00-802" Refurr�opy To: Police Dept. Acc ORIGIC Preseneed By: Council File # O O -Q"O �. Green Sheet# 107032 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA ±1•' Referred To: Committee:Date: 1 WHEREAS, the Samt Paul Police Department has received a$217,501 Intemet Crmies Agamt Children Task Force 2 grant from the U.S Department of Jusrice for the period May 1, 2000 through October 30, 2001; and 3 4 WEiEREAS, this grant will enable the Samt Paul Police Department to investigate mtemet crimes against children, 5 develop a prevenfion educafion pmgram, establish a case management system, develop standardized protocol for 6 mteragency referral and 'mvestigations, and 'mcrease forensic and investigative capacity by acquirmg specialized 7 equipment and trainwg; and 8 9 WHEREAS, the Samt Paul Police Department needs to establish a 2000 spend'mg and fmancmg plan for tivs grant; and 10 11 Wf3EREA5, The Maqor pursuant to Section 10.07.1 of the Charter of the City of Samt Paul, does certify that 12 there are available for appmpriation funds of $110,489 m escess of those estimated in the 2000 budget; and 13 14 WHEREAS, The Mayor recommends that the follo�ving addition be made to the 2000 budget: 15 16 CURRENT AMENDED 17 FINANCING PLAN: BUBGET CHANGES BUDGET 18 436 - Police Special Projects Fund 19 34056 - Internet Crimes Against Cluldren Grant 20 3099 - Other Federal Direct Grants m Aid - 110,489 110,489 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 SPENDING PLAN: 436 - Police Special Projects Fund 34056 - Internet Crimes Against Children Grant 011l - F�ll-Time Permanent 0219 - Fees-Other Professional Services 0221- Postage 0222 - Telephone-Monthly Charges 0228-Cellular Phones 0229 - Other Communications 0251 - Transportafion 0252 - Lodgu�g-Meals 0283 - Vehicle Lease 0255 - Dues 0298-Investigafions 0369 - Other-Office Supplies 0389 - Other-Miscellaneous Supplies 0439 - Fringe Benefits 0814 - Other-Office Equipment 0815 - Desks-Chairs-Tables 0851- Radio Equipment 0853 - Cameras 0856 - Data Processing Software 0857 - Data Processing Hardware - 11 ,4 11 ,4 - 30,846 30,846 - 1,550 I,550 - 396 396 - 1,743 1,743 - 542 542 - 70 70 - 5,250 5,250 - 11,282 11,282 - 2,150 2,150 - 200 200 - 14,630 14,630 - 850 850 - 5,506 5,506 8,637 8,637 - 600 600 - 9,037 9,037 - 1,600 1,600 - 1,000 1,000 - 2,000 Z,000 - 12,600 12,600 45 - 11 ,4 ,4 9 46 47 THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Cily Council accept this grant award, authorizes Chief William Finney 48 to enter into an agreement with the U.S. Department of Justice, and appmves the changes to the Z000 budget. Requested by Department of: Adopted by Council:Date: ���. (� , a.. �,� AdopHon Certified by Council Secretary: By: Approved by Mayor:Date: � B �!� 340561ntemetCrimesAgainstChiltlrenGrani.CR.99 I: /��////// • �� i �� ������ �����_'!. ..' ; �;�'J'� � By: by FSnancial Services Director: ,.- . or for Submissi �n to Council: � C-Y�ARTN�N7lOFFICElCOUNdL DATE INITIATED � PohceDepartment �isvoo GREEN SHEET No. 107032 COCITACT PE250N 8 PHONE �NRIAUDA INmauDATE CIl1CfFinnOy 292-3588 1 oernnrrarowECron 5 caiwoi �D —YQ MUST BE ON COUNqL AGENDA BY (DATE) ' Please process ASAP �a**o�� �� ❑2 �:�� ❑��,�� �YOR(OR0.SSSTAM� M �RIGH(5 TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 7 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACfION,REQUESTED / � Approval of the attached council resolution accepting a I�emet Crimes Against Children Grant from the U.S. Depazlment of Juslice, authorizuig Cluef Wiliiam Finney to enter into an agreement with the U.S. Department of Justice, and establishing a 2000 financing and spending plan for the giant. RECAMMENDATIONApprove(A)orReject�R) PERSONALSERVICECONTRACTSMUSTANSWERTHEFOLLOWINGQUESTIONS: � 1. Has this persoNfirtn ever Kwrked under a coritract for ihis departme�A? �PLANNINGCOMMISSION YES NO CIB COMMITTEE 2. Has this persc�rtn ever been a city employee? CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION YES NO 3 Ooes this perso�rtn possess a slall not normatly possessed 6y any curreM a[y employee� YES NO 4. Is ihis perso�rm a targeted vendoR YES P10 Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHY) The U. S. Department of Justice has awazded a$217,501 Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force grant to the Saint Paul Police Depariment for the period May 1, 2000 tUrough October 3Q Z001. This grant will enable the Saint Paul Police Department to investigate internet crimes against children, develop a prevention education program, establish a case management system, develop standardized protocol for interagency referral and investigaUons, and increase forensic and imestigaflve capacity by acquiring specialized eqi:ipment and training. (Attached is a copy of the grant awazd.) ADVANTAGES IF Af`PROVED In cases investigated by the Saint PauI Police, over 30,000 images have been rewvered as evidence from the computer systems of suspects arres[ed for having criminal sexual contac[. Acceptance of tkris giant will provide funds for salaries, training supplies, and equipment necessary for creating a multiyurisdictional task force that focuses on intemet ccimes a ainst children. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED None. ` ' U DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED Loss of grant funding to reduce internet crimes against children. A� G 1 4�QQ� �ou��e �e�e���n ` ��� CiTY ATTQ�t�IE� AU6 2 2 ��� TO7ALAMOUN70FTRANSACTION$ 110,489 COST/REVENUEBUDGEI'ED(CIRCLEONE) YES NO FUNDIt3G SOURCE Federal Grant ..... acnviTV tuumesrt " 34056 FINANCIAL INFORMATION (EXPLAIN) � 34056IntemetCrimesAgainstChildrenGrant.gr.00 / ri-2060 13�09 i ,%'� �. Memorandum � Page 1 of 7 ST PAUL MAYOR'S OFFICE :� ;s+* ��• i'- `� I :� l '.,,�< , �.._���,, P.10i14 O�,S � Subject Date: 72 June. 2doo ; Finai FnanclaUBudget Revlew on Application # 2000366&MN-MC St. Paul Pofice Department "Intemet Crlmes Against Chlldren" Michaei Medaris OJJDP Tom Jensen OC/FMD This financlai clearance supercedes the flnancial ciearance dated 18 May 2000. The Office of the Comptroller has reviewed the subject application for funding approval cosfs appear allowable, reasonable, and consistent with OffiCe of Jusfice Program regulations. AII required assurances and certifications were inctuded in tfie application package. BUDCaE7 �`L O. sG � M �-� LY /� <!4 PERSONNEL $193,402 ��3,351 .oa °1 C)�OSI.oU } FRINGE BENEFITS TRAVEL E4UI PMENT SUPPLIES CONTRACTUAL OTHER TOTAL DIRECT COST INDIRECT COST TOTAL PROJECT COST Fecieral Request Match ^<y7 507 � '114 372 52,105 14,410 0 3,600 7,860 60,436 $331.813 B 331 813 �'7,�syY o� �`t,4ia.