00-7924RIGINA�- Refened To Council File # 40 - �l� d. Green Sheet # 104006 SAiNT,F)'�cpL, MINNESOTA F� Committee Dare WHEI2EAS, the Legislative Hearing Officer recommends that license application (ID # 20000002773) for Liquor On Sale-Over 100 Seats {B), Liquor On Sa1e-Sunday, Restaurant-More than 12 Seats (B), Cigarette/Tobacco, Entertaimnent (B), Malt Off Sale, and Gambiing Location (Class B} Licenses by Aian L. Peterson, President; DLB Group, Ina; DBA Ryan's Bar, 201 Fourth Street East, be approved with the foIlowing conditions: i) The management of Ryan's Bar sha11 provide security around the establishment Wednesday tiuough Saturday, 5:00 p.m. to closing, to ensure that the patrons leave the premises and the surrounding azea without causing a disturbance. Patrons shall be advised of the necessity of leaving in an orderly manner and sha11 not be permitted to loifer outside the bar. 2) The following lighting conditions will be completed by October 1, 2000: Lighting wi11 be added to the Fourth Street side of the building. Either a goose-neck or wa11 mount light is acceptable so as to illuminate the sidewalk. Also, additional lighting will be added to the entryway on Sibley Street. The light currently at the second enri•ance on 4`� Street witl be repaired and maintained. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves these licenses with the recommended conditions. Yeas Nays Absent Blakey �/' Coieman Harris Benanav Reiter ✓ Bosirom ✓ Lantry � � Q � Adopted by CouncIl: Date _�, �- _ �, "a-apz� "�' i Adoption Certified by Council Secretary � Approv� � Requested by Department of: � Form Approved by City Attorney � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � 00 -1q� City Council nffices Gerry Strathman, 2bb-8560 ISf BE ON COUNCIL AGBmA BY September 6, 20QQ TOFAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES s-22-z000 I GREEN SHEET . No1�!��ra nr.coora � a�r�nauer ❑ arcamc _ ❑nYw�.vtavn.usoa ❑wuwu��a�m�ccrn ❑MYqtl�Al�fW1� ❑ (CUP ALL L�CATIONS FOR SIGNATURE� Approving application with conditions for Liquor On Sale-Over 100 Seats (B), Liquor On Sale- Sunday, Restaurant-More Than 12 Seats (B), Cigarette/Tobacco, Entertainment (B), Malt Of£ Sale, and Gambling Location (Class B) Licenses by Alan L. Peterson, President; DLB Group, Inc.; DBA Ryan's Bar, 201 Fourth Street East. PLANNING CAMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE CIYIL SERVICE COMMISSION Has mie a�rm e.�er wUcea unaer a wnaaid ror nHa aeparonenn vES NO tias ihis pnsaNfiim e�er been a cdy empbyee? YE3 NO Does tlds PeisoNfiim P� a sloN not normalNO� bY a�Y curtent dtY emPbY�7 YES NO k ihis pneaVF�m ataryetetl ve�MaYl . YES NO �.14� ��?3@�f^h �af���T ����� eoarmEVee+ue euoaErEO (art�xe oe�El c .. l�l:ta: ACTIVRY NUMBER YEE NO INFORMAl10N (FJ�WN) oo-1qa MINIJT'ES OF Tf� LEGISLATNE HEARiNG RYAN' S BAR - 201 FOURT'H STREET EAST Tuesday, August 8, 2000 Room 330 Courthouse Gerry Stratbman, Legislative Hearing O£ficer STAFF PRESENT: Corinne Asuncion, License, Inspections, Environmental Protection (LIEP); Kristine Schweinler, LIEP The meeting was called to order at 3:31 p.m. Gerry Stratt�man stated tlris meefing is being heid to heaz objections to the issuance of a license to DLB Crroup, Inc. doing business as Ryan's Bar. Kristine Schweinler reported fhis business is appiying far the following licenses: Liquor On Sa1e-Over 100 Seats (B), Liquor On Sale-Sunday, Malt Off Sale, Restaurant (B), Entertainxnent (B), Cigarette/Tobacco, and Gambling Location (B). This application is from a new owner. LIEP recommends approval. Gerry Strathman asked about the conditions recommended. Ms. Schweinler responded that the conditions recommended on the License Application Suuunary would go towazd an Entertainment C license. This business is applying for an Entertainment B license; therefore, most of the recommended conditions would not apply. However, Condition 5 is still recommended: All restricfions specified in Chapter 409.09 shalI appiy. 