276034 WHITEs - CITY CLERK - �� �.`1 . PINK - FINANCE COil[iCll �j1 CA�rY - DEPARTMENT C I T Y A I N T PA LT L � +�+ � �'�� B - MAYOR File N O. in�nce ordinance N0. / (O�ZyJ • Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An Ordinance amending Chapter 60 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to zoning for the City of Saint Paul and the zoning maps thereof. WHEREAS, Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, � 462 .357 and � 64 .210 of the Legislative Code, the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul duly petitianed to rezone 694-706 Selby Avenue, legally described as Lots 4, 5, 6 and 7, Block 6, Holcombe' s Addition, located on the south side of Selby between Grotto and St. Albans from B-2 to RM-2 for the purpase of relocating an apartment building, the petition having been certi- fied by the Department of Finance and Management Services on September 2, 1980 as having been consen�ed to by at least 67$ of the owners of the area of the property to be rezoned, and further, having been consented to by at least two-thirds of �he owners of the property situated within 100 feet of the total contiguous descriptions of real estate held by the same owner or ariy party purchasing any such contiguous property within one year preceding the date of the petition; and WHEREAS, The current planning committee on September 18, 1980 conducted a public hearing for the purpose of considering the rezoning petition, and, pursuant to Section 107.03 of the Ad�nini- strative Code, submitted its recommendation to the Planning Com- mission that the petition be granted; and WHEREAS, The Planning Commission considered the rezoning petition at its meeting held on September 26, 1980 and recommended that the City Council approve the petition; and WHEREAS, Notice of a public hearing before the City Council on the said rezoning petition was duly published in the official COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Hunt Levine In Favor Maddox McMahon snoweiter Against BY Tedesco �Ison Form Appro ed y A t rne Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By � / Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY WHITE� - CITY CLERK PINK - FINANCE COUI1C11 � CANARY - DEPARTMENT G I TY OF SA I NT PAITL B�. - MAYOR File NO. � ��� ��� • 0/ in�nce Ordinance N 0. 1 Co�?'� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Page 2. newspaper of the City on November 8, 1980 and notices were duly mailed to each owner of affected pro�erty and property situated wholly or partly within 350 feet of the property sought to be rezoned; and WHEREAS, A public hearing before the City Council, having been conducted on November 20, 1980 where all interested persons were heard, and the Council having considered all the facts and recom- mendations concerning the petition; now, therefore, THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the zoning map of the City of Saint Paul, Sheet No. 19, as incorporated by reference in Section 60.401 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, as amended, is hereby further amended as follows: That property located on the south side of Selby between Grotto and St. Albans, being more particu- larly described as 694-706 Selby Avenue, legally described as Lots 4, 5, 6 and 7, Block 6, Holcombe's Addition, be and is hereby rezoned from B-2 to RM-2. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effeet and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval and publication. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas �� Nays � �.evine In Favor Maddox McMahon Showalter �' Against BY Tedesco wlso� DEC 3 0 1�� Form Approved b 'ty rne Adopted by Council: Date Certified P s e Council ret BY _ By . � A r d by Mayor: t' �EC 3 Approved by Mayor Submission to Council By BY ,Pt►�ts�ED !A�� 1 � �g�j ��V'�C'V~,Rf I o0��=f�.,� CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT � iii littu �� a �'��° "c DIVISION OF PLANNING ,,, r„"�.°� 25 West Fourth Street,Saint Paul,Minnesota,55102 GEORGE LATIMER 612-298-4151 MAYOR November 6, 1980 Rose Mix, City Clerk Room 386, City Hall Saint Paul , Minnesota 55102 RE: Zoning File No. 8721 - Saint Paul Housing & Redevelopment Authority City Council Hearing : November 13 , 1980 Dear Madam: This letter is written in response to the petition of the Saint Paul Housing and Redevelopment Authority to rezone property at 694-706 Selby Avenue from B-2 (Community Business District) to RM-2 (Medium Density, Low-Rise Multiple- Family Residential District) in order to relocate the abandoned apartment complex located at 1037 Dayton onto this site and to rehabilitate it into fourteen units for rental housing with appropriate parking and landscaping. On September 18, 1980, the Current Planning and Zoning Committee conducted a public hearing on this case, at which time the appellant requested an RM-2 zoning. One letter of conditional support with a twenty-five name petition was received. The District 8 Planning Council had previously submitted a letter to the Renewal Division supporting the project and the involvement of C.D.K. Housing Specialists. The Committee recommended approval of the proposed rezoning on a vote of 6 to 0. The Planning Corr�nission considered the Current Planning and Zoning Committee's recommendation on September 26, 1980, and recommended approval of the rezoning from B-2 to RfN-2 on a vote of 17 to 0. The matter of the requested rezoning is scheduled to be heard by the City Council on November 13 , 1980. Please notify me at least by November 12, 1980 if any member of the City Council wishes to have slides of the site presented at the City Council public hearing. Sincerely, . 