00-794Council File # O�—��� ORIG{NAL Presented By Green Sheet # 110104 RESOLUTION ,T�' O� INT PAUL, MiNNESOTA aa a.� C�°---�- Referred To Committee: Date 1 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul wishes to enter into a contract with Mn/DOT to reconstruct 2 the traffic signal system at the intersection of Snelling Avenue (Trunk Highway 5) and Grand 3 Avenue according to City of Saint Paul Public Works Traffic Division plans numbered T-1290 and 4 State of Minnesota Project Number 6215-84; and 5 6 WHEREAS, the total cost estimate of this project is $116,937 of which the Minnesota 7 Department of Transportation (Mn/DOT) will participate in 50% of the construction costs because 8 the traffic control signai will benefit the flow of traffic on Snelling Avenue (Trunk Highway 51); and 9 10 WHEREAS, payment to the City of Saint Paul from Mn/DOT will be based on final project 11 costs and authorized by Mn/DOT Agreement Number 80361; and i2 13 WHEREAS, City of Saint Paul Department of Public Works staff have reviewed the costs 14 and terms of said agreement and recommend that it be approved and executed on behalf of the 15 City of St. Paul. 16 17 NOW, THEREFQRE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby 18 approves Minnesota Department of Transportation Agreement Number 80361; and 19 20 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Council ofi the City of Saint Paul hereby directs that 21 the proper City officials be authorized to execute Mn/DOT Agreement Number 80361 on behalf of 22 the City of Saint Paul and sign all documents associated with it. Requested by Department of: PLibi1C w BY: Adopted by Council: Date °�,�_ (� 'a-opb Form Approved by City Attorn4+y r y � _ p Adoption Certified by Council Secretary �{'�I� �.L��D/w� $. �C�, f) D $Y� a B y' ��-� 't=�� � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Approved by Mayor: ate �� ��v By: BYc DEPARTMENAOPFICFJCDUNQI DA7EINITIATED `GR�EEN SHEET NO ��O�O�I V Public Works - Traffic Engineering __ _ f 7l31100 � wm � q � NmA 3� �croR ASSIGN / BY roAT� NUMBEfl FOR � � p �� N � ( R�IifINr' �FlNANCIALSEqVICESDIR ORDER � MAYOR (�R PSSISTMfI) � DIVISIONHEAD TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES �� (CLIP ALL LOCATONS FOR SiGNATUR� — Q cm coureca � 6 8�crtvca.�K � �FlN.SERVICES/ACCT. _ ACTIONflEWESIED Sign off on Council Resolution approving MnIDOT Agreement No. 80361 between Mn/DOT and the City ofi St. Paul to reconstruct the traffic signal on Snelling Avenue and Grand Avenue. RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) PLANNING COMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE CNIL SERVICE COMMISSION PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 1. Has this personffirm ever worked under a contract for this department? YES NO 2. Has this personffirrn ever been a city employee? YES NO 3. Does this personlfirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any curreni city employee? YES NO Explain all yes answers on separete sheet and attach to green sheet IWTIATING PftOBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNIiY (WHO. WFIAT, WHEN, WHERE, WH1�: The intersection of Snelling & Grand in St. Paul has become very congested with pedestrian and vehicle traffic. The intent of the traffic signal reconstruction is to add left tum arrows on ali approaches to the intersection. Mn1DOT has agreed to participate in the funding for this project. ADVANTA�ESIFAPPROVED: The iniersection of Snelling & Grand will operate more efficiently and be safer for motorists and pedestrians. MnlDOT funding will be secured for the project. �EV G� V G� NONEncES �F naPaovEO: E�C G1TY ATTORN DISAOVAfJTAGES IF NOT APPROVFA: intersection improvements wiii not be made, and Mn/DOT funding wiii be lost. TOTAI AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ j � 6,937.00 COSq1iEVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) � NO FUNDINCaSOURCE Trunk Highway (50% ACINSrYNUMBEH COO�N010 n ^ MSA (50 /o) �F�ii c FINANCIA� INfORMA'(ION: (IXPLAIN) "'� AUG 17 200� -{ a c -�i°►`� MINNESOiA TRANSPORTATION DEPAR'I`�I3T . TRAFFIC CONTROL SIGNAL AGREEMENT NO. 80361 BETWEEN THE STATE OF MINNESOTA, DEPARTMEI3`I` OF TRANSPORTATION AND ' . THE CITY OF $T. PAiSL TO Revise the existing Txaffic Control Signal with Street Lights, Emergency Vehicle Pre-emption and Signing on Trunk Highway No. 51 (Snelling Avenue) at Grand Avenue; and Install InterconnecC on Trunk Highway No. 51 (Snelling Avenue) from Summit Avenue to St. Clair Avenue in St. Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota. S.P. 6215-84 S.A.P. 164-141-09 C.P. 00-T-1290 Prepared by `Praffic Engineering ESTIIVL�TED AMOUNT RECEIVABLE None AMOLNT ENCU�'ERED 551,782.�4 � ��� \ PARTIES THIS AGREEMENT is entered into by the Minnesota Department of Transportation, (6tate) and the City of St. Paul, (City). RECITALS Minnesota Statutes Section 161.20 authorizes the Commissioner of TransportaCion to enter into agreements with any governmental authority for the purposes of constructing, maintaining and improving the Trunk Highway system. The parties desire to revise the existing traffic control signal.including street liqhts, (Traffic Control Signal), and install signing,.