275116 WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK �- - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PALT L Council CANARV - OEPARTMENT File NO. ����� BLUE - MAVOR ouncil Resolution Presented By - Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An administrative Resolution revising the class specification for the title of Greenskeeper i.n the Civil 5ervice Rules. RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be amended by striking from Section 32 the Class Specification for the title of Greenskeeper, and by substituting in lieu thereof, the attached Class 5pecification for the title of Greenskeeper. Approved: r Chairman Civil Service Commission COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays B t r � PERSONNEL OFFICE H a -�� [n Favor s Maddox � McMahon _ __ Against BY Mad ox �oWaiter Sho ltei Tedesco 1g8Q Tede ��son Ju� 1 7 Form Ap ve y City ttor y Adopted C unci : Date � C �fied P•: • d by Co .il Se�retary BY S � A d by �Navor: D _ �UN � 9 1980 Appr y Mayor Eor Sub i to Council BY — — BY, �.l3SHED JU N 2 8 1980 I Title of class: ����s GREENSKEEPER DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs supervisory work involving the planning and directing of the maintenance of a municipal golf course by laboring crews; and performs related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the general technical and administrative supervision of a unit head. Supervision Exercised: Exercises within a unit general technical and administrative supervision directly or through crew Ieaders over laboring workers. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. Directs and inspects the work of crews engaged in the maintenance activities of a municipal golf course including irrigating, fertilizing, repairing aad mowing turf, pruning trees and bushes; and applying chemicals to turf; determines materials and equipment necessary for completing routine maintenance projects. Plans, directs and inspects the work of crews in performing special projects including rebuilding tees, greens and sandtraps, aerating tees, fairways and greens, installing and repairing drainage tiles and irrigation equip- ment; repairing golf cart paths and erecting and dismantling ski tows; and determines materials and equipment necessary for completing special pro3ects. Supervises the routine maintenance and repair of golf course equipment. Trains subordinates in turf maintenance procedures. Determines appropriate chemicals and equi.pment needed for effective turf management. Directs the enforcement of use and safety regulations oa the golf course; inspects the condition of the .course. �valuates employee performance and safety practices. Prepares operating and personnel reports. KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Working knowledge of the procedures and techniques of turf management. Considerable knowledge of the safe and proper use of tools, machines and equipment needed to maintain a municipal golf course. Considerable knowledge of cause, effect a�d cure of abnormal turf conditions. Working ability to demonstrate work practices and to supervise. Working ability to coordinate activtties with other units. Considerable ability to deal courteously and effectively with the gublic. Considerable ability t.o identify, and treat diseases and insect problems �E� trees and turf. Working ability to work effectiveZy with course professional and club manager. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Twenty £our months' experience within the past ten years as a Groundsman or equivalent assigned to and performing duties involving the planting, treatment and care of golf fairways and greens. (Approved education or ��ecial training may be substituted for up to one-half of the experience requirement.) � � � ��! ���� -o�� ;�.�._��7�., �°'��.