0�. �3 u.+,�.,,'.4..Q.� Marvin R. Bunnell City Planner - Zoning MRB/cc � � �O __ ,y�\\111111\J��' . . ;�,��"' °-;,,� CITY OF SAfNT PAtJL � ��e �'� DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT � '�w�um .° � �� rn u -> c.+� �a4 '�4,,,,� ,�.� � DIVISION OF PLANNING �"`"���'°v�+ 25 West Fourth Street,Saint Paui,Minnesota,55102 GEORGE LATIMER �'���q��ifj�-298-4151 MAYOR V�� November 4, 1980 - Lester Cruse CDK Housing Specialists . 3604 Clinton Avenue S. Minneapolis, MN 55407 Re: Zoning File #8721 Dear Mr. Cruse: The Current Planning and Zoning Committee of the Pianning Comnission considered your petition to rezone from B-2 (Community Business District) to RM-2 (Medium Density, Low-Rise Multiple Family Residential District} the property at_ 694-706 Selby Avenue (the southside between Grotto and St. Albans) in order to relocate the abandoned apartment complex located at 1037 Dayton Avenue onto this site and to rehabilitate it into fourteen rental housing units with appropriate parking and landscaping. The Committee recommended approval of your petition on a vote of 6 to 0. The Planning Commission considered the Current Planning and Zoning Committee's recorrmendation on September 26, 1980, and approved your petition to rezone from B-2 to RM-2 on a vote of 17 to 0. The City Council has scheduled another public hearing on this matter for November 13, 1980 in the Council Chambers of City Hall at 10:00 A.M. You will alsu receive another notification of this hearing. Sincerely, . w �'�C A 11� _ ivir�Y..�Y'\ Marvin R. Bunnell . City Planner - Zoning MRB/cc cc: Rick Beeson, Project Management . �O � ___...__T_..�__��_.._.._.. - _ ._.___.._..._._�..._._..:..___.�.._-- ____ .____.._ ._...�__�. ____......_..�.M._ _--�, . � � � • � � 1 �i ♦ � ' . , ,' / ,� _ , / . � •� , � � , ��� � ������������� � � � � �■�■■�■■����■���� � • � � ��■■■■�■■■■■■■■■�� : � � ■�����o���.e�����■ � � � ■������������s�o�■ : :, ■�����������u���t� � ■�����������oe�o■ � �������►������■ �■ : � ■�����������r�■ ��■ � ■����������������■ � � � �� `����-��!��������'� �.,.� ��a � � r�■O■���■�� ■ms■�■ . . i i��l���l���� �����''t�■ ■�i��l► �i ��� ■�1�■ �� ■!%��!% 11��� rl��� ° ..■��■�■■��.������ " ' ■■■��■■�.��■��■��� � i��l������!►I��O��l�`�■ � i���i��LL���l���O����■ � � � ■�����a��o��Q���■ .........�.�...�.�....��...r....r� :: . _...____,...________..,.._ �'��i����t�1�������r�����������t a�� � � ��■■■�■■.■��■��■�� ■��a�r�����������■ . �a�■ m�t�m��e��■ � . • , , ,; ..�_'.1., . . «. `r•' � • ' �.!- , �� � . • • .� �... 4 ' _ �1�� � � 2��"���� MINUTES OF THE CURRENT PLANP�ING AND ZONING COMiNITTEE ' IN CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS, ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA, ON SEPTEMBER 18, 1980 PRESENT: Mme. Karns; Messrs. Armstead, Sryan, Hanggi, Levy and Pangal of the Current Planning and Zoning�Committee; Mr. Jerome Segal , Assistant City Attorney; Ms. Lane of the Division of Housing and Building Code Enforcement; Ms. Beseman, Mr. Bunnell and . Mr. Grochala of the Planning Division Staff. - ' ABSENT: M�ne. Summers and Messr. Lanegran. . The meeting was chaired by James Bryan, Chairman. ST. PAUL HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (#8721 ): A request to rezone from B-2 to RM-2 in order to relocate an abondoned apartment complex and rehabilitate into 14 units located at 694-706 Selby Avenue. Mr. Bunnell showed slides of the site and reviewed his staff report with a recorr�nendation for approval . He noted a correctiqn on the staff report� under "Findings" #9. The plans call for the provision of 22 parking spaces instead of 26. There were no 7etters received in opposition. Rick Beeson, Department of Planning & Economic Development, stated that the Department has been working on this project for about 1 year and 312 funds have been secured for the building. . Jim Crowley, 705 Hague, presented a petition with 25. signatures requesting that before. the property be rezoned, certain concessions� be made on the part of the developing contractor. Cruse Remodeling Co:, owners of buildings at 710 and 716 Selby, are also the owners and developers of the lots in quest-'ron. He � stated that they have no objections to the rezoning but asked that the developer be required to finish all �vork at 710 Selby; the building has been occupied since May anct to date the construction materials andtrash are still around the building. Ne also asked that if the proposed development is for rental purposes, that prov�sions be made t� accommodate young children. Hearing no further testimony, Mr. Bryan closed the public hearing portion of the meeting. � Rick Beeson stated that they would be willing to talk with Mr. Cruse regarding the debris that was indicated by Mr. Crowley. He said one of the buildings is still under rehabilitation and is probably part of the cause for the debris, � but stated that the matter will be taken care of. Mr. Levy made a motion to recommend approval of the rezoning based on findings 10 through 15 of the staff report. Ms. Karns seconded the motion. The motion passed on a roll call vote of 6 to 0. � Submitted by: Approved by: �y� y� • � t, � - 1�-•,,V+r�t-•'� 1�._,�l.41�,. `-'� , � . � J l - / ..