�v 3,(ncopU 7 4S(oU AU C< c;, 43G . vc� a� a `i, zGf. UG G . ov G �V G-�G G.vU 11 ��"�jIZ.UU 7• No match is required, however, a loca! contributio of $114,312 i necessary for compietion of the projed, 2• The fiscal integrity review was performed and no exceptions were noted. 3. Tha granfee is a governmenial entity, therefore, a financiai capability puestionnaire is not required. 4. AII financial/budget issues hrought to the attention of the program office prior to this final ciearance have been satisfactorily resolved. The detaii concerning their. clearance is confained in the application file that will be incorporated into the official grant fiie upon completion of processing. 5. A review of IFMIS revealed thaf the following Is correct for this applicant: Name: Si. Paui Police Department Address: 100 E. 11" St. St. Pau), Minnesota 55101 Vendor No: 416 005 521 Note: Use this identtflcation data on awafd doc. Iy� • , ' V.S. DEPARTMENT OF JQSTZCE AWARD _ 'y c.ro.�� OFFICE OF JVSTICE PROGRAMS � '� 3 ❑ OJP ❑ BJA ❑X QTSJP � GR7125 PaGE �_ OF �. 'rt ' ^ `�� ' ❑ HJS ❑ HIJ ❑ WC ❑X COOPERATZVE AGREII�SIT Cf�CA TP2ROPAZATE HOX 1. GRINfEE HAM"c AND ADDRE55 (ZacludiaQ Z3y Code) 6. A:VARD NVN.BER � Saint Paul Poliee DeDartment K�z Z 2��0� 100 Eae[ ilth Stzee[ Saint Paul, !LV 55101 5. PROJECT PEAIOD: FROM OS/OS/2000 1b 30/30/2001 BU➢GET PEAZOD: FAOM OS/O1/2000 TO 10/30/2001 ].1�. GRANTEE IRS/VERDOR NO. ' 6. AWTRD IL1TE: 7. AC.'i0N . .Tul 5 2000 a = � T � > . z. svscxaarree xana aem xnnxESS (xncivainQ zia coae> a. scmeL�xrr xm�Ex N/A ❑ SOPPLEMENTAL 2A. SVBGRANTEE IRS/VEADOR NO. 9. P��IOUS AW.IHD AMOIINT $ 0.00 3. PROSECT TITLE 10. AMOSSNT OF THIS AWTRD $ 217�501.00 Internet Crimas Aqainat Childsan Taak Fosea Ptoqsaa _ 11. TOTAL AW.IRD $ 317�501.00 12. SPECITL CONDITZONS (Chack, if aDDlicable) ❑X TFL AHOVE GA1fNT PAOJECT IS APPROVED SVBSECT TO SVCH CONDITIONS OA LIMITATIONS AS ARE SET FORTH ON THE ATTACH£D 2 PAGE(SJ. - 13. STATVTOAY AUTHORZTY FOR GRANP ❑ TITLE I OF Ti� Ot@iIBVS CAIME CONTROL AND SAFE STAE£TS ACT OF 1968. Q2 V.S.C. 3701, ET. SEq., AS AMENDED. ❑ TSTLE II OF TH£ JSIVEFILE NSTICE AND DELINpVENCY PREVENPION ACT OF 1994. d2 U.S.C. 5601� ET. SEQ., AS AMENDED ❑ VICTIMS OF CAIME ACT OF 198Q� Q2 U.S.C. 10601, ET. SEQ., PUBLIC LAW 96-4'/3, AS AMENDED. ❑X OTFiER (SDaeifyJ: Title rv oF tha JJDP Act of 19'/Q, as amended ld. FUTUA.. FZSCAL YETR(S) SVP20AT: SECOND YEAR•S HUDGET PERIOD: N/A AMOVNT OF FUNDS: N/A TYPE OF FVNDS: � TNSRD YEAA•5 HVDGE'i` PEAIOD: N/A AMOVNP OF FVI�iDS: N/A TY2E OF FVNDS: 15. METHOD OF PAYMENT THE GRANTEE WILL AECEIVE CASH VIA A LETTEA OF CAEDiT ❑ YES ❑ NO AGENCY A2PAOVAL � GRAAITEE ACCE2TANCE 16. TYPED NTAL TND TITLE OF APPROVING OJP OFFICIAL 18. TYPED 2LV°f"d AND TZTLE OF AVTHORZZED GRASI':£E OFFIC Mary Lou Leary Norm 8. Coleman Acting Asaistant A -�Genazal �ayo 19. SIGAATUR. OF ROVING OSP OFF CS 19 IG TURE OF TH ZZED GRANTEE 19.1. DATn � < I AGENCY V .. ONLY 20. CCOtRiTZNG CLASSIFICATION CODE 21. FZSGL FVND BUD. DZV. YEl+R CO➢E ACT. OFC. A£G. SVH. POMS X C MC 70 00 00 OJP FOAM 4000/Z (REV. 5-tl]) PR£VlOUS EDSTZONS ANY UnSpLaT�. V.S. DEPARTME.`IT' OF NSTICE OFFICE OF .NSTICE PAOGFUHS t � � 4 ♦ 1 n � J o. narn* . �� Iif1H8ER � pJp ❑ BJA ❑X Q7SDP ❑ HJS ❑ NIJ ❑ OVC CHEC% APPROPRIATE HOX 2000—MC—CX—K022 AWARD CONTINUATION SHEET bo Y].GE _3, OF ,i ❑ GRA.*IT �% COOPEFV.TZVE NAAD I1r:E Special Conditions l. The recipient agrees to comply with the financial and administrative requirements set forth in the current edition of the Office of Justice Programs (OJP) Financial Guide. 2. The recipient a�rees to comply with the organizational audit requirements of OMB Circular, A- 133, Audits of States, Local Govemments, and Non-Profit Organizations, as further described in OJP's Financial guide, Chapter 19. 3. The Project Director and key program personnel designated in the application shall be replaced only for compelling reasons and with the prior concurrence of the OJJDP. Approval of the successor shall be contingent upon submission of a resume and veri£ed statement of most recent salary. Changes in other program personnel require only notification to the OJJDP with the same documentation as for the Project Director unless othenvise designated in the award document. Prior approval is required for Advisory Board members and consultants used in the project. 4. The recipient acknowled�es that failure to submit an acceptable Equal Employment Opportunity Plan (if grantee is required to submit one pursuant to 28 CFR Section 42302), that is approved by the Office of Civil Rights, is a violation of its Certified Assurances and may result in the suspension of the drawdown of funds. 5. In instances which warrant compensation over the 5450 per day limitation, PRIOR WRITTEN APPROVAL by OJJDP must be obtained. Approval by OJJDP will require justiFication using market place guidance and appropriate documentation. The recipient agrees to comply with established OJP cons;::tant guidelines as set foRh in the OJP Financial Guide znd to support, through written documentation and records, atl daily rates approved for individua] consultants regardless of the amount of daily rate compensation. 6. The cuirent edition of the OJP Financial Guide provides guidance on allo�vable printing activities. In addition, the recipient must submit all reports and written products resulting from this award to OJJDP for review and comment prior to publishing. The recipient must submit to OJJDP for approval any reports or written products that the grantee will publish using grant funds. Any publication, report or other written product produced with grant funds must prominently display the OJ7DP logo on the cover pa�e. Progress Reports are due on fixed dates semiannually (July 30 and January 30) each year. The semiannual reports must cover grant related activity occuning during the six month periods of January 1 through June 30 and July 1 throu�h December 31. The initial repoR will cover the peried of time f*em the gran! award date to the end of the period of June or December. All subsequent reports will follow the semiannual reporting periods. OJP FORM Q000/2 (AEV• 5-87) PA£VZOUS EDITZONS ARE OBSOLET£. �. . . t ,� o.,. a' � � c ���rtznc< < �� xve�sx V.S. DEPAFtTMEtiT OF NSTICE OFFICE OF JUSTICE PROGAAHS ❑� ❑ e� o �.