(Signing) on Trunk Highway No. 51 (Snelling Avenue) at Grand Avenue; and install traffic signal interconnect, (Interconnect) on Trunk Highway No. 51 (Snelling Avenue} from Summit Avenue to St. Clair Avenue. The City requests and the State agrees to the installation of an Emergency Vehicle Pre-emption System, (EVP System�, as a part of the revised Traffic Control Signal installation. The existing traffic control signals on Trunk Highway No_ 51 (Snelling Avenue) are operated and maintained by City forces, and it is considered in the best interest of the public 80361 -1- 00 .�►q� � to perform the revised Traffic Control 6ignal, EVP System, Signing and Interconnect work,�with City forces and equipment. It is in the public's best interest for the City to provide a new cabinet and controller, for said revised Traffic Control Signal. The City and State will participate in the cost, maintenance and operation of the revised Traffic Control Signal, EVP System, Signing and Snterconnect. CONTRACT 1. The City will prepare the necessary plan, specifications and proposal, (Preliminary Engineering). The City wi11 also perform all necessary construction inspection, (Engineerin� and Inspection). 2. The Cost of Construction, (Construction Cost) consists of the contract cost of the work or, if the work is not contracted, the actual cost of all labor, materials, and equipment rental required to complete the work. Construction Cost does not include the cost of providing the gower supply to the service pole or pad. 3. The City, with its own resources, will perform the Traffic Control Signal, EVP System, Signing and Interconnect work, (City Force Account U1ork), provided for under State Project 80361 -2- � po -'19'� No_ 6215-84, State Aid Project No. 164-141-09 and City Project No. 00-T-1290 with the Construction Costs shared as follows: a. Trunk Highway No. 51 (Snelling Avenue) at Grand Avenue. Revise Traffic Control Signal (includes controller and cabinet) and EVP System, and install 5igning. Estimated Construction Cost is $71,365.00. State's share is 50 percenC. City's share is 50 percent. b. Trunk Highway No. 51 {Snelling Avenue) at Grand Avenue. Furnish Signing. Estimated � Construction Cost is $435.00. State's share is 55 percent. City's 'share is 45 percent. c. On Trunk Highway No. 51 (Snelling Avenue) from SummiC Avenue Co SC. C1air Avenue. Install Interconnect. Estimated Construction Cost is $24,050.00. State`s share is 50 percent. City's share is 50 percent. 4. The City Force Account Work must be under the direction and supervision of the City. The State wi11 have the right to periodically inspect said work. 5. Force account records will be made for a11 labor, materials and equipment. Copies of these force account records 80361 -3- . oa _�qy will be made in triplicate on forms provided by the State's Assistant Division Engineer at Roseville or his/her designated representative, and must be signed each day by auChorized personnel of both parties. Payment for labor, materials, and equipment hours will be based on these records. All actual and related indirect costs of the City will be accumulated in accordance with its established accounting procedures. 6. The State will pay the City for the State's share of the actual Construction Costs [as specified in Paragraph 3] for the City Force Account Work plus eight percent of such actual Construction Costs for the cost of Engineering and Inspection. The State will only pay for work which is completed and approved by the State's Assistant Division Engineer at Roseville or hisfher designated representative. The City must submit an invoice, in quintuplicate, to the State's Assistant Division Engineer at Roseville itemizing the cosCs and signed by a responsible City official certifying that the City Force Account Work has been completed in compliance with this agreement. The invoice and supporting records are subject to audit by the State's representative. 7. The City will maintain al1 books, documents, papers, accounting records and other evidence pertaining to costs incurred in connection with the City Eorce Account Work performed 80361 -4- u p -`lqy hereunder for a period of not less than 6 years after final payment. The City will make such.materials available at its office at all reasonable times for inspection by the State and copies thereof shall be furnished upon request. 