276038 WHITE - CITY CLERK � -� � PINK - FINANCE CANARY - DEPARTMENT COUt1C1I . . � ��a,�y BLUE - MAYOR G I T Y O F S A I N T PA U L File N O. � C u ci Resol tion Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, That the report of the Valuation Engineer, a copy of which is attached and incorporated herein by reference, which increases asse8sment rates for Storm and Relief Sewer projects to reflect construction cost increases and the increased benefit to property owners, that is, from 2G per square foot for one and two family dwellings and 5�� per square foot for all other types of property, to 2� and 6� respectively, is hereby approved for all sub3ect type projects passed by Final Order after January 1, 1981. COUNCILMEN Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt � Finan & M S rvices-Assmts & Valuations Levine y In Favor i�adtlmc" �, McMahon B �,�i�� __ Against — Tedesco Ylfilww DEC g 19Rn Form Approved b ity tor y Adopte y Council• Date — C tified Y•: by C ncil Secretary BY A r v by 1�layor: Dat _ �� � i�BQ Approved b�� or r Submissi to Council B ^I � ��.�,�- y 1Cf_�,->; f``�i�� r`�i_._, 2 n �;iC3iJ , -2- Residential (1 and 2 Family Dwelling� 2� per square foot Multi-Unit Residential, 6� per squa.re foot Commercial & Industrial (which includes all property other than 1 and 2 family dwellings) The proposed increa.se in assessment rates would raise the assessment on a one or two family dwelling unit on an average si.zed lot (64'x120') from $144 to �1$0 and raise the assessment for a commercial property of the same size from 37g to $�+68. I do hereby request your fhvorable approva.l of this report. 1 f ' �� JWD�PFD�dm \' Approved Bernard J. Carlson, Director Finance and Management Serv3ces . �, : I' OM Ol: I2/1975 ' .�.,.. � y � I', Rev.: 9/8/76 I��, �+��7.1�8 � � � y It' PLAIVATIOPI OF AOMINISTRATIVE Oi�DERS'� ' �BLt�'t'i�A�',�O��A��—� �; � �F�,� .:: C } E I V � °� ,�'a ��� •i C. �o�.A�i�F �'26 � Qate: November 18, 1980 Mn.'3 i O��Q�.�F�,y 1_p�,_ � ,��,� �� _ ����'S iAfw1i �GF�T��i,�,�,c T0: MAYOR 6EORGE LATIMfR � Fi�T i,,�, TO � S�q,� ,p FR: J. Wm. Donovan, Valuation Engineer �G(�` il � ��C�'s through B. J. Carlson, Director , R�� PROPOSEA INCREASE IN ASSESSMENT RATES FOR STORM RELIE�F SEWER SYSTEliS � . � . . �i ACTION REQUESTED: '; __ - �, Apprmtal of the attached Council Resolutioa proposing �to increase Stors 8ewer A�sesament Rates. , . � .. _ - P'1RPOSE AWD RATIQAIRLE fOR TNIS ACTION: I'�� , _ _ _ __ _. . - Actual costa have increased by approximately 23X since�,the laat rate ad�ustment which was made on January 1, 1978. Approva]� will maintain a relationship between the asseasmenta end constructiot� costa. � I� I ' III I AiTACHMENTS: . Report of Valuation Engineer Council Resolation i �!