275110 WHITE - CITV GLERK ����0 PINK - FINANCE C I TY OF SA I NT PA U L Council � CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE� - MAYOR . .FIIE NO. � . o n ' esol tion Presented By � • Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, the Commercial Area Improvement Program was approved by resolution of the City Council on November 8, 1979, CF274002; and v�HEREAS, the Commercial Area Improvement Program supports and encourages private investment in commercial areas in order to upgrade the visual and aesthetic elements of those areas, thereby making the commercial areas more attractive, safe and convenient for customers and better places to do business; and WHEREAS, the adopted Commercial Area Improvement Program guidelines provide for construction or installation of local public improvements in commercial areas as a means of supporting and encouraging said private investment; and WHEREAS, said guidelines also provide for assessment of a portion of the cost of said local public improvements; therefore, be it now RESOLVED, by this Council, that the Special Assessment Policy as set forth by resolution of this Council, CF266798, adopted February 17, 1978, CF266797, adopted February 17, 1978, and CF 268302 adopted December 23, 1976, is hereby amended to provide for special assessment to properties benefiting under provisions of the Commercial Area Improvement Program of not less than fifty percent (50�) of the total cost of petitioned local public improvements which are, by virtue of either their design or advanced implementation scheduling, extraordinary improvements; and,be it !� FINALLY RESOLVED, that the Special Assessment Policy as approved per Council resolution, CF266798, CF266797, and CF268302, will remain in effect except as above amended. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays 1'� � 4 . �� `"� In Favor Maddox , 1 McMahon _ �� __ Against BY — Showalter Tedesco Wils �JN �, 7 �9SO Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted ounc 1: Date Cer ied P - d by ouncil Secr ary BY � � // App by Mayor: t _ JuN � 9 �98 Appr ved by Ma or f Sub si o Council By _ — $y � ��.:S.�E�J J U�� 2 � 19�0 N'H17E �GITV CLERK � f�• 5111 �- PINK SFINANCE GITY OF SAINT PALTL Council CANAR�' - DEPARTMENT 1 BLVE - MAVOR � F11B NO. C ncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An administrative Resolution approving the terms and conditions of 1980 Memorandum of Agreements between the City of Saint Paul and the following Bargaini.ng Unit representatives: Bricklayers, Local 1 Boile rmake r s, Lodge 647 � Twin City Carpenters District Council Electricians, Local 110 Elevator Constructors, Local 9 Fire Fighters, Local 21 Glaziers, Local 1324 Painters, Local 61 Pipefitters, Loca1455 Plasterers, Local 20 St. Paul Profe s sional Employee s As sociation St. Paul Supervisors Organization Sheet Metal Workers, Local 76 Teamsters, Local 320 � WHEREAS, the Council, pursuant to provisions of Secti.on 12. 09 of the Saint Paul City Charter and the Public Employees Labor Relations Act of 1971, as amended, recognizes the above-mentioned Unions as exclusive representatives certified by the Bureau of Mediation Services for the purpose of ineeting and negotiating t,he terms and conditions of employment for all full-time personnel in the classes of positions as set fQ.rth in the Agreements between the City of Saint Paul and the above-mentiont�Unions; now, therefore, be it - 1 - COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays [n Favor . __ Against BY — Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary � BY By� Approved by ;Vlayor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY - – — BY Pc�z,sr��� �u�� 2 a ti980 WHITE -�CITV CLERK � PINK' ���lFINANCE , G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L Council � �C��� CANARS' - DEPARTMENT � BLk/E - MAVOR File NO. v 1 � Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date _ 2 _ RESOLVED, that the Memorandum of Agreements, cited above, dated as of the effective date of this Resolution, between the "City of Saint Paul and the above-mentioned Unions, on file in the office of the City Clerk, are hereby approved, and the authorized admi.nistrative • officials of the City are hereby authorized and directed to execute said Agreements on behalf of the City. Approved: C airman Civil Service Com ' sion COUNCILME[V Requested by Department of: Yeas-1iu+,� Nays �- � PER50NNEL OFFICE Maddox [n Favor McMahon v Showa�ter __ Against BY �� Tedesco Wils AdgpCed by Coun . Date ,�[�� '� 7 ��0 Form ppro by City A rne �ertified P� .sed y CounCil Sec tar BY t B � � JUN 19 Approv b Mayor for Submis t tncil App d by ;Vlayor: e — By _ By '' ���i�i J U N 2 8 ►y80 Da not detach this memorandum from th� resoiution so that this information will t�e � avaliable to the �ity Council. ��r S.� � , EXPLANATIOi� OF ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS, �5��,1 RE�LUTIONS, AND ORDINANCES Date: May 15, 1980 � �ECE � VED T0: MAYOR GEORGE LATIMER MAY 2 �� ��8� ., FR: Personnel Office �� �1YOR�5 OFFICE RE: Resolution for submission to City Council ACTION REQUESTED � We recommend your approval and submission af this Resolution to the City Council. d - PURPOSE AND RATIONALE FOR THIS ACTION: This Resolution approves Agreements between tlie City and various Bargaining Units. These Agreements am.end the City Mi.leage Article in the respective current Agreement. The mileage reimbursement proposal provides $3. 00 per day plus 15� � per mile. Parking is also provided at the Civic Center Ramp. ATTACI�IENTS: Resolution and copy for the City Clerk. I� . _ �9�0 ����.�.1 MEMORAIvTDLTt OF AGREII�IFI�TT This tieraorandum of Agreement is by and between the City of St. Paul and the Bric?{layers, i-iasons, Marble-Masons, Cement Blocklayers and TuckpoinCers Local Union No. 1. In full settlement of 1980 negotiations the parties hereto have agreed as fo'lows: 1. Except as herein modif ied, the Agreement bet�aeen the parties, entered into June 12, 1979, shall be the basis of the forthcoming labor agreeme�t. 2. Article �VIII - City Mileage Plan of said Agreement shall be replaced with Article XXVIII which is attached hereto and made a part hereof. It is understood that the above settlement shall be recommended by the City Negotiator, cut is subject to approval by the City Administration and adoptian by the Civil Service Commission and the City Council. � IN WITNESS i�REOF, the parties hereto have affixed their signatures this X�J � day of %7��y' , 1980. CITY OF ST. ?AUL BRICY.LAYERS, MASONS, MARBLE-MASONS, CEMENT BLOCKLAYERS AND TLTCI�OINTERS LOCAL UNION N0. 1 ,- r ,- � r / �� . . ��f,�; .�j ���:�. . � � :.. �� Labor R tio ire or Business rfanager ��— ,.`1 , • ARTICLE XXVIII-�IlY r�ILEAGE 28.1 ALto�obile Fei�burse.^,.ent Authorized: ?Lrs•�an� to C�a�tzr 33 of the Saint Paul Adninistrative Code, as a�aen�ec, 72rr�iP_=P_o . t0 reir..bc:rse�en� _ of City officers and e;�ployees for *_he use o` t��e=_ ow�. zuto�obiles in tfie perior^•znce of their duties, the iollo:�ir.g pr��;?s�ons are adopted. 28.2 I�:ethod of Computation: To be eligible for such rei4burse:ent, aII o£ficers and eicployees must receive k-rittez aut�Qrization from the Depar�ent Nead: Ty-pe 1. If an enployee is required to use his/ner o��,� autozaobile OCGASIQ*�.�.?.LY duri�g ersployrient, the e.Bplotee S!'l2I.� �2 rei�bursed at tlze rate of $3.00 per day for each day the e�plo}�2's vehicle is st�uall� us�d in perforning the duties of the e�plo}�ee*s nosition. In, addition, the employee sha11 be reimbursed 15� pzr nile for each ati�e actuallq driven. �f s�.