276001 � WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL COUIICII � ��'�� . CANARV - DEPARTMENT File NO. BLUE - MAYOR Q ncil Resolution Presented By �%�" Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLUE, that the proposed ptat entitled • " ARL I PJGTON I FJDUSTR I AL PA�K" as recommended and a�proved by the Director of Public 4Jorks be and the same is hereby accepted. COUNC[LMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Hunt Nays Lev�ne _� In Favor Pub 1 i c blorks Madcl�K � , ""�"�=;='="� __ Against BY — Sho.vaiter �.� t d E. y r , D i rector Y�GFlson �'^„ ,� � For Approved b ity A orney dC Adop by Counc : Date [!1�_ tnnn "�U rtified Pa� d by Council Se�reta BY f ' t/ . B V. App ov d by ;Vlayor: at � � 19$� Ap ed y Mayor for Sub i i t uncil By _ — By t� D E C 61980 . , UM G1 : 12,�]�75 _ • • , . x4v: 9f�I Y6 . ' ' ' ' EXP�P,t�AT10?J '�F• ADMI'!15i?ATi�,'� dR,f?E�S, � RESOI..UTIQ�iS, Ai�D'Oi?i�i?�AiVCES� ���n� . �-3 �ate: November 5, 198� ,� ECEIVED T0: MAYOR GEORGE LATIMER . NQ� ' !%: ��g� �O_R'S G�10E FR: Donald E. PJygaard, Director of Publ ic Works RE: The proposed plat entitled "ARLIPJGTON INDUSTRIAL PARK" � .. t : AC710N REQUESTED: Approval for submission to Council PURPO5E At�D RATIONALE FOP, THIS ACTION: Council approval is necessary prior to the � filing of the proposed plat. NT"T'f�Cl-IM'�NTS: � Resolution 1 Copy of plat ,\ dc � q" ti Know All Persons By These Presents tha� Daniel D. Wozniak and Angela '�J. ��Jozniak, ParcE husband and wife , as owners of the following described property situated in the City of St. Faul , Ramsey County, Minnesota: (�xcept streets) that part l�;asterly of I`iinneapolis, St. Faul anci Sault Ste Marie t�ailway Company right-of-way, and Idortherly of the Northern � � Pacific Kailway Comrany right-of-way, of the Northeast ,��uarter of the Southwest C'�uarter of Section 19, Township 29 North, Range 22 West , Ramsey County, Minnesota, except the three following parcels which are described as follows: Farcel 1 . Beginning at the intersection of the North line of said Pv'orttieast quarter of the Southwest quarter with the East line of Minneapolis, St. Paul and Sault Ste Marie Railway Company right-of-way; thence �.ast along said North line to an intersection with a line extended North, a� right • angles to said North line, from a point on the South line of the North 33 feet , of said Northeast quarter of the Southwest quarter, distant 225 feet East, as measured along said South line of the .North 33 feet, from said �ast line of railway right-of-way; thence South along said perpendicular line 3'18 feet ; thence S+Jest , at right angles, '198.49 feet , more or l�ss , to said East line of ,. , � said railway right-of-way; thence North along said East : . ; _�,____�__ . __ . _ --.__._ _line-_o�_ said railway_right.-a`f-'way"'Cb the_t�oin� of tsegi"nning; �:_�._-�;;,� _ , ._._ . Parcel -2. Commencing at the intersection of the North line of said Northeast �uarter of the Southwest �uarter with the �ast line of Minneapolis , `.