276042 WHITE - CITV CLERK �; 1 (� PINK - FINANCE COIIRCSI } / CANARV - DEPARTMENT TY OF SAINT PAITL File NO. ����J� BLUE - MAVOR il Resolution Presen Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Resolved, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul, upon the recommnendation of the Mayor and the adnice of the Long-Range Capital Improvement Budget Cammnittee, that the 1979 Capital Improvement Budget, as heretofore adopted by this Council, is hereby amended in the following particulars: AI�NDMENTS 3'O 1979 CIB Current Amended 1�LSA Funding Appropriation Change Appropriation S-12 South Robert Street Viaduct Walls 379.500 -329,500 50,000 And be it further resolved that the appropriation of $50,000. is for design plans and specifications. � � . :-_ ,: �: :; ,. .. �OI/Bnt�ei-/3,,��� . �.. - �iu.•e�' ` - - ' � -�-i O TO FUNDING: / APP OVED: � � Bernar J. Carlso , D' rector of F&MS chard Schroeder, Budget Director COUNCILME Requested by Department of: Y ea s l�ld�dv� N ays � Tedesco ) Public Works (GKS)� Hunt In Favor McMahon l� Showalter __ Against BY Levine � 4i��].c�tz ,- By Adopted b ouncil- Date aEC 9 ��O Form pprov tt ney' � � Cert ed Yas• by Cou . Sectvetar By "' App e by Ylavor: Dat � , Ap o e y yor u i BY - - BY �i3��1S��D G E C 2 � 1960 ok�e 11_?.a ,. _ _ �. . C.�ITY OF �.A.II`*T'� �P.���JL ,���i,�,r�, �.-�: -� ,.s�,�, ,� ;�, OFFIC� OF THE CZTY COUNCZL j .. �_ `� ✓ . . �� '�i��.ii� .� k�, `�r.tV�; ' . ..a_a f�: �;;,. ��;� Da t E> ; December 5, 1980 -�:;; -�. C � � � ���� � � � � � �� TO : Saint Pouf City Counci! F R O M � Commit#ee Cd11 FiNANCE, MANAGEMENT & PERSONNEL George Mc^lahon , c�airmpn, makes the fiollowing report on C.F. � Orc#inancE (9) CXw] Rgsolution � �thzt' T !`�'LE : � At its meeting of December 4, 1980, ihe Finance Committee recommended approval of the following: � 1. Resolution approving transfer of $7,J38. for fencing at Frosoerity Park. . \ 2. Resolution amending 1979 Capital Improvement Budget for S-12 Soqth Robert Street Viaduct Walls project. (11533-GM) 3. Resolution amending Section 16.E of the Civil Service Rwles. concerning Voluntary Reduction. (11538-G�9) � .- � 4. Resolution amending Section 17.B of the Civil Service Rules concerning Transfers. (11539-GM) . 5. Resolution approving 1980 Agreements between ISD #625 and the Electrieian, . Pipefitters, Plumbers and Sheet Meta1 Worker Locals. (11540-GM) - 6. Resolution amending Section 18 of the Civil Service Rules concerning transfer or reduction because of disability due to sickness or injury. (11541-GM) - 7. Resolution approving Agreement between the City, ISD #625 and the Minnesota -. Teamsters Public and Law Enforcement Employees Union Local #320. (11542-GP1) 8. Resolution approving issuance of $7 million tax exempt mortgage note by the Port Authority to finance construction of Holiday Inn to be located at T-94, McKnight Road and Suburban Avenue by Battle Creek Hotel Associates. (11544-GM) 9. Resolution approving issuance of $2,500,000 tax exemot mortga�e note to finance construction of Office/Office-Services facilities in� Riverview Industrial Park for l�infield Developments Inc. (11545-GM) CITY ciAI.L SEVE�ITH FLOOR S.4INT P:1UL, tiiINNrSOTA S�IO2 . :_s<. ., � . . �y . WHITE - CITY CLERK a f^+ � ' A PINK - FINANCE �'���(j� CANARY - DEPARTMENT COU[ICII . ���t� � BLUE - MAYOR G I T Y O F S A I N T PA U L ��le N O. � City Attny/JTH • • Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, Pursuant to Resolution Council File No. 274899, adopted May 8, 1980, the Mayor in cooperation with the District Heating Development Company, Inc. , prepared a request for and solicited proposals for underwriting services in connection with the Saint Paul District Heating Project; and WHEREAS, The proposal of E. F. Hutton & Company, Inc. , best � met the requirements of the request for proposals and there has been presented to this meeting an Investment Banking Services Agreement between that Company and District Heating Development Company, Inc. , for the provision of underwriting services; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED By the Council of the City of Saint Paul that the proper City officers are hereby authorized to execute on behalf of the City a consent to said Investment Banking Services Agreement; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the retainer of the firm of Briggs & M�organ by District Heating Development Company, Inc. , is hereby consented to upon terms acceptable to the City Attorney. t COUIVCILME[V uestgd by D rtment Yeas Nays � Hunt Levine In FBVOc �� JMcMahon sr,owaite� A gai nst BY Tedesco � �EC g lggp Form Ap y City A orn Adopt by Council� Date / rtified Pas• by ouncil Secretary BY App v y .Nayor: Dat � 1 1 1960 Appro y Mayoc for bmi s�ion to Council gy By ;�i,�t?�iu�o r;;:C 2 � 1980 EF Hutton & Company Inc. Member New York Stock Exchange ���*�-r� � One Battery Park Plaza C�H��O� New York, New York 10004 Telephone(212)742-5000 October 17 , 1980 Mr. William M. Mahlum Commerce Building 9th Floor St. Paul, Minn 55101 Dear Bill: Enclosed are five Investment Banking Services Agreements which have now been signed by both Hans Hyman and Scott Pierce. As I mentioned to you on the phone, Page 8, the ratification of the Port Authority, was replaced with slightly modified language after Hans signed but before Scott signed. As we discussed, I think the best procedure from here will be for you to procure the Mayor' s signature and then forward these five contracts to Warren Preeshl in time for him to have the Port Authority sign at their October 28th meeting. With best regards, Steve Lynch enclosed �' ��� � G% - cc: Warren Preeshl ,���.�r�Z��� 1��,�i�G�G� � � �5 /rd � , �Aa�dZ G���'4�� C iY G�Q. �$"y��_-'�'�x } �t�• �i ra }�u t& i`"q'��i�,�°� ���P �'" F 1�-����t� . 'ifi �+a+ �".�. 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' .�] Ordinance (5) [�X Resolution � Other T t'f LE : At its meeting of December 4, 1980, the Finance Committee recommended approval of the following: 10. Resolution authorizing and directing City Officials to execute an AgrAement with ISD #625 for purchase of playqround equipment for Parkway Elementary School Playground. (11543-GP1) 11 . Resolution transferring $17,250 from Workers' Compensation Account to the Tort Liability Account. 12. Resolution approving transfer of surplus funds from CD Year I Block 35 and Hammond School site projects to CD Year I Contingency and approving increase of $1 ,000 to CD Year III North End I�ulti-Service Center project. 13. Resolution appointing Bond Underwriter and Bond Counsel for District Heating Project. l4. Resolution authorizing proper City Officials to enter into a p�!rchase � agreement for the purchase of property for Burns Avenue Park. CIT'Y H�1LL SEVE?�iTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL. 1tINtiESOT4 S�IQ2 . �.,.