8. The State's estimated obligation under this agreement is $51,782.49. This estimate consists of the Stiate's share of the Construction Costs and Engineering and Inspection costs for the City Force Account Work. If it appears likely, at any time, that the actual project costs will require an adjustment in the StaCe's estimated obligation, the City will immediately request such adjustment from State's Assistant Division Engineer at Roseville or his/her designated representative. The State wi11 review and, subject to the availability of State funds, approve, reject or modify the City's request. If the State approves such request, the State wi11 encumber additional funds and then issue a notice to proceed. Any additional expenses incurred by the City prior to receiving notice to proceed may not be reimbursed by the State. The State's maximum obligation under this contract will not exceed 120% of the amount shown in this Paragraph as the State's estimated obligation, except by a fully-executed amendment to this agreement. 80361 -5- a �o -'194 9. The City will be responsible for the cost and application to secure an adequate power supply to the service pad or pole. Upon completion of this project, the City will thereafter pay all monthly electrical service e�cpenses necessary to operate the Traffic Control Signal, Interconnect and EVP System. 10. Upon completion of this project, the City will, at its cost and expense, maintain and keep in repair the revised Traffic Control Signal, EVP System, Signing and Interconnect. 11. Each party will be solely responsible for its own acts and omissions, and the results thereof, to the extent authorized by law. The State's liability is governed by the Minnesota Tort Claims Act, Minnesota Statutes Section 3.736. Each party wi11 be solely responsible for its ocvn employees for any Workers Compensation Claims. 12_ All timing of the revised Traffic Control Signal will be initially determined by the City. Adjustments of the signal timing may be determined by the State, and no changes may be made except with the approval of the State. 13. Upon execution and approval by the City and the State and completion of the construction work provided for herein, this agreement will supersede and terminate the 80361 -6- oo _�qy operations and maintenance terms of any existing Agreements that may exist between the parties. 1a. Any amendment to this Agreement must be in writing and wi11 not be effective until it has been executed and approved by the same parties who executed and approved the original Agreement, or their successors in office. 15. If the State fails to enforce any provisions of this Agreement, that failure does not waive the provision or its right to enforce it. 16. This Agreement contains all negotiations and agreements between the parties. No other understanding regarding this Agreement, whether written or oral, may be used to bind either party. 17. Minnesota law governs this Agreement. Venue for all legal proceedings arising out of this contract, or its breach, must be in the appropriate state or federal court with competent jurisdiction in Ramsey County, Minnesota. 18. This Agreement is effective on the date the State obtains all required signatures under Minnesota Statutes 16C.05, Subdivision 2, and will remain in effect until terminated by written agreement of the parties. The State may immediately terminate this Agreement at any time if it does not obtain funding from the Minnesota legislature, or other funding source, 80361 -7- oo-�qy or if funding can not be continued at a level sufficient to complete the work under this Agreement. :� Council File # O�—��� ORIG{NAL Presented By Green Sheet # 110104 RESOLUTION ,T�' O� INT PAUL, MiNNESOTA aa a.� C�°---�- Referred To Committee: Date 1 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul wishes to enter into a contract with Mn/DOT to reconstruct 2 the traffic signal system at the intersection of Snelling Avenue (Trunk Highway 5) and Grand 3 Avenue according to City of Saint Paul Public Works Traffic Division plans numbered T-1290 and 4 State of Minnesota Project Number 6215-84; and 5 6 WHEREAS, the total cost estimate of this project is $116,937 of which the Minnesota 7 Department of Transportation (Mn/DOT) will participate in 50% of the construction costs because 8 the traffic control signai will benefit the flow of traffic on Snelling Avenue (Trunk Highway 51); and 9 10 WHEREAS, payment to the City of Saint Paul from Mn/DOT will be based on final project 11 costs and authorized by Mn/DOT Agreement Number 80361; and i2 13 WHEREAS, City of Saint Paul Department of Public Works staff have reviewed the costs 14 and terms of said agreement and recommend that it be approved and executed on behalf of the 15 City of St. Paul. 16 17 NOW, THEREFQRE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby 18 approves Minnesota Department of Transportation Agreement Number 80361; and 19 20 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Council ofi the City of Saint Paul hereby directs that 21 the proper City officials be authorized to execute Mn/DOT Agreement Number 80361 on behalf of 22 the City of Saint Paul and sign all documents associated with it. Requested by Department of: PLibi1C w BY: Adopted by Council: Date °�,�_ (� 'a-opb Form Approved by City Attorn4+y r y � _ p Adoption Certified by Council Secretary �{'�I� �.L��D/w� $. �C�, f) D $Y� a B y' ��-� 't=�� � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Approved by Mayor: ate �� ��v By: BYc DEPARTMENAOPFICFJCDUNQI DA7EINITIATED `GR�EEN SHEET NO ��O�O�I V Public Works - Traffic Engineering __ _ f 7l31100 � wm � q � NmA 3� �croR ASSIGN / BY roAT� NUMBEfl FOR � � p �� N � ( R�IifINr' �FlNANCIALSEqVICESDIR ORDER � MAYOR (�R PSSISTMfI) � DIVISIONHEAD TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES �� (CLIP ALL LOCATONS FOR SiGNATUR� — Q cm coureca � 6 8�crtvca.