276006 W�NjITE ��e�`CITY CLERK PC��AP_Y '- D PARTMENT COUflC1I � � �a j� e e -- MwvoR C I TY OF SA I NT PAU L File NO. ����VV 3 o ncil Resolution Pg. 1 of 2 Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLUTION PERTAINING TO AMENDMENT OF THE 1980 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET TO PROVIDE FINANCING FOR DESIGN OF A CITYWIDE ATHLETIC/ RECREATION FACILITY TO REPLACE MIDWAY STADIUM. BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul, upon recommendation of the Mayor and with the advice of the Long- Range Capital Improvement Budget Committee, that the 1980 Capital Improvement Budget, as adopted by this Council on September 27, 1979 , and thereafter amended, is hereby amended further in the following particulars: Add New Financing; Mi way Stadium Sale Proceeds from Port Authority $200,000 .00 Add New Appropriation: Mi way Ath etic Recreation Facility (C-1209) : Preliminary Design 35 000.00 Construction Plan 165 ,000 . 00 $200,000.00 AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the funding for relocation expenses and the construction phase be provided for upon the advice of the Capital Improvement Budget Committee in a subsequent capital budget amendment resolution with the understading that demolition expenses will be funded by the Port Authority; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that all Midway Stadium sale proceeds be deposited in the Debt-Capital Improvement Fund, 50085 , with subsequent transfer to an appropriate special fund where all interest earnings related to this project will be deposited and included as part of the financing as authorized by this resolution; and be it COUIVCILMEN Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt Levine �Il FaVOC Maddox �hte Against BY Tedesco �Ison Adopted by Council: Date Form Approved by City Attorney Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY gy. Approved by 17ayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By _ By WHIT� - -'CITYCLERK � �%���/� PINl�, - FINANCE ��� V '-CAj�n:4Y'-,r,,DEPARTMENT G I T Y O F S A I N T PA U L COUIICII . BtUE - MAYOR � File N 0. Council Resolution Pg. 2 of 2 Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date FINALLY RESOLVED, that authorization to expend funds in accordance with this budget shall be conferred upon appropriate city officials upon receipt in the Debt-Capital Improvement Fund of first install- ment proceeds from the sale to the Port Authority of Midway Stadium. APPROVED AS TO FUNDING: APPROVED: � ernard J. � r son, Director R hard E. chroe er Finance & M nagemen Services Bu get Director �� '�Z�/yv COUNCILMEN Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt Levine [n Favor Maddox � McMahon __ Against By COMMUNITY SERVT S Showalter / Tedesco Wilson Adopted b ouncil: Date NOV 2 5 1980 Form Approved b Ci torn Cert� ed Yass Cou ecret�lry • BY E��9�� Approved b or for b ' s n to C uncil Approv�Y `-^ ayor: Dat — BY - -- �a� BY �� DE C 6 1980 � �' • Y ���V�� r � �A4�,T, o,e CITY OF SAINT PAUL 'F� '� LONG-RANGE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET COMMITTEE �� iiii�ttin ti �.� „� OFFICE OF THE MAYOR — BUDGET SECTION �r iss• 367 City Hall,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 612-298-4323 GEORGE LATIMER MAYOR November 14, 1980 Re: Capital Budget Amendment for funding a Replacement Facility for P�idway Stadium Mayor George Latimer \ Council President Ron Maddox and Members of the City Council Dear Mayor Latimer and Council Members: At its meeting of November 13, 1980, the Long-Range Capital Improvement Budget Committee resolved to advise the Mayor and Council' s approval of the attached resolution, contingent upon the Planning Commission f�.nding the proposed facility in conformance with the Saint Paul Comprehensive Plan. The attached resolution amends the 1980 Capital Improvement Budget to provide financing for design of the replacement facility. At such time as design is completed and final cost estimates are available, the Committee will review and offer advice on a resolution amending the 1981 Capital Improvement Budget to provide construction financing. If you have any questions regarding the action taken by the Long-Range Capital Improvement Budget Committee, please do not hesitate to contact me or the Executive Secretary, Mr. Gregory Haupt. Sincerely, a� . ����-� ,�;� � �,� DAVID G. McDONELL � '`' �r',�JC� Chairman �j1 � a�Fr'�, 1� �c:r, � DGM:kh q/� ,��.� r r v� p:?; F � Enclosure �MA/tq��;'�'��j�,,�>;�..,,;,, �`'�EN7. f%,q,,f nR 5����C S �� � . • OM O1: 12/1975 � ' Rev. : 9/8/76 , , � , < • : Rev. : 5/7/80 EXPLANATION OF ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS, RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES ���� '�ate: 11/20/80 4.� � � �� A� ��, ^ �tl ' 2,$ � �s' �p: riayor Latimer ���� FROM: Thom.as Kelley ��;: Midway Athletic/Recreation Facil�ty ' � , . �CTTON REQUESTED: ' Siqnature by Mayor on attached re�olution, consideration by City Council Tuesday evenina, 11/25/80 . F�U�L�OSE AND RATIONALE FOR THIS ACTION: Resolution amends 1980 Capital Ir.tprovement Buc�get to establish the replacement facility for Mic?.way Stadium as a capital improvement project and provide for the replacement facility' s desiqn. Source of funds is the Debt-Capital Irmprovement Fund, into which will be deposited proceeds of sale of Mic�.wav Stadium upon their receipt.. ATTACHMENTS: , - -- _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ -- - Two-page resz�lution _ _ _.__ ___ _. __ _