276014 WMITE - CITY CLERK PINK - FINANCE -�+ 1 ; CANARY - DEPARTMENT � G I T Y O F S A I N T PA U L COUIICII // BLUE - MAVOR File N O. • ��� C Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An administrative Resolution establishing the title and class specification for Physical Fitness Coordinator in the Civil Service Ru1es. RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be amended in Section 3. J (Professional Administrative Non-Supervisors Group), by inserting the title of Physical Fitness Coordinator in Grade 16; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be further amended in 5ection 32 by inserting, in proper alphabetical order, the attached class specification for Physical Fitness Coordinator. Approved: .---� hairper C ivil Se vi e C ommi s s ion COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requestgd by Department of: H�^t PERS NN E OFF ���r,e In Favor Maddox „/ McMahon V sr,or„aite� Against BY Tedesco �Ison �EC 4 ��� Form pprove by it rne Adopted by Council: Date C Certified P• s by Counci ecretary BY By _ Approved b Mayor: Date �C� 5 �8 Approv y Ma or for S m' 'on to Council � � L�r/� g � By _ Y Ptw�.tsw�o D E C 'l 3 1960 Title of class: r PHYSICAL FITNESS COORDINATOR DESCRIPTION OF WORK 2!��14 General Statement of Duties: Performs professional work in directing a comprehensive physical fitness program for all uniformed Fire Department personnel to enhance their performance, reduce occupational injury and illness and improve morale; and performs related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the general supervision of the Fire Chief. Supervision Exercised: May exercise close supervision over technical and c�.erical employees involved in the physical fitness program. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. Develops a physical fitness test battery which will accurately assess a fire f ighter's level of physical fitness. Administers a physical fitness test battery, including a graded exercise stress test, to all fire fighters on a regularly scheduled basis for the purpose of evaluating and revising individual exercise programs. Develops and updates an exercise program for each fire f ighter which is tailored to the individual's physical strengths and weaknesses. Develops specific exercise programs to assist in the rehabilitation of injured fire fighters. Counsels fire fighters regarding health factors affecting physical fitness such as diet, weight control, smoking, etc. Writes and edits a periodic fitness newsletter and develops or acquires educational materials pertinent to physical fitness. Prepares reports and maintains records relating to the physical fitness program. Develops computer programs used in compiling data and writing exercise programs. Provides motivation and incentives to achieve maximum interest, partic- ipation and results. Modifies physical fitness curriculum in response to changing needs and circumstances. KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Considerable knowledge of exercise physiology. Considerable knowledge of physical fitness program design and implememtation. Considerable ability to administer physical fitness test batteries. Considerable ability to motivate employees to adopt the concepts of physical fitness. Working knowledge of nutrition, diet and weight control. Some knowledge of basic computer programming. MINIM[JM QUALIFICATIONS College graduation in physical education or related degree and one year's experience in exercise prescription and administration of exercise stress tests; or college graduation in physical education or related degree and one year's graduate study in exercise physiology with courses in administering exercise stress tests. Title of class: PHYSICAL FITNESS COORDINATOR ;�l�U�� DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs professional work in directing a comprehensive physical fitness program for all uniformed Fire Department personnel to enhance their performance, reduce occupational injury and illness and improve morale; and performs related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the general supervision of the Fire Chief. Supervision Exercised: May exercise close supervision over technical and clerical employees involved in the physical fitness program. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORt4ED The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. Develops a physical fitness test battery which will accurately assess a fire f ighter's level of physical fitness. Administers a physical f itness test battery, including a graded exercise stress test, to all fire f ighters on a regularly scheduled basis for the purpose of evaluating and revising individual exercise programs. Develops and updates an exercise program for each fire f ighter which is tailored to the individual's physical strengths and weaknesses. Develops specific exercise programs to assist in the rehabilitation of in3ured f ire f ighters. Counsels fire fighters regarding health factors affecting physical fitness such as diet, weight control, smoking, etc. Writes and edits a periodic fitness newsletter and develops or acquires educational materials pertinent to physical fitness. Prepares reports and maintains records relating to the physical f itness program. Develops computer programs used in compiling data and writing exercise programs. Provides motivation and incentives to achieve maximum interest, partic- ipation and results. Modifies physical fitness curriculum in response to changing needs and circumstances. KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Considerable knowledge of exercise physiology. Considerable knowledge of physical fitness program design and imple�emtation. Considerable ability to administer physical fitness test batteries. Considerable ability to motivate employees to adopt the concepts of physical fitness. Working knowledge of nutrition, diet and weight control. Some knowledge of basic computer programming. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS College graduation in physical education or related degree and one year's experience in exercise prescription and administration of exercise stress tests; or college graduation in physical education or related degree and one year's graduate study in exercise physiology with courses in administering exercise stress tests. ..;� f �� ' iJI�� �� �.�.��I�.T �AU� ��b.��� �!1~ 'yK r=`� � r.:- OFFICE OF` T$E CITY CflU'�iTCiL ��: � � ,,• '��- +'->' �-.: ; - ii�+�....-� . l-r iea �wo�•..ie � F ?�r�±Ya ac^:^-� �""'` -— 'i;;� i.�, , . . �s- . `` Date : •��,,, November 20, 1980 �:,: con� � ��-�r� � � � � � �� TO : �ain�f Paut Ci�y Counci � . FR� � � Commit�e� on FI�dANCE, MANAGEMENT & PERSONNEL y George McMahon , choi�man, makes the gallov��ing report on C. F. [] Orc)inance (7) � Resolufion . � �fiher TITL.E : . At its meeting of November 20, 1980, the Finance Committee recorrnnended approval of the following: �" 1 . Resolution transferring $50,000 from Contingency Reserve to City=lrlide Data Processing. (11141-GM) _ � 2. Resolution approving issuance of revenue bonds for approximately $425,000 to finance remodel-ing and reconstruction o.f Mangini 's and the Ramsey County Attorney's Offices in the Lowry Hotel Building by Capitol Properties. (115�J3-GM) 3. Resolution approving issuance of revenue bonds by the Port Authority for financing construction of manufacturing and office facilities for Sealy of Minnesota, Inc. (11504-GM) 4. Resolution approving hlemorandum of Understanding amending the effective dates of the 1981 and 1982 wage increase memorandums applicable to employees holding the title of Assistant Fire Chief. (11516-GM) � 5. Resolution abolishing various CETA titles and class s�ecifications currently listing in Section 3.L (Technical Group) and Section 3.0 (Custodial Engineers) of the Civil Service Rules. (11517-GP�I) 6. Resolution establishing various titles and class specifications in Section 3.B (Clerical Group) of the Civil Service Rules. (11518-GM� 7. Resolution establishing title and class specification for Physical Fitness Coordinator in Section 3.J (Prof�ssional-Administrative Non-Supervisors) , Grade 16, of Civil Service Rules. (11456-GP1) (CONTINUED . . . ) � ��TT� �T T SEVE?�JTH FLOOR SAIN? PAUL, 1�II?vT:�iESOTA 55202 -����: