276033 WHI'�E - ClTY CLERK , ♦ CANARY - DEPARTMENT PED/ Real COUIICII � � BL\P� -R MAYOR Estate GITY OF SAINT PALTL File N0. � f�t�` ti � � Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED FURTHER that the Relocation Plan considered and approved with the Program, established capability to relocate persons and families displaced by this acquisition, approved by Council File No. 274519, is hereby redetermined and approved. RESOLVED FURTHER that (1 ) the proposed acquisition is necessary to carry out public improvements in the area, that such acquisition will contribute to the elimir�ation of 61ight or deterioration within the area, and that such acquisition is necessary to relieve hardship; and that (2) there is a feasible method for the relocation of families and individuals to be disp1aced by the proposed acquisition. COUNCILMEIV Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt � Plannin and Economic D ment Levine In Favor Maddox � VZ'V��!i'�"-�+'�'1 � � �;�iLe _ Against BY Tedesco W�� DEC 9196�0 Adop by Cou il: Date _ Form App ved by City. ttor e . ` �' ertified ssed Co .il Se retary BY Appr y • avor: D DiEC 1 �. 1g8Q Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY �L�-Q.^-r---`��� ►'i��ifSt�ED �L C 2 � 1980 .� Q 1 � NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING UPON PRO- '��� � 4" . �' �lb�.-�� POSED PROPERTY ACQUISITION, SOUTH OF FRONT REDEVELOPM�i�T AREA, COM- MUNITY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM NORTH END DISTRICT 6, SAINT PAUL, MINNE- SOTA NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN OF A PUBLIC HEARING befor� the COUNCIL Of TNE CITY OF SAINT PAUL , in the Council Chambers, City Hall , 15 West Kellogg Boulevard, Saint Paul , Minnesota, on Tuesday, December 9, 1980, at 10:00 a.m. , Central Standard Time, upon the proposa� of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul , Minnesota, to acquire by purchase or exercise the power of eminent domain, all parcels or tracts of land on Albemarle Street, as identified below, under provisions of the Community Deve- lopment Program Year VI, Saint Paul , Minnesota, and the Redevelopment Plan therefor as a part of South of Front Redevelopment Area, District 6. Upon said Public Hearing, the Council shall consider whether the acquisition of pro- perties identified by parcel number and street address as follows: � PARCEL NOS. PRECEDE PROPERTY ADDRESS 373-1 879 Albemarle 373-12 855 Albemarle 373-13 857 Albemarle 373-14 861 Albemarle 373-15 863 Albemarle 373-16 865 Albemarle is necessary or desirable in order to carry out the Redevelopment Plan and provisions of Community Development Program Year VI, Saint Paul , Minnesota. At said Public Hearing, all interested persons may appear before and will be heard by the Council upon the proposed acquisition of these identified properties. ROSE MIX CITY CLERK r � � 'e � � ��1. � � ,�•**�. CITY OF SAINT PAUL `� ' �' DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT : ` ; � =i� : ". ^° DIVISION OF RENEWAL ,... � 25 Wat fourth.Street,Saint Paul,Minnesota,�55102 GEORGE UTIMER 612-298-�338 MAYOR 6 �: �� TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL November 21 , 1980 c/o City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall Saint Paul , Minnesota 55102 Pursuant to Resolution No. 80-8/27-9, adopted by the Board of Commissioners of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul , Minnesota, on August 27, 1980, it is hereby requested that the City Council schedule a Public Hearing for December 9, 1980, at which time it will consider acquisition of six properties in the South of Front Redevelopment Area, North End, District 6. EX CUTIVE DIRECTOR HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � Attachment . . ��Ibi��� DATE: DECEMBER 9, 1980 SUBJECT: PUBLIC HEARING UPON PROPOSED PROPERTY ACQUISITION, SOUTH OF FRONT REDEVELOPMENT AREA, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM YEAR VI, NORTH END DISTRICT 6 STATEMENT OF THE CHAIRMAN Being duly authorized by the City Council to conduct this Public Hearing, the hearing is now open. This is a Public Hearing called on the proposed acquisition of certain properties in the South of Front Redevelopment Area, North End Community DQVelopment District 6, by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul , Minne- sota. Notice of time, place and purpose of this hearing was published in the ST. PAUL PIONEER PRESS and DISPATCH on Wednesday, November 26, 1980. The affidavit of the publication of the Notice of Public Hearing will be made a part of these proceedings. The Housing and Redevelopment Authority proposes to acquire by purchase or exercise the power of eminent domain, Parcels 373-1 at 879 Albemarle; 373-12 at 855 Albemarle; 373-13 at 857 Albemarle; 373-14 at 861 Albemarle; 373-15 at 863 Albemarle; and 373-16 at 865 hl- bemarle, under th� provisions of the Community Developrrent Program Year VI, Saint Paul , Minnesota. The acquisition of the above-referenced properties is necessary or desirable in order to carry out the Redevelopment Plan and provisions of Community Development Program Year VI, and provide new housing units. Is their anyone who wishes to be heard on these acquisitions? If not, the. Chair will declare this Public Hearing adjourned. . . _ �. �, - : HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA ✓ • �F�b��?'