�K � �FlN.SERVICES/ACCT. _ ACTIONflEWESIED Sign off on Council Resolution approving MnIDOT Agreement No. 80361 between Mn/DOT and the City ofi St. Paul to reconstruct the traffic signal on Snelling Avenue and Grand Avenue. RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) PLANNING COMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE CNIL SERVICE COMMISSION PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 1. Has this personffirm ever worked under a contract for this department? YES NO 2. Has this personffirrn ever been a city employee? YES NO 3. Does this personlfirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any curreni city employee? YES NO Explain all yes answers on separete sheet and attach to green sheet IWTIATING PftOBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNIiY (WHO. WFIAT, WHEN, WHERE, WH1�: The intersection of Snelling & Grand in St. Paul has become very congested with pedestrian and vehicle traffic. The intent of the traffic signal reconstruction is to add left tum arrows on ali approaches to the intersection. Mn1DOT has agreed to participate in the funding for this project. ADVANTA�ESIFAPPROVED: The iniersection of Snelling & Grand will operate more efficiently and be safer for motorists and pedestrians. MnlDOT funding will be secured for the project. �EV G� V G� NONEncES �F naPaovEO: E�C G1TY ATTORN DISAOVAfJTAGES IF NOT APPROVFA: intersection improvements wiii not be made, and Mn/DOT funding wiii be lost. TOTAI AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ j � 6,937.00 COSq1iEVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) � NO FUNDINCaSOURCE Trunk Highway (50% ACINSrYNUMBEH COO�N010 n ^ MSA (50 /o) �F�ii c FINANCIA� INfORMA'(ION: (IXPLAIN) "'� AUG 17 200� -{ a c -�i°►`� MINNESOiA TRANSPORTATION DEPAR'I`�I3T . TRAFFIC CONTROL SIGNAL AGREEMENT NO. 80361 BETWEEN THE STATE OF MINNESOTA, DEPARTMEI3`I` OF TRANSPORTATION AND ' . THE CITY OF $T. PAiSL TO Revise the existing Txaffic Control Signal with Street Lights, Emergency Vehicle Pre-emption and Signing on Trunk Highway No. 51 (Snelling Avenue) at Grand Avenue; and Install InterconnecC on Trunk Highway No. 51 (Snelling Avenue) from Summit Avenue to St. Clair Avenue in St. Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota. S.P. 6215-84 S.A.P. 164-141-09 C.P. 00-T-1290 Prepared by `Praffic Engineering ESTIIVL�TED AMOUNT RECEIVABLE None AMOLNT ENCU�'ERED 551,782.�4 � ��� \ PARTIES THIS AGREEMENT is entered into by the Minnesota Department of Transportation, (6tate) and the City of St. Paul, (City). RECITALS Minnesota Statutes Section 161.20 authorizes the Commissioner of TransportaCion to enter into agreements with any governmental authority for the purposes of constructing, maintaining and improving the Trunk Highway system. The parties desire to revise the existing traffic control signal.including street liqhts, (Traffic Control Signal), and install signing,.(Signing) on Trunk Highway No. 51 (Snelling Avenue) at Grand Avenue; and install traffic signal interconnect, (Interconnect) on Trunk Highway No. 51 (Snelling Avenue} from Summit Avenue to St. Clair Avenue. The City requests and the State agrees to the installation of an Emergency Vehicle Pre-emption System, (EVP System�, as a part of the revised Traffic Control Signal installation. The existing traffic control signals on Trunk Highway No_ 51 (Snelling Avenue) are operated and maintained by City forces, and it is considered in the best interest of the public 80361 -1- 00 .�►q� � to perform the revised Traffic Control 6ignal, EVP System, Signing and Interconnect work,�with City forces and equipment. It is in the public's best interest for the City to provide a new cabinet and controller, for said revised Traffic Control Signal. The City and State will participate in the cost, maintenance and operation of the revised Traffic Control Signal, EVP System, Signing and Snterconnect. CONTRACT 1. The City will prepare the necessary plan, specifications and proposal, (Preliminary Engineering). The City wi11 also perform all necessary construction inspection, (Engineerin� and Inspection). 