�t. Paul and Sault Ste Marie Railway Conpany right-of-way; thence Last along said North line to an intersection with a line extended North, at right angles ' to said :Jorth line , from a point on the South line of �he North 33 feet of said Pdortheast f�uarter of the Southwest �uarter, distant 225 feet Last, as measured along said South line of the Tlorth 33 fee� from said �:ast line of railway right-of-way; thence South along said perpendicular line 3'18.�0 feet to the point of beginning of the parcel of land to be described; thence West , at ri�ht angles, 198.46 feet more or less to said East line of said railway right-of-way; thence �outherly, , along said East line of said railway right-of-way, a distance of 462.35 feet to its • intersection with the South line of the North '7'76.00 feet of said Northeast �uarter of the Southwest t�,uarter; thence North 89 degrees 3'I minutes 28 seconds� East , �rid bearing, r?innesota State Plane Coordinate System, Southern Zone , along said South line of the I�orth ��6.00 feet , a distance of 357•75 feet to �its intersection with a line that is per- pendicular to said North line of the .Northeast �uarter of the Southwest �,uarter, and said line is 2'1�.�0 feet Easterly from the point of begiruzin� as measured perpendicular to said line ; thence North 00 degrees 28 minutes 32 seconds West , along said perpendicular line , a distance of 458.00 feet to its intersection with a line that bears North 89 . de�rees 3'I minutes 28 seconds East from the point of begin- iui r �ui . . tersectior_ of t:�e ::orth li:�e of said in�t Fort Authority of the �ity of :�aint Paul , a Minne the .:out�l�,�est �uarter ���i�h t:�:e east owners of the followin� described proper�y situated in �t. i �ul �n;i ;?ault �te �:arie i�ail��,�ay itamsey �ounty, f�inr.esota: ' ; th?nce �ast :�lon�: said :;orth line ith =: lir:e ex�en,�in�; :.ortr, at right r:xceX�t str+��� -` �-� � , tr�at Tart l.asterly of Minnea�oli line , fro:.: a r,oint on t:�e �outh line ate 'I�'.arie `�ailway Com�any ri�ht-of-way, and lvorth� of sai�', :;ortheast :tuarter of t?�:e ��acific :�ailway C;or�panv ri�ht-of-way, of the I1ort: istant ?25 feet �ast , as measured oouthwest� '�uarter of Section '19, Township 2Q T�ort] e of tne '.,orth 33 feet from said �ast County, i:innesota, described as follows: t-of-�,�ay; thence �outh alon� said �o�nTM,encin� at the intersection of the ilorth lii a dist�nce of 3'18 feet ; t�.,ence �Jest , <�uarter of the �outnwest ��uarter with the Last .46 feet -�ore or less to said ,.ast St . Paul and ;�ault Ste i'arie Railway Com�any r: rigi-it-of-wa�,-; thence :�outherly, alonkT Last alon� said '�orth line to an intersection � id 'railway ri:-��t-of-way, a distance of :�ortti, at ri�;ht angles to s�id rlorth line , fro� ntersection with t�e :�outn line of t}�e line of the P�orth 33 feet of said tiortheast� 2u� said :;ortheast �,uarter of ttie ::�outti- k�uarter, distant 2�5 feet i:ast , as measurec� alc is also tne roint of '�e�ir:ning of tiie the ;�orth 33 feet from said East line of railw� described ; thence ��orth .>"_?