275929 WNITE - CITY CLERK PINK - FINANCE CANARY - DEPARTMENT G I TY O F SA I NT PA U L COURCII r BLUE - MAYOR , F`11e N0. �`�59 - � o ncil Resolution Presented By �� � � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, the Counci1 of the City of Saint Paul did adopt the 1979 Capi'�al Tmprovement Budget on September 28, 1978 (Council File No. 271847) ; and WH�REAS, in adopting sa�d budget, the Council �id p1ace the amount of $200,000 for the Harr9et Tsland Marina project in a specified contingency; and WHEREAS, a $50,000 ma�ch is requ�red to permit submission of an Urban Park and Recreation Recovery grant to the Department of Interior for the Rehabil�tation of Harriet Island Pavilion; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul , upon recommendation of �he Mayor and the advice of the Long-Range Capital Improvement Budget Committee that the 1979 Capital Tmprovement Budget, as heretofore adopted by th�s �, , -� C uncil , is hereby further amended in the following particulars: �� �� � �Amendmen� to 1979 CTB FROM TO <��' � . � � .,- ` �; :� � ; 90079-003 Harriet Tsland Marina (c-10) $50,000 �'�: ;; '; ! ��'' , Harri et Isl and Pavi 1 i on Rehabi 1 i ati on $50,000 ir .., r �' :J �.;.S; i l\ `''� V � +m �� , Approved as to Funding: Approved: � � a w p� �� � � � � � � � Direc�or, D rtment f Finance B get Direct r � � �,and Managemen Servi s �er,rn �/,, � � ^ � /�° •� �, � , N J ��J � � COUNCILMEN Requestgd by D artment of: Yeas Nays f Hunt Levine � [n Favor ��` COMMUNITY SERVICES McMahon snoweiter � __ Against BY -�eds.co Wilson Adopte y Council: Date �.� � 3 �i��V Form rove Cit ey C rtified Yassed ouncil crGtary BY Appr by ;Vlavor: D _ V � g ��O A ro by Mayor for n er Cou il By - BY � ��� ���{j I V�i�� G L; l�'.�:�'� � 2�5929 � � �� ' � � � � OM OZ: Z2/1975 . . Rmv. : 9/8/76 EXPLANATION OF ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS, ` M �- pe�#��- Q4� RESOLtJTIONS, AND ORDINANCES � Date: �e�ob�- �¢ /9�0 � R E C E I V E D O C� 1 4 1980 MA1G0_R'� � � Tp: MP,YOR GEORGE LATIMER gR: THOMAS J. KELLfY � gE: TRANSFER OF FUNDS TO PR4V�DE CTTY MAT�H FOR NARRTET T�LAND GRANT ACTION REQUESTED: Tra�nsfer of funds to be used as a 10 percent match for the Rehabi19tation of Harriet Tsland Pavi1ion. r PURPOSE AND RATIONALE FOR THIS ACTION: Evldence of a local match is requ�red prior to submiss�on of a grant app�ication to the Department of Tnter�or for Harr�et Island Pavilion Rehabilitation. � � ATTACBMENTS: ._. . O�A,c�,�ic O�f� �C���� '�1�0 q�Fo� l� F� _ '�9,y�i� �, I� ,9C���y�F% .� �ISF,�tic�°� �,�,� Fr ��,�_ .. . . . . �'�'.P'�" OF ►.�-%�.iI�TT �AU� '�r • -� - � OFFICE OF THE �''iITY GOIIi�7'CII� w�����- �.� 1 'f��T;�'� . �'.'.�� aJ11�Ji��3L� . �'�1'7,?�4��'.• ��. . �,.. ~ - � Da t e . November 7, 1980 �-�, ���� ��; .�M� t,_ li � i�f � ���� � � � f'" � � i _ i" 0 : Saint P�ul Citgr Co�n�il . F�� � � CO1YI1"rt1��Pt° C?n FINA^aCE, MANAGEP•1E�JT & PERSONNEL � George ilcMahon , choi�man, makes the foilowing re port o n C.F. [� U rdinar�ce (6� Q Resol�tion � Other Tt�i'LE : . . . At its meeting of November 6, 1980, the Finance Commi�i.tee recommended ap�roval _ of the following: � 1 . Resolution amending Section 8 of the Civi1 Service Rules to extend preference � in certification on promotion lists for employees whose positions have been reclassified, to employees in the Professional-Administrative Bargaining Units. (11469-GM) . : . 2. Resolution changing grade for Procurement Clerk-Health Services in .Secti�on 3.Q (Clerical Group) from Grade 24 to Grade 25. (11470-GP1). . - � 3. Resolution transferring $50,000 to prvide City's 10% match for the Rehabilitation of Harriet Island Pavilion. (11471-GM) 4. Resolution approving issuance of revenue bonds by the Port Authority for approximately $4,000,000 to finance relocation of Union Oil Company's - _ W. H. Barber facility to a vacant parcel adjacent to their existing terminal : operation on Shenard Road near Randolph. (11472-GM) _ 5. Resolution adjusting salary range for the title of Assistant Fire Chief. (11482-GP�I) 6. Resolution for budget supplement� appropriating additionalfunds to the Refunds and Repayments Account. CITY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL, �IINNESOT� 55102 .:L�'/�% i� .