2. The Cost of Construction, (Construction Cost) consists of the contract cost of the work or, if the work is not contracted, the actual cost of all labor, materials, and equipment rental required to complete the work. Construction Cost does not include the cost of providing the gower supply to the service pole or pad. 3. The City, with its own resources, will perform the Traffic Control Signal, EVP System, Signing and Interconnect work, (City Force Account U1ork), provided for under State Project 80361 -2- � po -'19'� No_ 6215-84, State Aid Project No. 164-141-09 and City Project No. 00-T-1290 with the Construction Costs shared as follows: a. Trunk Highway No. 51 (Snelling Avenue) at Grand Avenue. Revise Traffic Control Signal (includes controller and cabinet) and EVP System, and install 5igning. Estimated Construction Cost is $71,365.00. State's share is 50 percenC. City's share is 50 percent. b. Trunk Highway No. 51 {Snelling Avenue) at Grand Avenue. Furnish Signing. Estimated � Construction Cost is $435.00. State's share is 55 percent. City's 'share is 45 percent. c. On Trunk Highway No. 51 (Snelling Avenue) from SummiC Avenue Co SC. C1air Avenue. Install Interconnect. Estimated Construction Cost is $24,050.00. State`s share is 50 percent. City's share is 50 percent. 4. The City Force Account Work must be under the direction and supervision of the City. The State wi11 have the right to periodically inspect said work. 5. Force account records will be made for a11 labor, materials and equipment. Copies of these force account records 80361 -3- . oa _�qy will be made in triplicate on forms provided by the State's Assistant Division Engineer at Roseville or his/her designated representative, and must be signed each day by auChorized personnel of both parties. Payment for labor, materials, and equipment hours will be based on these records. All actual and related indirect costs of the City will be accumulated in accordance with its established accounting procedures. 6. The State will pay the City for the State's share of the actual Construction Costs [as specified in Paragraph 3] for the City Force Account Work plus eight percent of such actual Construction Costs for the cost of Engineering and Inspection. The State will only pay for work which is completed and approved by the State's Assistant Division Engineer at Roseville or hisfher designated representative. The City must submit an invoice, in quintuplicate, to the State's Assistant Division Engineer at Roseville itemizing the cosCs and signed by a responsible City official certifying that the City Force Account Work has been completed in compliance with this agreement. The invoice and supporting records are subject to audit by the State's representative. 7. The City will maintain al1 books, documents, papers, accounting records and other evidence pertaining to costs incurred in connection with the City Eorce Account Work performed 80361 -4- u p -`lqy hereunder for a period of not less than 6 years after final payment. The City will make such.materials available at its office at all reasonable times for inspection by the State and copies thereof shall be furnished upon request. 8. The State's estimated obligation under this agreement is $51,782.49. This estimate consists of the Stiate's share of the Construction Costs and Engineering and Inspection costs for the City Force Account Work. If it appears likely, at any time, that the actual project costs will require an adjustment in the StaCe's estimated obligation, the City will immediately request such adjustment from State's Assistant Division Engineer at Roseville or his/her designated representative. The State wi11 review and, subject to the availability of State funds, approve, reject or modify the City's request. If the State approves such request, the State wi11 encumber additional funds and then issue a notice to proceed. Any additional expenses incurred by the City prior to receiving notice to proceed may not be reimbursed by the State. The State's maximum obligation under this contract will not exceed 120% of the amount shown in this Paragraph as the State's estimated obligation, except by a fully-executed amendment to this agreement. 80361 -5- a �o -'194 9. The City will be responsible for the cost and application to secure an adequate power supply to the service pad or pole. Upon completion of this project, the City will thereafter pay all monthly electrical service e�cpenses necessary to operate the Traffic Control Signal, Interconnect and EVP System. 10. Upon completion of this project, the City will, at its cost and expense, maintain and keep in repair the revised Traffic Control Signal, EVP System, Signing and Interconnect. 11. Each party will be solely responsible for its own acts and omissions, and the results thereof, to the extent authorized by law. The State's liability is governed by the Minnesota Tort Claims Act, Minnesota Statutes Section 3.736. Each party wi11 be solely responsible for its ocvn employees for any Workers Compensation Claims. 