276019 WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE COUIICll "���"/ � 1! CANARY - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL File NO. �` � �+�� Bl_UE - MAVOR ncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, that upon recommendation of the Mayor, the Council hereby ratifies and approves the appointment of the following named persons to serve as members of the Mayor's Advisory Committee on Handicapped People, to fill the unexpi"red terms as noted, and all of said terms to expire on May 31, 1981: Katherine Holt, to fill the unexpired term of Deborah Dutton. Jayne Lallier, to fill the unexpired term of Alfred Sonnenstrahl. Jeanette McDougal, to fill the unexpired term of Dolores Berquist. � , COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt Levine In Favor Maddox McMahon _ �__ A gai n s t BY Showalter Tedesco 1 on DEC 4 195� Form Appr y City A ne Adopted�y C�ouncil: Date Certified Pa ed by Counci Secretary BY , By �.�}�.�--'`� r��`yv�-� A�pproved b . or: Date DC� 5 ��t' Ap by Mayor for S ssi � ouncil g _ y B Y �'�'"���� D E C 1 3 1984 �.�..:�.�,:._, ,. ,. , :.<-Y�:��' ,: ",. �I!�:'Y €}.T.�` ��').I-I*7 7� .}_��?,.�7 I. �1���� :;:ti.,�_ __;�x;`�� �:-, i,•'��f _.--'��.1,��� GFNICE Uf� T�IE N�AYQIt , ��' iii�.�'a l:�;i; 1„i� �.ml,,�at:_�,�_:. :,� '�A �"°-�-'" .c'�'�� � 347 CTTY EIALL 'f`v,� !9 f• .�: ••tr;�,:.:s� SAIr:T PAUL, btINNESpTA 55102 GEi�RC,L L.A'I"!blF.�t (612) 298-4323 bIA'Y�7R TO: Council Presiden�t Ron Nladdox and � Men�ers of the Saint ='aul City Counr.il FROM: Mayor Ge��.rge Latimer ) 4..% DATL: Nov`mber 20, 1980 SUBJECT: Appointm�nts to the Mayor's Advisory Committee on Handicapped People Attac2�ed for your ap�ro�r:+.�_ i.s a Cou.ncil Resolutior.. i:aming Katherine IIolt., Jayne Lallier and Jeanette Mc:Dougal to serve on the h9ayor' s Advisory Committee on Handicapped Peopl.e. Their applications are attached. Thank you. GL/lm attachment