409.09 refers fo certain sexual conduct. Wayne Ramaker and Mark Englund appeared representing Homestyles.Com, 214 Fourth Straet East. Mr. Ramaker stated Homestyles is next door to Ryan's. A letter was written to Gerry Strathman which outlines their concerns. Most of their concerns haue to do with how Ryan's Bar effects their business and the safety of their employees. There are a slew of incidents, and he does not know if he should list them here. They have to do with vandalism, public drinking, and drug use. NIr. Strathman stated the applicant has seen the letter; therefore, there is no need to review it. Mr. Strathman asked abouf the conditions proposed in the Homestyles letter. Mr. Ramaker responded the largest concern is the safety of their employees. The business is operated almost 24 hours. Mr. Ramaker is proposing that Ryan's provide security to share some of the responsibility. Also, Ryan's should add lighting to the rear of the building, which is one of fhose areas that people slip behind and get in trouble. Every morning, Homestyles picks up beer bottles. There has been a lot of vandalism at Homestyles. Also, there is a practice space above Ryans Bar that can be loud at times. 0o-7q� LEGISLATIVE F3EARING FOR RYAN' S BAR, 201 FOURTH STREET EAST Page 2 Mr. Strathman asked has anyone tested the sound levels. Mr. Ramaker responded no. Ms. Sckweinler responded that has not been done because it is listed to other tenants and not associated with the baz. (No one else came forwazd to speak in objection to the license application.) Gerry Strathman reviewed the other two letters he received regarding this issue. David C. Vanney, attomey at law, 245 Sia�th Street East, representing Gordon & Ferguson Building Redevelopment Company, wrote abont the following concerns: noise emanating from Ryan's, which is impeding development of an apartment building, discazded needles and other evidence of drug use in the alley behind Ryan's, and graffiti found on the wa11s of the Straus Building. Henry Zaidan, GMT Corporation, 245 Siarth Street East, wrote about the following concerns: noise emanating from Ryan's, which will discourage clients from buying the condominium units. Alan Peterson, one of the partners in the DLB Group, appeared and staxed he is being trained into this business. He was working last night, stood outside, and listened. The noise is not frorn the bar; it is from a different part of the building, which will be looked into. The City Health and Safety inspector has tested for noise and found no violations. As for the rear of the building arrangements have been made for a light. Mr. Peterson keeps the area of the bar clean, and it was fairly clean this morning. There were 400 people in Ryan's last night. He suggested the litter may be from the neighbors and from the building behind Ryan's. There is a park nearby and the Mississippi River is neazby. There aze transient people in the area. Mr. Peterson does not believe there is a drug problem at Ryan's Bar. The securiry is good. Mr. Strafhman stated he is particularly concerned about some of the issues in the Homestyles letter regarding vandalism, graffiti, deshuction of property. It may be reasonable to assume tt�at the patrons of Ryan's aze doing it. He asked aze there any ideas to minixnize the problems. Mr. Peterson responded no. He has wallced regulazly azound the properiy and never saw any problems. If there is a problem, the business would have to handle it. If there is a graffiti problem outside, it should also be in the Ryan's restrooms, but there is absolutely no graffiti in the restrooms. Mr. Strathman asked does Mr. Peterson plan to make it a regular practice to walk around the outsida of the building. Mr. Peterson responded he is sensitive to the needs of Yhe neighbors and the bar's image. A trashq place will hurt the business. Keeping the business clean, getting rid of graffiri and litter, adding lighfing, all has to do with their image. Regarding the safety of employees, asked Mr. Strathman, what kind of threats does he perceive. Mr. Ramaker responded they vary: sexual advance, intunidation, walking toward an employee and scaring that person. Usually the perpetrators are very intoxicated. Mr. Strathman asked have there been any actual crimes committed against fhe employees at Homestyles. Mr. England responded there have been a lot of thefts inside tha building. It seems 00 _'1q }- LEGISLATIVE HEf�RING FOR RYAN'S BAR, 201 FOURTH STREET EAST Page 3 that the thefts occur at closing time when there aze more people on the street; he infers they are on fhe street because fhey aze patrons of the baz. Since Mr. Peterson meniioned that he has plans to take care of fhe lighting, would he obj ect to that being a requirement on the license, asked Mr. Strathman. Mr. Peterson responded no. Regarding the exterior cleanliness, stated