�ch enployee is required to drive an autoco�ile durir_g enplo}•ment and the �e�artIIent kead csr designated representative deteraines that an e��2"�yer vehicle is available for the employee's use but the en�Ioyee des��s to use hisfner own autonobile, then thz e::ployee shall �e reim- bLrsed at the rate of 15� per mile driven a�d sha1Z not be eligible �or anp per die�, �e 2. Zf a*+ �pl�yee is required to use his/Per or�n autQ*?obile P.EG��RLY dLring e�g],oyiaent, the e�ployee srall bz re��Xu?'sed at the rate oi $3.OQ per Zay for each day of work. In �c��ition, the e�playee sha�? be rei�burs�c� 15� p,er mile for eac�: �i.le ac�ually c�riven. If �uch e�ployee is required to drive an automo�ile durino e�ployment an3 the dzpart���t 1^read or designated re�resenta*_ive deter-r�ines that an �sployer vehic�� is available for the e�ployeeTs use but the employee desires to �sse h�s,naar own automobile, then the e�plo}ee shall be reim- bursed at the rate of 15� per mile driver. ar_d sha11 not be eligible for any per c�iea. 28 .3 T"ne City wi1Z prov?de parkin� at the Civic Center Parkir_g Ramp for City empZoyees on ei ther of �he above nentionee types of rei�`��.rseWznt plaas who zre required to have theix personal car availa�le for City business. Such parking will be provided only Lor th� days ti:� eaplo�.�ee is required to have his or her own personal car availaale. 28 .4 Rules a^d Regulations: The Z�tayor shall ��?o�t rLles an� regu�.ations governing the procedures for autonebile reiL:burs2�e�t, t;hicn regulations and rules snall contair_ the require,�ent that recip�er_ts shall file daily reports ir.dicating r�iles dri��en and sha11 file �onthZy affidacits st2ting the nuuSe: of days T•rorked ar_d the nu:�ber of �il2s zrive�, and furthzr require tnat they maintain auto�obile 1�abilit}- �zsur�nce in 2.�:eounts af r.ot less than $100,000/$300,000 ior perso-:a1 ir.iur;, and $2�,000 for property da^:ag�, or liabilit;� insura:�ce i�, a�o*�*�ts r.o� �ess than $3GO,OOQ sinole lir..it coveraoe, o�ith tre Cit} of S�iTt F��,:� ��.r_�ed as an additior.al insureC. These rules and regulatio.^,s, to^etn2r t�:it:-E the ��end�?zt thereCo, sh211 be *zaintained on fxle w�ith tt:e cit,: clerk. .i'' ' �, ' • � ����� 1980 M�^10�1NDi.?t OF AGP.EE."III3T This ?�femorandum of Agreement is by and bettveen the City of St. Paul and the Internatior.al Brotherhood of Boilerrsakers, Iror. Shipbuilders, Blacksmiths, Forg.ers, and Eelpers, Lodge 647. In full settlement of 1980 negotiations the pa:ties hereto have agreed as follows: 1. Except ,as herein modified, the Agreement between the parties, entered : �to :�oveffiber 5, I979, shall be the basis of the forthcoming Ia�or agreenent. Z. Articia .XRViII - City Mileage Plan of said Agreement shall be replace� t�rith �rticle RXVZII which is attached hereto and made a part hereof. It is un�z_stood that ��e above settlement� shall be recorumended �� the City Negotiato:', but is s��b�ect to approval by the City Administratio:t and adoption by the CiwiZ Service Co�ission aad the City Council. IN �•II1��SS w��.EOF, L�e �arties.hereto have af fixed their signatures this ����-�'" day of �`r�� , 1980. GITY OF ST. PALTL INTERNATIOIQAL BROTHERf?QOD OF EOILERifAKERS, �O�i SHIPBU ILDERS� BLACk5:1IT$S s t C3RGEiZS� AitD h-ELPERS, LoDGE 647 �• '` _ ;-'%� . , f ;` ` �, �tti� �,!��� �bor P.el �ons ire , or 'Business Repr�,sentative � � • � ARTICLE XXVIII-CITY rfIL�GE 28. 1 Autc�:o�ile Rezt�bursement �!uthorize�: Pe-s�an:. to C�aoter 33 of the Saint Paul Adninistrative Code, as a�encec, perta_�r; to reirzb�.rser.►°n� _ of City officers and enployees ior the Ls� u` t:le;= o:.� z�lto�obiles in tl:e gerfornance of their duties, tt�e fo1?o:�r,_.^.g prc=:_s�ens are adop[ed. 28.2 ?�*.etrod ot Computation: To be eligi�le for suci: re��urse�ent, aII officers ar_d employees must receive W'r1�C�:: 2Lt�O:iz_tion fro� the Depar�ent Head: �pe I. If an enployee is required to use his/her own auto�obile occas�a�i"' Y c�urir.g eriployaent, the enplo�ee shall be rei�bursed at the rate of $3.00 per day for each day the e�plo;ee's vehicle is ac�ually used in perforciing the duties of the e�plo�eers position. In ac�d�tion, the employee sha11 be rei�bursed 15c pzr �ila for each mile actuallg driven. If suc't�� e�playee is required to drive an 2utocob�Ie durir_o e�gloS�ent and the c�e�ar�*-..ent head or designated representative deter�ines that an e�plo;er venicle is available for the er!pZoyee's Lse but the eaplo3•ee desires to use his/her own auto�obile, then the �p?oyee sha1Z ba rei�- bursed at t�!e rate of 15� per �ile driver and sha?1 not be eZigible for aav per dien. Type 2. If an eaployee is required to u=e his/c:er ow•n 2zto�obile REGUI..��L�' during e.�aploynent, the e�oloyee shall 3e reJ.r?JU?-sed at the rate of $3.00 per day for each day of o�ork. In �d�itior_, the e�ployee sha1Z be reiabursed 15� per miZe for eac�: nile cCtL2�Z� c�riven. If such e�ployee is required to drive an auta�obile �Lring enplo}�ent and the depar�ert head or designated re�resentztive deternines that an e�pZO;:er vehicle is available for the e�ployee's usz but the employee desires to use his/her own auto�obi3.e, then the e�ploSee shall be rei�- bursed at the rate of 15� per mile drivez ar_d s?�all not bz eligible for any per Cie�. 28 .3 T'ne Ci�} will provide parking at th� Civic Center Pa�k�r_o R�p for City enployees on either of the above ��ntioned tSPes of rei�bvrseaent plans who zre required to have their personal car �vz�Iz�Ze for City business. Such parKing will be provided only for the zays tae aplo}�ee is required to have his or her own personal car a�;ailable. 2g .4 Rules and Reaulations: The i•tayor shall ��o�t r*�Ies an.� regulatians governino the procedures for zutorooile rei.�.ourse_ea�, �;hich reguZatiaTs and rules shall contain the reauir��ent t�_a_t reci�ie-�ts shall file �aily reports indicating miles dritren and shal' f�le *_-cnthly affida�;�ts statir.g the nu�^ber of day s T•;orked and the nu=ber o` �il�s Zri�ea, and further require tnat they maintain auto�obise liability _:�sLr�rce in �r:�ourts of not less t��an $1C0,000/$300,000 for ?erso,aZ i.iu_,:, and $25,000 �or property da;:^,a�e, or liabilit;� insu:anc� in zo��zts r.ot Iess than $3GJ,0�0 sinole linit coverage, ��Tith the Cit}� of S�i^*_ Fa�, .�:_zd as an �dditior:al insure�. Tnese rules and regulaticns, toget,er c._t� t�e anend.::`�i thereta, sha11 5� r.�aintair.ec? on file �ri.t` t?;e ci�y c?er?�_. / ^ % ���1�.� � 1980 riEMORAP�'DL'�i 0�' AGP.EE�siE�^1T This 2•=er�oran�� of Aoreenent is by and bet4:een the City of St. Paul and the Lrnited Bratherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of Arierica, T��in City Carpenters District Co�ncil. In full settlement of 1980 negotiations the parties hereto have aoreed as follows: 1. Except as herein modified, the Agreement betweea the parties, entered into May 30, 1979, shall be the basis cf the forthcoming lahor agreesenL. 2. Article k.�VIII - City rlileage Plan of said Agreement sha?1 be �eplaced with Ar*_��le XXVIIZ which is attached hereto and made a part herenf. It is unc�erstocd that the above settlement shall be recoz�nended by the City Negotiator, but is subject to approval by the City Administration and adoptioa by the Civil Service Comtnission and the City Council. I�' WITNESS =;t�s::tEOF, the parties hereto have affi�:ed their signatures this �G �-� day of ��'�r, 1�80. CZTY OF ST. PAU'�.� IJ:v'ITED BROTH;RHOOD OF CARPEN?'ERS A2�D JOIh'ERS OF A:�RICA, �PI CITY CAP.PENTEP S DISTRICT CQITA:CIL i � ` abor Rela�� r.s Di ec usi ss Repre entative . � aKTICLE XX�JIII-CITY rfILF�f!GE V 28. 1 AuCo;�obile pei�burse�„ent P.uthorized: Purs•�ant to Chaptzr 33 of the Saint Paul Ad�inistrative Coc�e., as anendee, pertainir.� to reir.:b�rse�en� _ of City ofiicers and e�ployees for the use o` �heir own zuLo-�obiles in the periornance of their duties, the fo1�o:�ir.g pre�:isions are adopte�. 28.2 ?•ietrod or Co�pu�ation: To be eligible for such reiri5urse�ent, aIl officers and esuple}�ezs must receive w-ritten aut�orization from the Departnent Head: '�'_5-pe 1. If an e-�plo�ee is required to use his/her o�,�a auto�obile 4CCASZOi�.