� �e�rees �outh alon� said pernendicular line 3'18.�0 feet s :;�st , �ric� bearir��, ;.innesot,s .�tate ' ginning of the parcel of l�nd to be described ; tem, �out�:ern Lone , a� on;° said :�outh an�les , '198.4h feet more or less to sr�id East 1 �.00 feet , a distance of 357.�� feet ; ri�;ht-of-way; thence aoutherly, alon� said Lat a distar�ce of 42.5� feet along � way ri�ht-of-way, a distance of 462. 35 fePt to with �he last cie:�cribe�i line , said the �outh line of the I�orth �'76.00 feet of said to the :Jorthwest , havin� a radius of the :�outhwest ��uarter; thence Ivorth �.Q degrees tral anf;le of 63 ��?e�rees 04 :�inutes r Last , �;rid bearing, .?innesota �tate �lane Coord cr�ord of sr:id curve be�rin� �outh 3'I Zone , alon� said Gouth line of the I'orth `]�6.�C � secon�s �+'est ; t}�ence �.�outhwesterly, 35�,75 feet to its intersection with a line th�i �rly, �asterly , ar�d ''ortheasterly a said l+orth line of the Northeast :;uarter of the ePt �lon� a reverse curve concave to v and said line is 2'i`7.00 f�et �asterly from the a r��ius of 6n.n0 feet �n� a central measured rerpendicular to said line ; tnence No �4 minutF�s '1'1 secon�s , to its inter- utes 32 seconds '�'est , alon�; said nerrendicular tr line of t�.e ':orth 8r",��,�� feet of 478•�C? feet to its intersection with a line tha er of the .�outi,west �uarter; t}ience de�r�es 3'1 minutes 28 seconds East from the poi r,inutes 2� sec�r.�s �ast , alon� said thence aouth 89 degrees 3'1 minutes 28 seconds '�J cth 8F,4.00 feet , �lon� a line not 2'1�.C;� feet to the �oint of be�inning. �verse curve , a dist,�-:ce of 3�>8.�6 -� �o its �:�tPrsection witY: the Last line �rJ� �rter of the :�out:west :_uarter; thence air�utes �6 seconds ::�st , along said (Lxcent streets) that r,art Lasterly of f�:innea�olis . � of 27`�?.�'I feet , �r.ore or less , to its ��te• I°:arie �tailway Comnany ri�ht-of-way, and i�orthe� � :iort:�erly ri:�i:t-o�-way of t}:e ::orthern �'acific :�ailway Company ri�ht-of-way, o£ the i:orthE iny; thence .�outh �� de�;rees 24 minutes � T Uouthwe�t :�uarter of aection 'IG, lownship 2�? ��orth, lg �aic? .1or•therly ri�r:t-of-way of the Iiamsey County, N`innesota, described as follows: lway ����r�any, a dist�nce o£ 5'+2.C'! feet , � �o�:mencing at the inte�rsection of the Ilorth linE intersectior. with t:�e :-:asterly ri�nt- Lnneapolis , ��t. I=aul , an�i :.>ault �te. '-�uarter of the �outhwest :LUarter with the east � �; thence :;orthwesterlv, along said :�t. f aul and :�ault Ste I�:arie �ailw��y Comr.any ri� :ast along said North line to an intersection w� ,� line of the ^°in-iear,olis , �t . 1-au1 , , i�orth, at ri�ht an�les to said iiorth line , from i�ailway �omp�ny, a c�istance of -+'73.6'1 be�innir.�;. line o£ the :dorth 33 feet of said l�ortheast :�uai '�uarter, distant 225 feet �ast , as measured alor the ';orth 33 feet from said �ast line of railwa� �a/ Plo � ° , '�� - . _, before me, a .�otary rublic within 1y arpeared Daniel �. '��ozniak anci me kr.own to be the persons described nstrument anc?, acknowledged that they �nd c�e e d. � ' ' � �-�... ��..