276000 WHITE - CITY CLERK • �� PINK - FINANCE � CANARY - DEPARTMENT PED—Parkin � BLUE - MAYOR g G I T Y O F S�A I N T PA U L � F le cil N 0 � �6'��� C Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Wf�REA.S, The Council of the City of Sa.int Paul, by Council Resolutiorc� C.F. 273954, adapted October 30, 1979, did authorize the impl�nentation of a one-year dawntawn Fringe Parking Shuttle Servioe Progra¢n o�ncing Novem�er l, 1979, as included in the November 17, 1978, DowntAwn Parking Policy Plan of the Saint Paul Planning ComYLission, and as recce�mended by the Parking Ac�hninistratian; and W�S, In anticipation of the Program's continuanoe, the Parking Ac�iinistration has be�n 000rdir�ating this shuttle progra4n with Operation 85's "Comnut�er Alte.rnatives Program" with the dssire of including this service as an e�layee option; and WI��REAS, The Council of the City of Saint Paul has already established the fLmding program or source for the 1980-81 shuttle service period; and W�, The Parking Administration, aft�r reoeiving endorsc�re.nts frcen the Parking Coamiission and Pl�ni ng Conmission and after cletermining that the best interest of Saint Paul, particularly dcxnmtc�nm Sa.int Paul, would be served by the oontinuation of the Progra¢n for anothex year, has reoomrended tA the City Council, the oontinuation of the Fringe Parking and Shuttle Servioe Program for one additiona.l year. NOW T�'ORE BE IT RESOLVID That the Council of the City of Saint Paul l�ereby authorizes the dawnt,own Fringe Parking and Shuttle Servic�e Progr�¢n, implemented in Council Resolution C.F. 273954, adopted October 30, 1979, to be �ntinued for one additional year beginning November l, 1980. BE IT FURTf�R RESOLUID That the Parking Administration �n addition t�o ha.ving c�n- tinued respansibility for the 000rc7.ination and achni.nistration of the Fringe Parking and Shuttle Servioe Program, shall suY.x�tit quart�erly reports t�o the City Coi.m.cil e�la.ining the program's effectiv�ness. BE IT � RE9�LUED That payment for the Shuttle Servic�e Program shall be made fram parking reven.u�es. COUNCILMEN Requestgd by Department oE: Yeas Nays � Hunt Levine [n Favor � Maddox ,l �°i° v __ Against BY snowa�ter Tedesco ""�"p 1980 Adop by Coun 1: Date NOV 2 5 Form Approved by City Attorney ertified _ed by Council Se etary �,_,�lf� � Appro e y ;Vlayor: Da D�� 1980 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By — BY Gco�GE �. n� - 1l�S�� D E G fi 19�1 j�-�"�`� , . :,�' . � : -. � � � O�� , � ��� { , , \ ; _ . , � � . - ' Nov�ember 2g, 1980 � _, � { . � Cauncilmsn Leon�rd Levine � � - , Chairnoatt, City Develop�ent 8e Transpo�i�atim Co�mi.tL�e - " 7th Floor, city xe1.l. , Dear Coun��lman I�svine t -� , . � ; , ?he City Council todny adopted s reeolution approving the e�rtensian �� . of the 3hut�Ele Hus Con#,�act. Ths matt,er 4P extending hours and a � dfec�x�qion of Yocaticn� Waa referred to tha City Develop�nent 8� Traaaportation Cammittee far ;�urthsr caseiclera�tion. ,i � _ Very,' tr�t�y Yours s . , , , '. - _ R�ae lsix . . � - City Clerk' . , , , ABO:le � - _ ac� �`rJ► �s �'1ID : ' 1 , _. - . � - ; > , : � ' . . � `. _`, t � � - _ � �b_� � -� y � � • � • � . . . � .. � ' . . I , . .