� V � 4. Marvin R. Bunnell James Bryan,�Chairr�an ' :�...:,_....� ,_........_...�..__�..�... ..��...,_. _ ____ ___�_ ._r�._......._, :__.�..�.,...r..._..,w....��.__...,._...w._....�___ ___.. _ . �, �- _ _..._._—____ DI5TRICT 8 PLAI�TNIlVG COUNCIL ������� Serving the Summit-Uriiversity comrriunity to create a viable urban environment _s . �' �� ��::_ June 10, 1980 . ; � " �� -,,�� -, s � ' �� `��` z , �� ; _..�•. �1'�„ -� ;•. 't-:.:� �' Li�;� L. � ` i �� Mr. .Warren Frost � J "� ���� t— Renewal, PED � �t�����E��\��� City Hall Annex, 12th Floor . � �;�r� � � 25 West Fourth Street , ti `��; Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 -- ; - Dear Mr. Frost: On Monday, May 19, 1�80 the District $ Planr2ing Council pa.ssed a resolution recommending CDK, Inc. as ,tentative developer for � � 1037 Dayton Avenue and to recommend Parcel 142-A as first priority for relocatin� 1037 Dayton and Parcel 122-C and the two adjacent lots as a second priority for relocating 103? � Dayton should 142-A prove infeasible as a site for relocating the structure. If. there are any questions please contact me at the District 8 P Pl.anning Council office, 222-1745. Very truly yours, � i/� Hieber' Community Organizer ��2 � � �����,� ���,.� ---�----- \ . ; 3 lst �,-� " -� � �- " •�'"�' 2nd i :.� ' ��- �X 3rd ,� � f �^ "_ r��( Adopted l�� �J� `�a , Yeas Nays ' / HUNT LEVTNE ^ � �����3� McMA�iON ' . � SAOWALTER . � 1 ��ys- . TEDESCO . � : - idILSON . PRESIDENT (MADDOX) � � . { . ' � ,� ,: � r . ' . .':' .:y�i '�i.-_ . ' - , � `iE L 2.g �� '- _fROM TF�E OFFICE OF �(J�y� � ♦/+�� s J �RV-YR� � � . �It(^`� . .. . �. ... . . � 'T����� . . �� :� �_� ��.�.��.�5 �. �E���I CQ�PAI�IY ���i��"�.�x����y 2 2 i 5 !�'cst Coanty Road 8 Saint Pauf. h4;�«ot� 5 5113 -. • '° , R6GISTFRfy 4Vll EhGItiEF.�t qtsU l,ANA SURVEYOR ,�� '� ��,�'�. � I �1'ere�by Certify tkai th'u plat ahows a sucvcy made by me�of the propert�� . � ' - � d�.sc.-�br� on tF,tia plat, and that the comets are correcdy placed as ahown, and . . that all locatiuns bave b�en correcdy ehown. � Pro�ec� Ne. �M�nn l�1-�- 1 ' . P4��e.t t�1o. Iti 2-q. . - S'r�rr��:41ed l��oi•- µov��n�.Av..�har:.rt,Y r� � . ,. ,� ; Areca ,iZ, ��i5 s�f�. r�,.o.t. I3ate...��,.��.....�9�,`.i... ..:. .•'�!� �' .�' t..- `.�� Sr.ale. Br ::.�:�z:.�:�:�:.::::.. :��c`L9.-�:......._... I�t'?Ci't��LG7Z•. . .-..�•..:.~I.? ...•. • ...• •.. R£rGtSTERED,I.A�+iD SURVEYQR l.�-"s ti +hru ?,-: . . : . $b�k 6, . 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'..y . ..�,�. .r � . ;�!): i : �6�5 a �6r3 : : • ' �}� ' e ��.t��6a�0= .e,o'�ibl�' ... - ' • /�LS �s �fIS [5..�`� . ' ��r�f . �S ' ia:» � .> • : ci ...-...>..... - ,.,_:.-_ . ..-,..-...._:...--,-.-� -- „ ._...;,.._ _....._.._ ..,�� ......,._..._ ..�....,�.,..._.._ _,.._.,_ .., ., .,.r.,�. � � CONSBNT OF ADdOINJrNG P�ROPER.TY OWNBR3 '!'O BBZONIN�----�'7+��',���� � We, the undersigned, owners of property within 100 feet of the total contiguous descriptions of real estate owned by Petitioner or sold by Petitioner within one year preceding the date of this petition, acknowledge that we have been furnished with the following: 1. A copy of the Petition of �endment to Zoning Code City of Saint Paul 2. A copy of Sections 60 through 64 , inclusive, of the St. Paul Ordinance; and acknowledge that we are aware of the uses permitted under a RM-2 District Uistrict zoning classification; and hereby consent to the rezoning of the property described in the Yetition of �"iENDMENT TO ZONING CODE CITY OF to a RM-2 District. R.ECOftD OWNER SIGNATURE LOT BLOCK ADDITION De�y�on-dale Assx ia�f,c�a 1-4 4 � Mar3oiE�e Tar�i�er �J 6 3 k Odester dt Barbara James �) �ofq � k ,� , 1 ��r Henry RowaleKSki / < 13 2 g � Maz�► chiaho].� �� ' , 9delo 3 W k Sageris � I�arioa Penae . �� �i 3 � . re rg r ' George dc �dythe �ey , /E? � ' K� 20 � � l�lar�r�dc Ursula 3ireen� 23 5 � Ja�ea � Betty Elmore � ' 24 5 Ho co 's - Daisy Ford � r 26 S , Ho com Al1en VanLandachoot 7 co ' �Blanch Liberko � ? 6 wooa d P Dean & 3ally�Ly1a�e�t 16 3 iioodland Park 0 l�van� Whiting� ^ ° 5 � xolcommbe'a Christs Houaehold of Fai ri % � ,�,��.y �'�ti 1-4� 7 Holcombe's . .. F4� Sel�an & Naney Roach -_�,�/ �� �' 20 5 Holcom'bs's �s� g �ivian Baber . . 22 Holco�+be's Petitions shall not be considered as officially filed with the city clerk until the lapse of 7 working days after a petition is received in the office of the city clerk. Any signator of any petition may withdraw his name therefrom by written request within that time. Page� of � � CONSBNT OF ADJOINING PRt�PERTY OWNEftS 7'O BBZONI�� �'��'�, �_x�� � We, the undersigned, owners of property within 100 feet of the total contiguous descriQtions of real estate owned by Petitioner or sold by Petitioner within one year preceding the date o�F this petitio�, acnnowlec�ge that we hav� been furnished with the following: 1. A copy of the Petition of �endment to Zoning Code City of Saint Paul 2. A copy of Sections hp through h4 , inclusive, of the St. Paul Ordinance; and acknowledge that we �re aware of the uses permitted under a �-2 llistrict zoning classification; ar.d hereby consent to the rezoning of the property descria�d in the Yetitiori of`�ENDMENT TO ZONING CODE CITY OF to a �-2 Distriet. ��ECOR.i� �iyYVER SiGN�TUR� LOT BLOCK ADDITION _.