00-801�RIGINAL Retum Copy 70: Police Dept. Accounting Presented By: Refened To: RESOLUTION CPTY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Ca,��;��e# oo-eoi Green Sheet # 107043 Committee:Date: aq 1 2 R'HEREAS, the Saint Panl Po&ce Department has been awarded a$215,000 Mmnesata Cities Grant from the 3 Minnesota Department of Economic Security for the period July 1, 2000 through Jnne 30, 2001; and 4 5 WHEREAS, tLis grant will pmvide fuads for curfew enforcement, truancy prevention, and pretrial diversion 6 programs for Saint Paul youth; and 7 8 THEREFORE BE TT 1tESOL�'ED, that the City Council accepts this grant and authorizes Chief William Finney to 9 enter into agreements with the Minnesota Department of Economic Security and Saiut Paul Public Schools. 10 ll 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 Adopted by Council:Date: �� � a a o Adopt9on Certified by Council Secretazy: r B Appi B Requested by Department of: Poli B � Appr al Recommende by F1'nancial Services Director: < BY� !� m- For ^, ed b Ci A BY� SLT/..--�- /�'� � - — — — — — — -- BY= to council: minnckiesgren200-07.cr.00 _ � , DEPARTMENT/OFFICEfCOUNCIL DATEINITWTED r���ce���i s�uoo GREEN SHEET No. 107043 CA�t.�GYP6 N P O INfII/1VDA7E INRIAVDATE ChiefFinney 292-3588 1 DEPARiNFMpRECfOR 5 cawa� MlSST B ON COUNCVL AGENDA BY (DATEy 0���' PleaseprocessASAP 3�rnra,ronrav �rnrc�nK �FNANtlI1L5pMC6 �FNCNtl4L5ERVlACCi6 � + PwTOR(ORA556TAM� �WGHTS L�i l'OTAL # OF SfGNATURE PAGES (CL1P ALL LOCATiONS FOR SIGNATURE) CTION REQUESlED Approval of the attached Council Resolution accepting a Miunesota Cities Grant from the Minnesota Department of Economic Security for July 1, 2000 through June 30, 2001, and authorizing the Saint Paul Police Departrnent to enter into agreements with the Minnesota Department of Economic Security and Saint Paul Public Schools. RECOMMENOATION AppfOVe (A) O( RCJeCt (R� PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST pNSWER THE FOLI�WING QUESTfONS: 7. Has ihis person�rm ever worked under a contract for this department? PLANNING COMMISSION YES NO CIB COMMITTEE 2. Has this perso�rtn ever been a city empioyee? CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION YES No 3. Does this person/firtn possess a sidll not normally possessed 6y any current ciry employee? YES NO 4. Is fhis persoNfmm a targeted vendoR YES NO Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM ISSUE, OPPOR7UN17Y (WHO, WHA7, WHEN, WHERE, WHY) The Saint Paul Police Deparhment has been awarded a$215,000 Minnesota Cities Grant Program for the period July 1, 2000 through June 3q 2001. This grant provides funds for curfew enforcement, truancy prevention, and pretrial diversion pmgrams for youth in Saint Paul. (Attached is a copy of the grant agreement.) ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED The Minuesota Cifies Grant Program will provide funds for curfew enforcement, trnancy prevention, and pretrial diversion for Saint Paul youth. DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED None. � DISADVANTAGES iF NOT APPROVED _ . � - — I.oss of grant fuudii�g to identify, counsei and prevent truant smdents. AU G O 9 20QQ C�� Rssearch Cen�4�.Y ATTORNEY AI�G 1 °� ���Q TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACf10N $ 2I 5,000.00 COSTIREVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ON� YES NO FUNDING SOURCE IVIIDIICSOk1 CItrPS GCdIIt acrnnn n�unneert °' `� 34156 FINANCIAL INFORMATION (EXPLAIN) mim�citiesgant00-01.gs.00 � r � � � �. F,Y x � VENDOR NUMBER fl FUND U1 L_ APPROP 08J sos GRANT/SESA ID # AGENCY ORG. B21 0000 CFDA# AMOUNT SU8 ORG. �� DOCUMENT NUMBER(S.) 00-�01 wa il � 2� STATE OF MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC SECURITY/ WORKFORCE SERVICES BRANCH MINNESOTA CITY GRANTS PROGRAM Funding Source: MN City Grants Grant AgreemenUSESA I.D. Number: 90713 This grant agreement, which shall be interpreted pursuant to the laws of the State of Minnesoia, between the State of Minnesota, acting through its Department of Economic Security (DES), Workforce Services Branch (WSB), (hereinafter the DEPARTMENT), and City of St. Paul St. Paul Police Department 100 East 11 t " Street St. Paul, MN 55101 Social Security or Federal ldentification Number: Minnesota State Tax ldentification Number: (Hereinafter GRANTEE) WITNESSETH: 41-600-5521 000-802-509 WHEREAS, The DEPARTMENT has been authorized by the Minnesota Legisiature to make grants t� cities of the first cfass and f� cities that are cn�tiguous to cities of the first class in Greater Minnesota pursuant to the Laws of Minnesota, 1997 chapter 239, Article {, Section i7 to provide programs and services in the GRANTEE's city; and WHEREAS, the DEPARTMENT has authority pursuant to Minnesota Statute 268.0122 to enter into agreements to provide employment and training services, and WHEREAS, the GRANTEE represents that is dufy qualified to perform the duties undertaken by it under this grant agreement; and, WHEREAS, the GRANTEE understands and accepts the terms and conditions of this agreement as specified below. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and of the representations made therein, the parties agr2e that: I. The foregoing recitals are made a part hereof as though set forth in full and in detail herein. II. Pro ram: The GRANTEE shali implement the Work Plan and Budget hereto attached as Exhibit A and B, respectively, which is incorporated into this grant agreement. 7 � 04— �' 0 � � � Iil� � Duties and Pavment: GRANTEE shall perform all the services enumerated in Paragraph II. above and shall be reimbursed for its expenses in providing these services, provided that the total obligation of the DEPARTMEiJT for a{{ reimbursement to GRANTEE shall not exceed 215 000. These funds are to be expended in the cost categories and amounts shown in the Sudget, Exhibit B. which is attached hereto, incorporated by reference herein and made a part hereof. The DEPARTMENT shall not be responsible to reimburse GRANTEE for its payments or liability to the Unempioyment Compensation Fund as a reimbursing employer aftertermination of GRANTEE's participation in programs under the Act or for any liabil+ty accrued thereunder before the effective date of this Grant. IV. Term of Grant: This grant agreement shall be efFective on July 1. 2000 or upon such date as it is executed as to encumbrance by the Commissioner of the Department of Economic Security, whichever occurs later, and shail remain in effect until June 30. 2001. V. Canceilation: This grant agreement may be cancefed by the DEPARTMENT at any time, with or without cause, by giving written notice to the GRANTEE. In the event of such cancellation without cause, GRANTEE shali be entitled to payment, determined on a pro rata basis, for work or services satisfactorily performed. GRANTEE acknowledges that funds to finance this grant are to be obtained by the DEPAR7MENT through a specific legislative act. lf at any time such funds become unavailable underthe Act this grant agreement shall be terminated immediately upon written notice of such fact by the DEPARTMENT to GRANTEE. In the event of such termination, GRANTEE shail be entitled to reimbursement, determined on a pro rata basis, for services satisfactorily performed. In the event of canceilation for cause, including but not limited to failure to comply with the provisions of the grant agreement, failure to make timely progress in delivering required services, or use of grant funds for purposes other than those specifically identified in the grant agreement, the DEPARTMENT may take any actions it deems necessary to protect the interests ofi the State of Minnesota, including but not {imited to the refusa4 to disburse additional funds pending a determination of the DEPARTMENT's right to set-off, and requiring the return of all or part of the funds aiready disbursed. This grant agreement may be canceled by the GRANTEE at any time, with or without cause, upon thirty (30) days written notice to the DEPARTMEN7. Such written notice of cancellation must inciude proposed terms forthe discontinuation of GRANTEE's services and an estimated final invoice fior work or services performed. The DEPARTMENT may reject or accept in whole or in part GRANTEE's proposed terms for discontinuing services and GRANTEE's estimated final invoice, and shail notify GRANTEE of its decision within (5) business days of receipt of GRANTEE's cancellation notice. � In the event of any cancellation under this provision, GRANTEE shall cooperate fully with the DEPARTMENT and help facilitate any transition for the provision of services by a different vendor. Failure io cooperate with or withhofding any information or records requested by the DEPARTMENT or a different vendor that impairs in any way the transition of the provision of services shall constitute a material breach of this grant agreement, subjecting GRANTEE to liability for all damages incurred by the DEPARTMENT resulting from such breach. VI. Re9uest for Payment: Requests for cash advances shall be made by GRANTEE to the DEPARTMENT on the DEPARTMENT's Form No DJT-1864. Payments shall be made by the , 00 -t� 1 � , DEPARTMENTassoonaspracticableafterGRANTEE'spresentationoftheRequestforCash. The fact of payment of any i!em shall not preclude the DEPARTMENT from questioning the propriety of any item. Vll. Purchase of Furniture and Eauipment: GRANTEE shali not purchase furniture or other equipment without the prior written approval of the DEPARTMENT. Vlll. Reaavment of Funds: The DEPARTMENT reserves the right fo offset any over-payment or disaliowance of any item or items under this grant by reducing future payments requested by GRANTEE. This clause shail not be construed to bar any other legal remedies the DEPARTMENT may have to recover funds expended by GRANTEE for disaliowed costs. IX. GRANTEE Reports: GRANTEE agrees to provide the DEPARTMENT with such progress reports as the DEPARTMENT shall from time to time require including, but not limited to, the following: a. Quarterly Financiai Status Report (FSR) due by the 20th day following the end of each quarter. b. Quarteriy Progress Report due by the 20th day following the end of each quarter. The DEPARTMENT shall withhold funding if reporting requirements are not met in a complete, accurate and timely manner. , X. Monitorinp and Corrective Action: GRANTEE agrees to permit monitoring by the DEPARTMENT to determine grant agreement performance and compliance with grant provisions. GRA(V7EE further agrees to cooperate with the DEPARTMENT in pertorming and completing such monitoring activities and GRANTEE agrees to implement and comply with such remedial action as is proposed by the DEPARTMENT. XI. Liabilit : GRANTEE agrees to indemnify and save and hold the DEPARTMENT, its agents and employees harmless from any and all claims or causes of action, inciuding attorney's fees, arising from the performance of this Grant by GRANTEE, its agents, officers and employees. Nothing nerein shali constitute a waiver by thc GRANTEE or th� DEPAPTMENT of any statutory or common law limits of liability, defenses, or immunities. Xii. Special Adm+nistrative Provisions Required Under the Act: GRANTEE agrees to administer the program in accordance with the Act, as amended, the regulations and guidelines promulgated thereunder. GRANTEE also agrees to comply with other applicable Federai and State laws. In the event that these laws, regulations or policies are amended at any time during the term of this Agreement, the GRANTEE shalf comply with such amended laws, regulations or guidelines. A. Records/Audits: GRANTEE agrees to use such fiscal, audit and accounting procedures as may be necessary to assure and promote sound financial management, including effective internal controls. The Secretary of Labor, the Comptroller General of the United States and the DEPARTMENT, or a designated representative, shall have access to and the right to examine for audit purposes or otherwise, any books, documents, �apers er records of GRANTEE. The books, records, documents and accounting procedures and practices of the GRANTEE relevant to this grant agreement are also subject to examination by the DEPARTMENT and the legislative auditor of the State of Minnesota. GRANTEE agrees to fuAy cooperate in any such examination and/or audit and to have said 00 -F'O� , � r, audits carried out in accordance with Grant Audit Requirements, which is in Chapter 509 of the MDES Policies anc; Procedures Manual and hereby incorporated by reference and made a part hereof. A!{ records pertaining to this grant agreement shail be retained by the GRANTEE for a period of at least three years after the expiration of the term of this grant agreement, or on completion of an audit, if one has been commenced within three years, whichever period is longer. B. Proaram Standards: GRANTEE agreesto complywith OMB C+rcular Numbers A-21, A-87, A-1 i 0, A-122, A-133, the OMB "Common Rule° (as codified at 29 CFR 97), and ASMB C- 10 (Imp{ementation Guide for OMB Circular A-87), as these circular are applicable and as they relate to the utilization of funds, the operation of programs and the maintenance of records, books, accounts and other documents under the Act, as amended. Under the Cost Principles Circulars (A-21, A-87, or A-122), common orjoint costs charged to grants must be based upon written cost allocation plans. C. Non-Discrimination Statement: The GRANTEE will comply with Federal, State, and local faws prohibiting discrimination, including but not limited to: i. The Workforce Investment Act of 1998 (29 CFR. Part 371, Section 188, which prohibits discrimination under any W IA Title I program/actiwty funded in whole or in part with W IA funds because of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, political affiliation or belief, and against beneficiaries on the basis of either citizenship/status as a lawfiully admitted immigrant authorized to work in the United States or participation in any W IA Title { program or activity. ii. The Civil Riphts Act of 1964 (42 USC 2000d) as amended bv the Eaual Emplovment Opqortunitv Act of 1972, which prohibits discrimination on grounds of race, color or national origin, and applies to any program or activity receiving fiederal financiai aid, and to all employers, including State and local governments, public and private employment agencies, and labor organizations. iii, The Rehabi{itation Act of 1973 (29 USC 7941, as amended, which prohibits discrimination on the basis of handicap in all federally-funded programs. iv. The Aae Discrimination Act of 1975 (42 USC 6101), as amended, which prohibits unreasonable discrimination on the basis of age in programs or activities receiving federal financial assistance. v. The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (42 USC 121011, as amended, which prohibits discrimination on the basis of physical, sensory, or mental disability or impairment. D. Affirmative Action: (If applicable), GRANTEE certifies that it has received a Certificate of Compliance from the Commissioner ofi Human Rights pursuant to Minnesota Statues, Section 363.073. E. W orkers' Compensat+on: {n accordance with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes Section 176.182, the State affirms that GRANTEE has provided acceptable evidence of compliance � 00 -t-o� � � � with the workers' compensation insurance coverage requirement of Minnesota Statues Section 176.181, Subdivision 2. F. Relocation Assisiance: GRANTEE agrees to comp{y with the requirements of the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Reai Property Acquisitions Act of 1970 (Public taw 91-646) which provides for fiair and equitable treatment of persons displaced as a result of federa{ or federaily assisted programs. G. Church/State Separation: GRANTEE agrees that program participants shali not be emp(oyed in the construction, operafion or maintenance of that part of any facility which is used for re(igious instructions or worship. GRANTEE further agrees that no funds shali be expended for sectarian workshop, instruction, or proselytization. H. DATA PRACTICES: The GRANTEE understands and agrees that it shall be bound by the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act (Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 13), and that it shall inform program applicants that the DEPARTMENT may share applicant data with other agencies foreligibility and program evafuation purposes. GRANTEE shall incorporate into the form used to provide applicants' an explanation of their right under the Minnesota Data Practices Act clauses contained in the DEPAR7MENT'S "DATA USES INCLUSfON REQUIREMENTS" �Attachment 1). !. Druq Free Workplace: GRANTEE agrees to make a good faith effort to maintain a drug free workplace through implementation of the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988. Xiil. Workforce Center Listina: GRANTEE shall list any job vacancy in its personnel complement with the nearest Minnesota Job Service Office as soon as it occurs. XIV. Voter Repistration: GRANTEE shail provide non-partisan voter registration services and assistance, using forms provided by the Secretary of State, to employees of GRAiVTEE, program participants and the public as required by Minnesota Statutes, 1987 Supplement, Section 201.162 (1988). XV. Assianment: The GRANTEE shall neither assign nor transfer a� �y rights cr obliga:icns under thisgrantagreementwithoutpriorwrittenconsentoftheDEPARTMENT. Theprovisionsofthis grant agrsement applicable to the GRANTEE shall also be applicable to subgrants made by the GRANTEE from f�nds obtained under this grant agreement, XVI. Modifications: Any modifications to this grant agreement shall be in writing and shall be executed by the same parties who executed the original grant agreement, or their successors in office. XVII. Debarment and Suspension Certification: (If applicable) The GRANTEE agrees to follow the PresidenYs Executive Order 12549 and the implementing regulation "Nonprocurement Debarment and Suspension; Notice and Final Rule and Interim Final Rule," found in Federal Register Vol. 53, No. 102, May 26, 1988, including Appendix B, "Certification Regarding Debarment, Suspension, lneligib+(ity and Voluntary Exclusion - Lower Tier Covered Transactions"; un4ess excluded by law �r regulation. XVIII. Lobbyina Certification and Disciosure: (1f applicable) The GRAN7EE shal! comply with lnterim Final Rule, New Restrictions on Lobbying, found in �ederal Register Vol. 55, No. 38, February 26, 1990, and any permanent rules that are adopted in place of the Interim Rule. The Interim ao-d . Final Rule requires the GRANTEE to certify as to their fobbying activity. The Interim Final Rule implements Section 319 of Public Law � 0� -i 21, which generafly prohibits recipients of Federa{ contracts, grants and loans from using appropriated funds for lobbying the Executive or Legislative Branches of the Federai Government in connection with a specific contract, grant or loan. X{X. GRANTEE agrees to identify the DEPARTMENT as a source of funding in any and all printed materials prepared by the GRANTEE. XX. GrantAqreementCfose-out:TheGRANTEEagreestosubmitafinalquarterlyFinancialStatus Report (FSR) and a payment for the balance of any unspent and unobligated grantfunds to the DEPARTMENT within 45 days after the end of the term of this grant agreement. Accompanying the final FSR shall be a iisting of any continuing liabilities on the grant, if applicable. Failure to submit a final FSR within this period may result in disallowance of payment for any expenditures not previously submitted. The GRANTEE agrees io submit a revised finai FSR to the DEPARTMENT if any additional funds must be returned to the DEPARTMENT after grant agreement closeout. XXI. Jurisdiction and Venue: This grant agreement, and any amendments and suppiements thereto, shall be governed by the taws of the State of Minnesota. Venue for all legal praceedings arising out of this award, or breach thereof, sha{I be in the State or �ederal Court with competent jurisdiction in Ramsey Couniy, Minnesota. r ? ` � . Oe -�D� IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this Grant (No. 90713} to be duly executed intending to be bound thereby. APPROVED APPROVED FOR City of St. Paul St Paul Police Department : FOR The Department of Economic Securitv- (Name of D te Agency) Workforce Services Sranch: B� . By: Y Title: ��� Date: � - a.� FOR THE GRANTEE`: 3� T+tle: Date: * if a corporation, two corporate officers must execute. � i�- Title: Director Program Support Services Date: 7 ,� ATTACHMENT 1 �_�� DATA USES tNCLUSION . REQUIREMENTS 1, Program information A - To help us decide whether you are eligible for the program and wbat other senrices you may need. ,, ��� ���n To Use Ir We may use it to prePare req���d �po�, conduct B. n't S_s�.r--- ro ram is helping you- audits, review eligibility and to find out how tfie P S • '• wth staft, allowed by law, who C. ' artment of Economic Security: �eed qt to do their jobs in: the Minriesota Dep the United Statea DePa�enta of Healtfi and Human Serv�c�.o � W � � and Urban Development and Agriculture. We may community based agencies. {ocae a� h h �p yo� erv�ce agencies, educational programs and other ag D. � � u* Provide This Inf.�� You are not required by law to provide this information. If you choose not to provide this info no be able may not know �n+hether you are elig�ble for the Rrogram and may to help you• Providing false information can lead to removal frcm the program• �I. Wage Detaii Files We may also use information from wage records kept by the Minnesota Department of Econom9c Security to help us evaluate the program. III. Social Security Numbers You do not have to provide a Social Security Numba� t° � e��9�b�e for our programs. Federai Pnvacy Act and Freedom of Information A uter matches, p � O 9ram i v e nd improvements, W d audFts e�t for comp `� � �. . Oo-r'o 1 , MINNESOTA CITY CRAI�TS PROGRAM The Minnesota Department of Economic Securiry ���� �, gpplication Gover Sheet MNTaacID#`r 0080 FederalEmployerID# 41-6005521 I certify that the information contained herein is true and accuraCe to the best of my kno�vledge and that I submit this appli �on on behalf of the applicant. Date: � �� �� Signature: �"""'�— \ ` Tide: � � � � ` � Page 6 .�-.G..�..,,� jQA1ViEOFPROJEGT: Ramsev County � f °s� m�^^ cy Diversion Project — ,4 � 0o—f0� ._ .. = w. _. , . -w - „ . ` ;,_PROJECT SUMMAl2Yf00 Ol_ _ ..; � : __ . ; � � _` The Minnesota City Grants Program assists the City of Saint Paul expand curfew enforcement, truancy prevention, and pretrial diversion prograins through direct funding from the Grartt, and an additional $300,000 in grants and in-kind services that aze leveraged by the Minnesota Ciry Cnants funding. Then central player in this process is the Ramsey County Truancy and Curfew Collaborative (RCTCC). The Collaborative is beginning its seventh yeaz of collaboration. Members include: law enforcement agencies of St. Paul and the municipalities located within Ramsey County, all school districts located within Ramsey County, St. Paul Youth Services,l�3orthwest Youth & Family Services, St. Paul Parks and Recreation Department, and Ramsey County Community Conections, Human Services, County Attorney and Sheriffs Department. The Mission of RCTCC is: "To reduce and prevent truancy and curfew violations in Ramsey County through a county-wide collaborative: RCTCC focuses on the outcomes of: 1) Decreasing truancy and curfew violations in Ramsey County; 2) Involving families and communities in promoting the values of education, responsibility and logical consequences; 3) Decreasing juvenile victimization and juvenile crime; and, 4) Working collaboratively, effectively and efficiently with stakeholders throughout Ramsey County, with a focus on the balanced participation of both suburban and urban communities. The RCTCC continues to serve youth who are truant from school and those who are violating curfew. These two populations are at risk of being involved with criminal behavior while truant and violating curfew, and are also at risk of being victims of crime themselves -- particularly curfew violators. The goals of the RCTCC are to provide logical consequences to these youth, to connect youth and their families to appropriate services, and to reduce both the criminal behavior and the risk of victimization. Sic�nificant Issues / Chanees: 1. The new Truancy and Curfew Center located in the new Ramsey Gounty Juvenile and Family Justice Center will officially open in late July 2000. 