276003 CLERK CANARIir,�- DEPARTMENT COUIICII � r� BWE - MAYOR GITY OF SAINT �PALTL File NO. �����llt�_ � Cou il sol io Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date W�RFAS, The Council of the City of Saint Pau1 by Resolution C.F. 276002, adapted Nov�mb�x 25, 1980, did vacat�e, among other things, those portiaris of publ.ic streets located in the City of Sa�nt Paul, Co�ty of Ramsey, State of Minnesota, legally descri.bed as follaws: Al1 of Missouri, Court, Lvwell and Wisconsin Streets lying north of the north right of-way lir�e of Ba.yfield Street and south of south right-of way line of St Lawrnnoe Street, and that part of St Lawrenee Street lying East of the east right-of-way line of C'hicago, Rock Island and Pacific Railroad, and east of the easterly line of Wisc�ans�n Street, all lying in F. Ambs Addition or Seaond Addition to Brooklynd, St Paul, Minn. also the alley in Blocks 10, 11 and 12, F Ambs Addition and that portian of the alley in Block 5, 5econd Addition to Brooklynd, St Paul, Minn lying east�xly of extend�ed w�est line of Lot 9 of said Addition. and W�S, Said vacation reserved tA the City of Saint Paul and otiier public i n�tnure.ntalities, public utility easem�zts carita.ined thPSein and thereon; and Wf�REAS, The Cotmcil has been reqtaested to waive said retain�ed ease�nents, and the affected City Departm�.nts, Northern Sta�bes Pvwer Carnpany and Northwestern Bell 'PelepY�on�e Co�any have filed writtsn oertifica.t�es of intended non-use with the offioe of the City Clerk; and W�S, The affected City Departrnents and the above mentioned utilities have oonsented t,o waive oertain specific retained eas�nents in said vaca.ted property as fully set forth in their Certificatres of intended nari-use which Certificat�s are inc�orporated herein by referenc�e. NOW TI�FORE BE IT RESOLVID, That the Co�cil of the City of Saint Paul, pur- suant to Section 228.06 of the Sa.int Paul Legislative Code, as amended, cZoes hexeby w�ive, release and extinguish aertain retained easem�nts in the vaca.ted public COUNCILMEN Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt Levine In Favor Maddox S�h�ov�vahtef A gai n s t BY Tedesco �Ison Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Vassed by Council Secretary BY !L•���`� B� Approved by :Vlayor. Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By _ BY WHITE - CITY CLERK � .�/ ^-1 PINK - FINANCE COUIICII ��•� C�J CB`u�ARY - DEPARTMENT G I T Y O F S A.I N T PA LT L File N O. �"- MAYOR �� � - � ^ Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date -- Out of Committee By Date streets of Council Resolution C.F. 276002 , ad�pted November 25, 1980, as specifically set forth in the Certificates of intended non-use which have been inaorporat�d in this resolution and which sh�uld be on file in the offic�e of the City Clerk. BE IT FUR'I�R RE50LVED, That the abov� mexitianed waiv�r and release of sa id easements are for the City of Saint Paul and thps� persons for whcan tY� City has reserved easements in said vaca.ted property for the instaliation, maint�enanoe and operation of any sew�er, water, gas or electxic main, pipe or oonduit of public i nStr�,u�ntality. -2- COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requestgd by Department of: Hunt Levine In Favor Maddox �1°�' � __ Against BY snowalter Tedesco VlfrFien NOV 2 5 i�gV Form Approved by City Attorney Adopte Counc� : Date — ertified P• sed b Council �iecr ar B � ���� By� Approv ;Na or: Da e �OV 2 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By _ _ BY ��s� o E c s iseo . . . � . ��`�;>� ,� .,,,��.