�_. , (j � 1; Na dc Nora Bain - � �ya 7�8 I � Ho].c oabe's -_ _..______. _____.� .��._�.__._..___. �... _.��M�,r_,W __.�... 1 —Y C'�{" o..... � __,._.........:, 6.i.� Katherine iiilliawa ` ' � � � 7do6 f 2� � Tho� on's --._._._._.__...___._.T�,..._.._._ . ,-- _.__. .._.�._�.�._._...� __._ . .. ......-°. _ _ i ..�,. . Arahis Gingald_ � � �_� � ,�� �9�10 ; 6 ! i�oodland Park ___...._._.____. _ _ •� 9,� r' . . Jehovah',s Witnesaes__ _ . _ � � 16-1?_.4_.5_ _�._..� Holco�►be•s _ . 2 ,._2__ G�-��`i-'�`�'t; � �atrrtner Holdt�g Co. � __�� 8do8 ; 6 ; Koodland Park _. _ _ , i � <...�.�`�_._...,.___. �nest d� Msry xinniebrex� ' ' ( 3 3 HolcoEbe's � � � � ���- � �Iosea dc I,ouises Ruasell ' � � 3 j 3 Holcombe's ;� � �� „ t ..' ,t � � i.n,�:..,._.__.e,_._,_...... - —. ____. �-�---._..�,.____ lSnns�iri� , � ��+ �,G-� _. , _/��`L�-� � 2? i .�._.�...�..�".,mbe's _�.... ..�._,- .�-�----- �- ~-r- � a P._A Abrans C�� �'Z ; 7 � 5 �Holco�be's` 4' , 3te en Barthold . �"�?r � _ G�/�2�7�� / 11 3 Woodland Parl� � t Richard 1Katin � N 28de29 6 Holco�be's l�� Randall � lrlarcia F'ergnso .0 �5 3 Holco�be's ��a Jaaes dc l�ar _Brorru � bdc7 3 Holcox�be's � r 7!v � Geo e Blank - ` '�-� ° 8 3 Holcombe's Coamunit�r Devel. Corp. • l�i 2 'Thompson's , � Yetition5 s�aIl nat b� consid�r�d as al�zcially i�.ie� w?t� t:�e eit� cierlc �intii ihe I�ps? oi i working iis�ys af�_��� a t7PLIlSOI; is r•ecei���d in th� offic� o� th� �i�.y -.1�^!t. :�ny s��r�ator �f ;�ny �etition may �,vitt�d�•;.��N �is �r�me �he:��fr�rr. by 4vri±.te�: r�r�u�st .uiti;�n t��# t�rr;e. - -.- y :� _.�--__ . . - ' CONSENT OF ADJOINIATG P�tOPER.TY OWNERS 'TO BEZONING �.`S���� We, the undersigned, owners of property within 100 feet of the total �ontiguous descriptions of real estate owned by Petitioner or sold by Petitioner within one year preceding the date of this p�tition, ��knowledge that we have been furnished with the following: 1. A copy of the Patition of Amendment to Zoning Code City of Saint Paul 2. A copy of Sections 60 through 64 , inclusive, of the St. Paul -- Ordinance; and acknowledge that we are aware of the uses permitted under a IzM-2 llistrict zoning classification; and her�by consent to the rezoning of the property described in the Yetitioli of AMENDMENT TO ZONING CODE CITY OF to e � 2 District. �ZECORD OWNER SIGNATURE LOT BLOCK ADDITION �� , j76� /�✓� /�► Yello►v Bira,�..,.Inc�. .__..�. . . ._._. ___..� .____.._..�__. l�!_�.�_._..._ ._._.,._._. ; � � _�_�.....__,_..._._.___._________,�_. ____._._._.__._.._�.. _ � . ? .. , _______.____ � � ...�_ i � ; � _ _ _._ .�.._....._..._.�..r.�___ ____.__.__.__.__...__.___. .__.�__.__._.�......�, _.��.�. . z � 2 ; _ � _.._...._.___.___..�.._.__.. 1 .�.....,_..�.,.�_.._. � I # # � _. _...._ _..,,. _.. _.._.._._.____�...._.....�._ _: � � � fi i { i j i ._ ..._ _..._.,_.._ ..... . . .:,._. . . .. . . .. . .... . . ! . ' _ ...... _... _.. . ... ,... . _ ._.... ._._.t_._-._..__.."_._.,.�_..__�_�'..�._�.._..�.._.._... �etitions shall nat be co�isidered as c�Pf:Ciaiiy iiied wit,'� Lhe city clerk untii th� da�se Q.f 7 workznb d�ys after a petitiof� is r�c�i��d in �,`�e offic� �r _:-;� ni`t� clerk. Any si�nator of �ny p�tition m�� s��ithdraw his name tr:era_ir�m �y w�it*en r?q��= _;- ,L�i���.� t;�at time. r�=' •��� fr+ '� � ,CONSBNT OF ADJOINING PROP'ERTY QWNERS TO BBZONING " ' �"' . . . . 2��Ib���� We, the undersigned, owners of�r�e�¢�erty within 100 feet of the total eontiguous descriptions of real estate owned by Petitioner or sold by Petitioner within one year preeeding the date of this petition, acknowledge that we have been furnished with the following: 1. A coQy of the Petition oi 2. A copy of Sections through , ine2usive, of the St. Paul Ordinance; and acknowledge that we are aware of the uses permitted under a llistrict zoning classification; and hereby consent to the rezoning of the praperty described in the Yetiti�i► of to a District. ��ECORD aWNER SIGNATURE LQT BLOCK ADDITIOI� C.�1a,Tlgg_j�i 1 l i ma .__. r ` ldr2� Holcombe's �---.. ___..._.._. ����... _. ._ . I � _ _aM.a __. _. _.�_.— �----..� ,_ .. __.__�.......� _.____—�—_ ; , __ .�._.._._._.,._;_.. � ._.._.� + � � _ � � ' ; _ � . � ; � _ � __.__.�__._�.... .;�.� __....x..�__.,�_.___ , � t , ; 1 �- -.-- ; �--.�- _ _ _ _ .. . __ __ _ ._, _ _. . . _ ___� _____ ___ ____ _ . _____...�________....._._�____ .�_ Yetitions shall not be co�lsidered as of':ir�ially fil�� �vith the cit;� cie�'< un*.il the Ia�se of 7 workin� i.;F�yS r?.tiE-i' t:! t7Pt1`'_O!1 IS , �:CP.l�i2C� !'i �'12 O#f�C„ ,�,r -"° �„��J t'1.°"ti. i�it� S:??1H�0� Of �?I1V j.�f?L.tlOrl Pl�t�v �`J!�:�';"�.3'r'i .;1J .,._..i _ .i�2� :..'Om: Jy' ',y'i:�'�.i t"�'„�'d2'� '�l_..:i1 �.^:c;, ..;1='. , � .. ,-.. _ _. ;J� � ��}1 O A �? ^;,'. 