276049 WHITE - CITY CLERK � PINK - FINANCE � �` � CANARY - �DEPARTMENT COUIICII �. r BLUE - MAYOR G I T Y O F S A I N T PA U L File N O. ��+�. � � uncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, That the proper City officials are hereby authorized and directed to execute an agreement with Independent School District No. 625, whereby the City will participate to the maximum sum of $2, 763.85 in the purchase of Playground Equipment for the Parkway Elementary School Playground; a copy of said agreement to be kept on file in the Department of Finance and Management Services. City funding for agreement budgeted with 1980 Capital Improvement 3ond monies appropriated for "Youth Athletic and i2ecreation Equipment Program" . COU[VCILMEN Yeas Nays Requestgd by Department of: Hunt � DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES Levine In Favor Maddox � McMahon showa�ter A gai n s t Tedesco Wilso °'� DEC 9 198Q For Approved Cit e Adopte �-fiy Council: Date C ifiE:d Pass y ncil Secretary BY . App by :Vlayor: Date � � � 1980 Ap r by Mayor for S is ion ouncil gy V B p.t�.c�fo p�C 2 � 1980 . , w 1 . , � � . � ���'�.k�� AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, Made and entered into this day of , 1980, by and between the CITY OF SAINT PAUL, � a municipal corporation of the State of Minnesota (hereinafter referred to as "City") , and INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT, N0. 625, a Minnesota Public School District, (_hereinafter referred to as "School District"). In consideration of the mutual promises and benefits to be derived by the inhabitants of the City of Saint Paul , the City and School District hereby agree as follows: 1 . The School District shall design and approve the proposed installation of playground equipment for the Parkway Elementary School Playground and shall provide the necessary grading, fill and installation of this equlpment. School District sha11 maintain the playground equipment after it is installed. 2. The Parkway Playground Committee and City shall each contribute 50X of the cost for the purchase of the playground equipment for the Parkway Elementary School Playground, The Parkway Playground Committee shall pay for the said equipment and submit an invoice to the City, Upon receipt of the invoice and approval thereof by School District, the City shall pay one-half of the cost of such equipment not to exceed the sum of $2,763.85, . payment by the City shall be made to the Parkway Elementary School . Playground Committee. • � • . " � � � � � � �d'�'_�'�� 3. School District shall operate and maintain the playground equipment for the enjoyment and benefit of the inhabitants and children of the City of Saint Paul , and the City shall assume no responsibility nor liability for the operation or maintenance of said equipment. 4. School District shall hold harmless, protect, indemnify and defend the City of Saint Paul , its agents and employees from any and all claims arising out of the existence, use, operation or maintenance of the said playground equipment to be located and installed at the Parkway Elementary School Playground. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Agreement has been executed as of the day and year first above written. APPROVED AS TO FORM: CITY OF SAINT P L - � �' By Ass�stant City A torney ayor Director, Department of Finance Funding: 93080-013 & Management Services ' � e �or, Dep men of munity . � S.ervices . - = ,. . � � � �-��� ��� . INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT, N0. 625 BY Its Chairman By Its Secretary PARKWAY ELEMENTARY SCHOOL PLAYGROUND CQMMITTEE ey , Its Chairperson � . . � "��- �. � . ��.l� �S' �t1�i'Ir.l. �L1 i�.7 L � . j;� �' � OF�.+�ICE O�' THE CITY COUi�TCIL �'������ ;'•:� ..: ,.: . ��., i---+-�•,_ �k� � ,;;,,,.>, ., -� ��._...,,,�•., �- �1s,.�ya�s��,. �. �;.� _ a. ��� ' Dd i e . December 5, 1980 C � � � !f T�� F� � P4 ��' T � : Svint Paui Cifiy Counci� . . F R O � � COt�tt'f11��8� �i1 FINAP�CE, P1ANAGEt�IEP�T & PERSONNEL � v • George McMahon , chairman, makes the fol towing report on C. F. ' _[] Ordinance _ (5) �X Resolution �] �ther T !7'LE : .___ At its meeting of December 4, 1980, the Finance Committee recommended approval \of the follow9ng: 10. Resolution authorizing and directing City Officials to .execute an Agreement with ISD #625 for purchase of playground equipment for Parkway Elementary School Playground. (11543-GM) 11 . Resolution transferring $17,250 from Workers' Compensation Account to tbe - Tort Liability Account. � 12. Resolution approving transfer of surplus funds from CD Year I Block 35 and Hammond School site projects to CD Year I Contingency and approving increase of $1 ,000 to CD Year III North End Mu1ti-Service Center project. 13. Resolution appointing Bond Underwriter and 8ond Counsel for District Neatina Project. 14. Resolution authorizing proper City Officials to enter into a p�!rchase - - agreement for the purchase of property for Burns Avenue Park. CI1"Y Fir'�LL SEVE?�JTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL, bIINNE50TA S�IO2 ::?:�:;., � . f n��-�� �.# 80— iaa OM O1: I2/29�5 Rev. : 9/8/76 EXPLANATION OF ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS, �'���,(�� RESOLIITIONS, AND ORDINANCES Date: NOVEMBER 17, 1980 �� � �. � � �r� � . . . . � . � � . �� !�,:., .• �_ :.�j�T1:. � � �.. TO: MAYOR GEORGE LATIMER !��'�t'� Q�1C� �� THOMAS J. KELLEY �' COUNCIL RESOLUTTON TO EXECUTE AGREEMENT WTTH tNDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT 625 . 1 �' � �'�'a �� ACTION REQUESTED: Approval atnd �ignatures on attached Council Resolution PURPOSE AND RATIONALE FOR TBIS ACTION: Purchase playground equipment - ATTAC�BMENTS: Council Resolut1on ' Copy oi� Agreement