2. The second phase evaluation by Wilder Research Center resulted in: . Development of the Youth Risk Assessment ScreeninQ Tool (YRAST). Developed by Wilder Research from an analysis of the extensive data collected in our evaluation process resulted in a screening tool which facilitates targeting our limited intervention resources. • Beginning in 2000-01, an agreement with the Ramsey County Attorney's Office will refer all curfew violators who score in the 12isk Poo12 on the YRAST to Diversion services. • Follow-up services for both truancy and curfew violators are being redesigned to address the need of the increasingly difficult clientele identified in our evaluations, reflected in increased recidivism, and in a low rate of connection to foilow-up services. Governance: The RCTCC is governed by iYs Executive Committee, consisting of Family Service, Inc., Maplewood Police, Northwest Youth & Family Services, Ramsey County Attorney's Office, City of St. Paul Minnesota City Grants Program 2000-01 2 ao -P'ot Ramsey County Coaections Department, Ramsey County Community Human Services, Ramsey County Sheriff's Department, Roseville Schools, St. Paul Police, St. Paul Schools, and St. Paul Youth Services. It meets on a monthly basis. Services: Our Truaucy and Curfew operations have been located in sepazate facilities due to space 1'unitations. They will merge into one center in July 2000, as construction is completed on the Ramsey County Juvenile and Family Justice Center, which will house the RCTCC. Different members of the RCTCC manage the Truancy and Curfew Center operations. Management of the Truancy Center is provided through a contract with the St. Paul Public Schools. St. Paul Youth Services contracts for on-site youth counselors that provide cultutally appropriate counseling, referral, and family outreach. Truancy sweeps are conducted periodically to augment truants picked up by patrol officers. Pazents or family members can "retrieve" truants from the center. A youth that is truant is picked up and brought to the Center for an interview and a brief assessment to determine the reason they are truant. The studenYs school and parents are contacted. A Risk Assessment Screening is completed to determine appropriate follow-up. In addition, The Youth Service Bureau provides a truancy prevention program in three targeted middle schools on the East Side of St. Paul. The Truancy Center served 1293 truant students this past yeaz (see enclosed report). Youth violating curfew are taken to the curfew center. The Curfew Center is open Wednesday through Saturday nights, the peak time for curfew. violations. The Ramsey County Sheriffs Department provides a deputy for on-site management of the curfew center, and a contract between RCTCC and Northwest Youth & Family Services provides for two youth counselors for on-site counseling, risk assessment, and referral. Violators are brought to the Center where an intake interview is conducted, and a Risk Assessment Screening is completed to determine appropriate follow-up services. Those youth determined to be at risk for further violations are referred to Diversion services located throughout the county. Pretrial Diversion services are specifically targeted under the grant to St. Paul youth through programmang at St. Paul Youth Services. In addition, Night Moves, a program of St. Paui Parks and Recreation provides culturally diverse educational and recreational progratmning for repeat curfew violators. The curfew center served approximatel ��1110 juveniles this past year. Evaluation: The Wilder Research Center has conducted evaluations of RCTCC programs. Initial evaluations reflected a high degree of service satisfaction reported by youth and parents, and that detention at the curfew and truancy centers seemed to be a successful deterrent to repeat curfew and truancy offenses. The most recent Evaluation (June 1999) is attached. It has led the Bxecutive Committee to extensive on-going discussion and planning to address recommendations in the Evaluation. • Development of the new Youth Risk Assessment Screening Tool (YRAST). Designed to highlight appropriate follow-up services and target our limited resources, it has been used in an extensive trial during this yeaz. Outcomes are not yet available. • Structural changes to our program are needed to address the intensity and design of follow-up services. Planning is proceeding, and we anticipate implementing new Curfew and Truancy follow-up services by September 2000. City of St. Paul Minnesota City Grants Program 2000-01 �. rt , . Oo -Fa� An evaluation plan focused on Foliow-up services is P�ulation Served Youth who violate the city and county's curfew ordinance. Services Provided Manage and staff a curfew violation center from Wednesday through Sahuday nights. Provide information to all law enforcement agencies in Ramsey County on the services and procedures of the curfew center. Notify parents of their youth at the curfew center. Conduct interviews and a brief assessment with youth. Provide pazents(guardians of youth with information and referrals to communiry agencies. Provide follow-up calls to pazents for the purpose of evaluating effectiveness and addressing needs for further referral of. resources Staf�ng Patterns The Ramsey County Sheriffs Department prodides a Ramsey County Sheriffs Deputy to provide on-site management at the curfew center when it is open. Northwest Youth & Family Services provides youth counselors at the curfew center on a nightly basis. Off-duty officers from St. Paui and suburban agencies are contracted to work both enforcement and Center security during open hours. St. Paul Police provide transport for pick-up of those curfew violators who may be apprehended a distance from the Curfew Center. Law Enforcement Agencies can inform the deputy of their need for transport and the curfew center can arrange for pick-up of youth violating cuxfew. The pick up area includes Ramsey County municipalities outside of St. Paul if the local law enforcement agency has formally agreed to the service with the St. Paul Ctuef of Police. This necessary component of the program is to ensure that no municipality or area of the county is without police protection while the curfew violator is being transported to the center. In addition, off-duty police officers pick up youth and bring them to the center and curfew sweeps are conducted on a regular basis Proeram Structure Curfew violators are brought to the curfew center and intake procedures are activated. The youth's history with Ramsey County is checked. The youth is searched so that no one will be at risk while the parendguardian is contacted. While waiting for pick-up, the youth is counseled. Follow-up calls to parents provide the opportunity to assess the effectiveness of the center and to provide additional encouragement, support and referral. Beginning in 200-01, those youth identified as appropriate on the YRAST will be referred for Diversion service. City of St. Paul Minnesota City Grants Program 2000-01 4 . b �0—d"01 5 n ��: 4_. ... _,.. � ,. .- .�x-� .., �.. , . _ RCT`GG _Truancy �e,nfer Sery�ces2000 01 __._- . . ��� �,�. - :.»,_.��.. Population Served Youth who are absent from school due to truancy. Services Provided Manage and staff a truancy center that is open weekdays during school hours. Provide information to ail schools throughout St. Paul and Ramsey County and to all St. Paul and Ramsey County Law Enforcement agencies about the services and procedures of the truancy center. Notify pazents of their youth at the truancy center. Conduct interviews and a brief assessment with youth. Provide educational activities geared toward academics and the prevention of truant behavior. Provide information and referrals to community agencies to parents/guardians of youth. Provide follow-up calls to schools and to pazents for the purpose of getting the youth back in school, evaluating effectiveness, and addressing needs for fiirther referral of resources Staffins Patterns The St. Paul Schooi District provides a teacher and an educational assistant to provide on-site management at the Center. The St. Paul Youth Service Bureau provides counselors for intake, counseling and referral services. Law enforcement pick up youth that are truant and bring them into the center. St. Paul Police assign three officers to provide truancy enforcement, and truancy sweeps occur on a periodic basis in both St. Paul and suburban azeas. Pro�ram Structure The Truancy center operates between 7:30 and 430 Monday through Friday. A law enforcement officer brings truancy violators to the Truancy Center. Youth younger than 12 are immediately brought to their school. Those verified to be 16 or older are released as per Minnesota Statute. Each youth's history of truancy is checked, the youth is interviewed and a Risk Assessment (YRAST) is completed. The youth's school and parents aze contacted. Parents are requested to come to the Center for a meeting and release. Follow-up calls to parents provide the opportunity to assess the effectiveness of the center and to provide additional encouragement, support and referral. City of St. Paui Minnesota City Grants Program 2000-01 5 ac -�o� Pretrial Diversion Program Update Project Summary for 2000 - 01 Po ulation Served Youth who have been anested for a second curfew violation are served by this portion of our project. Services provided Educational Gzoup — a group for youth arrested for curfew violation and their pazents is provided monthly. This group emphasizes the risk of criminal involvement and victimization for youth that are out after curfew. Youth and parents may be refened to other Diversion program Groups including Anger Management, Chemical Awareness, Property Offense Awareness, or to a group offered in the Hmong Language. Community Service — youth are assigned community service hours. St. Paul youth Services maintains relationships with over 80 groups/organizations who supervise community service projects. The average number of hours assigned for a second curfew violation is 10. StaffinL Pattern A total of 3.5 FTE staff provides diversion services at St. Paul Youth Services. Curfew violation cases aze referred to any one of these staff primarily based in neighborhoods (staff work out of neighborhood offices on the East Side, West Side and North End of St. Paul) and language (services aze available in Spanish and Hmong as well as English). Pr ogram Structure The St. Paul Police Department, Ramsey County Community Corrections, and the Ramsey County Curfew Center refer youth for curfew diversion. Youth and families must attend on educational seminaz and youth must complete community service hours in order to avoid having the case petitioned to juvenile court. 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City of St. Paul ALLOWABLE ACTIVITY: Truancy Prevention Programs SALARY Title and Name POSI7ION(S TOTAL COST .5 FTE TeacherlCounselor $ 22.000 1 FTE Ed. Assistant $ 21,000 TOTAL SAIARY $ 43,OQ�0 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS (itemize) Fringe @ 31% $13,300 TOTAL $ 13,300 CONTRACTED SERVICES (Itemizej Project Consultant TOTAL $ 31,000 EMPLOYEE IN-STATE TRAVEL (mileage may not exceed .27 per mile) TOTAL City of St. Paui Minnesota City Grants Program 2000-01 18 0 0 -8`0� SUPPLIES, PHONE, POSTAGE, PRINT, COPY (Itemize) Supplies $ 300 Phone, postage $ 100 Printing $ 90Q TOTAL $ 1,300 EQUIPMENT (itemize) TOTAL INDIRECT COST* (May not exceed �ve percent of amount requested) TOTAL OTHER EXPENSES (Itemize) TOTAL GR+4ND TOTAL�FQR THISALLOWABl.E Must�match total on forms;la d 4 aCqvity�` $ 88,600 �- f ?�. �'�r : x#. r�`' �su.�S w �rr"��'�''� .,'�'^�:...,_�;::� m�i"�'f�a��°s,.. <; � p ,� , _�`� "�i.� �s�s City of St. Paul Minnesota City Grants Program 2000-01 �y oe -to� BUDGET JUSTIFICATION � FORM 5 Piease provide a brief justification for the budget items requested on FORM 5. Include an explanation of how costs were determined. If you are appiying in more than one ailowabie activity, please us a se arate form for each activi . APPLICANT: City of St. Paul ALLOWABLE ACTIVITY: CurPew, Counseling and Referral Services SALARY Title and Name POSITION(S) TOTAL COST TOTAL SALARY EMPLOYEE BENEFITS (itemize) TOTAL CONTRACTED SERVICES (Itemize) Off Duty Officers $ 14,525 Supervision $ 3,400 TOTAL $ 17,925 EMPLOYEE IN-STATE TRAVEL (mileage may not exceed .325 per mile) TOTAL City of St. Paul Minnesota City Grants Program 2000-01 20 '' " Oo to� City of St, Paul Minnesota City Grants Program 2000-01 Z� � BUDGET JUSTiFICATION 00 -Po � FORM 5 Piease provide a brief justification for the budget items requested on FORM 5. Include an explanation of how costs were determined. If you are applying in more allowable activity, please us a separate form for each activi . APPLICANT: City of St. Paul ALLOWABLE ACTIVITY: Pretrial Diversion Programs SALARY Title and Name POSITIOIV(S) TOTAL COST Diversion Counselor .68 FTE $ 17,000 TOTAL SALARY $ 17,000 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS (itemize) Health Insurance Retirement Plan Payroll Taxes Unemployment comp Worker's Comp • Professional Liability TOTAL $ 3,740 CONTRACTED SERVICES (Itemize) Computer Software (data base) Computer Hardware Interpreters Payroll Service TOTAL $ 500 EMPLOYEE IN-STATE TRAVEL (mileage may not exceed .325 per mile) In State Travel Parking TOTAL $ 180 City of St. Paul Minnesota City Grants Program 2000-01 22 oo-d�o� SUPPLIES, PHONE, POSTAGE, PRINT, COPY (Itemize) Office Suppiies Program Supplies Telephone Postage TOTAL $ 650 EQUIPMENT (itemize) Computers / Printers Copier Postage Machine Repair and Maintenance TOTAL $ 440 INDIRECT COST* (May not exceed five percent of amount requested) 5% of Budget TOTAL $ 1,190 OTHER EXPENSES (Itemize) Occupancy $ 900 Staff Development $ 250 Insurance $ 150 TOTAL $ 1,300 GRANQ TOTAL FO�t THTS �LLOWABLE #� , pCTI�`� $ � Must tmatch�total on��o�r�is�^a�d �`��,far�lt�„�a���v,dy� 25,000 n S .-:.a,�w:��,� � City of St. Paul Minnesota City Grants Program 2000-01 23 oo- �n � BUDGET 7USTIEICATION FORM 5 Please provide a brief justification for the budget items requested on FORM 5. Include an explanation of fiow costs were determined. If you are aQplying in more than one allowable activity, please us a se arate form for each activi . APPLICANT: City of St. Paul ALLOWABLE ACTIVITY: In Schooi 7ruancy Prevention SALARY Titie and Name POSITION(S) TOTAL COST Truancy Prevention 1.76 FTE $ 44,000 Counselors TOTAL SALARY $ 44,000 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS (itemize) Health Insurance Retirement Plan Payroll Taxes Unemployment comp Worker's Comp • Professional Liability TOTAL $ 9,680 CONTRACTED SERVICES (Itemize) Computer Software (data base) Computer Hardware Interpreters Payrolt Service " TOTAL $ 1,500 EMPLOYEE IN-STATE TRAVEL (mileage may not eacceed .325 per mile) I� State Travel Parking TOTAL � 500 City of St. Paui Minnesota City Grants Program 2000-01 24 Do -�\ City of St. Paul Minnesota City Grants Program 2000-01 25 00 -d BUDGET JUSTIFICATION FORM 5 Please provide a brief justification for the budget items requested on FORM 5. Include an explanation of how costs were determined. If you are applying in more than one aflowable activity, please us a se arate form for each activi . APPLICANT: City of St. Paul ALLOWABLE ACTIVITY: Curfew, Counseling Services (Night Moves) SALARY Tit1e and Name POSITION(S) TOTAL COST Program Assistants 6 x$15/hr x 4 hours x 14 days $ 5,040 Activity Instructors 18 x$12/hr x 2 hours x 14 days $ 6,048 TOTAL SALARY $ 11,088 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS (itemize) Part-time Staff: $11,088 x 18% $ 1,996 TOTAL $ 1,996 CONTRACTED SERVICES (Itemize) TOTAL EMPLOYEE IN-STATE TRAVEL (mileage may not exceed .325 per mile) TOTAL City of St. Paul Minnesota City Grants Program 2000-01 26 oo- F-o 1 City of St. Paui Minnesota City Grants Program 2000-01 27 , � Youth Risk Assessment Screening Tool 1. Have you had contact with the police? 'How old Yes & 13 No, or were you the first time? or younger = Ov 13 oo—�-a�. � Ramsey County Truancy & Curfew Center Youth Date of Birth: Completed Truancy Date: Purpose: The Youth Risk Assessment Screening Tool identifies those youth most likely to benefit from Early , Intervention efforts. It is one source of information to be used in conjunction with other information and professional judgement when making decisions on fuRher assessment and/or service. Instructions for use: Complete the questions below using infortnation obtained through a youth interview and other sources. Answer the questions with the best information available. Circle the best answer, and enter the numerical score for each question. Then total the score, and consider the Guidelines betow. Risk Item Values ScorE 2. Do you currentiy live with both parents? 3. Are you having any problems at home now? 4. Do you get along well with your parents? 5. Are there any adults you trust enough to talk wrth ahout thinas that are imqortant to you? No = 1 Yes = 1 No = 1 No = 1 6. Have you ever been at the Curfew Ce�ter I Yes = 1 before, or been picked up for a curfew violation? � R 8. Other Offenses on Tag 9. Current or Previous Probation Officer? Yes = 1 Yes = 1 Yes = 0 No = 0 Yes = 0 Yes = 0 Ne = 0 V� ,. °?�„ Female = I NQ = 0 No = 0 Intervention Guidelines: Risk Pool 1= 0— 3(focus on during time at Center onty) Risk Pooi 2= 4— 6(focus of Early Intervention efforts) Risk Pooi 3= 7+(refer for broader system intervention) Total Score L� YRAST Truancy Fortn - 9/99 , �, 0 oa— P�o \. Youth Risk Assessment Screening Tool � Ramsey County �+u �ew Truancy & Curfew Center Youth Date of Completed by: Date: Purpose: The Youth Risk Assessment Sc2ening Tool identifies those youth most likely to benefit from Early Intervention efforts. It is one source of infocmation to be used in conjunction with other information and professional judgement when making decisions on further assessment and/or service. Instructions for use: Complete the questions below using information obtained through a youth interview and other sources. Answer the questions with the best information available. Circle the best answer, and enter the numericaf score for each question. Then totat the score, and consider the Guideiines below. Risk Item Values Score 1. Have you had previous contact with the police? How ofd were you the first time? 2. Are you currently living with both parents? 3. Are you having any problems at home now? 4. Do you get along well wiih your parents? 5. Are there any adults you trust enough to talk with about things that are important to you? 6. Has youth ever been at the Curfew Center hefnrc nf hPAf1 fli(:I(P.(I I1D f0� 9 CUf�FBW VIOI 8. Other Offenses on Tag �r at time of incident 10. Prior Felony Offense? Yes & 13 No, or or younger = Over 13 2 =0 No = 1 Yes = 0 Yes = 1 No = 0 No = 1 No = 1 �: ; sa; ; uE Yes = 1 Male = 1 Yes = 1 Yes = 1 Yes = 1 Yes = 0 Yes=O � „;. ? �' ��.��' ,�:`„ No = � Female = 0 No = 0 No = 0 No=O �� Intervention Guidelines: Risk Pool 1= 0— 3(focus on during time at Center only) Risk Pool 2= 4— 6(focus of Early Intervention efforts) Risk Pool 3= 7+(refer for broader system intervention) Total Score �� YRAST Curfew Fortn - 9/99 � x �j l• i � i�eael/ Cow►t�i Tn�ancy i� Curfew Center A conumxJtr bokLil afhr ym#h Ramsey County Truancy Center 494 S�ley Streec, Second Floor Saint Patil, MN 55101-2340 (651) 29a8369 • F� (651) 29o-7o7s � Sairlt Pauf Pu6tic Schoo/s a.staere <[�isirs , " � _ � ' � 1 • • a i � 11 �� " ydents �(�.Q.Q �ass,�c.9 Tofc-1'99-'OQ t�' •/Dav j{�og..�.Q ,�une_99 Tata7'94-'DO Males 14 26 ' 8�# r.. # DAyS 4 9 � }7�: -;. '"-�`�"� �:' # Truants 17 52 -r°iZ43:`` Ferxales 3 26 -"-:- �?!:&__�=,.- - : - - _ Tatels 17 52 ;�°"3Z9��>;=. Totals I.89 5.78 =-� Ethn+c j.µd�--QQ, .�.N�.2 Zsto1'vv-'on Native Am. 0 1 `��' Asian 9 15 _ ='=.�3.9�"-= Hispenic 0 � -° ==':��,`�`::=�`. Black 2 5 ":;;�3��;�`: 26 `� � ��j.�.j� ;..'X�.: �- White 6 w;.��r:_;� � o O _ -� „t3»-^ii Tatats 17 52 ���. =��3^._7 OD�y �d1 . Cj7 .cs. Inf j�e 00 fu»e 99 Repeats � 17 Mult. Yisits � !+ n� Probation 3 '� No Longer P.O. �Ia n�8 Nan-Engiish 8 16 Special Ed_ Z � t�ton - Si. Paui � 3 _ - The data above is taken from s database cr¢ated at the Ramsey County Truancy Gertter. • Schools irrvolved are on the backside of this report - ihis is a cumulatrve total for the ye adle�ecm� qn+clpJ f�SerR�je*�+i¢v lu�vrtn FS ASrkW m�r��� �� romx co,�x, A collaborative program t R�n�y County S hoolsa Probatio aad Pollc�e; �outh 5ervice Bureau and _ ,. 2 5 � i I v lv d 5 o mber Throueh �une �n0o a�nAGAPE 1 Mann El. 1 ALC 10 jacksan El. Z ArlinBtcn Sr 89 Monroe El. Z Central Sr 66 Mounds Pk. EI 3 Camo Sr 58 Parkway El. 1 Face to Face 5 Phalen Lk EI. 1 Fruh Start 10� Saturn El. Z GAP 15 W'ebster EI I Harding Sr 168 Totals: Zl Highland 5r 151 Hubb Center 3 Humboidt Sr 72 Johnson Sr 144 Open School � PSD 3 Re-Entry 6 Right Step �g Studio 4 3 TFS 6 7oials: 831 Battle Crtek Jr $¢ Cleveland Jr 14 �p�r 5 Hatel Fark)r 2D Highland)r 51 Humboldt Jr 15 Murray Jr 11 RamseyJr 18 washington Jr 35 Totais: 254 x Chelsea Hgts. 1 Como EL 3 Econ Ft 1 Frankiin EI. Z rian:ock El. 1 Daytons B!. EI. 7. Ra^• v Co JOthers ALC Moundsviex � ALC Mpls. 1 ALC Maplewood 1 atc Roseville � Academy Street ? Anwantin 1 Armstrong 1 Bush Program Z Capital Yew 9 Center �chool 1 Champlin Sr. Z Chisago Sr. 3 ' C�ty Academy 21 Cretin/Durham 1 oakota Ridge 1 Eagan Sr. 1 Eastv+ew '� Edtson Sr. 4 Face to Fa:.e Z F.C.A.S. 1 F[¢Id El. 3 Folwekl 3 Friendly Hills 1 Gladstone 1 Higher Ground 1 Home School 1 �ohn �1enn 1 John Meir (WI) 1 JSC i Rochester Mayo I Minnehaha Ac 1 Park Sr. Z PYC 1 7pF. For Lrng Park Sr. kills Tomorro Hastings Sr. Henry Sr. Henry Sibiey iighex Groun� Hio view Irondale Sr LakeJr. tAMS MN Tuh. Moundsview North Sr. Oak Grave Olson Oss¢o Park Center PIRCE PM Mpis. Povrell Prior Lake Rooseveit Sr. Roaseville St Agnes St. eernatds S.S.P. Suaess Acad. TarWn Sr. Tri-Distrid l"wm C�tieS A:. upper Mid. WAVE 2001 NMite Bea Totals: ao-�-o� 4 2 2 3 6 1 3 1 2 2 1 3 1 2 6 1 4 2 1 1 1 1 8 � 2 1 1 6 2 1 1 2 1 2 1b5 i June 1999 Ramsey County Truancy & Curfew C enter Evaluation Report W'�� Ramsey County Truancy and Curfew Center Evaluation Report Prepared for: The Ramsey County Truancy and Curfew Center Collaboration By: Greg Owen, Ph.D. Consulting Scientist and June Heineman Reseazch Associate Wilder Reseazch Center 1295 Bandana Boulevard North Suite 210 St. Paul, MN 55108 Telephone: 651-647-4600 Fas: 651-647-4623 e-mail: �'e�(a�wilder.ora Oo -to1 June,1999 �0-' f� � a The authors wish to thank the following contdbutors who helped make this report possible: Clancy Finnegan of the St. Paul School District who supervises the Truancy Center and heiped collect and organize information about youth who were brought to the center during the study period. Don Sazma of the Ramsey County Sheriffs Department who supervises the Curfew Center and helped collect and organize information about youth who were cited for curfew violations during the study period. Lyle Christensen and Chris Teiken who provided juvenile violations data on youth cited for curfew and truancy violations in Ramsey County. John Stignani of the St. Paul School District who provided school attendance data for youth served at the Tn�ancy Center. , Nancy LeToumeau, director of St. Paul Youth Services, Inc. who provided background informarion about the project and contributed to the organization of this report. Becky Montgomery, a planner for Ramsey County who helped facilitate the collection of information from various sources. Pat Peterson, who coordinated the Ramsey County Truancy and Curfew Coliaborative during ine study period. Jeri Maher of East Communities Family Services who helped collect risk assessment data. The members of the Collaborative who provided suggestions and guidance throughout the study period. Wilder Reseazch Center staff also contributed to this project. Assistance was provided by administrative service staff inember Louann Graham, data entrY staf�member Mary Tillman, data analysis staff inembers Carmelle Minton and Danielle Longerbone, survey reseazch coordinator Shannon Brumbaugh, data collection staff member Laurie Chouanard, and research 2SSOCiate Amy SteVenS. gymsey County Truancy and Curfew Center Wilder Reseazch Center ' June, 1999 . ,, �.. . . Oo -8'0\ The Ramsey County Truancy and Curfew Centers were formed in an attempt to reduce and prevent truancy and cwfew violations throu�h a county-wide effort. The Truancy Center is currenfly located at Tenth and Sibley (the former site of the St. Paul Attendance Center} in downtown St. Paul. The Curfew Center is currendy located at 960 Jackson (iust north of University Avenue and Robert Street) at the Valley Recreation Center. The Centers were designed to provide: • A central location for all Ramsey County youth to be brought following apprehension by law enforcement officers in circumstances of school truancy or cur£ew violation. • A central point where parents can collect children and talk about their concems with social service staff following a violation. • Identification of and referral to other services for youth and family members in need of additional support. The project developed out of the efforts of the Youth Collaborative committee and the following agencies whose representatives make up the Ramsey County Truancy and Curfew Center Collaborative: . Ramsey County Attorney's Office . Ramsey County 7uvenile Corrections . Ramsey County Community Human Services . Ramsey County Sheriff's Department • Mounds View Public Schools . North St. PauUMaplewood/Oakdale Public Schools . Roseville Public Schools • St. Paul Pubfic SchooIs . White Beaz Lake Pubiic Schools • Maplewood Police Depaztrnent Wilder Reseazch Center -i- • Mounds View Police Departrnent • North St. Paul Police Department • Roseviile Police Department • St. Paul Police Department . White Bear Lake Police Department • East Communities Fanuly Service • Northwest Youth and Family Service • St. Paut Youth Service Bureau • White Bear Lake Area Counseling Center Ramsey County Truancy and Curfew Center June, 1999 ., punding for the project has been provided by a Minnesota Cities Grant, a local law enforcement block grant, as well as the St: Paul Public Schools, the Ramsey County Sheriffs Department and the St. Paul Police Department. jnitial funding for the project was received in ihe Fall of 1995 and the first Curfew Center opened in the Sumtner of 1996. The first Truancy Center opened in September of 1996. Po�� PREYIOUS RESEARCH In June of 1997 Wilder Reseazch Center completed iu first evaluation of the Truancy and Curfew Centers. The study was based on telephone surveys of youth and pazents as well as information collected from youth at each of the centers. This report showed that more than 3,000 youth were served at the two centers during the first yeaz of the program and that the lazgest proportion of youth served were residents of St. Paul. Survey results also showed that the vast majority of parents whose children were brought to either center (96%) felt that the enforcement of truancy and curfew laws was a"good idea." In addition, 94 percent of parents also believed that the enforcement of such laws contributed to the reduction of juvenile crime within the county. Interviews with youth showed that slightly more than half of all youth who were brought to the Curfew or Truancy Center (53%) reported a positive change in one or more behaviors related to school attendance or in the group of friends with whom they associated. During the same tnne period 263 truants and 118 curfew violators received follow-up services from the St. Paul Youth Service Bureau (YSB). Subsequent foilow-up by YSB staff six-months following the temunation of services showed thai 79 percent of truants had no repeat truancy episodes and 95 percent of curfew violators had no additional arrests• Wilder Reseazch Center -2- Ramsey County Truancy and Cu J�e, 1999 ` , � . � oo-�a\ The purpose of the second year evaluation is twofold. First, the Collaborative focused on the development of risk assessment tools that could be used at both centers to help identify youth who would benefit from additional services. Second, the sponsoring agencies wished to develop access to two key sources of outcome data including juvenile court records and school attendance information. Information from the risk assessment tools as well as juvenile court records and attendance data aze examined in