9 � `�? '� [ Z " m z � v O T � � v m � D � � � � m � � n � � o < T 0 � � ! D s � �� � D C � r � � a � m � � � � � � 4� '►� � �� �� � `v � � s„u � � � ���(���J 0 I .lJ V A . , CONSBNT OF ADJOINING PROPERTY OWNERS TO BEZONING �� � o � We, fhe undersigned, ownersfof property within 100 feet of the total contiguous des�rip it ons of real estate owned by Petitioner or sold by Petitioner within one year preceding the date of this petition, acknowledge that we have been furnished with the following: �'`��✓ti�� 1. A eopy of the Petition of �endment to 'Loning Code City of Saint Paul Z. A copy of Sections 60 through 64 , inclusive� of the St. Paul Ordinance; and acknoWledge that we are aware of the uses perrnitted under a RM-2 District llistrict zoning classification; and hereby consent to the rezoning of the property described in the Yetitioi� pf �ENDMENT TO ZONING •CODE CITY OF to a �-2 District. .ItECORD OWNER SIGNATURE LOT BLOCK ADDITION De�y�on-dale Association 1-4 4 � � Mar�orie Ta�iver ���«� ,,,��eJ ,��.�,,,�,� 6 3 k , 4dester d� Barba.ra Jamea � )" � � � �Of 7 3 k 0 O8 y � 4i(! Henry Kot+alerrski ' i / � 13 2 k ?=/' / /� Mary Chiaho]a� / � , a��. �1 !1� � C - 9�10 3 W k �ugeno d� !larion Penas - ���.� 4 3 � . . 7�garo n rg r George dc B'dythe Ramaey 1 /�? � � � 20 5 � Mary�dc Ursula Sxeeny� ,` . 23 5 � r Jameal d� BAtty ElmOre � 24 5 HO C ' r Ja.fsy Ford 26 5 H co ' A11en VanLandschoot t,� CZ y7 H co ' Blanch Li'berko _ ` 7 6 Wood a d Dean & Sally Lyksett � " r � 16 3 Yoc�dland Park L�an$ whiting ! . �b 5 4 Halcombe'a Chriata Household of Fai � � � ����y C,Sic,c� 1-4 7� Holco�be's Selman & Nancy Roach ,,._L:' r`.� ��y.�. 4►� 20 S Holcombe's si �ivian Baber � ,� 22 S Holcombe•e Yetitions shall not be considered as officially filed with the city clerk until the lepse of 7 working days after a petition is received in the office of the city clerk. Any signator of any petition may withdraw his name therefrom by written request within that tirne. Page� uf �� . . , � . CONSBNT OF ADJOINING PROPERTY OWNERS TO REZONING ��(��i��� We, the undersigned, owners of property within 100 feet of the tote�l contiguous descriptions pf real estate owned by Yetitioner or sold by Yetitioner within one year precedin� the date of this petitioTi, �ic�nowledge that we ht�ve beeri furnished with the followino: l. A copy of the Petitiorl of �►endment to Zoning Code City of Saint Paul 2. A copy of Sections ��� through _ �4 , inclusive, of the St. Paul Ordinance; and acknowledge that we are ativare of the uses permitted under a �-2 llistr•ict �onin� classitication; �ir.�] her�by conser�t to the rezoning of the property cescriozd in the Yetitioii uf`�ENDMENT TO ZONING CODE CITY OF to e �-2 District. ��LCORU t�6V�VER S1G�V�,TURn LOT BLOC�� ADDITIOv ...___: , (� Wa d� Nox7R 8aln � . ��'M�r_. � ,�. �`1$�78� i � Holc ombe's _. ._, ___ �.._.... .. ... - . ._ . _ _ ____._ _.__/ � n ' Z3��.��—.�._ � � Katherine Yilliaers � •-----T--------__..... . _ (.f� 2tai.�, � � . 7 � ThomPson's ._ .� �_. ..__._ ' �._ � -i , Arahi• Gi�ald._ ___ ,� �,c,.c_m.a-�_ -n_.� 9&10 ; 6 : iloodland Park _ � ._. _.. ._._._ _. .__._ _ _ . .___ ____ ._._._..w. •� a� , Jehova�lz's Witnesaes � 16-17 � � Holcoa►be'e .._. _ ._--__._�_._„__..__ (,�,,�-�.�,� l/(/�, 7�"� _.._._ . .� _ - ----..__ ..__ _. . ., _� - �e�tAex Holding Co• ' ,�j�rt,� 8do8 6 Yoodland Park ----,--..-.__.._.. __�-_.�,����.�_.- --- _ .._��: , , . � 6C-,----_...�_...._�..,_..._._ F�est dc �!e►ry Kinniebrex ' ° � 3 _�3 � Holco�ebe's ���- G 90 Mosea d� Louises Rus+��ll ` � _ �'� ; 3 � 3 Holcombe•s n � �� � i' 1 � �� �. _.__.,T�_. _ / /--`._...-. ,I�. ' � � ,_. . . Xnna� �iria l -�`1 �, �, � � �<< � 27 _... .._.— Holco�be's � ( S � �__.._____._._._.,_... __�_,... , --��--. _...--.-- - -- -----.--_._�_.�_... �._._____.,__._ _____._._.__ ...__. . f ' �� P._A.Abrama �_�_���_v�� _ '�_�"'UZ � 7 � 5._____.�.Holcombe's _ 4, , _�T' St� ,an Barthold LG L%/(� ,�����%/c�'���11 3 iioodland Park � _ � ; p 4" Richard Mann �+ 2��29 6 Holcombe's / , Rat�dall dc Marcia Ferguso � f � C r, ��. 6&5 3 Holcombe's ;. Ja__mes,dt Mar�„r_Broxn ,�, L r- 6&? 3 Holc ombe's r 7/�� Geor e Blank � "�-� G 8 3 Holaombe's Coamunit Deval. Co . _� • 1-4 2 (�Tliompson's � � YL-'tlt10115 jtltlll 710[. bt' CU(1SiCj�(','Cf Li� O['. tCltl�ly' ilicii �w'�I!�t I_:�e i?lC�r ��"-:'?� Uflf.:l i(1� 1�1pSt Gt 1 WU't'EC1I1� i�ayS t�ftc�r � petitio�; i5 recei,itd in rti� ot't�i��� :�' �!��� <�ity r-�;,;�:. :=ny ,���ri>�t��r uf �►ny petition may 'Nlt�'1C�1'31�v his nHme theret�rofn by ?,YiI�CE?1": I'i?;{ll�'�i .VIt��'!1 1''�iI Liil-it?. '�l , �._ . - i� � � CITY OF ST. PAUL � � � t� DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES ���� �_� -, ASSESSMENT DIVISION 713 CITY HALL 5T.PAUL,MINNESOTA 55102 September 2, 1980 To the Council City of St. Paul I have checked the attached petition of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of St. Paul and Lester Cruse, filed in the matter of rezoning, Lots 4, 5, 6 and 7, Block 6, Holcombe's Addition, from a B-2 district to an RM-2 district, and find that said petition is sufficient. Yours very truly, Bernard J. Carlson - Director W/h�► , � Re: X2619 cc: Building Department Zoning Board File Parcels eligib�le - 91 Parcels needed - 61 Parcels signed - 62 � ' ������°�^��� � CITY OF SAINT PAUL `.