� �.., '� 'V �._ _�''�'.c � � �«� ra. :'ublic , Count , r'innesota ission r'xpires /Q� tinproved and accer,ted by the City Council of tre City c this day of �9 � !, before r�e a itiotary Public within 1y anpeared W � and Clerk sworn did say at they are respect- of•i�ort Aut�ority of the City Ithe corr..oration nar�ed in tne f'ore o ' r g ing instrur.�ent is the cor;�orate seal of �nt was si�ned and sealed on behalf Board of Directors , and said Fursuant to Chapter �, :�Tinnesot� Laws of 1�'76, this pla Zowledged said instrument to be the this day of �9 � � �R.-G�L �." iZ,p.,W1,�/ � ublic , County, ;;inriesota � Actin�; Ra� .ssion Lxr_.ires � - .�o delinquent taxes and transfer entere� t.1is d�y ave surveyed and �latted tne nror.ertv , virector By as A.�LI'�G'_�'ON I:VDI��TitI�,L I r��;; that venartment of I ro�erty Taxation said survey; that ��:11 distances are � nuMents have been correctly nlaced boundary lines are correctly desi�n- l`�egistrar of Titles , County of Ramsey, �tate of T•:innesot ands, easer�ents or public hi�;hways I hereby certify that this nlat o� AI;LI:;G`1�Gpd IP;�I;�T:�I�;L office this day of � , 9 , a� o' c �= filed in Iiook of Plats, �`a�es , a Joel T. Anez Document l�uraber Registered Land Surveyor Zesota Re�istration P�uraber '►3775 � � �'UGL'��� ii. GI?313C��I1.�, : �Y '. and sworn to before r��e , � Notary �80 . . �� ,��x,../ , � blic , �►,�oKp� County, T�"inriesota . sion Exnires_ MAy 3/ST , �qg� � South along said perpendicular �line, a distance of 3'IS feet ; thence .m ��T, , ! �J<i�i.r l.���1�.' West , at right angles, '198.46 feet r�ore or less to said �ast line of CGL::TY `C�1; the railway right-of-way; thence Southerl alon said Las ' � ^� Y, g t lin.. of said railwa ri ht-of-wa On this � Y � y, a distance of 462.35 feet to its inter-. section with the South line of the :�orth ��nd for sa� 776.00 feet of said I��crth- east �uarte�r of the Southwest ;�uarter, which is also the point of t�n�ela ��i. `: ' herein and beginning of the parcel of land to be described; thence :�orth 89 degrees 3'1 minutes 28 seconds East, grid bearing, Minnesota �tate executed tr Plane �oordinate System, Southern `Lone , along said South line of the � I�'orth 7'7F,.00 feet , a distance of 357•75 feet ; thence �outhwesterly �.��°�;, �,.�,��,: ;mi a dist�nce of 42.60 feet alon� a curve not tan�ential with the last �J,fi"+' ,•�•. My Con y..� described line, said curve being concave to the 1lorthwest , having a �►vr�v�r radius of 38.70 feet and a centr.al an�le of 63 degrees 04 miiiutes 'I'1 seconds, with the chord of said curve bearing South 3'I de�rees 0� minutes 34 seconds West ; thence �outhwesterly, �outherly, South- :;rr,i�r, ��;� ;.:: easterly, Lasterly and �Vortheasterly a distance of 254.54 feet along ��L.��✓ ���,( a reverse curve concave to the llortheast having a radius of 6�.00 On t::is � feet and a central angle of 243 degrees 04 minute,s 'I'I seconds, to its �nd or sa: intersection with the South line of the North 864.