275991 WHITE - CITYCLERK 2��599� PINK - FINANCE � CANARY - DEPARTMENT G I T Y O F S A I N T PA U L COUtIC1I BLUE - MAYOR File N O. � Council Resolution Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, that upon recommendation of the Mayor and pursuant to Section 10.07.4 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, there is hereby transferred the following in the 1980 budget: From: General Government Accounts Workers' Compensation 09020-442-000 Temporary Total, Temporary, Partial or Permanent Total $5,000.00 To: Financial Forms 09080-241-000 Printing - Outside $5,000.00 Approved as to ' g: Approved: irector, Depart nt of Finance an�� dget Direc or Ma.nagement Services /°�;/�D / �� �01`�/8'a COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requestgd by Department of: Hunt Levine In Favor Maddox _/ #AeM�ca C� B snowa�ter __ A gai n s t Y �edesee Wilson N�� 2 5 �98� Form Ap�roved by ity Attorneq A ted by Cou il: Date — � _.._. Certifi ssed by Cou ci1 Secre ry BY �� ��'�--� r'� App o by :Vlayor: t DEC 1 198 prove Mayor for S mis 'o�e-to Council By — BY �� J E C 61g8Q ` , � : �. � � � �� � � � � � � 4��z. �I2��975 ., r�. � =� C ��# ` � 8��� � )• x `.s l, �. �; �(.9'r'��+i/ ' ., • . , , , . i , ' .' . . , .., '.� . ..,,�� �c., . � � .. . � . . �. � . . - . - � y`. EXPLAI�ATION :Q�" �Dl�INTSTR�►��VE �O�tI?�� � . E �+ f � 4 �.��..r� r. j . �� � , RESOLO.TYOxs, -Ax� a.�n���r���� \ '':. : . . ,� , , �� itate.:` O��Q��r. ].3, 198fl � ;_ _, , : _ _ , > _ TO: MliYt�R GEQ�tGE I.ATIMER - ,.; ,�r'; � P R: B�jta�aa�r�.J. Carlsory� ; �� , . 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C�F ►��3.�:�v'�T �AUI. • � OFFI�'�' C3�' THF CITY COU�GZL �'" ��� , A��;;r;�--� _ � �J •i� . =""-"�-`� November 20, 1980 �� - � Date . �;w =��.. .. CiQ � � �� i � � f� L.. �� V �i � T O : Sainf Pau! City CQ�►���i F R O�1I � COCC1t'nt���C ��t FINANCE, MANAGEMENT & PERSONNEL George P9cMahon , chai�man, makes the following repart on C. �'. [� Ordinanc� (7) � Resolution � Qfih?r T �TLE : . . At its meeting of November 20, 1980, the Finance Committee recommended approval of the following: . _ � 8. Resolution extending hospitalization and medical insurance .�OManagertPhysician t physician H��rking full-time in the title of Clinical Program g in the Special Employment Group at Health Division. (11468-G41) � ; 9. Resolution extending hospitalization and medical insurance coverage to employees working in the class of Interpreter/Health in .the Health Division. (11467-GM) 10. Resolution transferring $5,000 from Workers' Compensation Account .to Financial Forms. 11 . Resolution transferring $20,000 from tdorkers' Compensation Account to Fire Department Uniform A7lowance ($8s000) and Fire Department Medical Fees {$12,000). . 12. Resolution transferring $40,000 from t�lorkers' Compensation Account to City Attorney Administration, Outside Printing, for printing of Legislative Code. 13. Resolution transferring $337,956 from Workers' Compensation Account to Police Department for gasoline, vehicle repair and salaries.. 14. Resolution transferring $6,000 from Contingent Reserve to Public tdorks, Traffic Division, for funding permit parking costs. (CONTINUED . . .) CITY Fir'iLL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL, l�iiN�IESO�TA 5�102 � ' , _..._ ._.,.,,,s...,..-