�LLY durir.g enployQent, the enplo�ee shall be reinbursed at the rate of $3.00 per day for each day the e�plogee's vehicle is 8ctua1lX used in perfor�ing the duties af the employee's uosition. Iu addition, the e��loyee sha11 be rei�bursed 15G par ztile �or each mile actually driven. If s�xch eaploqee is required to drive an auto�obile durir_g eaploymen t and the c�eparta+ent head or designated representative �eterzcinzs that an e�g?vser vehicle is available for the employee's Lse but the eQg2oyee de�izes to use hisjher own autonobile, then the eap?oyee sha11 t�e reim- �bu�-sed at the rate of 15� per mile driven and shall not be eligib.Ze fvr �y per d�ea. T�--�rz 2. If an e:.-�?4�ee is required to use his/i�er owz: auto�^obile P.E�:.�...�.RLY during �.�Ioyment, the e�ployee shaZl be rei��ursed at the rate of $3.00 per d2y for each day of work. In additioa, the e�p3oyez sh�I3 be reinbLrse� I5� per mile for eac� �i.le actua�.ly c�riven. If such e�ployee is required to drive an automobile during enploy�+ent 2r�c� �he depar��aL head or designated representative deteraines that aa �ployer vehicZe is available for the e�ployeets use but the enployee desi=es �o use 'r�.s�:..�r ow� automobile, then the e�ploSee shal� be reim- burszC at the r��e gf 15� per mile driven and sha2Z not be eliaible for aay ger die�. 28 .3 lna Ci.�y will g�a��de parkin� at the Civic Center Parkir_g R�p for City er_plotees on eit:er of the above �entior_ed types o� rei�b�;rse�ent plans who �re reguired to have their personal c2r availa�le for City business. Such parking wi3.1 be provided only for the days tne e�plo��ee is required . to Y:ave his or her own personal car available. 28 .4 Rules and Re�ulations: The llayor shall �aopt rules 2nd regulations gov�rr_ing the procedures for autoTobile rei�burse�ezt, c.hich regc:Iations and rules shall contain the reqLire�ent t�at recipients sha1Z file daily , reports in�icating riiles .drive:� and shal? file nonthly a�f idzcits stating the nu�^ber of days �•:orked and tce nu�ber of �iles drivea, and iurther require that they �^aintain auto�ebiie li2bilit} irsur�nce in a�ounts of not less tnan $iC0,000/$300,000 for personal ini�r�, and $2�,0�4 �or property da�age, or liability insurance i� a�.ou�ets not less tt�an $3GO,OdO single linit covera�e, �aith the Cit} of S2in.t •Fa�i named as are �dditional insured. These rules and rngulations, to�ether �:i[:► t:�e ��er.d�.en� thereta, shall be :laintair.ed on file with the cit;: cler�. A _ • ���1�,� 1980 M�*10RANDLn1 OF AGR�E"fENT This �ie�oran�ur:: of Agree�ent is by and bet���een Che City of St. Paul an� t'he International Brotherr.00d of Electrical k'orkers, Local 110. In partial settle�er.t oi 1980 negotiations the parties hereto have agreed as fo3lews: 1. Except as herein modified, the Agreement between the parties, entered into August 15, 1978, as amended on October 11, 1979, shall be the basis of the forthcoming Iabor agreament. 2. Article �VII - City Mileage Plan of said Agreement shall be replaced �,rlth Ar�=cle XXVII which is attached hereto and made a part hereof. It is understoad that the above settlenent shall be recor�nended by the City Negotiator, but is subject to approval by the City Admir.istration and adQption by the Civi? Service Co�aission and the City Council. IN WI'I'ti�SS WF.�REOF, the parties hereto have af fixed their signatures this 1 Z"� day of m�-� , 1980. CITY OF .ST. PALZ INTEF�NATIO�iAL BROTHERLOOD OF ELECT`RICAL j�'ORI�FRS, LOCnL 2I0 � ., �,abor Rela or_ rect siness Representat�ve� f � ' rRTICLE k.�'VII - CITY 2•:IL�AGE .= . 2%.1 Au�or..o5ile �:e;�^�'urse-ent �!uthorize�: PurS�a.t tc C�:=�c2r 33 of the ., �_d�inist?'2ti��e Coc�e, as z-±e:�.�c, ?'r���^-.-�� to reii�b�rse,:_e�� _ Sai,.t Pa::l pf City c`iicers ar.d eaployees for t;�e us� o= �:�c_= �:.� z:=LQ�ob�Ies in th� per`o:-�'�c'- of their duties, tre io�� c::�,� p=�'.=s'��=� �re adonted. . 27.2 Method o` Co�*�utatien: To be eligible fcr s�ca r��:°`-se�:�nt, 2�-� ofricers 2nd erplo}-z=s must receive *.�-ritten a����-oY:z=czen fro�e the Depa=t�e^t i?ead: �'� 1. If an e�ployee is require� to use his/c�r :;w� auto�obile QCC�IOiL�I,LY duri::g enploy3ent, the esaployee si�all be reiybizrsed at =he zate of $3..00 per day for each day the e�plo;ee's Zrehic3e is aztua3ly used in perfor�ing the duties of the �p?oJe_'s positior.. ?aa. a3dition, the e�ployee sh�11 ba reimbursed 15; per �iie for each s�ile.actuallp dziven. If s::ch e�ployee �s required to drive an �.�cto�o��?e curir_g enpla}�e�t a�d L�se ��partaen� he=3 or designated r�preser.tative d?�erir�s that an t;�p?�;er rehicle is available for the enployee's Lse hut the e�p�o}•ee ��s�es to use �+.js!^er awn autonobile, tnen the ��?o;ee shall �e reiri— bt:�s�� at the ra�=_ �f 15� per rile c'�river, a�� s�:a?? r_o� be eI�gible fo, �y per d�e�. �� ?, If an �:���ee is required to use h�s/PEr a:,:z aLto�obile gF,G y:�c??,i c7uri^; �??oynent, the eaoloyez sha'.1 �� rei=b�rspd a� t:ze ra�e of S3.C�a per czy for each day of work. In ae�itio-, tc:e e��Ioyez shaj? �� reinb•�rse� 15� per �iile for each a�le �ct��?1; c�r�ven. If such �plcyee is required to drive an 2L�O�OI31I2 ��:ing e�ploycznt anC _he depar`�� Pead or designa�ed re�resz�ta=i�;z �eter�ines t?�at a, �plo5 er ve:^.��Ie is zvailable for the �gloyeet s Lse but ti:e employee c�esi=es to use �'s�:er own auto:�obil.e, then tne e��lo;�e shall be reirs— bursed at the ra�_ of 15� per nile dr:L ez a*_!d s?:?r� not �� eligible for any �er Cie=. 27 .3 lne Cit� crili pro���e parkinJ at the Civic Cer_ter Pa_':=r.o R�s� for City �rploy��s on eit�:er oi the above �ez*_ionee t}•pes a_` ?-elr�Lrs�L 2nt plans who e:e rzquired to have their persor.al car avz�I��?e far Cit;� b*�siness. Such par'fino wi13 be provided only for t�:e �avs t^� �p�c�ea is required �o �:a�e his or. her own persor_2i car ac2ilacle. 2�.�} RLIi�S 2r!? P2�Lt�.St10i1S: The 2•.ayor 5�1d1�. c=^?C rE:�?� �.0 Y2�i3���IaBS govern�n� the proc2dures for auto^Qbi�e re�.��u_s.?-��-, L�'.^.icr regulatio*�s and rules snall corta�r_ the recLirerent t�2t rec_�:z��s s?1a1I fi�e daily :epor[s i.adicati:6 r;iles drit�er_ znd sh�'!? fi�e -c::�:��� a`�icac��s stating the nu1�er c` day s ;•rorked and tne nu�'��r o` �.i��s Z:_:e., an� further TeGL'.1T2 t:l2t �C;e}� -aintain au�e-obil2 1_?D?�li.j- ?:'_��rcT:C2 1i2 c'_�_J:.tii�S Of :�ot less t�:an $1C�,000/$300,G0� fo: �ers�,a� i.��__-, a.� $2�,G0� for �ropert; �c�3��� Or liability 1T1SL':2i1Ct'_ _- �O_':�S .-- - �eSS �nan ���J���t�� si~�le '_i^�t cc�:�ra�e, �:ith tre C?t� or S=i^_ F-�� �.���� as 4a _dcitio.�I 1ri5:'.re�. Tn°S? :L�cS c�G� regulatio�s, LG���G2i .,i�.- C�2 c__.2:iC?-•�i1� theretc, sh?'_1 be :�ainta�,"�? GR file wit` t;�e ci�; c?e�'-:. �;� � � � � � � ���.� � � . 1�� z98o P1�^tORAidDLTM OF AGP.E�:E•`iT This rie�orandi:ia of Agreement is by and bet�aeen the City of St. Paul and the International Union of Elevator Constructors, Local 9. In partial settlement of 1980 negotiations the parties hareto have a�reed as fo�loTas: 1. E�cept .as herein modified, the Agreenent between the parties, entered into July 24, 1979, shall be the basis of the forthcoaing la�or agree�eent. 2. ArtiL2e �?'VIII" - City Mileage Plan of said Agreement shall be replaced, wit� :_rticle XXVIII :ahich is attached hereto and nade a part hereof. Zt is unc_rstood thzt t^= above settlement shall be recotaaended by the City �'egotiat�7, but is sub��ct to approval by the City Administration aad adoption by the Ci�il Service Co^.��ssion and the City CounciZ. Ilv' WITl�"'�� WHEREOF, the �arties hereto have af f i.xed their signatures this day of ���i� 1980. CITY OF S�. PALZ IJti'ION OF EI,EVATOR COiVSTRLiCTORS, LOCAI. 9 . -y � .� r / __ : �_ �� v ; abor Relat ons recto Busir�ess uanager ♦j „ � ARTICLE XXVII;-CITY i•IZLEAGE 28. 