Mr. Strathman, it would be good to have an arrangement to potice it on a regulaz basis. He asked did LIEP have any suggestions. Ms. Schweinler responded other licenses have a condition that a doorman be posted at the door during the high tr�c hours between 9:00 p.m. and 1:30 a.m. and that someone makes regular rounds. Mr. Strathman stated he presumes someone is checking identificafion, and it would be reasonable for that person to monitor what is going on outside. Mr. Peterson responded that last night they had four people checking idenYification. Monitoring the outside would be done anyway. Mr. Strathman asked does he have anq idea how to deal with the noise. Mr. Peterson responded three of the practice spaces wili be getting a nofice to vacate. Any spaces that e�ibit excessive noise rvill also be asked to vacate. If there could be a condition placed on the license regarding lighting, noise, and patrolling the outside of the buiiding, asked Mr. Strathman, would that go some distance in resolving problems. Mr. Ramaker responded that would help. Homestyles is just concemed abouY their employees. Mr. Strathman stated he is inclined to recommend approval of the license application with some additional conditions: 1) suitabie lighting in fhe rear of the business, 2) additional ea�erior security and making sure the exterior is policed up, 3) rvithin the next 90 days, the music practice area will be converted to a Iess noisy use. Mr. Peterson responded there are quite a few spaces. Most of the spaces are respectful; there aze three or four that are not. Mr. Strathman asked about a condition that Ryan's Bar will take appropriate measures to contain the noise levels from fhose spaces. Mr. Peterson responded he is concerned about the good tenants. These spaces have nothing to do with the bar. Mr. Sirathman asked would iT be acceptable to keep the other two condirions that have to do with the baz. Mr. Peterson responded yes. Gerry Strathman recommended approval of the license application with the following conditions, which have been approved by the applicant: 1) The management of Ryan's Bar shall provide security azound the establishment Wednesday fhrough Saturday, 5:00 p.m. to ciosing, to ensure that the patrons leaue the premises and the surrounding area without causing a disturbance. Patrons shall be advised of the necessity of leaving in an arderly manner and shall not be pernutted to loiter outside the bar. ao -'19.�- LEGISLAT'IVE HEARING FOR RYAN'S BAR, 201 FOURTH STREET EAST Page 4 2) The following lighting conditions will be completed by October 1, 2000: Lighting will be added to the Fourth Street side of the building. Either a goose-neck or wa11 mount light is acceptable so as to illmuivate the sidewalk. Also, additional lighting will be added to the entryway on Sibley Street. The light currently at the second entrance on Fourth Street will be repaired and maintained. The meeting was adjourned at 3:53 p.m. rrn 4RIGINA�- Refened To Council File # 40 - �l� d. Green Sheet # 104006 SAiNT,F)'�cpL, MINNESOTA F� Committee Dare WHEI2EAS, the Legislative Hearing Officer recommends that license application (ID # 20000002773) for Liquor On Sale-Over 100 Seats {B), Liquor On Sa1e-Sunday, Restaurant-More than 12 Seats (B), Cigarette/Tobacco, Entertaimnent (B), Malt Off Sale, and Gambiing Location (Class B} Licenses by Aian L. Peterson, President; DLB Group, Ina; DBA Ryan's Bar, 201 Fourth Street East, be approved with the foIlowing conditions: i) The management of Ryan's Bar sha11 provide security around the establishment Wednesday tiuough Saturday, 5:00 p.m. to closing, to ensure that the patrons leave the premises and the surrounding azea without causing a disturbance. Patrons shall be advised of the necessity of leaving in an orderly manner and sha11 not be permitted to loifer outside the bar. 2) The following lighting conditions will be completed by October 1, 2000: Lighting wi11 be added to the Fourth Street side of the building. Either a goose-neck or wa11 mount light is acceptable so as to illuminate the sidewalk. Also, additional lighting will be added to the entryway on Sibley Street. The light currently at the second enri•ance on 4`� Street witl be repaired and maintained. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves these licenses with the recommended conditions. Yeas Nays Absent Blakey �/' Coieman Harris Benanav Reiter ✓ Bosirom ✓ Lantry � � Q � Adopted by CouncIl: Date _�, �- _ �, "a-apz� "�' i Adoption Certified by Council Secretary � Approv� � Requested by Department of: � Form Approved by City Attorney � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � 00 -1q� City Council nffices Gerry Strathman, 2bb-8560 ISf BE ON COUNCIL AGBmA BY September 6, 20QQ TOFAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES s-22-z000 I GREEN SHEET . No1�!��ra nr.coora � a�r�nauer ❑ arcamc _ ❑nYw�.vtavn.usoa ❑wuwu��a�m�ccrn ❑MYqtl�Al�fW1� ❑ (CUP ALL L�CATIONS FOR SIGNATURE� Approving application with conditions for Liquor On Sale-Over 100 Seats (B), Liquor On Sale- Sunday, Restaurant-More Than 12 Seats (B), Cigarette/Tobacco, Entertainment (B), Malt Of£ Sale, and Gambling Location (Class B) Licenses by Alan L. Peterson, President; DLB Group, Inc.; DBA Ryan's Bar, 201 Fourth Street East. PLANNING CAMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE CIYIL SERVICE COMMISSION Has mie a�rm e.�er wUcea unaer a wnaaid ror nHa aeparonenn vES NO tias ihis pnsaNfiim e�er been a cdy empbyee? YE3 NO Does tlds PeisoNfiim P� a sloN not normalNO� bY a�Y curtent dtY emPbY�7 YES NO k ihis pneaVF�m ataryetetl ve�MaYl . YES NO �.14� ��?3@�f^h �af���T ����� eoarmEVee+ue euoaErEO (art�xe oe�El c .. l�l:ta: ACTIVRY NUMBER YEE NO INFORMAl10N (FJ�WN) oo-1qa MINIJT'ES OF Tf� LEGISLATNE HEARiNG RYAN' S BAR - 201 FOURT'H STREET EAST Tuesday, August 8, 2000 Room 330 Courthouse Gerry Stratbman, Legislative Hearing O£ficer STAFF PRESENT: Corinne Asuncion, License, Inspections, Environmental Protection (LIEP); Kristine Schweinler, LIEP The meeting was called to order at 3:31 p.m. Gerry Stratt�man stated tlris meefing is being heid to heaz objections to the issuance of a license to DLB Crroup, Inc. doing business as Ryan's Bar. Kristine Schweinler reported fhis business is appiying far the following licenses: Liquor On Sa1e-Over 100 Seats (B), Liquor On Sale-Sunday, Malt Off Sale, Restaurant (B), Entertainxnent (B), Cigarette/Tobacco, and Gambling Location (B). This application is from a new owner. LIEP recommends approval. Gerry Strathman asked about the conditions recommended. Ms. Schweinler responded that the conditions recommended on the License Application Suuunary would go towazd an Entertainment C license. This business is applying for an Entertainment B license; therefore, most of the recommended conditions would not apply. However, Condition 5 is still recommended: All restricfions specified in Chapter 409.09 shalI appiy. 409.09 refers fo certain sexual conduct. Wayne Ramaker and Mark Englund appeared representing Homestyles.Com, 214 Fourth Straet East. Mr. Ramaker stated Homestyles is next door to Ryan's. A letter was written to Gerry Strathman which outlines their concerns. Most of their concerns haue to do with how Ryan's Bar effects their business and the safety of their employees. There are a slew of incidents, and he does not know if he should list them here. They have to do with vandalism, public drinking, and drug use. NIr. Strathman stated the applicant has seen the letter; therefore, there is no need to review it. Mr. Strathman asked abouf the conditions proposed in the Homestyles letter. Mr. Ramaker responded the largest concern is the safety of their employees. The business is operated almost 24 hours. Mr. Ramaker is proposing that Ryan's provide security to share some of the responsibility. Also, Ryan's should add lighting to the rear of the building, which is one of fhose areas that people slip behind and get in trouble. Every morning, Homestyles picks up beer bottles. There has been a lot of vandalism at Homestyles. Also, there is a practice space above Ryans Bar that can be loud at times. 0o-7q� LEGISLATIVE F3EARING FOR RYAN' S BAR, 201 FOURTH STREET EAST Page 2 Mr. Strathman asked has anyone tested the sound levels. Mr. Ramaker responded no. Ms. Sckweinler responded that has not been done because it is listed to other tenants and not associated with the baz. (No one else came forwazd to speak in objection to the license application.) Gerry Strathman reviewed the other two letters he received regarding this issue. David C. Vanney, attomey at law, 245 Sia�th Street East, representing Gordon & Ferguson Building Redevelopment Company, wrote abont the following concerns: noise emanating from Ryan's, which is impeding development of an apartment building, discazded needles and other evidence of drug