this report. An initial attempt is made to link specific risk data to both types of outcomes. SOURCES OF DATA Youth Served The Ramsey County Truancy and Curfew Centers routinely collect basic demographic information on the chazacteristics of clients served. Data presented in this section of the report are derived from the summary documents provided by both Centers foilowing the conclusion of the 1997-98 school yeaz. Information derived from the new data collection system implemented in late October, 1998 provides more detailed information on clients served at the center between November 1998 and March of 1999. Juvenile Violation Data The Ramsey County Juvenile Justice Cente: and the Community Corrections Departrnent routinely collection information on juvenile court involvement in Ramsey County. The information presented in this report aze derived from juvenile records made available by the Juveni2e Justice Center undar data privacy agreements with Wilder Reseazch Center. Records aze examined for all youth who have had at least one visit to the Ramsey County Truancy or Curfew Center between January 1, 1998 and 3une 30, 1998. Records are examined for the s'vc months prior to the first violation during that time period and six months following the conclusior. of that time period. Wilder Reseazch Center _3- Ramsey County Truancy and Curfew Center June, 1999 oo-�ro� New Data Collecrion Forms In October, 1998 the truancy and curfew centers began a new data coilection and risk assessment effort. For each visit to the truancy and curfew centers, three forms are now completed for each youth. The first form describes demographic information and is completed by the youth on his or her own. The second form is completed by truancy or curfew center staff as part of an interview with each youth during their visit. In this interview youth are asked why they were out after curfew (or not in school), where they were picked up, who they were with, pazental knowledge of their activities, prior police involvement, and information about their home and school circumstances. The third form is completed by truancy or curfew center staff. This form allows staff inembers to describe ihe circumstances under which youth were brought to the center including records of weapons, illegal substances, drug pazaphemalia, previous offenses, gang affiliation, and other information related to previous violations. Staff also note whether or not a parent or guardian was available to pick the child up from the center. CHARACTERISTICS OF YOUTH SERVED AT THE CURFEW CENTER (JANUARY 1 1998 — DECEMBER 31 1998) The Ramsey County Curfew Center operates on a calendar year and is open regazdiess of whether or not school is in session. During 1998 the Center served 1,389 juveniles, 62 percent of whom were males. Forty-one and one-half percent of youth brought to the Center were white, 2?.4 percent were African American, 26.6 percent were Asian, 2.7 were Latino/Latina and 1.7 percent were Native American. Youth who were brought to the Center ranged in age from 6 to 17 with a median age of 16. The vast majority of youth brought to the Curfew Center (68.1%) were arrested in St. Paul. Mapiewood arrests counted for 15.5 percent of youth; Roseville, 8.4 percent; Little Canada, 23 perceni; Arden Hills, 2 percent; and Vadnais Heights, 1.4 percent. Fewer than 1 percent of all Wilder Research Center -4- Ramsey County Truancy and Curfew Center Iune, 1999 00 -8n 1 curfew arrests occurred in the cities of Falcon Heights, Mounds View, Nor[h St. Paul, Shoreview, St. Anthony, or White Bear Lake. Fewer than 5 percent of all youth (4.6%) were chazged with crimes in addition to curfew violation at the tune of their arrest. Among youth who were chazged with additional crimes, charges include minor consumption, outstanding arrest warrant, providing false information to the police, attempted auto theft, possession of weapons, possession of marijuana, possession of crack cocaine, possession of drug paraphemalia, and the unIawful operation of a motor vehicle. Of all youth brought to the Center, 3.8 percent were placed in either a juvenile corrections facility or a residential youth service program. Thirty-five percent of all curfew violators were known to have previous police contact and approximately 19 percent were known to be repeat curfew violators. On average, the Curfew Center served 27 youth each week. CHARACTERISTICS OF YOUTH SERVED AT THE TRUANCY CENTER (SEPTEMBER, 1997 7HROUGH JUNE, 1998) The Truancy Center in Ramsey County operates only during the school yeaz. During the 1997- 98 school year 1,414 youth were brought to the Truancy Center. Sia�ty-eight percent of these youth were males. Asian youth accounted for 39 percent of all Truancy Center admissions. Whites made up 32.8 percent; Afiican Americans, 19.4 percent; Latino/Latina, 63 percent and Native Americans, 1.8 percent. Youth ranged in aged from 5 to 18 with a median age of 15. Twenty-one percent of all youth brought to the Truancy Center had been to the Truancy Center on at least one other occasion. Just over one-third (36%) came from homes in which English was not the primary language spoken. Appro�cimately 7 percent were brought to the Truancy Center from Snburban Ramsey County. P,Il others were from St. Paul. Approximately 9 percent were receiving special educational services and about 10 percent were on school probation. Wilder Reseazch Center _5- Ramsey County Truancy and Curfew Center June, 1999 � . � 00 -8'01 CURFEW C�NTER IMPACT ON SUBSEQUENT.1 WENILE VIOLAT�ONS youth included in tlus phase of the study include those persons brought to the Curfew Center between January 1, 1998 and June 30, 1998• During that time period 604 youth (369 males and 235 females) received services at the Curfew Center. Thirty-three percent of the youth (N=199) bad a juvenile violation record and 40 percent (N=241) had some previous contact with police. Fourteen percent (N=84) had an offense in the six months prior to their arrest for a curfew violation. An examination of juvenile records in the six months following the initial Curfew Center visit shows that 19 percent of youth (N=124) had one or more subsequent juvenile violations. The majority of the subsequent violations (58%) were misdemeanors, 21 percent were felonies, 19 percent were probation violations and one percent were gross misdemeanors. The percent of felony level crimes dropped by approximately 3 percent compared to the pre- curfew center study period. TRUANCY CEN7ER 1MPACT ON SUBSEQUENT JUVENILE VIOLATIONS AND SCHOOL ATTENDANCE Youth in tivs phase of the study inciuded those persons of school age who were brought to the 'Truancy Center between 7anuary 5, 1998 and June 5, 1998. During this period 661 youth (426 males and 235 females) received services at the Truancy Center. For this set of youth infonnation was available on both subsequent juvenile violations as well as school attendance. Nine and one-half percent of the youth served at the Truancy Center were known to have previous police contact. In the six months following the initial T�°y Center visits, 8.6 percent of youth had a subsequent juvenile offense. The majority of these offenses 61 percent were misdemeanors,l9 percent were felonies, 16 percent were probation violations and 5 percent were gross misdemeanors. With regazd to school attendance, 558 of the 66I youth could be matched with St• Paul school attendance data. This corresponds approximately to the proportion of St. Paul students who make up the Trnancy Center population. The mean number of absences in the time period before their 1998 Truancy Center visit was 11.8 and the mean number of absences following the Truan�Y Center visit was 13.4. This difference is statistically significant an3 indicates an npWazd pattem of school absences in the immediate time period following the initial Truancy Center visit. Ramsey County Truan�Y and CurFew Center Wilder Research Center ' Iune, 1999 .� 00 - 8a� SUMMARY These data show that Curfew Center visits are associated with a slight increase in juvenile violations in the six-months following a curfew violation. Truancy Center data show that there is a small but not siguificant decline in juvenile violations following an episode of truancy. School absences increase slighfly in the period following a truancy center visit These results suggest that it may be beneficial to target follow-up services to those youth most likely to re-offend based on the risk factor analysis described below. In an attempt to better evaluate the likelihood of subsequent juvenile violations and schooi absences, risk data is now being collected at both the Curfew and Truancy Centers. It is hoped that future decisions about additional services for youth and their families can be based, in part, on a valid assessment of known risk factors. During the pilot period for conducting these assessments, October 1, 1998 through February 28, 1999, the following results were obtained: Number of Valid' Youth Self-Administered Forms Number of Vatid' Staff Self-administered Forms Number of Valid' Xouth Interviews Conducted by Staff �) ' Copies of all forms are shown in Appendix A Curfew Center 409 488 424 cy Center 498 210 195 Because data was reasonably complete for only some forms and some items, risk factor selection was limited to the following: . Youth self-report of previous police contact Youth self-report of family problems that cause trouble at home Raznsey County Tivancy and Curfew Center June,1999 Wilder Reseazch Center -7- . 00 —dsol . Youth seif-report of no adults in their life whom they trust . pther offenses identified and chazged at time of curfew/truancy cenier visit In order to maxtmize the predictive power of each risk factor, curfew and truancy center youth were combined for the first analysis. The second analysis inciudes only Truancy Center youth since school attendance data was available for only these youth. The following results were obtained: Risk Factors Predictive of Felony Offenses lAvailable Cases = 541) # of Risk Factors 0 �--- �--- 2 3 �--- 4 (Curfew and Truancy Center) Total Number 324 156 54 6 Risk �actors Pr�dictive of School Absences (Available Cases =195) Number of Risk Factors 0 i 2 3 4 Wilder Research Center (Truancy Center Only) Total Number 124 40 24 6 1 � N with Felony Offense 20 42 18 2 2 4.2 5.1 12.5 20.9 23.2 Ramsey Counry Truancy and Cur �une, 1999 % with Felony Offenses 6.1 % 26.9% 333% 3> >% 100% Mean Number of Absences , � '• • Oo.-8�oi SUMMARY These results suggest that a limited number of risk factor items may be adequate to assess the potential need for additional services following a curfew or truancy violation. Use of a revised version of the staf� interview form in combinafion with staff notation of other charges or violations could serve as an initial iriaae method for targeting yoath and/or families for additional services. Wilder Reseazch Center _9_ Ramsey County Tmancy and Curfew Center June, 1999 Do -6'0� -10- Ramsey County Truancy and Curfew Center VVilder Reseazch Center June, 1999 .. �. 1. YourName: 2. Address: Ramsey County Truaacy/Curfew Center Demoaraphics Form To be compleied by ihe youth First Middle Street Address City 3. Home Phone: Beeper/Ce11 Phone: _ 4. School: Name of Schoo2 5. Is this an"altemative school"? 1. yes 2. no 3. don't know 6. Grade: 7. Age: 8. Gender 1. male 2. female Last Zip Code City 9. Date of Birth: _ _ _ mo. day yr. 10. Race(circle 1): 1. American Indian 2. Asian/ Pacific Islander 3. Black 4. Hispanic/ Latino 5. White! Caucasian 6. Other: (Specify) _ 11. What language is most oftea spoken a: your home? (cucle 1) 1. Khmer 2. English 3. Hmong 4. Laotion 5. Somali 6. Spanish 7. Vietnaznese 8. Other: (Specify) 12. Parent/ Guardian's Name: Day Phone: Evening Phone: 13. Name of adult you live with, if different from above: Day Phone: Evening Phone: oe -�o� � Date; CIF #: Truancy ❑ Curfew ❑ Ramsey County Truancy/Cvrfew Center/ Demo�aphics Form: 10l07l98 �os -8� l Youth Name: ' ' Youth DOB: / /_ � F Today's Date: / / CIF #: Truancy ❑ Curfew ❑ Ramsey County Truancy/ Curfew Center Youth Follow-Ug/Observations Form To be completed by Truancy/Curfew Center Staff Individually Were any or the following items confiscated from this youth at the time he/she was brought to the Center?... 1. Drug paz�Phemali 2, Weapons 3. Illegalsubstances? Yes No IF YES, please describe 1 2 1 � 2 i I 2 4, A.re tfiere any other offenses on tivs tag? 1. Yes-�-�� Please describe 2. No 5. Do juvenile authorities have any record on this youth? !. Yes 2. No 8 Don't Know 6. Does youth have a prior: a, gtatus Offense b. Misdemeanor Offense c. Felony Offense -i- P y� No Don't Know 1 2 8 1 2 $ 1 2 $ Ramsey County Truancy/Curfew Center Youth Follow-Up/Observation Form: 10/07/98 , �.. ., " 7A. Does this student's school district report unexcused absences for tFus youth during the past month? i. yes-��--� 7B. How many days absent? days absent in past month O O-�( 2. No 8. Don't Know 8. Is tkere a prior record of this youth at the Curfew Center? 1_ Yes 2. No 9. Is there a prior record of ttus youth at the Truancy Center? 1. Yes 2. No 10. Were you able to identi at least one pazent/ guardian of this cluld? 1. Yes 2. No-��--� (GO TO 11B) I lA. Was a parenUguardian contacted? 1. Yes 2. No�-�-� (GO TO 11B) 11B. If no, was there another responsible adult contacted? 1. Yes��-� 11 C. Describe relationship to youth: 2. No 12A_ 'Who came to pick the child up at the Center? (name} I2B. Describe their relationship to child: _2_ Ramsey County Truancy/CurEew Center Youth Follow-Up/Observation Form: 10/07/98 � i3. Regaz'ding the adult(s) who picked youth up at center, did helshe appeaz: (CFiECK ALL THAT APP"�.I� DO ❑ Cooperative ❑ Hostile or defensive toward staff ❑ Indifferent (� Impaired (alcohol or drugs) ❑ Interested 'uz additional help ❑ pther (describe): 14,�,, please identify factors that aPPear to indicate gang affiliation (CIRCLE ALL "I'HAT APPL1�: 1. Admits gang membe�s�p or association 2. Has been observed associating on a regulaz basis with laio�' gang members 3. Has tattoos indicating gang memberslup 4, VJears gang symbols to identify with a specific gang 5. Is in a photograph with laiown g�g members and/or using gang-related hand signs 6. Name is on a gang document; hit list, or gang-related graffiti 7. Is identified as a gang member by a reliabie source , g. Arrested in the company of identified gang members or associates 9. Corresponds with lrnown gang members or writes and/ or receives correspondence about gang activities 10. Writes about gangs (graffttr) °n wal�s, books, and paper - 14B. Are more tban 3 factors c'ucle@? 1. Yes-�-�-� If Yes, forward this youth's name to the State Gang Strike T.�k Force 2. No 14C. Does youth have prior identification by Iaw enforcement officials as a gang member? 1. Yes 2. No 8. Don't know _ g� County Truancy/Curfew Cente Youth Foliow-Up/Observation Form: 10/07/9� °. �, . Oe -8^0� Youtii Name: Youth DOB: / ! M/ F , Today's bate: 1 / �i CIF #: I � Truancy ❑ Cur ❑ 'i Ramsey County Truancy/Curfew Center Youth Interview To be compleied by Truancy/Curfew Center Staff with the youth Name of person completing form: Location: I. Curfew Center 2. Truaucy Center 2. Why were you out after curfew? OR, Why were you not in school today? Date: Time: 2. What were you doing... when you were picked up? OR, while you were out of school? 3. Where were you picked up? 4, Who was with you? 5. I3o your parent/pazents know you were (out after curfew?) not in school today? 1. Yes 2. No 6. Have you been to tFris Center before? l. Yes 2. No -2- Ramsey Coanry Truancy/CurFew Center/ Youth Interview: IO/07/98 y �� •W`_6O '7. ' Have you been to the (CurfewlTruancy) Center before? (Whichever one the youth is not visiting af the ' ' �time of this interview) 1. Yes 2. No 8A. Have you been picked up by the police before? 1. Yes-�-j-> (GO TO 8B) 2. No gg, When was the first time you were picked up by the police? (What year?) 4A. Are you on probation no�? 1. Yes�-a� (GO TO 9B) 2. No 9B. Who is your probation officer? d 10. Who do you currentIy live with? (CIRCLE 1) 1. Mom 2. Dad 3. Mom and Dad 4. Someone Else: (year) 11. How would you say that you get along with him/her/them? Woutd you say that your relationship is ..: 1. Great 2. Good 3. Okay 4. Not That Good 5. Terrible 12A. Are ihere any problems in yoar family now that are causing you to have troubte at home? 1. Yes-�-�--� (GO TO I2B) 2. No Ramsey Couniy Truancy/Curfew Center� Youth Interview: 10/07/9� -2- i� �, <, . ' 1213. What ldnd of problems are you having at home? oo-to► 13. Have you been absent from school for more than three (3) days during the past 2 months? (IF SUMIvIER, Were you absent from school for more than three days durina the last 2 moaths of school?) I. Yes �t.7 14A. Do you have any adults in your life that you feel you can ttvst enough to talk to about important things? 1. Yes�-� (GO TO 14B) � 2. No 14B. Wlio is that? 15A. Is your family receiving any other services from Ramsey County? (PROBE: Like county sociat worker, financial worker, child proteetion worker, or like welfaze (IvIFIP), public housing, food stamps, mental health couuseling, chemical dependency h�eatment, etc.?) 1. Yes-�-�-� (GQ TO 15B) 2. No 15B. What other services does your family receive? _3_ Ramsey County Truancy/Curfew Center/ yoattt Interview: 10/07/98 �RIGINAL Retum Copy 70: Police Dept. Accounting Presented By: Refened To: RESOLUTION CPTY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Ca,��;��e# oo-eoi Green Sheet # 107043 Committee:Date: aq 1 2 R'HEREAS, the Saint Panl Po&ce Department has been awarded a$215,000 Mmnesata Cities Grant from the 3 Minnesota Department of Economic Security for the period July 1, 2000 through Jnne 30, 2001; and 4 5 WHEREAS, tLis grant will pmvide fuads for curfew enforcement, truancy prevention, and pretrial diversion 6 programs for Saint Paul youth; and 7 8 THEREFORE BE TT 1tESOL�'ED, that the City Council accepts this grant and authorizes Chief William Finney to 9 enter into agreements with the Minnesota Department of Economic Security and Saiut Paul Public Schools. 10 ll 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 Adopted by Council:Date: �� � a a o Adopt9on Certified by Council Secretazy: r B Appi B Requested by Department of: Poli B � Appr al Recommende by F1'nancial Services Director: < BY� !� m- For ^, ed b Ci A BY� SLT/..--�- /�'� � - — — — — — — -- BY= to council: minnckiesgren200-07.cr.00 _ � , DEPARTMENT/OFFICEfCOUNCIL DATEINITWTED r���ce���i s�uoo GREEN SHEET No. 107043 CA�t.�GYP6 N P O INfII/1VDA7E INRIAVDATE ChiefFinney 292-3588 1 DEPARiNFMpRECfOR 5 cawa� MlSST B ON COUNCVL AGENDA BY (DATEy 0���' PleaseprocessASAP 3�rnra,ronrav �rnrc�nK �FNANtlI1L5pMC6 �FNCNtl4L5ERVlACCi6 � + PwTOR(ORA556TAM� �WGHTS L�i l'OTAL # OF SfGNATURE PAGES (CL1P ALL LOCATiONS FOR SIGNATURE) CTION REQUESlED Approval of the attached Council Resolution accepting a Miunesota Cities Grant from the Minnesota Department of Economic Security for July 1, 2000 through June 30, 2001, and authorizing the Saint Paul Police Departrnent to enter into agreements with the Minnesota Department of Economic Security and Saint Paul Public Schools. RECOMMENOATION AppfOVe (A) O( RCJeCt (R� PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST pNSWER THE FOLI�WING QUESTfONS: 7. Has ihis person�rm ever worked under a contract for this department? PLANNING COMMISSION YES NO CIB COMMITTEE 2. Has this perso�rtn ever been a city empioyee? CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION YES No 3. Does this person/firtn possess a sidll not normally possessed 6y any current ciry employee? YES NO 4. Is fhis persoNfmm a targeted vendoR YES NO Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM ISSUE, OPPOR7UN17Y (WHO, WHA7, WHEN, WHERE, WHY) The Saint Paul Police Deparhment has been awarded a$215,000 Minnesota Cities Grant Program for the period July 1, 2000 through June 3q 2001. This grant provides funds for curfew enforcement, truancy prevention, and pretrial diversion pmgrams for youth in Saint Paul. (Attached is a copy of the grant agreement.) ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED The Minuesota Cifies Grant Program will provide funds for curfew enforcement, trnancy prevention, and pretrial diversion for Saint Paul youth. DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED None. � DISADVANTAGES iF NOT APPROVED _ . � - — I.oss of grant fuudii�g to identify, counsei and prevent truant smdents. AU G O 9 20QQ C�� Rssearch Cen�4�.Y ATTORNEY AI�G 1 °� ���Q TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACf10N $ 2I 5,000.00 COSTIREVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ON� YES NO FUNDING SOURCE IVIIDIICSOk1 CItrPS GCdIIt acrnnn n�unneert °' `� 34156 FINANCIAL INFORMATION (EXPLAIN) mim�citiesgant00-01.gs.00 � r � � � �. F,Y x � VENDOR NUMBER fl FUND U1 L_ APPROP 08J sos GRANT/SESA ID # AGENCY ORG. B21 0000 CFDA# AMOUNT SU8 ORG. �� DOCUMENT NUMBER(S.) 00-�01 wa il � 2� STATE OF MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC SECURITY/ WORKFORCE SERVICES BRANCH MINNESOTA CITY GRANTS PROGRAM Funding Source: MN City Grants Grant AgreemenUSESA I.D. Number: 90713 This grant agreement, which shall be interpreted pursuant to the laws of the State of Minnesoia, between the State of Minnesota, acting through its Department of Economic Security (DES), Workforce Services Branch (WSB), (hereinafter the DEPARTMENT), and City of St. Paul St. Paul Police Department 100 East 11 t " Street St. Paul, MN 55101 Social Security or Federal ldentification Number: Minnesota State Tax ldentification Number: (Hereinafter GRANTEE) WITNESSETH: 41-600-5521 000-802-509 WHEREAS, The DEPARTMENT has been authorized by the Minnesota Legisiature to make grants t� cities of the first cfass and f� cities that are cn�tiguous to cities of the first class in Greater Minnesota pursuant to the Laws of Minnesota, 1997 chapter 239, Article {, Section i7 to provide programs and services in the GRANTEE's city; and WHEREAS, the DEPARTMENT has authority pursuant to Minnesota Statute 268.0122 to enter into agreements to provide employment and training services, and WHEREAS, the GRANTEE represents that is dufy qualified to perform the duties undertaken by it under this grant agreement; and, WHEREAS, the GRANTEE understands and accepts the terms and conditions of this agreement as specified below. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and of the representations made therein, the parties agr2e that: I. The foregoing recitals are made a part hereof as though set forth in full and in detail herein. II. Pro ram: The GRANTEE shali implement the Work Plan and Budget hereto attached as Exhibit A and B, respectively, which is incorporated into this grant agreement. 7 � 04— �' 0 � � � Iil� � Duties and Pavment: GRANTEE shall perform all the services enumerated in Paragraph II. above and shall be reimbursed for its expenses in providing these services, provided that the total obligation of the DEPARTMEiJT for a{{ reimbursement to GRANTEE shall not exceed 215 000. These funds are to be expended in the cost categories and amounts shown in the Sudget, Exhibit B. which is attached hereto, incorporated by reference herein and made a part hereof. The DEPARTMENT shall not be responsible to reimburse GRANTEE for its payments or liability to the Unempioyment Compensation Fund as a reimbursing employer aftertermination of GRANTEE's participation in programs under the Act or for any liabil+ty accrued thereunder before the effective date of this Grant. IV. Term of Grant: This grant agreement shall be efFective on July 1. 2000 or upon such date as it is executed as to encumbrance by the Commissioner of the Department of Economic Security, whichever occurs later, and shail remain in effect until June 30. 