12_ All timing of the revised Traffic Control Signal will be initially determined by the City. Adjustments of the signal timing may be determined by the State, and no changes may be made except with the approval of the State. 13. Upon execution and approval by the City and the State and completion of the construction work provided for herein, this agreement will supersede and terminate the 80361 -6- oo _�qy operations and maintenance terms of any existing Agreements that may exist between the parties. 1a. Any amendment to this Agreement must be in writing and wi11 not be effective until it has been executed and approved by the same parties who executed and approved the original Agreement, or their successors in office. 15. If the State fails to enforce any provisions of this Agreement, that failure does not waive the provision or its right to enforce it. 16. This Agreement contains all negotiations and agreements between the parties. No other understanding regarding this Agreement, whether written or oral, may be used to bind either party. 17. Minnesota law governs this Agreement. Venue for all legal proceedings arising out of this contract, or its breach, must be in the appropriate state or federal court with competent jurisdiction in Ramsey County, Minnesota. 18. This Agreement is effective on the date the State obtains all required signatures under Minnesota Statutes 16C.05, Subdivision 2, and will remain in effect until terminated by written agreement of the parties. The State may immediately terminate this Agreement at any time if it does not obtain funding from the Minnesota legislature, or other funding source, 80361 -7- oo-�qy or if funding can not be continued at a level sufficient to complete the work under this Agreement. :� Council File # O�—��� ORIG{NAL Presented By Green Sheet # 110104 RESOLUTION ,T�' O� INT PAUL, MiNNESOTA aa a.� C�°---�- Referred To Committee: Date 1 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul wishes to enter into a contract with Mn/DOT to reconstruct 2 the traffic signal system at the intersection of Snelling Avenue (Trunk Highway 5) and Grand 3 Avenue according to City of Saint Paul Public Works Traffic Division plans numbered T-1290 and 4 State of Minnesota Project Number 6215-84; and 5 6 WHEREAS, the total cost estimate of this project is $116,937 of which the Minnesota 7 Department of Transportation (Mn/DOT) will participate in 50% of the construction costs because 8 the traffic control signai will benefit the flow of traffic on Snelling Avenue (Trunk Highway 51); and 9 10 WHEREAS, payment to the City of Saint Paul from Mn/DOT will be based on final project 11 costs and authorized by Mn/DOT Agreement Number 80361; and i2 13 WHEREAS, City of Saint Paul Department of Public Works staff have reviewed the costs 14 and terms of said agreement and recommend that it be approved and executed on behalf of the 15 City of St. Paul. 16 17 NOW, THEREFQRE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby 18 approves Minnesota Department of Transportation Agreement Number 80361; and 19 20 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Council ofi the City of Saint Paul hereby directs that 21 the proper City officials be authorized to execute Mn/DOT Agreement Number 80361 on behalf of 22 the City of Saint Paul and sign all documents associated with it. Requested by Department of: PLibi1C w BY: Adopted by Council: Date °�,�_ (� 'a-opb Form Approved by City Attorn4+y r y � _ p Adoption Certified by Council Secretary �{'�I� �.L��D/w� $. �C�, f) D $Y� a B y' ��-� 't=�� � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Approved by Mayor: ate �� ��v By: BYc DEPARTMENAOPFICFJCDUNQI DA7EINITIATED `GR�EEN SHEET NO ��O�O�I V Public Works - Traffic Engineering __ _ f 7l31100 � wm � q � NmA 3� �croR ASSIGN / BY roAT� NUMBEfl FOR � � p �� N � ( R�IifINr' �FlNANCIALSEqVICESDIR ORDER � MAYOR (�R PSSISTMfI) � DIVISIONHEAD TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES �� (CLIP ALL LOCATONS FOR SiGNATUR� — Q cm coureca � 6 8�crtvca.�K � �FlN.SERVICES/ACCT. _ ACTIONflEWESIED Sign off on Council Resolution approving MnIDOT Agreement No. 80361 between Mn/DOT and the City ofi St. Paul to reconstruct the traffic signal on Snelling Avenue and Grand Avenue. RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) PLANNING COMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE CNIL SERVICE COMMISSION PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 1. Has this personffirm ever worked under a contract for this department? YES NO 2. Has this personffirrn ever been a city employee? YES NO 3. Does this personlfirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any curreni city employee? YES NO Explain all yes answers on separete sheet and attach to green sheet IWTIATING PftOBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNIiY (WHO. WFIAT, WHEN, WHERE, WH1�: The intersection of Snelling & Grand in St. Paul has become very congested with pedestrian and vehicle traffic. The intent of the traffic signal reconstruction is to add left