�`���plT7 p�4�r . =�°` '="'_ � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �� ,; � :e �: %� nw�tnu �c � '` ��" 1°" � BUREAU OF RECORDS ;,,�. ^_ '`'u„�lm���•c�.-�'�' 386 City Mall,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 612-298-4231 GEORGE LATIMER MAYOR Au;ust 14, 1980 Mr. Paul Desch Finance Department Room 218, City Hall Dear Sir; The City Council referred to the Finance Department for check as to sufficiency the attached petition of HRA to rezone property at 69�+-706 Selby Avenue, aka Lots 4 throu�h 7, Block 6, Holcomhe's Addition. Ve truly yours, ► Rose Mix City Clerk � Attach, ABO:la ��� �� � � \ y �(ac (� 1� 0 _.:.: � . a..� : _..��..:;_ .. .:-- .,._. W. . ..,,.,.. .. .. .� �.,..._ ...:_ �.._. � . . _, . _, _ � ..� ,.��,.. ,_:� - - ' , ' ' . , � � }�t � ����_����! '�'�7� � PETITION TO AMEND ZONING CODE �'�,` � CITY OF ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA �� � TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL DATE August 11 1980 c/o City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall =— St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 Pursuant to Section 64.210 of the St. Paul Zoning Ordinance and Section 462.357 (5) of the HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Minnesota Statutes, pF_TuE CTTY �F SAINT PAUL MINNESOTA , the owner of all of the land proposed for rezoning, hereby petitions your Honorable Body to rezone the following described property: Street Address: 694-706 Selbv Avenue Legal Description: Lots four (4) , five (5) , six (6) , and seven (7) , Block six (6) , Holcombe' s Ad.dition to Saint Paul, according to the plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds from a ___B-2 Communitv Business-------------------------------- District to a �_2 Medium-Densitv, Low-Rise Multi-Fatriily Residential District for the purpose of relocatinq the abandon apartment complex located at 1037 Dayton Avenue onto this site and total rehabilitating it into fourteen units for_rental housincL, with appropriate parking and landscaping. HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MTNNESOTA Subscribed and sworn to By; r,:.�- �� before this�day of 19�d Title: Executive Director G/)�/� Petitioner G G� / Notary Pu c r r ,�'�.. ROSEMARY FRFDETTE � ��� NOTARY PUBLIC—M11N�.i�[SUTA '�..:. RANISFY COUiV i Y � My Comm.Expires April 23, 1987 Y M Page 1 of 3 ZONING: STAFF REPORT . � ���b�:��� • . 1 .' `APPL•ICANT. 'ST. PAUL HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT At�THORITY DATE OF HEARING 9/18/80 2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CLASSIFICATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CURRENT PLANNING & ZONING COMMITTEE BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS ' Rezoning •Igl Variance ❑ Special Condition Use ❑ Administrative Review ❑ Determination of Similar Use ❑ Other ❑ Change of Nonconforming Use ❑ Other ❑ 3. LOCATION: 694-706 Selby Avenue (South side between Grotto and St. Albans). 4. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lots 4, 5, 6 & 7, Block 6, Holcombe's Addition. 5. PRESENT ZONING: B-2 ZONING CODE REFERENCE: Sections 64.210 and 60.450. 6. STAFF INVESTIGATION & REPORT: DATE Sept. 9. 1980 BY Marvin R. Bunnell -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A. SUFFICIENCY: The application was filed on a consent petition declared sufficient by the Finance Department on September 2, 1980; and was received in the Planning Office on September 5, 1980. Ninety-one parcels were eligible, sixty-one parcels were needed, and sixty-two parcels were obtained. 'The purpose of the rezoning from B-2 (Communit Business District) to RM-2 (Medium Density, Low-Rise Multiple-Family Residential District� was stated on the petition: to relocate the abandoned apar�tment complex located at 1037 Dayton onto this site and to rehabilitate it into fourteen units for rental housing with appro- priate parking and landscaping. B. FRONTAGE & AREA: The site is generally rectangular in shape and comprised of 4 lots, with a 159.44 foot frontage on Selby Avenue, a 159.68 foot frontage on the rear alley, a 109.19 foot frontage on the abutting lot to the west, and a 109.48 foot frontage on the abutting lot to the east for a total approximate area of 17,445 square feet. . C. SITE & AREA CONDITIONS: The vacant site is flat, weedy and set at sidewalk grade. To the east is Duffy s Cabinets, a cabinet maker, and to the west are two large apartment buildings with the structure on the abutting property occupied. Across Selby are several vacant lots owned by the HRA and a paved parking lot directly northwest of the site. The properties abutting on the south and west are in a RM-2 zone. The building which the HRA intends to relocate onto this property is presently located at the northeast corner� of Dayton and Oxford. It is a three story, flat-topped light yellow stucco apartment building with broken or boarded windows. The structure is presently in an RT-1 zone. D. FINDINGS: 1 . The site was previously zoned as a commercial district in the 1922 Zoning Ordinance. 