use in the alley behind Ryan's, and graffiti found on the wa11s of the Straus Building. Henry Zaidan, GMT Corporation, 245 Siarth Street East, wrote about the following concerns: noise emanating from Ryan's, which will discourage clients from buying the condominium units. Alan Peterson, one of the partners in the DLB Group, appeared and staxed he is being trained into this business. He was working last night, stood outside, and listened. The noise is not frorn the bar; it is from a different part of the building, which will be looked into. The City Health and Safety inspector has tested for noise and found no violations. As for the rear of the building arrangements have been made for a light. Mr. Peterson keeps the area of the bar clean, and it was fairly clean this morning. There were 400 people in Ryan's last night. He suggested the litter may be from the neighbors and from the building behind Ryan's. There is a park nearby and the Mississippi River is neazby. There aze transient people in the area. Mr. Peterson does not believe there is a drug problem at Ryan's Bar. The securiry is good. Mr. Strafhman stated he is particularly concerned about some of the issues in the Homestyles letter regarding vandalism, graffiti, deshuction of property. It may be reasonable to assume tt�at the patrons of Ryan's aze doing it. He asked aze there any ideas to minixnize the problems. Mr. Peterson responded no. He has wallced regulazly azound the properiy and never saw any problems. If there is a problem, the business would have to handle it. If there is a graffiti problem outside, it should also be in the Ryan's restrooms, but there is absolutely no graffiti in the restrooms. Mr. Strathman asked does Mr. Peterson plan to make it a regular practice to walk around the outsida of the building. Mr. Peterson responded he is sensitive to the needs of Yhe neighbors and the bar's image. A trashq place will hurt the business. Keeping the business clean, getting rid of graffiri and litter, adding lighfing, all has to do with their image. Regarding the safety of employees, asked Mr. Strathman, what kind of threats does he perceive. Mr. Ramaker responded they vary: sexual advance, intunidation, walking toward an employee and scaring that person. Usually the perpetrators are very intoxicated. Mr. Strathman asked have there been any actual crimes committed against fhe employees at Homestyles. Mr. England responded there have been a lot of thefts inside tha building. It seems 00 _'1q }- LEGISLATIVE HEf�RING FOR RYAN'S BAR, 201 FOURTH STREET EAST Page 3 that the thefts occur at closing time when there aze more people on the street; he infers they are on fhe street because fhey aze patrons of the baz. Since Mr. Peterson meniioned that he has plans to take care of fhe lighting, would he obj ect to that being a requirement on the license, asked Mr. Strathman. Mr. Peterson responded no. Regarding the exterior cleanliness, stated Mr. Strathman, it would be good to have an arrangement to potice it on a regulaz basis. He asked did LIEP have any suggestions. Ms. Schweinler responded other licenses have a condition that a doorman be posted at the door during the high tr�c hours between 9:00 p.m. and 1:30 a.m. and that someone makes regular rounds. Mr. Strathman stated he presumes someone is checking identificafion, and it would be reasonable for that person to monitor what is going on outside. Mr. Peterson responded that last night they had four people checking idenYification. Monitoring the outside would be done anyway. Mr. Strathman asked does he have anq idea how to deal with the noise. Mr. Peterson responded three of the practice spaces wili be getting a nofice to vacate. Any spaces that e�ibit excessive noise rvill also be asked to vacate. If there could be a condition placed on the license regarding lighting, noise, and patrolling the outside of the buiiding, asked Mr. Strathman, would that go some distance in resolving problems. Mr. Ramaker responded that would help. Homestyles is just concemed abouY their employees. Mr. Strathman stated he is inclined to recommend approval of the license application with some additional conditions: 1) suitabie lighting in fhe rear of the business, 2) additional ea�erior security and making sure the exterior is policed up, 3) rvithin the next 90 days, the music practice area will be converted to a Iess noisy use. Mr. Peterson responded there are quite