275117 WHITE - CITV CLERK COURCIl 2"�511'7 PINK - F�NANCE GITY OF SAINT PALTL CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR File NO. Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An administrative Resolution changing the title of Nutrition Assista.nt to Nutrition Assistant I and establishing the title and class specification for Nutrition Assistant II in the Civil Service Rules. RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be amended in Section 3.L (Technical Group) by striking out the title of Nutrition Assistant from Grade 17 and by substituting in lieu thereof the title of Nutrition Assistant I; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be further amended in Section 3. L (Technical Group) by inserting the title of Nutrition Assistant II in Grade 22; and be it FINALLY RE50LVED, that the Civil Service Rules be further amended i.n Section 32 by striking out the class specification for the title of Nutrition Assistant and by inserting the attached class specifications for the titles of Nutrition Assistant I and Nutrition Assistant II. App rove d: Chairman Civil Service Co 'ssion COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � B er �— PERSONNEL OFFICE Ho a In Favor r —beu+ae Maddox _ � __ Against BY M� X McMahon Sh lter Showaiter Ted edesco ��N 17 1980 Form Ap ve y Ci Att ney Adopte y o nc� yyilson Date — C C tified Y•. •ed by C nc� Se9retary BY I � � • t� r d by Mavor. at _ JUN 1 � 198 Ap ro e y Mayor for Sub ' si t�Council By — BY ��:��;E� �uN 2 a �930 Title of class: , NUTRITION ASSISTANT I Fi !���� DESCRIPTIOti OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs technical work in assisting in carrying out the nutrition pxogram of the Division of Public Health; and performs related duties as required. SuPervision Received: Works under the general supervision of a professional nutritionist. Supervision Exercised: None. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMID The listed examples may not include all duties perfo�ed by all positions in this class. Perfor�s health and nutritional screening indices according to standard procedures including height and weight measurements, head circumference, blced pressure, hemoglobin, hematocrit, erythrocyte, protoporpherin, ser�.� cholesterol, cardiovascular risk factor questionnaire, dietary eva?�tion and socio-economic evaluation. Assesses �-� individual's health and nutritional status based on data from the ^�alth and nutrition screening. Develops �-�d implements individualized patient care plans for those persons deterW;�ed to be at high medical or nutritional risk based on data fram the ��a?*_h and nutrition scre�ning. Monitors �-zd reevaluates client's medical and nutritional status on an on- going basis. Issues vouchers for appropriate supplemental foods to nutrition program participants. Provides n�:trition information via group and one-to-one counseling to clients in z cli:zic setting. Provides nutrition information to community groups. Makes referrals to appropriate agencies in the community. Follows up on special client and/or program problems encountered in the c2i�ic or community. Assists in analyzing community nutrition needs and the effectiveness of nutrition grograms by reporting observations and impressions. Assists in the training of new nutrition assistants by orienting them to clinic procedures. Completes conputer forms and follows up on and corrects input problems. Insures that needed patient files, supplies and equipment are availabZe at clinic sites. Keeps knowle�ge of nutrition theory and practices current by attending workshops and in-service training programs. KNd[-JLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Wor'xing knowledge of nutritional needs and development. The ability to evaluate and solve clinic and/or program related prob�ems. The ability to relate and communicate with individuals and groups. The ability to work independently. