275993 M�HITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT �PALTL Council ��599� CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAYOR Flle NO. Council Resolution Presented By George McMahon Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, That upon recommendation of the Mayor and pursuant to Section 10.07.4 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul , there is hereby transferred the following in the 1980 budget: From: General Government Accounts . Existing Obligations 09105-537-000 - Transfer or Contribution Special Fund $ 90,762.00 To: Department of Public Works Division of Operations Winter Street Maintenance 02271-ii1-000 - Salaries $ g0,762.00 Approved as to Funding: Approved: i � � Di rector, p tment of Fine�ce ,� dget Di rec or and Manageme ervices /�� !.l�m ����BD �� �-/'I COUNCILMEN Yeas Hunt Nays Requested by Department of: �evine � PUb 1 i C WOt'k5 M-�-idoY In Favor ^/ JFS) �'`� V Against BY — ( sno,�, ;±_.: �� V��'� NOV 2 � ','��1 Form Approved by Ci y tto � Adopted oun 1: Date �""� Cert ied Pas• by Cou cil Secretary BY ! � t\p o by Mavor: D � Ap o by Mayolrfo ubmi ion Council BY - — BY 0 E C 6 1980 '9 ,_. . .:�_ �I�.'Y ��-' �"A3T�7'�C' �.E�.�CTL ��5�93 {+� �,} r �_, OI+':E�TC�+ O]E' THE �ITY GOIIiv'CIL , ►U yi 1 ::, f;'" _;� a;��';�;� <.• i�^. a7�.�-wya',��,-^ :s:. ►'° ��t.�«aera,� . - , Xt. �� � Da t e . November 20, 198� �:�s ..r.+': --�..._.,�..-r_ � .. C O l 7� �Y/ � i �1... � � L � V �� _ TO : Soint Pnul Ci�ty Coun�il � FROM � Comrr�ittee on FINANCE, "1ANAGEMENT & PERSONNEL � George McMahon, choirman, makes the following report on C.F. -� Ordinance (3) XX Resoiution � �ther - TiTLE : At its meeting of November 20, 1980, the Finance Committee recorr�nended approval of the_fol l owi n9: �O �6� o�i - __- -_ _. 15. ResoTution transferring $1 . o Winter Street Me�intenance Activity. 16. Resolution approving the 911 Emergency Telephone Services System Program. 17. �Resolution approving extension of Shuttle Bus Contract. � CITY HA.LL SEVENTf�I FLOOR SAINT PAUL, 1ilti�iESOTA 5�102 �„,