276029 WHITE - CITY CLERK ((( (�
PINK - FINANCE COI1tIC11 � /(���y
File N 0.
' uncil Resolution
.�Presented B
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Saint Paul,
that Sections 12, 13, 14 and 15 of Chapter 600, Laws of Minnesota
for 1980, entitled:
"An Act relating to retirement; changing the provisions
governing the coverage of various state and local public
employer retirement plans; authorizing the payment of
severance pay to retiring employees; amending Minnesota
Statutes 1978, Sections 352.90; 352.91, subdivisions 1
and 2, and by adding a subdivision; 352B.08, subdivision
2; 356.24; 473.417, as amended; and Minnesota Statutes,
1979 • supplement, Sections 43.051, subdivision 3; and
. 465.72; and Laws 1953, Chapter 91, Section 1, subdivision
7, as amended; Laws 1955, Chapter 151, Sections 1,
subdivision 5, as amended; 3, subdivision 2; 13, as
amended; and 16; and repealing Laws 1959; Chapters 131,
Section 25, as amended; and Laws 1969, Chapter 641,
Section 5."
a certified copy of which is filed herewith, shall be and said Act
hereby is in all things approved;
RESOLVED FURTHER, That the City Clerk, as the chief clerical
officer of the City of Saint Paul, shall forthwith file with the
Secretary of State a certificate in form prescribed by the
Attorney General stating the essential facts necessary to said
approval of said Act hereunder and including a copy of this
resolution of approval of said Act.
COUIVCILMEN Requestgd by Department of:
Yeas Nays
Levine In FavOT
Maddox �
snowaice� __ Against BY
Wilson nC�
�jC 4 '�80 Form A ved b City Attorney
Adopted by Council: Date —
Certified Pass b� Council Sec ry BY
Approved b • �vor: Date �C `� ��a' proved by Mayor for Submission to Council
By � - �(f` P�� BY
�� 0 E C 1 3 1980
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�;:�,-�- .//.. . Doie . December 2, 1980
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: T4 ; � � - Sain� P�ut Cit;� Co�ncil � . . -
����i� = COt?tf7li'��'€'L OI'1 , Legislation • • �
. . . : .
- _ Willtam L: Wilson �• ; choi�man, mctkes ihe folio�ning
� � . ', repor3 on C.F. . t . � � ' �. • � Ordi'rcanc� . - i
� .� . � .� . �• . . � •. � X� Resviu�ion . -
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'�'�'�"�,� :� POLIC� PENSION. AMENDMENT . ' �'�- , . � . - � � -_--• �-:
The Legislation Committee at its November 25, 1980 meeting recom- �
mended approval of the resolution adopting Sections 12, 13, 14 and 15
of Chapter 600, Laws of Minnesota 1980 relating to police pensions in
St. Paul.
The effect of this 1980 legislation was to change provisions of
the statute providing for,ben��'itg-to "widows" of pension fund par-
ticipants to that of "sur�viving spouse". The statute will , if adopted,
remove references to gender in determining pension benefits for the
surviving spouse.
C1TY 'r�LL SEV�?tiYFi FLOO?Z SA?��' Pr',�JL, i.EI\�cSJi,1 S�iv'_
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;; ��� �� �� �� BUREAU OF RECORDS
� 386 City Hail,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102
December 9, 1980
Secretary of State's Office
Attn: Peggy Steineck
Room 180, State Office Bldg.
St. Paul, Mn. 55155
Dear Ms. Steineck:
Attached for filing in the office of Secretaxy of State is a
Certificate of Approval by the City of St. Paul for Sections
12� 13, lk and 15 of Chapter 600� Laws of Minnesota for 1980
as approved by C.F. 276029, adopted December 4, 1980. Will
you please time stamp a copy of this letter and return it to
the City Clerk's office at 386 City Hall, St. Paul, Mn. 55102.
Very tru�y yours,
���i�i�fZG� .
Rose Mix
City Clerk
81'A7E�F MtNIyESOT�f
0 E C 1 ���ggp
, .f
- (Pursuant Co Minnesota Statutes, 645.02 and 645.021)
� � ���.;�� . . : � �
County of 8am4ev-°` �`:
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE, That the undersigned chief clerical officer of the
�it,y aP saint Paul
. tname of governmeatal w,it) , ,
�,"- •.� . :. • ..
DOES HEREBY `CERTIFY, that in compliance with the provisions of Laws, 19 80 • Ghapter �
f,(1[) . requiring approval by a * majority vote of the governing body_of said local governmental
..� .
unit before it becomes effective, the C i�,v �oLne i11 ` - � �4 �
(desigaate goveming bodY)
at a meeting duly.held on the �th day of Deeember � , 19 80 , by resolution ,
�ouncil File 276029 did approve said Laws, 19 80 , Chapter 600��!
(If other than nsolution,specit�) �` "' - _
' � Sections �l2, 13, 14 and 15 : -
by a ma on vote of all of the members ther�of . � �_ � y��`p`
. � . � . . . ' YStiyp- fi vY;:.�.
. . . . . -�.:� 4 �#'��q�. ��y,A1,D �.
(Ayes �_ ; Noes �_ ; Absent or not voting �_ ) and the following additional steps, if any,
required by statute or charter were taken:
$esolution published in the official paper of the �ity. `_
, ..;. , � ,
_ ,R,
A copy of the resolution is hereto annexed and made a of this certificate by refennce .-��:�
a �"�% y��
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(This form prescribed by the Attorney General and furnished by .� "�
the Secretary of State as required in Minnesota Statutes 645.021) :
'"Ij extraordinary majority is required by the special law, inse�t fraction or percentage he�e.
- • . ,��' ,
• . • OiPM7MENT OF STATE "'�`"'�'
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_,°���,rY oF:�.,,, CITY OF SAINT PAUL
;a � �',
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�es. ,� 647 City Hall,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102
• 612-298-5121
November 19, 1980
M E M 0 R A N D U M
T0: Councilman 4Jilliam Wilson, Chairman
Legislation Committee
FROM: John Paul Marti
Deputy City Att r y
Attached is a Resolutio which, in compliance with Minnesota
Statutes Section 645.021, Subd. 3, adopts legislation relating
to police pensions in St. Paul.
The effect of this 1980 legislation was to change provisions of
the statute providing for benefits to "widows" of pension fund
participants to that of "surviving spouse". The statute will,
if adopted, remove references to gender in determining pension
benefits for the surviving spouse.
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� H. F. No. 1453
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2 re iat i ng ta ret i ceG�e�►t': chang ing the prov �sfons
3 governing and the cove�age of V8F [OIIS state and
4 [ocal public emptoyee retire�rte�t p[ ac�ss'
5 authorizing the paYment of severance pay to .
b �etiiing emp �ayees; amending Kinr�esota Statutes
7 i9?E , Sectians 352-40 ; 3:2.°.I , Subdiv �sions 1 and
8 2, and bY adding a subdi�risiun; 3526..08t
Q Subdi �iseon 2; 35b►24 ; 473.427, as amended; and
10 Minnescta Statutes, I57g Supptement , SeciiaRs
1 � 43 .05I, Subdivision 3= and 465.72:' and La�rs 1953 ,
12 Cha pte r 9I, Sect ion 1 , SuhcliY isia� 7, as aQenaied;
23 LaWS 1955 � Chapter 15I , Secteons I . Subdivision 5 ,
I4 as amended; 3, Subdiv "rsion 2; 13: as amended; and
25 16; �nd cepeat ing LaWS 2g59, Chapter 131, Sect een
16 25t as amended; and Laws 2964 . Chapter 64�:
27 SectiQR 5�
20 Sectiun I . NinResota Statutes, I979 Su�ptes�er►t= -
21 SECtio� 43-05I � Subd€vision 3, is a�rended to read� �
22 Subd. 3. Notrrithstanding the pcovisions of
23 subdive sEon l , any eraptoYee oi the s:ate of Minnesota - In a
2k caveeed cfassif ication as def E-ned �n sec�ion 352-g1 s xho is
25 a mernbe r of the spec ca i reti rer�ent program foc coccect iona t
26 personne t estab t i shed pursuant to sect i.ons 352 .g� to
27 352.95 , zhrr+i- may e ► ect or be required ta retire from
28 e�ptoyment in the covered correctional pos it ion c�POn
,4,.:> "
: x.
. . . i<. . . � �r;�
� . . ._ _
> . - •
r r
H. F. �No. 1453
I reaching the a5e �f 55 YearsT-�rrf-css-t�+E-t�tr�n-�p�'�tr�"f°T
2 css�-t�cetYe3-fro�e-3he-coc��r*s3*ct*cr-of-ecrrert�crrsT-c�--f�e .
3 C�tRR4t�33t'Ei°tCl-ef-PtrEtrc-rrt�-f-zrt-r�-tFrt-Rppe�rt�+Rs-ett�h�tttr
4 ts-�!rc-F4tRTt!'ZC�$-SCCtt!`t'tjt-�ttrSPt�L��-BR-C��t!l3t�CR-E7t�CR���tE
5 �,-c-��itrort�f--r:aR�rtcrY-rt�rrcReR�-agt- - -.
6 k-ea+fti-ecf--eertee�t�vres-E-tr.tRfr7et-r.aY-b'e-rF��`��-b��err�
7 �Frr»r�-RCia'orY-tt�ire�refr�-s��;-bet�-RO�--b�e�rr�-�Fre-cg�-ef--b� -- _
g rtstr 1� cociec.tEOnat er�pioype occupY ►�9 a position -
9 sPecitied as covered bY the praves�ons of sect €on 352..42., .
10 desirin9 em�toY�ent 6cY�nd the cenditionai mandatosY . __
�I reti rement age sha[ t : at tEa�t 30 days prio� to the date of
` 22 reaching #he cond"etia�at a�andatacy ret i Eement age o# 55 .
I3 years, and �ennualtY therezftes , request en rrritertg ta the _ _ _. _
I4 persore' s aPVOinting authorcty that he 6e autharized to
IS cont�nue in emptoyment in the covered �osit6an . Upon
1 b rece i v i ng the request , the appaFnt ing� authoe ity sha ! t fiave - �
I7 a r�edicat examenation tnade af the emptoyee . If the sesutts
I8 of the med €ca t exam i nat ionT-tc3e�-�rrr-rr�th-the-�et�e-e��rsR�ert
14 a�-rr�-ctr�ttrea�i-crrr-cf-'tFrt'�PRRtR�t-RS-2s*s�hcri-t�-a:,-tc
20 estab t i sh the �renta t and physica I ab i [ ity of the er�ptayee
2I to coRt inue fc-f-es�fr�-� the dut ies at" h Es e�ployment , he
22 shaE ! be continued ic� ftis e�►ptoY�ent for f.he fotlowin9 Year �
23 F-shzff-�e-trarts�st#��ecf-�e-#he-ccr_�'tss'tener-c#�-ecrrec�tems
24 �r--th-e-cer,r�:i-ssterrer-o-f-prr�-I-te-�re�f$re-tf--�-�re�P�R�irrtirrg
25 a��E►ort�5r-i3-�E�e-Titnncsa�z-seetrrt��-hcsRt��f. It th�
26 determi natFan of the appoint ing author ity rzf-st-�erg-to-ar�
27 �cfi-�crce ba sed upon the resu i ts of L�e phy s 6ca t exam�nat ion
28 'ss adverss , the disposition of the s�atter shai [ be dec �ded
24 bY the coc�rissioner of cocrECticrs oc of p�bFic ;aeEfare,
30 �rkickerer-rs-aPR�-tcaEl-e{ i f 2�►e apFe�R t i ng aui ho� ity is the
3I Mi nnesota security haspita t . 8ased on the qnfocmat ion
� 32 Dravided �Q-htrrr+ the decision of the appt icabie
: 33 coma�issianer shal t be �ade in �;ritiRs and �hal t be iinat .
� - .