1 AeCo�cSile Rei�burse�ent �!uthoriz.ed: Purs•�an�. to C�4ptzr 33 of the Saint Paul Adainistratit�e Code, as aner_c?ed, pert4inir_� to reir.iburse�!en� _ of City of�icers and e�ployees for tne use o` [heir o�� zutonobiles in the per`or�ance of their duties, the fo±'o,:�ag prov�s?ons are adopted. 28.2 ?�ietho� or Computation: To be eligible for such re��ursen.ent, aII officers ane� eieployees nust receive w-ritten auti�orization froie the Depar�ent I?ead: T,y�e t. If an enployee is requirez to use his/her a�m automobiZ° OCCASI0:�4LLY �urir.g employ�cnent, the enplo}-ze shall be rei�bursed at the rate of $3.00 per day for each day tne employee`s vehicle is actually e�sed in perfor�ing the duties of the enplo}ee's position. In addition, the enployee shall be rei�bursed 15C ger nilz for each mile actually driver_. If su�`� e�ployee is required to drive an auto�obile during enplo}�ent and the c�eg�r�ent head or designated representative deter�ines that an enployer �eaicle is available for the employee's use but the ecaployee desires t� use his/her own auto�obile, th2n the e�:.p?oyee shail be rei�- bursed at the rate of 15� per mile driver, arid sha�l not be eligible for any per die�. Type 2. I� an e�ployee is required to use his/her ot�-r. auto�obile REGUL��L� curing enployaenC, the eWployee shaZl be rei�.bursed at the rate of $3.00 per day for each day of work. In ad�itio:�, the e�.ployee shall �e rei�bursed 15� per mile for each n.ile �ctually �riven. If suca e�pZoyee is required to drive an automobile dc*_ring ersplo5*�ent and the departnent head or designated re�resentative deternines that an e�gloyzr vehicle is availablz for the e�ployeets use but the employee desires to use hisfher own auto�obile, then the eWployee shall be reirs- bursec� a*_ the rate of 15� per mile driver. and shalZ nat bz eligihle for any per d.�.e�. 28 .3 The City will provide parkin� at the Civic Ceater Parkirg Ra�p for City erployees on either of the above rsention2c types o� rei�burse�znt plans who are required to have their personal car ava�l2�Ie for City b�siness. Such paricing will be provided only�for t�:e days the eaployee is reqLire� to have his or her own personal car acailaole. 28 .4 Ru1es ar_d Regulations: The 1-Iayor shall �?opt rulzs an� regulations govern��g the procedures for auto�obile reiL:burse`e~:t, �:hich regulatiozs and rnles shall contain the reqLire;u2nt t�:at rec��ier_ts sha12 fiZe daily reports indicating miles dri��en and shal� file �an���Zy affida��ts stating the nu�ber of day s *.•r�rked and the nu�ber of �i12s Zrive�, and further require that they raintain auto�obile 1_abilit}� i.s�r�r.c2 in ��_oLnts of not less tnzn $1C0,000/$30Q,000 for pe�-so?1al i�jur}, ar_d $2�,ODt? ior property da:�:age, or liabiiit}- insurance i-: a�o•��ts r:a� ?ess tha:� $3G�,C00 sinole �li:t?� coveraoe, Wlt�l C}?e C?C}' Of $21P.0 }''�L'1 c a�.2d 8S SR 2t�G�1C20c 3Z insureC. Tnese ru?es �T!a rE'gL12C7.OZS� ta�etcer KIC: t�_e 2.*nend�2n� thereto, shall b� �;aintained on file w�t�! t::e cit;: c?erk. - ��`��1�.� A 1980 MEMORANDL1�i OF AGREIIYIEDIT This Mersorandu� of Agreement is by and between the City of St. Paul and the International Association of rire Fighters, AFL-CIO, Local 21. In full settle�ent of 1980 negotiations the parties hereto have agreed as follows: 1. Except as herein modified, the Agreement between the parties, entered into December 14, 1979, shall be the basis of the forthcoming labar agree�znt. 2. Article �Y� - City :�iileage Plan of said Agreement shall be repiaced with Art=cle XXIX which is attached hereto and made a part hereof. It is un�erstoo� that the above settlement shall be recommended by the City Negotia�or, but is subject to approval by the City Administration and adoption by the Civi? Service Commission and the City CounciL f�� IN WITNESS [,�i�.'�'RF.OF, the parties hereto have affixed their signatures this a7� — day of ��%�� , Z980. CITY OF ST. PAUL INTERNA.TIONAL ASSOCIATIQN OF FIRE FIGHTERS, AFL-CIO, LOCAL 21 , . . L bor Re atior_s Dire or President ,, � ARTICLE XXIX _ CITY MILEAGE 29.1 Autonobile Rei�burser�ent Authorized: Pursuant to Chapter 33 of the Saint Paul Admir.istrative Code, as anended, pertainir_g to reir*iburser�ent _ of City officers and er�ployees for the use of their ow-n autor,iobiles in the performance of their duties, the fo1lo;Jing provisions are adopted. 29•2 Method of Conputaticn: To be eligible for such rei.abursenent, all officers and employees must receive w-ritten authorization from the Depart�ent Head: Type 1. � If an enployee is required to use his/her ow-n auto�obile OCCA5IOPdALLY durir.g erzployr�ent, the employee shaZl be reinbursed at the rat� of $3.00 per day for each day the employee's vehicle is actuzlly used in perfor�ing the duties of the eriployee's position. Ia a�dition, the enployee shall be rei�bursed 15C p2r nile for each �i3e actually driven. Zf sLCh eaployee is required to drive an auto�obile during emplo}*ment and tfie de�artment hea� �r designated representative detemines that an e.��?4yer vehicle is available for the emplayee's use but the employee des:r�s to use �3sj?:er own autonobile, then the enployee shall be reim- bursed at the raLe of 15� per mile driven and shall not be eligible for a�p per die�. T�e 2. If an �plc�2e is required to use his/her ow�n auto*�obile REGLZr�RLY during em�Ioynent, the e�ployee shall be reimbursed at the rate of $3.00 per Cay for each day of work. In ad�ition, the enployee sha?? be reinb��rse� 15� per mile for each mile actually driven. If such employee is required to drive an automobile during employment and tbe depar�P.�*_ �ead or designated re�resentative determines that an �aplo}er ve�:ic?e is available for the enployee�s use but the employee desi�es to use has/�er own automobile, then the enployee shall be reim- bursed at the ra�e of 15� per mile driven and shall not be eligible for any per diem. 29•3 The City will prov�dz parking at the Civic Center Parking Ramp for City emglayees on either of the above �entioned types of reimbursement plans who are required to have their personal car available for City business. Such parking will be provided only for the days the employee is required to have his or her own personal car available. 29 .4 Rules and Regulations: The Mayor shall adopt rules and regulations governing the procedures for automobile rei�burseaent, which regulations and rules snall contain the requirement that recipients shall fiZe daily reports indicating �i1es driven and shall file �onthly affidavits stating the number of days �•,orked and the nu�ber of niles driven, and further require that they maintain auto�obile liability insurcnce in amounts of not less than $I00,000/$300,000 for personal injury, and $25,OOQ for property damage, or liability insura*�ce iz anounts not less than $300,000 single limit coverage, �rith the Cit} of Saint Paul nar_ied as an additional insured. These rules and regulations, to�ether with the a�end�ent thereto, shall be r.laintair.ed on file with the city clerk. �..�.. 1980 A�SORAt3DL�'. OF AGREE�ii�vT This r1e.TMorandun of A�ree�ent is by ar_d bet�•�een the City of St. Paul and the Ttain City Glaziers aad G1ass Workers, Local No. 1324. In full settlement of 1980 r.egotiations the parties hereto have agreed as follows: 1. Fxcept as herein moc'�ified, the Agreetaent between the parties, entered . iuto �1ay 29� 19?9a sY�all be the �asis of the forthco�ing labor a�reeuienC. 2. Article .z�XVIII - City Mileage Plan of said Agreemen.t shal]. be replaced witi: �ticle XXVI�a which is attached hereto and made a part hereof. It is ur_c�rstood th2t the above settle�ent shall be reco�sended by the City regotiat�r, but is sL��ee� to approval by the City Ad�inistration and adoption by the Civil Service Co��ssion and the City Council. �' h IPI WIT:v'��S Wh�.REOr^, t�2 �,arties hereto have affixed their signatures this .�� day of �`'�� , 1980. � CITY OF ��"T_'. P�L'L Tj�1II6 CITY GLAZIERS A�7II GLASS woRx�s, Locaz. u�zzo� r�a. 1324 �� . , , �✓ � abor Relat' .s ecto �Bus' ess Manager r pRTICLE XX�'III-CI�TY A:ILF�GE 28.1 AutoLZObile F.eimburseme�t Authorized: PLrs�ant to C��otzr 33 of the Sair.t Paul Ad�+inistrative Code, as a.�en�ec, ?ert�in�r_� to reinburse�°n� - of City o`Licers and enploye.es for *_he us� o` the�r owT! au�o�!obiles irt the per�ornance of their duties, the fol�o:�:�ng pYov=sicns are adapted. 28.2 Method of Com�utation: To be eligible ror sucP rei-��urseII.ent, aII officers and employees must receive writtez alitPOrization from the Depar�e�:t Nead: Type 1. If an e�►ployee is required to use his/her ow-n auto�abile OCCASIO:LjLLY c�urir.g employi*ient, the e�plo}ee snall be rei�bursed at the rate of $3.00 per day for each �ay tne e�pla;ee's vehzcle is 8ctu�1ly ussd in perfat�►ing the duties of the �glo;ee's pos?tior_. In adc�ifiion, the employee shall �e rei�bursed 15C pzr nile for eaclt mile ac�uallq driven� If sL:�: eWployee is required to drive an auto�cbile di*_ring eBpZo}�ent and the d�p��.�ent head or designated representative detercines that an emplo}er vehicle is available for the emplo}%ee's use but the enployee desires to use hisfher own auto�obile, then the eap?oyee shall be rei�- bursec� 2t the rate of 15� per mile driver, and shall not be eligibie for any a�r dien. T�e 2. If an enployee is required to use r�is/iter oc�-r: auto�obile REGL�.�LY during enployment, the e`ploye2 shall be reirbursed at the rate of $3.00 pzr day for each day of work. In adZition, the enpZoyee shall �z rei�bLrsed 15� per mile for each nile actua?Zy �riven. If sucz e�ployee is required to drive an automobile �uring eap�o3�ent and the degart�aent head or designated representative de�eraines that an e�pl�5er vehicle is available for the e�ployee's use but the employee �esires ta use his/her own automobile, then the e�gloSee shall be rei�- bursed at the rate of 15� per mile driver, ar_d shall not be eligible for any pzr �ie�. 28 .3 Tf:e City �.rill provide parki.ng at the Civ�c Center Parkir_g R�.mp for City erploy�es on either of the above �2ntion`c types oi reinbarseaant plans who are required to have their personal c2r availa�le for City business. Such parking will be provided only �or t'r�_ days the �p�oyee is required to hz.ve his or her own personal car a�;ailaole. 28 .4 Rules 2ad Re�ulatioas: Thz T�Iayor sha11 ��o�t rLl2s and reoulatiorts governir.o tne procedures for auto:^obile :=ir•:burse�e��, wi��ch regulatio�s and ruZes shall contair_ the reqLire��e:�t t'�at recipie�ts shall file daily reports inc�icating niles driven and SI12�1 fiZe �onth?y affidavits stati�o the n�^ber of days =.•;orked and tne nu�ber o� �iles driYe�?`, and further require tnat tney maintain autcLo�ile liabilit�- ir.s��r�nce in �our.ts of not less ti�an $100,000/$300,000 for �e-!'so_^.21 injur�, and $2�,OG'0 for property dar:age, or liability insurznce ir, zouats ,ot less than $3G0,0�0 single linit cover«�e, with the Cit} of Sain� Faui r.��d as an ac?ditio�al insured. inesP rules and regulations, cc�et;:er wit; the a.�^end�:an� theretc, shall be :�air.tainec�. on file �,rith t�:e ci=;: cler�:. �� � � ' _ 19s0 M�tORr1+'DL'`I OF AGREEMEICT �����'� This rleWorar.d�-i of r�gree�ent is by and between the City of St. Paul and the Internationai �retherhood of Painters and Allied Trades, Local Lnion I�o. 61. In fuZl settle�ent of 1980 ne�otiations the parties hereto ha�e agreed as follows: 1. Exce�t as nerein modified, the Agreement bet�aeen the parties, entered into Octaber 6, 1978, and modified May 5, 1980, shall be the basis of the forthco�ing labor agreement. 2. Article �7I�I - City Mileage Plan of said Agre2ment shall be replaced with Art�c�e �VIII which is attached hereto and made a part hereof. w ... ,. It is understoo� t�at the above settlement shall be reco�±ended bS the City Negotiator, ��t is subject to approval by the City Adainistration and adoption by the Civi1 Serv�ce Com.rnission and the City Council. IN WITNESS T,'���FOF, the parties hereto have affixed their signatures this �� day of;� , 198�. � CITY OF ST, Pz�Z INT'ERP�ATIO�TAL BROTI�RHOOD OF PAIrITERS AIv� AI.i.IED TP..ADES, LO^.P?, L'i;i0?x �`;C!. 6I �---� \._ ., --�;1.� �j ;- ,�/i' � . -- � : ,1 ,-_,c.� t, :, � ��__ La or Re ioa ir tor �us' es�s'Repr-esentative �./�._. � , � ARTICLE X,YVIZI-CIiY 2�1ILr:AGE 28. 1 Autoycb�le P.ei�^b�rser,�ent Authorizec': PL��•_a�� �o C�:�?=_r 33 ef the .5.2�^C P2::1 c�G�Tn1II?SCT2C1V2 COC�E� 25 Z^EiiC2�� 7°i=�._=!-.^_` LO I'el.^..}J'.'rSPi:!oTli. _ r of City criicers 2r.d er�ployees �or t:�e Ls= o= ��e__ ^_�:� �uto-:��iles in tt��e perfo�^azce of their duties, the io�'_c:::�� p-c-:_s=e�s are a�opted. 28.2 Method o` Coavutat�on: To be eligibie fcr suci: re_�::rszyent, aII officers ar_d employees must receive w-ritte�: aLt�or=z=�=on fro` the Depar�ezt Nead: Ty--re 1. If an enplo5-ee is xequirez to use his/i^.2_ ��.z au�o�obil.e OCC�IO:'L�I:LY duri^g erzp].oynent, the e�plo-.-ez s��Z? be re��3Lrsed at �he rate of �53.00 per day for each day tne e�pZaY•ee's Jzh�cle is 8ct��ly used in periorming the duties of the e��Io?�e's nositian. Ia aZdition, the er�ployee sh211 be rei�bursed 15c p=_r ryilz for each mmile actually driven. If su�Ii erployee is reguired to drive an auto�o�_?e cLri�g e;�.pZo}�ent and th° �2*�3'_'tnent �ad or designated represe�tative CP��.^��2s that an e�Y';,;er vehicle is available for the er�?lo�eets Lse ::ut the e���o}ee des__es to use Izis��er own autonobile, t'.^.en the �p'_a-�ee sha1Z l�e reim- bur�e� 2t the ra_e �f 25� per mile driven and sha?I �a� be eligible f or �p ger die�. Ty�e Z. If a:� e��_�T�ee is requiree to Lse hisjPe_ o:.T a•��c�ob��e RE—��'�?.I.Y durir.g `-:�?oyaent, the e�ployee shall o� re�_���rsed a� the rate of $3.G0 p2r daq for each day oi *�aork. In a�Zitio-, t:e e�ployee sr.a�? '�� reinbLrsed 1�� per nile for each �le actual�, e�riven. If s��:h e-::ployee is required to drive an autcao�ile �.Lr��g employ�ent and ��e Cepar Wnn= ��ad or designated :e�resentz�ive Ce�e�i�es that an �alo}er vehicl� is available for the e�gloyee's use but the etnployee desires to use his/^�r own autonobile, thea the e��Ioyes sha?Z be reira- burs�c� a?� the �a�e of 15� per mile driver. ar_d shz?1 not �z eligibZe for any per �ien. 28 .3 Tlze CitS k�i?1 grovi�e parkin� at the Civic Czntz: Par�:-:g �i�� for Citp er��oyees on e�.ther of the above �enticzed t�-pes oL rei-�zrse�znt plans who a:e required to have their personal car z�;a�la�?e �or CiLy business. Such parking will be grovided only ior t^:e days t^e �g�o�ee is required to have his or her own person?1 car availa�lz. 28 .4 Rules ar_d Re�ulatio�s: The i-Sayor sha�l �?ept r�'2s z.�� 22aC?I2.ClOZ1S gaverr_irg the procedures for autoncbile reiL�urse=E^_, �:��c� rzgulatio�s and rules shall contain the reqLirement t:at reci��z^�s s?:aII ii�e dzily reports indicating miles driven and shall `ile �c-«��zy af=`icat�its stating the nu�:ber of days ��;orked and the nu��er e` �ii�s c_��:ca, ar.d �urther rec�uire tr.at they �aintain au�c^o�ile 1=?:,ilit; _�s•__�rce in 2S::OLIRCS of not less than $100,Q00/$300,G0� for perso^aI ir_i�;_;-, ar_� $2�,0�0 ior propert;• da;.^.age, or liabilit� insu=z::ce _-: �o��e�s �_:,~ �ess than $3G0,000 single lir..it coverage, ��;i.th the C�t}� of S�i:;t Fa::� :�:�d as an additional ins��rec�. lnesP rules and regul2ticns, �c�et^e� �-:;�_, t�e ��e*:d��tt th�reta, shall be �:aintair.ed on file wit�: the ci��r cler'�. , � � � f� 9 �.��L� isso ?�f��fOR�iv'LL:1 OF AGRE�fE�"T Th�s r:eTorand� of Agreenent is by a^d bet<<een the City of St. Paul and the L'nited Associacion, Pipefitters Local 455. In partial settle�ent of 1980 negotiatior.s the parties hereto have agreed as follo�:s: 1. ��tcept as herein aodified, the Agree�ent between the parties, entered into August 22, 1979, shall be the �asis of the forthco�ing labor agreemant. 