e�u�Y = �INAYOR MENT G I TY O F SA I NT PA U L Council �
File N 0.
- � Council Resolution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
BQARD ACTIO�V: Granted varianoe of St. Paul Legislative Coc�e, Section 54.13, pertain-
ing to basen�ent occupancy, to pexmit oontinued occup�ncy of one unit
n�re than 50� belaw grade, on oondition that a step up to the beclroan
windaw be pravided to facilitatre acc�ess in case of emergency, and that
all remaining items listed in city's letter of 9/16/80 be ocmpleted
within the allotted time pexiod.
PrapertY description: S�mmit Avenue Additiari
E. 1/2 of Vac. Alley Adj. and Fol E�. E. 70 64/100 Ft., Lot 5,
Block l, Rattrerman's Seo�nd Addition, and in SD Stmmit Ave. Add.
Ex. E. 70 7/10 Ft. , I,ots 1, 2 and 3, Block 5
10/14/80 41-80-H 750-752 Curfew Susan C. Gottsacker
(five uni.ts)
BC�RD ACTION: Granted variance of St. Paul Legisla.tive Code, Section 54.11, pertaining
to basic facilities, to per�ut occupancy of apart�,nt where bathroan
facility is located outside walls of unit, on condition that smc�ke
detector be installed in basec�trnent and rem-tining work listed in city's
letter of 9/30/80 be �leted within time allottred; sai.d varianoe
contingent upon a clecision by zoning authorities that present operation
of five units is legal.
Property description: Hollinshead's Additian
Lot 6, Blocx 1
and be it
F[JFrI�R RESOLUID, That the City Clerk is hereby authprized and directed t�o transnit
a copy of this resolution for reoorcling to the Ramsey County Offioe of the Register of
COUNCILMEN Requestgd by Department of:
Yeas Nays
Levine [n Favor
Maddox �
McMahon B
snoweite� _ Against Y
Adopted b ouncil• Date
NOV � 3 1980 Form Approved by City Attorney
Cer i d Vasse y Counc�1 Secretary� By � !��-'3/��
Appro 1�lavor: Dat 1 g Approved by Mayoc for Submission to Council
By _ BY
� i►�ED N OU 2 � 1980
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, , -3- 10/14/80 - Meeting No. 166 ,
39-80-H 1531 Portland Donn Thraen
(five units)
Reques� variance of Section 54. 13, pertaining to basement occupancy, to
permit continued occupancy of unit more than 50o beloi� grade, because
of financial considerations .
APPEARANCE : Donn Thraen
Alice Bijjani
PROCEEDINGS: Mr. Thraen stated that he haci completed a1I asterisked items
iste ln t e city' s letter of 9/16/80 except the ane ordering discontinuance
- of occupancy of the basement apartment, a unit:-mare than 50o below grade.
He said it had been in use_ for.many: �years�; if not from the beginning_ of
the building' s existence. Up until � this time ; � the property had always had
a Certificate of Occupancy. Each room had a._window 32" X 42" ivith a sill
height of 62". .- -
Ms . Bijjani said the windows provided about 8o-of-floor-area light and •
ventilation, as compared to the 10� required by code, and were adequate
in size for use as escape windows . However, the siZZ height was 14°T toa :
high, making it difficult to reach them in an emexgency.
Mr. Glassman suggested that a step upward toward the bedroom window �e
provided to make it `�asier to reach in the event of an emergency. :
BOARD ACTION: Mr. Naibi moved to grant a variance of Section 54. 13, per-
taining to occupancy of a unit more than S0� below grade , to permit con- �
tinued occupancy of Apt. #5, on condition that a step up to the bedroom
window be provided to facilitate access and remaining items in the letter
of 9/16/80 be completed in the time periad allotted by the Code Enforcement
Division. Mr. Glassman seconded. MOTION CARRIED AND SO ORDERED.
THE VOTE: Ayes - 4 Nays - 0 Abstentions - 0
lU/14/�u - meezing No. Ivv
Tuesday, October 14, 1980
City Council Committee Room 707
City Ha11 and Court House
1 : 30 p.m.
MEbiBERS PRESENT: Arthur Tieso , Vice Chairman
A. Wali Naibi .
Estyr B. Peake
Ron Glassman
ABSENT: D.D. Wozniak
Thomas Reiter
Glenn Gausmann
AGENCIES PRESENT: Community Services Dept. - Division of Housing
and Building Code Enf orcement
Alice Bijjani � :
Paul Vogelgesang
OTHERS PRESENT: Lynne Nelson David Reis
Sue Gottsacker pon Thraen
- � Vern Hoffman G. Jurgensen
� Marit Kucera H. `difall
Beverly Vavoulis Myrtle Rogers
STAFF PRESENT: Patricia Moxness
The� meeting was called to order by Acting Chai�rman Tieso at 1:45 p.m.
The minutes of the meeting of September 9 , ,1980 , were approved as mailed
out to the board members . � .
31-80-H 1522 Ashland David G. Rei;s -
(seven units)
SUBJECT: Request variance of Section 54. 13, pertaining to basement occu-
pancies ; to permit continued occupancy of two units more than 50$ below
grade level, because of financial considerations. '.
Prior Hearing: 9/9/80 - Case continued to October meeting, at which time
appellant is to present his plan for escape routes from basement area.
Ali ce Bi j j ani
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-6- IO/14�80 - Meeting No. too,
�i;ASE` N0. .PROPERTY • �5��� _ -
. —
41- 80-H 750- 752 Curfeia (five units) Susan C. Gottsacker
SUBJECT : Request variance of Section 54. 11 , pertaining to b asic facilities,
to permit continued occupancy of unit on first flaor where the private
bathroom is located in basement, because of economic considerations , and
because of lack of space within the unit.
APPEARANCE : Susan C. Gottsacker -
Alice Bijjani
PROCEEDINGS: Chairman Tieso noted that there was a Zdecision�the board
the property which has not as yet been settled. Any
might make ti�rould have to be con.tingent on the outcome in the zoning matter. �
Mrs . Gottsacker stated that the bathroom in the basement was the private
b athroom of Apt. #4 , which was on the first floor. The tenants had a key
to it , so no one else could use it. The room had no window, but a mech-
anical ventilator had been installed. It was located under the basement
staircas� , and there were no other living quarters in the basement, nor
was there any storage. Prior to purcha�i.ng the building six years ago,
she said, it had been inspected and some minor items concerning painting
and patching walls , for the most part , had been cited. A11 that work had
been done. There was also a valid Cextificate of Occupancy at the time,
and it appeared that five units could legally be operated. The price paid
was b ased on tfie operation of that number of rental untis . She said she
had an estimate for installing a bathroom on the first floor in the anly
area available , which was very small, and for $2500 the fixtures could be
installed, but for a total job , including venting and othe� details , it
� would cost �4500 . �
Ms. Bijjani agreed that the arrangement was such th at it would be very
difficult to add a bathroom on the first floor within the unit.
I�ir. Naibi as�sed if there was a smoke detector in the basement, and was told
that there was not. Mr. Tieso felt this should be required.
BOARD ACTI0�1 : Mr. Glassman moved that the a�apeal be granted, to permit
cont�nue occupancy of Apt. #4 where the bathroom is located outside the
walls of the unit, provided that a smoke detectar be installed in the
b asement and remaining work required by the city in its letter of 9/3Q/80
be completed within the time allotted, contingent upon a decisivn of
zoning officials that the present number of units (5) may be continued in
operation. Mr. Naibi seconded. MOTION CARRIED AND SO ORDERED.
THE VOTE : Ayes - 4 Nays - Q -- ___ : __Abstentians_-_0-`_�-
lU/14/�U - Meezing ivo. �ao
, . �
. ' �
Tuesday, October 14, 1980
City Council Committee Room 707
City Hall and Court House
1 : 30 p.m. , : -
MEMBERS PRESENT: Arthur Tieso, Vice Chairman
A. Wali Naibi
Estyr B. Peake
Ron Glassman
ABSENT: D.D. Wozniak
Thamas Reiter
Glenn Gausmann
AGENCIES PRESENT: Community Services Dept. - Division of Housing
and Building Code Enf orcement
Alice Bij jani �
Paul Vogelgesang
OTHERS PRESENT: Lynne Nelson David Reis �
Sue Gotitsacker pon Thraen �
' Vern Hoffman G. Jurgensen
� Marit Kucera H. Wifa11
Beverly Vavoulis Myrtle Rogers
STAFF PRESENT: Patricia Moxness
The� meeting was called to order by Acting Chai�rman Tieso a� 1:45 p.m.
The minutes of the meeting of September 9 , ,1980 , were approved as mailed
out to the board members. � .
31- 80-H 1522 Ashland David G. Rei;s -
(seven units)
SUBJECT: Request variance of Section 54. 13, pertaining to basement occu-
pancie to permit continued occupancy of two units more than 50a below
grade level, because of financial considerations.
Prior Hearing : 9/9/80 - Case continued to October meeting, at which time
appellant is to present his plan for escape routes from basement area.
Alice Bijjani
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lU/14/tsU - Nieezing ivo. soo
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Tuesday, October 14, 1980
City Council Committee Room ?07
City Hall and Court Hous e
1 : 30 p.m. �
MEMBERS PRESENT: Arthur Tieso , Vice Chairman
A. Wali Naibi
Estyr B. Peake .
Ron Glassman
ABSENT: D.D. Wozniak
Thomas Reiter �
Glenn Gausmann
AGENCIES PRESENT : Community Services Dept. - Division of Housing
and Building Code Enforcement
Alice Bijjani �
Paul Vogelgesang
OTHERS PRESENT: Lynne Nelson David Reis �
Sue Gottsacker pon Thraen
' Vern Hoffman G. Jurgensen
^ Marit Kucera H. Wifall
Beverly Vavoulis Myrtle Rogers
STAFF PRESENT: Patricia Moxness
The� meeting was called to order by Acting Chai�rman Tieso at Z.45 p.m.
The minutes of the meeting of September 9 , ,1980 , were approved as mailed
out to the board members. - .
31- 80-H 1522 Ashland David G. Rei:s -
(seven units) �
SUBJECT: Request variance of Section 54. 13, pertaining to basement occu-
pancie to permit contYnued occupancy of two units more than S0� below
grade level, because of financial considerations. '
Prior Hearing : 9/9/80 - Case continued to October meeting, at which time
appellant is to present his plan for escape routes from basement area.
APPEARANCE : David G. Reis
Alice Bij j ani.
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, ' � -2- 10/14/80 - Meeting No. 166
PROCEEDINGS: hir. Reis described his plans to provide additional light �
and ventilation in basement-level Apts . #6 and #7, He proposed to install
48"X24" replacement windows in the kitchen and bedroom of Apt. #6 and in
the kitchen and combination bedroom- living room of Apt. #7.
Ms . Bijjani pointed out that 48"X24" ivindo�JS would provide sufficient
ventilation and would be adequate in size for use as escape tvindows , but
would still be quite deficient in light and the sill height would not
meet recommendations for escape windows .
Mr. Naibi suggested that ti�rindows 48"X36" would be much m.ore satisfactary,
although windowwells would then be required ta accommodate. .them.
Mr. Reis felt this would cost a great deal more than his original proposal.
ris . Bijjani approved of N1r. Naibi' s suggestion, stating that windows of
this size would come closer to light and ventilation standards, and also
wonld provide greater accessibility for use as escane windows.
BOARD ACTIOl�T: Mr. Naibi moved to grant variances of Sections S4. 13
an . , pertaining to basement occupancy and light and ventilatian,
respectively, to permit continued use of Apts . #6 and #7, on condition .
that (1) a smoke door be installed in Apt. #7 to provide fire separation -
from the boiler area, (2) replacement windows of 48"X36" dimensions be
installed in the kitchens and sleeping rooms of both apartments , with
windotinJells adjacent , and (3) all remaining items in the Certific�te of
Occupancy letter of 7/23/80 be completed. Mrs . Peake seconded. MOTION
THE VOTE : Ayes � 4 - Nays - 0 Abstentions - 0 � �