a few spaces. Most of the spaces are respectful; there aze three or four that are not. Mr. Strathman asked about a condition that Ryan's Bar will take appropriate measures to contain the noise levels from fhose spaces. Mr. Peterson responded he is concerned about the good tenants. These spaces have nothing to do with the bar. Mr. Sirathman asked would iT be acceptable to keep the other two condirions that have to do with the baz. Mr. Peterson responded yes. Gerry Strathman recommended approval of the license application with the following conditions, which have been approved by the applicant: 1) The management of Ryan's Bar shall provide security azound the establishment Wednesday fhrough Saturday, 5:00 p.m. to ciosing, to ensure that the patrons leaue the premises and the surrounding area without causing a disturbance. Patrons shall be advised of the necessity of leaving in an arderly manner and shall not be pernutted to loiter outside the bar. ao -'19.�- LEGISLAT'IVE HEARING FOR RYAN'S BAR, 201 FOURTH STREET EAST Page 4 2) The following lighting conditions will be completed by October 1, 2000: Lighting will be added to the Fourth Street side of the building. Either a goose-neck or wa11 mount light is acceptable so as to illmuivate the sidewalk. Also, additional lighting will be added to the entryway on Sibley Street. The light currently at the second entrance on Fourth Street will be repaired and maintained. The meeting was adjourned at 3:53 p.m. rrn 4RIGINA�- Refened To Council File # 40 - �l� d. Green Sheet # 104006 SAiNT,F)'�cpL, MINNESOTA F� Committee Dare WHEI2EAS, the Legislative Hearing Officer recommends that license application (ID # 20000002773) for Liquor On Sale-Over 100 Seats {B), Liquor On Sa1e-Sunday, Restaurant-More than 12 Seats (B), Cigarette/Tobacco, Entertaimnent (B), Malt Off Sale, and Gambiing Location (Class B} Licenses by Aian L. Peterson, President; DLB Group, Ina; DBA Ryan's Bar, 201 Fourth Street East, be approved with the foIlowing conditions: i) The management of Ryan's Bar sha11 provide security around the establishment Wednesday tiuough Saturday, 5:00 p.m. to closing, to ensure that the patrons leave the premises and the surrounding azea without causing a disturbance. Patrons shall be advised of the necessity of leaving in an orderly manner and sha11 not be permitted to loifer outside the bar. 2) The following lighting conditions will be completed by October 1, 2000: Lighting wi11 be added to the Fourth Street side of the building. Either a goose-neck or wa11 mount light is acceptable so as to illuminate the sidewalk. Also, additional lighting will be added to the entryway on Sibley Street. The light currently at the second enri•ance on 4`� Street witl be repaired and maintained. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves these licenses with the recommended conditions. Yeas Nays Absent Blakey �/' Coieman Harris Benanav Reiter ✓ Bosirom ✓ Lantry � � Q � Adopted by CouncIl: Date _�, �- _ �, "a-apz� "�' i Adoption Certified by Council Secretary � Approv� � Requested by Department of: � Form Approved by City Attorney � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � 00 -1q� City Council nffices Gerry Strathman, 2bb-8560 ISf BE ON COUNCIL AGBmA BY September 6, 20QQ TOFAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES s-22-z000 I GREEN SHEET . No1�!��ra nr.coora � a�r�nauer ❑ arcamc _ ❑nYw�.vtavn.usoa ❑wuwu��a�m�ccrn ❑MYqtl�Al�fW1� ❑ (CUP ALL L�CATIONS FOR SIGNATURE� Approving application with conditions for Liquor On Sale-Over 100 Seats (B), Liquor On Sale- Sunday, Restaurant-More Than 12 Seats (B), Cigarette/Tobacco, Entertainment (B), Malt Of£ Sale, and Gambling Location (Class B) Licenses by Alan L. Peterson, President; DLB Group, Inc.; DBA Ryan's Bar, 201 Fourth Street East. PLANNING CAMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE CIYIL SERVICE COMMISSION Has mie a�rm e.