tum arrows on ali approaches to the intersection. Mn1DOT has agreed to participate in the funding for this project. ADVANTA�ESIFAPPROVED: The iniersection of Snelling & Grand will operate more efficiently and be safer for motorists and pedestrians. MnlDOT funding will be secured for the project. �EV G� V G� NONEncES �F naPaovEO: E�C G1TY ATTORN DISAOVAfJTAGES IF NOT APPROVFA: intersection improvements wiii not be made, and Mn/DOT funding wiii be lost. TOTAI AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ j � 6,937.00 COSq1iEVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) � NO FUNDINCaSOURCE Trunk Highway (50% ACINSrYNUMBEH COO�N010 n ^ MSA (50 /o) �F�ii c FINANCIA� INfORMA'(ION: (IXPLAIN) "'� AUG 17 200� -{ a c -�i°►`� MINNESOiA TRANSPORTATION DEPAR'I`�I3T . TRAFFIC CONTROL SIGNAL AGREEMENT NO. 80361 BETWEEN THE STATE OF MINNESOTA, DEPARTMEI3`I` OF TRANSPORTATION AND ' . THE CITY OF $T. PAiSL TO Revise the existing Txaffic Control Signal with Street Lights, Emergency Vehicle Pre-emption and Signing on Trunk Highway No. 51 (Snelling Avenue) at Grand Avenue; and Install InterconnecC on Trunk Highway No. 51 (Snelling Avenue) from Summit Avenue to St. Clair Avenue in St. Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota. S.P. 6215-84 S.A.P. 164-141-09 C.P. 00-T-1290 Prepared by `Praffic Engineering ESTIIVL�TED AMOUNT RECEIVABLE None AMOLNT ENCU�'ERED 551,782.�4 � ��� \ PARTIES THIS AGREEMENT is entered into by the Minnesota Department of Transportation, (6tate) and the City of St. Paul, (City). RECITALS Minnesota Statutes Section 161.20 authorizes the Commissioner of TransportaCion to enter into agreements with any governmental authority for the purposes of constructing, maintaining and improving the Trunk Highway system. The parties desire to revise the existing traffic control signal.including street liqhts, (Traffic Control Signal), and install signing,.(Signing) on Trunk Highway No. 51 (Snelling Avenue) at Grand Avenue; and install traffic signal interconnect, (Interconnect) on Trunk Highway No. 51 (Snelling Avenue} from Summit Avenue to St. Clair Avenue. The City requests and the State agrees to the installation of an Emergency Vehicle Pre-emption System, (EVP System�, as a part of the revised Traffic Control Signal installation. The existing traffic control signals on Trunk Highway No_ 51 (Snelling Avenue) are operated and maintained by City forces, and it is considered in the best interest of the public 80361 -1- 00 .�►q� � to perform the revised Traffic Control 6ignal, EVP System, Signing and Interconnect work,�with City forces and equipment. It is in the public's best interest for the City to provide a new cabinet and controller, for said revised Traffic Control Signal. The City and State will participate in the cost, maintenance and operation of the revised Traffic Control Signal, EVP System, Signing and Snterconnect. CONTRACT 1. The City will prepare the necessary plan, specifications and proposal, (Preliminary Engineering). The City wi11 also perform all necessary construction inspection, (Engineerin� and Inspection). 2. The Cost of Construction, (Construction Cost) consists of the contract cost of the work or, if the work is not contracted, the actual cost of all labor, materials, and equipment rental required to complete the work. Construction Cost does not include the cost of providing the gower supply to the service pole or pad. 3. The City, with its own resources, will perform the Traffic Control Signal, EVP System, Signing and Interconnect work, (City Force Account U1ork), provided for under State Project 80361 -2- � po -'19'� No_ 6215-84, State Aid Project No. 164-141-09 and City Project No. 00-T-1290 with the Construction Costs shared as follows: a. Trunk Highway No. 51 (Snelling Avenue) at Grand Avenue. Revise Traffic Control Signal (includes controller and cabinet) and EVP System, and install 5igning. Estimated Construction Cost is $71,365.00. State's share is 50 percenC. City's share is 50 percent. b. Trunk Highway No. 51 {Snelling Avenue) at Grand Avenue. Furnish Signing. Estimated � Construction Cost is $435.00. State's share is 55 percent. City's 'share is 45 percent. c. On Trunk Highway No. 51 (Snelling Avenue) from SummiC Avenue Co SC. C1air Avenue. Install Interconnect. Estimated Construction Cost is $24,050.00. State`s share is 50 percent. City's share is 50 percent. 4. The City Force Account Work must be under the direction and supervision of the City. The State wi11 have the right to periodically inspect said work. 5. Force account records will be made for a11 labor, materials and equipment. Copies of these force account records 80361 -3- . oa _�qy will be made in triplicate on forms provided by the State's Assistant Division Engineer at Roseville or his/her designated representative, and must be signed each day by auChorized personnel of both parties. Payment for labor, materials, and equipment hours will be based on these records. All actual and related indirect costs of the City will be accumulated in accordance with its established accounting procedures. 