275931 WMITE - CITY CLERK - � G` �' s}r� �' PINK - FINANCE � �.y .��� CANARY - DEPARTMENT � GITY OF SAINT �ALTL Council �M v v BLU6 - MAYOR File N . ` o ncil Resolution � Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, The Mayor pursuant to Section 10.07.1 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul does certify there are available for appropriation total revenue in excess of those estimated in the budget; and WHEREAS, The Ma.yor recommends that the following additions be made to the 1980 budget: Financing Summary: Operation and Ma.intenance General Revenue Fund Balances Not Dedicated $8.000.00 Appropriation Summary: General Government Accounts Refunds and Repayments 09949-521-000 Refunds $8,000.00 WHEREAS, refunds are unusual, mainly for license applications withdrawn, plan deposits and paramedic duplicate or overpayments. Now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the_City of Saint Paul accepts the Mayor's recomtnendation and adopts the above additions to the 1980 budget. Appro ed as to Funding: Approved: , � �� . Director get Direct r Dept. of F nce & Manageme t Services �L��'/'1 � �! Q lu�3o �0 COUNCILMEN Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt Finance & Mana Services Levine � [n Favor -�1�tlar. McMaho� B snowaiter __ Against Y �adeeee Wilson N��/ � 3 ��Qn Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted , Counci . Date — . Ce fied Ya- by Council Secretary BY Appr by :Vlayor: — 1 8�� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY P,�u$ti�o �vv 2 :, 19�?0 . . . . .. . . .. . . � . . . - . � . v�-� v.a. � - �ar(.�.v�v . .� . Rev. : '�j8/76 ' , �� , ,�',�'t �-1�� ��E 80-a►9� , EXPLANAtION 4F 14DMINISTRATIVE ORt)ERS, �`"��9�� : L , Ddt@: October 29� 1980 T0: MAYOR GE4R6E LATIMER . _ FR: Beraard 3. Carlson �,E; Supplementary appropriation to Re�unds and Repayments financed from the General Revenue Fund Balance - Not Dedicated. J�CTIOPI REQUESTED: Approval • . _ PURPO�E AND RATIONALE FOR TNIS ACTION: Sefunds and repayments are unuaually-:_large mainly for: � - license ag�lications withdgawn - plan deposits - paramedic duplicate and overpayments (all individual's paym�ts over � limits established by welf"are and medicare had to be ref�ded). . ATTACHMENTS: . Council Resolution � �: - �. = - �z�� o� �.�.��� �.,�uz� ���� . .;_ } OI'F�C�+ OF '�.`HE CITY CflU�TCZX, `"" � #�. '�, ,��'a�;;N.�� �:�ti ��i\�1J�y/)�i(�¢'�� �J' . . -�t ��111^}" "��., r = Da t e ; November 7, 1980 ,;�, ��r� , .__ _ C 0 (� I"� IT?"� E Fd � � C� ��' - TO : Saint Po�l City Co�n�ii - �f�o�1l� � COtY1t'f11��@t� On FINANCE, MANAGEr1E�lT & PERSONNEL George �1cMahon , choi�man, makes the foilowing report an C. F. � t�rdinance (6� [� Rssolution � Other TiT�.E : � � At its meeting of vovember 6, 1980, the Finance Committee recommended ap�roval _ _ of the fol l owi ng: : ,� 1 . Resolution amending Section 8 of the Civi1 Service Rules to exterrd preference in certification on promotion lists for employees whose po.sitions have been reclassified, to employees in the Professional-Administrative Bargaining Units. (11469-GM) . _ _ , _ _ 2. Resolution changing grade for Procurement Clerk-Health Services in Secti�on 3.B (Clerical Group) from Grade 24 to Grade 25. (11470-Gh1) . 3. Resolution transferring $50,000 to prvide City's 10% match for the Rehabilitation of Harriet Island Pavilion: (11471-GM) 4. Resolution approving issuance of revenue bonds by the Port Authority for approximately $4,000,000 to finance relocation of Union Oi1 Company's - W. H. Barber facility to a vacant parcel adjacent to their existing terminal � operation on Shepard Road near Randolph. (11472-GM) 5. Resolution adjusting salary range for the title of Assistant Eire Chief� (11482-Gt�) 6. Resolution for budget supplement� apnropriatina additionalfunds to the Refunds and Repayments Account. CITY F�.ALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL, �If�iNESOTa► 55102 :.�~�'- :r