�0 feet of said l��h��� I�ortheast :tuarter of tr.e Southwest :tivarter; thence ��orth 89 de�rees ively tne � 3'1 minutes 28 seconds East , a2on� said South line of the ��ortr. 864.00 of c�3int i � feet , along a line not tan�;ential to said reverse curve , a distance instru�ent of 398.86 feet , more or less , to its intersection with the east line s�id cor��o; of said P�ortheast ��uarter of the ::�outhwest :,uarter; thence �outh i� saiu ce� OO degrees 46 minutes 06 seconds East , �lonp; saic? East line , a distarlce � of 2�9.0'1 feet, more or less , to its intersection with tt�e �;ortherly fr act ar right-of-way of the Northern Yaci�ic i?ailway Company; thence �outh � � 89 de�rees 24 minutes '1'1 seconds ,Jest , alon� said I�ortrierly �ti�ht-of- way of the ��,orthern Pacific IZailway Co^�nany, a distar�ce of 542.0'I � feet , more or less, to its intersection witYi the i�asterly ri�;ht-of-way ' ' � " line of the Minneapolis , :�t. Paul , and Sault Ste. I�larie ilailway Com -an thence Northwesterly, along said �::asterly ri�ht-of-way line Z , �oel T. r y; of th�_ r'innE:z;,,,� i� , �t. Paul, and �ault Ste. Marie �ailway Com�any, described i a distance of 473.6�, feet to the point of beginnin�. tr�is r,lat i correctly s Have caused the same to be �urveyed, rlatted and known as At�LIPvU�i'UN IPdDU�`1RI�L in t�e �;rou YARK and do hereby dedicate to the �ublic for public use forever Trout Brook ated on the Circle as shown on the plat. other than , ��� � � '� We have hereun�o set our nands thisr� day of�'(�` ,� � � ;;�,: , aigned: ,� � � �`f '� � _ `� _ .,.�" ..�.� �`� ��;�—e .�..�,.�.�" . /' � ... Daniel :�. '.Jo�iak � ,�An�;ela ';J. �o iak :�T�,T:: GF' r:I; • CGI1:`;�Y C'r tiV, ��ort Authprity of the Cit,y of S�int Faul , a t•iinnesota corporation, has caused The �urveyo� these presents to be si�ned�y its proper f icers and its cornorate seal to �-ublic , ti.i: be hereunto affixed this / � day of� �9�D . , Sign : P t Aut ority of the City of Saint 'r'aul �...�.-•�-� � i '��� - �t� � � , y � ��� ,� , G' �j' i t s < �'"'� ,, :._:,__....... -. f�- _ _ � � �_� � r- y �, � ,; �,, City of Sf. Paul Cost /�on Monumenl ; i ' �`� �J " .� �_ _� -' , West Ouorter Corner � - _ ;� ! _ _ ' � '� ' ' �'� � � , i , "-' ' I � � � �-Section 19,T29N-R22W � � � _. ;� , ��_ �� ; , , _ , ; ��; ,� ' ,; � . ' .�� � - �� , ��_ � ' '.:� � � � ; � ' � - I i � � � � Eas1 -�W$s�t � _ , i ,. I ' : _ , --- ------ ' � � � � � � � ` � �� � �, _ �� .. Quo�te� Li� , N89°31'28"E ; - - -- '- � �_ � i � , Sect�on l9 , T29 N- R22 -I--� ' _ _ ----�-- --� L � � � . __ . _ _ � _ " - 127.89 - -. ! __-- Poinl of Beginnmg � � y _ - _- --- ' � � l..- =__-. , -'----------- _--' � --. � � � t ���� ; ��'���t N 89°3l�2 8"E � , , g --_�.— ---,----- - - ----------- - - 13/6. 47 ' � , � � ,��� _�_d — �- - --�-- I , �-_�_-___— 2 2 5.00 �'_ '- EXCEPTION ' ' S 89�3��28���/1/ I � � �� � ' � NW Corner NE%4 SW� ' _ � l--- � 2/700 � ,66.00 , i � - North Li�e NE /Q SW %4 � ; Secfion 19 , T29N-R22l�tI' ' � ` Found �/2 /nch; lron I � � Section 15�, T29,N- R22 W � c} .i, , Pipe Morked; RLS ; �� � , SouYh ;�ne of Ihe North - �W �55 � Q� � � � 33.00 feer p* rhe � , o Z o �° on i NE/q SW% Sec. 19, N � ' � �� °1 � E � T29N- R22W � � � c o � � (� � � � � - o U , o m ��� �,- \0 (V a0 / � � � } r 3 � o I � 0 �,� � � 3 �� Q O N � N V ; vW I o �?