2001. V. Canceilation: This grant agreement may be cancefed by the DEPARTMENT at any time, with or without cause, by giving written notice to the GRANTEE. In the event of such cancellation without cause, GRANTEE shali be entitled to payment, determined on a pro rata basis, for work or services satisfactorily performed. GRANTEE acknowledges that funds to finance this grant are to be obtained by the DEPAR7MENT through a specific legislative act. lf at any time such funds become unavailable underthe Act this grant agreement shall be terminated immediately upon written notice of such fact by the DEPARTMENT to GRANTEE. In the event of such termination, GRANTEE shail be entitled to reimbursement, determined on a pro rata basis, for services satisfactorily performed. In the event of canceilation for cause, including but not limited to failure to comply with the provisions of the grant agreement, failure to make timely progress in delivering required services, or use of grant funds for purposes other than those specifically identified in the grant agreement, the DEPARTMENT may take any actions it deems necessary to protect the interests ofi the State of Minnesota, including but not {imited to the refusa4 to disburse additional funds pending a determination of the DEPARTMENT's right to set-off, and requiring the return of all or part of the funds aiready disbursed. This grant agreement may be canceled by the GRANTEE at any time, with or without cause, upon thirty (30) days written notice to the DEPARTMEN7. Such written notice of cancellation must inciude proposed terms forthe discontinuation of GRANTEE's services and an estimated final invoice fior work or services performed. The DEPARTMENT may reject or accept in whole or in part GRANTEE's proposed terms for discontinuing services and GRANTEE's estimated final invoice, and shail notify GRANTEE of its decision within (5) business days of receipt of GRANTEE's cancellation notice. � In the event of any cancellation under this provision, GRANTEE shall cooperate fully with the DEPARTMENT and help facilitate any transition for the provision of services by a different vendor. Failure io cooperate with or withhofding any information or records requested by the DEPARTMENT or a different vendor that impairs in any way the transition of the provision of services shall constitute a material breach of this grant agreement, subjecting GRANTEE to liability for all damages incurred by the DEPARTMENT resulting from such breach. VI. Re9uest for Payment: Requests for cash advances shall be made by GRANTEE to the DEPARTMENT on the DEPARTMENT's Form No DJT-1864. Payments shall be made by the , 00 -t� 1 � , DEPARTMENTassoonaspracticableafterGRANTEE'spresentationoftheRequestforCash. The fact of payment of any i!em shall not preclude the DEPARTMENT from questioning the propriety of any item. Vll. Purchase of Furniture and Eauipment: GRANTEE shali not purchase furniture or other equipment without the prior written approval of the DEPARTMENT. Vlll. Reaavment of Funds: The DEPARTMENT reserves the right fo offset any over-payment or disaliowance of any item or items under this grant by reducing future payments requested by GRANTEE. This clause shail not be construed to bar any other legal remedies the DEPARTMENT may have to recover funds expended by GRANTEE for disaliowed costs. IX. GRANTEE Reports: GRANTEE agrees to provide the DEPARTMENT with such progress reports as the DEPARTMENT shall from time to time require including, but not limited to, the following: a. Quarterly Financiai Status Report (FSR) due by the 20th day following the end of each quarter. b. Quarteriy Progress Report due by the 20th day following the end of each quarter. The DEPARTMENT shall withhold funding if reporting requirements are not met in a complete, accurate and timely manner. , X. Monitorinp and Corrective Action: GRANTEE agrees to permit monitoring by the DEPARTMENT to determine grant agreement performance and compliance with grant provisions. GRA(V7EE further agrees to cooperate with the DEPARTMENT in pertorming and completing such monitoring activities and GRANTEE agrees to implement and comply with such remedial action as is proposed by the DEPARTMENT. XI. Liabilit : GRANTEE agrees to indemnify and save and hold the DEPARTMENT, its agents and employees harmless from any and all claims or causes of action, inciuding attorney's fees, arising from the performance of this Grant by GRANTEE, its agents, officers and employees. Nothing nerein shali constitute a waiver by thc GRANTEE or th� DEPAPTMENT of any statutory or common law limits of liability, defenses, or immunities. Xii. Special Adm+nistrative Provisions Required Under the Act: GRANTEE agrees to administer the program in accordance with the Act, as amended, the regulations and guidelines promulgated thereunder. GRANTEE also agrees to comply with other applicable Federai and State laws. In the event that these laws, regulations or policies are amended at any time during the term of this Agreement, the GRANTEE shalf comply with such amended laws, regulations or guidelines. A. Records/Audits: GRANTEE agrees to use such fiscal, audit and accounting procedures as may be necessary to assure and promote sound financial management, including effective internal controls. The Secretary of Labor, the Comptroller General of the United States and the DEPARTMENT, or a designated representative, shall have access to and the right to examine for audit purposes or otherwise, any books, documents, �apers er records of GRANTEE. The books, records, documents and accounting procedures and practices of the GRANTEE relevant to this grant agreement are also subject to examination by the DEPARTMENT and the legislative auditor of the State of Minnesota. GRANTEE agrees to fuAy cooperate in any such examination and/or audit and to have said 00 -F'O� , � r, audits carried out in accordance with Grant Audit Requirements, which is in Chapter 509 of the MDES Policies anc; Procedures Manual and hereby incorporated by reference and made a part hereof. A!{ records pertaining to this grant agreement shail be retained by the GRANTEE for a period of at least three years after the expiration of the term of this grant agreement, or on completion of an audit, if one has been commenced within three years, whichever period is longer. B. Proaram Standards: GRANTEE agreesto complywith OMB C+rcular Numbers A-21, A-87, A-1 i 0, A-122, A-133, the OMB "Common Rule° (as codified at 29 CFR 97), and ASMB C- 10 (Imp{ementation Guide for OMB Circular A-87), as these circular are applicable and as they relate to the utilization of funds, the operation of programs and the maintenance of records, books, accounts and other documents under the Act, as amended. Under the Cost Principles Circulars (A-21, A-87, or A-122), common orjoint costs charged to grants must be based upon written cost allocation plans. C. Non-Discrimination Statement: The GRANTEE will comply with Federal, State, and local faws prohibiting discrimination, including but not limited to: i. The Workforce Investment Act of 1998 (29 CFR. Part 371, Section 188, which prohibits discrimination under any W IA Title I program/actiwty funded in whole or in part with W IA funds because of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, political affiliation or belief, and against beneficiaries on the basis of either citizenship/status as a lawfiully admitted immigrant authorized to work in the United States or participation in any W IA Title { program or activity. ii. The Civil Riphts Act of 1964 (42 USC 2000d) as amended bv the Eaual Emplovment Opqortunitv Act of 1972, which prohibits discrimination on grounds of race, color or national origin, and applies to any program or activity receiving fiederal financiai aid, and to all employers, including State and local governments, public and private employment agencies, and labor organizations. iii, The Rehabi{itation Act of 1973 (29 USC 7941, as amended, which prohibits discrimination on the basis of handicap in all federally-funded programs. iv. The Aae Discrimination Act of 1975 (42 USC 6101), as amended, which prohibits unreasonable discrimination on the basis of age in programs or activities receiving federal financial assistance. v. The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (42 USC 121011, as amended, which prohibits discrimination on the basis of physical, sensory, or mental disability or impairment. D. Affirmative Action: (If applicable), GRANTEE certifies that it has received a Certificate of Compliance from the Commissioner ofi Human Rights pursuant to Minnesota Statues, Section 363.073. E. W orkers' Compensat+on: {n accordance with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes Section 176.182, the State affirms that GRANTEE has provided acceptable evidence of compliance � 00 -t-o� � � � with the workers' compensation insurance coverage requirement of Minnesota Statues Section 176.181, Subdivision 2. F. Relocation Assisiance: GRANTEE agrees to comp{y with the requirements of the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Reai Property Acquisitions Act of 1970 (Public taw 91-646) which provides for fiair and equitable treatment of persons displaced as a result of federa{ or federaily assisted programs. G. Church/State Separation: GRANTEE agrees that program participants shali not be emp(oyed in the construction, operafion or maintenance of that part of any facility which is used for re(igious instructions or worship. GRANTEE further agrees that no funds shali be expended for sectarian workshop, instruction, or proselytization. H. DATA PRACTICES: The GRANTEE understands and agrees that it shall be bound by the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act (Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 13), and that it shall inform program applicants that the DEPARTMENT may share applicant data with other agencies foreligibility and program evafuation purposes. GRANTEE shall incorporate into the form used to provide applicants' an explanation of their right under the Minnesota Data Practices Act clauses contained in the DEPAR7MENT'S "DATA USES INCLUSfON REQUIREMENTS" �Attachment 1). !. Druq Free Workplace: GRANTEE agrees to make a good faith effort to maintain a drug free workplace through implementation of the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988. Xiil. Workforce Center Listina: GRANTEE shall list any job vacancy in its personnel complement with the nearest Minnesota Job Service Office as soon as it occurs. XIV. Voter Repistration: GRANTEE shail provide non-partisan voter registration services and assistance, using forms provided by the Secretary of State, to employees of GRAiVTEE, program participants and the public as required by Minnesota Statutes, 1987 Supplement, Section 201.162 (1988). XV. Assianment: The GRANTEE shall neither assign nor transfer a� �y rights cr obliga:icns under thisgrantagreementwithoutpriorwrittenconsentoftheDEPARTMENT. Theprovisionsofthis grant agrsement applicable to the GRANTEE shall also be applicable to subgrants made by the GRANTEE from f�nds obtained under this grant agreement, XVI. Modifications: Any modifications to this grant agreement shall be in writing and shall be executed by the same parties who executed the original grant agreement, or their successors in office. XVII. Debarment and Suspension Certification: (If applicable) The GRANTEE agrees to follow the PresidenYs Executive Order 12549 and the implementing regulation "Nonprocurement Debarment and Suspension; Notice and Final Rule and Interim Final Rule," found in Federal Register Vol. 53, No. 102, May 26, 1988, including Appendix B, "Certification Regarding Debarment, Suspension, lneligib+(ity and Voluntary Exclusion - Lower Tier Covered Transactions"; un4ess excluded by law �r regulation. XVIII. Lobbyina Certification and Disciosure: (1f applicable) The GRAN7EE shal! comply with lnterim Final Rule, New Restrictions on Lobbying, found in �ederal Register Vol. 55, No. 38, February 26, 1990, and any permanent rules that are adopted in place of the Interim Rule. The Interim ao-d . Final Rule requires the GRANTEE to certify as to their fobbying activity. The Interim Final Rule implements Section 319 of Public Law � 0� -i 21, which generafly prohibits recipients of Federa{ contracts, grants and loans from using appropriated funds for lobbying the Executive or Legislative Branches of the Federai Government in connection with a specific contract, grant or loan. X{X. GRANTEE agrees to identify the DEPARTMENT as a source of funding in any and all printed materials prepared by the GRANTEE. XX. GrantAqreementCfose-out:TheGRANTEEagreestosubmitafinalquarterlyFinancialStatus Report (FSR) and a payment for the balance of any unspent and unobligated grantfunds to the DEPARTMENT within 45 days after the end of the term of this grant agreement. Accompanying the final FSR shall be a iisting of any continuing liabilities on the grant, if applicable. Failure to submit a final FSR within this period may result in disallowance of payment for any expenditures not previously submitted. The GRANTEE agrees io submit a revised finai FSR to the DEPARTMENT if any additional funds must be returned to the DEPARTMENT after grant agreement closeout. XXI. Jurisdiction and Venue: This grant agreement, and any amendments and suppiements thereto, shall be governed by the taws of the State of Minnesota. Venue for all legal praceedings arising out of this award, or breach thereof, sha{I be in the State or �ederal Court with competent jurisdiction in Ramsey Couniy, Minnesota. r ? ` � . Oe -�D� IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this Grant (No. 90713} to be duly executed intending to be bound thereby. APPROVED APPROVED FOR City of St. Paul St Paul Police Department : FOR The Department of Economic Securitv- (Name of D te Agency) Workforce Services Sranch: B� . By: Y Title: ��� Date: � - a.� FOR THE GRANTEE`: 3� T+tle: Date: * if a corporation, two corporate officers must execute. � i�- Title: Director Program Support Services Date: 7 ,� ATTACHMENT 1 �_�� DATA USES tNCLUSION . REQUIREMENTS 1, Program information A - To help us decide whether you are eligible for the program and wbat other senrices you may need. ,, ��� ���n To Use Ir We may use it to prePare req���d �po�, conduct B. n't S_s�.r--- ro ram is helping you- audits, review eligibility and to find out how tfie P S • '• wth staft, allowed by law, who C. ' artment of Economic Security: �eed qt to do their jobs in: the Minriesota Dep the United Statea DePa�enta of Healtfi and Human Serv�c�.o � W � � and Urban Development and Agriculture. We may community based agencies. {ocae a� h h �p yo� erv�ce agencies, educational programs and other ag D. � � u* Provide This Inf.�� You are not required by law to provide this information. If you choose not to provide this info no be able may not know �n+hether you are elig�ble for the Rrogram and may to help you• Providing false information can lead to removal frcm the program• �I. Wage Detaii Files We may also use information from wage records kept by the Minnesota Department of Econom9c Security to help us evaluate the program. III. Social Security Numbers You do not have to provide a Social Security Numba� t° � e��9�b�e for our programs. Federai Pnvacy Act and Freedom of Information A uter matches, p � O 9ram i v e nd improvements, W d audFts e�t for comp `� � �. . Oo-r'o 1 , MINNESOTA CITY CRAI�TS PROGRAM The Minnesota Department of Economic Securiry ���� �, gpplication Gover Sheet MNTaacID#`r 0080 FederalEmployerID# 41-6005521 I certify that the information contained herein is true and accuraCe to the best of my kno�vledge and that I submit this appli �on on behalf of the applicant. Date: � �� �� Signature: �"""'�— \ ` Tide: � � � � ` � Page 6 .�-.G..�..,,� jQA1ViEOFPROJEGT: Ramsev County � f °s� m�^^ cy Diversion Project — ,4 � 0o—f0� ._ .. = w. _. , . -w - „ . ` ;,_PROJECT SUMMAl2Yf00 Ol_ _ ..; � : __ . ; � � _` The Minnesota City Grants Program assists the City of Saint Paul expand curfew enforcement, truancy prevention, and pretrial diversion prograins through direct funding from the Grartt, and an additional $300,000 in grants and in-kind services that aze leveraged by the Minnesota Ciry Cnants funding. Then central player in this process is the Ramsey County Truancy and Curfew Collaborative (RCTCC). The Collaborative is beginning its seventh yeaz of collaboration. Members include: law enforcement agencies of St. Paul and the municipalities located within Ramsey County, all school districts located within Ramsey County, St. Paul Youth Services,l�3orthwest Youth & Family Services, St. Paul Parks and Recreation Department, and Ramsey County Community Conections, Human Services, County Attorney and Sheriffs Department. The Mission of RCTCC is: "To reduce and prevent truancy and curfew violations in Ramsey County through a county-wide collaborative: RCTCC focuses on the outcomes of: 1) Decreasing truancy and curfew violations in Ramsey County; 2) Involving families and communities in promoting the values of education, responsibility and logical consequences; 3) Decreasing juvenile victimization and juvenile crime; and, 4) Working collaboratively, effectively and efficiently with stakeholders throughout Ramsey County, with a focus on the balanced participation of both suburban and urban communities. The RCTCC continues to serve youth who are truant from school and those who are violating curfew. These two populations are at risk of being involved with criminal behavior while truant and violating curfew, and are also at risk of being victims of crime themselves -- particularly curfew violators. The goals of the RCTCC are to provide logical consequences to these youth, to connect youth and their families to appropriate services, and to reduce both the criminal behavior and the risk of victimization. Sic�nificant Issues / Chanees: 1. The new Truancy and Curfew Center located in the new Ramsey Gounty Juvenile and Family Justice Center will officially open in late July 2000. 2. The second phase evaluation by Wilder Research Center resulted in: . Development of the Youth Risk Assessment ScreeninQ Tool (YRAST). Developed by Wilder Research from an analysis of the extensive data collected in our evaluation process resulted in a screening tool which facilitates targeting our limited intervention resources. • Beginning in 2000-01, an agreement with the Ramsey County Attorney's Office will refer all curfew violators who score in the 12isk Poo12 on the YRAST to Diversion services. • Follow-up services for both truancy and curfew violators are being redesigned to address the need of the increasingly difficult clientele identified in our evaluations, reflected in increased recidivism, and in a low rate of connection to foilow-up services. Governance: The RCTCC is governed by iYs Executive Committee, consisting of Family Service, Inc., Maplewood Police, Northwest Youth & Family Services, Ramsey County Attorney's Office, City of St. Paul Minnesota City Grants Program 2000-01 2 ao -P'ot Ramsey County Coaections Department, Ramsey County Community Human Services, Ramsey County Sheriff's Department, Roseville Schools, St. Paul Police, St. Paul Schools, and St. Paul Youth Services. It meets on a monthly basis. Services: Our Truaucy and Curfew operations have been located in sepazate facilities due to space 1'unitations. They will merge into one center in July 2000, as construction is completed on the Ramsey County Juvenile and Family Justice Center, which will house the RCTCC. Different members of the RCTCC manage the Truancy and Curfew Center operations. Management of the Truancy Center is provided through a contract with the St. Paul Public Schools. St. Paul Youth Services contracts for on-site youth counselors that provide cultutally appropriate counseling, referral, and family outreach. Truancy sweeps are conducted periodically to augment truants picked up by patrol officers. Pazents or family members can "retrieve" truants from the center. A youth that is truant is picked up and brought to the Center for an interview and a brief assessment to determine the reason they are truant. The studenYs school and parents are contacted. A Risk Assessment Screening is completed to determine appropriate follow-up. In addition, The Youth Service Bureau provides a truancy prevention program in three targeted middle schools on the East Side of St. Paul. The Truancy Center served 1293 truant students this past yeaz (see enclosed report). Youth violating curfew are taken to the curfew center. The Curfew Center is open Wednesday through Saturday nights, the peak time for curfew. violations. The Ramsey County Sheriffs Department provides a deputy for on-site management of the curfew center, and a contract between RCTCC and Northwest Youth & Family Services provides for two youth counselors for on-site counseling, risk assessment, and referral. Violators are brought to the Center where an intake interview is conducted, and a Risk Assessment Screening is completed to determine appropriate follow-up services. Those youth determined to be at risk for further violations are referred to Diversion services located throughout the county. Pretrial Diversion services are specifically targeted under the grant to St. Paul youth through programmang at St. Paul Youth Services. In addition, Night Moves, a program of St. Paui Parks and Recreation provides culturally diverse educational and recreational progratmning for repeat curfew violators. The curfew center served approximatel ��1110 juveniles this past year. Evaluation: The Wilder Research Center has conducted evaluations of RCTCC programs. Initial evaluations reflected a high degree of service satisfaction reported by youth and parents, and that detention at the curfew and truancy centers seemed to be a successful deterrent to repeat curfew and truancy offenses. The most recent Evaluation (June 1999) is attached. It has led the Bxecutive Committee to extensive on-going discussion and planning to address recommendations in the Evaluation. • Development of the new Youth Risk Assessment Screening Tool (YRAST). Designed to highlight appropriate follow-up services and target our limited resources, it has been used in an extensive trial during this yeaz. Outcomes are not yet available. • Structural changes to our program are needed to address the intensity and design of follow-up services. Planning is proceeding, and we anticipate implementing new Curfew and Truancy follow-up services by September 2000. City of St. Paul Minnesota City Grants Program 2000-01 �. rt , . Oo -Fa� An evaluation plan focused on Foliow-up services is P�ulation Served Youth who violate the city and county's curfew ordinance. Services Provided Manage and staff a curfew violation center from Wednesday through Sahuday nights. Provide information to all law enforcement agencies in Ramsey County on the services and procedures of the curfew center. Notify parents of their youth at the curfew center. Conduct interviews and a brief assessment with youth. Provide pazents(guardians of youth with information and referrals to communiry agencies. Provide follow-up calls to pazents for the purpose of evaluating effectiveness and addressing needs for further referral of. resources Staf�ng Patterns The Ramsey County Sheriffs Department prodides a Ramsey County Sheriffs Deputy to provide on-site management at the curfew center when it is open. Northwest Youth & Family Services provides youth counselors at the curfew center on a nightly basis. Off-duty officers from St. Paui and suburban agencies are contracted to work both enforcement and Center security during open hours. St. Paul Police provide transport for pick-up of those curfew violators who may be apprehended a distance from the Curfew Center. Law Enforcement Agencies can inform the deputy of their need for transport and the curfew center can arrange for pick-up of youth violating cuxfew. The pick up area includes Ramsey County municipalities outside of St. Paul if the local law enforcement agency has formally agreed to the service with the St. Paul Ctuef of Police. This necessary component of the program is to ensure that no municipality or area of the county is without police protection while the curfew violator is being transported to the center. In addition, off-duty police officers pick up youth and bring them to the center and curfew sweeps are conducted on a regular basis Proeram Structure Curfew violators are brought to the curfew center and intake procedures are activated. The youth's history with Ramsey County is checked. The youth is searched so that no one will be at risk while the parendguardian is contacted. While waiting for pick-up, the youth is counseled. Follow-up calls to parents provide the opportunity to assess the effectiveness of the center and to provide additional encouragement, support and referral. Beginning in 200-01, those youth identified as appropriate on the YRAST will be referred for Diversion service. City of St. Paul Minnesota City Grants Program 2000-01 4 . b �0—d"01 5 n ��: 4_. ... _,.. � ,. .- .�x-� .., �.. , . _ RCT`GG _Truancy �e,nfer Sery�ces2000 01 __._- . . ��� �,�. - :.»,_.��.. Population Served Youth who are absent from school due to truancy. Services Provided Manage and staff a truancy center that is open weekdays during school hours. Provide information to ail schools throughout St. Paul and Ramsey County and to all St. Paul and Ramsey County Law Enforcement agencies about the services and procedures of the truancy center. Notify pazents of their youth at the truancy center. Conduct interviews and a brief assessment with youth. Provide educational activities geared toward academics and the prevention of truant behavior. Provide information and referrals to community agencies to parents/guardians of youth. Provide follow-up calls to schools and to pazents for the purpose of getting the youth back in school, evaluating effectiveness, and addressing needs for fiirther referral of resources Staffins Patterns The St. Paul Schooi District provides a teacher and an educational assistant to provide on-site management at the Center. The St. Paul Youth Service Bureau provides counselors for intake, counseling and referral services. Law enforcement pick up youth that are truant and bring them into the center. St. Paul Police assign three officers to provide truancy enforcement, and truancy sweeps occur on a periodic basis in both St. Paul and suburban azeas. Pro�ram Structure The Truancy center operates between 7:30 and 430 Monday through Friday. A law enforcement officer brings truancy violators to the Truancy Center. Youth younger than 12 are immediately brought to their school. Those verified to be 16 or older are released as per Minnesota Statute. Each youth's history of truancy is checked, the youth is interviewed and a Risk Assessment (YRAST) is completed. The youth's school and parents aze contacted. Parents are requested to come to the Center for a meeting and release. Follow-up calls to parents provide the opportunity to assess the effectiveness of the center and to provide additional encouragement, support and referral. City of St. Paui Minnesota City Grants Program 2000-01 5 ac -�o� Pretrial Diversion Program Update Project Summary for 2000 - 01 Po ulation Served Youth who have been anested for a second curfew violation are served by this portion of our project. Services provided Educational Gzoup — a group for youth arrested for curfew violation and their pazents is provided monthly. This group emphasizes the risk of criminal involvement and victimization for youth that are out after curfew. Youth and parents may be refened to other Diversion program Groups including Anger Management, Chemical Awareness, Property Offense Awareness, or to a group offered in the Hmong Language. Community Service — youth are assigned community service hours. St. Paul youth Services maintains relationships with over 80 groups/organizations who supervise community service projects. The average number of hours assigned for a second curfew violation is 10. StaffinL Pattern A total of 3.5 FTE staff provides diversion services at St. Paul Youth Services. Curfew violation cases aze referred to any one of these staff primarily based in neighborhoods (staff work out of neighborhood offices on the East Side, West Side and North End of St. Paul) and language (services aze available in Spanish and Hmong as well as English). Pr ogram Structure The St. Paul Police Department, Ramsey County Community Corrections, and the Ramsey County Curfew Center refer youth for curfew diversion. Youth and families must attend on educational seminaz and youth must complete community service hours in order to avoid having the case petitioned to juvenile court. 