2. According to the Building Department, the structure was built in 1922 and has been vacant since 1975. 3. Semple House Movers will move the structure from 1037 Dayton to 700 Selby in the - fall of 1980 dependent on obtaining needed approvals and permits from the City. 4. The structure, measuring approximately 98`x40' , will be placed on lots 6 and 5 and will have a north-south orientation. 5. The structure will require front and rear yard setback variances of approximately 20 feet each, unless the average setbacks of adjacent structures on the block are in line with the provided setbacks of 5'8" front and 5'4" rear. 6. The structure will be rehabilitated by C.D.& K. Housing Specialists with the design work being done by Anderson Tollefson Architects. 7. The rehabilitated structure will provide fourteen housing units: a One-bedroom unit and a two-bedroom unit in the basement level , and four one-bedroom units and � two efficiencies on both the first and second floors. 8. The lot area requirement of 10,000 square -Feet is easily met and the allowable room density of 29 rooms is also easily met with only 25 rooms provided. .,, 9. The plans call for the provision of 22 parking spaces which exceeds the minimum requirement of 21 spaces. . . � - . � . .,.�T.�....,� 1 -7-`� I -- a_� - �-.--�-�-�- a � � � : : .�,---�--- , � s � � j � v �� ► � � � ' !�- � � " � U���Q�O T. � � � � � 3 � Y � ' Vi�; V �� � 14 �� T U � � �� 7 6 _,,.J..:-a---' � � � , . _��� _��--- -- - ��������� �---- ' __..__..__ ' �� U O � �� � WlL DE/t � V V Q o,o � o 000 � , � �� � �' � - , ' ❑ , � Q , I 0 � '� � � DAY NURSER i � � � - - - � - _ _ _ _ � � t -(( - � I I - _ '► � II�-- i I I l+'�i �' u �t _V� � � � � ����;�� ST. PAUL HOUSING & REDEVELOPMEP�T AUTHORITY #8721 ) PAGE 2 1 D. FINDINGS CONT'D. 10. Directly to the west and south of the site is a sizable RM-2 zonin district. Expanding the existing RM-2 zoning district to include this property would not result in disharmony since the uses permitted under the proposed re2oning are much the same as the nature of the uses in the surrounding area. 11 . The District 8 Planning Council has given their support to the ro apartment building move to this site and the proposed rel�abilitationsed of the structure for apartment units. 12• The proposed rezoning and subsequent proposed rehabilitatio apparently in conformance with the Land Use Plan which encourages residential development in strip commercial areas because this creates an added market which can improve viability of existing businesses and can improve the condition of such an area by spurring reinvestment. 13• The proposed rezoning and subsequent proposed rehabilitation is apparentl in conformance with the City Council approved Housing Plan which encoura es housing on sites adjacent to commercial areas and traffic corridors (such as Selby) and on vacant or underutilized sites. s 14. The housing units will be market rate but aimed at moderate income house- holds through the use of the 312 low interest financing program which is also in conformance with the Housing Plan. 15. The District 8 Plan encourages the rehabilitation and reoccu anc I� vacant buildings in District 8 as well as eneourages the mixpng ofof � commercial and medium-high density residential uses along Selby Avenue. E. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Based on findings 10 through 15, staff recommen approval of the proposed rezoning, ds ; � � , � � ,�.-�, : � P �,� .,�,� �. " ���^�� CITY OF SAINT PAUL '_,,�°�__ .:U� -�'` '-`'�= pFFICE O�F THE CITY CLERK ;� s, so a� s� tl�ll�11 A�� ,, � _ BUREAU OF RECQRDS °``o,, ...• ' 386 City Hall,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 'lmn��o.a�O�`` 612-298-4231 GEORGE LATIMER MAYOR . September �+, 1980; � Planning Staff, Zonin� Seetion llth Floor, City Hall Annex � St. Paul, Mn. Dear Sirs: The Council referred to the Planning Commission for r�commendation, the attached petition of the HousinE; and Redevelopment Authority to rezone Lots 4-7, Block 6, Holcombe's Addition. Ve truly yours, �R ��� Rose Mia City Clerk � Attach. ABO:la O 6 , f _ ����t�t� .. � � _ 1e019� V��T'O 7 � � .S T . q )1 5688' � 2�b 35 p � !i9Y6 �9�6 6` 1315 � :.j . • �/���\ I. 3f 4 � r N' •�:�•� O frt: � CS ��� � O�� p �[:1 �J A O Y H e � O � ` �Q� g g � � QO ° tD , m o O� a �O � t7� W w ` �" ^+ ` �- X � o - ?_ r� '� �, � g a N � �, o o ,� �0 o ti _ � o W � �I �\ . �p O� p �O W � �O m O T� \J, � � $ �V � O W 01 O� � W � ii0 � N 166 V. � � ° tn P (�I ' N A �' � 0 0 4 U � '�' P. , . � 11 � u' O � - n � • A � _ U �0 � �-s,p� o .�. �/(���U o � - w � e, � � � \�„� � lu A W W A - m .. -. W W O � r w � q W o � N rn o ° 4 `�.� n° rv N o � U O J ti N P � J N W $ W V �v N — 'D � ti cb J - ` - 4 � � m , _ o � a N — o° o A m � � � $ c � ,� — $ c � � �' S2 i 19 J6 119 66 � 40 J I ,.5 .: . . .. . 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'""` ���veloparsnt 1►ut2�ority in Resolution �io. ??-5�`1Z'S"�• o� � ��i� � to autt�ri� s r��r.onin9 Cit +� � ptf�iciala ar� �i.r�tct�d �ict 8. � ;�� � t-University Di� ,t� !�, �.4?r-�► ��Si4-70b 8olb'Y �trnu�l in S�a►i # 8� ., , � �� �-�► � �'-�� t� �'1� tl� d,w�lop�r tro r�locato tlya aipa��at �'1 ��4 �►Q3� �!