-�r:�., . # ' "� �� •,_ OI+'�+�I'LF. ��+' TE[I: GI3'�k d:;Oti i1iL'ZL , a..- (�"� � ':_ `I :��� ��- 1`a"�'1�7� a..n � iF. � ;-,,. a�la��a�s� ?. � - �.t,:_ �xg»4�':�,��.� ;r , . i',.. ' - _ %=:. . t�:� %;�: Dofie : June 2 , I980 -.._ . ..� G � �� €� iT I�� � �a � � � ��" TO : S�in�f P�u! Ci�� Cv�n�il . F� O � � COl71ii'il�'Pe£ OI� FINANCE , MANAGEMENT AND PERSONNEL RUBY HUNT , choirman, makes the foilow�ing reporf an C. F. � Qrclinance �g� [� Resalution . � Qther TlT'LE : The Finance Committee, at its meeting of June 2 , 1980, recommended approval of the following : 1 . Resolution establishing title of Complaint Office� Supervisor in Grade 22 of Section 3 . B {Clerical Group) and class specs for this title in � Section 32 of the Civil Service Rules . (10945-RH) _ 2 . Resolution establishing title and class specs for Healtli Educatian Assistant in Grade 17 of Section 3 . L (Tech. Group) in the Civil Service Rules� . (10944-RH) . 3. Resolution establishing titles and class specs for Special Librasy Assistant I in Grade 30, Section 3 . L (Tech . Group) and Special Library . _ _ .�. Assistant II in Grade 34 , Section 3 . L. (Tech. Group) of the Civil Service Rules . (10943-RH) . 4 . Resolution approving funding of $6 , 573 . 00 for funding a License Inspector I . (10948-RH) . 5 . Resolution establishing title of Deputy License Inspectar III in Grade 30 of Section 3 . L (Tech. Group) and class specs £or this title in . • Section 32 of the Civil Service Rules . (10942-RH) . 6. . Resolution replacing class title and specs for Maintenance Foreman-�Vater Dept . in Grade 3S of Section 3 . H (_Maintenance Supvs . ) of the Civil Service Rules with class title and specs for Supervisor of Water Pro- duction hlaintenance in Grade 40 of Section 3. H. (11d03-RH) . 7 . Resolution changing title of Nutrition Assistant to Nutrition Assistant I in Section 3. L (Tech. Group) and change specs to reflect change in title, to remain in Grade 17 , also establish title and class specs for Nutritian Assistant II in Grade 22 of Section 3 . L (Tech . Group) , (11CO2-RH) 8 . Resolution revising class specs for Greenskeeper to define more X accurately duties and responsibilities and to refine experience requirements . No change in rate of pay . (11001-RH) . CtTY rI.�.L SEVEVTH �'.LOG? aTiivi PAUL, �fI�`aE:iOTA SSI02 G � _ . , . , �o not detach #hts rt�etr�t�i� tr�n�'�e-,; _ -;t � � �.�est3lutton so th�t this in'br�ion:tll�� be? :. '������ ; 'm � �avaliable to the City Cqurtcil. � EXPLANATION �QF ADMIN�STRATI�iE. ORDERS ; . RESO�NS�, A�NI��RD22QADTC�S ;' �ate: Apr31 22, i980 ; , � , , ����j.y_Ep .n ; �.�� MAY 2 2 �'0: MAYOR GE4RGE LATIMER � ;. . PAz 'Pereonreel Office ��� �e RE: Iteael�ttian;ft�r eubm3seio� to City Co�ncil � ; ;.ACT�� �t�fiJESTB� , . We �ecc�mmend y� .app�ov81 and suba�f.�$ion af tbis Reaolutfiam �o� tl�c`�i�yr'Co�ct],. � �; � FURPOSE AND: &��t�R#L� F!'3R THIS ACTIQ�i: , � ; � , � ; :. , . ; '1'�.is �so�utiox� will reviae the cI$ss �peci£ica#�s:for ��e�enel�epar ' to defin� r�e accuratel,y and i.n. more detail the dutie�i a;nd re�gc»e��+�s: `� � : of the po�s%�i.ot� �d.to refisie #he experienc�e requir,emeats. Thet�e.;%,� �Q cha�ge ia rate o� pay. . , . : 4 , , ,. , �, ; � , , ;., A�TTAf.'�1TS: , . � : 'ti` ResolutL�m a�d copy.for the City Cler�C. ` . _ �. 't : � x� �� i � � � , , , � , . ,; , , � � F , ,;, . �,_ � .y�...���,�. � - , ,. . ��IV��w'u� . . f � Title of class: � GREENSKEEPER Duties and responsibilities: Under immediate supervision, to plant, treat, and maintain greens upon a municipal golf course; and to perform related work as assigned. . Examples of work performed: To sow grass seed in greens. To treat and fertilize grass. . To mow and trim greens. To supervise laborers assigned to assist in the work. Minimum qualifications: Eighth-grade education and two years° experience in the planting, treat- ment, and care of golf greens. � �