�� REPORT TO TNE COMMiSSiONERS DATE August a�, i9ao REGARDING AUTHORIZATION TO SCHEDULE A PUBLIC HEAFtING BEFORE C ITY COUNCIL � AND SUBSEQUENTLY PROCEED WITH ACQUISITION IN SOUTH OF FRONT RE- DEVELOPMENT AREA, NORTH END DISTRICT 6 As part of the Community Development Year V Program and Budget, acquisition of substandard structures in the South of Front Redevelopment Area were to be done in Phases. Phases I, II and III have been completed and staff has now made certain determinations respecting building conditians and the necessity to acquire certain properties in the South of Front Redevelop-.�._� ment Area under Phase IV, and are as follows: PARCEL NO. ADDRESS - STRUCTURE - 373-1 879 Albemarle Duplex ' 373-12 855 Albemarle Single Family 373-13 857 Albemarle Single Fam�.ly 373-14 861 Albemarle Duplex 373-15 863 Atbemarle Single Family 373-16 865 Albemarle . Single Family Staff is requesting that the Board authorize planning appraisals to be per- formed to determine acquisition costs. After the properties have been ap- praised and if the costs are found to be within the budget, staff will pro- ceed with setting up a Public Hearing ;oefore City Council for their approval of acquisition of these properties. Attached for your consideration and adoption is a Resolution authorizing planning appraisals to be performed, a Public Hearing to be set before City Council concerning the acquisition of the above-noted properties, and upon City Council approval for acquisition, staff may proceed. Sheri Pemberton Ken Gauthier ,� _ ._ _ _ _ _ • R E S O L U T I O N N O. 80-8/27- q • RESOLUTION MAKING CERTAIN DETERMINA- TIONS RESPECTING SOUTH OF FRONT REDE- VELOPMENT AREA, AUTHORIZING A PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE CITY COUNCIL AND SUBSE- QUENTLY PROCEED WITH ACQUISITION IN NORTH END DISTRICT 6 WHEREAS, by its Resolution No. 79-6/12-3, adopted June 12, 1979, the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota made certain findings and determinations and approved the Redevelopment Plan for Community Development Program Year V, and the program activities and budget therein identified and contained; and WHEREAS, the Community Development Program Year V budgeted monies ��rid programmed activity for acquisition and detnolition of substandard structures and relocation of occupants for the purpose of removing con- ditions of deterioration and development of new multi-family and single family housing in the South of Front Redevelopment Area, North End Dist- xict 6; and WHEREAS, the Community Development Program Year V left for future ""�- �" determination and public hearing the identification of specific properties to be acquired as a part of the said clearance and redevelopment area and activity; and � i WHEREAS, staff has completed inspections 'and condition reports on six ! structures in South of Front Redevelopment Area and identif ied them as substandard; and � WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners has reviewed a recommendation for acquisition and clearance of these six properties, identi�ied as Parcels 373-1, 373-12, 373-13, 373-14, 373-15, 373-16, and requests authorization for the scheduling of a public hearing upon said acquisition before the Council of the City of Saint Paul. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Housing and Redevelopment `Au.thority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota as follows: l. ) That the structures identified in Attachment 1 attached hereto and made a part hereof, are substandard and blighted to a de- gree warranting clearance. 2. ) That the acquisition of the properties identified in Attachment 1 is necessary to eliminate existing conditions of blight, substandardness or deterioration, which properties do not ap- pear capable of redevelopment without public assistance in acquiring, clearing and sale for private redevelopment for housing uses at its value for such uses in accordance with the Redevelopment Plan. _ __ _ ., .___.__ __... �_._ _._. _�_ ,... ._ ., __. _._.._.w_.__._�_.__._ ,�.._�,..._,.__.,.^...,__.n.,....._..,..,.,._.,.��,,,.. .. � � _, _ ' • �`���_�� „ '3. ) That subject to the approval and autYiorization of the Council of the City of Saint Paul, after public hearing upon the pro- posed acquisition, the acquisition of a fee title to the pro- perties identified in Attaehment 1 by the Housing and Redeve- lopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, is hereby approved. ' ' FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED, that the Executive Director is hereby author- ized to schedule a public hearing before the Council of the City of Saint Paul, and to take all necessary actions in connection theretirith including the preparation and publishing of �required notices, all in accordance with applicable law and the purposes of this Resolution. ATTACHMENT NO. I PARCEL NO. ADDRESS 373-1 879 Albemarle 373-12 855 Albemarle - µ,., 373-13 857 Albemarle 373-14 �861 Albemarle 373-15 863 Albemarle 373-16 865 Albemarle � � . . � 1 �� ft1��� .���"' ~ � '�� � f I � � {. '.t N f � _. �-�+'"�'" *-E� t� D� . � . , . . . �3 ; �• w , � � , � � '� , . . . � � u �-s "+�� � , r t � o' 1 . .� . - 1 • . �.. . . . .. , sr � � � e.�.. ;t,�. �`�'�, } -i:..� '' }�.p : �. ,ry�, ,;.I�'. .. � . � . �� �. ' •2�_ �''+,a;p�:'h�f��,E;�, '.�+'?;q �����. �`y . . . . . . . �� •� `��� '.�• , .f.;�����. - . . . . , r._ 'i % Y�, � ���?�ae ,t.� S. 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