276035 WHITE - CITY CLERK }r PINK - FINANCE ,{'�"����11 CANARY - DEPARTMENT G I TY F SA I NT PA U L COURCII ! �` �.a BLUE - MAYOR �"� File N 0. Zl oxn�rc� " _ {:�rd. �t/o. ���y� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 16622, Council File vo. 274046, adopted December 18, 1979, so as to correct the legal description of the property located at the northwest corner of Christie Place and Kennard which v��as rezoned from R-3 to RT-2. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAIPJT PAUL DOES ORDAIPJ: Section 1 . That Ordinance PJo. 16622, Council File Plo. 274046, adopted on December 18, 1979, rezoning that certain property owned by Sam Cukier located at the northwest corner of Christie Place and Kennard from R-3 to RT-2, be and is hereby amended so as to provide the correct legal description of the property so rezoned, the correct legal description to read as follows: vacated Funk Street, Lots 1 , 2, 27, 28, 29 and 30, Meyer and Funk's Subdivision of East 1/2 of Block 3, Kerwin's Outlots and the north-south alley in f�1eyer and Funk's Subdivision, and that part of Lot 3, Kerwin's Outlots to the City of St. Paul , lying northwest of Christie Place and west of Funk Street. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval and publication. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requestgd by Department of: -.�e,r- Levine jil F8VOi Maddox McMahon B Showalter �L---- Against Y Tedesco �Ison Adopted by Council: Date �E� 3 0 19$� Form Approved y y At r y Certified P s d y Counci , cr BY By - Ap by Mayor: a �JL5�3 � i9$O Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council ,� r � By BY Pu��s��.D �A�J 2 0 19�31 ;�t�, '�yl����'� CITY O� SAtNT PAUL _=ot �';�,� , `H; �""' 'a� DEPARTMENT OF PLANNiNG AND ECONOMIC DEVELaPMENT �� iiil�l�il tl a� ��• ^� DIVISION OF PLANNING . '���` '�e� . 25 West Fourth Street,Saint Paul,Minnesota,55102 GEORGE LATIMER 612-298-4151 MAYOR November 26, 1980 � President Ron Maddox and _ �tembers of the City Council Room 704 City Hall St. Paul , Minnesota 55102 RE: Cukier Townhouse Rezoning - 1605 Christie Place (Between Christie, Germain, Larpenteur and Kennard) . Council File No. 274046 Ordinance No. 166?_2. Zoning File No. 8444 Dear President Maddox: The City Council granted a rezonir,g of this property, from R-3 ta RT-2, on December 18, 1979. It is very clear, in the file we have on this rezoning case, that the City Council intended to�rezone the entire parcel described above. Due to an inaccurate legal description on the Ordinance adopting the rezoning, however, the western 3/4 of tne parcel was left out. Jerry Segal , of the City Attorney's Office, has drafte� the attached ordinance to correct this mistake. Mr. Cukier has recently submitted a site plan for Stage Une of the twenty-unit townhouse ;��:velopment proposed for• t'r�is �roperty. He hopes to get a building permit and begin construction as soon as possible. Since our approval of ti�e site plan is contingent on City Council adoption of the attached ordinance amending Ordinance Plo. 16622 to correct the legal description of the property which �ras rezoned from R-3 to RT-2, we would urge expeditious consideration of this matter. If you need further information on this case, or have any questions, please call me at 298-4154. Sincerely, �Sd�ca-y � � Allan L. Torstenson City Planner ALT/mb attachments cc: Al Olson � _ . _ . -. _ . ��- - _ , . . _ . --- -�--,�.._ .._�_....__.�.�,aR...�..,�.�,..�,�,.,w.,�.��. .,,,���.,.��..,.R.,�.