� '� �� cn ; z = � � _ - '�' ' O c J `� :�i_ a' o � (V O � -8 �_� � _� ; � , � �._`s' ,,. W�� S 89°3l'28"W �� � � � cv i ' �-= soo; � � Found/2 Inch /ron Pipe � ; , �� �, '> � - - 198. 46 - � , � Y 2/7.00 � i �� � '_; ��% Deed �ga 4s± S 89°3/'28 "W � � O i ' � `J Found %2/nch lron � � � 90_ O O c �� W 8 p5 Morked RL S G ^ r� I �' ' - 5 � O � � v 3 n� - � � � ;__ � � � , �� _ � �. � � � Y � c c c`` • � p ` �.. . � o � 0 v a � - , : o � -_: in �- ln � � ' 4' c� I `!- N �N cc � >- � W a� z i� I �� N Q 111 `� � � � -' � ; c� N N � v n o � !'� M ' i � � � � (p . �� �c� � � � � � N �b W ' I lU n O nl � Pn � � c ° p 0 N N � v ; � o i�, 00 ..: N d- �rt� �_ , ,� � "' o� G � o 0 � ! O N v 7 �y. ' � No�e De/�ac��on anple 2 C1' 0 � � � � �� � �1 �� � `'•� in rrou� Brook Sewer 0 d' � � ' Easemenr �s recordgd � I� ; Z � a � � �('� � � w as 27°24�on 192 7 \ i � � O � ' �- � � � N O � � N measrruc�ion plans� � i � � � , __ - - -- F— U - _��, 4_ II � � , .� sures as /� I . -- - T�OU� � 4T - - ('n � � � - 27°24'IB° (� � , � I j .�.. -._- --- � � � W � Q 1) ` �r J� � �I O � � (v V' Q ` `Or-�'31 CV , Q i V � oa � p j �� (y� Cp � � �� ��' t{� �N � 0 Sou�h lm� o( ihe Nor�h � � � I Z � N �C � � i ; � ti .� �, 6�, `�, %76.00 /ee1 of ihe �+ � i � � �i ;i V ,�� � � � �n � � oo�� j! hE %4 SW iq Sec.� l9, � � I � v � �:_ d' � � T29 N- R�2W � � Q � � - �i � � f �� � � ._' 4 � � �� � ��' ,�66.OU � � 357. 75 � � � ' N89°3/'28 "E � ���� _ � � ; '.:' � 42.60 , -=`_ �'', Rad. 38.70 ,'� ' � � Chd. D�st. 40.49 S � �'` � t3� � Chd. Brg. S 3l°03�34"W ��e,- ' \�3 �� O O- � °� d = 63°04�1/ �� �. 3 c� Q o, , ,� cn � � u •6� -� J' c� c� � , �I �� � 2 � � v, "Q � 4 .� �,s � - 2 v � C� � � 6, � � v- � „ S i � N ���� � �, � � � � � O �` � q __ •� �° '.ry S �� ` � �� ,. � . �� , J �� � � � � 0` p\Q�� ��o2S8o�0228 I o � � � , \ � 2 • ISOo po� �4 S6•,26 �W � u> `- � G l� � ^ � /��� v /. 3 � � o � �� � �'� �'� Q9 s 3 ��, , ., � �„p "''o o' Q , ��°s 0 0� � ��, O s,,, �, � , O � , °SF Q � � `S'- S � o. �., 'S� c�` 6' � op, � � oQ ,� 'c9� , _ --- ul Gronit Monument � � � N 8� N W %4 S %n '•? ' al Plot " . o 1 Center of s 0.17 North 3 � • -- City of St Paul Cast Iron Monument Eas t of The � � North Quarler Corner it. Pauf , �°� � Section 19, T29N-R22W �� Monument tDN � , � o� eclipn; � 19, �, oN 22 W ----� ' , Z ; lonument) 1'��, I , � N 89°31'O!" E •. � _ --- 2633.77 --- -- __ O,_ , 'PTION--� � � m --� �` — �` i � ,' . ; Found P.K. Nail Which Fits Ties -`--�- =- 33.Gi� From St. Paul City Suiveyor For , � Cast Iron Monument Over a '� Granite Monument @ East Ouorter Corner, _,�I Seclion 19 , T29 N - R22 W , � Z � � NOTE � O - � �- O Denotes %2 inch iror O � � I ' by a plastic cap � V I RLS 13 775. N � d- k � � W � �i • Denofes iron monurr ,.I �;I— — -- -- — — — - marked os indicatec . �. � �:�� � • � Bearings ore grid bearings , �" . 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