2. Artic?e �VIII - Cit�r Mileage Plan of said Agreement shall be replaced pit� �r.ticle �VZII �nich is attachec� hereto and aade a part hereoi. �t is ��e_stood that *�=e above settlement shall be reco�ende� by the City Negotia�o_, but is s•��;�c� to approval by the City Ad.u�inistration an� adoption b,y, the C��.-�1 Servic� Co�?ssion and the City Council. �N WIT��S ;��REOF, the parties hereto have affixed their signatures this day of S!�, I980. a CITY OF ST. PAL'L UIvTITED ASS�CIATIO;�, PIPEFITTERS LOC '�T ��SS _ ' r ` - ,� I/ Labor Rela ' ns Director us ness i•fanag Z pRTICLE XXVIII-CITY ;IILEAGE - 28.1 Auto�obile Reii�burser�ert Authorized: Purs��ant ta GR�pt2r 33 of the Saint Paul Ad�inistrative Code, as anend.ed, ?ert��ni:g to reir:burse4 en� _ of Cits eificers and enployees ior th2 use ot �he�= o:T! au[o�obiles in the per�orrnance of their duties, the fol�o:�i,g prcvisie�s are adopted. 28.2 Methoc o` Co�putation: To be eligi�le for such rei�burse�er_t, aIl officers and ercployees sust receive writtea a�t�orization from the Dzpar��zt �=ead: T�e t. If an enployee is require� to use his/her o�.�n autorobile OCC�SIOiL4LLY c�urir.g employnent, the enployee s�.all be rei.�bursed at the r��z of $3.00 per day for each dzy the e�plo}ee's vehicle is Sctually used ia performing the duties of the eaplo;ee's position. In add{�ion, the employee shall be reimbursed I5C pzr aile for each mile ac=:.a11� driven. If s4� e�ployee is required to drive an auto�obile durir_o emplo}*�ent and the c����_�ent head or designated representative de�er4ines Lhat an emplo5�r �-e�icle is available for the emp?oyee�s use 3ut the e�ployee desires �o use his/her own autonobile, then the e::.p?oyze shall be reim- bursed at th� rate of 15� per �ile driver. ar_d sha?1 r_ot be eligible for an5: rer diez�. T�e_2. I: an e�ployee is required to use his/aer o:Yz: acto^obile P.EGLT'L,_=L?Li� Zurino eLploynznt, the employez shall be rei��ursed a� the rate e= $3.C4 per day for each day of o�ork. In ad�itior., the e�ployee . shall 'a2 rei�bursed 15� per mile for each nile actuall;r �riven. If sucn z�loyae is required to drive an automobiZe during enplo3�znt and the �°DarL'&'ie.*:C head or designated re�resentative de�eraines that an e.��Io;er vehicle is available for the e�ployee�s use but the e�ployee desires �o use his/her own auto�obile, ther. the eWplo�:ee shall be reim- bursec� �t the rate of 15� per mile driver. ar_d shall not hz eligible for any psz dieL. 28 .3 T'ne City w�12 prcvide parkir_� at �he Civic Center Park�r_g it�� for City employ�es on either of the above rnentionzd types o� reiLburseaznt plans who are required to have their personal car availzble far City business. Such par�ing will be provided only for the days the �plo3ree is xeqLired to have his or her own personal car a�ailable. 28 .4 Rul�s ar:d Regulatio;�s: The P-.ayor shall ��ogt rules �n� rzgulations governiro t�e procedures for auto:�obile reir:burse-z�=, Hh�ch reg�clatior.s and ruies s�all contain the reaLire�ent t�:at reci�ie:[s shall file Caily reports irdicating r:.iles dri•�er_ and shal? :ile �ozt��I; affid.a�;zts stating the nu�ber of days :•;orked and the nu�be: of �±iles �rivea, and further require tnat they raintain autonobile l�abili�� ?r.s��r��ce in z�ounts of not less t�an $100,000/$300,OOJ for personal izjur,:, and $2�,OG'Q ior property da._.age, or liability insurance i:: �._o��nts r:a� Iess than $3�p,COd sin�le ?ir..it cover��e, with the Cit} of S�int Faui .a�zd as an �d�'itior.al ins��red. ThesP rules �nd regul�*_io,s, to�et�2r c:z�� t�:e �.-►end��n� thereta, sh211 b� ::�aintair.ec? on file wit�-, the city cler'�. � . , ' ' 1980 riE�i tOFAi\'DL?'4 OF AGP,EE'�SE'i:T This *Ienorandum of Agree�!2nt is b} and bett�reen the CitS of St. Paul and Che Operative Plas�erers and Cement Llasons International Assaciation, Local Z0. In fuli settle�ent of 1480 negotiations the parties :.2reto have ag�ead as follows: 1. Except as herein modified, the Agreenent between the parties, entered 3nto July 25, 1979, shall be the basis of the forthca�ing labor agreement. 2. Artic3e ?YVIII - City :ylileage Plan of said Agreer�ent shall be replaced with A;t_L2e �'III which is a*_tached hereto and riade a part hereof. It is undeYs�ood that the above settlement shall be recon�ended b}* the Citg �egotiator, bvt is subject to approval by the City Administration ar�d adoption by the Civi1 Service Com�ission and the City Council. � ty Il3 k'Ii vESS �::�tEOF, t�:e parties hereto have affixed their sigr_atures this r � — day of rii.�� , 1980. CITY OF S?". PAL'L OPERATIVE PLASTERE2i S AND �EriE�i'T NLAS4N5 II�TERI�TATIONAI� ASSOCI4TION, LQCAL 20 � �' �' / �r�� . �.. -� /:���;-��,_� ( ;% ��:�--c Labor R atio ire or Business Re�r�sentative � � A.RTICLE XXVIII-CITY MILr�1GE 28.1 Auto�obile F,ei�:bLrser..ent Authorized: Pu�s•�ant to C�a�ter 33 of t�° Saint Paul Ad�i.istrative Code, as �-send.ec, ?ert4ini:g to reir:bLrse��n� _ of City officers ar.e e:iployees for the Ls� o` the=r o°»r. auto�abi?es in the perior-�ance of tceir duties, the fol�o::ir.g pre�risio�s are adopted. 28.2 Method of Co�ou*_at:e:�: To be eligible for sucY: rei��ursenent, aII ofzicers and ecaployees must receive w-ritte^. aLt�orization fros th� Depart�erit Head: Ty�pe 3.. If an e�plo}-ee is requireZ to use his/her o�-n auto�obile 4CCaSIO*Z�I.LY c�urir.g e;iploynent, the enployee sh�ll be rei�bursed at the rate of $3.00 per day for each �ay the esplo}ee's vehic�e is 8c�ually used in perfor�ing the duties of the ersplo}�ee's positi.on. ' Ia addition, the em�loyee sha11 be reimbursed IS� �par L•l112 for each mil� actually. ariven. If sz:c.h eWploye� is required to drive an auto�oi�ile during enolo}�ent and the �=par�ent �ea: or designated representative detercines that an e�y?oy=_r venicle is =_vailable for the employee's use but the e��Ioyee des�res ta use ��s/?^:�r own autonobile, then the eap?oyee shall �e reim- burs�d at tt�e ra_� �` I5� per riile driver. and sha?2 not be eligi�Ie f or �p per dieY. Ty�e 2. If aa e�pZo�ee is required to use his/'n.er otv-n auto,obile REGL�T.�.�LY duri�g e���oyaent, the e�ployee sha.'.l be rei��ursed at the rate ef $3.00 per dav for each day of work. In �dZition, the ee�loyee sha�= be reiab�:sed i5� per mile for each nile actually c�riven. If sL� e�ployze �s >�quired to drive aa auto�obile �uring e�tploy�ent and L�e depar�Pr.* �e�d or designated re�resentative deterairies that a� ��Io�e1' veaiele _s available for the �ployee's use but the enplovee desi:es �o use �zsf�er own automobile, then the e�gloyee sha11 be reim- burse� at the rat� of i5� per nile drivez and shall not bz eligible for any per. die�. 28 .3 T'nz City will provi�e parkin� at the Civic Center Parkirg R�p for City employe�s on either of the above nentior_ad types of rei�3ursem�nt glans wh� ��ee �ec�i�i�eu ev l�iav� thei� peLsonal czr availa�Ie for City business. Such parking will be provided only for the days the enplo}ee is reqLired to have his or her own personal car availacle. 28 .4 Rules ar_d Regulatio�s: The 2�iayor shall �?egt ruZes �n� regulations governind the procedures for autor�obile rei�burseLent, �:hich reoulatiozs and rules shall contain the requiresuent t�at reci�ier_ts shall fiZe daily reports indicating Lniles driver_ ana shall file �on�hl;� affidav?ts stating the nu�.ber of days T•,orked and tne nu�ber of �iles drivea, and further require that tnPy raintain auto�obiie liabilit} �rsurcnc2 in ��o�;tts of not less t�an $100,000j$300,000 for persoza� i.n,�,'ur�, and $25,G00 for propert}� da,:age, or liability insurance i� a�_a*�nts ro� less than $3GO,Q00 s�nole lir..it cover�:Qe, with the C�t} of S2i:�L F��I r.:r:ed as an additional insured. These rules and regulations, to�,etner wit?