275934 WMITE - CITYCLERK ����/� PINK - FINANCE COUtIC1I "`� CANARY -� DEPARTMENT G I T Y O F S A I N T PA U L BLUE - MAYOR File N . . cil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date BE IT RESOLVID, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby certifies and approves the action of the City of Saint Paul Boand of Appeals and Reviesa per- taining to the follcxaing listed property and as shc�m by the Exaerpt�ed Minutres of said Board of Appeals and Review, dated October 14, 1980, and marked F�IIBIT A, and attached heretA and made a part hereof by referenoe: DATE OF BOARD MIlVUI�S CASE NO. PROPERTY APP�,TANT 10/14/80 38-80-H 504/506 Whitall Lynne Ann Nelson (two units) BOARD ACTION: Granted 90-day time ext�ension to ca�let�e all listed w�ork orders, as designat�ed in city's lett�exs of 1/14/80, 9/8/80, and 9/19/80, on oondition that imnediate t�orary sa.fety measures, as recomr�nded by city electrica.l inspector, be taken to eliminate overfusing �til electrical serviae is brought � to c�ode specifications. Property description: Stinson's Addition W. 41 Ft. of Lots 1, 4, and 5, Block 3 COU[VCILMEN Requestgd by Department of: . Yeas Nays Hunt Levine [n Favor Maddox McMahon sr,o,,,,aite� —�-- Against BY ;.r..... w�son NQV � 3 198a Form Approved by City Attorney Adopt y Counci . Date �,�=� --- �6 -3 ��v rtifi V•;- by Counc.il Secretary BY � App' v b Navor: Date �8 �98� Approved by Mayor Eor Submission to Council By'`. - BY , 0`d 2 � . �. . .: - ' -2- 10/14/80 - Meeting No. 166 � __ _ .. � X f-f 1 �31 T �- �`�����`�� -�-'1- -- -- --- -- -- --------- - -- -- -- -------- ------- CASE N0. PROPERTY APPELLANT 38-80-H SQ4/506 tiVhitall Lynne Ann Nelson . (two units) -- SUBJECT: Request extension of time to compl.ete electrical work, as desig- nate in city' s letters of 9/8/80 and 9/19/80 , because of financial hardship, APPEARANCE : Lynne Ann Nelson Paul Vogelgesang Alice Bijjani PROCEEDINGS : Ms . Nelson related the problems she was having zaith her tenants . T ey had filed a complaint with the city and after an inspection the owner had been ordered to upgrade the electrical service. The tenants. had withheld their rent payments , and the owner had started eviction pro- ceedings . When the ma�ter came up in court, the judge had ordered a reduc- tion in rent , from $225 monthly to $175 , until the electrical service was improved. Ms . Nelson said she was having similar trouble with the tenants on the first �loor. - Paul Vogelgesang, city electrical inspector, stated that he had made the inspection and had instructed the ten ants to fuse doi,rn as a tempozaxy measure to avoid overloading the system. ris. Nelson told the board that with the amount of income she was realizing from the property, she could not afford to have the electrical work done. . She was looking into getting a lo�a-interest improvement loan, but had z _ � . � -3- 10�I4/80 - Meeting No.�166 � . � ���.a� �I : not yet concluded any arrangement. She thought it would cost between �3,000 and $4 ,000 to completely rewir� :t�o code specifications . bir. Tieso said it would not cost nearly that much to meet code in an exist- 3.ng structure. He explained that she had confused code rec{uirements for new construction with what was required in a building already in existence. He guessed that� costs for this type of improvement ��ould come to $1 ,500 to $1,800. He suggested that Ms. Nelson should sit down with the city elec- trical inspector to find out exactly what needed to be done. As a tempor- ary solution, he advised the immediate installation of fusta.4 adaptors until the electrical service hact been upgraded to cvde. BOARD ACTION: Mr. Naibi moved to grant a 90-day extension of time to complete all items listed in letters of 1/4/80 , 9/8/80 , and 9/19/80 , on condition that present overfusing be eliminated and fustat adaptors be installed. Mrs. Peake seconded. MOTION CARRIED AND SO ORDERED. THE VOTE : Ayes - 4 Nays - 0 Abstentions - 0 � lU J 14/tSU - Niee�lrig tvu. .iuv ' � MINUTES OF THE MEETING ST. PAUL BOARD OF APPEALS $ REVIE`d � Tuesday, October 14, 1980 City Council Committee Room 707 City Ha11 and Court House 1 : 30 p.m. � MEbiBERS PRESENT : Arthur Tieso, Vice Chairman A. Wali Naibi Estyr B. Peake Ron Glassman ABSENT: D.D. Wozniak - Thomas Reiter G1enn Gausmann . AGENCIES PRESENT: Community Services Dept. - Division of Housing and Building Code Enf orcement Alice Bijjani Paul Vogelgesang OTHERS PRESENT: Lynne Nelson David Reis � Sue Gottsacker pon Thraen ' Vern Hoffman G. Jurgensen Marit Kucera H. Wifa11 Beverly Vavoulis Myrtle Rogers STAFF PRESENT: Patricia Moxness The� meeting was called to order by Acting Chairman Tieso at 1:45 p.m. The minutes of the meeting of September 9 , ,1980 , were approved as mailed out to the board members. . CASE N0. PROPERTY APPELLANT 31- 80-H 1522 Ashland David G. Rei;s. - (seven units) SUBJECT: Request variance of Section 54. 13, pertaining to basement occu- pancies , to permit continued occupancy of ttivo units more than SQo below grade level, because of financial considerations . Prior Hearing : 9/9/80 - Case continued to October meeting, at which time appellant is to present his plan for escape routes from basement area. APPEARANCE: David G. Reis Alice Bij j ani ____ _. _ .. _.. _��..___..w.. _ _.._..._ ___..___._ � _.__. �.. ..._. . _ _---. _w.. : .. . __. . _,._..�. �. . .. _.r .. _ _ _._.. t __�. __..__.._.._ ,,��.�..�.�.�,...-�.,.,.a.-r.�,�..�..r,..�,w...- -