�,.«�: . '���'`�ITY o�°r,, CITY OF SAINT PAUL _/.� @I,���'� '"" ' OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY >o .r' �', ';� iiiiii�ii ii �= � � ,.� EDWARD P. STARR, CITY ATTORNEY ,. �es• ,. 647 City Hall,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 GEORGE`LATIMER 612-298-5121 MAYOR November 19, 1980 Ms. Rose Mix City Clerk 386 City Hall Bldg. Re: Resoluti�s Granting Vacatian Petitian of Port Authority and Metrapolitan Airport Ccx�mission, and Resoluti� Wa:i.ving Retair.�d Easements Located Thexei.ri Dear Ms. Mix: Attached herewith please find the resolutions relative to the above which. were requested by telephone on November 18, 1980. Please note that the Resolution waiving the retained eas�nts, for obv�,� 'reasans, s not sta.te the otm.ci i No. of the Vacatian Reso 'oaz. A Co�.cil File No. so in when the vacation reso ution has b�en given a ntunbe.r and passed. � Also I have atta.cl�ed the Certificates of in,tended nan-use, furnished �e, which should be retained and filed by you. Very truly yours, �`�'�-��`�' " .. �sL� A. BO�ISER- _ Assistant City Attorney �,B:rl F�c. C�) T}iE HONORABLE MAYOR AND Ml;MggZS - � OF TIiE COUNCIL OF THE CERTII�'ICATE OF 2�6��3 _ � CI'I'Y UF SAINT PAUL I��� ��_�E The undersigned hereby certif"y that they do not intend to exereise t;heir utility eaaement right$ in the follorring described realty: St. Las•rrence Street From the northeasterly right-of-way line of the Chicago, Rocic Island and Pacific Rai�lway to a point 30 feet east of the east line of Block 13, F. Amb's Addition to West St. Paul, except the westerly one-half of that portion of St. Lawrence Street lyin� between the northerly projection of the east and west right-of-way lines of Missouri Street.and except the easterly one-half of that portion of St. Lawrence Street lyin� between the northerly projection of the east and west right-of-way line of Court Street. Pti.ssouri Street From the extended southerly line of Block 5 to the extended southerly line of Block �+ all in Second Addition to Brooklynd, except the southerly 30 feet of the northerly 231.3 feet thereof and except the westerly 30 �eet of the northerly 201.3 feet thereof. Court Street From the extended southerly line of Block 10, to the extended southerly �ine of Block 15 all in F. Amb's A,ddition to West St. Paul, except the southerly 30 feet of the northerly 231.3 feet thereof and except the easterly 30 feet of the northerly 20103 feet thereo.f. Lowell Street From the extended southerly line of Block 11, to the extended northerly line of Block. 11, all in F. Amb's Addition to West St. Paul, except the southerly 30 feet of the northerly 171.3 feet thereof. • Wisconsin Avenue • From the extended southerly line of Block 12, to the extended northerly,line of Block 12, all in F. Amb's Addition to West St. Paul, except the southerly 50 feet of the northerly 225 feet thereof. DATE /�!/� z� ,1y80 i l- � � .�� . er A. Huset, G eral Manag r . _. . .. . . . � .. ... . . .... . _ . . . . � � .. . . �_. ._.�+1._,=.�.,,,._..........�_....._.. ._....:_.. . 1 , .. - — ���.�.__...-��_r�,.�.