� the ��end�?nt th2reto, shall be *_:ain[ainec� on file with the cit;r cler�. . ��b���� - I�`lIIrIORANDUM OF AGREEME2TT �'his is a Memorandum of Agree�ent by and between the City of Saint Paul and the Saint Paul Professional Employees Association, Inc. EmploSees represented by the Saint Paul Professional Employees Association, Inc. shall be eligible for nileage aecording to the folZowing provisions. la Au*_omobile Reimbursement Authorized: Pursuant to Chapter 33 of the Saint� Paul Adninistrative Code, as amended, pertaining to reimbursement of City officers and employees for the use of their own automobiles in the performance of their duties, the following provisions are adopted. 2. Met:od of Co�putation: To be eligible for such reimbursement, all of=�cers and enpioyees must receive written authorization from the DeYa�t�t�*�t Head. TT�e I If an �Y�a�ee is required to use his/her own automobile OCC._SiONALLY durir•_� enployment, the employee shall be reimbursed at �z �ate of �3.GG ��- day for each day the employee's vehicle is ac�..:aily used ir_ �=_�;orming the duties of the employee's position. Tn acdition, tc,e �p?oyee shall be reimbursed 15� per mil.e for each mile actually drive::. If s�ch enployee �s required to drive an automobile during employment and �h� .:epa�tmen*_ i-ea� or designated representative determines that an ���'oyer vehicle i� acailable for the employee's use but the employee des�res to u5e ?�is;�:,ar own automobile, then the employee shall be reim- burwed at the rate �= 15F per mile driven and shall not be eligible fo: any per �i�. �. If an ��Iovee is required to use his/her own automobile �EGT,T��IRLY durin,� �gloyment, the employee shall be reimbursed at the �ate of $3.00 per day for each day of work. In addition, the employee �hall be reimbursed 15� per nile for each mile actually driven. �f such employee is required to drive an automobile during employment �nd th� departnent head or designated regresentative determines that . �n e��loyer vehicle ts available for the employee's use but the employee i�esires to use his/her own automobile, then the employee shall be reim- bursed at the rate of 15� �er mile driven and shall not be eligible for any per diem. 3. The City will provide parking ar the Civic Center Parking Ramp for City employees on either of the above mentioned types of reimbursement plans �hv are required to have their personal car available for City business. S�uch parYing will be provided only for the days the employee is required . to have his or h�r own personal car available. - 2 - . '' 4. Rules and Regulations: The Mayor shall adopt rules and regulations governing the procedures for automobile reimbursement, which regulations and rules shall contain the requirement that recipients shall file daily , reports indicating miles driven and shall f ile �onthly affidavits stating the n�ber of days worked and the number of miles driven, and further require that they maintain automobile liability insurance in amounts of not less than $100,000/$300,000 for personal injury, and S25,000 for property da�age, or liability insurance in amounts not less than $300,000 single limit coverage, with the City of Saint Paul nar.�ed as an additional insure�. These rules and regulations, together with the amendment thereto, shall be �naintained on file with the city clerk. IN WINESS W�iEREOF, the parties hereto have affixed their signatures /�.1h y �%w� � this � �a- of �. 'y 1980. % CITY OF SA��_ ?hUL SAIr;T PAUL PROFESSIONAL II�LOYEES ASSOCIATION, INC. Labor Relat;o^s :.i tor President � MEMORANDU:�I OF AGREEMENT This is a Memorandum of Agreement by and between the City of Saint Paul and the Saint Paul Supervisors Organization. Employees represented by the Saint Paul Supervisors Organization shall be eligible for mileage according to the following provisions. 1. Automobile Reimbursement Authorized: Pursuant to Chapter 33 of the Sair.t Paul Administrative Code, as amended, pertaining tv reimbursement of City officers and employees for the use of their own automobiles in the perfoxciance of their duties, the following provisions are adopted. 2. Methad of Computation: To be eligible for such reinbursement, all offic�rs and empZoyees must receive written authorization from the Depar�ar.� Eead. T e I, If an employee is required to use his/her own automobile OCCAS�U'��.LLY during employment, the employee shall be reimbursed at the ra�e �f $3.00 per day for each day the employee's vehicle is actual�ti used in performing the duties of the employee's position. In ad�ition, the employee shall be reimbursed 15G per mile for each mile actually driven. If sucz e:aployee is required to drive an automobile during einploynent and " the �?e�artnent head or designated representative determines that an emplo�er ve��icle is available for the employee's use but the employee desires to use his/her own automobile, then the employee shall be reim- bursed at the rate of 15� per mile driven and shall not be eligible for any per diem. T re 2. If an employee is required to use his/her own automobile REGL7�RI,Y during employment, the employee shall be reimbursed at the rate of 53.�0 per day for each day of work. In addition, the employee shall be reiabursed 15� per mile for each mile actually driven. If such enployee is required to drive an automobile during employment and the department head or designated representative determines that an emgloyer vehicle is available for the employee's use but the employee desires to use his/her own automobile, then the employee shall be reim- bursed at the rate of 15� per mile driven and shall not be eligible for any per diem. 3. The City will provide parking at the Civic Center Parking Ramp for City employees on either of the above mentioned types of reimbursenent plans who are required to have their personal car available for City business. Such par'�cing will be provided only for the days the enployee is required to have his or her own personal car availabl�. . - z - 4. Rules and Regulations: The rfayor shall adopt rules and regulations governing the procedures for automobile reimbursement, which regulations and rules shall contain the requirement that recipients shall file daily reports indicating miles driven and shall file monthly affidavits stating the nuMber of days �oorked and the number of miles driven, and further require that they �aintain automobile liability insurance in amounts of not less than $100,000/$300,000 for personal injury, and $25,OOQ for property danage, or liability insurance in amounts not less than $300,000 single limit cove*age, with the City of Saint Paul named as an additional insured. These rules and regulations, together with the amendment thereto, shall be maintaineC on file with the city clerk. IN kTITNESS FIHEREOF, the parties hereto have affixed their signatures this ��t�� day of ���fy , 1980. / CITY 0� =1Z�'"T PALZ SAINT PAUL SUPERVISORS ORGANIZATION � • .� �,,, .+►-� Labor Re;��ion 2c r Business Representative ty� �' � � � ��'L�+. � iQ''"' � �� . 1980 rf�fORr�.i�'DLZ� OF AGRE�'!E�T This i�tenorandu� of Agreenent is by and beti:�een the City of St. Paul anc� the Sheet tietal Workers International Association, Local 76. In partial settZeuzenL of 1980 negotiatior_s the parties hereto have agreed as follows: 2. �cept as hereir_ �odified, t'ne Agreement bet��.een the parties, entered � into Aic�ust 15, 19J8, sha11 3e the basis �r tne forthcoaing Iabor agree�ent. 2. Art__I� �XVIII - Cit� l+Sileage Plan of said Agree�ent shall be reglaced wit� :=ticZe k"xVI�� which is attached hereto and �ade a part hereof. It is u,=�rstood �hat _~:� above settlenent shall be recor�ended by the City �egoti2�or, but is su�;ect to approval by the City ?_dministration and adoption by the C=.�I Service Cc�ission and the City Council. IIr' WIi'ti�SS ;���REO:, t�e �arties hereto have affixed their signatures this�C' �h day of��%`=� , 198(3. CITY OF Si. PAL?L SHEET ?