�P ❑ HJS ❑ NLJ ❑ OVC C�Cg A2PROPRIAT£ BOX 2000—MC—CX—K022 PAGE _� OF }_ AWARD CONTINUATION SHEET ❑ G.iA.YP ❑X COOPEAATLVE ).nnsv.F�• "'�"' �� Julv 5 , . 2000 S�ecial Conditions The grantee agrees to comply with the enclosed investigative and operational standards (Standards) as established by the ICAC Task Force Review Board (Board) and approved by OJJDP. The Standards were developed by the Board and OJJDP to foster information sharing, coordinate ICAC Task Force la�v enforcement activity, avoid redundant or disruption of ongoing investigations, ensure the probative quality of undercover operations, and facilitate interagency case referrals though the standardization of investigative practices. 9. STATEMENT OF FEDERAL INVOLVEMENT: The Office of 7uvenile 7ustice and Delinquency Prevention has elected to enter into a Cooperative Aereement rather than a grant with the Saint Paul Police Department. This decision reflects a strong mutual interest in the program, as well as the anticipated level of Federal involvement specified below. 10. 11. Prior to implementation, OJJDP must approve Board recommendations regardin� policy and proposed proactive (as defined by the Standards) undercover investigations that are carried out under the ICAC Task Force Program. As a mandatory requirement, the Saint Paul Police Department agrees to designate a speci5c individual to participate in the quarterly ICAC Task Force Board meetings. Expenses associated with participation in board meetings may be reimbursed using OIJDP grant fund,. GRANTEE'S ACCEPTANCE OF SPECIAL CONDITIONS � G�-� 1 Si�nature of Duly �� na�:,.:.,t Date OJP TORM 1000/2 (RE�1. 5-8"/) PREVIOUS EDITIONS ARE OBSOL£TE. Oo-J'o�- II.S. DEPARTMENT OF NSTZCE , ��,�=�., w^ GRANT MANAGER'S MEMORANDUM, PT. I: ` OFFICE OF NSTZCE PROGAAMS pROJECT SUMMARY 3 � n `2ancx i �ri ' � ❑ 0.TP ❑ BJA ❑X QTJDP � GAAN'l ❑X COOPERATIVL J.GFEQ�[iT ❑ H15 ❑ NZJ ❑ OVC PROJECT NO!�ER CHECX APPROPRZATE HOX 2000—MC—CX—K022 ❑ Thie yrojaet is auDDOZtad undar Titla I of the Oaaibus Crime Coatrol aad Safe Strae[e Aet, d2 � IISC 3701, as ameadad. �� � This Dsojact is suDDa=ted uadar the Juveaila Juet:ce aad DelinQUeney Pseveation Act oE 1974, as aaeaded. ❑X Other: Title IV o£ the JSDP Act of 1974, as ameaded 1. STTFF CONTACT (Name� addrase F teleDhona numbax) 2. PROJECT DIRECTOR (Naae, addzeae s CeleDboae uumbeiJ Michael Medaris De�is Jenaeu OJJDP "� Saint Paul Police DeDar[men[ 610 Seveath Straet NW 15 West Rellopg Soulevard Waehing[oa, DC 20531 Saint Paul, HIi 55102 (202)616-8937 (651)292-3733 3a. TITLE OF THE PROGRTM 3b. POMS CODE (SEE INSTRVCTIONS ON REVERSE) Internet Ccimes Aqainat Childzen Task Fomca Pioqiam 6. TITLE OF PROJECT Issternet Crimee Aqainst Children Taek Force Program 5. NAME 4 ADDRESS OF C.AAl1TEE 6. NAFSE & ADDRESS OF SVBGRANTEE Saint Paul Eolica Depaztmant N(A 100 East ilth Street Saint Paul� MN 55301 '/. PAOGRAIS PERZOD 8. BVDGET PERIOD FAOM: OS/OS/2000 TO: 10/30/20�1 FAOM: OS/O1/2000 TO: 10/30/2001 9. AMOUNP OF AWARD 10. DATE OF AW.1.RD $ zi�,soi.00 July 5, 2000 S1. SECOND YEAR'S HVDGET 12. SECOND YEAR'S BUDGET AMOSSNT I N1A N(A 13. THIRD YEhA'S HUDGET PERIOD 1Q. THIRD YEAR'S SVDGET AMOUNT N/A � N/A 15. SVFPIARY DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT (Sea Snstivction on reversa) I Usiap OJJDY Funds, tha Saint Paul Police DeDartmenG will establish a multiaqency, multidieciDli�ry zeeyoasa Co I ZCAC offeneea that ie comDOSed of federal� etate, md local law eu£orcement aqeaeiea avd child welfare � orqanizatione to: 1) coaduct reactive and Dioactiva ICAC inveatigatiosss; 2) devaloD a yzeveation education Droqras � Eeatuzing a wabai[e, Dolica acadamy voluntaere� and dis[ribution of the "Ctild On-Line Safety" videotaDe to i achools, libraries, ca61e and broadcast media, and com.aunity organizations; 3) eatabliah a case -anaqement sya[ea; � Q) davaloD etandardizad yrotocol £or interagency ze£ezrals; and 5) incraase forenaic and inveatigativa cayacity I Chrough tha acQUiai[ion o£ sDecialized [raining and eQUiyment. ca/ne£ I I l � � i OSP FOAM 6000/1 REV. 6-0tl) " Refurr�opy To: Police Dept. Acc ORIGIC Preseneed By: Council File # O O -Q"O �. Green Sheet# 107032 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA ±1•' Referred To: Committee:Date: 1 WHEREAS, the Samt Paul Police Department has received a$217,501 Intemet Crmies Agamt Children Task Force 2 grant from the U.S Department of Jusrice for the period May 1, 2000 through October 30, 2001; and 3 4 WEiEREAS, this grant will enable the Samt Paul Police Department to investigate mtemet crimes against children, 5 develop a prevenfion educafion pmgram, establish a case management system, develop standardized protocol for 6 mteragency referral and 'mvestigations, and 'mcrease forensic and investigative capacity by acquirmg specialized 7 equipment and trainwg; and 8 9 WHEREAS, the Samt Paul Police Department needs to establish a 2000 spend'mg and fmancmg plan for tivs grant; and 10 11 Wf3EREA5, The Maqor pursuant to Section 10.07.1 of the Charter of the City of Samt Paul, does certify that 12 there are available for appmpriation funds of $110,489 m escess of those estimated in the 2000 budget; and 13 14 WHEREAS, The Mayor recommends that the follo�ving addition be made to the 2000 budget: 15 16 CURRENT AMENDED 17 FINANCING PLAN: BUBGET CHANGES BUDGET 18 436 - Police Special Projects Fund 19 34056 - Internet Crimes Against Cluldren Grant 20 3099 - Other Federal Direct Grants m Aid - 110,489 110,489 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 SPENDING PLAN: 436 - Police Special Projects Fund 34056 - Internet Crimes Against Children Grant 011l - F�ll-Time Permanent 0219 - Fees-Other Professional Services 0221- Postage 0222 - Telephone-Monthly Charges 0228-Cellular Phones 0229 - Other Communications 0251 - Transportafion 0252 - Lodgu�g-Meals 0283 - Vehicle Lease 0255 - Dues 0298-Investigafions 0369 - Other-Office Supplies 0389 - Other-Miscellaneous Supplies 0439 - Fringe Benefits 0814 - Other-Office Equipment 0815 - Desks-Chairs-Tables 0851- Radio Equipment 0853 - Cameras 0856 - Data Processing Software 0857 - Data Processing Hardware - 11 ,4 11 ,4 - 30,846 30,846 - 1,550 I,550 - 396 396 - 1,743 1,743 - 542 542 - 70 70 - 5,250 5,250 - 11,282 11,282 - 2,150 2,150 - 200 200 - 14,630 14,630 - 850 850 - 5,506 5,506 8,637 8,637 - 600 600 - 9,037 9,037 - 1,600 1,600 - 1,000 1,000 - 2,000 Z,000 - 12,600 12,600 45 - 11 ,4 ,4 9 46 47 THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Cily Council accept this grant award, authorizes Chief William Finney 48 to enter into an agreement with the U.S. Department of Justice, and appmves the changes to the Z000 budget. Requested by Department of: Adopted by Council:Date: ���. (� , a.. �,� AdopHon Certified by Council Secretary: By: Approved by Mayor:Date: � B �!