� . , � , . . �6�?t�3 . ... �'fiE HONORABLE MMHiiXOR AND MEMBPRS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CERTIFICAT$ OF CI`i'Y UF SAIN'P PAUL IpT�NDED NON_USE `Phe undersi.gned hereby certif�r that they do not intend to exeroise their utility eascment righta in the folloxing described realty: „ I . I,,� i•��i��•�, f,r„�,I, �,,i..,.�i�,i L�i�• i1�i1'I,�iivill�,��l'�,,' I'il.�i�.–u�'..�.�lrl`/ � I IIU ��I� �,�I1� (:�1{��tl�!l�� �ZOQk �I'tsl�i.n�l ;����I I',���i I'f , itnl l�,�r��� L�, ,� ����ii�l, ;�! I'���,I, P;+�;,L ��I' I.I�a I�,n:al; lint: c,f' Il:l.ock I j, � . ! inl�' ,. P I 1111 ���� I,,. 1(,�.�I .',I , I� ��il ,�'rc>ro the extenclect Sc�ui;hc�r.ly 1 i►�e of 13:1 o��lc �, to the extended Northerly :l.ine ot' 131ock 5, all in Second Addition to Brooklynd. Court Street ;?rom the extended Southerly line of Block 10, to the extended. Northerly line of B1_ock 10, al.l in F. Amb's Addition to West St. Paul. Lo�.rel7. S�treet From the extended ;;outher]_y line of Block 11, to the extended Plortherly ]ine of I31ock 7_l, a]1 in F. Amb's Addition to West St. Paizl. W:isconsin Avenue I�rom the extended Southerly l.ine of Block 12, to the extended Northerly ]ine o:f Block .l�_'., a.11 i.n F. Amb's Addition to West St. Paizl. i)��t;ed � l� Director of Public Works City of Saint Paul General Manager, Water Department City of Saint Paul Idorthern tates Power Co pany •_- By (gEAI,) ' , Northwestern Bell Telephone Company , �. HY - - ,�..,,_., (SE.AT,) � �� OV f�;li T. _ _ . _. , . . ., �.. .... . .._ ----...�,_ � .._ -� �_ ..,_ . _� . . . , _ _ S�t'p�l'3�; i)i' t�l I:IVClL•S�'I'A ) � �?';�(� �� � � • < < ' ) ss . J�Gd Ri - , • i:C)U1V7�' OF Rl�i�1S1:Y ) �� On tlzis eZo day of �� 1����_, bc�forc IllG'� a not y public within and for said County, 1����' �.c,n.►11y ��}����:�ix'cK1,___._. �. _ _ ) �"�'�[� to me . t���� ��„i�,► L ly )i11C)WC)� whc�, �.>r..ity� l�y. �ma �t. txly t�wox�n. t'iid aay the►t ._t./o�#�J�j,L'�1�.//(;.�r-1;'t� :�j,3►� r. c>1: NUIi'I,`[lEliN 8TA'I'ri:9 i�dW�R 1 i�+ � r� t t��r ,y„�v,�,._ � �.....,...... ('(J�•11'/11`I'i � �1 i•i�r"{y(11",lr.l�.a�l� I1�)Ill(IC� lll 1 �1!.� lt)1:�'C�O:�CiC� i.nut.rume�nt• .��i�t � 1�,�I 11��, +►�,�,� 1. r�f:l..ix�e�l t.c� u,itcl .iriul:.i°urnnnl: i.a� l.tYU cc�rpUZ���o ,,, �.� � � 1 'I .� �, �I � � �1-(1(>1'�91 j��li , :Y11�7 ( 11�11� !I�l �.t� � I1ti�:I"t1q1MRIll'. WtAt1 A���iC1AC� � � � • � i � r r i ��r I. . �i� �,�� ;t1i1 �`flt" � � �' ii�' � � ft �.�1)ill �� �)1 !) l l �'�:I.l.�l. 11 ��1��� ���1 1' � _. ,__ __I:__»....I�.l ....w.___•-_ry"°...' __.. . . .. acknowledy�sd said insLrumeY�1: to b� t1►e freei acL and ci�sed ot said corporation. �r,ld�' A::.,�n� �, '� �,,,,�. n�'rA�1�h'' IC14.G��� ���„�,�rh"���yi��-d �' �,�Nt,�y°��'1 � tlotary Public, A���� County. Minn. :�.. o��s�y �u��'��oU���'� a � h:!' � N p��p1 P )utiY 2�'19 rt '°:�'t� MY�omm•ExP`�es ��� My Commissiot� expires .�� � � STA`l'E OF MINI`XESOTA ) ) r�s. ; COUr1TY Or' �MSEY ) On �I�is ,�� day of � �9 , betoro me, a notary public within and for said County, to me � persanal.ly appearr3d pt;r�onal.ly known, who beir,g by me duly swQrn, did say that 1�e i:.{ the _ _ of NORTAWE3TERN BELL TELEP�ONE C�tf1PANY', � corporation,, r�amod in the foreqoing instrumant. an� tli�i� Lhe: �eal affixed ta s�id instrutuent is the corporate seal o� �aid corporation, and t2�at eaid inetrument was aigned a�nd 3e�led in 'behal£ of r�aid c:orparation by suthority ac��l�� • of Direc.tors and said � _ ',- said instrument to be the frea act and deed �f said corpora�ion. Notary Public, Ramaey County, Mi.nn. My commissinn expires � �, , , � • . � , � � 1 1_1_l�_� � --1--1 �--1---� , :,.._.._.