a esRein� Cnq stanm °e�'^4 in eh� wwtW�n - no I�m U�r� fiv� esNedw davs afur weh cenvienon: �n wrilirq, witf�in 10 diwidv daY� �h� D if than are workplacn on fils tha2 an not ind�ntifi�d a r�e�ivirq e�ote� �� �ubP�+Pn IA1121 from an hsn. empioyM a otMrrns� r�ew+q x� ^O� ° �� °Om Saction 87. 630 of tf+a regWations Drovides that s gnn[e� �h�t tip�, �ploy�rs ot eonviei�A �mdeY� �t a � iy s Stst� m�y slaet to mska one certrtication m aaeh Fed�rN i � �� �. m: ppvvnrw ot Jusde�. Offip of tiseal Yex. A eopY of whiM should be i�UUdsA wfM �act� ap. ��yyp prepr�rtu, ATTN: ConeW Opk• 833 Indiana Avw�u�• p���� for Departman[ of .lusnee tundin9• Sta[ea and Stau N.W.. Wa�hinpmn. D.C. 20531. Notie� sh+u iedub� th� ida^' ��n maY b� to ua� OJP Form 4081l7. tifiearion Mxnhwlal of �� affieud arr�C lfl Takinp arM ot �!r 1�'^0 �O^�• w � ���� �k 0 if Ma Stet� hn electaC to comol�2a OJP frorm dM � ��� � �yw �ypp�prpt1 Id1121, with 4081/7. resP�Ct tD �nY MeObYM w!a is so ComK�d— {71 Takinp mProo�� � �� ���,�,,;� � ORUG WOAKPLACE empoyw. uo co �nd �neh+e�w m""^ HTEES NMO ARE IND�VIDUA ���no ot tlfe P�h�b�ineo^ Ac� of t973. as art+wWa�: or (Gi1A . . 1z � p �� ��� � o�ieipaea aaas»�onW in a As required bY tha Orug•Froe Workpiaer Aet af 798H. and d � ��� a �p���n Drogram �vwc�b fw impbmentaa st 28 CFA Part 67. SuhPart F. for gnrrtes�. as �� p ��� ����y S�p, ar �p�� hsalth. �aw �nfore�- CNined x 28 CFR Pert 67: Secvotu 67.615 and 87.820— - ��. � otMr apqopn�n ap�neY: A. As a condiuon of Me 9Tant. 1 certify that 1 will no[ an9ep� M�ki�g � 4� }s� �}fprt m Connnu� tc mamta�n � tlrug- i� �he unbwfui marwfaczure. autnnunon. Oisoaming. pofsas• Ifl). on ot ParapraORS UI. lbl. mon. or ma of a eonV011ed suosmnn �n eonCUeUnp+�Y fra� workWac� v+rouB� �mD�^u° actrv�ty w�m tna gran� anC -' IU. ld6 +nC Ifl. ' '�� `:' -- - � : � � � �-- � - 8: If eonvic[sd of a eriminal drug offense resulnng hom a 8. Thi 9ram�� mav inan[ in tfi� aue� Pr�� b!� �° � 'v�d�tion oecumng Curm9 �+e conauR of anv 9nnt acav+tY. I aitNSl for tM P��^� ot work dom �n coruaeea+ w![h - wdI roport me eomneaon. m wnnnq. wtthm 10 dNnEx daya Lhf f�NG1K 4flflC ' f..,i '. . - �_ O} IYI! CO(IVICi10f1. t0: �RPiRRtlM Of �WLCl. �fflC� Of �WLp Plsp of Far(orms�xr ISva�L add��+s. Gri. countY. aca2e. zio �� �on, D.C. 205�' Dmk. 633 Inmsna Avanw. N.W.. codN�- . � .. -_ __ - - As tfii dulY auit+oriied rapraaantsma of ths apD���i• � hsmhVi certrfy thst the e00����t W�il comply w�ttr 27te abowe esriifica0ons. _ ., ..a.. � � ' ' _ • � � . - 1 w Grantee Nartr and Addn�a: � -- ' � - . . : St. Paul Police Departrrent St. Panl. Minnesota 2. APDliestion Numb�r n+a/or Proj�cc N� DEA Task Force -z.., Minneapol-is/St. Paul Resident Office ` �' 4. TYO� Nan+� AuUwrixW flepr�s�ntatiw � - 3. Grancee,�RSNenem Number , 6. Daie ' ' . . . . �.. , .. ; - 5.' Sipnatur� _ - . . - , - . . . . s< ��s -�.f�� > � �� €'` t "' ° _ .., ., =. =.,� - . " " 5 �.� - c.- : � _ : . .- - . �',� s _ �.�,. , .r�,'��i' z.--"'- ..tx�s„�S. •f».ef��� b= . � ' � . , . - , _ .. . u«. ae x ��ka i :��� :1{''e`y � -,=�.0 - � .m,tP��. .� � �G - --` _ :.�i�, _ .;��L�t�-t �:� - . - , ,..>, , .