� 340561ntemetCrimesAgainstChiltlrenGrani.CR.99 I: /��////// • �� i �� ������ �����_'!. ..' ; �;�'J'� � By: by FSnancial Services Director: ,.- . or for Submissi �n to Council: � C-Y�ARTN�N7lOFFICElCOUNdL DATE INITIATED � PohceDepartment �isvoo GREEN SHEET No. 107032 COCITACT PE250N 8 PHONE �NRIAUDA INmauDATE CIl1CfFinnOy 292-3588 1 oernnrrarowECron 5 caiwoi �D —YQ MUST BE ON COUNqL AGENDA BY (DATE) ' Please process ASAP �a**o�� �� ❑2 �:�� ❑��,�� �YOR(OR0.SSSTAM� M �RIGH(5 TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 7 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACfION,REQUESTED / � Approval of the attached council resolution accepting a I�emet Crimes Against Children Grant from the U.S. Depazlment of Juslice, authorizuig Cluef Wiliiam Finney to enter into an agreement with the U.S. Department of Justice, and establishing a 2000 financing and spending plan for the giant. RECAMMENDATIONApprove(A)orReject�R) PERSONALSERVICECONTRACTSMUSTANSWERTHEFOLLOWINGQUESTIONS: � 1. Has this persoNfirtn ever Kwrked under a coritract for ihis departme�A? �PLANNINGCOMMISSION YES NO CIB COMMITTEE 2. Has this persc�rtn ever been a city employee? CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION YES NO 3 Ooes this perso�rtn possess a slall not normatly possessed 6y any curreM a[y employee� YES NO 4. Is ihis perso�rm a targeted vendoR YES P10 Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHY) The U. S. Department of Justice has awazded a$217,501 Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force grant to the Saint Paul Police Depariment for the period May 1, 2000 tUrough October 3Q Z001. This grant will enable the Saint Paul Police Department to investigate internet crimes against children, develop a prevention education program, establish a case management system, develop standardized protocol for interagency referral and investigaUons, and increase forensic and imestigaflve capacity by acquiring specialized eqi:ipment and training. (Attached is a copy of the grant awazd.) ADVANTAGES IF Af`PROVED In cases investigated by the Saint PauI Police, over 30,000 images have been rewvered as evidence from the computer systems of suspects arres[ed for having criminal sexual contac[. Acceptance of tkris giant will provide funds for salaries, training supplies, and equipment necessary for creating a multiyurisdictional task force that focuses on intemet ccimes a ainst children. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED None. ` ' U DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED Loss of grant funding to reduce internet crimes against children. A� G 1 4�QQ� �ou��e �e�e���n ` ��� CiTY ATTQ�t�IE� AU6 2 2 ��� TO7ALAMOUN70FTRANSACTION$ 110,489 COST/REVENUEBUDGEI'ED(CIRCLEONE) YES NO FUNDIt3G SOURCE Federal Grant ..... acnviTV tuumesrt " 34056 FINANCIAL INFORMATION (EXPLAIN) � 34056IntemetCrimesAgainstChildrenGrant.gr.00 / ri-2060 13�09 i ,%'� �. Memorandum � Page 1 of 7 ST PAUL MAYOR'S OFFICE :� ;s+* ��• i'- `� I :� l '.,,�< , �.._���,, P.10i14 O�,S � Subject Date: 72 June. 2doo ; Finai FnanclaUBudget Revlew on Application # 2000366&MN-MC St. Paul Pofice Department "Intemet Crlmes Against Chlldren" Michaei Medaris OJJDP Tom Jensen OC/FMD This financlai clearance supercedes the flnancial ciearance dated 18 May 2000. The Office of the Comptroller has reviewed the subject application for funding approval cosfs appear allowable, reasonable, and consistent with OffiCe of Jusfice Program regulations. AII required assurances and certifications were inctuded in tfie application package. BUDCaE7 �`L O. sG � M �-� LY /� <!4 PERSONNEL $193,402 ��3,351 .oa °1 C)�OSI.oU } FRINGE BENEFITS TRAVEL E4UI PMENT SUPPLIES CONTRACTUAL OTHER TOTAL DIRECT COST INDIRECT COST TOTAL PROJECT COST Fecieral Request Match ^<y7 507 � '114 372 52,105 14,410 0 3,600 7,860 60,436 $331.813 B 331 813 �'7,�syY o� �`t,4ia.�v 3,(ncopU 7 4S(oU AU C< c;, 43G . vc� a� a `i, zGf. UG G . ov G �V G-�G G.vU 11 ��"�jIZ.UU 7• No match is required, however, a loca! contributio of $114,312 i necessary for compietion of the projed, 2• The fiscal integrity review was performed and no exceptions were noted. 3. Tha granfee is a governmenial entity, therefore, a financiai capability puestionnaire is not required. 4. AII financial/budget issues hrought to the attention of the program office prior to this final ciearance have been satisfactorily resolved. The detaii concerning their. clearance is confained in the application file that will be incorporated into the official grant fiie upon completion of processing. 5. A review of IFMIS revealed thaf the following Is correct for this applicant: Name: Si. Paui Police Department Address: 100 E. 11" St. St. Pau), Minnesota 55101 Vendor No: 416 005 521 Note: Use this identtflcation data on awafd doc. Iy� • , ' V.S. DEPARTMENT OF JQSTZCE AWARD _ 'y c.ro.�� OFFICE OF JVSTICE PROGRAMS � '� 3 ❑ OJP ❑ BJA ❑X QTSJP � GR7125 PaGE �_ OF �. 