-- -- � MENTUCKY V ti ;1�. � .- - - --_ �-�;-T,� �--�-,--�--1 � . � , _ ; ; . ; 1 +iµ� �� � e � e i .i � . �a��� . r n 'i u �ol i� l�z p io . . �� � ' � -i� I ' I _l._.l - _ e,r... ' ��. . __ _�. � _� � 1 � � _ , , . . „ .. y. . , � . �� . __ _ I �J - - -- ---- _. ., . _ ,. -- — ';^ I i�...; ; � T ' f I �d . ,.., � ' i. �i ,i„��.U.�� , , � � , _ � SI • � , � ' i ' � � 1 . , � ..� � , , �. � ( l __ . � _ f Ii , ��.i i . . � i , ...� � .. I I •4', ��: � ',( f I ' I,I' � � 1 I„ 1 ! M II I I I� i I I ' � M V � ; I I �1� i . . III I ` I I l I I i � I, I I I I .. � I � l l ��� ,� , , . � l I ( I I � � I �� ' , . , �I ,i i p. � II �' i I �I i i . � I ' r� � �,. �..i � � � � � . � _ � � . . .. , .y � 1 i e � e e . � a i_ c � I e v u n �z e � s s w � e� , • i : � =� -;=� , _- --- ._1 _,-=�4=,--, - --,--3- ;--,-._ � _ t -�V , �� , � � ' e � � , � ; ; � ' ti'L--- � , � ' � .. � -- � -�.. � � -�---••-- � -_... 5 •_`' "" "!'• "J"' 1" 'L_ -!_ l' -,- -r- - -r -r- -•� r-- wi V :�l I C I P -�---- -r-j-t--�-7--1 �---; - � i y„ 1 i f � i � � � � �� j i ' � � , , � ; . . ;t4 . � � � � ' i � i ' � � � � , � �� � � , : � � � � 1 � 1 1 1 � i : � � i : � ' � 10 -�-�-+--i--�:t=f-i-y . ._ �- -- --�- :., t_.�_.,_ ..- - -� '--` -; � -r-•--i� ; � -r- i- t-- -i- � '� r' � . � � � 'y a 1 � ..... .... ,�,�y,. � _ �- , , . _ 2�j�76���3 , `.l'IiE HONORABLE MAYOR ANll MEMF3I�f{S OF THE COUPICII, OF THE CERTIl�'ICATE OF CITY OF SAINT PAUL INi'�ADED 1�OF USE The undersigned hereby certify that they do not intend to exereise their utility easement rights in the follor�ing described ree.l.ty; ;�t. La:arence Street I'rom the Northe��sterly ri€;ht-of'-way l.ine of the Chica�o; Rock Tsland and Pacific 12ailway to �:� point 30 feet i�,ast of the �ast line of Block 13, i�'. Amb's Adclition to Zdest St. Pau]_. �• t�.issouri Street � the alley in i�'rom ths extended Southerly ].ine ofn�3lock 5, to the extended Northerly line of 131ock 5, all. in Second Addition to Brooklynd. Court Str•eet the alley in i�'r.om thr.; extended Southerly l.ine of,�I3lack 10, to the extended Northerly :l:ine oi' L']oc}c 70, a11 i_n I'. AmU's Additian to West St. Paul. Lowel]_ ;treet the alley in Frorn the extended Southerly line of�Block 11, to the extended PJortherly line of B1ock 11, a]1. in F. Amb`s Addition to West St. Paul. Wisconsin Avenue the alley in From the extended Southerly line of Block 12, to the extended Northerly line of Block 12, all in F. Amb's A�dition to West St. Paul. Dated�pd[��. 1? � 19 8� . . C�,����"''rn � Director of Public W City of Saint Paul General Manager, Water Department City of Saint Paul Ilorthern States Power Company By (SEAL) � ' Northwestern Bell Telephone Company 1 BY (SEAL) OVER i .. . . . , �6���� _ ., � � `.1'HE HONORABLE MAYOR AND �ERS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CERTII�'ICATE OF ' CI'PY UF SAINT PAUL INT�I4DED I�TON-USE The undersigned hereby certify that they do not intend to exeroise their utility easement rights in the folloriing deacribed realty: � St. La��rrence "treet i�rom t}-,e Northeasterl.,y rit;ht,-of.'