�..,�P„�.:__ . WHiTE - CtTY Ck.ERX ' � � - � � �a. . � AtNK � -� FIIVANCE CA�NARY - DEPARTiNENT �+�� � BLUE - MAYDR � � _. GITY O�' SAIi�'T JPAUL F�P ci1N0. - � ���� . , ' � �� ',��y�j ��,� Ordinance N0. ' Presented By � F:eferred To ,Committee_ Date put of Committee By Date An ordinance amending Ordinance No. I&622, • � Council Fi1e No. 274046, adopted December 18, . 1979, so as to correct the legal description .� of the property located . at the northwest corner of Christie Place and Kenriard which was rezoned - � from R-3 to RT-2. . THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DC�ES ORDAIN: Section 1. � That Ordinance No. 16622, Council Fi1e No. 274046, adopted on December l8, 1979, rezoning tha� certain property owned by Sam Cukier located at the northwest corner of Christie Place and Kennard from R-3 to RT-2, be and is hereby amended so as to provide the correct legal description of the property so rezoned, the correct legal �description to read as follows: . vacated Funk Street, Lot,s l,-e��,�.�:�;,:���::-�.��--_-�___1 ^�- 2, 27, 28, 29 and 30, Meyer and , � Funk's Subdivision of East l/2 of Block 3, Kerwin ' s Outlots and the north-south alley in rleyer and Funk' s Subdivision, and that part of Lot 3, �erwin 's Outlozs to the City of St. Pau1, lying northwest of Christie P1ac;z and .west af Funk si.reet. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty {30) days from and after its passage, approval and publication. COUNCILMEN � . � Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Hunt tevine IIl �3VOI Maddox � McMahon St�owaiie� A gai nst BY Tedesco Wilwn Form Approved �Sy C� At orne Ada ted by Couc►cil: Date � / P � .� > !� Certified Passed by Council Secretary By � / � By �� I �i' t�pproved by �Iayor• Date _ Approved by htayor�r Submissioz to Council • �% By BY . : _ ., .::. . _,v��.�,..-�....._.,,:�..... ,..:.;�,:......,:,�..,.� r,.;.w,.. �.�-- - -- __..__.-�,����:- �s ...�,,,_ ,._..r_��.....��.� ,_ r_�,�R...� .._.:,..��.-__...,�....,�..�.� ,;,.,, � �, � ��'P.1� I I'b �,"" . . �: �_ .{ ;� ROBER f W. • iOHNSON, P. A. '��f����� ATTORNEYATLAW . � 22f0 AMERICAN NATtONAL EiANK E3LDG � SAINT PAUL.MINNESOTA 55101 � � TELEPHUNE224-IB63 � � AREA COOE 612 . � ! November 2, 1979 � . Mr. Ron Maddox Room 704 City Hall - 15 West Kellogg Blvd. St. Paul, MN 55102 Re; Petition to Rezone 1605 Christie Place from R-3 Single Family to R.T-2 Townhouse/Condominium District Dear Mr. Maddox: � This is to reiterate the consen�.:s reached among Richard Wood, Sam Cukier, Jim Worth, atid you regarding the owners' plans after _ xezoning of the Christie Place property. ,_ __ It was mutually agreed by the above-named parties that twenty 20 owner-occupied townhouse/condominium units would be built of quality construction commensurate �aith existing homes in the neighborhood, ;a��� would be in full compliance with the RT-2 district regulations and restri�t�.�ns of the St.. Paul City Zoninc� Ordinance. It was further agreed that Mr. Cukier would build them rather than : selli�g the property to someone else after rezoning but prior to building. � Very truly yours, ��� . -� c�s�--�--�- ��._.._. �y� Robert W. Jahnson � � � � � � CC: Richard wood � '�9� Sam Cukier ��� � N C�vc�G`�►���� 1�L�t� . . . .: . _ . , � .._....�.q.�„�•....�,...c.�....v:�.,�....�w..,_�••�m� -- -�—.��...-�:,�. ,. °�±�a�xr^�.,.,- �^�'-;�rT.�?��^-.-----�'"'�^�=P'_._.�— GANqHY — UEPARTME:N iL_._.LJ' i\► lr ���' � � ) ' COIJ[1C11 �yF �' ���4� � a��E M��oR - N �A I N'1 1 A IT I, i4+ d�.�r:'t��� .� i: File N 0. . . ' V I �Z/t��l,G�� Ordinance��. � �� �: �► ;. -- Present�d By �.