� _ . ., �f � . .. � .� . .' . / . _ i Y r . ` . . '� . .. . . _ , . . :� _.. ��' � . . , � , . �. � . . .... . .. . . �..� ` . .� . . ' � . ' i ':1 ' � -:'�4��*�� F . , � ' .. ... ' . � :. - '. . � • . si: = ' � � _ . " . / ' . . - . I . � i. . �'"x2:"� , . . ... , ' . . . . �,f� �- J� ' � . . - . 1 �,• . � . . i �r ��'� ~ � ,__. ` _ � ' .. • . �{�. �,.I_'�' _ . 1 -. It. ' .._ ,:� �M.: � ; � .i - .. . . ` . . . . ' \.. � _ ..-. .. . ,' . . y� � � T�. . .. . . ��.. , . . .. , _ . .. ' • _� � : . . \. .�.�' '��� , . . �. W. - ' �. � � .^- , . , - - - � .4 T. ... . . . .. , , . . .. .: . . . ' � . . �. �� .. . � . l. . _ �.. , i � � '- - �... . �"..F�,. '. � , . __'V •• � - :� � - .. .� .. ' .:/ . y . . . ., -� . • � '. � .. ..' . . . �.-" � :��� �. : �1 .� . e - . �"' �_ ' .. . �. . �A. . .• • . .. ., i . � . r� _ .. ". �" . . �. � . . . - . � . . ' i . i .+� � ' � .. .�_� .. . . . . . � . !.. _ . - ' . � � �. . . '- _. . � . . . ... .. . . _ ..:. • : . _ . . , ' '�. .. . i ,'e- ... � .-.. 1 . .-• . " .� . . _.; � � . . , . . � _ _ •._ r � � .i \ .. ,� - . .. . . . _ " ,- - - r NOV'eNbCl' 2�j� 19SU - i - _ ' . _ . -� _ _ - . .� _ . , •`- r _ . COt1IIC�1mBli LCOII�TQ�,I�Y�[!@ _ : . � _ - � . Chairman, City Developmeat b Transportatioa Committee � _ � - _ - - � " 7th �'loor, Cittiy �all , l - ` - _ _ - . . Dear CounciLman Lsvirie t . -� . �. " � . ,. . - < � . � � � - � The City Council todeEy adopted a`resolution approving�'the°extensioa . - . �- of the Shuttle -Bus Con#xact. The mat�er of extending hours�and� a - ''� , - diecusaion of Iocation� waa rePerred to .the;�ity Developanerit :$��'' . � TransportEation Committee for.�urther. conaideration. , �•- :•. " � - 'l . � � �. � � . �- � 'l .Very..tr� ��D! . . � ` - �`�• _ . � y. , , , _ \ , t , � � , - - � . � . ! • - -- ' _ ,. RUee Mix . � • City Clerk' :. , - ,_ . , - -• , - � , . . , � . . - - . : � . ABO:ls �� . - � - . - ! _. _ ' , � ' � ` ' , . r , - • � - " '�„, _. � � . � CC: B81'Ty $1$O11� P'�.D- " ' ,t,. ' '' - ,- - - -. , � • � . � . . _ . .. _ _ _ , . . :. /, : . � ..,, l . ,. ,. __. . � 'r_ , : .. . - . . _.- . : _ _ ' , • ',/ 1� . _ . . .. .� • � . � _ � � . _ � . . .. . * � . � . . .� - '' � ' ' . . �,y+ }{.: d. � �. �� � . -., - - ' .- � � ' �� .• �•- .. r . : . �. . -. - . . _ . • :. .. .� . _ . � . :. . .� .- ..y .� ... . � . . _ � . �+-�.� . .. . :� ., ... • .. �_.` '...' . ./ _, , . , _ . . . �� ' . . ' �, .. . x j�r r '� � � •�` ' - . ... . . . ..� , . . i _ . . � �. _ - . ' ' . .�� . . � - . 'l . . �. .. ' .. •, .. . . _ . .` . ..J � � - . ` � i ' . .. . � _ .. . . - . � . . � . . � _ . . . I I , . ' ' ' . . . .. � . • . . _ .- ,J . . . . ' • / . . . � _ _ ' � . �, � r; , n � r n !a -� � - ^ ,� " r � - - - - .. - - - - _ �. Canary- vendor 1285-EXTENSION Goldenrod— Fi�ance/Contract CITY OF SAINT PAUL � Green—Purchasing PURCHASING DIVISION ThIS number fYIUSt appear on Blue— Receiving/Payment Pink— Department 25 WEST FOURTH STREET • SAINT PAU�,MN 55102 all invoices and correspondence White—Finance/Encumber �218t1i19 t0 th15 OfdBf. { PURCHASE ORDER CONTRACT October 31, �9so � „ � DATE PAGE 1 1 REQUISITION NUMBER TERMS �yarKet IN� Yar�lilg Fund-Fringe Shuttle ��26004 BID