� � -
- . , , _ . �_��, _
�� � ��;��
- . , _
H.F.� No. 1�53
1 Sec - 2 • MiRnesota Statutes 1978, Secticn 35Z_9Q, es
2 ax�ended t� cead�
3 352 .40 [CQRRECTIDt��L EKPLflYEES _I lt [ � the poticy of
4 the EeSistature to provide sPecial ret 'srement benetEts and
5 contributions ior certain cosrectienat enptayees Khas
6 �c�>az--of-'��c-rr��nre-af--�ht"rr-a�rP�a�raen�;-are �ay be
7 requi red te ceti re $t an eacty a9e b.ecause_they ace unab te
8 ta �eta in Lhe mental o� physical capac ity requ i�ed to
�} Qt3t[1L31R_the_�afetY._security, _disc� pl [[1@ 8Rd_CUStOdy Ot
20 inmates at state adutt corre.ctianat facttities_ �c t�e
I1 Purpose of chapter 356, the acLuafY shat t �rake seParate
12 reports with tespect to these emp.toyees- Except as �
I3 otf�eruise provided, the -�taV €sions of this cha�tet , apptY
I4 to covered cocrectiona{ emptoYees_
IS Sec � 3. Hi nnesota Statcttes I�78, Sectian 352.92 ,
16 SuSd i rr i si on I , i s a�+ended to Eead= � = --
17 352.92 ICQYERED CQRREC7I�I�AL SERV ICE-� Subdiv�s�oa 1. -
18 Covered corcectior�st service means : tal services performed
29 ons be +` ore , or aite� JutY I* I973, by a state emptoyee, as
20 de t i ned i n sec ti oR 352.03 , a s nn atten dant gua cd, attendant
2I gua rd supe rvi sor, co rrect i ona l capta �n s co rcect Eona t
22 counseior � , coErectionat counsetar LI . corcectioRaE
23 eoc�nse [ ec III , cocrectionai counsetar IV : correct 'tonat
24 tieutertaRt , carrectionat oif icer , cec� ectional sErSeant,
25 di rector of attendant guards and guard faca�er gatoen,
26 pravided the emptoyee was er�ptoyed 'en such pvsitien on .tutY
Z7 2 : i973 or theceafter � ibl serv[ces periora�ed before .lutY
28 1, 1�73 bY an emp[ayee co�rered under ctause taI irr a
2g p�sition ctassitied as a hauseparent , speccat schoots
30 coctnse t or: shop instructor or guard instcuctoc >' and f�f
31 se rYice s p.e rf armed befoce Juty Z , 2973 in a posit ion t isted
32 in clause !a ) and positians cta�scf ied as housep�rent �
33 guard instructoc and guard farr�er daic�y , by a person
. . R �
H.F. No. 1453
I e�pt�yed on July I: 1�s73 in a position cta�sefi�c� as a
2 [ icense ptant cr�anaGerr Pfisor� industrY to: eszn Igerreta [ , .
3 c�etai fabcicaiing and foundcYt : Prison ir�dustrY suPerrr �sor,
4 food serrr�ce managev , prison farmer s� perY �sor , vcisan
5 t'a r�e r assi stant supervisar or rehab i t i tat iQn� theEap ist _
6 e�aptuyPd at the Minnesot2 sec�crity hospitat .. t�owerer an
7 emPtoyee shat � not be cavered hereunder if f €cst e�rpEoyed
8 aiter Juty 1 , I973 and rrho 6ecause o� his age coutd not _
S a�qui re �eR-Yca�rs-af suff �cient se rv ice to qua t Efy for an .
IO anRUity as a correctionai c�p[oYee . . - . _
1� Sec . 4_ Hinnesota Statutes Ig78r Sectson 352..9I!
I2 Subdiv� sion 2, i s amended to cead-
13 Subd. 2. Govered cocrectionat ser�rice .shatt atso s�ea�
� I4 seivice rendeced at any time b�t state enptayees as sveciat
IS teachers: tradesr�en and maFntenance personnet certifEed bY
I6 the commissioner of pecsonnet as being regutactY___er�gaged in ;��
I7 reha5i f itation , treatment : custody or supeEVesion of
i8 �nr���tes emptoyed at the Minreesota stste-retcr.r.a�at�-f�t-r�ctr .
19 co crect i ona 1 fac i:i ity-St. Ct oud, the s�a#�r-Rr�t�n � innesota
20 eorrectional facility-Stit [water $nci the Minnesota
2I catrect iona t Msti�-test-t-o-rr-fer-�ra�e�r iac i E ity-Shakopee on or
z2 at tef JulY I . I974, other thare any such empi ay ees who are
23 b2 years oi age or otder as of ,!u ! y } , I�74 = and: effectjve
" 24 the f i �st paYcot I peciad aftec .lune Is I93(} . s'�at t atso
25 inctude �#hoseyempioyees �f the ltir.neseta car:ectionat
2b iac f f e ty-Lina Lakes and the�empfoYees of any othec adu It
27 st3te co�rectional iacTiity which eray be estahfished, xho
28 pe �t a cm+cove red correct eona t ser�ri ce after June 1 , 1q80.
2g Fo r each spec ial teaeher r��a on Ju I y 1 , I974 i s emp toyed at
30 one of the focegaen9 "srtstt�cr�-te�s faci [ ities snd "cs a
32 r�e�ber oi the teachE�s retirement associ2t ion, the teachers
32 r2ti rement acsoc iation shaf t tra�sfer to the Minnesot�
33 state rett rerrent systetn an arro�nt eq�al to accunutzted
, . _ ���`c
, _ . � . �G i ��� �
_ . :�;..
H.F: Ido. I453 .
