275985 WHPTE - CITV ER - 2��59�5 �
BLUE - MAVOR � Flle NO. �
Counc 'l e ol t ' n
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
RESOLVED, That upon the recommendation of the Mayor and pursuant to
Section 10.07.04 of the Charter of the City of St. Paul , there is hereby
transferred the followi�g in the 1980 budget.
. From General Government Accounts
Contingent Reserve
0906�-536-000 Transfer or Contribution
Budget Fund $ 6,000.00
To Depa�tment of Public Works
Traffic Division
Traffic Maintenance
02281-241-000 Printing - Outside $ 2,000.00
02281-337-000 Signing Materials 4,000.00
$ 6,000.00
Ap ved as to Funding: Approved :
Director, De . of Finance and 'B dget Direct r ,
Management S vice
�GZ�'1 ���'���0 ,�'W"f dl��l � .
Yeas Hunt Nays / , Requested by Department of:
Levine �� In Favor Pub 1 i c ks
Maddox � ! �
�� __ Against BY
sho,"=�t°� Di rector
son NOV 2 5 i','�i�� Form Approved by City Attorney
Adop by Counc . Date
rtified P� ed b Council Se�retary B� � �j8r�
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App v y Mayor: Dat —
��C App e by Mayor for sion to Council
By — BY
D F C 6 19611
' �" � � vM a� : 1Z/1975
� EXPkANAT I 0N OF ADM�?J I STRAT I VE QRdERS, Rev: 9/8/7b , f I�9� v T
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Dates July 30, 1980 �G� a7C?�
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FR: Donald E. Nygaard � a�
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�E: Experim�nta.l residential permit parking. 4 YQR•S ����
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ACTION REQUESTED: Ap�roval of the attacl�ed ordinarice and resolution.
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See atta.cY�ed letter.
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'��''���,m;°6,;,��-'�� 600 City Hall Annex, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102
GEORGE LATIMER 612-298-4241
August 4, 1980
Honorable George Latimer
347 City Hall
St. Paul, NIl�i 55102
Dear Mayor Latimer:
Autca�uobile parking in many residential areas adjacent to older cc�mercial
areas or institutians that do not have adequate off-street parking creates
considerable friction within these neighborhoods. As you are aware, we do
spend considerable staff tim�e attempting to resolve tl�ese probleqns with
parking regulations that provide relief to the residents without placing
undue burden on the non-resident vehicle trip attractor.
During the past two years, residents in several areas have suggested a sys- -
tem of preferential parking to allo�a the residents to secure a pern�it to park
on the street up to 24 hours while restricting non-residents to a l�mited
time parking. Follow�ng a public hearing before the City Council, w�e were
directed by Council File #274523 to establish guidelines for a one year
experimental pernzit parking area in the vicinity of the William Mitchell
College of Law and the University of Minnesota St. Paul Ca�us.
We have made several studies of parking demands on the residential streets
and met with the resident representatives and the school ac�ninistrators
while developing this Ordinance. During this process, several requests for
increased City services v�re made. The follc�ring is our understanding of
these requests and our rec�ndations:
University of Minnesota St. Paul Campus
The Ordinance would establish No Parking Anytime on the west side of Cleveland
Ave. between Scudder St. and Dudley Ave. The residents would support this
parking ban if the City agreed to install a traffic semaphore at Cleveland
Ave. and Cosmr�nwealth Ave. Our recce�mendation is that the construction of
the semapYiore should stand by itself in the priority list for funding.
William Mitchell College of Law
The new scYiool administration is seeking a solution to the parking problems
in the neighborhood, and �ae have had several productive meetings with the
school ac�ministration, the student bar association and the residents. The
school administrators are investigating a long term lease for the House of
Hope parking lot and providing a shuttle betw�een the parking lot and school.
'I'hey have also hired an architect to investigate enlarging the existing off-
street parking lot.
, Honorable George•Latim�r . August 4, 1980 Page 2
. . �
' The school has indicated it would not oppose the enactm�ent of this Ordinance
if the City w�uld ame.nd the Ordinance to establish student parking only on
the perimeter of the school. Z'he residents appear to be willing to accept
this only if the permit system was established to enforce the parking regu-
While this is a reasonable c�rcxnise, the City attorneys have advised us
that we cannot sanction a parking regulation that reserves on-street parking
for students only on the public street. Providing preferential parking for
c�muters adjacent to a residential pezmit parking area would weaken the
purpose for this ordinance. Presently, without any regulation, the on-street
parking around the perimeter of the institution is utilized a]m�st exclu-
sively by the students. Therefore, we feel ameriding the Ordinance is not
Since many of the students walk to and from their cars at night, they have
requested a survey of existing lighting conditions. The street lighting on
the residential streets north of SLUrtrdt Ave. was constructed in 1974 and
meets the standards for residential lighting. Th,e Public Works 5 year con-
struction program includes upgrading of the lighting system to provide in-
creased light level on SLmgnit Ave. west of Victoria St. in 1981 and east of
Victoria St. in 1982.
The school adm�nistration has also requested increased. security protection
for th�e student body from 4:00 PM to midnight. Part of this increase in
security will be provided by the police when they are enforcing the permit
parking regulations.
We have estimated the signing costs, printing of permits, chec.king motor
vehicle ownership, and so forth will cost about $6,000. The attached reso-
lution provides for a fund transfer to pay these costs. Salaries wnuld be
funded out of the Public Works budget. The receipts from ��;t fees wr�uld
go into the general fund. We do not laZaa how many permits will be sold at
$5 each, but there are a]most 350 residential units in the vicinity of the
University of Minnesota St. Paul Campus area and about 90 residential units
in the William Mitchell College of Law Area.
We have set up a project rnunber for permit parking to keep track of the costs
for th�e one year program. If this program is extended, we will then have
information on costs to det.ermine an appropriate permit fee.
Donald E. Nygaard, D ec r
Public Works Departrnent
cc: PZary Jane Jordan
Henry Bellaws
Greg Haley
Robert Oliphant
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�"�'�"�`� November 20, 1980
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Tp : Soint Paul City CQUn�il -
�� � � : C�������►e p� FINANCE, MANAGEMENT & PERSONNEL
George P1cMahon, chaifman, makes the foltawing
repart on C.F.
� Ordinance
(7) (�X Resotu�ion
[� Other
TIT �.E � : . _ �
At its meetiny of November 20, 1980, the Finance Committee recommended approval
of the following: . �
g. Resolution extending hospitalization and medical insurance coManagertPhysician �
physician working full time in the title of Clinical Proqrar� �
in the Special Employment Group at Health Division. (11468-GP1) - �
9. Resolution extending hospitalization a�dreter/Healthuinn.thecHealtheDivision.
employees working in the class of Inte p , . : .
10. Resolution transferring $5,000 from Workers' Compensation Account to
Financial Forms.
11 . Resolution transferring $20,OO�J from Workers' Compensation Account to
Fire Department Uniform Allowance ($8,000) and Fire Department Medical
Fees ($12,0�0).
12. Resolution transferring $40,�J00 from l�lorkers' Compensation Account to City
Attorney Administration, Outside Printing, for printang of Legislative Code. .
13. Resolution transferring $337,956 from Workers' Compensation Account to
Police Department for gasoline, vehicle repair and salaries.
14. Resolution transferring �6,000 from Contingent Reserve _to Public Works, �
Traffic Division, for funding permit parking costs. �� ,i;,}�,,��-:� �� ,� �, �
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