�er wUcea unaer a wnaaid ror nHa aeparonenn vES NO tias ihis pnsaNfiim e�er been a cdy empbyee? YE3 NO Does tlds PeisoNfiim P� a sloN not normalNO� bY a�Y curtent dtY emPbY�7 YES NO k ihis pneaVF�m ataryetetl ve�MaYl . YES NO �.14� ��?3@�f^h �af���T ����� eoarmEVee+ue euoaErEO (art�xe oe�El c .. l�l:ta: ACTIVRY NUMBER YEE NO INFORMAl10N (FJ�WN) oo-1qa MINIJT'ES OF Tf� LEGISLATNE HEARiNG RYAN' S BAR - 201 FOURT'H STREET EAST Tuesday, August 8, 2000 Room 330 Courthouse Gerry Stratbman, Legislative Hearing O£ficer STAFF PRESENT: Corinne Asuncion, License, Inspections, Environmental Protection (LIEP); Kristine Schweinler, LIEP The meeting was called to order at 3:31 p.m. Gerry Stratt�man stated tlris meefing is being heid to heaz objections to the issuance of a license to DLB Crroup, Inc. doing business as Ryan's Bar. Kristine Schweinler reported fhis business is appiying far the following licenses: Liquor On Sa1e-Over 100 Seats (B), Liquor On Sale-Sunday, Malt Off Sale, Restaurant (B), Entertainxnent (B), Cigarette/Tobacco, and Gambling Location (B). This application is from a new owner. LIEP recommends approval. Gerry Strathman asked about the conditions recommended. Ms. Schweinler responded that the conditions recommended on the License Application Suuunary would go towazd an Entertainment C license. This business is applying for an Entertainment B license; therefore, most of the recommended conditions would not apply. However, Condition 5 is still recommended: All restricfions specified in Chapter 409.09 shalI appiy. 409.09 refers fo certain sexual conduct. Wayne Ramaker and Mark Englund appeared representing Homestyles.Com, 214 Fourth Straet East. Mr. Ramaker stated Homestyles is next door to Ryan's. A letter was written to Gerry Strathman which outlines their concerns. Most of their concerns haue to do with how Ryan's Bar effects their business and the safety of their employees. There are a slew of incidents, and he does not know if he should list them here. They have to do with vandalism, public drinking, and drug use. NIr. Strathman stated the applicant has seen the letter; therefore, there is no need to review it. Mr. Strathman asked abouf the conditions proposed in the Homestyles letter. Mr. Ramaker responded the largest concern is the safety of their employees. The business is operated almost 24 hours. Mr. Ramaker is proposing that Ryan's provide security to share some of the responsibility. Also, Ryan's should add lighting to the rear of the building, which is one of fhose areas that people slip behind and get in trouble. Every morning, Homestyles picks up beer bottles. There has been a lot of vandalism at Homestyles. Also, there is a practice space above Ryans Bar that can be loud at times. 0o-7q� LEGISLATIVE F3EARING FOR RYAN' S BAR, 201 FOURTH STREET EAST Page 2 Mr. Strathman asked has anyone tested the sound levels. Mr. Ramaker responded no. Ms. Sckweinler responded that has not been done because it is listed to other tenants and not associated with the baz. (No one else came forwazd to speak in objection to the license application.) Gerry Strathman reviewed the other two letters he received regarding this issue. David C. Vanney, attomey at law, 245 Sia�th Street East, representing Gordon & Ferguson Building Redevelopment Company, wrote abont the following concerns: noise emanating from Ryan's, which is impeding development of an apartment building, discazded needles and other evidence of drug use in the alley behind Ryan's, and graffiti found on the wa11s of the Straus Building. Henry Zaidan, GMT Corporation, 245 Siarth Street East, wrote about the following concerns: noise emanating from Ryan's, which will discourage clients from buying the condominium units. Alan Peterson, one of the partners in the DLB Group, appeared and staxed he is being trained into this business. He was working last night, stood outside, and listened. The noise is not frorn the bar; it is from a different part of the building, which will be looked into. The City Health and Safety inspector has tested for noise and found no violations. As for the rear of the building arrangements have been made for a light. Mr. Peterson keeps the area of the bar clean, and it was fairly clean this morning. There were 400 people in Ryan's last night. He suggested the litter may be from the neighbors and from the building behind Ryan's. There is a park nearby and the Mississippi River is neazby. There aze transient people in the area. Mr. Peterson does not believe there is a drug problem at Ryan's Bar. The securiry is good. Mr. Strafhman stated he is particularly concerned about some of the issues in the Homestyles letter regarding vandalism, graffiti, deshuction of property. It may be reasonable to assume tt�at the patrons of Ryan's aze doing it. He asked aze there any ideas to minixnize the problems. Mr. Peterson responded no. He has wallced regulazly azound the properiy and never saw any