-wa,y line of the Chica�o; Rock Tsland ancl PtLCi�i.c Rai1_l�a,y to �i poi.nt; 30 feet i�ast of the �ast line of Block 13, ;�'. llmb's Aciclition to �Iesi; �t. Pa�zl_. 4• i•.issouri �:treet ;�'rc�m tiie extencled Soui;herly line of Block j, to the extended Northerly l.ine of Block 5, all in Second Addition to Brooklynd. ;;onrt Street i�'ro�n the extended Soiztherly line of Block 10, to the extended Northerly line of Block ].0, all in F. Amb's Acidition to West St. Paul. Lo��re.l]_ S�;reet 1�'rom the extended Southerly line of Block 11, to the extended Northerly lirie of Block 1..1, al.l in 1�'. Amb's Aadition to West St. Paul. W:i.sconsin Avenue I'rom the extended Southerl.,y 1i.ne of Block 12, to the extended Northerly 1 ine of iil.oc:k 12, al.l in F'. AmU's Addition to West St. Paul. �)ated , 19 � Director of Public Works City of Saint Paul General Manager, Water Department City of Saint Paul IJorthern States Power Company By (SEA.L) ' � Northwestern Bell Telephone Company �,. . <. ';`� (SEAL) 4 � �j � . � �t� . � �VI.Ji� � a � 39 . �t COI�I�''i1' ��' . �'tAI�1SEY � � i s��1� .�- , `' � On this �_ day of . 19 , beforc me, a notary public within and For said County, j:er�onally aPP�ar� to me p�r3onally known, who, being b�C me duly eworn, did eay that he is the � of NORTAERN BTAT�S POWER COMPANY, a corporation, named in the foregoing instrumer�t, ��r�d that tlie seal affixed to said instrurnent is the corporate seal of said cor�ration, and that said inatrument was signed and sealed in bohalf of said corporation by suthority of� lte �oard of Directors and aaid . �cknowledyed said instrument to be the free act and deed of said corporation. � Notary Pulalic, Ramsey County, Minn. My comrufsafon expires ,_ �T�:'CE OF MINbIESOTA ) ` � ) 6s. ; . covrrrY o� �MS�r ) � On this olS'. day of 4`� • lg \��beforo mo, a natary public within and for said County, � eared Ri�harr� I u Pr to me peraonally pP 9 - - did say that � � perc��Ital.ly known, �►ho being by me duly swprn, he i:� the District Manager-D_i_s_trib. of NORTAWE3TERN HELL TELEP�NE • C�t�1PANY, � corp�rrtion,, named ir� th� foregoing instrumant, and j L�l�t the �eal affixed ta said instrument���h`eag°aignadea�nda� 1 of aaid corparation, and t?iat eaid r.s�r �J se�►led in �behalf of $aid corporation by suthority gC��ledged of Directors and said Corpor��ion -' said instrumeiit to be the fre� �sct and deed of said corpozation. . ,J�Z�� Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minn. My commisaion expires �=.� 5� - �� ' MARGARET NUT2DA�1N M:��• Notary Public,Famsey Ccunty, !,,:, G.�, 1532 � __._ .. - My Commissio�Expires :)' �.,.,:,,: •_L._l.._l_1.._�l_J L__l _1. i_�_� �. I r,CNTUC:r,Y r � SF. i - T - --.-,-.;--r-r,� -�—�--T ' - ��;� � � � �--� � i � •.i.� �e: ��I��:i, r • afw � , e � • • io / ;,r� . : „ ; , �--1 . 1_ � �,. �\ . , : : : , � „. ,.. _ . ,. '__ '_�_ _� � � , -, -�=�3;=-.-�.-1- -._� .1;6-,._ . � � I ; ; i � � ,.a'�`� ! i .;. � � i�q- � . s s i � . � t � � . , . \\ �f...c;'�.� w� � S ; i..L'� . .� i�__ N 'J.__ ___�"1. — �r «.".. ; . � Tf xA5 �` i ST� �. __.. .• _ � w�r,r�--•-•�7�_ _` 1 . ., � . , ,� , (- �- -� . . '� � ; . . � e > > a � � - i T e I .( �ol � �: � N e , . a a . e i � . � . . 1 ,, � I r —i�-- � ' � . . _I_� �� __ . . _ � . _.__l o --1.� � __ _ i �.� __. ._ . _ � �.�: . � _,-- N �— _,_ ° � �� f I • I � _ , ! :; P ' ' ! '"_, � I �.,, ; ��I�e n iv t� zz s e � i i � 1 �.. � . � + I _•`'�-�-1_� � . . . �Jw./�� ,• I xI , __ ��-�. ��:��1— �aJ ..1 _L_ L K �� NCE � a.. _ ........A.r-.t.