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS High school graduation and completion of an eighteen month recognized Nutrition Assistant course or equivalent. Must possess a valid Minnesota driver's license. Title of class ������ � - NUTRITION ASSISTANT II DESCRIPTION OF [��ORK General Statement of Duties: Performs technical work in assisting with the a�'ministration and staff supervision of a nutrition program; performs nutrition screening and nutrition education c�.uties at clinics; and performs related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the general supervision of a unit head. Supervision Exercised: Exercises close technical supervision over nutrition assistants and clerical workers assigned to the program. TYPICAL ��`TIES PERFORrIID The liste� examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. Schedule�, assigns, organizes and reviews the work of Nutrition Assistant I's anc� c'erical employees. Assists ��e program administrator in planning and managing the personnel and a�;.istrative needs of the program by identifying problems and recc�^�ding solutions. Coordin�tzs with program vendors, reviews vendor contracts, resolves vendor proQi�s and maintains communications with vendors. Checks a�d �istributes computer forms; performs liaison with computer staff. Maintains �nventory of supplies and prepares requisitions as necessary; allocates new equipment to facilities. Particigat�s in the orientation and training of Nutrition Assistant ITs and clerical enployees. ,M Meets wi}h ca�aunity groups to provide nutritional information and to ��uZain nutrition programs. Monitors �:enatology results received from the Division of Public Health, natifies nutrition assistants of patient abnormalities and follows up to insure t�at client receives appropriate referrals and/or education. Perfo�s �ealth and nutritional screening indices according to standard procedures including height and weight measurements, head circumference, blood �ressure, hemoglobin, hemacrit, erythrocyte, protoporpherin, serum chalesterol, cardiovascular risk factor questionnaire, dietary evaluation and socio-economic evaluation. Assess+as an individual's health and nutritional status based on data from the health and nutrition screening. Develops and implements invididualized patient care plans for those persons determined to be at high medical or nutritional risk based on data from the health and nutrition screening. Issues vouchers for appropriate supplemental foods to nutrition program participants. Makes referrals to appropriate agencies in the community. KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Working kno�aledge of nutritional needs and deveZopment. The ability to evaluate and solve clinic and/or program related problens. The ability to relate to individual patients, vendors and community groups. The ability to communicate effectively and to write reports. (continued on reverse side) NUTRITION ASSISTANT II (c on t iniied) Working ability to determine priorities, plan and coordinate work. Working knowledge of unit policies, procedures and operations. MINIlKLfiS QUALIFICATIONS Ttao years' work experience as a Nutrition Assistant I or equivalent, one of which involved working in a community nutrition pragram. Must possess a valid riinnesota driver's license. 'j; � � , ;� � C��.� o:�� ��:����rT.�� �'t� ���.� ;�: � , .�. � =: �,� ,,,. O�+�I±`ZC.T'i� ���+` T H3a: CIT� C0��7�ZL �� ��-',� � '' ! ����.�."� �,�, ,a... � �,'�.,,4,c�. ,, ,, _ r,. .j.`^- x?` ` "". �U �� : June 2 , 1980 �-: ..� � �.JiY� �� � i � � � � � l� � �a� �" 4 : �air�� Pc��[ Cit� Cc�un�il . F� O �� � CQt(11"'9i !�'�e`E UEl FINANCE , NtANAGEMEN7' AND PERSONNEL � RUBY HUNT , chai�rr�an, makes the follov��ing re�orf on C.F. � Orclinance �g� � Resoiution . � Other T ITLE : The Finance Committee, at its meeting of June 2 , 1980, recommended approval of the follo�aing : 1 . Resolution establishing title of Complaint Office Supervisor in Grade 22 of Section 3 . B (Clerical Group) and class specs for this title in " Section 32 of the Civil Service Rules . (10945-RH) 2 . Resolution establishing title and class specs for Health Education Assistant in Grade 17 of Section 3 . L (Tech. Group) in the Civil Servic.e Rules� . (10944-RH) . � 3 . Resolution establishing titles and class specs for Special Library Assistant I in Grade 30, Section 3 . L (Tech . Group) and Special Library _ _ Assistant II in Grade 34 , Section 3. L. (Tech. Group) of the Civil � Service Rules . (10943-RH) . 4 . Resol�ution approving funding of $6, 573 . 00 for funding a License Inspector I . (10948-RH) . 