problems. If there is a problem, the business would have to handle it. If there is a graffiti problem outside, it should also be in the Ryan's restrooms, but there is absolutely no graffiti in the restrooms. Mr. Strathman asked does Mr. Peterson plan to make it a regular practice to walk around the outsida of the building. Mr. Peterson responded he is sensitive to the needs of Yhe neighbors and the bar's image. A trashq place will hurt the business. Keeping the business clean, getting rid of graffiri and litter, adding lighfing, all has to do with their image. Regarding the safety of employees, asked Mr. Strathman, what kind of threats does he perceive. Mr. Ramaker responded they vary: sexual advance, intunidation, walking toward an employee and scaring that person. Usually the perpetrators are very intoxicated. Mr. Strathman asked have there been any actual crimes committed against fhe employees at Homestyles. Mr. England responded there have been a lot of thefts inside tha building. It seems 00 _'1q }- LEGISLATIVE HEf�RING FOR RYAN'S BAR, 201 FOURTH STREET EAST Page 3 that the thefts occur at closing time when there aze more people on the street; he infers they are on fhe street because fhey aze patrons of the baz. Since Mr. Peterson meniioned that he has plans to take care of fhe lighting, would he obj ect to that being a requirement on the license, asked Mr. Strathman. Mr. Peterson responded no. Regarding the exterior cleanliness, stated Mr. Strathman, it would be good to have an arrangement to potice it on a regulaz basis. He asked did LIEP have any suggestions. Ms. Schweinler responded other licenses have a condition that a doorman be posted at the door during the high tr�c hours between 9:00 p.m. and 1:30 a.m. and that someone makes regular rounds. Mr. Strathman stated he presumes someone is checking identificafion, and it would be reasonable for that person to monitor what is going on outside. Mr. Peterson responded that last night they had four people checking idenYification. Monitoring the outside would be done anyway. Mr. Strathman asked does he have anq idea how to deal with the noise. Mr. Peterson responded three of the practice spaces wili be getting a nofice to vacate. Any spaces that e�ibit excessive noise rvill also be asked to vacate. If there could be a condition placed on the license regarding lighting, noise, and patrolling the outside of the buiiding, asked Mr. Strathman, would that go some distance in resolving problems. Mr. Ramaker responded that would help. Homestyles is just concemed abouY their employees. Mr. Strathman stated he is inclined to recommend approval of the license application with some additional conditions: 1) suitabie lighting in fhe rear of the business, 2) additional ea�erior security and making sure the exterior is policed up, 3) rvithin the next 90 days, the music practice area will be converted to a Iess noisy use. Mr. Peterson responded there are quite a few spaces. Most of the spaces are respectful; there aze three or four that are not. Mr. Strathman asked about a condition that Ryan's Bar will take appropriate measures to contain the noise levels from fhose spaces. Mr. Peterson responded he is concerned about the good tenants. These spaces have nothing to do with the bar. Mr. Sirathman asked would iT be acceptable to keep the other two condirions that have to do with the baz. Mr. Peterson responded yes. Gerry Strathman recommended approval of the license application with the following conditions, which have been approved by the applicant: 1) The management of Ryan's Bar shall provide security azound the establishment Wednesday fhrough Saturday, 5:00 p.m. to ciosing, to ensure that the patrons leaue the premises and the surrounding area without causing a disturbance. Patrons shall be advised of the necessity of leaving in an arderly manner and shall not be pernutted to loiter outside the bar. ao -'19.�- LEGISLAT'IVE HEARING FOR RYAN'S BAR, 201 FOURTH STREET EAST Page 4 2) The following lighting conditions will be completed by October 1, 2000: Lighting will be added to the Fourth Street side of the building. Either a goose-neck or wa11 mount light is acceptable so as to illmuivate the sidewalk. Also, additional lighting will be added to the entryway on Sibley Street. The light currently at the second entrance on Fourth Street will be repaired and maintained. The meeting was adjourned at 3:53 p.m. rrn