275114 WMITE - CI7V CIERK COUIICII �'5��Li PINK ' - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PA U L CANARV - DEPARTMENT � BLUE - MAVOR File NO. ouncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An admini strative Re solution e stabli shing the title and class specification for Health Education Assi.stant in the Civil Service Rules. RESOLVED, that the Civil 5ervice Rules be amended in Section 3. L (Technical Group), by inserting the title of Health Education Assistant in Grade 17; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Civil 5ervice Rules be further amended in Section 32 by inserting, in proper alphabetical order, the attached class specification for Health Education Assistant. App roved: � Chairman Civil Service Comrnission COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Bu r �� PERSONNEL OF CE Hoz a }t'•'�*� [n Favor Maddox McManon - �' __ Against BY Mad x �oWalter / Sho ter Tedesco Ted sc JUN 17 1980 Form Ap ove City Attor Adopted by ouncil• W��sonDate � Certif d Passe y Co .il Seoretary BY � u��n te��. l�pp v y Mavor. Date s Appr e y Mayor for Su iss bn to�Council By By ���$�tEO ,1UN Z 8 1980 2��1�4 Title of class: HEALTfi EDUCATION ASSISTANT DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs skilled technical work in the develop- ment and presentation of materials and programs intended for clients, specific groups or the general community which promote positive health behaviors and use of preventive health services; and performs related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the general technical and admin�strative supervision of a unit head. Supervision Exercised: None. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMID The listed examples may not include all duties performed by aZl positions in tihis class. Prepares materials and presents educational programs to individuals and groups. Assists in planning and developing programs, displays and printed materials. Provides printed information, films and other resource materials to community organizations. Assists community groups in developing educational components in their programs. . Prepares and presents information which enables individuals to analyze and understand the reasons for behavior which is not conducive to good health and substitute more constructive behavior. Leads discussion groups in which individuals are encouraged to consider and adopt behavior which is constructive and compatible with their individual life styles. Uses audio/visual equipment and materials. Assists in evaluating the effectiveness of programs and materials; suggests improvements and additions to existing programs and materials. KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Some knowledge of the use and maintenance of audio/visual equipment. The ability to facilitate group discussion and interaction for Iearning. Working ability to communicate effectively both orally and in writing. Working ability to plan, schedule and promote educational programs. Some knowledge of the psychology of human behavior. The ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships with staff and the general public. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Ztao years of college; or one year's experience in planning and conducting health and safety education programs. ' .1� ' . :Y". 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Resolution establishing titles and class specs for Special Library Assistant I in Grade 30, Section 3 . L (Tech . Group) and Special Library Assistant II in Grade 34 , Section 3 . L. (Tech. Group) of the Civil �� Service Rules . (10943-RH) . 4 . Resolution approving funding of $6 , 573 . 00 for funding a License Inspector I . (10948-RH) . � 5 . Resolution establishing title of Deputy License Inspector III in Grade 30 of Section 3 . L (Tech . Group) and class specs for this title in , Section 32 of the Civil Service Rules . (10942-RH) . 6. . Resolution replacing class title and specs for Maintenance Foreman-�ater Dept. in Grade 38 of Section 3 . H ( Maintenance Supvs . ) of the Civi1 Service Rules with class title and specs for Supervisor of �Vater Pro- duction biaintenance in Grade 40 of Section 3 . H. (11003-RH) . 7�. Resolution chan�ing title of Nutrition Assistant to Nutrition Assistant I in Section 3 . L (Tech. Group) and change specs to reflect change in title, to remain in Grade 17 , also establish title and class specs for Nutrition Assistant II in Grade 22 of Section 3 . L (Tech . Group) . (11002-RH) � 8. Resolution revising class specs for Greenskeeper to define more accurately duties and responsibilities and to refine experience _ requirements . No change in rate of pay . (11001 -RH) . CtT� H<A�L SEVEN7��i FI.C��%? �AiivT Y:1UL, bil°�t`��;�JTA �5F02 �Do not detach this memorandum trom the re�olution so that this information will be avaidable to the City Council. EXPLANATION OF ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS, ����� � RESOLUTIONS, AND ORDINANCES Date: April 17, 1980 �� � ` � � � D MAY �� - 1980 MA11.OR'� � T0: MAYOR GEORGE LATIMER � FR: Personnel Office RE: Resolution for submission to City Council ACTION REQUESTED We recommend your approval and submission of this Resolution to the City Council. PURPOSE AND RATIONALE FOR THIS ACTION: This Resolution will establish the title and class specification for Health Education Assistant in Grade 17 of Section 3. L (Technical Group) in the Civi1 Service Rules. -� This position will provide preparation and presentation of Health Education Programs at the non-professional level. The bi-weekly salary rates are as follows: Grade 17 A B C D E F 10-yr. 15-yr. 20-yr. 25-yr. 410. 98 428. 16 447. 04 466. 51 487. 11 509.44 524. 89 537.48 550. 80 563. 80 $10, ?22. 00 annually $14, 709. 00 ATTACHI�IENTS: Resolution and copy for the City Clerk. .