�fE?'3L �rTORXERS INTE��IATIONL�'I. ASSOCIATIO�i, LOC.4L 76 �� �� � //� � . ✓ ( �./ . ./ �� .. �:7 ..f:l,�i ( / Labor el ions ire r /Business ?�?anager ; ,�,�� � . ♦ ,�" �pTICLE XXVIII-CITX i•SILEAGE 23. 1 Autvc:obile Re�r�burse:�er.t Authorizec� : Purs•�ant to Cnaptzr 33 of the $81I1C Pasl Ad�inistratiti�e COGj2� 3S 2L'?ERC�.cC� pert�lL1ZP_o CO reir:burse�!e.« _ Or Cltj Oii '1C2TS 2P.a ec�ployees for C;�2 L'�� O� t�ie�� O«R 2u�o'.�tOb1ZE'S lII the per�ornance of �heir duties, the fo1?o::i.g prc�ris�ons are adopted. 28.2 ?�tetno� o` Co�outation: To be eligible fcr sucY: rei.��ursea.ent, alI of*icars and er�ployees must receive w-rittea aut�orization fros the Bepar���t Eead: �?. If an esaployee is required to use hisjher o��n autosobile OCCAS?O:L�.LLY c�uri^g ersgloy�ent, the emplo�ee shall be reir�bursed at the rate of $3.flfl per day for each day the employee`s vehicle is actually used in perforc�ing the duties of the enployez°s position. Za addition, the enployee shall be rei�bursed 15C per aile for eac'E� mile act:�ally driven. If such e�Ioyee is required to drive an autoeobile during enplo�ezt and the de�==.�e.^.t head or designated represer.tative deter�ines that an e�ploy�r z�e^.icle is available for the eMplo}�ee's use but the erap2oyee desirzs �o use his/her own auto�obile, then the e�:.ployee shall �e reia- bursed a= r�e rate of �15� per rile driver. and shall not be eligi*�le for ar_; �er C1��1. �e 2. Zf an e�gloyee is required to u=e his/'r:er o��-n auto�obile P.FGi.Z���Y duriag eaploy�ant, the e�oloye2 sha1Z be rei�bursed a� the rate c�T $3.O�J per day for each da} of work. In Gddition, the e�.�loye� shall �= rei,rbursed 15� per mile for each �ile zctually c�riven. If suc� e��loyee is required to drive an auto�obile during enployn.ent and t:�� dep�rt�ent head or designated re�resentative de�ernines that an ��Ioyzr vehicZe is available for the e�ployee's use but the e�npZoyee desires to use his/her own automobile, then the e�pZoyee shall be reim- burseC at the rate of 15� per nile driven ar_d shall not bz e�igihle for any .cer �ie�. 28 .3 T'ne Cir; w-ill provide par'�in� at the Civic Center Park�r_g Ra�g for City enplo�ees en either af the above �entiorze types of reL*�bursetaznt pZans kho are requ�r2d to have their personal car a-�aila�le for City business. Such par'�ing will be provided only for t?:� days tne eaployee is require� to have his or her �own personal car aLailable. 28 .4 Rul_s 2::d Regulations: The i�iayor shall �?ogt rules ar�� regulations govern�r.o the procedures for auto:±obile reir;�nrse=e�t, khich regulations and rLles sha11 contain the rec�uir��ent t�:at recipients shall file dail.y reports indicating :niles driver. and sh�l'_ file ron�r��y affi�avits statino the nu-::;�r of days T•:orked and the nu�ber of �i?�s drive�, and further requir2 tnat they r�aintain au�o�o5ile li�Silit�- �ns�r�r.ce irc �-�ou:�ts of not less tran $10�,000/$300,000 for perso�al iaiur�, and $25,OQQ �or property Za^a�e, or liabilit} insurance ;-: �o��:��s r,ot less th�n $3G�3,0�0 si:lo?e ?ir?C ce�c�coe, �7it�l t}?e C?�}' o` ��i*.'= F�UI na?!t2� Ss aLl ?_C?C�:L�io�cl 1T1511T2�. 1^�S? rulps Bi�.G� re�ulaticns, to�eti:er 4:IC:1 [�';E' a�er.di�?P,i_ t'r�eretc, shz1l �_ �aintair.ec? on file w�it'� tt�e cit;� clerk. ! � • ,. �'��':�.�.� 1980 M�iORA�,'DLfii OF AGREII�iENT This :�.e.�orandu� of Agre��ent is by and betcaeen the City of St. Pau1 and Minnesota Teai*:sters Public and Law Enforcenent E.*nployees i3nion I.ocal �320. In full settlement of 1980 negotiations the parties hereto have agreed as follc-�s: i. Ex..ept as herein nodified, the Agreement between the parties, entered 3uto �+ovember 6, 1979a shall be the oasis of ine iortnconing labor �gre�..^ent. 2. Az�_-?e �.VII - Citti '_�`:i.Ieage Plan of said Aoreement shall be replaced �ait:: �rticle �'`.'ZT_ �::�ch is. attached hereto and �ade a part hereof. It is L_.�erstood t�:a� �__= above settle�ent shall be recQ�ended by the City I�egotia�or, but is s��b�e�t to approval by the City Administration and adoption by the Ci�;il Se.n�ice ��ission and. the City Council. '�N WI i.�SS WEiEREOF, t:z �arties hereto have af f i�ced their signatures this �6 '�� �a� of lfRy , 198�. �ITY OF' ST. PAL'L MIrmESOTA TEAMSTERS PUBLIC A�'�ID LAW �'ORCEt•SENT .�'!i PLOYEES IINION LOCAL ��320 . ; "f---� � � , `�, ___ _ ` �,, + ,�, .-- ��.:.� �r j E,�,/�.��'.t Labor Rel ons ire r Business Representative �-� i if� . '� L �r?:CT F Xti'u - CIlX ?�'I��?GE ����.�g,� , '17, � .Gii��-_Cj_Z z r�;�?�urs2:�ent �':L1t�10:�Z2?: PL'_'S:!?Ilt �O C.^�?C2i 33 Qi r�1C-` Se�::� �?:=i :.G�'�1i12SCi2Cli'e COG7E'� 2S �=?TiC�EC� ?Ert2i_!i'_� CO r2L:.�?L',SR�I°R� - Qr C:t� "'i;C2T'S 2C:� 2L7��0}'e25 iOr CCl2 �:S� Oi C.Ll�1� CrT: '�c::to-?obiles 171 t�:e p�=`c=-:��ce of the�r duti2s, [n� iollo::ir.g pre�r�s,e�s are a�op[ez: 27.2 ?`et;o� e- Co��utatio:: To be elig�ble foY suc� re�;�urs��:�;�t, aII o�=icers zrd e:�olo}'ees �ust r2C21V2 t��it�e^. aut'r_o��za�ion fro� �he Dep=_r���*_ �?ead: �e ?. Ii �� enployez is requixeZ to use hisjn?r a:;� aLtonabi2e O�C:S_Q:�-7 LY Z�.:rir_g e��pl.oynent, the e�plo;ee s�all bz reinbLrsed af �ne ra�=_ o` ;3.00 per day for each dzy tne e4pla;�ee's vehicle is sctt;z�?y use3 i.n pe:forming the duties of the e�plol=_e's position. 3.� a'c�i=��a, the ��loyee shall be reisbursed I5C gzr r.ile ior each sai?e �t.�Ilp dr-iti��. Yr s�::� �r�?oSee is required to drive an autocobile ��rin� enplo}�ea� a�d �n= ZE'YG�.��.e^_t heac or �esignated representative �e�ercinzs that � e�p2o;�e� d_°::icle is available for the enployee`s Lse but the en��o�•ee desires *_^ us� i+.is/�:er own auto�obile, then the e�.�?o�ee shall be reim— burse� �_ t�= rate of i5� per r�ile driver, and shalZ r�at be e7.igib?e for z^y ?_r d=�. z�e 2. I_ zz z-:�Zo�ee is required to u�2 hisj��r a:.�. aLtQ��obi�e P.�.G���.-_-.�= c�_=:.r_o z�ploy�ent, the e�ploye2 shal? be re�*=�urse� �� the ra�e oT $3.00 per day for each day of work. In �dZition, t�e e`�Ioyee shal? �a re�.'+bersad 3�� per n�le for each nile zctL2lly e�r?ver_. If sL��: e=�Io;z� is required to drzve an auto�obile �u�ing e�gZaS�znt 2�d t:� �e�a:�e�t �ead or designated re�resent2tive d`Ler��nes th�t _ aa e.=:�?o,�r ve:�icle is available for the e�ployee's use but t�:e emplo3�ee 2esi_�s to Lse his/ner own auto�obile, ther. the e��Io;;ee shall b� reim— bL'YS2L}. Z{' t�:e ra[e of I5� per �ile driver, an_d s?�►2?I not bz eligiUle for an}: ozr die�. 2 7.3 'r"�� Ci; ;.zll proviCZ parkin� at ths Ci.�ic Center Park�r_g Rs-np for City 2I=7�Cj?cS L-1 2,t�''.:= OrL �i;° 2bOV° �?:1�'Cil2C t�r�raS Qt raint�L2"S��?�t �Ians wro ��z '_':yL'ired to have their persor_aI car ava�.Ia�ie for Gi�y bt:.siness.. S*_cn pZ?':=i?z� c;ill be provided only for t�:� dzys t�z �plo}ee is xe�uix�e� to c?ve �:_s cr her ow� personal car availa�le. . � 2 7 .j's s.�'-,L:��S 2T"� '�J.°�L'�=i.�0i75: '�12 2•iayor sha11 c'a•�r� rL*?2S c=?C� r2oEL72�lO:2S ga-.?;^�:=� t�:� grecedures for �uto�obile reis�;�rs"e�=, vh�cc► regulaLio-!s z�? :ul�s s^.�11 co:�tain th� reaLir�_eat t;��t reci�ie:Ls shaZl fiZe daily ='??O=CS ��:�1C?�:;,3 _r.,lI.2S driver_ 2riC� St12�� �1�2 �O:t=_:?� 2ii1C�ti:?CS SC2C1^,°� ��'i2. I:�..^zJ?'_' CI �3 j 3 ?�;OL�:QG'. 2:1Ci CC1° .LiW�2T G' �:;?cS �i l�:2.� 2?1GT ic:rther r�q�.:�re �i�2C i.C12;' i_21P.CS111 2.U�0-_'O�J112 �.�25;21C.�' _.._�,_�c2:Cc^. 1.LI tT:OIt�iCS Of r.cc le�s t�ar, S1p�,000/$300,OQ0 ior p_rso�a? ir.iLr�:, �n4 $2>>0�4 for p:pn?'_� Zc^:o2� 0=' 112�111L� 1T1S11;'Z:l�c? =i. 2.=.Q*?:;�S L:O� �ESS t�?�P. ���1i��Ci�`.� 5_;^0�2 �:...i� CO':??'�:02� �•lltll t�!2 C�C�' Of 5=1..^•_= FdIS' �;e.:?� �S �Lt ?CiCT1L20CL�? 1:.�_'D-�, 1".�5? TC�E'S 2P.C� T°_7,LL�2ClOi;S� �Q?�'C�T�r C�:;�-: C�_ z'�°'-"'i Cieretc, < <::._.e_, �_ .. 5i:�'_: b_ -.ai:�ta:��a cn file �.•it` t��e cit;;- cle:ti_