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City of St. Paul ALLOWABLE ACTIVITY: Truancy Prevention Programs SALARY Title and Name POSI7ION(S TOTAL COST .5 FTE TeacherlCounselor $ 22.000 1 FTE Ed. Assistant $ 21,000 TOTAL SAIARY $ 43,OQ�0 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS (itemize) Fringe @ 31% $13,300 TOTAL $ 13,300 CONTRACTED SERVICES (Itemizej Project Consultant TOTAL $ 31,000 EMPLOYEE IN-STATE TRAVEL (mileage may not exceed .27 per mile) TOTAL City of St. Paui Minnesota City Grants Program 2000-01 18 0 0 -8`0� SUPPLIES, PHONE, POSTAGE, PRINT, COPY (Itemize) Supplies $ 300 Phone, postage $ 100 Printing $ 90Q TOTAL $ 1,300 EQUIPMENT (itemize) TOTAL INDIRECT COST* (May not exceed �ve percent of amount requested) TOTAL OTHER EXPENSES (Itemize) TOTAL GR+4ND TOTAL�FQR THISALLOWABl.E Must�match total on forms;la d 4 aCqvity�` $ 88,600 �- f ?�. �'�r : x#. r�`' �su.�S w �rr"��'�''� .,'�'^�:...,_�;::� m�i"�'f�a��°s,.. <; � p ,� , _�`� "�i.� �s�s City of St. Paul Minnesota City Grants Program 2000-01 �y oe -to� BUDGET JUSTIFICATION � FORM 5 Piease provide a brief justification for the budget items requested on FORM 5. Include an explanation of how costs were determined. If you are appiying in more than one ailowabie activity, please us a se arate form for each activi . APPLICANT: City of St. Paul ALLOWABLE ACTIVITY: CurPew, Counseling and Referral Services SALARY Title and Name POSITION(S) TOTAL COST TOTAL SALARY EMPLOYEE BENEFITS (itemize) TOTAL CONTRACTED SERVICES (Itemize) Off Duty Officers $ 14,525 Supervision $ 3,400 TOTAL $ 17,925 EMPLOYEE IN-STATE TRAVEL (mileage may not exceed .325 per mile) TOTAL City of St. Paul Minnesota City Grants Program 2000-01 20 '' " Oo to� City of St, Paul Minnesota City Grants Program 2000-01 Z� � BUDGET JUSTiFICATION 00 -Po � FORM 5 Piease provide a brief justification for the budget items requested on FORM 5. Include an explanation of how costs were determined. If you are applying in more allowable activity, please us a separate form for each activi . APPLICANT: City of St. Paul ALLOWABLE ACTIVITY: Pretrial Diversion Programs SALARY Title and Name POSITIOIV(S) TOTAL COST Diversion Counselor .68 FTE $ 17,000 TOTAL SALARY $ 17,000 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS (itemize) Health Insurance Retirement Plan Payroll Taxes Unemployment comp Worker's Comp • Professional Liability TOTAL $ 3,740 CONTRACTED SERVICES (Itemize) Computer Software (data base) Computer Hardware Interpreters Payroll Service TOTAL $ 500 EMPLOYEE IN-STATE TRAVEL (mileage may not exceed .325 per mile) In State Travel Parking TOTAL $ 180 City of St. Paul Minnesota City Grants Program 2000-01 22 oo-d�o� SUPPLIES, PHONE, POSTAGE, PRINT, COPY (Itemize) Office Suppiies Program Supplies Telephone Postage TOTAL $ 650 EQUIPMENT (itemize) Computers / Printers Copier Postage Machine Repair and Maintenance TOTAL $ 440 INDIRECT COST* (May not exceed five percent of amount requested) 5% of Budget TOTAL $ 1,190 OTHER EXPENSES (Itemize) Occupancy $ 900 Staff Development $ 250 Insurance $ 150 TOTAL $ 1,300 GRANQ TOTAL FO�t THTS �LLOWABLE #� , pCTI�`� $ � Must tmatch�total on��o�r�is�^a�d �`��,far�lt�„�a���v,dy� 25,000 n S .-:.a,�w:��,� � City of St. Paul Minnesota City Grants Program 2000-01 23 oo- �n � BUDGET 7USTIEICATION FORM 5 Please provide a brief justification for the budget items requested on FORM 5. Include an explanation of fiow costs were determined. If you are aQplying in more than one allowable activity, please us a se arate form for each activi . APPLICANT: City of St. Paul ALLOWABLE ACTIVITY: In Schooi 7ruancy Prevention SALARY Titie and Name POSITION(S) TOTAL COST Truancy Prevention 1.76 FTE $ 44,000 Counselors TOTAL SALARY $ 44,000 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS (itemize) Health Insurance Retirement Plan Payroll Taxes Unemployment comp Worker's Comp • Professional Liability TOTAL $ 9,680 CONTRACTED SERVICES (Itemize) Computer Software (data base) Computer Hardware Interpreters Payrolt Service " TOTAL $ 1,500 EMPLOYEE IN-STATE TRAVEL (mileage may not eacceed .325 per mile) I� State Travel Parking TOTAL � 500 City of St. Paui Minnesota City Grants Program 2000-01 24 Do -�\ City of St. Paul Minnesota City Grants Program 2000-01 25 00 -d BUDGET JUSTIFICATION FORM 5 Please provide a brief justification for the budget items requested on FORM 5. Include an explanation of how costs were determined. If you are applying in more than one aflowable activity, please us a se arate form for each activi . APPLICANT: City of St. Paul ALLOWABLE ACTIVITY: Curfew, Counseling Services (Night Moves) SALARY Tit1e and Name POSITION(S) TOTAL COST Program Assistants 6 x$15/hr x 4 hours x 14 days $ 5,040 Activity Instructors 18 x$12/hr x 2 hours x 14 days $ 6,048 TOTAL SALARY $ 11,088 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS (itemize) Part-time Staff: $11,088 x 18% $ 1,996 TOTAL $ 1,996 CONTRACTED SERVICES (Itemize) TOTAL EMPLOYEE IN-STATE TRAVEL (mileage may not exceed .325 per mile) TOTAL City of St. Paul Minnesota City Grants Program 2000-01 26 oo- F-o 1 City of St. Paui Minnesota City Grants Program 2000-01 27 , � Youth Risk Assessment Screening Tool 1. Have you had contact with the police? 'How old Yes & 13 No, or were you the first time? or younger = Ov 13 oo—�-a�. � Ramsey County Truancy & Curfew Center Youth Date of Birth: Completed Truancy Date: Purpose: The Youth Risk Assessment Screening Tool identifies those youth most likely to benefit from Early , Intervention efforts. It is one source of information to be used in conjunction with other information and professional judgement when making decisions on fuRher assessment and/or service. Instructions for use: Complete the questions below using infortnation obtained through a youth interview and other sources. Answer the questions with the best information available. Circle the best answer, and enter the numerical score for each question. Then total the score, and consider the Guidelines betow. Risk Item Values ScorE 2. Do you currentiy live with both parents? 3. Are you having any problems at home now? 4. Do you get along well with your parents? 5. Are there any adults you trust enough to talk wrth ahout thinas that are imqortant to you? No = 1 Yes = 1 No = 1 No = 1 6. Have you ever been at the Curfew Ce�ter I Yes = 1 before, or been picked up for a curfew violation? � R 8. Other Offenses on Tag 9. Current or Previous Probation Officer? Yes = 1 Yes = 1 Yes = 0 No = 0 Yes = 0 Yes = 0 Ne = 0 V� ,. °?�„ Female = I NQ = 0 No = 0 Intervention Guidelines: Risk Pool 1= 0— 3(focus on during time at Center onty) Risk Pooi 2= 4— 6(focus of Early Intervention efforts) Risk Pooi 3= 7+(refer for broader system intervention) Total Score L� YRAST Truancy Fortn - 9/99 , �, 0 oa— P�o \. Youth Risk Assessment Screening Tool � Ramsey County �+u �ew Truancy & Curfew Center Youth Date of Completed by: Date: Purpose: The Youth Risk Assessment Sc2ening Tool identifies those youth most likely to benefit from Early Intervention efforts. It is one source of infocmation to be used in conjunction with other information and professional judgement when making decisions on further assessment and/or service. Instructions for use: Complete the questions below using information obtained through a youth interview and other sources. Answer the questions with the best information available. Circle the best answer, and enter the numericaf score for each question. Then totat the score, and consider the Guideiines below. Risk Item Values Score 1. Have you had previous contact with the police? How ofd were you the first time? 2. Are you currently living with both parents? 3. Are you having any problems at home now? 4. Do you get along well wiih your parents? 5. Are there any adults you trust enough to talk with about things that are important to you? 6. Has youth ever been at the Curfew Center hefnrc nf hPAf1 fli(:I(P.(I I1D f0� 9 CUf�FBW VIOI 8. Other Offenses on Tag �r at time of incident 10. Prior Felony Offense? Yes & 13 No, or or younger = Over 13 2 =0 No = 1 Yes = 0 Yes = 1 No = 0 No = 1 No = 1 �: ; sa; ; uE Yes = 1 Male = 1 Yes = 1 Yes = 1 Yes = 1 Yes = 0 Yes=O � „;. ? �' ��.��' ,�:`„ No = � Female = 0 No = 0 No = 0 No=O �� Intervention Guidelines: Risk Pool 1= 0— 3(focus on during time at Center only) Risk Pool 2= 4— 6(focus of Early Intervention efforts) Risk Pool 3= 7+(refer for broader system intervention) Total Score �� YRAST Curfew Fortn - 9/99 � x �j l• i � i�eael/ Cow►t�i Tn�ancy i� Curfew Center A conumxJtr bokLil afhr ym#h Ramsey County Truancy Center 494 S�ley Streec, Second Floor Saint Patil, MN 55101-2340 (651) 29a8369 • F� (651) 29o-7o7s � Sairlt Pauf Pu6tic Schoo/s a.staere <[�isirs , " � _ � ' � 1 • • a i � 11 �� " ydents �(�.Q.Q �ass,�c.9 Tofc-1'99-'OQ t�' •/Dav j{�og..�.Q ,�une_99 Tata7'94-'DO Males 14 26 ' 8�# r.. # DAyS 4 9 � }7�: -;. '"-�`�"� �:' # Truants 17 52 -r°iZ43:`` Ferxales 3 26 -"-:- �?!:&__�=,.- - : - - _ Tatels 17 52 ;�°"3Z9��>;=. Totals I.89 5.78 =-� Ethn+c j.µd�--QQ, .�.N�.2 Zsto1'vv-'on Native Am. 0 1 `��' Asian 9 15 _ ='=.�3.9�"-= Hispenic 0 � -° ==':��,`�`::=�`. Black 2 5 ":;;�3��;�`: 26 `� � ��j.�.j� ;..'X�.: �- White 6 w;.��r:_;� � o O _ -� „t3»-^ii Tatats 17 52 ���. =��3^._7 OD�y �d1 . Cj7 .cs. Inf j�e 00 fu»e 99 Repeats � 17 Mult. Yisits � !+ n� Probation 3 '� No Longer P.O. �Ia n�8 Nan-Engiish 8 16 Special Ed_ Z � t�ton - Si. Paui � 3 _ - The data above is taken from s database cr¢ated at the Ramsey County Truancy Gertter. • Schools irrvolved are on the backside of this report - ihis is a cumulatrve total for the ye adle�ecm� qn+clpJ f�SerR�je*�+i¢v lu�vrtn FS ASrkW m�r��� �� romx co,�x, A collaborative program t R�n�y County S hoolsa Probatio aad Pollc�e; �outh 5ervice Bureau and _ ,. 2 5 � i I v lv d 5 o mber Throueh �une �n0o a�nAGAPE 1 Mann El. 1 ALC 10 jacksan El. Z ArlinBtcn Sr 89 Monroe El. Z Central Sr 66 Mounds Pk. EI 3 Camo Sr 58 Parkway El. 1 Face to Face 5 Phalen Lk EI. 1 Fruh Start 10� Saturn El. Z GAP 15 W'ebster EI I Harding Sr 168 Totals: Zl Highland 5r 151 Hubb Center 3 Humboidt Sr 72 Johnson Sr 144 Open School � PSD 3 Re-Entry 6 Right Step �g Studio 4 3 TFS 6 7oials: 831 Battle Crtek Jr $¢ Cleveland Jr 14 �p�r 5 Hatel Fark)r 2D Highland)r 51 Humboldt Jr 15 Murray Jr 11 RamseyJr 18 washington Jr 35 Totais: 254 x Chelsea Hgts. 1 Como EL 3 Econ Ft 1 Frankiin EI. Z rian:ock El. 1 Daytons B!. EI. 7. Ra^• v Co JOthers ALC Moundsviex � ALC Mpls. 1 ALC Maplewood 1 atc Roseville � Academy Street ? Anwantin 1 Armstrong 1 Bush Program Z Capital Yew 9 Center �chool 1 Champlin Sr. Z Chisago Sr. 3 ' C�ty Academy 21 Cretin/Durham 1 oakota Ridge 1 Eagan Sr. 1 Eastv+ew '� Edtson Sr. 4 Face to Fa:.e Z F.C.A.S. 1 F[¢Id El. 3 Folwekl 3 Friendly Hills 1 Gladstone 1 Higher Ground 1 Home School 1 �ohn �1enn 1 John Meir (WI) 1 JSC i Rochester Mayo I Minnehaha Ac 1 Park Sr. Z PYC 1 7pF. For Lrng Park Sr. kills Tomorro Hastings Sr. Henry Sr. Henry Sibiey iighex Groun� Hio view Irondale Sr LakeJr. tAMS MN Tuh. Moundsview North Sr. Oak Grave Olson Oss¢o Park Center PIRCE PM Mpis. Povrell Prior Lake Rooseveit Sr. Roaseville St Agnes St. eernatds S.S.P. Suaess Acad. TarWn Sr. Tri-Distrid l"wm C�tieS A:. upper Mid. WAVE 2001 NMite Bea Totals: ao-�-o� 4 2 2 3 6 1 3 1 2 2 1 3 1 2 6 1 4 2 1 1 1 1 8 � 2 1 1 6 2 1 1 2 1 2 1b5 i June 1999 Ramsey County Truancy & Curfew C enter Evaluation Report W'�� Ramsey County Truancy and Curfew Center Evaluation Report Prepared for: The Ramsey County Truancy and Curfew Center Collaboration By: Greg Owen, Ph.D. Consulting Scientist and June Heineman Reseazch Associate Wilder Reseazch Center 1295 Bandana Boulevard North Suite 210 St. Paul, MN 55108 Telephone: 651-647-4600 Fas: 651-647-4623 e-mail: �'e�(a�wilder.ora Oo -to1 June,1999 �0-' f� � a The authors wish to thank the following contdbutors who helped make this report possible: Clancy Finnegan of the St. Paul School District who supervises the Truancy Center and heiped collect and organize information about youth who were brought to the center during the study period. Don Sazma of the Ramsey County Sheriffs Department who supervises the Curfew Center and helped collect and organize information about youth who were cited for curfew violations during the study period. Lyle Christensen and Chris Teiken who provided juvenile violations data on youth cited for curfew and truancy violations in Ramsey County. John Stignani of the St. Paul School District who provided school attendance data for youth served at the Tn�ancy Center. , Nancy LeToumeau, director of St. Paul Youth Services, Inc. who provided background informarion about the project and contributed to the organization of this report. Becky Montgomery, a planner for Ramsey County who helped facilitate the collection of information from various sources. Pat Peterson, who coordinated the Ramsey County Truancy and Curfew Coliaborative during ine study period. Jeri Maher of East Communities Family Services who helped collect risk assessment data. The members of the Collaborative who provided suggestions and guidance throughout the study period. Wilder Reseazch Center staff also contributed to this project. Assistance was provided by administrative service staff inember Louann Graham, data entrY staf�member Mary Tillman, data analysis staff inembers Carmelle Minton and Danielle Longerbone, survey reseazch coordinator Shannon Brumbaugh, data collection staff member Laurie Chouanard, and research 2SSOCiate Amy SteVenS. gymsey County Truancy and Curfew Center Wilder Reseazch Center ' June, 1999 . ,, �.. . . Oo -8'0\ The Ramsey County Truancy and Curfew Centers were formed in an attempt to reduce and prevent truancy and cwfew violations throu�h a county-wide effort. The Truancy Center is currenfly located at Tenth and Sibley (the former site of the St. Paul Attendance Center} in downtown St. Paul. The Curfew Center is currendy located at 960 Jackson (iust north of University Avenue and Robert Street) at the Valley Recreation Center. The Centers were designed to provide: • A central location for all Ramsey County youth to be brought following apprehension by law enforcement officers in circumstances of school truancy or cur£ew violation. • A central point where parents can collect children and talk about their concems with social service staff following a violation. • Identification of and referral to other services for youth and family members in need of additional support. The project developed out of the efforts of the Youth Collaborative committee and the following agencies whose representatives make up the Ramsey County Truancy and Curfew Center Collaborative: . Ramsey County Attorney's Office . Ramsey County 7uvenile Corrections . Ramsey County Community Human Services . Ramsey County Sheriff's Department • Mounds View Public Schools . North St. PauUMaplewood/Oakdale Public Schools . Roseville Public Schools • St. Paul Pubfic SchooIs . White Beaz Lake Pubiic Schools • Maplewood Police Depaztrnent Wilder Reseazch Center -i- • Mounds View Police Departrnent • North St. Paul Police Department • Roseviile Police Department • St. Paul Police Department . White Bear Lake Police Department • East Communities Fanuly Service • Northwest Youth and Family Service • St. Paut Youth Service Bureau • White Bear Lake Area Counseling Center Ramsey County Truancy and Curfew Center June, 1999 ., punding for the project has been provided by a Minnesota Cities Grant, a local law enforcement block grant, as well as the St: Paul Public Schools, the Ramsey County Sheriffs Department and the St. Paul Police Department. jnitial funding for the project was received in ihe Fall of 1995 and the first Curfew Center opened in the Sumtner of 1996. The first Truancy Center opened in September of 1996. Po�� PREYIOUS RESEARCH In June of 1997 Wilder Reseazch Center completed iu first evaluation of the Truancy and Curfew Centers. The study was based on telephone surveys of youth and pazents as well as information collected from youth at each of the centers. This report showed that more than 3,000 youth were served at the two centers during the first yeaz of the program and that the lazgest proportion of youth served were residents of St. Paul. Survey results also showed that the vast majority of parents whose children were brought to either center (96%) felt that the enforcement of truancy and curfew laws was a"good idea." In addition, 94 percent of parents also believed that the enforcement of such laws contributed to the reduction of juvenile crime within the county. Interviews with youth showed that slightly more than half of all youth who were brought to the Curfew or Truancy Center (53%) reported a positive change in one or more behaviors related to school attendance or in the group of friends with whom they associated. During the same tnne period 263 truants and 118 curfew violators received follow-up services from the St. Paul Youth Service Bureau (YSB). Subsequent foilow-up by YSB staff six-months following the temunation of services showed thai 79 percent of truants had no repeat truancy episodes and 95 percent of curfew violators had no additional arrests• Wilder Reseazch Center -2- Ramsey County Truancy and Cu J�e, 1999 ` , � . � oo-�a\ The purpose of the second year evaluation is twofold. First, the Collaborative focused on the development of risk assessment tools that could be used at both centers to help identify youth who would benefit from additional services. Second, the sponsoring agencies wished to develop access to two key sources of outcome data including juvenile court records and school attendance information. Information from the risk assessment tools as well as juvenile court records and attendance data aze examined in this report. An initial attempt is made to link specific risk data to both types of outcomes. SOURCES OF DATA Youth Served The Ramsey County Truancy and Curfew Centers routinely collect basic demographic information on the chazacteristics of clients served. Data presented in this section of the report are derived from the summary documents provided by both Centers foilowing the conclusion of the 1997-98 school yeaz. Information derived from the new data collection system implemented in late October, 1998 provides more detailed information on clients served at the center between November 1998 and March of 1999. Juvenile Violation Data The Ramsey County Juvenile Justice Cente: and the Community Corrections Departrnent routinely collection information on juvenile court involvement in Ramsey County. The information presented in this report aze derived from juvenile records made available by the Juveni2e Justice Center undar data privacy agreements with Wilder Reseazch Center. Records aze examined for all youth who have had at least one visit to the Ramsey County Truancy or Curfew Center between January 1, 1998 and 3une 30, 1998. Records are examined for the s'vc months prior to the first violation during that time period and six months following the conclusior. of that time period. Wilder Reseazch Center _3- Ramsey County Truancy and Curfew Center June, 1999 oo-�ro� New Data Collecrion Forms In October, 1998 the truancy and curfew centers began a new data coilection and risk assessment effort. For each visit to the truancy and curfew centers, three forms are now completed for each youth. The first form describes demographic information and is completed by the youth on his or her own. The second form is completed by truancy or curfew center staff as part of an interview with each youth during their visit. In this interview youth are asked why they were out after curfew (or not in school), where they were picked up, who they were with, pazental knowledge of their activities, prior police involvement, and information about their home and school circumstances. The third form is completed by truancy or curfew center staff. This form allows staff inembers to describe ihe circumstances under which youth were brought to the center including records of weapons, illegal substances, drug pazaphemalia, previous offenses, gang affiliation, and other information related to previous violations. Staff also note whether or not a parent or guardian was available to pick the child up from the center. CHARACTERISTICS OF YOUTH SERVED AT THE CURFEW CENTER (JANUARY 1 1998 — DECEMBER 31 1998) The Ramsey County Curfew Center operates on a calendar year and is open regazdiess of whether or not school is in session. During 1998 the Center served 1,389 juveniles, 62 percent of whom were males. Forty-one and one-half percent of youth brought to the Center were white, 2?.4 percent were African American, 26.6 percent were Asian, 2.7 were Latino/Latina and 1.7 percent were Native American. Youth who were brought to the Center ranged in age from 6 to 17 with a median age of 16. The vast majority of youth brought to the Curfew Center (68.1%) were arrested in St. Paul. Mapiewood arrests counted for 15.5 percent of youth; Roseville, 8.4 percent; Little Canada, 23 perceni; Arden Hills, 2 percent; and Vadnais Heights, 1.4 percent. Fewer than 1 percent of all Wilder Research Center -4- Ramsey County Truancy and Curfew Center Iune, 1999 00 -8n 1 curfew arrests occurred in the cities of Falcon Heights, Mounds View, Nor[h St. Paul, Shoreview, St. Anthony, or White Bear Lake. Fewer than 5 percent of all youth (4.6%) were chazged with crimes in addition to curfew violation at the tune of their arrest. Among youth who were chazged with additional crimes, charges include minor consumption, outstanding arrest warrant, providing false information to the police, attempted auto theft, possession of weapons, possession of marijuana, possession of crack cocaine, possession of drug paraphemalia, and the unIawful operation of a motor vehicle. Of all youth brought to the Center, 3.8 percent were placed in either a juvenile corrections facility or a residential youth service program. Thirty-five percent of all curfew violators were known to have previous police contact and approximately 19 percent were known to be repeat curfew violators. On average, the Curfew Center served 27 youth each week. CHARACTERISTICS OF YOUTH SERVED AT THE TRUANCY CENTER (SEPTEMBER, 1997 7HROUGH JUNE, 1998) The Truancy Center in Ramsey County operates only during the school yeaz. During the 1997- 98 school year 1,414 youth were brought to the Truancy Center. Sia�ty-eight percent of these youth were males. Asian youth accounted for 39 percent of all Truancy Center admissions. Whites made up 32.8 percent; Afiican Americans, 19.4 percent; Latino/Latina, 63 percent and Native Americans, 1.8 percent. Youth ranged in aged from 5 to 18 with a median age of 15. Twenty-one percent of all youth brought to the Truancy Center had been to the Truancy Center on at least one other occasion. Just over one-third (36%) came from homes in which English was not the primary language spoken. Appro�cimately 7 percent were brought to the Truancy Center from Snburban Ramsey County. P,Il others were from St. Paul. Approximately 9 percent were receiving special educational services and about 10 percent were on school probation. Wilder Reseazch Center _5- Ramsey County Truancy and Curfew Center June, 1999 � . � 00 -8'01 CURFEW C�NTER IMPACT ON SUBSEQUENT.1 WENILE VIOLAT�ONS youth included in tlus phase of the study include those persons brought to the Curfew Center between January 1, 1998 and June 30, 1998• During that time period 604 youth (369 males and 235 females) received services at the Curfew Center. Thirty-three percent of the youth (N=199) bad a juvenile violation record and 40 percent (N=241) had some previous contact with police. Fourteen percent (N=84) had an offense in the six months prior to their arrest for a curfew violation. An examination of juvenile records in the six months following the initial Curfew Center visit shows that 19 percent of youth (N=124) had one or more subsequent juvenile violations. The majority of the subsequent violations (58%) were misdemeanors, 21 percent were felonies, 19 percent were probation violations and one percent were gross misdemeanors. The percent of felony level crimes dropped by approximately 3 percent compared to the pre- curfew center study period. TRUANCY CEN7ER 1MPACT ON SUBSEQUENT JUVENILE VIOLATIONS AND SCHOOL ATTENDANCE Youth in tivs phase of the study inciuded those persons of school age who were brought to the 'Truancy Center between 7anuary 5, 1998 and June 5, 1998. During this period 661 youth (426 males and 235 females) received services at the Truancy Center. For this set of youth infonnation was available on both subsequent juvenile violations as well as school attendance. Nine and one-half percent of the youth served at the Truancy Center were known to have previous police contact. In the six months following the initial T�°y Center visits, 8.6 percent of youth had a subsequent juvenile offense. The majority of these offenses 61 percent were misdemeanors,l9 percent were felonies, 16 percent were probation violations and 5 percent were gross misdemeanors. With regazd to school attendance, 558 of the 66I youth could be matched with St• Paul school attendance data. This corresponds approximately to the proportion of St. Paul students who make up the Trnancy Center population. The mean number of absences in the time period before their 1998 Truancy Center visit was 11.8 and the mean number of absences following the Truan�Y Center visit was 13.4. This difference is statistically significant an3 indicates an npWazd pattem of school absences in the immediate time period following the initial Truancy Center visit. Ramsey County Truan�Y and CurFew Center Wilder Research Center ' Iune, 1999 .� 00 - 8a� SUMMARY These data show that Curfew Center visits are associated with a slight increase in juvenile violations in the six-months following a curfew violation. Truancy Center data show that there is a small but not siguificant decline in juvenile violations following an episode of truancy. School absences increase slighfly in the period following a truancy center visit These results suggest that it may be beneficial to target follow-up services to those youth most likely to re-offend based on the risk factor analysis described below. In an attempt to better evaluate the likelihood of subsequent juvenile violations and schooi absences, risk data is now being collected at both the Curfew and Truancy Centers. It is hoped that future decisions about additional services for youth and their families can be based, in part, on a valid assessment of known risk factors. During the pilot period for conducting these assessments, October 1, 1998 through February 28, 1999, the following results were obtained: Number of Valid' Youth Self-Administered Forms Number of Vatid' Staff Self-administered Forms Number of Valid' Xouth Interviews Conducted by Staff �) ' Copies of all forms are shown in Appendix A Curfew Center 409 488 424 cy Center 498 210 195 Because data was reasonably complete for only some forms and some items, risk factor selection was limited to the following: . Youth self-report of previous police contact Youth self-report of family problems that cause trouble at home Raznsey County Tivancy and Curfew Center June,1999 Wilder Reseazch Center -7- . 00 —dsol . Youth seif-report of no adults in their life whom they trust . pther offenses identified and chazged at time of curfew/truancy cenier visit In order to maxtmize the predictive power of each risk factor, curfew and truancy center youth were combined for the first analysis. The second analysis inciudes only Truancy Center youth since school attendance data was available for only these youth. The following results were obtained: Risk Factors Predictive of Felony Offenses lAvailable Cases = 541) # of Risk Factors 0 �--- �--- 2 3 �--- 4 (Curfew and Truancy Center) Total Number 324 156 54 6 Risk �actors Pr�dictive of School Absences (Available Cases =195) Number of Risk Factors 0 i 2 3 4 Wilder Research Center (Truancy Center Only) Total Number 124 40 24 6 1 � N with Felony Offense 20 42 18 2 2 4.2 5.1 12.5 20.9 23.2 Ramsey Counry Truancy and Cur �une, 1999 % with Felony Offenses 6.1 % 26.9% 333% 3> >% 100% Mean Number of Absences , � '• • Oo.-8�oi SUMMARY These results suggest that a limited number of risk factor items may be adequate to assess the potential need for additional services following a curfew or truancy violation. Use of a revised version of the staf� interview form in combinafion with staff notation of other charges or violations could serve as an initial iriaae method for targeting yoath and/or families for additional services. Wilder Reseazch Center _9_ Ramsey County Tmancy and Curfew Center June, 1999 Do -6'0� -10- Ramsey County Truancy and Curfew Center VVilder Reseazch Center June, 1999 .. �. 1. YourName: 2. Address: Ramsey County Truaacy/Curfew Center Demoaraphics Form To be compleied by ihe youth First Middle Street Address City 3. Home Phone: Beeper/Ce11 Phone: _ 4. School: Name of Schoo2 5. Is this an"altemative school"? 1. yes 2. no 3. don't know 6. Grade: 7. Age: 8. Gender 1. male 2. female Last Zip Code City 9. Date of Birth: _ _ _ mo. day yr. 10. Race(circle 1): 1. American Indian 2. Asian/ Pacific Islander 3. Black 4. Hispanic/ Latino 5. White! Caucasian 6. Other: (Specify) _ 11. What language is most oftea spoken a: your home? (cucle 1) 1. Khmer 2. English 3. Hmong 4. Laotion 5. Somali 6. Spanish 7. Vietnaznese 8. Other: (Specify) 12. Parent/ Guardian's Name: Day Phone: Evening Phone: 13. Name of adult you live with, if different from above: Day Phone: Evening Phone: oe -�o� � Date; CIF #: Truancy ❑ Curfew ❑ Ramsey County Truancy/Cvrfew Center/ Demo�aphics Form: 10l07l98 �os -8� l Youth Name: ' ' Youth DOB: / /_ � F Today's Date: / / CIF #: Truancy ❑ Curfew ❑ Ramsey County Truancy/ Curfew Center Youth Follow-Ug/Observations Form To be completed by Truancy/Curfew Center Staff Individually Were any or the following items confiscated from this youth at the time he/she was brought to the Center?... 1. Drug paz�Phemali 2, Weapons 3. Illegalsubstances? Yes No IF YES, please describe 1 2 1 � 2 i I 2 4, A.re tfiere any other offenses on tivs tag? 1. Yes-�-�� Please describe 2. No 5. Do juvenile authorities have any record on this youth? !. Yes 2. No 8 Don't Know 6. Does youth have a prior: a, gtatus Offense b. Misdemeanor Offense c. Felony Offense -i- P y� No Don't Know 1 2 8 1 2 $ 1 2 $ Ramsey County Truancy/Curfew Center Youth Follow-Up/Observation Form: 10/07/98 , �.. ., " 7A. Does this student's school district report unexcused absences for tFus youth during the past month? i. yes-��--� 7B. How many days absent? days absent in past month O O-�( 2. No 8. Don't Know 8. Is tkere a prior record of this youth at the Curfew Center? 1_ Yes 2. No 9. Is there a prior record of ttus youth at the Truancy Center? 1. Yes 2. No 10. Were you able to identi at least one pazent/ guardian of this cluld? 1. Yes 2. No-��--� (GO TO 11B) I lA. Was a parenUguardian contacted? 1. Yes 2. No�-�-� (GO TO 11B) 11B. If no, was there another responsible adult contacted? 1. Yes��-� 11 C. Describe relationship to youth: 2. No 12A_ 'Who came to pick the child up at the Center? (name} I2B. Describe their relationship to child: _2_ Ramsey County Truancy/CurEew Center Youth Follow-Up/Observation Form: 10/07/98 � i3. Regaz'ding the adult(s) who picked youth up at center, did helshe appeaz: (CFiECK ALL THAT APP"�.I� DO ❑ Cooperative ❑ Hostile or defensive toward staff ❑ Indifferent (� Impaired (alcohol or drugs) ❑ Interested 'uz additional help ❑ pther (describe): 14,�,, please identify factors that aPPear to indicate gang affiliation (CIRCLE ALL "I'HAT APPL1�: 1. Admits gang membe�s�p or association 2. Has been observed associating on a regulaz basis with laio�' gang members 3. Has tattoos indicating gang memberslup 4, VJears gang symbols to identify with a specific gang 5. Is in a photograph with laiown g�g members and/or using gang-related hand signs 6. Name is on a gang document; hit list, or gang-related graffiti 7. Is identified as a gang member by a reliabie source , g. Arrested in the company of identified gang members or associates 9. Corresponds with lrnown gang members or writes and/ or receives correspondence about gang activities 10. Writes about gangs (graffttr) °n wal�s, books, and paper - 14B. Are more tban 3 factors c'ucle@? 1. Yes-�-�-� If Yes, forward this youth's name to the State Gang Strike T.�k Force 2. No 14C. Does youth have prior identification by Iaw enforcement officials as a gang member? 1. Yes 2. No 8. Don't know _ g� County Truancy/Curfew Cente Youth Foliow-Up/Observation Form: 10/07/9� °. �, . Oe -8^0� Youtii Name: Youth DOB: / ! M/ F , Today's bate: 1 / �i CIF #: I � Truancy ❑ Cur ❑ 'i Ramsey County Truancy/Curfew Center Youth Interview To be compleied by Truancy/Curfew Center Staff with the youth Name of person completing form: Location: I. Curfew Center 2. Truaucy Center 2. Why were you out after curfew? OR, Why were you not in school today? Date: Time: 2. What were you doing... when you were picked up? OR, while you were out of school? 3. Where were you picked up? 4, Who was with you? 5. I3o your parent/pazents know you were (out after curfew?) not in school today? 1. Yes 2. No 6. Have you been to tFris Center before? l. Yes 2. No -2- Ramsey Coanry Truancy/CurFew Center/ Youth Interview: IO/07/98 y �� •W`_6O '7. ' Have you been to the (CurfewlTruancy) Center before? (Whichever one the youth is not visiting af the ' ' �time of this interview) 1. Yes 2. No 8A. Have you been picked up by the police before? 1. Yes-�-j-> (GO TO 8B) 2. No gg, When was the first time you were picked up by the police? (What year?) 4A. Are you on probation no�? 1. Yes�-a� (GO TO 9B) 2. No 9B. Who is your probation officer? d 10. Who do you currentIy live with? (CIRCLE 1) 1. Mom 2. Dad 3. Mom and Dad 4. Someone Else: (year) 11. How would you say that you get along with him/her/them? Woutd you say that your relationship is ..: 1. Great 2. Good 3. Okay 4. Not That Good 5. Terrible 12A. Are ihere any problems in yoar family now that are causing you to have troubte at home? 1. Yes-�-�--� (GO TO I2B) 2. No Ramsey Couniy Truancy/Curfew Center� Youth Interview: 10/07/9� -2- i� �, <, . ' 1213. What ldnd of problems are you having at home? oo-to► 13. Have you been absent from school for more than three (3) days during the past 2 months? (IF SUMIvIER, Were you absent from school for more than three days durina the last 2 moaths of school?) I. Yes �t.7 14A. Do you have any adults in your life that you feel you can ttvst enough to talk to about important things? 1. Yes�-� (GO TO 14B) � 2. No 14B. Wlio is that? 15A. Is your family receiving any other services from Ramsey County? (PROBE: Like county sociat worker, financial worker, child proteetion worker, or like welfaze (IvIFIP), public housing, food stamps, mental health couuseling, chemical dependency h�eatment, etc.?) 1. Yes-�-�-� (GQ TO 15B) 2. No 15B. What other services does your family receive? _3_ Ramsey County Truancy/Curfew Center/ yoattt Interview: 10/07/98 �RIGINAL Retum Copy 70: Police Dept. Accounting Presented By: Refened To: RESOLUTION CPTY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Ca,��;��e# oo-eoi Green Sheet # 107043 Committee:Date: aq 1 2 R'HEREAS, the Saint Panl Po&ce Department has been awarded a$215,000 Mmnesata Cities Grant from the 3 Minnesota Department of Economic Security for the period July 1, 2000 through Jnne 30, 2001; and 4 5 WHEREAS, tLis grant will pmvide fuads for curfew enforcement, truancy prevention, and pretrial diversion 6 programs for Saint Paul youth; and 7 8 THEREFORE BE TT 1tESOL�'ED, that the City Council accepts this grant and authorizes Chief William Finney to 9 enter into agreements with the Minnesota Department of Economic Security and Saiut Paul Public Schools. 10 ll 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 Adopted by Council:Date: �� � a a o Adopt9on Certified by Council Secretazy: r B Appi B Requested by Department of: Poli B � Appr al Recommende by F1'nancial Services Director: < BY� !� m- For ^, ed b Ci A BY� SLT/..--�- /�'� � - — — — — — — -- BY= to council: minnckiesgren200-07.cr.00 _ � , DEPARTMENT/OFFICEfCOUNCIL DATEINITWTED r���ce���i s�uoo GREEN SHEET No. 107043 CA�t.�GYP6 N P O INfII/1VDA7E INRIAVDATE ChiefFinney 292-3588 1 DEPARiNFMpRECfOR 5 cawa� MlSST B ON COUNCVL AGENDA BY (DATEy 0���' PleaseprocessASAP 3�rnra,ronrav �rnrc�nK �FNANtlI1L5pMC6 �FNCNtl4L5ERVlACCi6 � + PwTOR(ORA556TAM� �WGHTS L�i l'OTAL # OF SfGNATURE PAGES (CL1P ALL LOCATiONS FOR SIGNATURE) CTION REQUESlED Approval of the attached Council Resolution accepting a Miunesota Cities Grant from the Minnesota Department of Economic Security for July 1, 2000 through June 30, 2001, and authorizing the Saint Paul Police Departrnent to enter into agreements with the Minnesota Department of Economic Security and Saint Paul Public Schools. RECOMMENOATION AppfOVe (A) O( RCJeCt (R� PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST pNSWER THE FOLI�WING QUESTfONS: 7. Has ihis person�rm ever worked under a contract for this department? PLANNING COMMISSION YES NO CIB COMMITTEE 2. Has this perso�rtn ever been a city empioyee? CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION YES No 3. Does this person/firtn possess a sidll not normally possessed 6y any current ciry employee? YES NO 4. Is fhis persoNfmm a targeted vendoR YES NO Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM ISSUE, OPPOR7UN17Y (WHO, WHA7, WHEN, WHERE, WHY) The Saint Paul Police Deparhment has been awarded a$215,000 Minnesota Cities Grant Program for the period July 1, 2000 through June 3q 2001. This grant provides funds for curfew enforcement, truancy prevention, and pretrial diversion pmgrams for youth in Saint Paul. (Attached is a copy of the grant agreement.) ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED The Minuesota Cifies Grant Program will provide funds for curfew enforcement, trnancy prevention, and pretrial diversion for Saint Paul youth. DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED None. � DISADVANTAGES iF NOT APPROVED _ . � - — I.oss of grant fuudii�g to identify, counsei and prevent truant smdents. AU G O 9 20QQ C�� Rssearch Cen�4�.Y ATTORNEY AI�G 1 °� ���Q TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACf10N $ 2I 5,000.00 COSTIREVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ON� YES NO FUNDING SOURCE IVIIDIICSOk1 CItrPS GCdIIt acrnnn n�unneert °' `� 34156 FINANCIAL INFORMATION (EXPLAIN) mim�citiesgant00-01.gs.00 � r � � � �. F,Y x � VENDOR NUMBER fl FUND U1 L_ APPROP 08J sos GRANT/SESA ID # AGENCY ORG. B21 0000 CFDA# AMOUNT SU8 ORG. �� DOCUMENT NUMBER(S.) 00-�01 wa il � 2� STATE OF MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC SECURITY/ WORKFORCE SERVICES BRANCH MINNESOTA CITY GRANTS PROGRAM Funding Source: MN City Grants Grant AgreemenUSESA I.D. Number: 90713 This grant agreement, which shall be interpreted pursuant to the laws of the State of Minnesoia, between the State of Minnesota, acting through its Department of Economic Security (DES), Workforce Services Branch (WSB), (hereinafter the DEPARTMENT), and City of St. Paul St. Paul Police Department 100 East 11 t " Street St. Paul, MN 55101 Social Security or Federal ldentification Number: Minnesota State Tax ldentification Number: (Hereinafter GRANTEE) WITNESSETH: 41-600-5521 000-802-509 WHEREAS, The DEPARTMENT has been authorized by the Minnesota Legisiature to make grants t� cities of the first cfass and f� cities that are cn�tiguous to cities of the first class in Greater Minnesota pursuant to the Laws of Minnesota, 1997 chapter 239, Article {, Section i7 to provide programs and services in the GRANTEE's city; and WHEREAS, the DEPARTMENT has authority pursuant to Minnesota Statute 268.0122 to enter into agreements to provide employment and training services, and WHEREAS, the GRANTEE represents that is dufy qualified to perform the duties undertaken by it under this grant agreement; and, WHEREAS, the GRANTEE understands and accepts the terms and conditions of this agreement as specified below. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and of the representations made therein, the parties agr2e that: I. The foregoing recitals are made a part hereof as though set forth in full and in detail herein. II. Pro ram: The GRANTEE shali implement the Work Plan and Budget hereto attached as Exhibit A and B, respectively, which is incorporated into this grant agreement. 7 � 04— �' 0 � � � Iil� � Duties and Pavment: GRANTEE shall perform all the services enumerated in Paragraph II. above and shall be reimbursed for its expenses in providing these services, provided that the total obligation of the DEPARTMEiJT for a{{ reimbursement to GRANTEE shall not exceed 215 000. These funds are to be expended in the cost categories and amounts shown in the Sudget, Exhibit B. which is attached hereto, incorporated by reference herein and made a part hereof. The DEPARTMENT shall not be responsible to reimburse GRANTEE for its payments or liability to the Unempioyment Compensation Fund as a reimbursing employer aftertermination of GRANTEE's participation in programs under the Act or for any liabil+ty accrued thereunder before the effective date of this Grant. IV. Term of Grant: This grant agreement shall be efFective on July 1. 2000 or upon such date as it is executed as to encumbrance by the Commissioner of the Department of Economic Security, whichever occurs later, and shail remain in effect until June 30. 2001. V. Canceilation: This grant agreement may be cancefed by the DEPARTMENT at any time, with or without cause, by giving written notice to the GRANTEE. In the event of such cancellation without cause, GRANTEE shali be entitled to payment, determined on a pro rata basis, for work or services satisfactorily performed. GRANTEE acknowledges that funds to finance this grant are to be obtained by the DEPAR7MENT through a specific legislative act. lf at any time such funds become unavailable underthe Act this grant agreement shall be terminated immediately upon written notice of such fact by the DEPARTMENT to GRANTEE. In the event of such termination, GRANTEE shail be entitled to reimbursement, determined on a pro rata basis, for services satisfactorily performed. In the event of canceilation for cause, including but not limited to failure to comply with the provisions of the grant agreement, failure to make timely progress in delivering required services, or use of grant funds for purposes other than those specifically identified in the grant agreement, the DEPARTMENT may take any actions it deems necessary to protect the interests ofi the State of Minnesota, including but not {imited to the refusa4 to disburse additional funds pending a determination of the DEPARTMENT's right to set-off, and requiring the return of all or part of the funds aiready disbursed. This grant agreement may be canceled by the GRANTEE at any time, with or without cause, upon thirty (30) days written notice to the DEPARTMEN7. Such written notice of cancellation must inciude proposed terms forthe discontinuation of GRANTEE's services and an estimated final invoice fior work or services performed. The DEPARTMENT may reject or accept in whole or in part GRANTEE's proposed terms for discontinuing services and GRANTEE's estimated final invoice, and shail notify GRANTEE of its decision within (5) business days of receipt of GRANTEE's cancellation notice. � In the event of any cancellation under this provision, GRANTEE shall cooperate fully with the DEPARTMENT and help facilitate any transition for the provision of services by a different vendor. Failure io cooperate with or withhofding any information or records requested by the DEPARTMENT or a different vendor that impairs in any way the transition of the provision of services shall constitute a material breach of this grant agreement, subjecting GRANTEE to liability for all damages incurred by the DEPARTMENT resulting from such breach. VI. Re9uest for Payment: Requests for cash advances shall be made by GRANTEE to the DEPARTMENT on the DEPARTMENT's Form No DJT-1864. Payments shall be made by the , 00 -t� 1 � , DEPARTMENTassoonaspracticableafterGRANTEE'spresentationoftheRequestforCash. The fact of payment of any i!em shall not preclude the DEPARTMENT from questioning the propriety of any item. Vll. Purchase of Furniture and Eauipment: GRANTEE shali not purchase furniture or other equipment without the prior written approval of the DEPARTMENT. Vlll. Reaavment of Funds: The DEPARTMENT reserves the right fo offset any over-payment or disaliowance of any item or items under this grant by reducing future payments requested by GRANTEE. This clause shail not be construed to bar any other legal remedies the DEPARTMENT may have to recover funds expended by GRANTEE for disaliowed costs. IX. GRANTEE Reports: GRANTEE agrees to provide the DEPARTMENT with such progress reports as the DEPARTMENT shall from time to time require including, but not limited to, the following: a. Quarterly Financiai Status Report (FSR) due by the 20th day following the end of each quarter. b. Quarteriy Progress Report due by the 20th day following the end of each quarter. The DEPARTMENT shall withhold funding if reporting requirements are not met in a complete, accurate and timely manner. , X. Monitorinp and Corrective Action: GRANTEE agrees to permit monitoring by the DEPARTMENT to determine grant agreement performance and compliance with grant provisions. GRA(V7EE further agrees to cooperate with the DEPARTMENT in pertorming and completing such monitoring activities and GRANTEE agrees to implement and comply with such remedial action as is proposed by the DEPARTMENT. XI. Liabilit : GRANTEE agrees to indemnify and save and hold the DEPARTMENT, its agents and employees harmless from any and all claims or causes of action, inciuding attorney's fees, arising from the performance of this Grant by GRANTEE, its agents, officers and employees. Nothing nerein shali constitute a waiver by thc GRANTEE or th� DEPAPTMENT of any statutory or common law limits of liability, defenses, or immunities. Xii. Special Adm+nistrative Provisions Required Under the Act: GRANTEE agrees to administer the program in accordance with the Act, as amended, the regulations and guidelines promulgated thereunder. GRANTEE also agrees to comply with other applicable Federai and State laws. In the event that these laws, regulations or policies are amended at any time during the term of this Agreement, the GRANTEE shalf comply with such amended laws, regulations or guidelines. A. Records/Audits: GRANTEE agrees to use such fiscal, audit and accounting procedures as may be necessary to assure and promote sound financial management, including effective internal controls. The Secretary of Labor, the Comptroller General of the United States and the DEPARTMENT, or a designated representative, shall have access to and the right to examine for audit purposes or otherwise, any books, documents, �apers er records of GRANTEE. The books, records, documents and accounting procedures and practices of the GRANTEE relevant to this grant agreement are also subject to examination by the DEPARTMENT and the legislative auditor of the State of Minnesota. GRANTEE agrees to fuAy cooperate in any such examination and/or audit and to have said 00 -F'O� , � r, audits carried out in accordance with Grant Audit Requirements, which is in Chapter 509 of the MDES Policies anc; Procedures Manual and hereby incorporated by reference and made a part hereof. A!{ records pertaining to this grant agreement shail be retained by the GRANTEE for a period of at least three years after the expiration of the term of this grant agreement, or on completion of an audit, if one has been commenced within three years, whichever period is longer. B. Proaram Standards: GRANTEE agreesto complywith OMB C+rcular Numbers A-21, A-87, A-1 i 0, A-122, A-133, the OMB "Common Rule° (as codified at 29 CFR 97), and ASMB C- 10 (Imp{ementation Guide for OMB Circular A-87), as these circular are applicable and as they relate to the utilization of funds, the operation of programs and the maintenance of records, books, accounts and other documents under the Act, as amended. Under the Cost Principles Circulars (A-21, A-87, or A-122), common orjoint costs charged to grants must be based upon written cost allocation plans. C. Non-Discrimination Statement: The GRANTEE will comply with Federal, State, and local faws prohibiting discrimination, including but not limited to: i. The Workforce Investment Act of 1998 (29 CFR. Part 371, Section 188, which prohibits discrimination under any W IA Title I program/actiwty funded in whole or in part with W IA funds because of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, political affiliation or belief, and against beneficiaries on the basis of either citizenship/status as a lawfiully admitted immigrant authorized to work in the United States or participation in any W IA Title { program or activity. ii. The Civil Riphts Act of 1964 (42 USC 2000d) as amended bv the Eaual Emplovment Opqortunitv Act of 1972, which prohibits discrimination on grounds of race, color or national origin, and applies to any program or activity receiving fiederal financiai aid, and to all employers, including State and local governments, public and private employment agencies, and labor organizations. iii, The Rehabi{itation Act of 1973 (29 USC 7941, as amended, which prohibits discrimination on the basis of handicap in all federally-funded programs. iv. The Aae Discrimination Act of 1975 (42 USC 6101), as amended, which prohibits unreasonable discrimination on the basis of age in programs or activities receiving federal financial assistance. v. The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (42 USC 121011, as amended, which prohibits discrimination on the basis of physical, sensory, or mental disability or impairment. D. Affirmative Action: (If applicable), GRANTEE certifies that it has received a Certificate of Compliance from the Commissioner ofi Human Rights pursuant to Minnesota Statues, Section 363.073. E. W orkers' Compensat+on: {n accordance with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes Section 176.182, the State affirms that GRANTEE has provided acceptable evidence of compliance � 00 -t-o� � � � with the workers' compensation insurance coverage requirement of Minnesota Statues Section 176.181, Subdivision 2. F. Relocation Assisiance: GRANTEE agrees to comp{y with the requirements of the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Reai Property Acquisitions Act of 1970 (Public taw 91-646) which provides for fiair and equitable treatment of persons displaced as a result of federa{ or federaily assisted programs. G. Church/State Separation: GRANTEE agrees that program participants shali not be emp(oyed in the construction, operafion or maintenance of that part of any facility which is used for re(igious instructions or worship. GRANTEE further agrees that no funds shali be expended for sectarian workshop, instruction, or proselytization. H. DATA PRACTICES: The GRANTEE understands and agrees that it shall be bound by the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act (Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 13), and that it shall inform program applicants that the DEPARTMENT may share applicant data with other agencies foreligibility and program evafuation purposes. GRANTEE shall incorporate into the form used to provide applicants' an explanation of their right under the Minnesota Data Practices Act clauses contained in the DEPAR7MENT'S "DATA USES INCLUSfON REQUIREMENTS" �Attachment 1). !. Druq Free Workplace: GRANTEE agrees to make a good faith effort to maintain a drug free workplace through implementation of the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988. Xiil. Workforce Center Listina: GRANTEE shall list any job vacancy in its personnel complement with the nearest Minnesota Job Service Office as soon as it occurs. XIV. Voter Repistration: GRANTEE shail provide non-partisan voter registration services and assistance, using forms provided by the Secretary of State, to employees of GRAiVTEE, program participants and the public as required by Minnesota Statutes, 1987 Supplement, Section 201.162 (1988). XV. Assianment: The GRANTEE shall neither assign nor transfer a� �y rights cr obliga:icns under thisgrantagreementwithoutpriorwrittenconsentoftheDEPARTMENT. Theprovisionsofthis grant agrsement applicable to the GRANTEE shall also be applicable to subgrants made by the GRANTEE from f�nds obtained under this grant agreement, XVI. Modifications: Any modifications to this grant agreement shall be in writing and shall be executed by the same parties who executed the original grant agreement, or their successors in office. XVII. Debarment and Suspension Certification: (If applicable) The GRANTEE agrees to follow the PresidenYs Executive Order 12549 and the implementing regulation "Nonprocurement Debarment and Suspension; Notice and Final Rule and Interim Final Rule," found in Federal Register Vol. 53, No. 102, May 26, 1988, including Appendix B, "Certification Regarding Debarment, Suspension, lneligib+(ity and Voluntary Exclusion - Lower Tier Covered Transactions"; un4ess excluded by law �r regulation. XVIII. Lobbyina Certification and Disciosure: (1f applicable) The GRAN7EE shal! comply with lnterim Final Rule, New Restrictions on Lobbying, found in �ederal Register Vol. 55, No. 38, February 26, 1990, and any permanent rules that are adopted in place of the Interim Rule. The Interim ao-d . Final Rule requires the GRANTEE to certify as to their fobbying activity. The Interim Final Rule implements Section 319 of Public Law � 0� -i 21, which generafly prohibits recipients of Federa{ contracts, grants and loans from using appropriated funds for lobbying the Executive or Legislative Branches of the Federai Government in connection with a specific contract, grant or loan. X{X. GRANTEE agrees to identify the DEPARTMENT as a source of funding in any and all printed materials prepared by the GRANTEE. XX. GrantAqreementCfose-out:TheGRANTEEagreestosubmitafinalquarterlyFinancialStatus Report (FSR) and a payment for the balance of any unspent and unobligated grantfunds to the DEPARTMENT within 45 days after the end of the term of this grant agreement. Accompanying the final FSR shall be a iisting of any continuing liabilities on the grant, if applicable. Failure to submit a final FSR within this period may result in disallowance of payment for any expenditures not previously submitted. The GRANTEE agrees io submit a revised finai FSR to the DEPARTMENT if any additional funds must be returned to the DEPARTMENT after grant agreement closeout. XXI. Jurisdiction and Venue: This grant agreement, and any amendments and suppiements thereto, shall be governed by the taws of the State of Minnesota. Venue for all legal praceedings arising out of this award, or breach thereof, sha{I be in the State or �ederal Court with competent jurisdiction in Ramsey Couniy, Minnesota. r ? ` � . Oe -�D� IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this Grant (No. 90713} to be duly executed intending to be bound thereby. APPROVED APPROVED FOR City of St. Paul St Paul Police Department : FOR The Department of Economic Securitv- (Name of D te Agency) Workforce Services Sranch: B� . By: Y Title: ��� Date: � - a.