1 ea�pl �yee .and emPloyQr contributions : inciud'eng any
2 additional emp[oyec contcibutions on behati of such �
3 empfoyec. The terrr spec:at teact�ec shat t 2t so inctude the
4 c [a ss i f i ca t i ons o f i-rrst rttr�-"reR f ac i !-�t Y edu�at iona I_ _ _
5 adrainistrato� ancf sc�pervisor-. _ ,
6 Sec � 5 . lSinnesota � Statutes 1978: Section 352 -9I , is
7 amended by a�dic:5 a �ubd�vFsion to F-ead=
8 Subd. 4. Upon the recoc�acndation ot the cos�messioner -
9 �f Corcections or the catrmFssicneE oi pubt €c Ke[tare, '
IO wh ichevsr i s the appfopr eate e�nPloYing authority* W �th the_
II appr�valEot the tesisla�ive advESOSY coaraittee and witb
12 �rotit ication to and ceceipt of comarents from the
I3 (egistative commission on pensions and. retiEemc�t , the
� 14 cammissio�er of petsonnel maY certifY add� taonal ci�t � E
I5 sec�rice~ctassifications at state adutt cocrectionat or
Ib security hospitat facitities to the executive dicector of .
17 the hSinnesota state retirement sYste� as posit cnns .
I8 cenderEn3 covered correctional servtce . •
19 �r` Sec . 6 . Ni nnesota Statutes I978, Sect ean 3S2B..08, _
20 Subdivisian 2, is amended to read= ,
21 Subd. 2. The annuity shatt be paid 'er� �:ontht� -
22 instailments equal to that portion ot the avecage mont[� ty
23 sa IarY of the membec mutt ipt ied bY two an� one-hz � i pe�cent
� 24 for eacit year and pco rata for co�npEeted moRths af sec�rice
25 not exceed 'en3 20 years and twa peccent foc e�ch Yeac and
26 pro rata for comp[eted menths ot service irt excess of 20
27 yea rs- Ef i ecti v� June I , I973, "avecage month Ey sa l acy"
28 sh� 1 t �nean the averaoe of the monthty satarees faF tne f ive
2S high years of ser�rice as a merr.ber . The monthtY satary for
30 the period prior to JutY 2r �969 shatt E�e deemed to be
3I Sb�O.. In [ ieu ot the tife annuity herei� provided, the
32 r�ember or former member Nith 2Q yeacs oc c�ofe ei serr �ce
33 may etect a joint and su�vivo� annuity : RQY�h1e to the
�,�-;*. -
, 5
� ' � ` - _ . ���-
. .
. . H.F� 1`Jo. 1453
1 �tsrri-�rrrta—spc�e a desi9nated bene� iciary for t ife,
2 adjccsted to the actuarial �equivalent vatue oi such tite
3 annuity. The joint .and surv evor annuity etected by a
4 mert�ber may a { so ptov�de that the elected anc►uity 6e _ __
5 re ins.ated to the t ife annu�ty hecein pcovided , i.f atter _ .
6 d�a k T ng the e [ec ted ,�o i nt an.d su►v iY or annu ity : the sp�at
7 designated benef iciacY dies priar ta the death of the _ :
.8 mem6er. Thi s reEnstatement sha [ [ r►ot be retcozctive •but —
4 sha t � 5e in effect �'or the iir�t iuF i crsonfh su6sequent to •
20 the death ot the 3tsrYrrrrrg�-zPe�zt desigriated benef FcTary� _._ _ _
lI This additionat ,ioint and survivor opti�n Kith
1Z �e �nstatement ctause sha� t 6e adju3ted to the actuarist
I3 eauiYatent vaiue of a ceg�la� - tife ar�nctity. The s�eaabe[
14 we th ten or noce years of serv ice or the for�er ae*�ber w ith
IS 20 yea rs or moce of at tawabl e se�v Fce ccedit is deemed ta
I6 h�ve elected a 100 percent 1o �nt and su�v"tvo6 annuety �
IZ pay36 [e to a survivEng sPOUSe vn [Y on oc after the mea�ber�s
18 55th b i rthdate.
I9 Sec . 7_ �tinne�ota Statutes Ig?8s Secteon 356_24 , is
20 a;�ended to read�
22 PLAYS, RESTFICTTONS UPDN GOY�'R;�MENT tl�tlTSfT �Pan passage of
23 thi � sectio� , it shal E be unfautu[ foc a schoat dEst�ict or
24 othec gcvernmEr�tat subdevision ar state agencY to tevy
� 25 t3xes f or: or contcibute pub E ic funds to a suppte�enta [
26 pe�sion oF defefred comper,�at [on pEar� Hh ich is ma intaicted
27 and aperated in addittoR ta a pEimacy pension psogra� for
28 the be nei i t of the governnenta t subd iv ision emptoyees.
24 This section shalt not aRF �y tn suFPieacentai pension pEans
30 r+hich are maintained and operated p� ior to Dassage of this
3I secti on , excPRt that , any chanaes in bEne€ its oc e�:p toyer
32 contributions after the passa9e of this section shat ! be
33 m�de Pursusnt to tpgistative authocization . � This section
. - . . �����::���
- H.F. Ivo. 1453 �
1 does r�ot aPPty to ptans th2t provi�e onty ior 5roup hea [th,
2 hospiia t . disab � t ity: or death benef its , nor ta a plan
3 whech provides foc the gaY!'ent ot severance pay as
4 authocized by sectiac► 465 .72 to a retiring or tecc►iRating
5 emP[oYee _
b r ^ Sec . 8 _ Minnesota .Statutess I474 Supplement : Ssction -
7 465.72, is a�ended to read = '
8 465 .72 [ SEYERAKCE PAY .t Except as ur�a� othecwfse be
9 p�ov i ded i� LaWS 1959, Chapter 690 , as arr�ec�ded, a t E .