'rt ' ^ `�� ' ❑ HJS ❑ HIJ ❑ WC ❑X COOPERATZVE AGREII�SIT Cf�CA TP2ROPAZATE HOX 1. GRINfEE HAM"c AND ADDRE55 (ZacludiaQ Z3y Code) 6. A:VARD NVN.BER � Saint Paul Poliee DeDartment K�z Z 2��0� 100 Eae[ ilth Stzee[ Saint Paul, !LV 55101 5. PROJECT PEAIOD: FROM OS/OS/2000 1b 30/30/2001 BU➢GET PEAZOD: FAOM OS/O1/2000 TO 10/30/2001 ].1�. GRANTEE IRS/VERDOR NO. ' 6. AWTRD IL1TE: 7. AC.'i0N . .Tul 5 2000 a = � T � > . z. svscxaarree xana aem xnnxESS (xncivainQ zia coae> a. scmeL�xrr xm�Ex N/A ❑ SOPPLEMENTAL 2A. SVBGRANTEE IRS/VEADOR NO. 9. P��IOUS AW.IHD AMOIINT $ 0.00 3. PROSECT TITLE 10. AMOSSNT OF THIS AWTRD $ 217�501.00 Internet Crimas Aqainat Childsan Taak Fosea Ptoqsaa _ 11. TOTAL AW.IRD $ 317�501.00 12. SPECITL CONDITZONS (Chack, if aDDlicable) ❑X TFL AHOVE GA1fNT PAOJECT IS APPROVED SVBSECT TO SVCH CONDITIONS OA LIMITATIONS AS ARE SET FORTH ON THE ATTACH£D 2 PAGE(SJ. - 13. STATVTOAY AUTHORZTY FOR GRANP ❑ TITLE I OF Ti� Ot@iIBVS CAIME CONTROL AND SAFE STAE£TS ACT OF 1968. Q2 V.S.C. 3701, ET. SEq., AS AMENDED. ❑ TSTLE II OF TH£ JSIVEFILE NSTICE AND DELINpVENCY PREVENPION ACT OF 1994. d2 U.S.C. 5601� ET. SEQ., AS AMENDED ❑ VICTIMS OF CAIME ACT OF 198Q� Q2 U.S.C. 10601, ET. SEQ., PUBLIC LAW 96-4'/3, AS AMENDED. ❑X OTFiER (SDaeifyJ: Title rv oF tha JJDP Act of 19'/Q, as amended ld. FUTUA.. FZSCAL YETR(S) SVP20AT: SECOND YEAR•S HUDGET PERIOD: N/A AMOVNT OF FUNDS: N/A TYPE OF FVNDS: � TNSRD YEAA•5 HVDGE'i` PEAIOD: N/A AMOVNP OF FVI�iDS: N/A TY2E OF FVNDS: 15. METHOD OF PAYMENT THE GRANTEE WILL AECEIVE CASH VIA A LETTEA OF CAEDiT ❑ YES ❑ NO AGENCY A2PAOVAL � GRAAITEE ACCE2TANCE 16. TYPED NTAL TND TITLE OF APPROVING OJP OFFICIAL 18. TYPED 2LV°f"d AND TZTLE OF AVTHORZZED GRASI':£E OFFIC Mary Lou Leary Norm 8. Coleman Acting Asaistant A -�Genazal �ayo 19. SIGAATUR. OF ROVING OSP OFF CS 19 IG TURE OF TH ZZED GRANTEE 19.1. DATn � < I AGENCY V .. ONLY 20. CCOtRiTZNG CLASSIFICATION CODE 21. FZSGL FVND BUD. DZV. YEl+R CO➢E ACT. OFC. A£G. SVH. POMS X C MC 70 00 00 OJP FOAM 4000/Z (REV. 5-tl]) PR£VlOUS EDSTZONS ANY UnSpLaT�. V.S. DEPARTME.`IT' OF NSTICE OFFICE OF .NSTICE PAOGFUHS t � � 4 ♦ 1 n � J o. narn* . �� Iif1H8ER � pJp ❑ BJA ❑X Q7SDP ❑ HJS ❑ NIJ ❑ OVC CHEC% APPROPRIATE HOX 2000—MC—CX—K022 AWARD CONTINUATION SHEET bo Y].GE _3, OF ,i ❑ GRA.*IT �% COOPEFV.TZVE NAAD I1r:E Special Conditions l. The recipient agrees to comply with the financial and administrative requirements set forth in the current edition of the Office of Justice Programs (OJP) Financial Guide. 2. The recipient a�rees to comply with the organizational audit requirements of OMB Circular, A- 133, Audits of States, Local Govemments, and Non-Profit Organizations, as further described in OJP's Financial guide, Chapter 19. 3. The Project Director and key program personnel designated in the application shall be replaced only for compelling reasons and with the prior concurrence of the OJJDP. Approval of the successor shall be contingent upon submission of a resume and veri£ed statement of most recent salary. Changes in other program personnel require only notification to the OJJDP with the same documentation as for the Project Director unless othenvise designated in the award document. Prior approval is required for Advisory Board members and consultants used in the project. 4. The recipient acknowled�es that failure to submit an acceptable Equal Employment Opportunity Plan (if grantee is required to submit one pursuant to 28 CFR Section 42302), that is approved by the Office of Civil Rights, is a violation of its Certified Assurances and may result in the suspension of the drawdown of funds. 5. In instances which warrant compensation over the 5450 per day limitation, PRIOR WRITTEN APPROVAL by OJJDP must be obtained. Approval by OJJDP will require justiFication using market place guidance and appropriate documentation. The recipient agrees to comply with established OJP cons;::tant guidelines as set foRh in the OJP Financial Guide znd to support, through written documentation and records, atl daily rates approved for individua] consultants regardless of the amount of daily rate compensation. 6. The cuirent edition of the OJP Financial Guide provides guidance on allo�vable printing activities. In addition, the recipient must submit all reports and written products resulting from this award to OJJDP for review and comment prior to publishing. The recipient must submit to OJJDP for approval any reports or written products that the grantee will publish using grant funds. Any publication, report or other written product produced with grant funds must prominently display the OJ7DP logo on the cover pa�e. Progress Reports are due on fixed dates semiannually (July 30 and January 30) each year. The semiannual reports must cover grant related activity occuning during the six month periods of January 1 through June 30 and July 1 throu�h December 31. The initial repoR will cover the peried of time f*em the gran! award date to the end of the period of June or December. All subsequent reports will follow the semiannual reporting periods. OJP FORM Q000/2 (AEV• 5-87) PA£VZOUS EDITZONS ARE OBSOLET£. �. . . t ,� o.,. a' � � c ���rtznc< < �� xve�sx V.S. DEPAFtTMEtiT OF NSTICE OFFICE OF JUSTICE PROGAAHS ❑� ❑ e� o �.�P ❑ HJS ❑ NLJ ❑ OVC C�Cg A2PROPRIAT£ BOX 2000—MC—CX—K022 PAGE _� OF }_ AWARD CONTINUATION SHEET ❑ G.iA.YP ❑X COOPEAATLVE ).nnsv.F�• "'�"' �� Julv 5 , . 2000 S�ecial Conditions The grantee agrees to comply with the enclosed investigative and operational standards (Standards) as established by the ICAC Task Force Review Board (Board) and approved by OJJDP. The Standards were developed by the Board and OJJDP to foster information sharing, coordinate ICAC Task Force la�v enforcement activity, avoid redundant or disruption of ongoing investigations, ensure the probative quality of undercover operations, and facilitate interagency case referrals though the standardization of investigative practices. 9. STATEMENT OF FEDERAL INVOLVEMENT: The Office of 7uvenile 7ustice and Delinquency Prevention has elected to enter into a Cooperative Aereement rather than a grant with the Saint Paul Police Department. This decision reflects a strong mutual interest in the program, as well as the anticipated level of Federal involvement specified below. 10. 11. Prior to implementation, OJJDP must approve Board recommendations regardin� policy and proposed proactive (as defined by the Standards) undercover investigations that are carried out under the ICAC Task Force Program. As a mandatory requirement, the Saint Paul Police Department agrees to designate a speci5c individual to participate in the quarterly ICAC Task Force Board meetings. Expenses associated with participation in board meetings may be reimbursed using OIJDP grant fund,. GRANTEE'S ACCEPTANCE OF SPECIAL CONDITIONS � G�-� 1 Si�nature of Duly �� na�:,.:.,t Date OJP TORM 1000/2 (RE�1. 5-8"/) PREVIOUS EDITIONS ARE OBSOL£TE. Oo-J'o�- II.S. DEPARTMENT OF NSTZCE , ��,�=�., w^ GRANT MANAGER'S MEMORANDUM, PT. I: ` OFFICE OF NSTZCE PROGAAMS pROJECT SUMMARY 3 � n `2ancx i �ri ' � ❑ 0.TP ❑ BJA ❑X QTJDP � GAAN'l ❑X COOPERATIVL J.GFEQ�[iT ❑ H15 ❑ NZJ ❑ OVC PROJECT NO!