5 . Resolution establishing title of Deputy License Inspector III in Grade 30 of Section 3 . L (Tech . Group) and class specs for this title in . , Section 32 of the Civil Service Rules . (10942-RH) . 6. Resolution replacing class title and specs for Maintenance Foreman-Water Dept . in Grade 38 of Section 3 . H ( Maintenance Supvs . ) of the Civil Service Rules �aith class title and specs for Supervisor of Water P.ro- duction htaintenance in Grade 40 of Section 3 . }i. (11003-RH) . 7 . Resolution changing title of Nutrition Assistant to Nutrition Assistant I in Section 3 . L (Tech. Group) and change specs to reflect change in title , to remain in Grade 17 , also establish title and class specs for lv'utrition Assistant II in Grade 22 of Section 3 . L (Tech. Group) . (11Q02-RH) 8 . Resolution revisi�lg class specs for Greenskeeper to define more accurately duties and responsibilities and to refine experience requirements . No change in rate of pay . (11001-RH) . CfT�/ H�i.L S�,VE�iT?�i �'LOC: �Ai:vi P�UL, b€I�"I�;SUTA ��IO2 � Do•not detach this memora�ndum �orr�-�the ����� resolution sa that this intormatfon Wi!! be available to the City Council. EXPLANATION i�F ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS, RESOLUTIONS, AND ORDINANCES Date: April 22, 1980 � ECE � VE �D MAY 2 � 1980 TO: MAYOR GEORGE LATIMER . ���,s �'� FR: Personne�. Office RE: Resolution for submission to City Council ACTION REQUESTED 1 We recommend your approval and submission of this Resolution to the City Council. PURPOSE AND RATIONALE FOR THIS ACTIUN: This Resolution will change the title of Nutrition Assistant to Nutrition Ass�t stant I in Section 3. L (Technical Group) on the Civil Service Rules, and will change the class specification to reflect the change i.n title. This title wi.11 remain i.n Grad� 17. This Resolution will also establish the title and class specification for Nutrition Assistant II i.n Grade 22 of Section 3.L (Technical Group) of t1�.e Civil Service Rules. This position acknowledges the administrative responsibilities assumed by a Nutrition Assistant as the Nutrition Program has expanded. The bi-weekly salary rates for Grade 22 are as follows: A B C D E F 10-yr. 15-yr. 20-yr. 25-yr. 466. 51 487. 11 509.44 534. 05 557. 50 583. 28 599. 88 615. 33 628. 33 641. 33 $12, 171.00 annually $16, 732. 00 ATTACHI�IENTS: Resolution and copy for the City Clerk. .a � ' , ♦. '������� • Title of classs NUTRITZON ASSISTANT DESCR]PTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Pexforms subprofessional work in assist- ing the Public Health Nutritionist in carrying out the r�utrition pro- gram of the Divisio�n of Public Health. Supervision Reeeived: Works under fihe sup�rvision of a Public Health Nutritionist. � Supexvision Exercised: None TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examp�es may not i.nclude all dutiea performed by alk positions in this class. Conducts elements of health screening including height, weight, head circumference, blood pressure, hemoglobiz�, hematacrit, erythrocyte protoporpherin, serum cholesterol, cardiovascular risk factor questionnaire, dietary evaluation, and socio-economic evaluation. . Assists in developing and implementing pa�ient care plans and for the monitoring of individuals determined to be at a high medical nutritional risk. Disseminates nutritional information to individuals and groups in the c ommunity. Assists in developing and implementing individual nutri�ion edueation based upon demonstrated need. Makes referrals to appropriate agencies in the community. Inforrns the' Public Health Nutritionist of special problems eMCOUntered in the community. Assists the Public Health Nutritionist in analyzing community nutritional needs and effectiveness of the nutrition del,i.very program. Delivers supplemental foods to nutrition pxograrn participants. KNOW LEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIE5 Working knowledge of nutritional needs and develapment. Some ability to evaluate and solve nutritipnal problems. Ability to relate to individual patients. Ability to communicate and write reports. MTNIMUM QUALIFICATIONS F-iigh school graduation and completion o� a one-year recognized Nutri�ion Assistant or Medical Assistant course, Must possess a valid Minnesota driver's license. � Effective April 18, 1977 NUTRITION ASSISTAN�'