NUMBER BUYER PHONE DELIVER A8389-D arolyn Bolen 298-4819 TO VENOOR SERVICE CONTRAG�T �+ COLUMBIA TRANSIT CORP. '� MAIL INVOIPl�1��R1� �c� Economic Develo ment 1102 N. Snelling Ave. � P � St. Paul, MN 55108 T� 25 W. 4th St. St. Paul, MN 55102 You are the lowest res onsible bidder meetin the s ecifications of the above bid and have a reed to rovide the followin at the rices notec� QUANTITY DESCRIPTOON UNIT COST AMOUNT Extension of Contract for SHUTTLE BUS SERVICE in accord with the specifications on Bid A8389-D for a twelve ,� month period commencing November 3, 1980 through '' October 30, 1981. Service rate is $33.10 per hour per vehicle. No Administrative costs are to be charged to the City. Columbia will provide: 4 Shuttle buses, painted, with uniformed drivers � ' and stereo equipment, operating 4� hours per � � � weekday, 7-9 a.m. and 4-6 p.m. , for the contract � term. Additional shuttle buses during the contract term if the fringe parking program expands. '�� Estimated cost of contract.................... ..... ...... $183,804 3C Above cost based on four (4)buses for a period of two �nt s and five (5) buses for a period of ten months . (beginning January 1, 1981) Original contract service rate: $22.17 x 5 hrs =$110.85 plus admin:.strati�e charge of $25.84 = $136.69 per vehicle per day. New contract service rate: $33.10 x 4.5 hrs=$148.95 per vehicle per day. 2 ��` ^��� �. A-c_c.�,�,,,,,,�-,,�e.oa��.a; �t ovs��D�;r� 6 � � 10/31/80/Bolen/pm J�-N��< <I�� �'C�i�"���j�g I ' 3 ��� � �2� - �— VENDOR—Your bid, this purchase order, and such plans and specifications as may be referred to constitute the contract between you a: the City. Additionally, you may not commence work or make delivery under this purchase orde�until applicable performance bond,certii cate of insurance and Human Rights compliance as required by the City's invitation to bid form or plans and specifications are filed an app�oved in the Department of Finance and Management Services.Performance bonds are not required for the delivery of goods onty. This purchase is exempt from Minnesota Sales and Use Tax under Statutes 297A.01 to 297A.44,also Federal Excise and Transportatic taxes.�ietain this P.O.as proof of t exempt sale. � __ / . / / /. //.i C'� . l I'/. .,� -. /S ;� ,•�S�_ � fY ,__ . .,�: , �'�'rY O�►�` ►�.�Ii�7''�' �AT7T� �+ (6��Q ;,i':� ' � l c",.� . OFFI�CE flF 3'HE CIT�' GflII��IL ` `��a;+� kt� . s..—. .ne1�.>�vsa�,.� ,. }'�: 5�7�39fYdCC�L�:� . � ; ��3_�•- � • . �F=� �-�. 0 a t e : November 20, 1980 tit.�;� .r--" :,._ �r; - CV � � ti 1 � � � � � � � ! T � : Saint Paut City Counci! . FRON� � Committ�e OCi FINANCE, "1ANAGEl�1ENT & PERSOfJNEL . , George McMahon, choi�-man, makes the fol lowing report on C.F. -[� Ordinance (3) XX Resolution � �ther � TITLE : At its meeting of November 20, 1980, the Finance Committee recorr�nended approval of the.following: . __ ._ 15. Resolutior. transferring $193,5�J6.21 to Winter Street Maintenance Activity. ` 16. Resolution approving the 911 Emergency Telephone Services System Program. 17. Resolution a rovin extension of Shuttle Bus Contract. Pp 9 CITY F�AI.L SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL, I�IItiNE�OTA 5�IO2 ;:�,::,