10 eounties, cities , tounships, aer� school dist►ict� at other
11 gorrernme�tat subdivesians are hereby authorEZed znd
22 eo�powered to pay severance pay to at t of tts emptayees �nd
I3 to estabfish , R�escrEbe und pre�:vEgate ptevesions, rules
. 24 and tegc�tat� ons for #he aaY�ent of sc:ch se�recactcE RaY upon
I5 tea�ring emp[oYment on o� Prioc oc subsequent to the normat
� i6 rete cet�ent date. Severance pay sha l t at so inc lude the
17 payment of accumulated vacation { eave, accumutated sicFc
• I8 ieave or a coMbination thereof � Such severaRCe pay shartt
19 be exc t uded f rom reti remEnt dE�uct ians ar�d f roa� an�
20 ca tce� latians kn retirement benef it� * and shal ! be paid in a
2I raanner mutuatlY ag�eeabte tv the emptayee and ec�ptoyee ovec
22 a D� �iod nat to �exceed ffve years tcom reti�ea�ent ar
23 te rm i �a t i on of emp! oymeRt . fn the event that a cet i red ar
.:24 te �minated emplayee dies betore at f oc a pacteon of the
25 severance pay has been disbursed , that batsnce due sh�� i be
26 Pa id to a named benef �ciarl or, tacking sa�e: ta the
27 decea sed' s estate ., In no event shat t sevecance �aY
28 provided for an ea��Ployee except a teacher as defined in
32 teache r as def ined in sect ior� 17s�63 , subdiv is ior� 13 , sha [ t
32 �ot exceed an amount eqtttt+a � eni to one Year af paV .
33 Sec � 9 � I465'.72II [ F��d ���-I �o county , citp,
.y T�
f _ . . ', . • . . - . ;� ��:
H.'F. ?�io. 14�s 3�
I towns.tiep, school distcict or ether covEt�o:et�tai suhdivision
2 shaiE imp[ea:ent a Dian for paywent cf sevecance pay • -
3 pursuant to section 8 c��tif a plar� ptav � �eng toc fu [ t
4 fund i n� ha s bee�t deve l oped and app roYed �y th� 5ov�rn ir�g _ _
5 body�
6 Sec . I0. Hennesota Statute�. 1478 ! SECL [QR 473 .417, as
7 a�en�ed by lar+s IqEG, Chapter s42, Scct iort I6, `es ataended
"8 tQ r��d- • -
10 UNFIEHDED ACCRUED LIkB1LZTIES .I ln arder' to aasortize the - - r
lI zdditional uRfunded accre�ed I labit ity Encurred by the
I2 �4i nnesota state ceti re�ent sYstea� as a result oi the
I3 cons� lidation of the metropoEitan t�ansit
I4 com�nission--tran�it operatcrtg division emptoyees cetic�meRt .
�5 iund, and to ptace the u�etropolitan tcan�it co��issicr► an
Ib an equivatent basis with the other emp �oying uni�ts a�d ``�
I7 agencies having emptoyees covered by the hirtrresota sfate
I8 retirement sY�tecn , the wetropatitan tcansit coRr�ession
l9 sha ( 1 make an annuat contribut �on to the H innesota state
20 retirement system in addition to the earpEoyer contr. ibution
2I specif ied in sect�an 352.Q4 , subdivision 3 . The additi.ona �
22 contFiSuiion sha I t be an amount equat to three and
23 eight—tenths Rercent af the sataries of emplayees af the
24 tc�nsit ope �ating division on e�ch payrol ! abstcact :
25 commsnc i ng Jut y 1 , 1478 , and payab [e unt ii ihe unfuc+ded
2G accc �ed tiability amount of ��r��-8-s�}� b7s3a7,545 plUs
27 co�pound interest ftam Juty I , I97G at the �ate af sex
28 percent pe � �nnum oct the aveca�e unpaid ba [ance is
29 a�ortized, � s dete��nined by the executiYe director of the
30 Mi nnesota state reti re�ent sYstem.
3I Sec . .22 - Laxs 1953: thaFtec 4I , Section I ,
32 Subdivision 7 , as amended by LaNS I975 * Chapter 4�8 ,
33 Section 2 , es amended to cead .
: �
: - � � � . ; - � . 2������► �
, - �:
. � H.�'. No. 1453
1 ��bd� 7. (DUtUTH, CZTY OF; Pt3LiCE PE�iS1C]�JS-1 "Spouse°
2 means a petson uho uas the I e9ai husband ac xi fe of a
3 �mem�ec at the t� rr.e of the erecrE�Er 's oeatt� , and inctudes a
4 Person who kas the tega [ husband or xite ot any pensianer
5 or deierred sErvice pensionet at the t ��e cf tfie membec 's - - - __
6 death who kas married t�o the �temhec at teast a-�c�a�-ef
7 �hree-rerrr3 one Yeac prior to the �aembec 's cet icement icam
8 the depactarent� -
9 Sec _ 12► Laws I955 , Chapte� ISI• Sectoon 1s .
IO Su6dE•ri siort 5 , as amended by LaWS lgb3 , Chapter 27I s
II Section Z, es amended to read = �
i2 Subd. 5. �i�t�Qw" �SV�r �Ytf19 spouse_ �+eans a wcers�t+
13 persan Who w�rs the ►rii`c_spouse of �e membe� oc a pensiane�
� - 14 rrh i te he or she �ras an act i�e �ae�ber, and rrho: in case the
15 deceased me�uber r►as a 4ervice pens�oner, defecced
16 pensioners or on desty or non duty disabelity pens�oner: rras �
17 married to the membef at Ieast one Yeac befoce his or hec
18 reticement irom the pu [ ice depactment; but does not iRCtude -
I9 a surviving ►rtfe spouse ot a raemher oc a pensioner Kha ,
20 deserts him oc hec or z common taN �rrfe spouse ot a. member
21 0�- a pensioner .
Z2 Sec . 13 . Laws 2�J55, Chapter I51. �ectson 3s .
23 Subdi�rision 2 , is amended to cead=
� 24 Subd. 2. Thes assaciation sha� [ create : �aintai�, and
25 administer a PolTcemenss Fension fesnd for the benef it o�
26 "cts members, theic 1t't�CM3 survcving_sPouses: and their
27 chitdren.
2g Sec _ I4 _ La►+s 1955s thapter ISZs Section I3 * as
29 amended bY Laws 1963 , Chapter 27Ir Sectic+n ? , and Larrs
30 197I ! Chapter 549, Sectivn 2 : is a�►ended to read=
31 Sec . I3 . The association shalE PaY a Pens =on to the
32 ►K-i-d-e�r surv i v t ng spouse or any ch i t d c�nder 18 y ea�� o t age
33 of any pensi aned and^ceti red member, o r to the w��cK
`b` 9.
