276039 WHITE - CITY CLERK PINK - FINANCE -e•�� � ' CANARY - DEPARTMENT COUIICII I� �' BLUE - MAYOR G I T Y O F S A I N T PA LT L File N O. �� '�-� o ncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, that upon recommendation of the Mayor and pursuant to Section 10.07.4 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul , there is hereby transferred the following in the 1980 budget: From: General Government Accounts Contingent Reserve - General 09060-536-000 Transfer or Contribution to Budget Fund 7,038 To: Department of Community Services Division of Parks and Recreation Recreation Progra�ning 03170-329-000 Repair Maintenance, etc. $7,038 Approved as to Funding: Approv�d: � , � ; ��� � �, , �����. Dir. , Dept. of F nce Mgmt. Services Wdget Director �'GZsn �Z/2��! COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requestgd by Department of: Hunt � Corr�nuni ty Servi ces Levine [n Favor AA�. �.,v McMahon !7 snowa�ter - __ Against Tedesco Wil�► �C 9 �g80 Form Approved Ci Att ey Adopt y Counc� : Date — rtified Y• • d by C cil Secretar BY -�EC 1 � 198n Approved ay for Submis on t Ap by :Vlayor: D — {l�— By — BY ���rs�� �,� � Z � �s�o �St��9 OM O 1: l2/].97 5 Rev. : 9/8/76 . EXPLANATION OF ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS, RESOLIJTIONS, AND OitDINANCES ' Date: December 2, 1980 TO: MAYOR GEORGE LATIMER FR: Thomas J. Kelley ! � RE: l � Cauncil Resolutian apprauing txansfer of fur�ds to provide fencing at Prosperity Park ACTION REQtTESTED: Approval of Cauncil Resolution PURPOSE AND RATICNALE' FOR TSIS ACTION: Fencing is necessary as an emergency measure t�o pre�ent unruW yaung adults from gaining aocess to Pr�perity Park throutjh neighbors' yards. ATTACBMENTS: Council Resolution Memo fram Robert P.�am to Richard Schroeder . �+,�� ;������_y�:� :;� - , . ��-��.�� CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTERDEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM December 2, 1980 TO: Dick Schroeder FROM: Robert P am SUBJECT: Fencing for Prosperity Park Attached please find a copy of an estimate for fencing on the east and south sides of Prosperity Park. As you are well aware, we have had problems with beer parties and teenagers who misuse the park for years. They have been gaining access to the park by cutting thraugh the yards of hcm�s on Kennard Street. In addition, �ae have received many complaints frc�nn ar�a residents asking us to do some- thing about the problem. We agree with the neighbors that the best solution is to erect a 6-foot fence along the ba.ck yard lines on Kennard Street. The cost of this fencing is estimated at $7038. In order to accomplish this, I am requesting that you transfer this amount fram the contingent account 03170-329-092. Upon yaur approval of this request and transfer, we will umlediately order the w�rk to proceed. R.P.P. cc: George McMahon Thomas J. Kelley John L. Ricci :cm ,,_. _ . ,lC3TY O�' i�.�.��I�T'I'' �.[��TI. ������ r, r ;� � • OFFICE OF THE CiTY CflIIN�Ti� �`.;,*� � ,;�:,.. ' .,. ..�...�.� ; � �"'Y,�,:,' � � a;.,, ���`�� Do t e . December 5, 1980 �� ✓ C O l�i tt� l�°T� � R � �' � ��' TO : Saini Paul Cit� Council FROI�A � Committee Ofil FiNANCE, MANAGEMENT & PERSONNEL George Mch1ahon , chairman, makes the fotiowing report on GF. ❑ Ordinance - _ _ (g) X� Resolution � c�th�r T 1�'LE : . .__ At its meeting of December 4, 1980, the Finance Committee recommended approval � of the following: � --_- 1 . Resolution approving transfer of $7,�38 for fencing at Prosoerity Park. 2. Resolution amending 1979 Capital Improvement Budget for S-12 So�th Robert Street Viaduct Walls project. (11533-GM) . 3. Resolution amending Section 16.E of the Civil Ser.vice Rules -cflncerning Vol untary Reducti on. (11538-GP�1) . -�.� � � 4. Resolution amending Section 17.B of the Civil Service Rules concerning Transfers. (11539-GM) . 5. Resolution approving 1980 Agreements between ISD #625 and the Electrician, Pipefitters, Plumbers and Sheet Metal Worker Locals. (11540-GM) � . 6. Resolution amending. Section 18 of the Civil Service Rules concerning transfer;'_'' ` or reduction because of disability due to sickness or injury. (11541-GM) 7. Resolution approving Agreement between the City, ISD #625 and the Minnesota -, Teamsters Public and Law Enforcement Employees Union Local #320. (11542-Gh1) 8. Resolution approving issuance of $7 million tax exempt mortgage note by the Port Authority to finance construction of Holiday Inn to be located at I-94, McKnight Road and Suburban Avenue by Battle Creek Notel Associates. (11544-GM) 9. Resolution approving issuance of $2,500,OJ0 tax exemat mortga�e note to finance construction of Office/Office-Services facilities in Riverview Industrial Park for Winfield Developments Inc. (11545-GM) CITY iiA.L.L SEVE�ITH FLOOR SAINT P�UL, tii4N�irSOTA 5�102 . � '��'h. i . . . ,.� :.f' _7