276041 WHITE - C�TV CLERK Community . PINK - FINANCE Development C�UIICll r/'�y@�' , /�r CANARV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT ��PAUL � File NO. '�" ��� a•-� BLUE - MAVOR o ncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, that upon the recommendation of the Mayor, the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby approve the following transfer of Community Development Block Grant Year I and III funds; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the budgets provided by the City to the Housing and Redevelopment Authority for implementation of a portion of the City's Coriununity Development Year I Program is hereby revised as indicated below: CD Year I Current Increase Revised Bud et Decrease Budget 1/029 Block 35 403,356 (5,133) 398,223 1/031A Hammond School Site 969,966 (17,317) 952,649 1/099 Acquisition, Disposition, Closeout Fund 9,133 22,450 31,583 YEAR I TOTALS 1,382,455 -0- 1,382,455 CD Year III 3/14 North End Multi-Service Center - Construction 1,353,096 1,000 1,354,096 3/99 Unspecified Contingency 27,920 1,000 26,920 YEAR III TOTALS 1,381,016 -0- 1,381,016 APPROV D AS UNDING: APPROVED: �G ' �. Bernard J. rlson, Director i d E. Schr eder m i s et Director COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � Hunt PED Communit Develo ment Division �evine In Favor ^ rn�� � `��4,,1J Mci�ahon _ __ Against By - �Q�e; St►awaFter fiedesco QEC 9 1980 Form Appro by City ttorn Ad� by Counc� : Date ertified Pas�d�by C ncil Secretary BY � By � � � DEC � � �gg� Ap ov by Mayor for sion to Council 61p r v by Nlavor: D B _ — By pi�iis�� ;L C 2 � 1980 .; , :'�. ,�. ��'.�'Y O.�' i?�.��i`.�' �i`�.�J�.. ��V��3`E� �p i •�� ��� 'r OFk�ICE OF THE GITY COUi�7CZL ,'�' �,~ ' • a ��' " 'v ''' . �;,-�.;,.�:� �: :,- �,�;I;...�.,�,,... i=: :�:.,.4x�c,�,. �`. Z`- - -- �� Da t e ; December 5, 198J �.� _ :� CO � �i ���'� � � � PQ '�! � TO : Saint Pau1 Ci�� Councii , . F�� � � COCXtt't'!l�f�d O n FINAP�CE, b1A��AGE��IFMT & PERSONNEL r - George McMahon , choirman, makes the fot towing � report on C. F. � _[� Ordinance (5� Q Resolution � Other TlTLE : �--�-__: - At its meeting of December 4, 1980, iche Finance Committee recommended approval of the following: � 10. Resolution authorizing and directing City Officials to execute an Agreement with ISD #625 for purchase of playground equipment for Parkway Elementary School Playground. (11543-Gh1) 11 . Resolution transferring $17,250 from Workers' Compensation Account to the 7ort Liability Account. ` 12. Resolution a rovin transfer of s r pp g u plus funds from CD Year I Block 35 and Ha�rrnond School site projects to CD Year I Contingency and approving increase of �1 ,000 to CD Year III North End _Plulti-Service Center project. 13. Resolution appointing Bond Underwriter and Bond Counsel for District Heating Project. , 14. Resolution authorizing proper City Officials to enter into a purchase agreement for the purchase of property for Burns Avenue Park. CITY HAI.L SEVEVTH FLOOR S:�INT PAUL, l�fIitti£SOTA S�IO2 . .�., !' � o�: � ����� �, . ���I��'�, Rev.� 9/ / 6 �: /��,►��!�.. ,��:�. , fXPLANATi�t;:�3�_�INiSTRATI�E .E�RI�ERS, ` — R �: � , � �...� ��%�`�✓ �A`4`�" . , � ' � �r�'J� ': .. _ : � f�ate: �t►ve�r 12, 1980 ; r _ �,�;�.(�J '�-., I ,' - Tb: MAYf1R G QRGE LATIMER �►�'i��� � 1�'��, - : : � FR: MR. WILLIAM Q. :PATTDN �1� ' : ��� - " . ; ttE: BUD6rET �Nt�N'f'S IN Cp YE�RS � AND' I I I ' : �.' ° , �� �_�� � � � �. �� : r �� , . . �� : ;���� � ,� �. � � , . ��'�'����F A�TIfJ{V �f�ESTED� ��'��� ' rE 7 � . . . - . . ' . - �� � . a �� A�raval and sign�ture of pr�pc�sed res�lutian � : � . , . �' ti �, t : : : � : . >; � : , . ..y, _ , � * : f: :: ; :; :, :F�tf�S� ANt� RAT�OI�ALE fOR fiHIS ACTION: Rppr�rr�l:�f t�is resoi.u�ion wiil allow. ,�. � �� � � � � � � � � � �� - t�e ��n�fer of surplus funds from-the CD Year I B�a��k 35 °a�id ;: . . . � , ' . ��nd �o+�l site_ pro�eets.t� the C0 Ye�r I Eont�r�ge�cy : h. i .. , , _ _ - afn �ncr�ase` af $I,,OOO t+� t#�e CD .Year IIT `ldor�h ��dFM��t�=�er�ric� ��er_ > ��' �. , �. :pra�ect,t� cover the. cost •a� sta�te ;�eal�h �nadifi�a���ons artd fina�t ; : : ` . , _ .� ,: � -., f�i��ctj�� ca�ts. ATTRCt�IE�ITS: : Propflsecl resol�tian : _ ` Y,�; ; � - : _ ; , - . ` `: . . - � � . � . ' . . � . . � .i . F', , . . .. - . . ' � � .. .. . . � � . F .. - . . {