D001078� �ITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFTCE OF THE MAYOR • ADbIINI5TRATIVE ORDER BUDGET REVISION No.: 1-� I� f � Date: � f �� �y "F� GS st: 32134 ADA'IINISTRATIVE �RDER, Consistent with the authority grarrted to the Mayor in Section 10.07,4 of the City Gharter and based on the request of the DirecYOr of the DepartmeM of Pub]ic Works to amend the 19 96 budget of the Public Works Asphalt Plant Fund fund, the Director of the Department of Finance and Management Services is authorized to amend said budget in the following manner. Curtent Amendetl &xlget �� Bud9et 1 245 - 12201 - Oili Full Time Permanent $158,517.00 $15,000.06 $173,517.00 a 245 - 12201 - 0141 s 245 - 12201 - 0439 s 245 - 12201 - 0899 Overtime Fringe Benefits Other 5tructures Totals $4,535.00 $48,023.00 $65,845.00 $43,645.00 $276,920.00 $0.00 $276,920.00 $3,000.00 $4,200.00 ($22,20�.00) $7,535.00 $52,223.00 s Transfer spending authority within the Asphait Plant Internai Service Fund Activity 12201 s to account far expected need in Salaries (0100's) & Fringe Benefits (0400's) due to increased � producrion for Street Maintenance overlays and to maintain compliance with City Charter s Chapter 10.10 and Budget Goals and Policies B-13. . � j,tq,v°w y: Actrvrty Aanager by �epdRtt�eM Oi IX t �-�-�- �-- ��..�-� � apn�r Mayd� 7 Date Public Works 3kow;�266-6166� SIGNATIlRE PAGES �� ,. �'��^��/�� , � �. . .. rp7EINITIATED ' ' .l(�,JIJ.�'V��� .. ior�iFSb r� �.,;. G�:EEN S�HE�ET No. �aminwn� rFnnnvoa _ ,��� D�ana�raACCSOa � cmcau�+ca �,B�,�R ❑ ��A„n�� o ��� FlOVi1NG aBUDGETDIREQTOfl �j flNANCE -ACCAiI ��� � MFYOR(OR ASSISTANT) ❑7 lwln'Li' �a9� (CLIP ALL LOCAt70N5 FOR SIGNANRE) Q3 SEWOR Mr•a Q2 ��T�'�T Approve Administrarive Order haasferring spenrtina authority within the Asphalt Plaut Intemal Service Fund (Fffid �AS) based on actual and expected 1996 spending needs for Activity 12?Al. PECOMMENDA7WNSYW7�ove N) wReject iR1 PtANNMG COMMISSION � CML S�iVICE CAMMISSION C16 CAMMITTEE _ _ A STAFF _ D1S7RICTCOUNCIL _ _ SUPPORTS W141CH CWNCILOBJECTNE7 PERSONAL SERVICE CONSRACTS MUST ANSWER SHE FOLLOWING QUESTIDNS: t. HasihispersoNfirtneverworlcedufWeraco�tractfurihistlepartment? YES NO 2 Has tlrs person(fiim ever been a aty emptoyee? YES NO 3. Ooes this personffirtn possess a sltill rwt nortnally possesspd by any cuaent city empbyee? YES NO F�eplain a11 yes answers on separate sheet and attech ro green sheet INISIAl1NG PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORNNI7Y (WHO. WNAT, WNEN, WHERE, WHI�: Since the 1996 budget was adopted, changes have occurred for which a revision of spending authority is necessary. More Sueet Overlays caused more producrion over a short time period. Additional Salaries (OL00's) and Fringe Benefits (0400's) aze needed because of this change in producuon. This need should be addressed by amending the 194b budget of the Asphalt Plant Internal Service Fund Acfivity 12201 with available surplus from the nnajor object code 0800's. iDVANTAGES fF APPROVED: �1996 work program will be accomplished wiffiin the approved budget. �DVANTAGES �F APPflOVE6. ne. RECEIVEC� �OU 151996 �ITY CLERK ANTAGESIFNO7APPFOVED' )epartment of Public Works risks violating City Chazter Chapter 1010. >epar[ment of Public Works risks violating Budget Goals & Policies B-13. OUMTOF7AANSACiIOM$ NetO(kl COSTlREVENUEBUDGETED(dRCLEONE} yEg ND �� ;OURCE �5-72207-�R94 ACTiVITYNUMBEB 12201 VFORMATON: (EXPlA1NJ ' inistranve ordzr does not increase fhe overall budget. Movement of spending authority from 12201 Capical Ouday to 12201 Salaries aad aefits will a3low spending to occur in the appropriare 6ne item, accumularing accurate cost infazmation for thz Aspttalt Ptant Intemat md Activitp 12201 on the Gity finanee compuker. '� -