� FOR THE GRANTEE`: 3� T+tle: Date: * if a corporation, two corporate officers must execute. � i�- Title: Director Program Support Services Date: 7 ,� ATTACHMENT 1 �_�� DATA USES tNCLUSION . REQUIREMENTS 1, Program information A - To help us decide whether you are eligible for the program and wbat other senrices you may need. ,, ��� ���n To Use Ir We may use it to prePare req���d �po�, conduct B. n't S_s�.r--- ro ram is helping you- audits, review eligibility and to find out how tfie P S • '• wth staft, allowed by law, who C. ' artment of Economic Security: �eed qt to do their jobs in: the Minriesota Dep the United Statea DePa�enta of Healtfi and Human Serv�c�.o � W � � and Urban Development and Agriculture. We may community based agencies. {ocae a� h h �p yo� erv�ce agencies, educational programs and other ag D. � � u* Provide This Inf.�� You are not required by law to provide this information. If you choose not to provide this info no be able may not know �n+hether you are elig�ble for the Rrogram and may to help you• Providing false information can lead to removal frcm the program• �I. Wage Detaii Files We may also use information from wage records kept by the Minnesota Department of Econom9c Security to help us evaluate the program. III. Social Security Numbers You do not have to provide a Social Security Numba� t° � e��9�b�e for our programs. Federai Pnvacy Act and Freedom of Information A uter matches, p � O 9ram i v e nd improvements, W d audFts e�t for comp `� � �. . Oo-r'o 1 , MINNESOTA CITY CRAI�TS PROGRAM The Minnesota Department of Economic Securiry ���� �, gpplication Gover Sheet MNTaacID#`r 0080 FederalEmployerID# 41-6005521 I certify that the information contained herein is true and accuraCe to the best of my kno�vledge and that I submit this appli �on on behalf of the applicant. Date: � �� �� Signature: �"""'�— \ ` Tide: � � � � ` � Page 6 .�-.G..�..,,� jQA1ViEOFPROJEGT: Ramsev County � f °s� m�^^ cy Diversion Project — ,4 � 0o—f0� ._ .. = w. _. , . -w - „ . ` ;,_PROJECT SUMMAl2Yf00 Ol_ _ ..; � : __ . ; � � _` The Minnesota City Grants Program assists the City of Saint Paul expand curfew enforcement, truancy prevention, and pretrial diversion prograins through direct funding from the Grartt, and an additional $300,000 in grants and in-kind services that aze leveraged by the Minnesota Ciry Cnants funding. Then central player in this process is the Ramsey County Truancy and Curfew Collaborative (RCTCC). The Collaborative is beginning its seventh yeaz of collaboration. Members include: law enforcement agencies of St. Paul and the municipalities located within Ramsey County, all school districts located within Ramsey County, St. Paul Youth Services,l�3orthwest Youth & Family Services, St. Paul Parks and Recreation Department, and Ramsey County Community Conections, Human Services, County Attorney and Sheriffs Department. The Mission of RCTCC is: "To reduce and prevent truancy and curfew violations in Ramsey County through a county-wide collaborative: RCTCC focuses on the outcomes of: 1) Decreasing truancy and curfew violations in Ramsey County; 2) Involving families and communities in promoting the values of education, responsibility and logical consequences; 3) Decreasing juvenile victimization and juvenile crime; and, 4) Working collaboratively, effectively and efficiently with stakeholders throughout Ramsey County, with a focus on the balanced participation of both suburban and urban communities. The RCTCC continues to serve youth who are truant from school and those who are violating curfew. These two populations are at risk of being involved with criminal behavior while truant and violating curfew, and are also at risk of being victims of crime themselves -- particularly curfew violators. The goals of the RCTCC are to provide logical consequences to these youth, to connect youth and their families to appropriate services, and to reduce both the criminal behavior and the risk of victimization. Sic�nificant Issues / Chanees: 1. The new Truancy and Curfew Center located in the new Ramsey Gounty Juvenile and Family Justice Center will officially open in late July 2000. 2. The second phase evaluation by Wilder Research Center resulted in: . Development of the Youth Risk Assessment ScreeninQ Tool (YRAST). Developed by Wilder Research from an analysis of the extensive data collected in our evaluation process resulted in a screening tool which facilitates targeting our limited intervention resources. • Beginning in 2000-01, an agreement with the Ramsey County Attorney's Office will refer all curfew violators who score in the 12isk Poo12 on the YRAST to Diversion services. • Follow-up services for both truancy and curfew violators are being redesigned to address the need of the increasingly difficult clientele identified in our evaluations, reflected in increased recidivism, and in a low rate of connection to foilow-up services. Governance: The RCTCC is governed by iYs Executive Committee, consisting of Family Service, Inc., Maplewood Police, Northwest Youth & Family Services, Ramsey County Attorney's Office, City of St. Paul Minnesota City Grants Program 2000-01 2 ao -P'ot Ramsey County Coaections Department, Ramsey County Community Human Services, Ramsey County Sheriff's Department, Roseville Schools, St. Paul Police, St. Paul Schools, and St. Paul Youth Services. It meets on a monthly basis. Services: Our Truaucy and Curfew operations have been located in sepazate facilities due to space 1'unitations. They will merge into one center in July 2000, as construction is completed on the Ramsey County Juvenile and Family Justice Center, which will house the RCTCC. Different members of the RCTCC manage the Truancy and Curfew Center operations. Management of the Truancy Center is provided through a contract with the St. Paul Public Schools. St. Paul Youth Services contracts for on-site youth counselors that provide cultutally appropriate counseling, referral, and family outreach. Truancy sweeps are conducted periodically to augment truants picked up by patrol officers. Pazents or family members can "retrieve" truants from the center. A youth that is truant is picked up and brought to the Center for an interview and a brief assessment to determine the reason they are truant. The studenYs school and parents are contacted. A Risk Assessment Screening is completed to determine appropriate follow-up. In addition, The Youth Service Bureau provides a truancy prevention program in three targeted middle schools on the East Side of St. Paul. The Truancy Center served 1293 truant students this past yeaz (see enclosed report). Youth violating curfew are taken to the curfew center. The Curfew Center is open Wednesday through Saturday nights, the peak time for curfew. violations. The Ramsey County Sheriffs Department provides a deputy for on-site management of the curfew center, and a contract between RCTCC and Northwest Youth & Family Services provides for two youth counselors for on-site counseling, risk assessment, and referral. Violators are brought to the Center where an intake interview is conducted, and a Risk Assessment Screening is completed to determine appropriate follow-up services. Those youth determined to be at risk for further violations are referred to Diversion services located throughout the county. Pretrial Diversion services are specifically targeted under the grant to St. Paul youth through programmang at St. Paul Youth Services. In addition, Night Moves, a program of St. Paui Parks and Recreation provides culturally diverse educational and recreational progratmning for repeat curfew violators. The curfew center served approximatel ��1110 juveniles this past year. Evaluation: The Wilder Research Center has conducted evaluations of RCTCC programs. Initial evaluations reflected a high degree of service satisfaction reported by youth and parents, and that detention at the curfew and truancy centers seemed to be a successful deterrent to repeat curfew and truancy offenses. The most recent Evaluation (June 1999) is attached. It has led the Bxecutive Committee to extensive on-going discussion and planning to address recommendations in the Evaluation. • Development of the new Youth Risk Assessment Screening Tool (YRAST). Designed to highlight appropriate follow-up services and target our limited resources, it has been used in an extensive trial during this yeaz. Outcomes are not yet available. • Structural changes to our program are needed to address the intensity and design of follow-up services. Planning is proceeding, and we anticipate implementing new Curfew and Truancy follow-up services by September 2000. City of St. Paul Minnesota City Grants Program 2000-01 �. rt , . Oo -Fa� An evaluation plan focused on Foliow-up services is P�ulation Served Youth who violate the city and county's curfew ordinance. Services Provided Manage and staff a curfew violation center from Wednesday through Sahuday nights. Provide information to all law enforcement agencies in Ramsey County on the services and procedures of the curfew center. Notify parents of their youth at the curfew center. Conduct interviews and a brief assessment with youth. Provide pazents(guardians of youth with information and referrals to communiry agencies. Provide follow-up calls to pazents for the purpose of evaluating effectiveness and addressing needs for further referral of. resources Staf�ng Patterns The Ramsey County Sheriffs Department prodides a Ramsey County Sheriffs Deputy to provide on-site management at the curfew center when it is open. Northwest Youth & Family Services provides youth counselors at the curfew center on a nightly basis. Off-duty officers from St. Paui and suburban agencies are contracted to work both enforcement and Center security during open hours. St. Paul Police provide transport for pick-up of those curfew violators who may be apprehended a distance from the Curfew Center. Law Enforcement Agencies can inform the deputy of their need for transport and the curfew center can arrange for pick-up of youth violating cuxfew. The pick up area includes Ramsey County municipalities outside of St. Paul if the local law enforcement agency has formally agreed to the service with the St. Paul Ctuef of Police. This necessary component of the program is to ensure that no municipality or area of the county is without police protection while the curfew violator is being transported to the center. In addition, off-duty police officers pick up youth and bring them to the center and curfew sweeps are conducted on a regular basis Proeram Structure Curfew violators are brought to the curfew center and intake procedures are activated. The youth's history with Ramsey County is checked. The youth is searched so that no one will be at risk while the parendguardian is contacted. While waiting for pick-up, the youth is counseled. Follow-up calls to parents provide the opportunity to assess the effectiveness of the center and to provide additional encouragement, support and referral. Beginning in 200-01, those youth identified as appropriate on the YRAST will be referred for Diversion service. City of St. Paul Minnesota City Grants Program 2000-01 4 . b �0—d"01 5 n ��: 4_. ... _,.. � ,. .- .�x-� .., �.. , . _ RCT`GG _Truancy �e,nfer Sery�ces2000 01 __._- . . ��� �,�. - :.»,_.��.. Population Served Youth who are absent from school due to truancy. Services Provided Manage and staff a truancy center that is open weekdays during school hours. Provide information to ail schools throughout St. Paul and Ramsey County and to all St. Paul and Ramsey County Law Enforcement agencies about the services and procedures of the truancy center. Notify pazents of their youth at the truancy center. Conduct interviews and a brief assessment with youth. Provide educational activities geared toward academics and the prevention of truant behavior. Provide information and referrals to community agencies to parents/guardians of youth. Provide follow-up calls to schools and to pazents for the purpose of getting the youth back in school, evaluating effectiveness, and addressing needs for fiirther referral of resources Staffins Patterns The St. Paul Schooi District provides a teacher and an educational assistant to provide on-site management at the Center. The St. Paul Youth Service Bureau provides counselors for intake, counseling and referral services. Law enforcement pick up youth that are truant and bring them into the center. St. Paul Police assign three officers to provide truancy enforcement, and truancy sweeps occur on a periodic basis in both St. Paul and suburban azeas. Pro�ram Structure The Truancy center operates between 7:30 and 430 Monday through Friday. A law enforcement officer brings truancy violators to the Truancy Center. Youth younger than 12 are immediately brought to their school. Those verified to be 16 or older are released as per Minnesota Statute. Each youth's history of truancy is checked, the youth is interviewed and a Risk Assessment (YRAST) is completed. The youth's school and parents aze contacted. Parents are requested to come to the Center for a meeting and release. Follow-up calls to parents provide the opportunity to assess the effectiveness of the center and to provide additional encouragement, support and referral. City of St. Paui Minnesota City Grants Program 2000-01 5 ac -�o� Pretrial Diversion Program Update Project Summary for 2000 - 01 Po ulation Served Youth who have been anested for a second curfew violation are served by this portion of our project. Services provided Educational Gzoup — a group for youth arrested for curfew violation and their pazents is provided monthly. This group emphasizes the risk of criminal involvement and victimization for youth that are out after curfew. Youth and parents may be refened to other Diversion program Groups including Anger Management, Chemical Awareness, Property Offense Awareness, or to a group offered in the Hmong Language. Community Service — youth are assigned community service hours. St. Paul youth Services maintains relationships with over 80 groups/organizations who supervise community service projects. The average number of hours assigned for a second curfew violation is 10. StaffinL Pattern A total of 3.5 FTE staff provides diversion services at St. Paul Youth Services. Curfew violation cases aze referred to any one of these staff primarily based in neighborhoods (staff work out of neighborhood offices on the East Side, West Side and North End of St. Paul) and language (services aze available in Spanish and Hmong as well as English). Pr ogram Structure The St. Paul Police Department, Ramsey County Community Corrections, and the Ramsey County Curfew Center refer youth for curfew diversion. Youth and families must attend on educational seminaz and youth must complete community service hours in order to avoid having the case petitioned to juvenile court. City of St. Paul Minnesota City Grants Program 2000-01 6 l � N E � � 4 � � �� � � 0 3 L V � � O � E � N � m Q � N a7 � 7 .� V � N � 3 O � v C O C � t L O � w � C .� n Q � � B 7 T ti � � � N d c y m � L � � , O h N .� 0 Y � N � a� a O � Q •� U �j y = � � i�_ 4 • L +� C w 3 C i pf 0 �+ � s+ i � d R � � 0 y '6 3 `° '° � � R rl � �� � '� _ � 3 d � y � y y d y �3° .7 y C � U V � o c e C 3 @ y d ,w C � y m =3m - � � � � 7 +��+ a$c L V � fl- � � 0 � V1 C O . Z � � O u � �ay� - ., � O d U = W 0 � � � V V �j � d+ � W L m d I-� O .a > ,J 1"I U r'1 ¢ v � OZ ;iN %> � .. Q o h 4.. E1;4; � y � r y a- � '(����;�.4 C � U - t".=.: ++ p O � 0;,:, N L � a ;�: N U GJ�f;�'. Q Cn � T � L;`::° U � � �7 _ ��^> [Q � � O N � =� > � ° U U �':^;n. � a o y ,'�; C `� - T T a-�; Y m w N � C � a 3 m 2 +; i "'';�'f j Cn J Q' H '; :; f.�: �NO O �, a " N O i- O O N N d y`%� M M N N � ''� N N C C �p� C C 7 7 i;.�:-+a 3 � � '9 {L'��'�"�;, '7 � � � da� I I p O � � o ° o o ° o }��;.�; O O N N �"�'-�',�,:;;.„. 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City of St. Paul ALLOWABLE ACTIVITY: Truancy Prevention Programs SALARY Title and Name POSI7ION(S TOTAL COST .5 FTE TeacherlCounselor $ 22.000 1 FTE Ed. Assistant $ 21,000 TOTAL SAIARY $ 43,OQ�0 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS (itemize) Fringe @ 31% $13,300 TOTAL $ 13,300 CONTRACTED SERVICES (Itemizej Project Consultant TOTAL $ 31,000 EMPLOYEE IN-STATE TRAVEL (mileage may not exceed .27 per mile) TOTAL City of St. Paui Minnesota City Grants Program 2000-01 18 0 0 -8`0� SUPPLIES, PHONE, POSTAGE, PRINT, COPY (Itemize) Supplies $ 300 Phone, postage $ 100 Printing $ 90Q TOTAL $ 1,300 EQUIPMENT (itemize) TOTAL INDIRECT COST* (May not exceed �ve percent of amount requested) TOTAL OTHER EXPENSES (Itemize) TOTAL GR+4ND TOTAL�FQR THISALLOWABl.E Must�match total on forms;la d 4 aCqvity�` $ 88,600 �- f ?�. �'�r : x#. r�`' �su.�S w �rr"��'�''� .,'�'^�:...,_�;::� m�i"�'f�a��°s,.. <; � p ,� , _�`� "�i.� �s�s City of St. Paul Minnesota City Grants Program 2000-01 �y oe -to� BUDGET JUSTIFICATION � FORM 5 Piease provide a brief justification for the budget items requested on FORM 5. Include an explanation of how costs were determined. If you are appiying in more than one ailowabie activity, please us a se arate form for each activi . APPLICANT: City of St. Paul ALLOWABLE ACTIVITY: CurPew, Counseling and Referral Services SALARY Title and Name POSITION(S) TOTAL COST TOTAL SALARY EMPLOYEE BENEFITS (itemize) TOTAL CONTRACTED SERVICES (Itemize) Off Duty Officers $ 14,525 Supervision $ 3,400 TOTAL $ 17,925 EMPLOYEE IN-STATE TRAVEL (mileage may not exceed .325 per mile) TOTAL City of St. Paul Minnesota City Grants Program 2000-01 20 '' " Oo to� City of St, Paul Minnesota City Grants Program 2000-01 Z� � BUDGET JUSTiFICATION 00 -Po � FORM 5 Piease provide a brief justification for the budget items requested on FORM 5. Include an explanation of how costs were determined. If you are applying in more allowable activity, please us a separate form for each activi . APPLICANT: City of St. Paul ALLOWABLE ACTIVITY: Pretrial Diversion Programs SALARY Title and Name POSITIOIV(S) TOTAL COST Diversion Counselor .68 FTE $ 17,000 TOTAL SALARY $ 17,000 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS (itemize) Health Insurance Retirement Plan Payroll Taxes Unemployment comp Worker's Comp • Professional Liability TOTAL $ 3,740 CONTRACTED SERVICES (Itemize) Computer Software (data base) Computer Hardware Interpreters Payroll Service TOTAL $ 500 EMPLOYEE IN-STATE TRAVEL (mileage may not exceed .325 per mile) In State Travel Parking TOTAL $ 180 City of St. Paul Minnesota City Grants Program 2000-01 22 oo-d�o� SUPPLIES, PHONE, POSTAGE, PRINT, COPY (Itemize) Office Suppiies Program Supplies Telephone Postage TOTAL $ 650 EQUIPMENT (itemize) Computers / Printers Copier Postage Machine Repair and Maintenance TOTAL $ 440 INDIRECT COST* (May not exceed five percent of amount requested) 5% of Budget TOTAL $ 1,190 OTHER EXPENSES (Itemize) Occupancy $ 900 Staff Development $ 250 Insurance $ 150 TOTAL $ 1,300 GRANQ TOTAL FO�t THTS �LLOWABLE #� , pCTI�`� $ � Must tmatch�total on��o�r�is�^a�d �`��,far�lt�„�a���v,dy� 25,000 n S .-:.a,�w:��,� � City of St. Paul Minnesota City Grants Program 2000-01 23 oo- �n � BUDGET 7USTIEICATION FORM 5 Please provide a brief justification for the budget items requested on FORM 5. Include an explanation of fiow costs were determined. If you are aQplying in more than one allowable activity, please us a se arate form for each activi . APPLICANT: City of St. Paul ALLOWABLE ACTIVITY: In Schooi 7ruancy Prevention SALARY Titie and Name POSITION(S) TOTAL COST Truancy Prevention 1.76 FTE $ 44,000 Counselors TOTAL SALARY $ 44,000 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS (itemize) Health Insurance Retirement Plan Payroll Taxes Unemployment comp Worker's Comp • Professional Liability TOTAL $ 9,680 CONTRACTED SERVICES (Itemize) Computer Software (data base) Computer Hardware Interpreters Payrolt Service " TOTAL $ 1,500 EMPLOYEE IN-STATE TRAVEL (mileage may not eacceed .325 per mile) I� State Travel Parking TOTAL � 500 City of St. Paui Minnesota City Grants Program 2000-01 24 Do -�\ City of St. Paul Minnesota City Grants Program 2000-01 25 00 -d BUDGET JUSTIFICATION FORM 5 Please provide a brief justification for the budget items requested on FORM 5. Include an explanation of how costs were determined. If you are applying in more than one aflowable activity, please us a se arate form for each activi . APPLICANT: City of St. Paul ALLOWABLE ACTIVITY: Curfew, Counseling Services (Night Moves) SALARY Tit1e and Name POSITION(S) TOTAL COST Program Assistants 6 x$15/hr x 4 hours x 14 days $ 5,040 Activity Instructors 18 x$12/hr x 2 hours x 14 days $ 6,048 TOTAL SALARY $ 11,088 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS (itemize) Part-time Staff: $11,088 x 18% $ 1,996 TOTAL $ 1,996 CONTRACTED SERVICES (Itemize) TOTAL EMPLOYEE IN-STATE TRAVEL (mileage may not exceed .325 per mile) TOTAL City of St. Paul Minnesota City Grants Program 2000-01 26 oo- F-o 1 City of St. Paui Minnesota City Grants Program 2000-01 27 , � Youth Risk Assessment Screening Tool 1. Have you had contact with the police? 'How old Yes & 13 No, or were you the first time? or younger = Ov 13 oo—�-a�. � Ramsey County Truancy & Curfew Center Youth Date of Birth: Completed Truancy Date: Purpose: The Youth Risk Assessment Screening Tool identifies those youth most likely to benefit from Early , Intervention efforts. It is one source of information to be used in conjunction with other information and professional judgement when making decisions on fuRher assessment and/or service. Instructions for use: Complete the questions below using infortnation obtained through a youth interview and other sources. Answer the questions with the best information available. Circle the best answer, and enter the numerical score for each question. Then total the score, and consider the Guidelines betow. Risk Item Values ScorE 2. Do you currentiy live with both parents? 3. Are you having any problems at home now? 4. Do you get along well with your parents? 5. Are there any adults you trust enough to talk wrth ahout thinas that are imqortant to you? No = 1 Yes = 1 No = 1 No = 1 6. Have you ever been at the Curfew Ce�ter I Yes = 1 before, or been picked up for a curfew violation? � R 8. Other Offenses on Tag 9. Current or Previous Probation Officer? Yes = 1 Yes = 1 Yes = 0 No = 0 Yes = 0 Yes = 0 Ne = 0 V� ,. °?�„ Female = I NQ = 0 No = 0 Intervention Guidelines: Risk Pool 1= 0— 3(focus on during time at Center onty) Risk Pooi 2= 4— 6(focus of Early Intervention efforts) Risk Pooi 3= 7+(refer for broader system intervention) Total Score L� YRAST Truancy Fortn - 9/99 , �, 0 oa— P�o \. Youth Risk Assessment Screening Tool � Ramsey County �+u �ew Truancy & Curfew Center Youth Date of Completed by: Date: Purpose: The Youth Risk Assessment Sc2ening Tool identifies those youth most likely to benefit from Early Intervention efforts. It is one source of infocmation to be used in conjunction with other information and professional judgement when making decisions on further assessment and/or service. Instructions for use: Complete the questions below using information obtained through a youth interview and other sources. Answer the questions with the best information available. Circle the best answer, and enter the numericaf score for each question. Then totat the score, and consider the Guideiines below. Risk Item Values Score 1. Have you had previous contact with the police? How ofd were you the first time? 2. Are you currently living with both parents? 3. Are you having any problems at home now? 4. Do you get along well wiih your parents? 5. Are there any adults you trust enough to talk with about things that are important to you? 6. Has youth ever been at the Curfew Center hefnrc nf hPAf1 fli(:I(P.(I I1D f0� 9 CUf�FBW VIOI 8. Other Offenses on Tag �r at time of incident 10. Prior Felony Offense? Yes & 13 No, or or younger = Over 13 2 =0 No = 1 Yes = 0 Yes = 1 No = 0 No = 1 No = 1 �: ; sa; ; uE Yes = 1 Male = 1 Yes = 1 Yes = 1 Yes = 1 Yes = 0 Yes=O � „;. ? �' ��.��' ,�:`„ No = � Female = 0 No = 0 No = 0 No=O �� Intervention Guidelines: Risk Pool 1= 0— 3(focus on during time at Center only) Risk Pool 2= 4— 6(focus of Early Intervention efforts) Risk Pool 3= 7+(refer for broader system intervention) Total Score �� YRAST Curfew Fortn - 9/99 � x �j l• i � i�eael/ Cow►t�i Tn�ancy i� Curfew Center A conumxJtr bokLil afhr ym#h Ramsey County Truancy Center 494 S�ley Streec, Second Floor Saint Patil, MN 55101-2340 (651) 29a8369 • F� (651) 29o-7o7s � Sairlt Pauf Pu6tic Schoo/s a.staere <[�isirs , " � _ � ' � 1 • • a i � 11 �� " ydents �(�.Q.Q �ass,�c.9 Tofc-1'99-'OQ t�' •/Dav j{�og..