�ER CHECX APPROPRZATE HOX 2000—MC—CX—K022 ❑ Thie yrojaet is auDDOZtad undar Titla I of the Oaaibus Crime Coatrol aad Safe Strae[e Aet, d2 � IISC 3701, as ameadad. �� � This Dsojact is suDDa=ted uadar the Juveaila Juet:ce aad DelinQUeney Pseveation Act oE 1974, as aaeaded. ❑X Other: Title IV o£ the JSDP Act of 1974, as ameaded 1. STTFF CONTACT (Name� addrase F teleDhona numbax) 2. PROJECT DIRECTOR (Naae, addzeae s CeleDboae uumbeiJ Michael Medaris De�is Jenaeu OJJDP "� Saint Paul Police DeDar[men[ 610 Seveath Straet NW 15 West Rellopg Soulevard Waehing[oa, DC 20531 Saint Paul, HIi 55102 (202)616-8937 (651)292-3733 3a. TITLE OF THE PROGRTM 3b. POMS CODE (SEE INSTRVCTIONS ON REVERSE) Internet Ccimes Aqainat Childzen Task Fomca Pioqiam 6. TITLE OF PROJECT Issternet Crimee Aqainst Children Taek Force Program 5. NAME 4 ADDRESS OF C.AAl1TEE 6. NAFSE & ADDRESS OF SVBGRANTEE Saint Paul Eolica Depaztmant N(A 100 East ilth Street Saint Paul� MN 55301 '/. PAOGRAIS PERZOD 8. BVDGET PERIOD FAOM: OS/OS/2000 TO: 10/30/20�1 FAOM: OS/O1/2000 TO: 10/30/2001 9. AMOUNP OF AWARD 10. DATE OF AW.1.RD $ zi�,soi.00 July 5, 2000 S1. SECOND YEAR'S HVDGET 12. SECOND YEAR'S BUDGET AMOSSNT I N1A N(A 13. THIRD YEhA'S HUDGET PERIOD 1Q. THIRD YEAR'S SVDGET AMOUNT N/A � N/A 15. SVFPIARY DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT (Sea Snstivction on reversa) I Usiap OJJDY Funds, tha Saint Paul Police DeDartmenG will establish a multiaqency, multidieciDli�ry zeeyoasa Co I ZCAC offeneea that ie comDOSed of federal� etate, md local law eu£orcement aqeaeiea avd child welfare � orqanizatione to: 1) coaduct reactive and Dioactiva ICAC inveatigatiosss; 2) devaloD a yzeveation education Droqras � Eeatuzing a wabai[e, Dolica acadamy voluntaere� and dis[ribution of the "Ctild On-Line Safety" videotaDe to i achools, libraries, ca61e and broadcast media, and com.aunity organizations; 3) eatabliah a case -anaqement sya[ea; � Q) davaloD etandardizad yrotocol £or interagency ze£ezrals; and 5) incraase forenaic and inveatigativa cayacity I Chrough tha acQUiai[ion o£ sDecialized [raining and eQUiyment. ca/ne£ I I l � � i OSP FOAM 6000/1 REV. 6-0tl) " Refurr�opy To: Police Dept. Acc ORIGIC Preseneed By: Council File # O O -Q"O �. Green Sheet# 107032 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA ±1•' Referred To: Committee:Date: 1 WHEREAS, the Samt Paul Police Department has received a$217,501 Intemet Crmies Agamt Children Task Force 2 grant from the U.S Department of Jusrice for the period May 1, 2000 through October 30, 2001; and 3 4 WEiEREAS, this grant will enable the Samt Paul Police Department to investigate mtemet crimes against children, 5 develop a prevenfion educafion pmgram, establish a case management system, develop standardized protocol for 6 mteragency referral and 'mvestigations, and 'mcrease forensic and investigative capacity by acquirmg specialized 7 equipment and trainwg; and 8 9 WHEREAS, the Samt Paul Police Department needs to establish a 2000 spend'mg and fmancmg plan for tivs grant; and 10 11 Wf3EREA5, The Maqor pursuant to Section 10.07.1 of the Charter of the City of Samt Paul, does certify that 12 there are available for appmpriation funds of $110,489 m escess of those estimated in the 2000 budget; and 13 14 WHEREAS, The Mayor recommends that the follo�ving addition be made to the 2000 budget: 15 16 CURRENT AMENDED 17 FINANCING PLAN: BUBGET CHANGES BUDGET 18 436 - Police Special Projects Fund 19 34056 - Internet Crimes Against Cluldren Grant 20 3099 - Other Federal Direct Grants m Aid - 110,489 110,489 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 SPENDING PLAN: 436 - Police Special Projects Fund 34056 - Internet Crimes Against Children Grant 011l - F�ll-Time Permanent 0219 - Fees-Other Professional Services 0221- Postage 0222 - Telephone-Monthly Charges 0228-Cellular Phones 0229 - Other Communications 0251 - Transportafion 0252 - Lodgu�g-Meals 0283 - Vehicle Lease 0255 - Dues 0298-Investigafions 0369 - Other-Office Supplies 0389 - Other-Miscellaneous Supplies 0439 - Fringe Benefits 0814 - Other-Office Equipment 0815 - Desks-Chairs-Tables 0851- Radio Equipment 0853 - Cameras 0856 - Data Processing Software 0857 - Data Processing Hardware - 11 ,4 11 ,4 - 30,846 30,846 - 1,550 I,550 - 396 396 - 1,743 1,743 - 542 542 - 70 70 - 5,250 5,250 - 11,282 11,282 - 2,150 2,150 - 200 200 - 14,630 14,630 - 850 850 - 5,506 5,506 8,637 8,637 - 600 600 - 9,037 9,037 - 1,600 1,600 - 1,000 1,000 - 2,000 Z,000 - 12,600 12,600 45 - 11 ,4 ,4 9 46 47 THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Cily Council accept this grant award, authorizes Chief William Finney 48 to enter into an agreement with the U.S. Department of Justice, and appmves the changes to the Z000 budget. Requested by Department of: Adopted by Council:Date: ���. (� , a.. �,� AdopHon Certified by Council Secretary: By: Approved by Mayor:Date: � B �!� 340561ntemetCrimesAgainstChiltlrenGrani.CR.99 I: /��////// • �� i �� ������ �����_'!. ..' ; �;�'J'� � By: by FSnancial Services Director: ,.- . or for Submissi �n to Council: � C-Y�ARTN�N7lOFFICElCOUNdL DATE INITIATED � PohceDepartment �isvoo GREEN SHEET No. 107032 COCITACT PE250N 8 PHONE �NRIAUDA INmauDATE CIl1CfFinnOy 292-3588 1 oernnrrarowECron 5 caiwoi �D —YQ MUST BE ON COUNqL AGENDA BY (DATE) ' Please process ASAP �a**o�� �� ❑2 �:�� ❑��,�� �YOR(OR0.SSSTAM� M �RIGH(5 TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 7 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACfION,REQUESTED / � Approval of the attached council resolution accepting a I�emet Crimes Against Children Grant from the U.S. Depazlment of Juslice, authorizuig Cluef Wiliiam Finney to enter into an agreement with the U.S. Department of Justice, and establishing a 2000 financing and spending plan for the giant. RECAMMENDATIONApprove(A)orReject�R) PERSONALSERVICECONTRACTSMUSTANSWERTHEFOLLOWINGQUESTIONS: � 1. Has this persoNfirtn ever Kwrked under a coritract for ihis departme�A? �PLANNINGCOMMISSION YES NO CIB COMMITTEE 2. Has this persc�rtn ever been a city employee? CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION YES NO 3 Ooes this perso�rtn possess a slall not normatly possessed 6y any curreM a[y employee� YES NO 4. Is ihis perso�rm a targeted vendoR YES P10 Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHY) The U. S. Department of Justice has awazded a$217,501 Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force grant to the Saint Paul Police Depariment for the period May 1, 2000 tUrough October 3Q Z001. This grant will enable the Saint Paul Police Department to investigate internet crimes against children, develop a prevention education program, establish a case management system, develop standardized protocol for interagency referral and investigaUons, and increase forensic and imestigaflve capacity by acquiring specialized eqi:ipment and training. (Attached is a copy of the grant awazd.) ADVANTAGES IF Af`PROVED In cases investigated by the Saint PauI Police, over 30,000 images have been rewvered as evidence from the computer systems of suspects arres[ed for having criminal sexual contac[. Acceptance of tkris giant will provide funds for salaries, training supplies, and equipment necessary for creating a multiyurisdictional task force that focuses on intemet ccimes a ainst children. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED None. ` ' U DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED Loss of grant funding to reduce internet crimes against children. A� G 1 4�QQ� �ou��e �e�e���n ` ��� CiTY ATTQ�t�IE� AU6 2 2 ��� TO7ALAMOUN70FTRANSACTION$ 110,489 COST/REVENUEBUDGEI'ED(CIRCLEONE) YES NO FUNDIt3G SOURCE Federal Grant ..... acnviTV tuumesrt " 34056 FINANCIAL INFORMATION (EXPLAIN) � 34056IntemetCrimesAgainstChildrenGrant.gr.00 / ri-2060 13�09 i ,%'� �. Memorandum � Page 1 of 7 ST PAUL MAYOR'S OFFICE :� ;s+* ��• i'- `� I :� l '.,,�< , �.._���,, P.10i14 O�,S � Subject Date: 72 June. 2doo ; Finai FnanclaUBudget Revlew on Application # 2000366&MN-MC St. Paul Pofice Department "Intemet Crlmes Against Chlldren" Michaei Medaris OJJDP Tom Jensen OC/FMD This financlai clearance supercedes the flnancial ciearance dated 18 May 2000. The Office of the Comptroller has reviewed the subject application for funding approval cosfs appear allowable, reasonable, and consistent with OffiCe of Jusfice Program regulations. AII required assurances and certifications were inctuded in tfie application package. BUDCaE7 �`L O. sG � M �-� LY /� <!4 PERSONNEL $193,402 ��3,351 .oa °1 C)�OSI.oU } FRINGE BENEFITS TRAVEL E4UI PMENT SUPPLIES CONTRACTUAL OTHER TOTAL DIRECT COST INDIRECT COST TOTAL PROJECT COST Fecieral Request Match ^<y7 507 � '114 372 52,105 14,410 0 3,600 7,860 60,436 $331.813 B 331 813 �'7,�syY o� �`t,4ia.�v 3,(ncopU 7 4S(oU AU C< c;, 43G . vc� a� a `i, zGf. UG G . ov G �V G-�G G.vU 11 ��"�jIZ.UU 7• No match is required, however, a loca! contributio of $114,312 i necessary for compietion of the projed, 2• The fiscal integrity review was performed and no exceptions were noted. 3. Tha granfee is a governmenial entity, therefore, a financiai capability puestionnaire is not required. 4. AII financial/budget issues hrought to the attention of the program office prior to this final ciearance have been satisfactorily resolved. The detaii concerning their. clearance is confained in the application file that will be incorporated into the official grant fiie upon completion of processing. 5. A review of IFMIS revealed thaf the following Is correct for this applicant: Name: Si. Paui Police Department Address: 100 E. 11" St. St. Pau), Minnesota 55101 Vendor No: 416 005 521 Note: Use this identtflcation data on awafd doc. Iy� • , ' V.S. DEPARTMENT OF JQSTZCE AWARD _ 'y c.ro.�� OFFICE OF JVSTICE PROGRAMS � '� 3 ❑ OJP ❑ BJA ❑X QTSJP � GR7125 PaGE �_ OF �. 'rt ' ^ `�� ' ❑ HJS ❑ HIJ ❑ WC ❑X COOPERATZVE AGREII�SIT Cf�CA TP2ROPAZATE HOX 1. GRINfEE HAM"c AND ADDRE55 (ZacludiaQ Z3y Code) 6. A:VARD NVN.BER � Saint Paul Poliee DeDartment K�z Z 2��0� 100 Eae[ ilth Stzee[ Saint Paul, !LV 55101 5. PROJECT PEAIOD: FROM OS/OS/2000 1b 30/30/2001 BU➢GET PEAZOD: FAOM OS/O1/2000 TO 10/30/2001 ].1�. GRANTEE IRS/VERDOR NO. ' 6. AWTRD IL1TE: 7. AC.'i0N . .Tul 5 2000 a = � T � > . z. svscxaarree xana aem xnnxESS (xncivainQ zia coae> a. scmeL�xrr xm�Ex N/A ❑ SOPPLEMENTAL 2A. SVBGRANTEE IRS/VEADOR NO. 9. P��IOUS AW.IHD AMOIINT $ 0.00 3. PROSECT TITLE 10. AMOSSNT OF THIS AWTRD $ 217�501.00 Internet Crimas Aqainat Childsan Taak Fosea Ptoqsaa _ 11. TOTAL AW.IRD $ 317�501.00 12. SPECITL CONDITZONS (Chack, if aDDlicable) ❑X TFL AHOVE GA1fNT PAOJECT IS APPROVED SVBSECT TO SVCH CONDITIONS OA LIMITATIONS AS ARE SET FORTH ON THE ATTACH£D 2 PAGE(SJ. - 13. STATVTOAY AUTHORZTY FOR GRANP ❑ TITLE I OF Ti� Ot@iIBVS CAIME CONTROL AND SAFE STAE£TS ACT OF 1968. Q2 V.S.C. 3701, ET. SEq., AS AMENDED. ❑ TSTLE II OF TH£ JSIVEFILE NSTICE AND DELINpVENCY PREVENPION ACT OF 1994. d2 U.S.C. 5601� ET. SEQ., AS AMENDED ❑ VICTIMS OF CAIME ACT OF 198Q� Q2 U.S.C. 10601, ET. SEQ., PUBLIC LAW 96-4'/3, AS AMENDED. ❑X OTFiER (SDaeifyJ: Title rv oF tha JJDP Act of 19'/Q, as amended ld. FUTUA.. FZSCAL YETR(S) SVP20AT: SECOND YEAR•S HUDGET PERIOD: N/A AMOVNT OF FUNDS: N/A TYPE OF FVNDS: � TNSRD YEAA•5 HVDGE'i` PEAIOD: N/A AMOVNP OF FVI�iDS: N/A TY2E OF FVNDS: 15. METHOD OF PAYMENT THE GRANTEE WILL AECEIVE CASH VIA A LETTEA OF CAEDiT ❑ YES ❑ NO AGENCY A2PAOVAL � GRAAITEE ACCE2TANCE 16. TYPED NTAL TND TITLE OF APPROVING OJP OFFICIAL 18. TYPED 2LV°f"d AND TZTLE OF AVTHORZZED GRASI':£E OFFIC Mary Lou Leary Norm 8. Coleman Acting Asaistant A -�Genazal �ayo 19. SIGAATUR. OF ROVING OSP OFF CS 19 IG TURE OF TH ZZED GRANTEE 19.1. DATn � < I AGENCY V .. ONLY 20. CCOtRiTZNG CLASSIFICATION CODE 21. FZSGL FVND BUD. DZV. YEl+R CO➢E ACT. OFC. A£G. SVH. POMS X C MC 70 00 00 OJP FOAM 4000/Z (REV. 5-tl]) PR£VlOUS EDSTZONS ANY UnSpLaT�. V.S. DEPARTME.`IT' OF NSTICE OFFICE OF .NSTICE PAOGFUHS t � � 4 ♦ 1 n � J o. narn* . �� Iif1H8ER � pJp ❑ BJA ❑X Q7SDP ❑ HJS ❑ NIJ ❑ OVC CHEC% APPROPRIATE HOX 2000—MC—CX—K022 AWARD CONTINUATION SHEET bo Y].GE _3, OF ,i ❑ GRA.*IT �% COOPEFV.TZVE NAAD I1r:E Special Conditions l. The recipient agrees to comply with the financial and administrative requirements set forth in the current edition of the Office of Justice Programs (OJP) Financial Guide. 2. The recipient a�rees to comply with the organizational audit requirements of OMB Circular, A- 133, Audits of States, Local Govemments, and Non-Profit Organizations, as further described in OJP's Financial guide, Chapter 19. 