���„��� Referred To _ Committee: Date ��� � + Dut of Committee By Date An Ordinance art,ending Chanter 60 of the St. paul Legislative Code pertair�ing to zoning for the City of Sain� Paul and the zoning r�ap� thereof. �JTiEItEAS, Pursuant to Miruiesota Statutes, � ��a.357 and � 6�.230 of the Legislative Code, �sue Gukier duly petitioned to reaane vacated Fun3s Street and Lots 1, 2, and 27 through 3Q, in- clusivs, Block 3, Kerwin's Out2ots, Ramsey County, Minr�. , located on �he �xorthwest corner of Chr,�stie P1ace and Rennard, froa� R-3 to RT-2 for the purpose of constructing to�hoases, the petition haaing been certi�ied by the Department of Fin,ance and rianaqemen� Services on A�ril 30, 1979 as having been con��nted to � at least 57$ of the aWners og the area o� the property to be reyoAed, and �urther, having been consented to by at least two-thirds of �he o't�mer� of the property �ituated within 140 feet of the tot,al contiquous d�scriptions o�E real eatat� held by the sz�me a�,mer or �Y PnrtY purchasing any �uch contiguous property within ona �r�ar precedixag tPie date of tha petitian; and W�W�3EREA8. T�e current planning committe�* ��; s�ptemb�r 6, 1479 condu�ted a public hearing �or the puxpase of c���idering th$ re- �on3ng p�tition, axid, pursuant t� Section 107.03 of the Admini- �trativ� Coder submitted 3t� r�aammendation to the Planning Co�- mi�sio� tgaat th� petition be grant�d; and WEEREl�►5,� The Plazining Cot�nission considered the rexoaing getition at it� �etina heYd on September 1�, 1979 an� recc�a�ndec� that the �ity Council approve the petition; and WI3EREAS, Notice of �s publf.a hearing before the City Covncil on t.he said rezoning petition Nas duly publi:hed in the of�icial . CQUI�CILMF,N Yeas Hays Requested by Department of: Butler iiozza [n Favor — Hunt Levine Against BY — Iviaddox Showalter Tedesca Adopted by Council: Date Form Approved by City Attorney Certified Passed by Council Secretary By By � Approved by Mayoc• Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Sy_,....� By _ _. _ . . _ , . ..._.�..,_,3,.:s:�... ,,..-.....,.....,:,---*"c-....-..",... ,.a?T:.�.4 T.......,...-�n•..a.�a!�'.e„?,,.,.�q,.,m.r,mr..t..y.3..,�.r.,.m,ro.s•:e.,,�,�._.��.�... ..,...,...me.,.�..._..+t.wa+!m�+.vrs.4!,er,ha«��r*enn;'nrs se�±.reu„!,;,5�'{�,'s'�rm�ns��c=:?cnftiA.�.��..�... � � � I 1 Y O�` ��1 I N T ��A U I. Counci! � ,� File N 0. s }� ��,� • �� . r zn�xnc� ordinartce N 0. Pcesented f3y . . ��~ � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By � Date newspaper of the City on OctoLer 27, 19'79 and notices were duZy mailed to each owner o� affected property an� property situated wholly or partly within 35� feet of �he property sought to be reaoned; and , I�HLREAS, A public hearing iiefore the City Council, having . �been conducted on Novem.ber 6, 1979 where all interested persone w�xe heard, and the Council having considered all the facts and recommendations concerning the petition; now, therefore, �'HE COUNCIL OF �'HE CITY 4F SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIDI: Section 1. That the zoning map of the City o� Saint Paul, Sheet No. 7, as incorporatec3 by reference in Section 6a.401 0� th� Saint �aul Lagislative Code, as amended, is hereby further ame�ded aa folloia�s That property located on the northwest con3er of Chri�s�ie Place and Rennard, being more particular3y de�acribed a� u�c����`tmk- �treet and I.otg 1, 2, �d 27 through -30, inclusive, F�lock 3, Ke=w3n's Ont3.ots, Ram�rey County, l�inn. , be and is hereby rezon�ed fron R-3 to RT-2. Sectian 2. This ordinance sha].1 take effect and be in force thirt� �3�� da�►� fram an�ci afte� its pas9ag�, approvaS. a�sd �aubli�atioa. : 2. C�UNCILMFN Yeas M��,��,F�i�(� Nays Requested by Department of: � � In Favor Y Hozza Hunt � Levine �_ Against �Y Maddax. � Showalter Tedesco - . Adopted by Cqunci�; Date __�TGf� R ���Q Form Approved by City Attorney Certified Passed by Counci! Secretary By By Approved by MayQr: Date ��-_`�$'��'_' Approved by Mayar for Submission to Council sy gy _ _ ._ ,., . . _ r ,:..,, .