�.Q ,�une_99 Tata7'94-'DO Males 14 26 ' 8�# r.. # DAyS 4 9 � }7�: -;. '"-�`�"� �:' # Truants 17 52 -r°iZ43:`` Ferxales 3 26 -"-:- �?!:&__�=,.- - : - - _ Tatels 17 52 ;�°"3Z9��>;=. Totals I.89 5.78 =-� Ethn+c j.µd�--QQ, .�.N�.2 Zsto1'vv-'on Native Am. 0 1 `��' Asian 9 15 _ ='=.�3.9�"-= Hispenic 0 � -° ==':��,`�`::=�`. Black 2 5 ":;;�3��;�`: 26 `� � ��j.�.j� ;..'X�.: �- White 6 w;.��r:_;� � o O _ -� „t3»-^ii Tatats 17 52 ���. =��3^._7 OD�y �d1 . Cj7 .cs. Inf j�e 00 fu»e 99 Repeats � 17 Mult. Yisits � !+ n� Probation 3 '� No Longer P.O. �Ia n�8 Nan-Engiish 8 16 Special Ed_ Z � t�ton - Si. Paui � 3 _ - The data above is taken from s database cr¢ated at the Ramsey County Truancy Gertter. • Schools irrvolved are on the backside of this report - ihis is a cumulatrve total for the ye adle�ecm� qn+clpJ f�SerR�je*�+i¢v lu�vrtn FS ASrkW m�r��� �� romx co,�x, A collaborative program t R�n�y County S hoolsa Probatio aad Pollc�e; �outh 5ervice Bureau and _ ,. 2 5 � i I v lv d 5 o mber Throueh �une �n0o a�nAGAPE 1 Mann El. 1 ALC 10 jacksan El. Z ArlinBtcn Sr 89 Monroe El. Z Central Sr 66 Mounds Pk. EI 3 Camo Sr 58 Parkway El. 1 Face to Face 5 Phalen Lk EI. 1 Fruh Start 10� Saturn El. Z GAP 15 W'ebster EI I Harding Sr 168 Totals: Zl Highland 5r 151 Hubb Center 3 Humboidt Sr 72 Johnson Sr 144 Open School � PSD 3 Re-Entry 6 Right Step �g Studio 4 3 TFS 6 7oials: 831 Battle Crtek Jr $¢ Cleveland Jr 14 �p�r 5 Hatel Fark)r 2D Highland)r 51 Humboldt Jr 15 Murray Jr 11 RamseyJr 18 washington Jr 35 Totais: 254 x Chelsea Hgts. 1 Como EL 3 Econ Ft 1 Frankiin EI. Z rian:ock El. 1 Daytons B!. EI. 7. Ra^• v Co JOthers ALC Moundsviex � ALC Mpls. 1 ALC Maplewood 1 atc Roseville � Academy Street ? Anwantin 1 Armstrong 1 Bush Program Z Capital Yew 9 Center �chool 1 Champlin Sr. Z Chisago Sr. 3 ' C�ty Academy 21 Cretin/Durham 1 oakota Ridge 1 Eagan Sr. 1 Eastv+ew '� Edtson Sr. 4 Face to Fa:.e Z F.C.A.S. 1 F[¢Id El. 3 Folwekl 3 Friendly Hills 1 Gladstone 1 Higher Ground 1 Home School 1 �ohn �1enn 1 John Meir (WI) 1 JSC i Rochester Mayo I Minnehaha Ac 1 Park Sr. Z PYC 1 7pF. For Lrng Park Sr. kills Tomorro Hastings Sr. Henry Sr. Henry Sibiey iighex Groun� Hio view Irondale Sr LakeJr. tAMS MN Tuh. Moundsview North Sr. Oak Grave Olson Oss¢o Park Center PIRCE PM Mpis. Povrell Prior Lake Rooseveit Sr. Roaseville St Agnes St. eernatds S.S.P. Suaess Acad. TarWn Sr. Tri-Distrid l"wm C�tieS A:. upper Mid. WAVE 2001 NMite Bea Totals: ao-�-o� 4 2 2 3 6 1 3 1 2 2 1 3 1 2 6 1 4 2 1 1 1 1 8 � 2 1 1 6 2 1 1 2 1 2 1b5 i June 1999 Ramsey County Truancy & Curfew C enter Evaluation Report W'�� Ramsey County Truancy and Curfew Center Evaluation Report Prepared for: The Ramsey County Truancy and Curfew Center Collaboration By: Greg Owen, Ph.D. Consulting Scientist and June Heineman Reseazch Associate Wilder Reseazch Center 1295 Bandana Boulevard North Suite 210 St. Paul, MN 55108 Telephone: 651-647-4600 Fas: 651-647-4623 e-mail: �'e�(a�wilder.ora Oo -to1 June,1999 �0-' f� � a The authors wish to thank the following contdbutors who helped make this report possible: Clancy Finnegan of the St. Paul School District who supervises the Truancy Center and heiped collect and organize information about youth who were brought to the center during the study period. Don Sazma of the Ramsey County Sheriffs Department who supervises the Curfew Center and helped collect and organize information about youth who were cited for curfew violations during the study period. Lyle Christensen and Chris Teiken who provided juvenile violations data on youth cited for curfew and truancy violations in Ramsey County. John Stignani of the St. Paul School District who provided school attendance data for youth served at the Tn�ancy Center. , Nancy LeToumeau, director of St. Paul Youth Services, Inc. who provided background informarion about the project and contributed to the organization of this report. Becky Montgomery, a planner for Ramsey County who helped facilitate the collection of information from various sources. Pat Peterson, who coordinated the Ramsey County Truancy and Curfew Coliaborative during ine study period. Jeri Maher of East Communities Family Services who helped collect risk assessment data. The members of the Collaborative who provided suggestions and guidance throughout the study period. Wilder Reseazch Center staff also contributed to this project. Assistance was provided by administrative service staff inember Louann Graham, data entrY staf�member Mary Tillman, data analysis staff inembers Carmelle Minton and Danielle Longerbone, survey reseazch coordinator Shannon Brumbaugh, data collection staff member Laurie Chouanard, and research 2SSOCiate Amy SteVenS. gymsey County Truancy and Curfew Center Wilder Reseazch Center ' June, 1999 . ,, �.. . . Oo -8'0\ The Ramsey County Truancy and Curfew Centers were formed in an attempt to reduce and prevent truancy and cwfew violations throu�h a county-wide effort. The Truancy Center is currenfly located at Tenth and Sibley (the former site of the St. Paul Attendance Center} in downtown St. Paul. The Curfew Center is currendy located at 960 Jackson (iust north of University Avenue and Robert Street) at the Valley Recreation Center. The Centers were designed to provide: • A central location for all Ramsey County youth to be brought following apprehension by law enforcement officers in circumstances of school truancy or cur£ew violation. • A central point where parents can collect children and talk about their concems with social service staff following a violation. • Identification of and referral to other services for youth and family members in need of additional support. The project developed out of the efforts of the Youth Collaborative committee and the following agencies whose representatives make up the Ramsey County Truancy and Curfew Center Collaborative: . Ramsey County Attorney's Office . Ramsey County 7uvenile Corrections . Ramsey County Community Human Services . Ramsey County Sheriff's Department • Mounds View Public Schools . North St. PauUMaplewood/Oakdale Public Schools . Roseville Public Schools • St. Paul Pubfic SchooIs . White Beaz Lake Pubiic Schools • Maplewood Police Depaztrnent Wilder Reseazch Center -i- • Mounds View Police Departrnent • North St. Paul Police Department • Roseviile Police Department • St. Paul Police Department . White Bear Lake Police Department • East Communities Fanuly Service • Northwest Youth and Family Service • St. Paut Youth Service Bureau • White Bear Lake Area Counseling Center Ramsey County Truancy and Curfew Center June, 1999 ., punding for the project has been provided by a Minnesota Cities Grant, a local law enforcement block grant, as well as the St: Paul Public Schools, the Ramsey County Sheriffs Department and the St. Paul Police Department. jnitial funding for the project was received in ihe Fall of 1995 and the first Curfew Center opened in the Sumtner of 1996. The first Truancy Center opened in September of 1996. Po�� PREYIOUS RESEARCH In June of 1997 Wilder Reseazch Center completed iu first evaluation of the Truancy and Curfew Centers. The study was based on telephone surveys of youth and pazents as well as information collected from youth at each of the centers. This report showed that more than 3,000 youth were served at the two centers during the first yeaz of the program and that the lazgest proportion of youth served were residents of St. Paul. Survey results also showed that the vast majority of parents whose children were brought to either center (96%) felt that the enforcement of truancy and curfew laws was a"good idea." In addition, 94 percent of parents also believed that the enforcement of such laws contributed to the reduction of juvenile crime within the county. Interviews with youth showed that slightly more than half of all youth who were brought to the Curfew or Truancy Center (53%) reported a positive change in one or more behaviors related to school attendance or in the group of friends with whom they associated. During the same tnne period 263 truants and 118 curfew violators received follow-up services from the St. Paul Youth Service Bureau (YSB). Subsequent foilow-up by YSB staff six-months following the temunation of services showed thai 79 percent of truants had no repeat truancy episodes and 95 percent of curfew violators had no additional arrests• Wilder Reseazch Center -2- Ramsey County Truancy and Cu J�e, 1999 ` , � . � oo-�a\ The purpose of the second year evaluation is twofold. First, the Collaborative focused on the development of risk assessment tools that could be used at both centers to help identify youth who would benefit from additional services. Second, the sponsoring agencies wished to develop access to two key sources of outcome data including juvenile court records and school attendance information. Information from the risk assessment tools as well as juvenile court records and attendance data aze examined in this report. An initial attempt is made to link specific risk data to both types of outcomes. SOURCES OF DATA Youth Served The Ramsey County Truancy and Curfew Centers routinely collect basic demographic information on the chazacteristics of clients served. Data presented in this section of the report are derived from the summary documents provided by both Centers foilowing the conclusion of the 1997-98 school yeaz. Information derived from the new data collection system implemented in late October, 1998 provides more detailed information on clients served at the center between November 1998 and March of 1999. Juvenile Violation Data The Ramsey County Juvenile Justice Cente: and the Community Corrections Departrnent routinely collection information on juvenile court involvement in Ramsey County. The information presented in this report aze derived from juvenile records made available by the Juveni2e Justice Center undar data privacy agreements with Wilder Reseazch Center. Records aze examined for all youth who have had at least one visit to the Ramsey County Truancy or Curfew Center between January 1, 1998 and 3une 30, 1998. Records are examined for the s'vc months prior to the first violation during that time period and six months following the conclusior. of that time period. Wilder Reseazch Center _3- Ramsey County Truancy and Curfew Center June, 1999 oo-�ro� New Data Collecrion Forms In October, 1998 the truancy and curfew centers began a new data coilection and risk assessment effort. For each visit to the truancy and curfew centers, three forms are now completed for each youth. The first form describes demographic information and is completed by the youth on his or her own. The second form is completed by truancy or curfew center staff as part of an interview with each youth during their visit. In this interview youth are asked why they were out after curfew (or not in school), where they were picked up, who they were with, pazental knowledge of their activities, prior police involvement, and information about their home and school circumstances. The third form is completed by truancy or curfew center staff. This form allows staff inembers to describe ihe circumstances under which youth were brought to the center including records of weapons, illegal substances, drug pazaphemalia, previous offenses, gang affiliation, and other information related to previous violations. Staff also note whether or not a parent or guardian was available to pick the child up from the center. CHARACTERISTICS OF YOUTH SERVED AT THE CURFEW CENTER (JANUARY 1 1998 — DECEMBER 31 1998) The Ramsey County Curfew Center operates on a calendar year and is open regazdiess of whether or not school is in session. During 1998 the Center served 1,389 juveniles, 62 percent of whom were males. Forty-one and one-half percent of youth brought to the Center were white, 2?.4 percent were African American, 26.6 percent were Asian, 2.7 were Latino/Latina and 1.7 percent were Native American. Youth who were brought to the Center ranged in age from 6 to 17 with a median age of 16. The vast majority of youth brought to the Curfew Center (68.1%) were arrested in St. Paul. Mapiewood arrests counted for 15.5 percent of youth; Roseville, 8.4 percent; Little Canada, 23 perceni; Arden Hills, 2 percent; and Vadnais Heights, 1.4 percent. Fewer than 1 percent of all Wilder Research Center -4- Ramsey County Truancy and Curfew Center Iune, 1999 00 -8n 1 curfew arrests occurred in the cities of Falcon Heights, Mounds View, Nor[h St. Paul, Shoreview, St. Anthony, or White Bear Lake. Fewer than 5 percent of all youth (4.6%) were chazged with crimes in addition to curfew violation at the tune of their arrest. Among youth who were chazged with additional crimes, charges include minor consumption, outstanding arrest warrant, providing false information to the police, attempted auto theft, possession of weapons, possession of marijuana, possession of crack cocaine, possession of drug paraphemalia, and the unIawful operation of a motor vehicle. Of all youth brought to the Center, 3.8 percent were placed in either a juvenile corrections facility or a residential youth service program. Thirty-five percent of all curfew violators were known to have previous police contact and approximately 19 percent were known to be repeat curfew violators. On average, the Curfew Center served 27 youth each week. CHARACTERISTICS OF YOUTH SERVED AT THE TRUANCY CENTER (SEPTEMBER, 1997 7HROUGH JUNE, 1998) The Truancy Center in Ramsey County operates only during the school yeaz. During the 1997- 98 school year 1,414 youth were brought to the Truancy Center. Sia�ty-eight percent of these youth were males. Asian youth accounted for 39 percent of all Truancy Center admissions. Whites made up 32.8 percent; Afiican Americans, 19.4 percent; Latino/Latina, 63 percent and Native Americans, 1.8 percent. Youth ranged in aged from 5 to 18 with a median age of 15. Twenty-one percent of all youth brought to the Truancy Center had been to the Truancy Center on at least one other occasion. Just over one-third (36%) came from homes in which English was not the primary language spoken. Appro�cimately 7 percent were brought to the Truancy Center from Snburban Ramsey County. P,Il others were from St. Paul. Approximately 9 percent were receiving special educational services and about 10 percent were on school probation. Wilder Reseazch Center _5- Ramsey County Truancy and Curfew Center June, 1999 � . � 00 -8'01 CURFEW C�NTER IMPACT ON SUBSEQUENT.1 WENILE VIOLAT�ONS youth included in tlus phase of the study include those persons brought to the Curfew Center between January 1, 1998 and June 30, 1998• During that time period 604 youth (369 males and 235 females) received services at the Curfew Center. Thirty-three percent of the youth (N=199) bad a juvenile violation record and 40 percent (N=241) had some previous contact with police. Fourteen percent (N=84) had an offense in the six months prior to their arrest for a curfew violation. An examination of juvenile records in the six months following the initial Curfew Center visit shows that 19 percent of youth (N=124) had one or more subsequent juvenile violations. The majority of the subsequent violations (58%) were misdemeanors, 21 percent were felonies, 19 percent were probation violations and one percent were gross misdemeanors. The percent of felony level crimes dropped by approximately 3 percent compared to the pre- curfew center study period. TRUANCY CEN7ER 1MPACT ON SUBSEQUENT JUVENILE VIOLATIONS AND SCHOOL ATTENDANCE Youth in tivs phase of the study inciuded those persons of school age who were brought to the 'Truancy Center between 7anuary 5, 1998 and June 5, 1998. During this period 661 youth (426 males and 235 females) received services at the Truancy Center. For this set of youth infonnation was available on both subsequent juvenile violations as well as school attendance. Nine and one-half percent of the youth served at the Truancy Center were known to have previous police contact. In the six months following the initial T�°y Center visits, 8.6 percent of youth had a subsequent juvenile offense. The majority of these offenses 61 percent were misdemeanors,l9 percent were felonies, 16 percent were probation violations and 5 percent were gross misdemeanors. With regazd to school attendance, 558 of the 66I youth could be matched with St• Paul school attendance data. This corresponds approximately to the proportion of St. Paul students who make up the Trnancy Center population. The mean number of absences in the time period before their 1998 Truancy Center visit was 11.8 and the mean number of absences following the Truan�Y Center visit was 13.4. This difference is statistically significant an3 indicates an npWazd pattem of school absences in the immediate time period following the initial Truancy Center visit. Ramsey County Truan�Y and CurFew Center Wilder Research Center ' Iune, 1999 .� 00 - 8a� SUMMARY These data show that Curfew Center visits are associated with a slight increase in juvenile violations in the six-months following a curfew violation. Truancy Center data show that there is a small but not siguificant decline in juvenile violations following an episode of truancy. School absences increase slighfly in the period following a truancy center visit These results suggest that it may be beneficial to target follow-up services to those youth most likely to re-offend based on the risk factor analysis described below. In an attempt to better evaluate the likelihood of subsequent juvenile violations and schooi absences, risk data is now being collected at both the Curfew and Truancy Centers. It is hoped that future decisions about additional services for youth and their families can be based, in part, on a valid assessment of known risk factors. During the pilot period for conducting these assessments, October 1, 1998 through February 28, 1999, the following results were obtained: Number of Valid' Youth Self-Administered Forms Number of Vatid' Staff Self-administered Forms Number of Valid' Xouth Interviews Conducted by Staff �) ' Copies of all forms are shown in Appendix A Curfew Center 409 488 424 cy Center 498 210 195 Because data was reasonably complete for only some forms and some items, risk factor selection was limited to the following: . Youth self-report of previous police contact Youth self-report of family problems that cause trouble at home Raznsey County Tivancy and Curfew Center June,1999 Wilder Reseazch Center -7- . 00 —dsol . Youth seif-report of no adults in their life whom they trust . pther offenses identified and chazged at time of curfew/truancy cenier visit In order to maxtmize the predictive power of each risk factor, curfew and truancy center youth were combined for the first analysis. The second analysis inciudes only Truancy Center youth since school attendance data was available for only these youth. The following results were obtained: Risk Factors Predictive of Felony Offenses lAvailable Cases = 541) # of Risk Factors 0 �--- �--- 2 3 �--- 4 (Curfew and Truancy Center) Total Number 324 156 54 6 Risk �actors Pr�dictive of School Absences (Available Cases =195) Number of Risk Factors 0 i 2 3 4 Wilder Research Center (Truancy Center Only) Total Number 124 40 24 6 1 � N with Felony Offense 20 42 18 2 2 4.2 5.1 12.5 20.9 23.2 Ramsey Counry Truancy and Cur �une, 1999 % with Felony Offenses 6.1 % 26.9% 333% 3> >% 100% Mean Number of Absences , � '• • Oo.-8�oi SUMMARY These results suggest that a limited number of risk factor items may be adequate to assess the potential need for additional services following a curfew or truancy violation. Use of a revised version of the staf� interview form in combinafion with staff notation of other charges or violations could serve as an initial iriaae method for targeting yoath and/or families for additional services. Wilder Reseazch Center _9_ Ramsey County Tmancy and Curfew Center June, 1999 Do -6'0� -10- Ramsey County Truancy and Curfew Center VVilder Reseazch Center June, 1999 .. �. 1. YourName: 2. Address: Ramsey County Truaacy/Curfew Center Demoaraphics Form To be compleied by ihe youth First Middle Street Address City 3. Home Phone: Beeper/Ce11 Phone: _ 4. School: Name of Schoo2 5. Is this an"altemative school"? 1. yes 2. no 3. don't know 6. Grade: 7. Age: 8. Gender 1. male 2. female Last Zip Code City 9. Date of Birth: _ _ _ mo. day yr. 10. Race(circle 1): 1. American Indian 2. Asian/ Pacific Islander 3. Black 4. Hispanic/ Latino 5. White! Caucasian 6. Other: (Specify) _ 11. What language is most oftea spoken a: your home? (cucle 1) 1. Khmer 2. English 3. Hmong 4. Laotion 5. Somali 6. Spanish 7. Vietnaznese 8. Other: (Specify) 12. Parent/ Guardian's Name: Day Phone: Evening Phone: 13. Name of adult you live with, if different from above: Day Phone: Evening Phone: oe -�o� � Date; CIF #: Truancy ❑ Curfew ❑ Ramsey County Truancy/Cvrfew Center/ Demo�aphics Form: 10l07l98 �os -8� l Youth Name: ' ' Youth DOB: / /_ � F Today's Date: / / CIF #: Truancy ❑ Curfew ❑ Ramsey County Truancy/ Curfew Center Youth Follow-Ug/Observations Form To be completed by Truancy/Curfew Center Staff Individually Were any or the following items confiscated from this youth at the time he/she was brought to the Center?... 1. Drug paz�Phemali 2, Weapons 3. Illegalsubstances? Yes No IF YES, please describe 1 2 1 � 2 i I 2 4, A.re tfiere any other offenses on tivs tag? 1. Yes-�-�� Please describe 2. No 5. Do juvenile authorities have any record on this youth? !. Yes 2. No 8 Don't Know 6. Does youth have a prior: a, gtatus Offense b. Misdemeanor Offense c. Felony Offense -i- P y� No Don't Know 1 2 8 1 2 $ 1 2 $ Ramsey County Truancy/Curfew Center Youth Follow-Up/Observation Form: 10/07/98 , �.. ., " 7A. Does this student's school district report unexcused absences for tFus youth during the past month? i. yes-��--� 7B. How many days absent? days absent in past month O O-�( 2. No 8. Don't Know 8. Is tkere a prior record of this youth at the Curfew Center? 1_ Yes 2. No 9. Is there a prior record of ttus youth at the Truancy Center? 1. Yes 2. No 10. Were you able to identi at least one pazent/ guardian of this cluld? 1. Yes 2. No-��--� (GO TO 11B) I lA. Was a parenUguardian contacted? 1. Yes 2. No�-�-� (GO TO 11B) 11B. If no, was there another responsible adult contacted? 1. Yes��-� 11 C. Describe relationship to youth: 2. No 12A_ 'Who came to pick the child up at the Center? (name} I2B. Describe their relationship to child: _2_ Ramsey County Truancy/CurEew Center Youth Follow-Up/Observation Form: 10/07/98 � i3. Regaz'ding the adult(s) who picked youth up at center, did helshe appeaz: (CFiECK ALL THAT APP"�.I� DO ❑ Cooperative ❑ Hostile or defensive toward staff ❑ Indifferent (� Impaired (alcohol or drugs) ❑ Interested 'uz additional help ❑ pther (describe): 14,�,, please identify factors that aPPear to indicate gang affiliation (CIRCLE ALL "I'HAT APPL1�: 1. Admits gang membe�s�p or association 2. Has been observed associating on a regulaz basis with laio�' gang members 3. Has tattoos indicating gang memberslup 4, VJears gang symbols to identify with a specific gang 5. Is in a photograph with laiown g�g members and/or using gang-related hand signs 6. Name is on a gang document; hit list, or gang-related graffiti 7. Is identified as a gang member by a reliabie source , g. Arrested in the company of identified gang members or associates 9. Corresponds with lrnown gang members or writes and/ or receives correspondence about gang activities 10. Writes about gangs (graffttr) °n wal�s, books, and paper - 14B. Are more tban 3 factors c'ucle@? 1. Yes-�-�-� If Yes, forward this youth's name to the State Gang Strike T.�k Force 2. No 14C. Does youth have prior identification by Iaw enforcement officials as a gang member? 1. Yes 2. No 8. Don't know _ g� County Truancy/Curfew Cente Youth Foliow-Up/Observation Form: 10/07/9� °. �, . Oe -8^0� Youtii Name: Youth DOB: / ! M/ F , Today's bate: 1 / �i CIF #: I � Truancy ❑ Cur ❑ 'i Ramsey County Truancy/Curfew Center Youth Interview To be compleied by Truancy/Curfew Center Staff with the youth Name of person completing form: Location: I. Curfew Center 2. Truaucy Center 2. Why were you out after curfew? OR, Why were you not in school today? Date: Time: 2. What were you doing... when you were picked up? OR, while you were out of school? 3. Where were you picked up? 4, Who was with you? 5. I3o your parent/pazents know you were (out after curfew?) not in school today? 1. Yes 2. No 6. Have you been to tFris Center before? l. Yes 2. No -2- Ramsey Coanry Truancy/CurFew Center/ Youth Interview: IO/07/98 y �� •W`_6O '7. ' Have you been to the (CurfewlTruancy) Center before? (Whichever one the youth is not visiting af the ' ' �time of this interview) 1. Yes 2. No 8A. Have you been picked up by the police before? 1. Yes-�-j-> (GO TO 8B) 2. No gg, When was the first time you were picked up by the police? (What year?) 4A. Are you on probation no�? 1. Yes�-a� (GO TO 9B) 2. No 9B. Who is your probation officer? d 10. Who do you currentIy live with? (CIRCLE 1) 1. Mom 2. Dad 3. Mom and Dad 4. Someone Else: (year) 11. How would you say that you get along with him/her/them? Woutd you say that your relationship is ..: 1. Great 2. Good 3. Okay 4. Not That Good 5. Terrible 12A. Are ihere any problems in yoar family now that are causing you to have troubte at home? 1. Yes-�-�--� (GO TO I2B) 2. No Ramsey Couniy Truancy/Curfew Center� Youth Interview: 10/07/9� -2- i� �, <, . ' 1213. What ldnd of problems are you having at home? oo-to► 13. Have you been absent from school for more than three (3) days during the past 2 months? (IF SUMIvIER, Were you absent from school for more than three days durina the last 2 moaths of school?) I. Yes �t.7 14A. Do you have any adults in your life that you feel you can ttvst enough to talk to about important things? 1. Yes�-� (GO TO 14B) � 2. No 14B. Wlio is that? 15A. Is your family receiving any other services from Ramsey County? (PROBE: Like county sociat worker, financial worker, child proteetion worker, or like welfaze (IvIFIP), public housing, food stamps, mental health couuseling, chemical dependency h�eatment, etc.?) 1. Yes-�-�-� (GQ TO 15B) 2. No 15B. What other services does your family receive? _3_ Ramsey County Truancy/Curfew Center/ yoattt Interview: 10/07/98