275937 WHITE - CITY CLERK PINK - FINANC6 � "�� (((���t�" CANARY - DEPARTMENT G I T Y O F S A I N T� PA LT L COIltICll f�� { �i BLUE - MAYOR File N O. v Coun ,il esol io Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date 1�1EREAS, the Counci 1 of the City of Saint Paul , by Counci 1 Fi le No. 274257, adopted January 10, 1980, accepted the donation of a sculpture from the Adelaide F. and Harry G. McNeely Foundation, to be constructed on the grass surfaced island within Lafayette Road right-of-way at Grove Street; WHEREAS, the Adelaide F. and Harry G. McNeely Foundat�on request per- mission to canstruct a different sculpture than that accepted by the Council; WHEREAS, the Council has viewed a model of the sculpture and concurs the sculpture would enhance said area; naw, therefore, be it RESOLVED, the Counci 1 of the City of Saint Paui dces hereby accept the donation by the Adelaide F. and Harry G. McNeely Foundation of a sculpture, designed by Saunders Schultz and Willi�n Severson; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, the Adelaide F. and Harry G. McNeely Foundation is hereby authorized to undertake the construction and erection of the sculpture an the grass surfaced island within Lafayette Road right-of-way at Grove Street under the direction of the Dfrector of Public Works; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, the City of Saint Paul will provide the routine maintena�ce for the sculpture and site to include mawing the grass and keeping the sculpture in a neat and orderly conditlon. Should the sculpture require extraordi�ary Maintenance or repairs, due to any cause whatscever, the City of Saint Paul reserves the right to make the necessary repairs or remove and dispose of the scu�pture at its discretion. COUNCILMEN Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt b Pub 1 i c Works Levine IR Favor � Maddox McMahon � Showalter _ AgBillst BY • wi��'�`" Donald E y ard, D or NOV � 3 1�98Q Form Approved C At orn � � Adopte Council: Date C ified Pass y Council Sec•fetary BY Ap r ed by :Vlayor: NOV� H �9�0 A rov by M r sion to Council B Pi��„tSt��� �d 0�J 2 :, 1980 ✓� w>. � + ��, ` . ` �., ' . . � �: o ? . _ � I ��.�t ''� � . � . � ' . .� i��, `� � �� €3y,: �6 a� jr � \ '�is f� ��' / �' �� �. . � � . � p4,��`� 1 �..rv:..�.�. .�.y., . ��... • --...� � �..i.... . nnITE . -UTV CLERK \ � . ' . j/�p � . .� . ..�. ` - GINK - FINANCE 1 .. ��!/��/� . CANARY�- DEPARTMENT �•�/.. GITY. OF��,.S� INT� �,AIJV � F1IC�nC ��O�. . � '��� . . .. . BLUE -M4VOR � A ��j � � � PF� Fi � • � �"� � Council Resolu�ion �- --: -��s' � �� ��.,� � Presented By `� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date bfHEREAS, there extsts a grass surfaced isiand withtn tf�e straet right-ofwiay � of Lafayette Road at Grove St�est b�ing t�tangaTar shaped and aPAroxta,afeiy I 200 feet long by 100 feet wtde; WNEREAS, the Adelatde F. and H�rry G. t�Neely Four�dation, 4�4� Lafayette Road, Saint Paul. Min�esota, �5101 ts lnterasted tn ls�rovinc� tfu vrisual aesthetics = � in the a�ea�of lafayette Road at Grove Str�t and fias ca�rtissioned tf�e design � of � scuiptu�e to be placed on tha triartg�lar island in Lafsyatte Raed; � � MHEREAS, the Adeiaide F. and Harry G. McNeely Foun�atton has offe�ed to dor�ata � - this scutpture to the Ctiy of Sa1nt Paul a�d w�ould construct and er�ct the � sculpture on the triangular isTand in Lafa�rette Road at Grove Street; � VFiEREAS. the City of SaT�t Pau1 has viewed a awdei af tha sculptue•e,s�d eonenrs ` . th� scu]pt�re woutd enhance said arw; noMr, therefare, ba it � - RESOLVED, the Councii of tha C1ty of Sa1et Paut does he�eby accept the cbnatic� � by the Adelaide F. and Harry G. McNeety Fa,ndattos of a sculpture, d+esigned by Loren Madsen; and be it � FURTHER RESdLYEO, the Adelaida F. and Ka�ry G. Ncirteety Faundation is bereby �. authorized to undertake the construction ard erectiar of ths sculptuire on the isiand within Lafayette Road right-of-way at Grove Street ur::ier the dfrectton �� . af the Qi�ecLor of the Dapartment of Publtc 11�t�o�ks; and b� tt � �` F`11RTfiER RESOtVED, the City of Sa1nt Faul Mi11 provtde tt�e nwtine a�stt�tenance � fot the sculpture and site ta include mo�ring the gt�ass and kee�ing the scvlpture � in a neat and o�erly conditi�. Should the sculpture require exiraordinary �aintenance or fepairs, due to sny canse +,rhatsoever, the C1tY of Salnt Paul- cese�ves the �ight to arake tt�e nccessary repatrs or ren+ove � dispose of tf�e . sceiptur� at its discretian. �e. a: o.�g. �� ; � OEN REG i RLW DJD f COUN�;ILMEN JFK — � Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: �P nee � �' • JFS SMG i � t._ t Hunt [n Favor % � Levine � . C �P, � Maddox � ' � / ' � Mcr�tanon -sL_ Against By �!�'/� 1 t '� . � r' �'���-l: � sn��•,�;i.�c @onald,�E. Nygaa�d, D � ) ` � .� � � . � JA�1 10 1980 ' /:' °" ' Adopted by Council: Date Form Apptoved by City Attorney � �/Certified Passed by Council Secretary $y � ' ... � gy. Approved by �lavor: Date ���� �. � �9$� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By — B f ..____-.. Y -_-_--_�.�-- I' __ _.._. .__. . _--- 1ZIZC-� f t�t�l Gl : 12/1;7� ' R.ev: 9!� 7�� ' � FXP�At;�1'f�Pd OF ;aC;r+,l "�' 3 ST"r�T ; �1E ���P•,G�FRS, R`:SG:..t1T I GPJS ��.t:D Ok'J f P�P,t�CCS � Y ����� RECEIVED D�te: pctober 20� 1980 C�: 3 r �980 MAxQB�� � T0: MAYUR GEdRGE LF,TINER F�: Thomas J. Eggum, Publ ic VJ+�r�ks Of1�(ce �ngTneer RF: Placement of a sculptut�e on the soutM�teest corner o1� I.�f�y�ette Roa�d and Grove Street. S^� ACTtON REQ.I;ES�ED: This resolution would accept the dana�tTon a�nd �utfio�i�ze tha placement of a sculpture in the grass covered triangul�r ar�e�t o�t tFta soufih- west corner of Lafayette Road and Grove Street 6r tPte Adelaide F� and H�rr�y� G. McNeely Foundation (Space Center, tnc.� . Tf�i•s ts a different scaipture than tfiat previously approved by the Council for this site. P1.lRPQSE �hD P,ATIONALE FOR TH(S ACTfON: Since the time the Council , �ry C.F.274257 approved the design of a scujpture to be pl�ced at said locattdrt the McNeely Foundation has found a different sculpture wF�1ch they would rather place at the site. ATTACNPSt��f S; � Resolution Photo of Sculpture � Copy C.F. 274257 a��