I . ' , - _ . ..
- , �
H.F. No. 1453
I surveving sPCUSe or anY child under 28 years of a4e ot any
� 2 rr,em�ec �rho dies �:hi Ee in the serYice of the cety poi ice �
3 department , ar to the rr-t-�a-+r survivins sDeu�e or oRY chiid
4 undec IS years of age ot any member �:ha, aft_er beic�g a _ , _
5 �em�e r of the ct ty po t ice department f oc not- i ess tt�an 20 :
6 yeacs, sevefs his or hec -coRneetion with the d:epart�ecrt�
7 and d ie s bef o c e a tta irt eng the age of SQ yea�s. The - _
ii association shat 1 pay to any such �rte�ew s�rviving spause a --
9 pertsi on of 2Q un e ts pef manth _ The assoce at ion sha t t pay �
I0 to anY such ch's Ed under 18 Years of age 'a pensioc� af- # ive - -- : - -
II units pe r wonth unti l the ch i �d atta Ens the age oi IS
I 2 Yea rss prov i ded, howeve�, that i f sucti ch i i d i s rras r ied .a#,
13 the ti�ne� ot the death ot the a�e�6er-,or mavrees or 6eca�es -
I4 tega t [ Y ad�pted af ter the death of the membe�: �sete� the
l5 child shatF not be entitted to sucf� benEfi.ts_ Ii the �4o�r
t6 survTving spo�rse and chitdren reside togethec, the pension �
I7 paYabie to the chi [ dren shalt be paid to tfie krdeK
38 surviving spou�e and shal t be used for the supFort of strcfi
I9 the chi tdren. lf a ►r'rc�arr suc�riving spouse rert;arries: htr
, 20 the pension irr,�ediatety ceases and the assac �ateon shaE {
2I not �nake any Turther pension p�yments t�a-�rr.t_ Eat ttte
22 pucposes of this section . ai [ prerisions aovern�r�g a chi {d
23 under 18 shat t be extended tv inctude a fu f t t ir�e student
24 c�nde r the a ge of 23 _
25 Sec . 25 . Laws 2955: Chspter I51 , Section 25 , Es
26 amende�' to re4d:
28 CGN1tICTEO GF FELQKY_ 1 If a member convicted Qi a fe[ony is
24 receiv� ng a pension at the t irce oi k�-s canYict Fon artd his
3Q re-i-fc or he r sucvi vi ng spouse aRd at�y c�-hi-s ch i ldreR undeE
31 18 yeafs af. age had no part en the commiss�on of mctr the
32 fe { ony, i� the event of the death of s�c�r the ner�her , sereh
33 rti-d-c►�r the surv i v i ng spouse and �h i I dc en a,ay rer,e ive rsz�e
. f0 .-
. : . ' ' � . _ . �,:�
. - - - - . � ���i����
H.F. :do. ?�c53
I anY pensions as they rrautd atherNE�e �e ec:�ztt eci tc receive
2 fcoc� the association . _ :
3 Sec _ 25 - [ PEhSIOh CG�E�.�GE f �k :iOCRE;Eku FGLICE
4 CHIEF.1 Hotuithstartding Hinnesota_Statutes,_Secteon_353_64 ,
5 Subdivesion I, or anY other geneFat oF specia� tax to the
6 contr�►rY+_the gecso�_ecrptayed i�y^the c itY_of Moorh.ead_an
7 the effective_date^ofrthis act_as_chief_of _potice+shatt be
B a membe c oi the •pub t i c emF toyees pot Fc e ac�d f i re fund -
9 estab [ i shed_by_Hinnesota_Sta_utes,_Section� 353y63_to .
It3 353..68 aRd nat of the toca! potice retief association- A�y - -
12 es�ptaYee contri6utions tnade_to the'tocat pat ice_tet ief
I2 association_shat t be_transferred to_the_pubE ic empEoyees
I3 po � icE_snd_tire_iund. �In_addFtion an_ameunt ul:ich to9ether - .
14 with the atnuunt tcansierre�+ is eguat ta ti�e tatat emptayec
25 an�_ea�PEoYee contr�butions pu�suant_to _Kinnesota_Statutes*
16 Sectian_353w65 ,_khich_would haYe`Eec,n required �y the
I7 puht ►c ec�plcyee__patece and fire fund during the+Period
18 between_initi�t _emPtoyment as_chief_af _Foi ice and the - -
19 effective date of this act : shaE [ Ee p�id by the city ��to _
-- - --------------------------------------------�---
20 the Pubtec emptoyees potice and 4ire furid, which s[�all .
2I cred 'et the_ch �ei ^of_pot ice_►cith serv ice_asra memEer_{o�
22 this pec �odronfy_upan_recei�t_of_the_re6u� �ed ?mot�Ynts^ _
23 SeC . I7.. IRETIREM�F�T COti'ERAC: FC�t CC.°•7Ki:: �'_ - L�JI�
24 p4RK POLTCE DFFICERS ..l Notxithstanding any _provisiyan af
25 Minnesota Statutes._Sectfon_353_64 ,_Subdiv isiorr_1 * oc_zny
2b athzr generat _of_speeialMlaN_to^�he_contrary ,_a-person_who
27 was emGEayeo bY_the_city_of_St'_Lacsis`Park _as_a_aQt ice
2S ofiiceruduring_the_peciod from_SePtembe�_oi_2567_thcaugh
29 Ju 1Y'of _1977-sha ( t _upon_tI ?_ceemp ! oyment_as_a_St__Lou is
3Q p� rk_po ! ice_oft icer_znd_t2t_►ep2Y�ent_of emp �oyee
3i con:ributiors_previovsly_�efunded_to_him plus tntecest an
32 the_ref und�amour�tratrthe_cate_cf `six _percent`per_annum
33 compaunded_aRnu3 ! IY rirQR�_the_datc_thelFefund_was_taken
t . .
r - � . . � - -
H.F. i�o. 1453
1 until tY�e datE tne refund �ras repaia and t�I the cer�p [etian
2 af 3dditiona'I service suif icient to tataf ten years or -
3 e�ors . oe enti tted to transfer aE [ at fousbtE service c�edit
4 in tne St. Loui s Pa ric po � ice ret ief associ at ion to the
. S pubEic er�p( uyees Rotice and fire fund.. Upon tutfittment of
6 the above c:,ndi�ions and aPPI ication bY the endividuai , but
7 rtot Iate�� than Qecember 3l , I°8b, the St. louis Park pof ice
8 ratizf associateon shalt pay to the pubiic emFluyees patice -
9 and f i re f und an �r;,ount equal to the coc��bired e�p {oyec and •
IO ea�pEvYee coRtributions made bY er on behatf of the . - _- .