6. The State will pay the City for the State's share of the actual Construction Costs [as specified in Paragraph 3] for the City Force Account Work plus eight percent of such actual Construction Costs for the cost of Engineering and Inspection. The State will only pay for work which is completed and approved by the State's Assistant Division Engineer at Roseville or hisfher designated representative. The City must submit an invoice, in quintuplicate, to the State's Assistant Division Engineer at Roseville itemizing the cosCs and signed by a responsible City official certifying that the City Force Account Work has been completed in compliance with this agreement. The invoice and supporting records are subject to audit by the State's representative. 7. The City will maintain al1 books, documents, papers, accounting records and other evidence pertaining to costs incurred in connection with the City Eorce Account Work performed 80361 -4- u p -`lqy hereunder for a period of not less than 6 years after final payment. The City will make such.materials available at its office at all reasonable times for inspection by the State and copies thereof shall be furnished upon request. 8. The State's estimated obligation under this agreement is $51,782.49. This estimate consists of the Stiate's share of the Construction Costs and Engineering and Inspection costs for the City Force Account Work. If it appears likely, at any time, that the actual project costs will require an adjustment in the StaCe's estimated obligation, the City will immediately request such adjustment from State's Assistant Division Engineer at Roseville or his/her designated representative. The State wi11 review and, subject to the availability of State funds, approve, reject or modify the City's request. If the State approves such request, the State wi11 encumber additional funds and then issue a notice to proceed. Any additional expenses incurred by the City prior to receiving notice to proceed may not be reimbursed by the State. The State's maximum obligation under this contract will not exceed 120% of the amount shown in this Paragraph as the State's estimated obligation, except by a fully-executed amendment to this agreement. 80361 -5- a �o -'194 9. The City will be responsible for the cost and application to secure an adequate power supply to the service pad or pole. Upon completion of this project, the City will thereafter pay all monthly electrical service e�cpenses necessary to operate the Traffic Control Signal, Interconnect and EVP System. 10. Upon completion of this project, the City will, at its cost and expense, maintain and keep in repair the revised Traffic Control Signal, EVP System, Signing and Interconnect. 11. Each party will be solely responsible for its own acts and omissions, and the results thereof, to the extent authorized by law. The State's liability is governed by the Minnesota Tort Claims Act, Minnesota Statutes Section 3.736. Each party wi11 be solely responsible for its ocvn employees for any Workers Compensation Claims. 12_ All timing of the revised Traffic Control Signal will be initially determined by the City. Adjustments of the signal timing may be determined by the State, and no changes may be made except with the approval of the State. 13. Upon execution and approval by the City and the State and completion of the construction work provided for herein, this agreement will supersede and terminate the 80361 -6- oo _�qy operations and maintenance terms of any existing Agreements that may exist between the parties. 1a. Any amendment to this Agreement must be in writing and wi11 not be effective until it has been executed and approved by the same parties who executed and approved the original Agreement, or their successors in office. 15. If the State fails to enforce any provisions of this Agreement, that failure does not waive the provision or its right to enforce it. 16. This Agreement contains all negotiations and agreements between the parties. No other understanding regarding this Agreement, whether written or oral, may be used to bind either party. 17. Minnesota law governs this Agreement. Venue for all legal proceedings arising out of this contract, or its breach, must be in the appropriate state or federal court with competent jurisdiction in Ramsey County, Minnesota. 18. This Agreement is effective on the date the State obtains all required signatures under Minnesota Statutes 16C.05, Subdivision 2, and will remain in effect until terminated by written agreement of the parties. The State may immediately terminate this Agreement at any time if it does not obtain funding from the Minnesota legislature, or other funding source, 80361 -7- oo-�qy or if funding can not be continued at a level sufficient to complete the work under this Agreement. :