�_� �--,..x-,....�,..,...A.�,.�r.._...�. - - . .�,-:,�.�.-.��- "'�e�.,.,�-. - ; � , ,. . � __ ._ .. , . __.... �- ,,:,> :,, ._f��:. '� . ._. . � _ _ � e.��..,. ....,. > > ., . ""'-,.�- .,-.-9,,,�-,�- j . � �.. , c ' ' . ���6° ��� Ut1 � � 16 � � � � APR 2 3 �97� STATE OF MINNESOTA � . ����nP�ANN1�yG BOARQ COUNTY OF P.AMSEY ) ss. �auf. MinnesoW ) CITY OF SAINT PAUL ) J d�nn � ln�� Y' l� , being first duly sworn, deposes and states that he is the owner of the property to be. xezoned, or has authority to lawfully bind the owner of the property to be rezoned, which is described as follows: I �O 0 � ��U- � S ��t � � a c� �-.a�S l 2 'L`T 2� �. �n 3(7 � ';1`� � Y v` S�\ 0 �. � " L . � �`Pv�Wi� S U �� Z�ti ��\ � 6� ��I �` 1 ,l. v V '0 �°W V� �C V �/ tr� � �'V�v.�l� S . �'� �t � � V\ ���t�i� v 1�l�1 . that affiant does not have any legal or equitable interest in, is u4t in the act of purchasing, nor has he purchased ar sold within one (1) year preceding the date of the attached petition any land contiguous to the property sought to bs rezoned as described above, except (NONE) (��&-�1l�`; that a�fiant . understands the word "contiguous" as used herein to mean parcels of property �haring a co�on boundary at any point without regard to the presence of public tliaorou�hf�res.. . __._ .____..._ \., ' ,� ,�, �� x _ ,�s , ,�. ����� �� _ FILE NORARY PUBLIC, RAMSEY COUNTY, MINN. tt�.•;.��at:w:ac..�W:as�aa�a�_��,.r,��� _��,�sc,��: � i3 Jr R.1G i ). \'i�t H ' �:: � ,:�,�s:, ���� :r ;�;,�:;.•r„ ,urn ,- �,�- � � � '����.. �� '' =r c�t�rr�v � � `��� '!�; � i'1... ;� ,� .. a �::y for.�:c .�. . . ., y s «•;;�•�✓a:.°��yy��;�tivve raO�vYSVav•rC'���vZ+�x .. � . - e � � . � . -..:�,._ ...,-,_ .,.m .,.�.. ..�.,..w.�...rv,E.s..,,,.,. - ,,..�: . - ...,_.,._...,»,-•—,-.x...�..�.,...-. _.. . . _ _.-..-`._—.._.>....�:.--......-...-.......,,.,..y,.,.,.e.z•enu.�..;F.a...:ra-...,F.-_;"^�'..""."'^� . -:.��. ...., qL .......,�.xm . . . . - , . , . _ , .. . , . . . . . _..,.. . _._. .� ...- ;.�..,.e�.5gsf-:ai..A�+�tf!. \ 1 � lst f` � `�' - '� � � _ ��� 2nd �': �� � �� , ' " � � � l < �a- ��d� 3rd � . - - -- Adopted ' ,—- Yeas Nays HUNT ° LEVINE �; � ��l b���� McMAHON . SHOWALTER � � % yL . TIDESCO WILSON PRESIDENT (MADDOX) � - -- i ,:_ ,a;,':-:�,�r . '1 ��.� ,j� � � �.:.w,, ; 'j •• ' _ _ _CK S•-) _'_ � ''�'� i ) � � `'..""� ' �� i � "- o� �,'� -- — — _ _- „�„ V � ���`i- �.�� � NO ��,+j �r,l �1 N ( � �'i�� '.�" t�° _(zoi-) � — -—,� �-O � �l„ ' �., — — � � t � �� ,�j �9o.yEi�J- � � � �,� r � ...,�f� �G'� - o,s [_ _�?6't8%.� � fzSi-) _.I t:n o � �� ' y - - -- • �� "� _ �ot�_!_ ( R... o�� � • o0 ' a� o � � _ ` �'� ��a � ,�� � ' ^o � NN o I � ��ir���if) . � r � h �, � . I � � � , � �n i 6'R. . lz�z-) �---�:�,oif + � — — — (ozZ_�_ � ...:.! �- ( ) 4, t � I. �:,�--�'.' ( � � a N N�y I Q ti �� 1 �nl � �� � � o �� � vp Ul � � ' I 4'� �_._r (O/_7;) _ _ ' �- — — — — -- � 1 �'/ � - - - -� - - 7_0�06/, �• -- - - - --�• o,� ry � � �o M -- �-- M �o � vo � __-� •-��. M �- - - - - - �.,� ,: u? �, • �, � .�.� �, �- c�! I`� �� �: .¢.. C� ��� � .� - N ,,� '"'' 1� ys-�os � I ; � � "� I i � � � ' I i �• . �� =`- �b � � . �-� l ' � .� -� � � -� �- `` '-- - '- '..i.i:Y+�: . 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