2I individual p [us coa�pound interest theceon at the rate of
12 six �erce�nt per annum � rom the date or�gFnaE ty received.. In
13 cslc�Eating the amount of emp [oyer--cofrtfE�utions mzde on -
I4 beha tf ot the ind ividua [ , the amounts wh ich represent the
15 annual p�o rata share of att amounts received Ey the St..
16 Louis Park Pa ( ice retief associateon :� excludi^g in. erest on �'�
17 the accurulated assets af the relaef assaceation and a�er��er
I8 contributions, determined on basis o� the nu�rbef af active
I9 members each year, shat l be uti t ized . If the acnount thc�s
20 p3td is g�eater than th�e totat of contributions �rhich Ko� ld
22 have been �equirsd had ihE Er�divid�at 6�en a u:er�bec of the
22 pub t ic e�pl oyees pa t ice and t i� re f und dur ing tt�e Qec iod�
23 W�en the service was tende �e�i , the am�unt �i the excess
24 shatt be cefurded to th� St . Lcuis Park poEace [eliet
25 association . If the amc�nt caid is te �s th�n the ► eGuiced
26 a;nou;�t ,�the individuai sha [ [ Fay this arount , u� I �ss the
27 governina body cf the city of St _ Louis Pa�k elect� to s�ake
28 the p�ya�ent . No service CfEdit in the p�� l ec e�� [oyees
29 po f ice and f i ce iur�d sha ! t be ccanted unti I zt I cond it ions
30 of tnis section have been i� ( f i I led and at f re�uiced
31 p3Yment s ha ve 5een Rade .
�2 Sec . I8 . ( It�VESTNERT aF FU�tDS . ) The funds of eitf�ec
33 the Rocheste c f i re depa rtment re t i ef �.�'SOC t8t t dR or the
• R . . i�:
� ^ � � , � _ �,��9��,�
_ . .:�
�.�. rro. l�s�
1 RQChester po[ ice retiet association snatt be 'tnvested in
2 securEtie� r:hich zre`proper inrres�r�ents far funas of the .
3 Mi nnesota sta.te reti rer�ent sYsteu� , except that up to
4 ' 0lODO z�ay be invested in the stoc� af any one corporation
5 i� any acccunt of such smai ( s�ze that the thcee Petcent
6 stock 1 ini ta ti an app{ ecab l e ta the Hennesota s.tate -
7 retirement system Noutd crecessit�te a f-essec investa�ent.
8 The govesning bo.ard of the a�plicabEe association �ay -
9 selECt �nd aGPoent investment zsencees to act far and i� •
10 its�behalfyor may certtty iunds for invest�ent bY t �e state _
II board af investment under the pravisions of t�innesota
22 StatutesT Secteor► I1 .2I! proveded that there be no E ��ait to
-----------------------------------------�---------- --
I3 the amount uh ich may be invested in the encoa+e sha�e
" Z4 accaunt�described�in sectior� 1I.28 : subdivis�on 2 , or in
I5 the fixeci-retucn acco�nt described 'en section �i-I� :
I6 subdivi sion 3a , and that up to 20 percectt �f t�at portion
i7 of the assets of the associat �on invested "cn the Minnesata
28 supptenenta I _:ati cementrfund_maY_be_invested ir�_th�e_arowth _
29 share account desccibed in section 1I.18 , subdivisean 3.
22 CPER4�Ik�G DI1�'ISI�N. ] SuE� ivesion I . tELIGTB�LITY�t A
23 person who tias emptoyed continuQUStY bY the Tuin City Lines
` 24 bus company and by thew�uetropolitan transit comrission, its
25 successor in interest frn�a March 3 , I448 unti ! Qetober I :
26 1�70, xho was emptoyed fsom October 2 , I970 unt► [ .tune 26 ,
27 I978+bYrthe_managea�ent_i i cm_reta ined bY_t��Taetcopo t itan
28 transit commission to raanage the trar�sit et�eratFrtg
2�3 divisiun=—� r�d_Nho_Nas_reenptoyed_since_Junp_26 ,_l �?8 `bY_the
30 metr�Pol itan_transit_commissions _may_etect _to_�urchase
3I prio:_service_credityin_thR_�ii�neseta_state_retireMent
32 sY_tem_f of_pr ior_secv ice`as_art_e_P toyee`oi ^the_�ana3ement
33 i i rm;^not_ta_exceed_three_years_and I1 _months_oi_seEV ice
; �;,� . 3;3
� - ' '� ' . . ' • . °��'"
. . . • � . . . � ... .. � . . M
. a _ k-�
H. s,. No. 1453
I• cre� et.