►�'s � �y,� �,s aite and total r��itat� it iaa►�o +� ��� �t �� �� M►atal c�pl�►�c• ; �1t #��Y1ty ��� tilinq !M� M� � ����d i tO�► � '�T♦ � � ��� ��, �na�ra� .� � �r"��� �p�CCov�d tor Tuw�di�9: ___._----- ,� � ?� N�1►y�l��• .-.. � B�,rr�ard 1�. City lins�ua� a�' Nivaa9Mnt S�rvicss. D�is�act�► `,�� - N�. ! APPR(?V�D AS T��pRM ' f 4 �� �� � � 'f ; ' ":. p Head � '�^Y�_.1 .z..r'� �� �" t.�7at � { nt Citv At�orney \\ Administrativz As�tant to MaY�� . y A�.,...', _ ( A �... Date i � . � , I ; � �55 � ..._. ...-. . . _ _ _,__--_.__.__._ , I � � , - • ._ ;���9���� ��,11E—FIN'ANCE I�CC,'TG' t CITY. Of SAINT PAUL • CANARY—VENOf�+ ADVIC� ♦ -� . WHITE—ENCUMBERING DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND M'ANAGEMENT SERVICES 4 8 0 0 9 GREEN—PURCHASING V— PINK—DEPT. ACCTG City Half, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 � G'ROD—PREPARING OFFICE � PAY VOUCHER � � CHARGE TO ' : DEPARTMENT� DIVISION � DATE ��� ; AUTHORITY � ACCOUNT CODE _ PAYMENT NO. E � B �•�7��� FILE N0. T P V • ' A E �* �� REFER. NO. 1 Y N �� � REFER. NO. 2 D T O s O q VENDOR NO. iwalr� Ntitiia lili� fN !�' 1l�t�� I�t-,i, 1Lstsilt i �'.� ailai�sssti� �rire � S4tS -- � � � �e� .. . , . 4 . ` •. . , FOR PROPER USE OF THIS FORM OBTAIN INSTRUCTION SHEET FROM PURCHASING PAY THIS AMOUNT OR ACCOUNTING DIVISION. �.� EXEMPT FROM PAYMENT OF MINN. SALES TAX. MINN. STATUTE 297A.01 TO 297A.44 AMOUNT OF CONTRACT PURCHASING AGENTS APPFiOVAL AS TO PURCHASING REQUIREMENTS PRIOR PAYMENTS THIS PAYMENT TOTAL PAYMENTS � BALANCE DUE ON CONTRACT BY: I MEREBY CERTIFY THAT GOODS HAVE BEEN RECEIVED IN �NEREBY CERfIFY TNAT TMERE ARE FUNOS FINAL AUDIT Approval GOOD ORDER.INSPECTED.AND CHECKED AS TO QUAIITY AVAILABLE TO PAV TNI$ORDER. AND QUANTITY AS SPECIFIED IN THIS OROER. DATE RECEIVED ,s_ FINANCE DIVISION � � �!!A ' BY APPROVED FOR PAYMENT �,/�a.�. � . � , . . D�PARTMENT HEAD BY B�/ B�/ . - . � , . , �,��p h .�., � � t L�`,_"�t;� . _ ,�, '[d�OF AEARINCG : :...,,; - _ ' :R�RTI(1N�'O RBZIDN6 . ,= : i�petitiqn having been filed mguesting tpat �' the Zoning Ordinwil�#�bf the Cit}A1:i4:R9ttY: ' be amended s0 as to�rtone fram&2 to RM-2 pr3p�rEjr'de5es�6rH�aiwI.ofs 4.3:&at+l?.�18�9G. fi.�Ei4kembt's Additipn. The propert�r ls located ai i08 Selbp Avenue.The Qounell r o(;he4��attil�9u1lfesiiicedt� �P(ovci b .'�9'��2tMOb.4:114:5n i1' t m e #i�if6f safd � at sai�tfitte`an8'�Jaice:�ttre�oUti+ti�'vr1�A`�`1�}l persoas�an�l all object�dns SM1�- : tions relative to theproposed's��`. ' 15ated November 5th 1980. � -' ' ' RcS$E��k �(I3ovember S,19l0} . . . . �.i'-' ...�.r• � , � � � � � ����.. CITY OF ST. PAUL ;r ���` : 1 � DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES • ASSESSMENT DIVISION � � , 21$ CITY HALL ST.PAUL,MINNESOTA 55102 �-7�� �;�� November 7, 1980 �_� ,� RESCHEDULED HEARING File X 2619 page Zoning File 8721 Due to a conflict in scheduling, the public hearing originally set. for November 13, 1980, has been cancelled. It :has been reset for November 20, 1980, in the Council Chambers of the City Hall and Couft House (third floor) at 10:00 A, M. The matter to be considered is the Petition of St. Paul Housing and Redevelopment Authority and Lester Cruse to rezone from a B-2 district to an RM-2 district the property at 694 - 706 Selby Avenue being legally described as: Lots 4, S, 6 and 7, Block 6, Holcombe's Addition. The purpose of the rezoning is to relocate an�:? apartment onto this property. If you would like further information about this hearing, contact the Current Planning Section of the Planning Board, Room 1202 City Hall Annex -- 298-4154. While the City Charter requires that we notify you of the hearing, we want to help you to learn fully about any improvement that could affect you or your community. Therefore, I sincerely hope you can attend this hearing, so that you can make your views about it known to the City Council, whether for or against. J. WILLIAM DONOVAN VALUATION AND ASSESSMENT ENGINEER . `� � �..G�r.;r . 'f`E',,' �,,. ��� Y Ut �i. rAUi �/.`� DEPARTMENT OF FfNANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES ASSESSMENT DIVISION ''�y l 218 GTY HALL ST.PAU4 MINNESOU 55102 j•�d'�i d`_�� pr CY ��-•� October 31, 1980 s�,: �� (Y`.� ' � �„ � File X 2619 Page Zoning File 8721 The Council of the City of St. Paul will hold a public hearing in the Council Chambers of the City Hall and Court flouse (third floor) at 10:00 A.*i. on November 13, 1980 on the: ' Petition of St. Paul Housing and Redevelopment Authority and Lester Cruse to rezone from a B-2 district to an RM-2 district the property at 694 - 706 Selby Aveaue being legally described as: Lots 4, 5, 6 and 7, Block 6, Holcombe's Addition. The purpose of the rezoning is to relocate an apartment building onto this property. If you would like further information about this hearing, contact the Current Planning Section of the Planning Board, Room 1202 City Hall Annex -- 298-4154. While the City Charter requires that we notify you of the hearing, we want to help you to learn fully about any improvement that could affect you or. your community. Therefore, I sincerely hope you can attend this hearing, so that you can make your views about it known to the City Council, whether for or against. J. WILLIAM DONOVAN VALUATION AND ASSESSMF.NT ENGINEER