�:i.RiJH� � ,�;;. :;.57..II�WR,� s .'..s•. ..-...�. sr - M - — -1 �� ; , _ . . • i , #�j y �� 'p i e � � � • a 7 � '7'r. r s a u u �i- . s � • � w e , • � . ' a .,. � ----;- ` ..-1 -,--�Q:,._�_ •r---.�- ---r-- • /' t` iQ, � ; , , � � • . . e � i . ; : i �1�- •, _,.�....�__�_.' .r� ....�_-•--�-•-•••�•-' '--'--•-• -• •---. .. ____ 5 ---- -r- -�--�-1°t •-- i -�- - . -t -r- 'i f• �I ll N 1 C I � ' i � i � i . ; � � � � • i ' � � � ' , • , � �y 7ffl� � � . : � � � � • ' � � � � � � ' � � � � � : . : � : ' i . ' � � ` � ! ' _�..- -'' 1--i' -'- - -.� t..: ...i 1_ '� -t-��-�--�--F=l=_.- 'j ' : �"' - -. � , : � . � ; , . � -�•-• -1° �'i•- I- -I'- - 1- r-' > � � 7 `.�'1'H 1 t', ut' t•t l.ivi�a..�w.,• � I � $5. ' '�� CQ[�Jlv�`Y , OF - F'd1�tY15EY ) �s���� {�-�.• ih' . . � On this day of � Y9 , beforc me, a norary public withi� and For said County, F�F�i:�onally appearecl to me p�rsc�nally known, who, beir►g b�C me duly eworn, did eay that he is t2ie of NORTAERN STATES POWER COMPANY, a cor�oration, named in the foregoi.ng instrument, ar�c� that tlie seal affixed to said instrurnent is the corporate seal of said cor�ra�tion, and that said ins�trwment wag aigned and sealed in behalf o� said carporation by authority of�� its board of Directors and aaid _,. �cknowl�dg�d said instrument to be tY�e free act and deed of said cnrpor�tion. •� N�t�ry Public, Ramsey County, Minn. My commission e.�cpires �.. _� Sri'Ia'�'�.: OF MINNESOTA ) ) 6s. • covr�� or �s� ) � " On tliis oI� day of 0"e�-.�-�-- . 19 , be�aro cno, a natary public within and for said County, l:,er:�onally �ppeared Ri chard E..._.Lug.er to me per��i�al.ly known, wh� being b�r me du�ly swprn, did say that l�e i:� the District Manager-Distrib. of NORTAWE3TERN BELL TELEp�ON� ... ��r,jPANy, ��orp�r�tion, named ir� the foregaing instrumant, an� ;.11J� t1��e �veal affixed i:o -�said instruiuent is the corporate seal af Said corparation, and that said s.n.s�rumant was eigned ax�d sea].ed in �l�e2ialf of $aid �r�rparation by suthority of ite Board of Directors and said Cor oration _ •_ _ ackncri+ledged � said instrument to ].�e the fre� �sct and deed' of said corporation. �� �,� __._.___ Natary Public, Ramsey County, Mi�n. N1y commissiori expires �-.� 5� - �� �_, ' MARGARET NUTZPAANN M;�n. Notary Pubtic, Famsey Ccan!y, , , , MV Commissio�}cxpires Iv'::)' 24, 1�32 � � � , �,,.:�:_: :_I_ l_�__l_�1_� �___ l � � _�___� , ,_ �� r,EN1UC:r,Y � � . \ � c�i:.—�.�.,__.,_,.,.;_�.r1-�-vr-T-�s ---I � - --7-- -- . � � � � � 1 � � �', �_. �_ . ` . . � i � f � � i � � � i � i � i � �� I , i,'.I . 'n i : ' o�r �,�� i; i�' r e v I ic I � �.. p � ._ . r � � � � � � : i�� i i � , , , . � _ �__ �.... I a i e �o s.• � , , , � � ' i�. �. i..._.. ...�__ i_L_ ._L_ . s � , _.._� _� _�_ __�_.�t_ __ �_._ __i__ ; � a i,a - � , �- ; , � � : ; � T �- - 1 � '��,�..� . � � , , � „ � � � . � • , , �;:,, �,.., ��.,�M�,..�.�,. _ �e 5 � l 1 , s , � z , ,.� , , ., , ,.... . I i � � � � ' I i �� � . � i � � • i . N � I � � � � ' ..�. \\ . � i ��I �fY.l__� . .—�. L.J__�.�_ __... _ '" _ �.....__..._...._, , \ _""""'_" __ � TfxAS y 51'. __T___. .... . i ru�v�r�_-��..T,� -� � --T--- �(-- -' -- - - - ( ..... ".. i � I � _�_ I � � � e ' , , +:n' � e s � z � � e ' v I �o �a o ��� e a w F: a I ,�}' . 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