2 ` Subd. 2• [PAYKEt�T FGR PUfiCHASE �E ��IQ� SER1l10E.1 To
3 �urchase the prioc serYice cre�it , the person descriised i�n
4 subd i ri sion I sha 1 [ �ake a pa�r�ent equa t to four perceRt ot `
5 the sata �y oi the person far the pefiod oi Prioc service to
b 'va purchssed * plus intecest at tt�e rate oi six peccent per
7 annu�u coor,pc�unded a�nuaitY fcow the d�te the cor�fributions
8 othet++i se xould have been naCe to the date pa;�e�errt is
q actu,. ttY a►ade . If the Fer,on desctibea in subdivisioR 1 ,
20 etects ta a►ake the Pucchase of prior service , the payaaent
12 of the�requi red amouRts shal � be made ia a tuuR sum pr io�
-- _ —_.----------- ----_.._,�___-----------►---
12 to July Is 1gEI� The pereod ot al to}rabte service sE�ati be
13 cred "tted te the pecsan enty after receipt of the neces�ary
24 p�yment�by the executeve dicectaf of the Kin�esot� state
I5 reti tement sYsten� ThE persQn deser ibed i r. suEdiv is ion 1
Ib sha t t SuRpI Y certif ted documentati an o t G� ia� serv ice and �
..._._._._..___------------------- ------------------------ "�
�7 the ccc�per�sation recEived tor that service . The prior
28 service`to be purchased shat [ be the a�ost recent petiod of
19 prioc secvice .�
20 ~+ Tjubd_ 3. [EF�TITLEHEHT TO AkNU1TY _I A person Hha
21 purchases a peri�od of pcioc service pursuant to su�divesion
22 2 shaE [ be entitted= tI) to have the period of pcior
23 serv�ce purchased�considered as "at la�abte service'� within
24 the�me�► ning of t�inn�sota Statutes: Section 3�Z .A1 , _
_.�_____.._--------------- ------_--------------
ZS SuSdivision 11 and considered as centinuau� state service
26 r�ithin the meaning af ^section 352..II3� subdiYisian 2 ; t2)
27 to h�ve the satary for the Periad of prior service
2E putchased considered as Rsalary„ withen #he meanino of
29 sectior��352 .02 , subdivi �icn I�; and t3 ? :c ha�e the
30 remaining �� riod o1 prior service as an eRp{ ayee of the
31 management i i rm in excess of three yea r� and II R�or�ths
32 consi de red^as se rvi ce in a pu� t ic e��pE nyee cet i�ement
33 sYstem in tne state of Mirnesota havin� a ibke pravis �on
. * . . , � _ � � .
' " � ��7��.���
� . . . . .
H.F. hTo. 1453
1 ui th i n_the_meanir.g_ef _sect �on �5Z_72 , subd 'tv is icr. I '
4 t�otwithst3nding any contr�rY provssion ot E!innssc.ta �
5 �tatutes. Section 354 .48 , Subdivision Z , ar� e���plaYee of the
' � ' �r��������.��.������� ., .
6 8cainerdiCa�munity�Coi [ege_wE�o r+as tota [ ly_�nd_perc�anentty
7 di sa� ted_as^def i ned_in_Kennesota Statutes,_Section 354..05 ,
'8 SubdEVision 14 , � foc the peciod of Decerrhe� IE , I976-, -
9 through Janu2rY_$ ,_2978,_shat t be_entitled to �etcoactive •
IO di sa5 i i i ty_benef i ts_for_thP per iod_of_tre_disabiE ety, not
Ii to exceed ane year. 7he retroactive d isab i 1 ity benef its
12 paid shalt not exceed _ the amount oi S2 ,840 ..80.
I3 �---Sec. 2I. IVQLIDNTIt�t�- UF PRIOR FA�MENTS.I :•nY PaY�e�rts
I4 or agceemer�ts ior payments o� severance-pay`raaderor
25 authori zed_by_a_county,_c ity , tar+nsh ip ,_schoo_t distc ict or
26 ather_governmentat _subdivisian_p�ior+to_the_eifective date
I? of _this -sectior�`xhich_a�e withen_the_[ imit�tions_cantained
18 in s�ctions 7 and 8 are herebY vaE �dated_
xg Sec .. 22. [ REPEQLEP..I L aNS_I959*_Chapter I31 s Sect i on
2p 25 : as_amended_bY_Lar+s_1969,^Chapter _6g4 ,_Section 7 ;_and
21 LaHS_�gb9, _Ch2pter_64IT_Sec� icr,_5,_are_re�eated_
22 Sec . 2�. [EFFEC7ItiE DATE.I Sections_2 , 2 , 3 .r4 _and 5
23 ace ettecti ve_J�ne_2,rI°EG=__Section 6 _isreffective^the day
. 24 iattowi �s � iRat _enact:r�ent ���_shstt _����Y �o a nenber or
25 f o rme r t�sc►Se r^m�k ing sp� t �cst ian f oE� b Enef ►ts theceatter.
26 Sect i ons_7, _E :_5 ,_20,_1g: 20_and_2�^ac e_ef fect ive the_day
27 fo ! t e►�i ng_f irat _enactment_^'Sect ions_ll , �.2, I3 , I4 ,_IS,
28 16 ,_17, ^and_I8_are etiective_up�n_comptiance rrith_�: innesata
25 Stat�tes,�SectionY645_02I ,`Subdrv � sion 3=_SectE�n 22 is
30 effective_uuon_approva � _6y the_9a�eEning body_of the city
3� of _Rochester_and_upon�comptiance with_Hinnesat2_Statuies,
3Z Section 645 -021 , Subdivision 3. , .
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Fred C. Norton
B , �— Speaker of tha House of Representativer.
Qhis ceitificat�on stamp rep a.'�a,:ur ere:;c:� ��..,�����;a;�e:��:r�tem.) --
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✓ Edward J.Ceazry
PresideMt of the�rnate.
Passed the Fiouse of Representatives this 10 th day of Apri 1 in the year of Our Lord one
thousand nine hundred and e i gh t y.
Edward A. Burdick `
Chief Cl�rk,House ef Rcprescntatives.
Passed the Senate this llth day of Apri 1 � �� ycar of Our Lord one thousand ninc
hundred and e i gh t y.
� , �
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Patrick E.Flahavcn
Secrttary of thc Stnate.
Approved , ��
%;. �' ��-�iL�-� �f�z' � ,1� / > �
C-- ��' � l ���
,� � v
/ Albert H.Quie
� Governor of the State of Minnesota.
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Filed � /
joan Andcrson Growc
Stcretary of State.
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