3. The Project Director and key program personnel designated in the application shall be replaced only for compelling reasons and with the prior concurrence of the OJJDP. Approval of the successor shall be contingent upon submission of a resume and veri£ed statement of most recent salary. Changes in other program personnel require only notification to the OJJDP with the same documentation as for the Project Director unless othenvise designated in the award document. Prior approval is required for Advisory Board members and consultants used in the project. 4. The recipient acknowled�es that failure to submit an acceptable Equal Employment Opportunity Plan (if grantee is required to submit one pursuant to 28 CFR Section 42302), that is approved by the Office of Civil Rights, is a violation of its Certified Assurances and may result in the suspension of the drawdown of funds. 5. In instances which warrant compensation over the 5450 per day limitation, PRIOR WRITTEN APPROVAL by OJJDP must be obtained. Approval by OJJDP will require justiFication using market place guidance and appropriate documentation. The recipient agrees to comply with established OJP cons;::tant guidelines as set foRh in the OJP Financial Guide znd to support, through written documentation and records, atl daily rates approved for individua] consultants regardless of the amount of daily rate compensation. 6. The cuirent edition of the OJP Financial Guide provides guidance on allo�vable printing activities. In addition, the recipient must submit all reports and written products resulting from this award to OJJDP for review and comment prior to publishing. The recipient must submit to OJJDP for approval any reports or written products that the grantee will publish using grant funds. Any publication, report or other written product produced with grant funds must prominently display the OJ7DP logo on the cover pa�e. Progress Reports are due on fixed dates semiannually (July 30 and January 30) each year. The semiannual reports must cover grant related activity occuning during the six month periods of January 1 through June 30 and July 1 throu�h December 31. The initial repoR will cover the peried of time f*em the gran! award date to the end of the period of June or December. All subsequent reports will follow the semiannual reporting periods. OJP FORM Q000/2 (AEV• 5-87) PA£VZOUS EDITZONS ARE OBSOLET£. �. . . t ,� o.,. a' � � c ���rtznc< < �� xve�sx V.S. DEPAFtTMEtiT OF NSTICE OFFICE OF JUSTICE PROGAAHS ❑� ❑ e� o �.�P ❑ HJS ❑ NLJ ❑ OVC C�Cg A2PROPRIAT£ BOX 2000—MC—CX—K022 PAGE _� OF }_ AWARD CONTINUATION SHEET ❑ G.iA.YP ❑X COOPEAATLVE ).nnsv.F�• "'�"' �� Julv 5 , . 2000 S�ecial Conditions The grantee agrees to comply with the enclosed investigative and operational standards (Standards) as established by the ICAC Task Force Review Board (Board) and approved by OJJDP. The Standards were developed by the Board and OJJDP to foster information sharing, coordinate ICAC Task Force la�v enforcement activity, avoid redundant or disruption of ongoing investigations, ensure the probative quality of undercover operations, and facilitate interagency case referrals though the standardization of investigative practices. 9. STATEMENT OF FEDERAL INVOLVEMENT: The Office of 7uvenile 7ustice and Delinquency Prevention has elected to enter into a Cooperative Aereement rather than a grant with the Saint Paul Police Department. This decision reflects a strong mutual interest in the program, as well as the anticipated level of Federal involvement specified below. 10. 11. Prior to implementation, OJJDP must approve Board recommendations regardin� policy and proposed proactive (as defined by the Standards) undercover investigations that are carried out under the ICAC Task Force Program. As a mandatory requirement, the Saint Paul Police Department agrees to designate a speci5c individual to participate in the quarterly ICAC Task Force Board meetings. Expenses associated with participation in board meetings may be reimbursed using OIJDP grant fund,. GRANTEE'S ACCEPTANCE OF SPECIAL CONDITIONS � G�-� 1 Si�nature of Duly �� na�:,.:.,t Date OJP TORM 1000/2 (RE�1. 5-8"/) PREVIOUS EDITIONS ARE OBSOL£TE. Oo-J'o�- II.S. DEPARTMENT OF NSTZCE , ��,�=�., w^ GRANT MANAGER'S MEMORANDUM, PT. I: ` OFFICE OF NSTZCE PROGAAMS pROJECT SUMMARY 3 � n `2ancx i �ri ' � ❑ 0.TP ❑ BJA ❑X QTJDP � GAAN'l ❑X COOPERATIVL J.GFEQ�[iT ❑ H15 ❑ NZJ ❑ OVC PROJECT NO!�ER CHECX APPROPRZATE HOX 2000—MC—CX—K022 ❑ Thie yrojaet is auDDOZtad undar Titla I of the Oaaibus Crime Coatrol aad Safe Strae[e Aet, d2 � IISC 3701, as ameadad. �� � This Dsojact is suDDa=ted uadar the Juveaila Juet:ce aad DelinQUeney Pseveation Act oE 1974, as aaeaded. ❑X Other: Title IV o£ the JSDP Act of 1974, as ameaded 1. STTFF CONTACT (Name� addrase F teleDhona numbax) 2. PROJECT DIRECTOR (Naae, addzeae s CeleDboae uumbeiJ Michael Medaris De�is Jenaeu OJJDP "� Saint Paul Police DeDar[men[ 610 Seveath Straet NW 15 West Rellopg Soulevard Waehing[oa, DC 20531 Saint Paul, HIi 55102 (202)616-8937 (651)292-3733 3a. TITLE OF THE PROGRTM 3b. POMS CODE (SEE INSTRVCTIONS ON REVERSE) Internet Ccimes Aqainat Childzen Task Fomca Pioqiam 6. TITLE OF PROJECT Issternet Crimee Aqainst Children Taek Force Program 5. NAME 4 ADDRESS OF C.AAl1TEE 6. NAFSE & ADDRESS OF SVBGRANTEE Saint Paul Eolica Depaztmant N(A 100 East ilth Street Saint Paul� MN 55301 '/. PAOGRAIS PERZOD 8. BVDGET PERIOD FAOM: OS/OS/2000 TO: 10/30/20�1 FAOM: OS/O1/2000 TO: 10/30/2001 9. AMOUNP OF AWARD 10. DATE OF AW.1.RD $ zi�,soi.00 July 5, 2000 S1. SECOND YEAR'S HVDGET 12. SECOND YEAR'S BUDGET AMOSSNT I N1A N(A 13. THIRD YEhA'S HUDGET PERIOD 1Q. THIRD YEAR'S SVDGET AMOUNT N/A � N/A 15. SVFPIARY DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT (Sea Snstivction on reversa) I Usiap OJJDY Funds, tha Saint Paul Police DeDartmenG will establish a multiaqency, multidieciDli�ry zeeyoasa Co I ZCAC offeneea that ie comDOSed of federal� etate, md local law eu£orcement aqeaeiea avd child welfare � orqanizatione to: 1) coaduct reactive and Dioactiva ICAC inveatigatiosss; 2) devaloD a yzeveation education Droqras � Eeatuzing a wabai[e, Dolica acadamy voluntaere� and dis[ribution of the "Ctild On-Line Safety" videotaDe to i achools, libraries, ca61e and broadcast media, and com.aunity organizations; 3) eatabliah a case -anaqement sya[ea; � Q) davaloD etandardizad yrotocol £or interagency ze£ezrals; and 5) incraase forenaic and inveatigativa cayacity I Chrough tha acQUiai[ion o£ sDecialized [raining and eQUiyment. ca/ne£ I I l � � i OSP FOAM 6000/1 REV. 6-0tl)